PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS for certification of welders and welding production specialists

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Published: 05/28/2021

Depending on their knowledge and experience, welders may have different skill levels. To obtain a certain rank, a welder must be certified by the National Welding Control Agency (NAKS). There are 6 levels of welder qualifications in total.

If you need advanced training as a welder, contact our company’s specialists.

Application procedure:

To gain access to the NAKS EDF system, you must send the details of your company to the email address (indicate “For access to EDF” in the subject line of the message).

In response to your message, we send you a login and password to log into the system.

After receiving the password, you need to go to the website in the “AUTHORIZATION IN EDO NAKS” section.

First of all, fill in the details of your organization in the “Account” section. Please pay attention to filling out your organization’s personal information in the “Account” section. The data will automatically be used to fill out documents.

Next, you need to fill out an application electronically in the NEW PERSONAL ACCOUNT “Personnel Applications”.

After filling out and saving the application, return to the “Personnel Applications” section and send the electronic application to the Certification Center ( Krasnoyarsk: SSR-GATs

) (left-click on the name of the person being certified and in the menu that opens, select “send to AC”).

In order for a center specialist to check your Application, you must send scanned documents to an email address (lists of documents are listed below);

After verification, a completed printed version of the application will be sent to you by email. The application will need to be printed, signed, sealed and provided to us with all the documents.

The certification process can begin only after providing a complete set of documents.

All copies of documents must be certified. The certification mark includes the word “True”, the position of the person who certified the copy, his signature with a transcript, the date of certification of the copy, as well as the seal of the organization.

Differences in categories for electric welders according to manual type of welding work

Increasing the welder’s rank level is a documentary confirmation of his level of education and practical skills.

This process starts when an employee increases the level of skills to indicators corresponding to the characteristics of another rank. When the rank changes, a transition is made to other parameters of duties.

The welder gets access to a new list of works allowed to be performed. However, a transition to another category does not exclude from application the permitted work and capabilities of the previous one.

Increasing rank qualifications is an addition to already permitted lists.

The official assignment of the next welding category implies an increase in the number of permissible works and a greater amount of knowledge about welding theory.

List of documents required for welder certification:

1. Original application, consent to the processing of personal data (filled out by the person to whom the application is submitted) CONSENT_welder;

2. Certificate or extract from the work book confirming work experience in welding;

3. A certified copy of documents on the welder’s qualifications (category, skill level);

Documents confirming qualifications are:

  • a copy of the order (instruction) issued on the basis of the conclusion of the qualification commission of the enterprise before 04/09/2018;
  • a copy of the work book with a record of the assigned qualification (record, for example: Assigned 5th category);
  • a copy of the document on education (issued before 2013), on qualifications (after 2013), education, professional training, issued by an organization carrying out educational activities in the Russian Federation.
  • certificate of qualification obtained from a qualification assessment center.

4. A certified copy of the document on education (training);

5. A certified copy of the welder’s certification protocol (for periodic certification);

6. A copy of the document confirming the absence of medical contraindications to working as a welder;

7. Color photograph 3x4 cm, printed on MATTE PAPER (1 piece, if one welding method is declared).


Before we begin to consider the stages of a career path in the profession, let’s consider what categories there are? Their analysis will help you choose the relevant direction and build on the needs of enterprises and achieve mastery in a specific specification.

Press welding

It is performed using a special pressing machine. The operator controls the device, and under the influence of high temperature and strong pressure, the components and structures are connected. Using a press, you can weld almost any metal alloy, even non-ferrous ones, since the press does not use electrodes.

Diffusion welding

A welder in this category is a real jeweler, since he will have to work with expensive samples. Diffusion works are not intended for mass production, but for special tests with a piece exhibit. Experiments are carried out in honeycomb furnaces, where the metal can be enriched with nitrogen to improve the material.

Electron beam

Using this method, unique components are created. They are created in a vacuum environment to prevent the entry of foreign elements. The result is parts suitable for thin-walled crafts, for example, for jewelry components, since they cannot withstand high heat, which is typical for other categories. It is possible to debug serial production. The responsibility of the specialist is that he needs to closely monitor the automation and instrument readings to ensure stable operation of the machine and obtain the desired result.

When working with a laser you need to be delicate and careful!


Welders in this category make connections using the thermite method. Qualified workers install the press, adjust the surfaces, lubricate the mold and fill it with material, and dry the resulting product. Additional responsibilities include crucible preparation and firing. Before connecting the elements, the specialist heats the surfaces of the parts to be joined, drills holes and processes the resulting product after welding.


Welders of this specification will need to join parts for complex structures and machinery. Weld the pipeline in unusual positions, and also be able to dismember it using a cutter. Gas welders can work with almost all types of alloys and metals.


Workers in this industry create connections not only using gas welding, but also using arc, plasma and non-consumable electrode welding - the argon arc method. Responsibility of the highest level since the resulting seams must withstand high mechanical and vibration loads, as an example - a bridge for freight transport. In this category, the ranks of welders are clearly delineated due to high responsibility and interaction with atypical, experimental parts.

