Working with leather and fabrics requires special tools. We are talking about the manufacture and repair of bags, shoes, belts, outerwear and much more related to leather goods. The main task of punches is to quickly and efficiently make markings, cuts, and piercing holes of oval and shaped shapes. The best manufacturers have filled the market with popular models of cutters and hole punches for fabric products, differing in functionality, characteristics, appearance, configuration, and purpose.

What types of punches are there?

Which product is best to buy depends on many factors. To avoid mistakes when choosing, you need to understand the classification of products. The main types of tools for leather and cardboard, as well as dense material, are as follows:

Hole punchersThey belong to the category of cutters. They are equipped with a revolving head and punches of different diameters, the pitch between which is 0.5 cm. The main purpose is to make holes in dense fabrics.
NotchesPopular models are available for creating rectangular, square, oval, round and calibrated holes.
Fork line (step) punchesManufactured products vary in the number of teeth. Models are produced with teeth ranging from 2 to 6 pieces, and their shape may vary. The distance between the teeth is 0.5 cm. It solves the main problem - it makes an even row of identical holes for the upcoming stitch when manually stitching or braiding leather products.
Curly designsAble to make holes of an interesting configuration: in the form of a crescent, flower, butterfly, star, droplet, and so on. Designed for decorative finishing of fabric.

It is worth noting that wear-resistant, strong and durable tool steel is used in the manufacture of structures. As for the cutting surfaces, they all underwent special hardening and diamond processing, which significantly increases the service life of nozzles, punches, and sharp elements.

Features of the use of leather punches

Almost all leatherworkers use punches in their work. They allow you to prepare the product for final sewing. Leather is a fairly thick and tough material, so the use of a conventional sewing machine is impossible. You have to resort to using special tools. Hole punchers are also used when manipulating thick fabric, cardboard, tarpaulin, denim, leatherette, and so on.

The following types of devices are in high demand among tanners:

  • end;
  • ring;
  • curly;
  • lowercase;
  • revolver

Let's look at each group in more detail.


The main purpose is to trim matter. Belt trimmers are widely used. They are a pointed plate made of durable steel and bent along a certain contour. Often used for cutting leather flaps in the production of belts for waistbands. Other forms of instruments are also available for sale.

Curly and ring

Devices that not only make smooth and beautiful holes, but also remove material trapped in the internal cavity. The resulting slots are quite large. In appearance they resemble a tube with a pointed tip. Working with the device is easy and simple. It is enough to apply the pointed part to the material, and then hit the other part (the end) with a hammer.

The range of these products is so large that you can get lost in the variety. In addition to a round hole, you can make a diamond-shaped, oval or eye-shaped, star-shaped and so on. Round shaped products are sold in sets of 15 pieces. Tubes with a diameter from 2 to 22 mm. As for the shaped devices, they are sold separately.

You can make such a device yourself at home or order it on Ali Express. A review of reviews shows that a homemade device, if manufactured correctly, will not differ in characteristics from a purchased one. The main thing is to choose a durable material for manufacturing.


The density of the fabric precludes the use of sewing equipment, even professional ones with additional functions. A needle, no matter how strong it is, will not be able to handle thick fabric. A special line chipper will help solve the problems. Based on the principle of operation, manufactured products are divided into two classes:

  1. Functioning according to the principle of a cutter: first pressing, then piercing the entrance hole with spreading the tissue. Works like a charm.
  2. A compact cavity is cut out with complete removal of material. The result is a neat hole. The holes obtained in this way require further stitching with thread.

Linear models resemble a comb or fork in appearance. The spikes are located on the same line. There is the same distance between them. The number of needles is from 1 to 6. First, you need to install the structure along the intended seam, and then hit the end with a rubber or wooden mallet. The sharp spikes cut into the fabric, which leads to the formation of holes.

The needles may differ in section thickness and distance between them. Slant and small punches are suitable for French seams. In stores you can find products with thick spikes, the pitch between which is increased. Their main purpose is to sew coarse products using the thickest threads.

