Is it worth using copper pipes for water supply, pitfalls and nuances of do-it-yourself installation

A household water supply network assembled from rolled copper pipe elements is considered one of the most reliable. Of course, the development of such a highway is not a cheap pleasure. However, the high cost of the water supply system is compensated by its durability and other significant advantages.

In order to somehow save the budget of the water supply organization, you can install copper pipes yourself, having first studied the technology of the work. Do you doubt your own capabilities?

We will tell you what tools you need to prepare, we will describe step-by-step processes for assembling a copper pipeline by soldering, as well as using compression fittings. The following photo instructions and practical tips will help you avoid mistakes and set up a reliable utility network.

Types of products

When installing a water supply system using 32 mm HDPE pipes, you will need connecting elements for various purposes and configurations. Any pipeline never consists of one straight section.

It has turns, branches, bends, plugged ends.

Brass fittings for HDPE pipes 32 mm (as well as for lines of other diameters), are used in the following types:

  • bends - these elements are designed to change the direction of the pipeline at an angle from 45 to 120º;
  • tees - allow you to create a separate branch on the main line at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • cross – connects four segments in two mutually perpendicular directions;
  • coupling - connects two sections of pipe of the same diameter, which are laid in one straight line;
  • transition coupling - allows you to reliably connect two sections with different diameters lying on the same straight line;

Brass fittings of different types (tees, elbows, straight)

  • plugs (caps, plugs) – allow you to hermetically seal the free end of the pipe;
  • fitting - a connecting element for connecting to the main pipeline (water source) or the container in which it is located;
  • nipple - a specialized tube with external threads at both ends, which allows you to make a connection with a pipe or fitting.

The system, consisting of 32 mm HDPE pipes, can be mounted using polyethylene fittings. And many builders do just that, arguing for such actions by the low cost of materials. But for 32 mm HDPE pipes, it is preferable to use connectors that are made of brass.

One of the reasons why it is worth paying a little more is the strength of the materials and the possibility of repeated use.

Brass fittings can provide a hermetically sealed connection to a HDPE pipe with a diameter of 32 mm and a wall thickness of 2.4 mm, with a guaranteed absence of leaks.

This is due to the fact that the crimp ring (also made of brass) has a kind of thread on the inner surface, which, when the nut is tightened, is pressed into the polyethylene structure. Thus, when the pipe is stretched (deformed) due to external physical influence, the connection will not be broken.

Installation stages

Before you begin the pipeline assembly process, you must do the following:

  1. Cut HDPE pipes into 32 sections in accordance with the required length in individual sections.
  2. Prepare brass fittings of the required type (configuration) to connect individual sections.
  3. Check compliance with the general plan by laying out the individual elements of the pipeline in the required sequence at the place where it passes.

Once you are sure that everything is in place, you can begin assembly. The principle of connecting pipes with a brass fitting is the same for all its configurations:

Step-by-step installation of brass fittings on HDPE pipe

  • it is necessary to clean the ends of the pipes after they have been cut with a pipe cutter or a hacksaw;
  • apply a mark that shows that the pipe has entered the fitting all the way;
  • lubricate the end of the pipe for easier entry into the fitting;
  • unscrew the union nut of the fitting 3-4 turns;
  • insert the pipe (according to the mark);
  • tighten the nut.

The sequence of using parts when installing a brass fitting

In order to be sure of the future tightness of the connection, when installing each individual element of the pipeline, experts recommend unscrewing the union nut completely. This is due to the fact that, after almost completely disassembling the connecting unit, it will be possible to verify two important circumstances:

  • all internal parts of the fitting are in place and in working order (the rubber ring requires special attention);
  • during subsequent final assembly, it is possible to visually check the correct position of all rings (crimp, internal, rubber).

Choosing the right wiring diagram

To answer the common question “how to make a wiring diagram for water supply communications in an apartment,” you need to familiarize yourself with its options. There are two ways by which you can install water pipes in an apartment:

  • tee;
  • collector

The tee method involves connecting all plumbing fixtures in series. The process itself is carried out as follows: special tees are connected to the central pipe, with the help of which branches are made to the plumbing equipment. This scheme is inexpensive, however, it has one drawback - when connecting several consumers, the pressure in the pipes will decrease at the extreme points.

The collector distribution of water supply pipes in an apartment is carried out by connecting several pipes to a central distribution device, which is called a collector. Thanks to this method, the pressure will be the same for all consumers and there will be no drop in water pressure. However, in order to carry out such an installation, much more pipes are needed, which affects the financial costs.

