Technical characteristics and decoding of the OK-46 electrode brand

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When we talk about home welding, it usually means that electrodes are used. We often hear that wire, semi-automatic welding machines or gas are used only by specialists in their field.

And novice welders use only electrodes in their work. However, this is a persistent stereotype. In fact, there are many types of electrical conductors, including those with rods for specialized applications.

E50A represents one of them. This type of electrode is used when welding structures of particular importance. Electrodes of this type include several models.

After reading this article, you will understand what the abbreviation E50A means, what functional properties these electrodes have, and what you need to consider when planning work using these rods.

  • General information
  • Abbreviation meaning
  • Brands of electrical conductors
  • Analogs
  • Peculiarities
  • Results


Domestic rod analogues of OK-46 SEOK-46, E46 are certified by the National Academy of Compliance Control (NAKS) . Used for welding carbon steels, including those with galvanic coating with a layer of zinc.

The main technical parameters are identical:

  • Welding without spatial restrictions.
  • Use of direct and alternating current (AC/DC) sources.
  • Arc burning is stable.
  • Spattering is moderate.
  • The seam is not prone to fatigue deformation.
  • Initial ignition, repeat after arc interruption without difficulty.
  • Convenient for working with thin-walled structures, making short seams and tacks.
  • Tolerant of insufficient metal cleaning and slight rust deposits.
  • Available in Ø 1.6–5 mm.
  • Size range 300–450 mm.
  • Suitable for welding wide gaps.
  • The no-load current of 50 A allows the use of household sources with voltage fluctuations.
  • The inclination of the electrode is allowed within 350.
  • Porosity only appears when the welder makes mistakes in selecting the current or ignoring drying.
  • The vulnerability of rutile coating to dampness requires calcination at 1000 C.
  • Easy slag removal.
  • The rod is made of low-carbon steel SV-08, which has become a limitation in welding alloy steels.

An analogue of the OK-46 electrode for an equivalent replacement is OZS 12 . The quality of the connecting seam is lower for OZS 6. Group ANO 4 (6; 29M; 23), MR-3 for critical connections of pipelines and loaded structures have a number of limitations.

Rutile coating is technologically advanced. Coagulation of titanates in the upper layer of the weld pool accelerates the increase in slag viscosity. Magnesium and calcium bicarbonates and aluminosilicates bind silicon and oxygen, causing hot cracking and a decrease in impact strength.

Technical characteristics and welding features of different brands of the same type of electrode do not coincide.

Table for selecting operating current for electrodes E46 GOST 9467 75

Rod Ø, mmAverage current value, A at seam positionLong size, mm

General information

E50A are electrical conductors for welding metal structures of special reliability, which are made of tool steel, which contains a low concentration of impurities.

The resulting seams are used in work at low and high temperatures. These seams have high ductility, which is well felt during mechanical shocks.

This type of electrode is typically used in the shipbuilding and nuclear industries.

Electrodes OZS-12 and OK-46, what is the difference?

OZS 12 forms a connection of high quality parts at low currents. With rods Ø 2–3 mm, reliable welding is carried out with the transformer connected to a 220 V household network. Many indicators of OZS 12 and E46 are the same:

  • There are no restrictions on the spatial position of the seam.
  • The use of direct and alternating current (AC/DC) sources is allowed.
  • Polarity limitation, straight only.
  • Low demands on the cleanliness of cutting.
  • Resistance of the deposited metal to fatigue deformation, which contributes to the durability of the connections.
  • The coating helps protect the seam, the slag crust is uneven, and individual fragments are difficult to remove.
  • The suture surface tends to be concave.
  • Long-term transfer of static loads.
  • Uniformity and stability of maintaining arc combustion.
  • Recommended for pipe and T-joints.
  • No tendency to crack.
  • Re-ignition without sticking.

OZS 12, in comparison with welding electrodes OK-46, requires calcination with a temperature increase of 50% . The quality of the seam increases when welding with a long arc. Up to 60% of the electrode weight goes to waste and slag formation.

The coating has an atypical increased moisture absorption in the rutile family. Large inclusions tend to get baked in, and manual cleaning of the seam is labor-intensive.

Quality certification

Electrodes intended for industrial use or for connecting critical structures are subject to mandatory certification.

Electrodes are subject to mandatory certification.

An official document on the territory of the Russian Federation is issued by the National Welding Control Agency (NAKS) to tool manufacturers and has a limited validity period (3 years).

Each certificate form has an individual number entered into the database and is certified by the signature of the NAKS President and seal.

The document states:

  • type of certification (primary or periodic);
  • brand and diameter of electrodes;
  • testing methods and additional information.

When issuing a certificate, the controlling body receives a test batch of electrodes and carries out welding work followed by destructive testing of the seam. The results obtained confirm the product’s compliance with the standards; if the parameters deviate, a certificate is not issued. The presence of a certificate allows the use of electrodes for welding critical structures, but in the event of damage to the seam due to insufficient strength of the weld metal, the manufacturer bears financial and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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E46A, technical specifications

E46A provide a weld with increased ductility and toughness due to a decrease in the proportion of sulfur and phosphorus in the rod (S and P in the range of 0.04–0.045%). Designed to operate under variable loads, including dynamic and low temperatures. Low-alloy steels with a carbon content of up to 2%, such as 15HSND, 14G2, are welded. Heat loads above 2000 are not desirable.

Analogs similar in weld quality: OMNIA-46, OK 48.00, OK Femax 38.95, Pipeweld 6010. Type E46A includes the following brands:

  • With cellulose-rutile coating – SE-46-00, SZSM 46.00;
  • With the main coating of the rod and the creation of an alkaline environment in the weld pool (neutralization of hydrogen against cracking) - ANO-8, UONI-13/45A, UONI-13/55K;
  • With the inclusion of iron powder VN48U and ITS-1.