What to look for when choosing? The more spikes in the cutter, the faster you can prepare a line for subsequent stitching. How to make the right seam? The tool is placed on the line of the intended seam, and one or more blows are applied to the back. After punching the holes, the tool is removed and the steps are repeated, only in a nearby area. In this case, the first tenon is placed in the last hole already made. This will allow you to take an even step and avoid mistakes.

The more needles on the device, the harder the blow must be made. It takes a lot of effort to remove the device from the skin. According to buyers, to create a long seam it is better to purchase a tool with 6 needles, while the best device for making a short seam is one or two needles.

Manufacturers produce punches in the form of pliers. They are not very accurate, but there is no noise during their operation (no need to use a mallet for punching). Structural elements – two jaws with combs. How to use them? They are installed along the line of the intended seam. Then the arms tighten. Suitable for marking seams on dense fabric.


They resemble ticks in appearance. One jaw is equipped with a revolver with screwed-in punches for piercing. Before you begin manipulating the structure, you need to turn the revolver so that a certain type of needle is installed opposite the second jaw. Then you need to place the fabric between the jaws and squeeze the tool so as to make a hole. A standard revolver is equipped with 6 spikes, the diameter of which varies from 0.2 to 0.45 cm. To prevent the revolver from turning, manufacturers provide a lock.

The device is designed to punch only one hole at a time. This product is not suitable for seam formation. Solves the main problem - creates small holes (on the belt).

For wads

A separate product category. Performs the main task - cutting out wads for loading cartridges. In appearance it resembles ring devices. The diameter corresponds to the caliber of the cartridge. Requires constant sharpening, as you have to work with soft fabrics such as felt and cardboard.

Classification and device

Due to the fact that leather has a high density, a needle or awl is not always suitable for punching it. From here it is clear that for greater efficiency you should use a special tool (punchers and hole punchers), the models of which can be divided into:

  • Lowercase;
  • Curly;
  • Revolver;
  • Ring;
  • End

A standard punch is a tube with a sharpened working surface. Sharp sharpening is the main design requirement, based on the fact that the smaller the area the device is in contact with the material, the easier it is to make holes in it.

IMPORTANT! It is quite possible to make a hole-punching and punching device yourself; you just need to select a tube of the required diameter and sharpen it with high quality.

There are also modern models that have a countersinking function. For such samples, the work cycle consists of two steps:

  1. The tip punches a hole;
  2. Special built-in blades expand the opening to a given size.

The countersinking process itself is a mechanical processing of the material, in which the accuracy of the hole being punched is calculated in tenths of a millimeter. Performing such manipulations manually is practically impossible, because It will be necessary to apply excessive muscular effort to the device, maintaining increased accuracy. In a countersink, various metalworking machines can be used as a working drive. The shape of the hole will depend on the working part of the hole punch. As an example, we can give a conical shape of a tool, the impact of which will produce round holes.

Models for eyelets

To install eyelets (fittings that protect holes from destruction) on the material, you will need to make round holes with a certain diameter. It is very difficult to perform such an operation using improvised tools or at home. Therefore, for this process, special devices are used, which, when making holes, simultaneously attach special rims to their edges, protecting the edges of the holes from destruction. Typically, such rivets may also contain the branding of the manufacturing company or its proprietary pattern. Eyelet models not only perforate products, but can also simultaneously bend the edges of holes, which in the future will not require special processing of their edges.

Linear models

Their shape can be compared to a comb or a dinner fork. They have special spikes that are arranged in a single line, standing at an equidistant distance from each other. This device contains needles ranging from two to six pieces. They are installed on the same line along which the future seam will pass. By striking the end part of the device, the material being processed is pierced and holes are made in it. The number of spikes on the line punch will determine the sewing speed. Upon completion of penetration, the spikes are removed from the holes, and the comb itself is shifted the required distance to one side, maintaining an even step. Line punchers can be divided into two options:

  1. Products that work on the principle of a cutter, pressing/piercing holes, and pushing the material apart;
  2. Products that cut out a small cavity in the material, removing the resulting excess (this option leaves the highest quality and neatest holes).

