How to make a puncture under the foundation for a water supply with your own hands?

Owners of land plots and their own houses know how difficult it is to lay communications if along the way you need to overcome some kind of obstacle: a stream, an asphalt path, a building, a roadway, etc. You can entrust this work to specialists, but horizontal drilling is expensive. Now we will figure out how to save money and make a horizontal puncture of the soil under the road with our own hands. It's not that difficult, and you'll end up saving 30% to 50% of the cost compared to hiring a drilling specialist.

In this article we will not give recommendations on tools or consumables - for now we will analyze the technology of trenchless laying of communications. In total, it involves making a horizontal hole in the ground (by compacting it), in order to then stretch a pipeline into this hole.

How to make a puncture under the road yourself

Often, in order to lay utilities that involve installing a pipeline, it is necessary to overcome an obstacle such as a road.
This type of work, such as a puncture under the road, is required in cases where it is necessary to install water supply across the road to a country house or summer cottage. This method allows you to lay pipes of different diameters so that water or gas flows into the house. In addition, a puncture under the road is one of the universal methods of wiring energy cables.

The first thing that needs to be done is to agree on the construction or reconstruction project

It is not worth performing a puncture under the road without a plan and approval, primarily for two reasons. First reason

This is personal safety. It may turn out that certain types of communications already pass under your site that you did not know about. There were rare cases when hidden pre-war communications were not known even after the project had been agreed upon. It is still worth taking precautions so as not to puncture the gas pipe adjacent to your site - the consequences can be disastrous.

The second reason

for which it is better to make an agreement - a fine from city authorities for uncoordinated actions. This is especially true for those types of communications that go beyond the boundaries of your personal area: cases when you need to enter a common main pipe, etc.

What tools will you need?

You can do a puncture under the road yourself. Before starting work, you must prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • apparatus for performing welding work and a grinder;
  • sledgehammer;
  • steel reinforcement or rods, the diameter of which must be 25 millimeters or more, and the length must exceed the width of the road by ten centimeters;
  • cuttings of steel pipe of the required diameter and the same length as the rods;
  • pump with a plastic tube with a diameter of 12 millimeters;
  • a barrel designed for two hundred liters;
  • funnel with a two-meter hose.

In addition to tools, you will need remarkable physical strength and patience.

Technology stages

Instructions on how to break through the base for a sewer pipeline are as follows:

  • A project plan is being drawn up.
  • Pipes, materials and necessary working tools are prepared.
  • Ground work is being carried out - a trench is being dug, a receiving hole is being dug from the inside of the foundation.
  • A hole is drilled, bored or punched in the base mass.
  • The pipe is laid through the trench through the hole.
  • The pipeline is connected inside the house with the inlet pipe and outside - at the point of supply to the septic tank or main line.
  • The tightness and strength of all connections are checked.
  • The trench and pit are buried.

Attention! Using a professional drilling rig is a better way than breaking through the foundation for a sewer. However, it is not always available to the average user. With the manual method, the edges of the hole may be uneven and with protruding reinforcement, and therefore it is easy to damage the PVC pipe when pulling through them. A rubber sleeve placed on it in advance or simply a winding made of roofing felt will help prevent damage.

Step-by-step execution of work

First stage.

First you need to dig holes on both sides of the road. Their depth should be equal to the depth of the installed pipe. You need to add another 20 centimeters to this figure to make it convenient to work.

All subsequent work is carried out from the pit. It continues the trench and its length must be no less than the minimum length of the section of prepared pipe, which must be driven into the ground using a sledgehammer.

The receiving pit should have the same dimensions. It should have enough space for comfortable placement. Approximate dimensions may be 60 by 60 centimeters. As a rule, this is quite enough.

Second phase.

Mark the axis of the future hole. To do this, take a steel rod, sharpen it with a grinder, like a pike, and drive it into the ground in the place where the pipe will pass. The length of the rod should not be more than two meters. Otherwise, it will simply bend. Having driven in a section, weld the next one to its end, and repeat these steps until the rod appears in the receiving pit.