Any wiring diagram must contain the following points:

  • dimensions of the plumbing unit;
  • cross-sectional indicators of individual elements of the pipeline structure;
  • pipe length;
  • exact locations for installing plumbing fixtures;
  • dimensions of plumbing fixtures;
  • points at which devices related to shut-off valves (taps, meters, etc.) will be installed.

The closed wiring diagram is carried out indicating landmarks and all necessary distances. This is necessary so that no difficulties arise during the installation process. Experts recommend taking photographs that should show elements of the plumbing structure.

Let's consider recommendations that will help you spend the right amount of materials on installing water supply in your apartment:

  • the collector must be installed between the extreme connection points of plumbing fixtures. This arrangement of the collector will minimize the length of the pipes.
  • To connect several pipes to one main line, it is recommended to use tees, which will reduce the consumption of pipe material.
  • preliminary drawing up of a wiring diagram is a mandatory activity, which is also aimed at counting the number of pipes and connecting elements (fittings).

Experts recommend purchasing pipes with a small margin. The margin must be at least 10% of the total length.

Types of fitting products

Connecting elements made of metal and plastic are manufactured in the same modifications as products made of steel and plastic:

  • Straight couplings. The simplest type of product for connecting two pipes of the same diameter.
  • Transition couplings. Products used to connect pipes of different cross-sectional sizes.
  • Squares. Fittings that allow you to connect two pipes at right angles.
  • Bends. Products that allow you to change the relative position of pipes from 45 to 120°.
  • Crosses. Connecting elements designed to connect four pipes located at an angle of 90°.
  • Tees. Fittings connecting three sections of pipe, one of which is installed perpendicular to the other two.
  • Plugs. Products designed to close the final section of a pipe. They have internal or external threads for screwing into the pipe.
  • Nipples. Fittings, which are products with external threads at both ends, with the help of which they are connected to other sections of the pipeline.
  • Futorki. Products used to connect pipes to measuring instruments. They have an internal thread on one end and an external thread on the other.
  • Fittings. Elements that allow for connecting a pipe to process equipment (boiler, boiler, filter, heat exchanger, collector).
  • Sgony. Used to increase the length of a pipe using internal or external threads.
  • American women. Products resembling squeegees with a union nut. They can be straight or angular, allowing you to change the direction of movement of the connected pipes.

All of the listed types of fittings have threads - external, internal or combined. In addition to them, there are also permanent connecting elements, as well as products connected by welding or capillary soldering.

The connecting elements from the list above are the most popular types of fittings that are used when installing pipelines. When installing more complex and highly specialized engineering systems, other special fittings can be used - locknuts, barrels, extensions and other elements.


Seamless copper products are used for the construction of water supply and heating pipelines. They are manufactured using three technologies:

  • cold rolling - deformation of the metal workpiece occurs when passing between rotating rolls. A through hole is created by stitching. The sleeve is then calibrated to the required dimensions;
  • cold drawing - is based on pulling the workpiece through a drawing tool (drawing die) with a special channel tapering in length. During the drawing process, the metal is compressed to the required geometric parameters and stretched in length;
  • hot pressing - producing a pipe by extrusion (extrusion) through the outlet hole of the matrix.

In industrial production, one of these technologies or a combination of them can be used. The composition of the equipment and technological operations may have some differences, but the basic manufacturing process always consists of the following steps:

  • preparation of the workpiece;
  • cold rolling or drawing, or hot pressing;
  • heat treatment;
  • lubrication of pipes and tools;
  • processing of finished and intermediate products;
  • cutting into dimensional pieces or winding into coils;
  • quality control of finished products.

Copper pipes in household communications

Copper pipes

The growing demand for copper pipes for heating and water supply is the second wave of popularity. Pre-revolutionary buildings were equipped with copper components due to the lack of an alternative. Now plumbers have a range of materials at their disposal - steel, cast iron, plastic and reinforced pipes, copper.

The choice of copper is based on the characteristics of the material. Heating with copper pipes and plumbing made from this expensive material has a number of undeniable advantages.


Copper is a soft and ductile metal. Copper heating pipes can withstand high external and internal pressure without corrosion or cracking of the walls. The medium up to +250 degrees does not melt the walls, does not expand the diameter and does not lengthen the assembly. The lower operating temperature threshold is -100˚.

The lower density compared to steel simplifies the installation of copper heating pipes. It is easier to apply threads to the ends to create a collapsible connection; cutting elbows from copper is less labor-intensive.