It is worth noting that for inline models, the spikes may have different shapes. The most common are round and semicircular options, but there are also:

  • Diamond-shaped;
  • Triangular;
  • Oblique;
  • Rectangular.

IMPORTANT! An important role in the work of urgent samples is played by the thickness of the cross-section of the spikes and the distance between them. For example, French seams are usually made using bias punches and they are traditionally used for sewing purses or finishing leather watch straps.

If you plan to work with very coarse and dense material, then it is preferable to use cutters whose spikes have a larger diameter and increased spacing. This ratio will allow you to stitch the future product with thicker threads. It should be noted that for this category there is no universal toolkit suitable for all working situations, therefore, the more different line combs a master has, the greater the range of tasks he can perform.

IMPORTANT! The diamond-shaped shape of the studs is characteristic of the Chinese tailoring school, which has developed historically. Their line punches classically have 1, 2, 4, 6 teeth with a standard distance between them of 5 millimeters.

Revolver models

In appearance, the devices in question resemble pliers, on one part of which a revolver-type device is installed for punching holes. Using such a sample, you need to turn the device and install the working spike of the desired type. Next, all that remains is to place the material to be processed and press the handle to make the hole. As a standard, revolving models have six studs with a diameter of 2 to 4.5 millimeters. The risk of the drum spinning during operation is prevented by a special blocker. However, one press of this model means making one hole, which means it is not possible to get a seam right away. The main purpose of revolving devices is to punch single holes, for example, for a waist belt or a bag strap.

Curly models

Punching holes using ring or shaped devices involves removing part of the material that falls under their working part. With the help of such devices it is possible to make large-sized slots. Their traditional shape is a regular tube with a pointed end. Cutting is carried out by applying the pointed part to the material and hitting the end of the tool with a strong blow. The range in this model range is very large. Thanks to them, it is possible to make not only an oval or round hole, but also to repeat the outlines of complex geometric shapes - stars, polygons, trapezoids, etc. The models under consideration are usually supplied in kits where the tubes have a diameter from 2 to 22 millimeters.

End models

They are most often used for trimming skin. Special trimmers used for processing belts, shaped like a curved steel plate, have become very popular. This plate is convenient for cutting ribbons for waist belts.

"Hunting" models

With their help, wads are specially cut, which are subsequently inserted into the cartridge. They have large-sized shapes, compared to sartorial variations. Their diameter corresponds to the caliber of the cartridge loaded with the wad. Their main purpose is to cut out the desired piece from a very dense material, which is usually cork, cardboard or felt.

Special models

These variations are equipment capable of working both on leather and thick fabric, and on metal. This may include:

  • Pneumatic - such samples require connection to a pneumatic compressor. They are used for processing various materials, including tin, sheet metal or metal tiles.
  • Hydraulic - they are, to a greater extent, similar in principle of operation and appearance to industrial machines designed for making holes in metal.
  • Manual - these variations for dense materials will require remarkable strength from the master. Their body itself is always made of durable carbon steel, due to the specific nature of processing dense products. Due to their massive construction, they are less susceptible to deformation when cutting into the workpiece.

IMPORTANT! Special models can lose their sharpness very quickly, so a periodic sharpening procedure is provided for them. In this case, you need to sharpen the working part not only on the outside, but also on the inside, completing this process with polishing.

How to choose punches for eyelets

Eyelets are accessories that can often be found on footwear, textiles, and printing products. Popularly called rings because of the similarity in appearance. They are necessary for pulling laces, ribbons, and braid. The parameters are directly related to the load that the product will have to withstand. Eyelets can be made both at sewing factories and independently. They are suitable for leather and fabric. Often used in crafts or scrapbooking.

Eyelets help reinforce the opening in any fabric. The plug becomes not only a functional element of the product, preventing the puncture site from stretching, but also its decoration. Eyelet material:

  • steel;
  • brass;
  • plastic;
  • tree (rare).