The fittings or steel rod indicate the direction for driving the pipe. During work, you may encounter the bar hitting a stone. In this case, you don’t have to take it out of the ground, since this is practically impossible, but simply retreat some distance and start working again.

Third stage.

At this stage we plug the pipe. But before this, you need to make a special nozzle from a larger diameter pipe so that the driven pipe does not flatten.

In addition, the edge of the pipe that will go into the ground must be made sharp using a grinder or even teeth cut into it.

After completing the preparatory work, place the steel pipe on the rod. Then put on the attachment and hit this structure two or three times. After this, remove the nozzle, push a thin plastic tube into the pipe until it stops and turn on the pump. It is best to put a coupling on the tube, with the help of which its diameter will be narrowed in order to increase the pressure of the water flow.

Do not forget to prepare for the fact that all the washed-out soil will flow in the opposite direction, that is, towards you. Therefore, it is better to prepare a pit in advance and install a barrel in it into which all the dirt will drain.

In order for the soil to fall into the barrel, you will need a funnel onto which you need to put a two-meter hose. A funnel can be made from a five-liter bottle by simply cutting off the bottom.

After the receiving barrel is almost completely filled, the pump can be placed in it, but not at the very bottom, but only in the middle. To prevent the pump from breaking, it must be protected with a filter. A small plastic bucket with small diameter holes drilled in it is also suitable as a filter.

Fourth stage.

After washing some of the soil out of the pipe, take the sledgehammer again and repeat the third step. When the entire pipe goes into the soil, you need to weld the next section to it and repeat the entire cycle until the pipe appears on the other side of the road.

When the job is completed, the guide pin will be free of soil. It can be reused, which cannot be said about the pipe that was driven into the ground. It can no longer be used for its intended purpose, since the quality of welding during such work could suffer. Therefore, a steel pipe is used as an insulating casing for a pipe that has a smaller diameter and is made of other materials.

This method has proven effective when using steel pipe with a diameter of 57 millimeters. A PVC pipe for water supply was then installed into it, the diameter of which was 32 millimeters.

Of course, you can use pipes with a larger diameter, but then you will need to either drain the waste water into a prepared trench or install a container with a large volume.


Using an angle grinder, a piece of reinforcement up to 2 m is sharpened, and the sharpening should be uniform and maximum. When using a cut longer than 2 m, there is a high risk of bending.

Now you can directly start horizontal directional drilling. This segment is driven into the ground in the desired direction using a sledgehammer, and the blows should always be uniform.

After the segment is completely driven in, you need to weld the next one onto it. Thus, the work progresses to the required depth. At the junction with the rock, the rod can bend a little, so you need to be careful. The work ends exactly at the moment when the working “head” appears at the exit point. This creates a guide rod.

Now a larger diameter pipe is taken and put on the fittings. Another small piece of a slightly larger diameter (a glass) is put on top of the pipe, which will protect the pipe from flattening during impacts, and after it is no longer necessary to beat, the glass should be removed. The pipe must be sharpened with a grinder so that the progress of the work is maximum.

After the pipe is driven to the maximum (no more than 2 m), you need to install a pump with water in it and turn on the supply. To artificially increase the pressure, nozzles to reduce the diameter are used. Water will come out of the open part of the pipe, for which a 200 liter barrel was prepared.

When work with the segment is completed, you need to remove the barrel to the side and empty it. Now you can weld another section on top and continue in the same way until the pipe exit from the other side is fixed. It is worth considering that one glass is used for the entire work.

A horizontal directional drilling rig is quite expensive equipment. But if there is no financial opportunity to purchase such special equipment, then there is the option of making mini HDD with your own hands. Such an idea is quite feasible, as many craftsmen have repeatedly proven by demonstrating their HDD installations on specialized forums. This installation is perfect for domestic use.

