Modern single-phase asynchronous electric motors 220 V: types, principle of operation, choice of device
Almost everyone is well aware of three-phase electric motors; they are widely used in industry and allow solving the most difficult problems.
Vasiliev Dmitry Petrovich
Magnetic induction, magnetic flux: definition, formulas, meaning
Magnetic induction (denoted by the symbol B) is the main characteristic of the magnetic field (vector quantity), which
Basic formulas in electrical engineering
Electrical power: what is it and how to calculate it
Electrical power, designated in the diagrams by the letter P, is a physical quantity that characterizes the speed
Design and principle of operation of three-phase transformers
Electrical energy on an industrial scale cannot be transmitted in the form of single-phase alternating current. WITH
Formula for calculating a transformer by core
How to correctly calculate the number of transformer turns for different types of devices
Sections of the site DirectAdvert NEWS Friends of the site ActionTeaser NEWS Statistics The magnetic core of a low-frequency transformer consists of
What is ohmic resistance?
How to calculate wire resistance - instructions with tables and formulas
Resistance Imagine that there is a pipe into which stones have been pushed. The water that flows through this
Design load
The concept of permissible electrical power for an apartment and ways to increase it
After purchasing a home on the secondary real estate market, first of all, new owners, as a rule,
DC electric motor: connection diagram, operating principle
DC electric motors, now widely used in everyday life and in production, have many advantages,
How do you know if a transformer is a step-down or step-up transformer?
What is a transformer for? The main property of a transformer is the conversion of voltage or current to the required value
Thermal washer for cellular polycarbonate - its advantages and characteristics
All summer residents are familiar with the benefits of durable and high-quality greenhouses. This applies to others too
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