The most popular are plastic devices. They are inexpensive and easy to use. Where can I buy them? In any specialized store or order online in an online store. There are products from famous brands and budget options from China to choose from. The kit may contain a different number of eyelets. This determines how much the set costs.

Experts recommend giving preference to metal products. Metal devices are distinguished by their reliability and stylish design. On sale you can find a product of any shade, as it is coated with various varnishes, paints, and spraying. The shape varies depending on the area of ​​use. Traditional models are round in shape. They can often be found on curtains, bags, awnings, and backpacks. The fittings may also have a non-standard configuration. For decorative details, oval, triangular and square shapes are used.

The structural elements of the eyelets are:

  • washer;
  • sleeve.

To install the grommet, you need to make a hole in the material using a punch. Afterwards, both parts are applied to the destination and fixed with a special tool. To install grommets, there are the following types of devices:

  1. Manual. The set includes a die, embossing and a punch. A punch is used to make holes into which the bushing and washer are inserted. Using embossing with a nozzle or a press, they are fixed to the fabric. When working with elastic material, it is worth making the holes slightly smaller than the grommet.
  2. Automatic. Used for commercial purposes. They have large dimensions. Allows you to make eyelets of any size and configuration. They work with fabric of any strength and density. Productivity indicator – up to 1500 pieces in 60 minutes.
  3. Semi-automatic. A distinctive feature from the previous version is the need to independently install the bushing and washer into the press. The holes are made automatically. The performance is impressive. In one hour, the unit can install up to 1300 eyelets. The weight of the structure is from 6 to 7 kg. They are distinguished by their low price and versatility. They can work with any material whose density does not exceed 510 g/sq.m.

Everyone's selection criteria are different. When choosing a suitable device, experts advise to prioritize the volume of tasks assigned to it and the quality of their execution. Which company model is better to purchase depends on personal preferences. It is worth considering that high-quality products with high performance cannot be budget-friendly.

Basics of using hole punches and punches

First of all, you should choose the right tool. Its pitch, the diameter of the piercing working part and the material of manufacture must correspond to the current task. Then you need to:

  • On the existing workpiece, mark the location of the future hole;
  • Install the tool in such a way that its working part fits tightly into the future hole, without going beyond the required limits;
  • It is important to maintain the spacing between holes in a uniform manner, and all marks must be located on the same line;
  • Having accurately checked all the measurements, the tool is applied to the workpiece and its activating element is pressed (for end tools - a blow to the end, for revolving tools - squeezing the handles, etc.). The pressure force must correspond to the density of the material;
  • After pressing, it is necessary to remove the cut out element of the workpiece or clean the resulting hole.

When using the equipment in question, selection of the interval and centering of the tool are considered important conditions. If these conditions are in “disagreement” with each other, then the holes may not be on the same line. When punching the first hole (or set of holes), you need to constantly maintain the spacing and direction, then the resulting result will be indistinguishable from factory work. The processing principles described above are applicable not only for punching holes, but also for installing buttons and rivets.

IMPORTANT! The tool will last much longer if you put a special substrate in the form of a polymer plate under the workpiece. Removing the workpiece at the end of the work must be done vertically, avoiding its swinging.

Rating of high-quality inexpensive hole punchers - punches

RukMan (19160032)

The set contains only a punch. Suitable for making holes in leather with a diameter of 1.5, 2.5 and 4 millimeters. The work is carried out manually. Will only attack soft tissues. Produced in the Middle Kingdom. It cannot boast of wear resistance. With regular active use it will last for several years.

The purchase price is 200 rubles.

RukMan (19160032)


  • reasonable cost;
  • practicality;
  • ease;
  • compactness.


  • not identified.

Bradex Saddler TD/0135 (16026731)

The product is designed for making holes of the required diameter without applying significant physical effort. Durable metal is used in manufacturing. Suitable for professional activities and home use. Works with leather, leatherette. Often used when sewing bags and belts. Parameters – 8x2x21 cm. Weight – 220 grams. Can handle cardboard. The Israeli brand is produced at Chinese production facilities. The maximum penetration thickness is 5 mm. The manufacturer provides a warranty on the product for six months. It arrives on store shelves in convenient packaging.