Let's figure out what is required to make such an installation, besides “direct hands”:

  1. Welding machine;
  2. Grinding machine (grinder);
  3. A good sledgehammer;
  4. Reinforcement with a diameter of at least 20 millimeters and a length of ten centimeters greater than the road width. You will also need steel pipes of the same length;
  5. Pump with hose;
  6. A tub with a volume of at least 150 liters (more spacious is recommended) with a wide “neck”;
  7. A drill with which the drilling will be carried out (you can also make it yourself);
  8. A funnel with a fixed hose at least 2 meters long.

How to make a puncture under the road with your own hands

Owners of land plots and their own houses know how difficult it is to lay communications if along the way you need to overcome some kind of obstacle: a stream, an asphalt path, a building, a roadway, etc. You can entrust this work to specialists, but horizontal drilling is expensive. Now we will figure out how to save money and make a horizontal puncture of the soil under the road with our own hands. It's not that difficult, and you'll end up saving 30% to 50% of the cost compared to hiring a drilling specialist.

In this article we will not give recommendations on tools or consumables - for now we will analyze the technology of trenchless laying of communications. In total, it involves making a horizontal hole in the ground (by compacting it), in order to then stretch a pipeline into this hole.

Evaluating Alternatives

In addition to the controlled puncture method, there are other options for installing communications in the soil without constructing trenches. Sometimes the alternative may be more acceptable than a puncture, it all depends on the specific situation.

Horizontal directional drilling , also called directional drilling, is used for laying pressure and non-pressure pipelines. Drilling using this method is performed from the surface of the earth. The diameter of the hole should be 30-50% larger than the size of the pipes that are supposed to be laid in it.

The hole is not expanded immediately, but in several stages. In this case, a bentonite solution is used, which is mixed with loosened soil and facilitates its removal from the trunk. In addition, this working fluid is used to cool the drilling tool, and later it forms a layer on the walls of the shaft that protects them from destruction.

A sludge pump is used to pump out the spent bentonite solution. After pumping out, the unnecessary solution must be taken to a landfill for further disposal. If the work is done correctly, the result is a clean well with strong walls.

Drilling rigs for this type of work have different characteristics, such as torque and traction. The length of the pipes that will be laid in the soil thickness, which can reach 1000 meters, depends on this.

The permissible pipe diameter is 120 cm. Both metal and plastic pipes can be laid using horizontal directional drilling.

Drilling is carried out along a pre-calculated trajectory, the movement of the drilling tool is controlled using a location system. The drilling angle can vary between 26-34 degrees.

Another important indicator when using HDD is the bending of the rods, which can be 6-12%, depending on their type. Another popular method for trenchless pipe laying is auger drilling . To perform this, a special hydraulic installation is used that acts as a jack.

First, the starting and finishing pits are made. The depth of each of them should be one meter deeper than the level of the pipeline. A hydraulic installation is lowered into the starting pit, which rotates the auger and pushing pipes. As a result, part of the soil is removed and a well for the pipe is obtained.

Then pipes, cases, etc. are installed inside. The maximum laying length is usually only 100 meters, but the diameter of communications can reach 172 cm, the figures largely depend on the type of soil on which drilling is carried out.

The method of punching steel casings is often used if it is necessary to lay pipes or large diameter casings using trenchless methods.

To control the work during auger drilling, a laser is used, which ensures the correct angle of inclination of the drill, and also allows you to track the direction of drilling with high accuracy. After the auger reaches the finishing pit, it is removed from the resulting well in the reverse order.

Microtunneling is a high-precision method of trenchless installation of communications, which is performed using a special tunneling shield.

A high-power jacking station is used to move the device. It affects the column of reinforced concrete pipes that are connected to the shield. Gradually, the length of the well increases, so the length of the column is increased by increasing reinforced concrete structures.