Smooth, seamless inner walls are not subject to overgrowth and bacteria do not multiply on them. Copper components are optimal for drinking water supply: copper has bactericidal properties. As it passes through the system, the water is disinfected and purified. At the same time, chlorine does not cause damage to the inner surface of the pipe: the copper heating pipe does not react with the composition of the medium.

The quality and use of copper components is regulated by GOST; copper pipes for heating and water supply are used:

  • for hot water and space heating;
  • for cold drinking water;
  • gas.


Heating with copper pipes is an expensive idea. This is the main disadvantage that stops us from making such a choice. Copper pipes require similar fittings, which also increase the cost. Other difficulties are explained by the properties of the material:

The difference in the density of copper and steel does not allow the installation of combined communications. Steel or cast iron pipes are connected only with fittings, and the steel section is necessarily predisposed to copper.

In buildings where there are solid inclusions in the environment, installing copper pipes is impractical. Impacts against soft walls under pressure from the carrier lead to deformation.

Installing external communications made of copper is a temptation for intruders. Non-ferrous metals are expensive recyclable materials.

Connection methods

Installation of these products can be done in two ways: threaded connection or soldering. Copper and alloys formed on its basis can be joined by both high- and low-temperature soldering. For water supply systems, low-temperature soldering is mainly used using various solders, with the exception of lead-tin. They contain a large proportion of lead, which cannot be used for soldering drinking water pipelines.

To assemble such systems, it is better to choose tin-copper or silver-containing solders. They create a good quality seam and meet all the requirements for strength, reliability and durability of plumbing systems. As a flux, you can take rosin-vaseline paste, which contains rosin, zinc chloride and technical petroleum jelly. It has an easy-to-apply paste-like consistency.

What opponents say

First of all, pay attention to the significant cost of the material. It is, of course, difficult to argue with this, but it is worth considering other factors; price should not always play a decisive role when choosing

You can hear many statements that copper pipes for water supply are potentially dangerous, since this metal can cause the formation of toxic substances. When applied to water pipes, this statement is not true. Such substances can appear when copper comes into contact with certain environments, and subject to many other conditions.

Another feature of a copper pipeline is its ability to form

galvanic couple when directly connected to aluminum or steel. In the presence of electrical potential, which is often found in communal systems (residents use grounding on pipes for various purposes), after some time such a joint will definitely leak.

In addition, copper water pipes have excellent electrical conductivity, so there is a risk of electric shock if the equipment is not properly grounded.

The list of advantages is also significant, these include the following qualities:

  • Durability that has been tested for centuries.
  • Copper water pipe can be used in a significant temperature range (250-400 degrees), depending on the solder used.

The material is flexible, easy to process, and bends. Copper is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and oxygen, which is part of the atmospheric air. Copper pipes are not subject to corrosion processes.

But a simple listing of the characteristics cannot give a complete picture of the material, so let’s try to compare a copper water supply system and a polypropylene system.

Copper in the kitchen

Items made from this material are attractive with their appearance: they will look elegant in any kitchen and create a beautiful “highlight” of the decor. The following items are made from copper raw materials:

  • frying pans;
  • pots of any size;
  • coffee pots, teapots, Turks;
  • fondue makers.

Manufacturers sometimes combine copper and other materials to make handles or lids, which can extend the life of the product.

Professional chefs use metal utensils all the time. Its value lies in reducing the cooking time. Copper is characterized by high heat conductivity, which allows the products to be used to create even particularly complex culinary delights.

Pipeline development

Before directly assembling the pipes and installing the pipeline, it is necessary to develop a general diagram of the system, according to which you can calculate:

  • the number of required pipes of a certain diameter;
  • the number of fittings that will be installed at the branch of the system, at the points where pipes are bent, at the points where plumbing equipment is connected;
  • quantity and location of installation of additional equipment (water heaters, pump, mixers, water taps, shut-off valves, and so on).

Country house plumbing system plan

A correctly drawn up diagram is the key to successful operation of the system. Therefore, it is more expedient to develop the scheme together with qualified specialists.

Typical water supply wiring diagrams

Designers regularly develop new schemes for laying water supply systems made of polypropylene. Each solution is implemented taking into account the financial capabilities of the customer and the characteristics of a particular object.

In the apartment

Plumbing in apartments is usually carried out in the classical way. This is the same type of scheme for pipes with cold and hot water.

Water distribution in the apartment

For both options, the home network is connected by inserting a pipeline branch into the riser of the centralized main. Then the installation is performed:

  • shut-off (shut-off) valve;
  • coarse filter;
  • pressure reducer;
  • counter;
  • check valve;
  • fine filter;
  • distribution manifold (comb).