The average price is 569 rubles.

Bradex Saddler TD/0135 (16026731)


  • ease of operation;
  • speed of work;
  • will master a dense base;
  • compact body;
  • light weight;
  • number of piercing parts - 6 pieces, diameter from 2.5 to 5 mm;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • manual device.


  • not installed.

Slitter Matrix 18361 (15876426)

Products from a German manufacturer are in high demand among domestic consumers due to the price-quality ratio. The maximum permissible bond thickness is 3 mm. Will handle plastic, leather, cardboard, paper, thick fabrics. Equipped with a two-component handle, which allows for a secure hold. The diameter of the holes made is from 2.5 to 5 mm. Tool parameters – 222*90*22 mm, weight – 322 grams. Product reviews are positive.

You can purchase the product at a price of 423 rubles.

Slitter Matrix 18361 (15876426)


  • versatility;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • comfortable handle;
  • German quality of assembly and materials used;
  • durability.


  • none.

Bison "Master" 22945 (15276413)

The revolving type hole puncher belongs to the reinforced category. It cannot be called a new product, since it has been on sale for quite a long time. Produced by a domestic company. Suitable not only for working with leather, but also cardboard, plastic, and rubber. Professionals call it 6 in 1. It makes holes with a diameter of 2 to 4.5 mm. SAE-1008 steel is used in the manufacture of the housing. Works with plastic, leather, cardboard and thick paper. This material is quickly and efficiently bonded. The diameter of the punches is from 2 to 5 mm. Thanks to the presence of a biaxial force transmission system from the handle to the hole punch, there is no need to exert significant physical effort when manipulating the tool.

Retailers offer products at a price of 769 rubles.

Bison "Master" 22945 (15276413)


  • reliability of the rotating drum fixation mechanism;
  • High quality steel is used in production;
  • for ease of storage, the manufacturer has provided a special device for fixing the handles when not in use;
  • versatility;
  • six different diameters of fenders;
  • during operation, the master’s hands do not get tired;
  • long service life;
  • manufacturer's warranty – 2 years;
  • safety.


  • not found.

Sibrteh 18360 (15876421)

A cutter for leather and cardboard from a Russian manufacturer is in high demand among domestic craftsmen due to its ease of use and reasonable price. Purchased for use in sewing workshops and for home use. The diameter of the punches is from 2.5 to 5 mm, which allows you to make holes in products of various parameters. The structure weighs 275 grams. The dimensions are small. There is no need to make special efforts during the manipulation process.

Purchase price – 316 rubles.

Sibrteh 18360 (15876421)


  • value for money;
  • ease of use;
  • quality of the material used;
  • can be purchased at specialized retail outlets or ordered online in an online store;
  • Defects on sale are rare;
  • positive reviews;
  • three-month warranty from the manufacturer;
  • The maximum permissible base thickness is 3 mm.


  • none.

Stayer Professional 22943_z/01 (15277179)

The 6-in-1 reinforced revolving hole punch is capable of making a high-quality and neat hole from 2 to 4.5 mm. Belongs to the category of durable and strong tools. Purchased for commercial and home use. Form factor – round. Makes it possible to make an unlimited number of holes in rubber, cardboard, plastic and leather. Weight – 380 grams. Country of origin: Germany. It doesn't require any significant effort to work. The handles are comfortable, and hand fatigue does not set in quickly.

The average cost is 316 rubles.

Stayer Professional 22943_z/01 (15277179)


  • ease of use;
  • reinforced type tool;
  • equipped with a reliable mechanism for fixing the rotating drum;
  • handles can be fixed;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • compact dimensions;
  • makes clearings of various diameters;
  • will handle thick and dense fabrics.


  • none.