For laying reinforced concrete and steel pipes, the microtunneling method is used. It is performed using a special tunneling shield that loosens the soil

This method also requires the preliminary preparation of two pits, the distance between them can vary between 50-500 meters. The jacking installation must be lowered into the starting pit to a depth that corresponds to the level of the communications. If the well length exceeds 200 meters, an intermediate jacking station is usually used.

The tunneling shield loosens the soil, which is washed away with water or bentonite solution supplied through the supply lines. The waste liquid, mixed with soil particles, moves into the sump through drain lines. After the tunneling shield enters the finishing pit, the work can be considered completed.

Trenchless methods of laying communications are carried out using special high-power equipment. Exact adherence to technology will ensure a reliable well

The equipment is disassembled and removed. The microtunneling method can be used to install not only reinforced concrete, but also steel pipes. To monitor the correctness of the work, a navigation system is used, consisting of a laser, a target and a measuring wheel.

For long sections (more than 200 m), an electronic laser system equipped with a hydrostatic level is considered effective, which provides accurate information about the depth of pipe installation, regardless of the air temperature inside the structure.

Do-it-yourself puncture technology under the road:

  • Mark the route for laying communications under the obstacle. On both sides of the obstacle, dig working pits of the required depth (slightly greater than the depth of the puncture itself under the communications). The width of the starting pit should be such that a worker with a reinforcement rod of up to 2 meters can fit into it.
  • From the starting pit, start driving in a reinforcement rod along the expected puncture line - it will act as a guide, and at the same time help you find out if there are any underground obstacles (stones, etc.). Drive the rod until its end appears from the side of the finishing pit. If the length of the rod is not enough, weld the next rod. Keep in mind that it is better to use rods no longer than 2 meters, otherwise they will be deformed under impacts even before entering the ground.
  • Having laid the reinforcement as a guide, put a pipe on it and start driving it in. To make the pipe cut through the soil more easily, install a toothed nozzle on the leading end, and a glass nozzle on the other end (which is struck). As the pipe moves into the ground, soil will begin to accumulate and compact inside - it can be easily washed out with a water pump.

Horizontal directional drilling process

When all preparatory work is completed, you can begin to directly drill a horizontal well. Now you will have to arm yourself with a sledgehammer. Using it, a pointed piece of rod must be driven into the ground in the direction in which the second pit is located.

After you have completely driven the section into the ground, use a welding machine to weld the next one onto it and continue this way until it reaches its destination - in our case, this is the second pit. If suddenly on your way you encounter hard rock, for example, a stone, you can bend the rod slightly, so be vigilant and extremely attentive.

Now you need to take a metal pipe of a larger diameter and put it on a piece of reinforcement. On top of this pipe we put another one of even larger diameter, it is this that will protect the main pipe from possible impacts, which quite often accompany the work process. The pipe must also be sharpened to achieve maximum efficiency.

After you manage to drive the pipe to the maximum possible depth, you can run a pump with water into it, which will clear it of dirt, in this case mainly represented by earth.

Safety precautions: should you pierce yourself?

Let us immediately note in what cases you should not make a puncture under the road with your own hands: if the length of the required route is more than 10 meters, and also when the territory already has underground communications or difficult to pass areas.

On sandy, clay and other soft soils, you can take a chance and do everything yourself if you have studied the area well enough. But in any case, you must prepare, study the technical part of the issue and be confident in your abilities.

When to pierce manually:

  • You have an engineering or construction education or extensive practical experience in these areas to properly assess risks.
  • You have agreed on a project for the construction or reconstruction of a house with a plan for future communications, and you have been approved for the work.
  • You are confident in your physical strength (especially when it comes to mechanical punctures) or have several assistants.
  • You have all the necessary tools: jack, drill, pneumatic punch or mini HDD installation, welding machine, etc. (the choice of tools depends on the method of laying communications).
  • You are willing to put in the effort, spend time learning the technology, and do everything yourself to save on costs.
  • You have examined the soil and are sure that it is suitable for the chosen puncture method. There are no underground communications in the required area.
  • The length of the underground route, which will be carried out using the puncture method, does not exceed 10 meters.