The collector is necessary for uniform distribution of water among plumbing fixtures. If there is a comb, the liquid pressure will be the same in all simultaneously used mixers.

In a private house

Many cottages and other similar houses have an autonomous water supply. In such farms, the layout often differs from standard apartment solutions.

Water supply for a private house

Therefore, the wiring of polypropylene pipes with cold and hot water is often carried out according to individually developed schemes. However, in any case, the principle of collector liquid distribution is applied.

In private households, a boiler and/or boiler system usually involves a supply of exclusively cold water. In this case, the source can be either the central highway or a well, well or other accessible water source.

With this and other water supply installations, shut-off valves are always installed next to each plumbing fixture. If an autonomous system is being installed, bypass lines must be installed near each water-consuming equipment.

The presence of valves and bypasses allows you to repair plumbing fixtures without stopping the network. Their installation also facilitates rapid switching from autonomous mode to centralized supply and vice versa.

Rules for installing brass pipes

Installation of pipes made of brass can be done in two ways:

  • welding;
  • threaded fittings.

Welding brass pipes

The connection can be made:

gas welding using oxygen acetylene. Welding can be done butt welding or using fittings;

Welding with acetylene oxide using fittings

electric arc welding with tungsten electrodes;

Butt welding of pipes using electrodes

soldering using hard solders made of silver or an alloy of copper and zinc, as well as fittings of various shapes.

Connecting pipes by soldering

The welding connection technology is the same, regardless of the method, and is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation. At this stage, pipes are cut, deburred and removed from dirt and other types of similar deposits;
  2. heating and direct connection;
  3. cooling period, during which the pipes must remain stationary.

Welding connections require special equipment and minimal skills to work with it.

How to solder brass pipes, watch the video.

Connection with threaded fittings

The easiest way to assemble brass pipes is to make a threaded connection, which requires threaded fittings. As a rule, connecting elements are also made of brass, but in some situations, for example, when building a water supply system in a country house with minimal water consumption and a minimum level of pressure, HDPE fittings can be used.

Threaded brass fittings

The installation technology is as follows:

  1. preparatory stage: cutting in accordance with the pipeline system diagram, cleaning from dirt, dust and other deposits, deburring;
  2. thread cutting. The work is done using taps (for internal threads) and dies (for external threads). The size of the tools used must correspond to the size of the thread on the connecting fitting;

Preparation for installation with threaded fittings

  1. sealing the connection. For water supply and heating systems, for example, FUM tape, flax thread or Tangit Unilok thread can be used as insulating materials;

Thread insulation with Tangit Unilok thread

  1. connection of elements. Tightening the thread.

Properly selected and installed brass pipes can last more than 50 years. If you can’t do the installation yourself, you can use the help of specialists.

Source for water supply: which one to choose?

The water supply scheme for a private house can be implemented in several ways:

  • From the central highway;
  • From the well.

Connecting to a central water supply requires permission from the appropriate authority, and this is not always possible for private houses. If you decide to use this option, keep in mind that in the central water supply the pressure is already determined initially, and if several devices are used simultaneously, the water pressure in the one located further away will be lower than in the one located closer. Therefore, try to place consumers as compactly as possible.

A well makes it possible to provide a site with water without official permission from government services, but this option is only suitable for seasonal use, and therefore is not suitable for permanent residences.

The water supply system for a private house from a well allows you to use water of better quality than a well. But to lift it you need good pressure, so you will have to use more powerful equipment, for example, the deep-well electric pump OPTIMA (Optima) 4SDm 3/18 1.5 kW pumps liquid with a high sand content, filtering it without threatening the unit.


Modern copper pipes in St. Petersburg are very popular for heating systems.

An important factor is the aesthetic appearance of this material, which allows you not to hide such pipes. In addition, the copper pipe is resistant to high temperatures. Also, copper pipe is known for its thermal conductivity.

Accordingly, buying a copper pipe for the heating system will be an excellent solution, since the heat transfer will be maximum. If a copper pipe suits your price, it is worth considering that such pipes are prohibited from being combined with aluminum radiators

For heating systems, it is very important that the annealed copper pipe is impermeable to oxygen, which means that by purchasing copper pipes in St. Petersburg, you can avoid such a common problem as air locks

Copper is a valuable metal. It is used to create works of art, various objects and even building materials.

Copper building materials include pipes. Copper plumbing pipes are a great choice, if you can afford them, of course.