List of documents required for additional certification of a welder:

1. Original application, consent to the processing of personal data (filled out by the person to whom the application is submitted) CONSENT_welder

2. Certificate or extract from the work book confirming work experience in welding;

3. A certified copy of a certificate confirming the qualifications of a welder (category);

4. A certified copy of the welder’s initial certification protocol;

5. Copy of medical certificate;

6. Original certificate with marks on the work of the welder (to be completed every 6 months).

general information

ETKS is the legally established “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers.”

It is a series of documents containing lists of professions, professional codes and ranks, as well as their corresponding tariffs and work. The welding profession code has been adopted in OKPDTR, it is also included in the ETKS lists.

Entries made in employee work books must match the data on these lists. Entries that do not correspond to the lists will not be counted when preparing documents for a preferential pension.

The purpose of the UTC Directory is regulated by government decree of December 31, 2002. According to this document, the purpose of the ETKS act is:

  • Correct classification of professional qualification categories
  • Creation of preparatory schemes and stages for improving the skills of workers in different areas of production
  • Structuring tariff and qualification parameters, which contain a description of basic activities for the professions included in the lists, and category classifications
  • Setting the requirements for the level of professional knowledge of the employee.

Not counting the “General Provisions”, in Russia there are seventy-two editions of the ETKS act. All these documents are legally valid.

Issues are divided by specialization and type of production. As a result of this distribution, similar names of professions are indicated in different volumes of the ETKS.

It is worth noting that when repeating a name in different volumes of the ETKS, the list of rights, responsibilities and level of responsibility of the repeated profession will be different.

They will correspond to the direction of production in which the employee is involved in a particular field of activity.

List of documents required for certification of welding production specialists:

1. Original application, consent to the processing of personal data (filled out by the person to whom the application is submitted) CONSENT specialist;

2. A certified copy of the education diploma;

3. A certified copy of the document on retraining for a specialty in welding production with basic technical education;

4. A certificate or extract from the work book confirming work experience in welding indicating the position;

5. A certified copy of the specialist’s certification protocol (for periodic certification);

6. Certified copies of protocols on passing exams according to the Safety Rules of Rostechnadzor (MANDATORY!!!);

7. Color photograph, 3 x 4 cm, printed on MATTE PAPER (1 pc.).

Qualification of masters

Workers are periodically certified by NAKS (National Welding Control Agency). Based on the test results, qualifications of 4 degrees are assigned.

  1. A specialist with this qualification takes part in the assembly of various structures.
  2. The foreman carries out control functions and performs tasks to distribute instructions regarding work to other participants.
  3. level is responsible for monitoring the progress of welding work at the enterprise.
  4. the level is assigned to engineers who approve documentation.

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In addition to levels, masters have categories depending on their knowledge and ability to use welding technologies. One of them is working with devices for point joining of parts. There are no electrodes here, the process is not difficult.

It is more difficult to control diffuse welding units. They produce a high-quality seam. There are welders whose classes and categories allow them to work in a vacuum, connecting workpieces made of special-purpose alloys. This is done by highly qualified craftsmen.

There is thermite welding, gas welding, which allows cutting metal workpieces. The most common category is electric welder. If he performs work with gas equipment, he is called an electric gas welder.

NAKS is engaged not only in testing the knowledge of personnel, but also inspecting welding equipment.

List of documents required to renew a welder's certificate:

1. Original application-petition, consent to the processing of personal data CONSENT_welder;

2. A certified copy of the certification protocol;

3. The original certification certificate with marks indicating that there was no break in work for more than 6 months in accordance with the scope of the certification (for a welder of external pipelines made of polymer materials, a break in work is allowed for no more than 6 months);

4. Final certificate certified by the technical control department (control laboratory) and the head of the enterprise, confirming the quality of work performed by the welder for at least the last 6 months, in accordance with the actual work performed in the field of certification distribution specified in the certificate (the documents may include test results of permissible joints);

5. A certificate or extract from the work book confirming work experience in welding indicating the category.

What qualities must a welder have in order to have the right to increase his rank?

In order to get the 4th, you must comply with the job description for welders of the 4th category. To do this, you need to be able to weld spherical parts, weld in all spatial positions, and be able to work with critical and thin parts in various mechanisms.

Welding thin metal

Pros and cons of the profession

The welding profession, like any other, has its advantages and disadvantages. It is worth dwelling on this issue in a little more detail. The obvious advantages are decent wages and constant demand.

There are also disadvantages. The first thing you should pay attention to is that the conditions in which welders work are usually very close to extreme. Second: there is a high risk that a specialist’s vision will deteriorate throughout his entire working life. And that, alas, is not all.

These specialists may develop diseases such as silicosis, asthma, pneumoconiosis, since welding produces dust, some of which is inevitably inhaled by the worker.

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Nevertheless, despite the high harmfulness, the welding profession has always been at the peak of popularity. Guys who have recently graduated from a secondary specialized educational institution find work very quickly and are not afraid of losing it, because there are always enough offers on the market.

We said above that the main advantage of the profession is high wages. This indicator is formed based on the following factors:

  • Employee education.
  • Experience.
  • Specialist rank.
  • Region.
  • The organization itself and the policy of wage formation in it.

On average, across the country, a welder’s salary varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles per month.

In some organizations, welders work on a time-based wage system. In this case, the specialist’s rank has an impact on the hourly rate. If the form of remuneration is piecework, then the rank affects each operation performed. Obviously, the level of wages is mainly influenced by the rank of welder.

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