If you have doubts or do not want to carefully study drilling methods, engage in soil research and other preparatory work, which may take several weeks, it is better to contact specialists. Qualified workers will complete the task within 2-3 days without damaging the landscaped area. At the same time, the companies provide a lifetime guarantee on their work, which means there is no need to worry about subsidence or soil collapse.

Briefly about the main thing

Making a hole in the foundation of a house is required in various cases - from lack of experience among builders to redevelopment of the premises. At the same time, in order for a sewerage system laid in this way to fulfill its functions and serve for a long time, a number of requirements must be met:

  • Correctly draw up a plan and project.
  • Determine and set levels.
  • Reduce the size of water intake points to a minimum.
  • Eliminate turns in the sewer route.
  • Use high quality pipe connections.
  • Check the reliability of the system assembly at the end of work.

You can punch a hole of the required diameter either manually or using special installations. If the foundation is shallow, the pipe can be laid directly under it. Sewage pipelines can be made of steel, cast iron and plastic. Each material has its pros and cons. The installation procedure should be carried out according to the instructions, taking into account the recommendations, and it is better to entrust it to a professional team.

DIY trenchless pipe laying

  • 1 Techniques for laying pipeline lines
  • 2 Advantages of the “puncture” technique
  • 3 How to make a puncture yourself
  • 4 Videos
  • 5 Photos

Construction specialists are well aware that one of the most problematic issues that arise when laying pipes is the method of overcoming artificial barriers. Such obstacles can be a variety of structures located along the route of the future pipeline (fences, sewer lines, roads, etc.). Generally speaking, the issue of digging trenches in such places (with subsequent laying of pipes in it) in the presence of an object that creates an increased load on the ground is specifically stipulated in the SNiP requirements. This is explained by the fact that such an operation can cause a collapse of the earth and destruction of the structure located above it. Do-it-yourself trenchless pipe laying becomes especially important when crossing routes with heavy traffic (including railways). It is in such situations that the so-called “puncture” of the earth is used, eliminating the possibility of unexpected soil subsidence at the work site.

Running a pipe under the base

The simplest and most affordable way to lay sewer communications is to run a pipe under the base. The method is available if there is a shallow foundation. In this case, the whole point of the work is to develop the soil. Concrete will only need to be drilled if there is a floor screed. The procedure can be performed in two versions:

  • Open trench - from the foundation to the well or highway.
  • Horizontal directional drilling - creating an underground well with a given slope and pulling a pipe into it.

Techniques for laying pipeline lines

Puncture under the road

One of the most used methods for laying pipes is puncture, used when working in clay and loamy soils (with pipes with a diameter of up to 550 mm). Let us immediately note that the length of the section laid in this way should not be more than 60 meters. In addition, in such a situation you cannot do without special equipment (winches and jacks, in particular).

The use of this method has undoubted advantages, thanks to which it is possible to carry out all the work without destroying the roadway (or any other building structure). Indeed, in this situation, you are laying a pipeline directly under structures or structures located on the surface of the earth.

A prerequisite for the use of this technique is to take into account the main risks associated with the possible shedding (erosion) of soil layers at the site of the pipeline. In all such cases, it is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the earth's composition, but also the depth of groundwater in the area of ​​the proposed installation.

Recently, a method of laying pipes that does not involve digging any trenches has become increasingly popular among builders and is gradually replacing other options for their installation. Experts consider “puncture” the most reliable method and associate this with such advantages as:

  1. Preservation of the integrity of the area “pierced” by puncturing the soil.
  2. No threat to communications located in the neighborhood.
  3. Possibility of refusing special (heavy) construction equipment.