Copper pipes of different diameters

They have a lot of advantages. What are these advantages and how do you generally work with copper pipes for water supply? Now we will tell you everything.

Why is it important to make a plan?

Pipe routing begins with a drawing. Water supply design cannot be neglected. The task of delivering water to all water distribution points in a residential area is not an easy one.

The home owner will want to install a shower cabin, a dishwasher and an automatic washing machine. The bathroom is located in a separate room, where a bidet is placed next to the toilet. The floors in the apartment are heated.

An increase in the number of water distribution devices complicates the water supply scheme and requires greater productivity of the water supply system.

In order to correctly determine the size of the pipes and the number of plumbing fixtures, fittings and other parts necessary for the water supply system, you need to carefully consider the wiring around the apartment.

The pipeline diagram is drawn on the apartment plan and the names and locations of plumbing fixtures and auxiliary parts are indicated. Here the directions of pipes for hot and cold water, cross-sectional size, and material of manufacture are determined.

Such a plan is not difficult to draw even for a homeowner inexperienced in plumbing matters. To do this, it is enough to know the types of wiring and the list of devices that ensure stable operation of the water supply network.

Scope of application and limitations of use

Rolled copper pipes are used in various communication systems for domestic and industrial purposes.

Plumbing and heating network

Traditionally used in arranging water supplies for various purposes. The characteristics of copper and an extensive range of rolled pipes make it possible to equip pipelines of different capacities and meters.

Plumbing copper is neutral to low concentrations of chlorine contained in drinking water (the norm is no more than 0.5 mg/l). Copper pipeline has proven itself in storm drains and sewerage systems

A double effect is achieved in the heating network. On the one hand, durability of operation due to corrosion resistance, on the other, protection of the system from unregulated changes in coolant temperature. But these effects are achieved only with proper pipeline assembly.

The use of a copper pipeline with an insulating sheath is justified in underfloor heating systems.

Regulatory requirements according to GOST

External parameters, mechanical characteristics, alloy composition, assortment and marking designations are regulated by two main provisions: GOST 617-2006 (General purpose copper pipes) and GOST 11383-75 . European-made products meet the EN-1057 standard of 2006 .

Set of requirements:

  • The internal and external surface of the pipe should not be contaminated to prevent inspection of the products. The presence of delaminations, rust, cracks and cavities on the pipe “sleeve” is unacceptable.
  • A dent up to 0.25 mm deep is acceptable. The quantity limit is no more than two per linear meter and no more than 10% of defective products per delivery lot.
  • No burrs at the ends of the pipes. The normalized cutting bevel for specimens with a diameter of up to 20 mm is 2 mm, for products with a cross-section of 20-170 mm - 3-5 mm, respectively, for pipe fittings with a diameter of 170 mm or more, a bevel of 7 mm is acceptable.
  • For coils and soft pipes, ovality is not limited.
  • Each coil or batch of pipe sections must be accompanied by a packing slip and information label.

    Mandatory data from the accompanying document: trademark of the enterprise, legal address of the manufacturer, marking of the composition and dimensions of pipes, batch number, production date, technical control stamp

    Explanation of designations for pipe products

    Basic characteristics are grouped in pipe markings.

    Conditional indicators are prescribed according to a clearly defined scheme:

  • Manufacturing technology : D – cold-deformed, G – pressing.
  • Cross-section geometry : KR – round shape.
  • Production accuracy indicator : N – within normal limits, P – increased accuracy regarding diameter/wall thickness, I – high accuracy regarding diameter, K – maximum accuracy regarding wall.
  • Type of material by plasticity . In addition to the indicated abbreviations M/P/T (soft/semi-hard/hard pipe), the following product markings are used: L – soft with high elasticity, F – semi-hard with increased strength, H – hard with high strength.
  • Dimensions – the value of the outer diameter/wall thickness.
  • Length : ND and MD - unmeasured and measured pipelines, respectively, KD - rolled multiples of the measured one, BT - supplied in coils.
  • Metal grade that determines the composition of the alloy.
  • Special conditions : B - high accuracy in length, O - accuracy in curvature, P - regulated tensile standard, N - confirmed Vickers hardness, BU and BS - ordered and spiral winding of the coil, respectively.
  • Missing data is replaced by an "X".

    Marking example: Pipe DKRPM 28/3 3000 M1 GOST 617-2006. The meaning of the designation is a round cold-deformed pipe with increased accuracy of wall dimensions (3 mm) and diameter (28 mm), soft, 3 m long, made of M1 alloy. The product complies with GOST standards

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