Rating of mid-price segment products

Sibrtech (25711614)

A practical set that allows you to make clearings in leather and rubber products. Produced by a Russian company. It is in high demand due to the price-quality ratio. There are no complaints about the product. Marriage items are not available for sale. To work, you need a special hammer or other auxiliary tool. In the manufacture of the device, durable tool steel grade 45 is used. The thread is smooth and of high quality thanks to the precision sharpening of the working elements. Sold in packaging with parameters 15*3*10 cm.

The purchase price is 1936 rubles.

Sibrtech (25711614)


  • durability;
  • speed of manipulation;
  • your hands don’t get tired;
  • compact dimensions;
  • low dead weight;
  • versatility;
  • strength of the materials used;
  • wear resistance;
  • safety;
  • functionality.


  • not identified.

Threads Market No. 1 (28893406)

A circular hole punch from a domestic manufacturer enjoys well-deserved popularity among domestic craftsmen for sewing leather goods and thick fabrics. Punch holes even in film. Suitable for commercial and domestic use. The length of the structure is 25 centimeters. High-quality metal is used in the manufacture of the case. You can purchase it at a retail outlet or through an online store. Reviews about the product are positive.

Purchase price – 1699 rubles.

Threads Market No. 1 (28893406)


  • accuracy of work;
  • ease of use;
  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • value for money;
  • long service life.


  • not installed.

RukMan (20859647)

A Chinese company has launched the production of horizontal round punches with a diameter of 1 mm. The number of teeth varies from 2 to 6. The design is 2 cm wide. Sold in convenient packaging. Manipulating the device is easy and simple. There is no need to make any special effort. It is enough to practice a little, and the result will exceed all expectations. Your hands do not get tired even after several hours of using the item. The reviews are positive. Defects are not found on sale.

The average cost is 1250 rubles.

RukMan (20859647)


  • functionality;
  • ease of use;
  • ease of storage;
  • compact dimensions;
  • strength of the materials used;
  • safety;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life.


  • not found.

ShveyCity (17186532)

The set contains 5 hole punches: 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 mm. Using the device is not difficult. It is enough to screw a punch of the selected diameter into the rod. The hole is created by hitting the rod with a hammer. Suitable for working with leather, thin plastic, cardboard, canvas material. The domestic manufacturer controls the quality of the product at every stage, so no defects go on sale.

Purchase price – 1175 rubles.

ShveyCity (17186532)


  • value for money;
  • strength of the materials used;
  • ease of operation;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • functionality;
  • wear resistance.


  • not installed.

Types of punches

Each type of material has its own punch; a good craftsman has a whole set of such tools. They are divided into several types:

  • hydraulic;
  • pneumatic;
  • manual.

A hand punch looks like a metal tube of a certain diameter with a sharp point at the end. Often the tool comes with a plastic or soft rubber handle. A smooth and even surface is ensured by a sharp and smooth tip, as well as a sharpened edge. You cannot make holes in concrete or metal with this punch ; it is suitable for working with leather, rubber, cardboard or soft types of fabric. Pneumatic punches must be connected to a special mechanism and only after that can they be operated using a power mechanism. This tool has its own distinctive features. It has a solid tapered and slightly elongated shank. They are used to work with concrete and metal, so high-speed tool steel is used to make pneumatic punches. Sharpening in such a tool is done to the maximum. A hydraulic punch, in addition to the main cutting part, has a hydraulic mechanism, so the holes are always of better quality and the work is done much faster.
The tool is equipped with a special regulator with which you can control the penetration depth. Since it is more mechanized than all other types of punches, it can be used when working with heavy materials. This type of tool is suitable for punching holes in thick metal or concrete baseboards. For the manufacture of hydraulic punches, the strongest steel is always used , which ultimately gives a high-quality hole with a flat and smooth surface, and the whole process occurs quickly.

Rating of expensive hole punches

BM (19566064)

The set from a domestic manufacturer contains 15 functional items. Stainless tool steel is used in the manufacture of products. Supplied for sale in a fabric case, which allows you to conveniently store and transport the structure. Suitable for making punctures in any dense fabric, rubber, leather. The diameter of the hole punches is from 3 to 25 mm. The weight of the purchase including packaging is 2 kg. Box parameters: 20*16*4 cm.