Preparatory work when laying sewerage through the foundation comes down to the selection of pipes and excavation of the soil. In the place where you plan to drill the base, you need to excavate the ground - on both sides. Outside the house, the trench should directly approach where the pipeline will connect to the septic tank or main line. In this case, the burial depth should ideally be approximately half a meter below the soil freezing level, taking into account the climatic characteristics of the area.

Naturally, this condition is not always met. For example, in the North and Siberia you will need to dig a trench about 4.5 meters deep, which is technically impossible. In addition, the bottom of the sewer well itself sometimes does not reach such a depth. Thermal insulation materials, as well as heating systems for underground communications based on thermal cables, are a way out of this situation. In the middle climatic zone, pipes with thermal insulation are laid 1-0.8 meters from the surface, and without it - about 2 m.

Preparing the entrance to the base Source

Types of pipes

At the preparatory stage of deciding how to make a hole in the foundation, pipes are also selected according to the diameter and the material suitable for the operating conditions. According to the first indicator, sewerage is selected based on the total volume of wastewater. The more reception points and the greater the water flow, the wider the pipe should be. As a rule, this parameter varies from 50 to 150 mm.

Pipes must be made of material resistant to aggressive environments. After all, even household waste sometimes contains various chemical reagents - cleaning agents and detergents. In most cases, sewer pipelines are assembled from the following materials:

  • Steel.

Has great strength. Suitable for deep laying. Disadvantage: subject to rust. Therefore, additional protection is required, for example, in the form of painting or anti-corrosion coating.

Sewerage through the foundation Source

  • Cast iron.

Classic pipeline material. It has acceptable resistance to aggressive factors. However, it is quite expensive, heavy and inconvenient to install.

  • Plastic.

Lightweight material, inert to chemically reactive substances. The only drawback is its relatively low strength. Nevertheless, PVC pipelines are often used for the construction of both external and internal sewage systems.

Recommendation! The choice of pipes, connectors and other elements should be based on the load parameters of the future sewer system. The material will be under pressure not only from the soil layer, but also from the weight of the entire house.

How to make a puncture yourself

Self-puncture of the soil

The practical implementation of the method of trenchless pipe laying with your own hands is possible only over a relatively short area (no more than ten meters), as well as if you are in good physical shape, which would allow you to perform heavy work operations. As for the equipment necessary for such work, you will definitely need the following simple tool:

  • a simple welding machine;
  • ordinary "grinder";
  • small sledgehammer;
  • reinforcement no thicker than 20 millimeters;
  • steel pipe of your chosen diameter (several pieces);
  • pump equipped with a plastic pipe;
  • plastic barrel with a neck (capacity up to 200 liters);
  • funnel with a hose up to 2 meters long.

The trenching process usually includes the following steps:

  1. Preparing a ditch on both sides of the route (with a margin of 12-13 cm). When digging it, the axis of the pipe that you plan to lay is outlined.
  2. After this, a pipe blank is taken and the end that is intended for driving into the ground is sharpened. In this case, it is best to cut teeth on it using a grinder.
  3. As you carry out all these operations (after each successive pushing of the pipe), you should wash out the soil from its hollow part.
  4. After each successive “rinsing” of the pipe, you should continue plugging it in with a sledgehammer.

Important points when drilling

When drilling a well, you need to take into account such a factor as soil shedding. Both plastic and steel pipes can be pulled into the channel. It is only important to take into account one criterion: plastic can be laid under a bend, for example, when punctured under a reservoir, and metal pipelines must be laid only in an exclusively horizontal direction.

When pulling pipes into a well, they should be connected. Moreover, the connection must be as reliable as possible, otherwise problems with the sewage system cannot be avoided later. Docking with the annular expander rods is performed with the equipment turned off. Through a swivel that rotates, communications are connected. Special adapters are used for joining.

The channel must be 25% larger than the size of the pipeline laid in it. If you plan to lay a pipe with thermal insulation materials, then the channel needs to be expanded by 50%.

If the pressure in the channel is high, then the bentonite solution is distributed evenly, thereby filling the space between the outer walls of the pipes and the inside of the channel. After the solution hardens, the possibility of soil subsidence is completely eliminated.


The technique for puncturing the soil can be seen here:

Pipeline pushing method - diagram

Drilling method

Shield penetration method

Completed puncture

Types of punctures

Depending on the mechanisms used and the principle of laying a channel for laying pipes, the following types of puncture are distinguished:

  • pushing;
  • horizontal directional drilling (HDD);
  • auger drilling;
  • hydropuncture;
  • vibration puncture

For convenience of work, two pits (pits) are dug at opposite ends of the path of the pipe being laid - the initial and final.


This type of puncture is performed as follows:

  1. A directional drilling unit is placed in the initial pit, consisting of a frame with hydraulic cylinders that drive a carriage with a drill string - interconnected rods.
  2. The first to be installed in the carriage is a rod with a working head in the form of a sharp cone.
  3. Using an oil station (a gasoline engine with oil pumps), hydraulic cylinders forcefully press the first rod into the wall of the pit.
  4. After most of the first rod has disappeared into the soil, the carriage is pulled back using hydraulic cylinders. Using a threaded connection, screw the next one to the end of the rod, secure it in the carriage and repeat the pushing process.
  5. When the working head of the first rod of the drill string appears in the final pit, it is removed and a device for fastening and pulling the pipe is installed.
  6. By pulling out the pipe attached to the first rod, it is laid in the channel (case) drilled in this way.

When laying a polyethylene water pipe in winter, during the pulling phase, it is heated with a blowtorch or torch. This is necessary so that the polyethylene becomes more flexible, does not crack or deform when passing through the channel drilled for it.

Horizontal directional drilling

This method is widely used when laying water supply networks with a diameter of up to 200 mm. The puncture is carried out by special self-propelled units on caterpillar tracks, capable of working in conditions of limited space and marshy soil.

Advantages of the method

The popularity and demand for this method of laying water pipes is explained by the following advantages:

  • Efficiency of work - compared to digging an open trench, puncturing takes 3-4 times less time.
  • Low labor intensity - puncturing does not require significant physical effort and a large number of workers, as is the case with the trench method of laying pipes.
  • All-season use - piercing the soil for water supply can be done at any time of the year using various installations.
  • Environmentally friendly - this method of laying a pipeline avoids disturbance of the soil structure, damage to tree roots, destruction of natural landscapes, artificial lawns and plantings.
  • Low risk of damage to nearby communications (sewerage, communication lines, gas pipelines) - when a puncture occurs, the likelihood of damaging nearby communications is much less than when excavating soil with an excavator or trencher.
  • Low cost - even when hiring specialists with special equipment, digging a sewer using the puncture method costs 30-40% less than traditional trenching.

Laying pipelines underground using the

  • Horizontal Directional Drilling (Navigator Vermeer drilling system);
  • Soil puncture (mini soil puncture installation)

The construction of external underground communications using the method of directional drilling and mini-puncture of the soil allows for the following work:

  • In urban conditions (a large number of existing utility networks and roads).
  • Under highways, railroads, dams, rivers and other natural and man-made barriers. more details
  • In country and cottage villages, preserving the landscape and protecting the peace of neighbors. more details
  • In cramped conditions, for example, between a fence and a road, neighboring houses, working in a basement or cellar, etc.
  • All year round (winter - summer).more details