The average cost is 3000 rubles.

BM (19566064)


  • practicality;
  • functionality;
  • ease of use, storage and transportation;
  • good equipment;
  • strength of the materials used.


  • none.

Knipex (25589276)

The universal cutter is manufactured by a German company. Designed for making holes in plastic, textile, leather products. The set contains 6 interchangeable punches from 2 to 5 mm. The design is equipped with a locking type latch and an opening spring. Powder coating of the tool surface is provided as protection against corrosion. For the manufacture of the punch and pliers, special tool steel is used, hardened in oil.

Retailers offer the product at a price of 2874 rubles.

Knipex (25589276)


  • versatility;
  • quality factor;
  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • advanced functionality.


  • not identified.

Rennsteig (25589273)

Products from a German manufacturer are in high demand among domestic consumers due to their reliability and long service life. It is a cutting pliers equipped with a revolving head. Painting is a spray coating that protects the instrument from damage by corrosion. The set contains 6 different hole punches with a diameter from 2 to 4.5 mm. Suitable for making clearings in paper, leather, tarpaulin, plastic.

The average cost is 2716 rubles.

Rennsteig (25589273)


  • German quality of assembly and materials used;
  • efficiency;
  • speed of manipulation;
  • perfect result;
  • durability.


  • none.

Harden (32012635)

The cut-type pliers are manufactured in the Celestial Empire. The manufacturer equipped his creation with a turret. Accurate and high-quality punctures are obtained on leather, plastic, sheet metal, and textiles. The set includes 6 replacement punches. Replacement takes place one part at a time. The pliers have a high working life, which allows you to actively use the tool for several years. Durable, high-quality materials are used in the manufacture of the product. The design makes holes in round, square and oval shapes.

Purchase price – 2076 rubles.

Harden (32012635)


  • advanced functionality;
  • versatility;
  • quality of materials used;
  • wear resistance;
  • long service life;
  • practicality.


  • not installed.

MasterBert (33771123)

Convenient and practical set of line-type punches. Not a single leather craftsman can do without it. The tool makes neat and precise punctures for the subsequent connection of parts made of leather or leatherette. Suitable for use by beginners and professional workers. Number of teeth: 1, 2, 4 and 6. The distance between them is 5 mm.

The average cost is 2620 rubles.

MasterBert (33771123)


  • reliability;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of operation;
  • value for money;
  • positive reviews.


  • none.

Svetlitsa (25632545)

It is an indispensable attribute for a home craftsman. Belongs to the category of multifunctional. Purchased for hand sewing products from natural or artificial leather, awning fabric, as well as making products and crafts from cardboard, rubber, and plastic. Ideal for installing eyelets, decorative fittings, and buttons. The best gift for those who are seriously involved in sewing shoes, bags, belts and so on. The set consists of 4 cutters. The teeth are diamond-shaped, the number is from 1 to 6. The length of the teeth is 1 mm, the pitch between them is from 3 to 5 mm. The cutter is selected depending on the number of holes to be made. It is enough to install the hole punch in a certain place and hit it with a hammer.

Retailers offer products at a price of 2,100 rubles.

Svetlitsa (25632545)


  • advanced functionality;
  • versatility;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • quality of work;
  • durability.


  • not found.

Leather shop (33398752)

An inexpensive set of line punchers from a Chinese manufacturer is in high demand among leather craftsmen. Includes 6, 5 and 4 mm designs in 6, 5 and 4 mm pitches. The teeth are non-replaceable, the length of the working surface is 9 mm. Durable steel is used in the manufacture of products. The stitching line turns out smooth and beautiful. Round punches.

Purchase price – 2100 rubles.

]Shop for leather workers (33398752)


  • reasonable cost for functional devices;
  • practicality;
  • wear resistance;
  • reliability;
  • speeds up work.


  • not identified.
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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