We account for the following cities where trenchless pipe laying using the HDD and puncture method was carried out: Dolgoprudny, Reutov, Zheleznodorozhny, Domodedovo, Taldom, Podolsk, Tula, Yaroslavl, Korolev, Likino Dulevo, Klimovsk, Shchelkovo, Serpukhov, Ivanteevka, Pushkino, Krasnoarmeysk, Lyubertsy, Krasnozavodsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Dmitrov, Khimki, Balashikha, Zaprudnya, Dubna, Vidnoye, Zelenograd, Kubinka, Kashira, Narofominsk, Ruza, Khotkovo, Zagoryanka, Voskresensk, Sergiev Posad, Monino, Iksha, Noginsk, Staraya Kupavna, Povarovo, Sofrino , Stupino, Aleksandrov, Tutaev, Chekhov, Elektrostal, Fryanovo, Fryazino, Orekhovo Zuevo, Moscow (more than 200 underground passages were completed). As well as settlements and towns, such as: Muranovo, Lesnoy, Barvikha, Lesnye Polyany, Pestovo, Kishkino, Tolstopaltsevo, Bear Lakes, Alabino, Nikiforovo, Razdory, Razvilka, Rasskazovka, Sokolovo, Tishkovo, Moskovsky, Komyagino, Eldigino. Nikolina Mountain, Gorki, Bakhchivanzhi, Testaments of Ilyich, Klyazma, village. Biokombinat, Zevalovo, and many others.

The laying of external utility networks underground using the puncture and HDD method for private households is very relevant. In almost every one of them, it is necessary to install or replace an underground water supply system, remove a pressure or gravity sewer, insert an electrical cable, or a casing for a gas pipeline. There are neighbors around, a road, lake or river, forest or ravine nearby, that is, cramped conditions for laying utility lines using the trench method. Laying communications using horizontal directional drilling (HDD) or piercing the soil using a mini-piercing installation remains the only way to build your underground networks.

Will help you avoid serious costs!

Save the road, buildings, and surrounding landscape! Keeping yourself and your neighbors on your toes!

In the case of imposing strict requirements to prevent damage to the landscape and the environment, trenchless technologies are the only way to carry out work on the installation of utilities (pipelines).

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Puncture under the water supply with your own hands step by step

You can make a puncture underground for a water supply yourself, without involving specialists and contractors, if its length is no more than 30 m. Such work, with the exception of purchasing materials, will not cost the performer a penny, allowing you not only to save money, but also to gain useful experience in laying communications puncture.

Materials and tools

When piercing a road for a water supply with your own hands, the only materials needed are a thick-walled steel pipe with a diameter of 40 mm with a welded sharp tip of a pyramidal or conical shape. It is better to make such a working body from durable tool steel - a fragile material, when encountered in the soil with solid inclusions and layers of clay, can quickly fail by becoming deformed.

The tools for this work will be required:

Piercing stages

A simple puncture technology under a road or other obstacle consists of the following steps:

  1. Digging two trenches on either side of the obstacle. In this case, the trench from which the puncture will be made should be dug 1.5-2 meters more than the distance that is planned to be pierced under the obstacle. This is necessary for the convenience of working in a trench with a heavy sledgehammer.
  2. Laying a punching pipe at the bottom - using a level and bricks, the pipe is laid exactly in the center of the trench, resting the tip of the tip against the wall of the soil thickness that needs to be punched.
  3. Punching the soil layer under an obstacle - by hitting the end of the pipe with a sledgehammer, it gradually goes deeper into the soil until its tip appears in the trench on the other side of the obstacle. After this, the tip and the end flattened by blows of a sledgehammer are cut off using a grinder.

The pipe is removed from the puncture directly when laying a water pipeline into it, so that the earth around the made channel does not collapse and fill it up.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The operating process of the installation for performing a controlled puncture is clearly presented in the video:

Controlled puncture is a highly accurate and relatively inexpensive way to lay communications under a road or other object . At the same time, it is important to correctly design all the work and strictly follow the technology.

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Cost of work

The price per meter of puncture of the soil layer under an obstacle for laying a water pipe depends not so much on the volume of work, the type of soil, but on the length and diameter of the channel being punched. Thus, laying 1 meter of water pipe using horizontal directional drilling will cost the customer on average 1300 -1600 rubles. When installing water supply pipes under roads, buildings and other obstacles using horizontal drilling, hydraulic or vibration puncture, the cost of 1 meter will be slightly lower - from 1000 to 1200 rubles.

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