The decoding of the alphanumeric indication informs about the basic technical data in accordance with GOST 9467-75:

  • E – electrode with external coating for manual electric arc welding;
  • 46 – value of temporary tensile strength in kg per mm2;
  • A – ductility and impact strength are designed for variable loads.

Welding process requirements include holding a short arc as a measure to eliminate porosity and lack of fusion . Calcination of electrodes for an hour at 3000 C before use.

Preference is given to direct current of reverse polarity. The requirements for surface cleanliness, especially regarding scale and rust, are high. Increasing the concentration of iron powder in the coating reduces the carbon content of the surfacing and the tendency to cracking.

Abbreviation meaning

Each abbreviation carries encrypted information, and E50A has its own meaning for each letter and number. "E" means that this type of electrical conductor is designed for manual arc welding with coated electrodes.

And the numbers “5” and “0” indicate the ultimate strength relative to ruptures. Thus, it is possible to calculate the loads that the connections can withstand, which is very important when working with load-bearing structures (trusses, etc.).

“A” means that the resulting seam will be plastic and viscous.


The scope of application has been expanded in comparison with OK-46A . In addition to pipeline and sea transport, products and structures with significant dynamic loads at low temperatures are included, including nuclear industry facilities.

Type E50A includes a number of interchangeable brands of Russian manufacturers based on Sv-08A welding wire: OZS-18, OZS-25, E-138/50N, ANO-TM, DSK-50U, TMU-21U, TMU-50, MTG-02, MTG-01K, TsU-5, TsU-5M. The coating is predominantly alkaline-basic.

The chemical composition of the overlay weld is identical. But the scope of application is different. Given the harsh operating conditions, universalization is impractical. The size of the coating layer and the variability of chemical components influence the process technology and are related to the purpose of the brand.

Foreign and domestic analogues suitable for replacing E50 electrodes, electrode brand: SE-08-00 (RF), OK 48.04 (Sweden), OK 53.70 (ESAB), Fox EV 50 (Germany), Phoenix K50 R (Germany), Garant (Germany) ), LB-52U (Japan).

The German brand Fox EV 50 compares favorably with its indifference to humidity due to water-repellent additives. TMU-21U is used primarily by oil and gas producers on Arctic pipelines.

Where to buy a welding electrode type E50 A.

From us you can purchase welding rods in packages of 1, 2.5 or 5 kilograms. We guarantee that products comply with the necessary regulations regarding production, storage and transportation. When ordering electrodes from us, you can be sure of the highest quality of the ordered products. We attach regulatory documentation and quality certificates to each order.

By calling the number indicated in the site contacts, you can leave a request, the processing speed of which will pleasantly surprise you.

Features and Limitations

The breaking load of the seam is determined to be 500 MPa with an additional margin of safety . At the same time, technological features introduce restrictions into the practice of application: for domestic brands of this type, only OZS-28 is available in a circular seam with a vertical descent from top to bottom. For others this is unacceptable.

UONI-13/55T, OZS-28, OZS-33 operate on welding machines with direct and alternating currents. Large group: UONI-13/55, UONI-13/55G, OZS-18, OZS-25, OZS-29, TMU-21U - are adapted exclusively for the use of direct current of reverse polarity.

The protective functions of alkaline coatings are based on the reaction of carbonates CaCO3, MgCO3 releasing carbon monoxide CO, which, as a reducing agent, absorbs oxygen, turning into carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide gas protection is retained until the solidifying slag sets.

For electrodes of the E50A type, a short arc is generally recommended . An hour-long drying of the coating is considered mandatory. Use is limited to 3–4 days. Wet electrodes burn unstably. Triple calcination is the limit. Heat treatment destroys the coating.

The criterion for selecting externally coated arc electrodes for welding structural alloys should take into account network capabilities and personal skill. OZS-12 are considered easy to ignite and operate, while UONI 13/55 requires an experienced hand, especially during intermittent actions.

Electrodes: marking and application

The brands of electrodes and their purposes are given in Tables 1-7.

Table 1. Electrodes for welding carbon and low-alloy steels
Electrode brandCoverage typeType of current and polarityDeposition rate, g/AhPurpose
Type E42
OMA-2ACConstant and variable7,0-9,0For welding structures made of thin sheet steel
ANO-5RJConstant and variable11,0For welding critical structures operating under static and dynamic loads
ANO-1RJConstant and variable, 65V15,0For welding long and multi-pass seams
WCC-4CConstant, any polarity10,5Welding the first and second layers of low-carbon steel pipe joints
Type E42A
SM-11BConstant, reverse polarity9,5Welding of especially critical structures, including those operating at subzero temperatures
Type E46
ANO-3/ANO-4RConstant, any polarity8,5Welding of critical structures, including those operating under dynamic loads
OZS-4/MR-3RAC, DC, reverse polarity8,0-9,0Welding of critical metal structures
OZS-6RJAC, DC, reverse polarity8,5Welding of critical structures made of low-carbon steels
OZS-12RConstant and variable7,5-8,5Welding critical structures made of low-carbon steels, most suitable for welding T-joints
RBU-4/RBU-5RAlternating, reverse polarity9,5-10,5Welding of critical structures made of low-carbon steels
OZS-3RJAC, DC, reverse polarity, 65V15,0Welding of critical structures made of low-carbon steels, electrode support welding
OZSCh-17NRJConstant and variable9-10Welding using the inclined electrode method on special installations
Type E46A
SSSI 13/45BConstant, reverse polarity8,5-10Welding of especially critical structures, including those operating at low temperatures
E138/45NBConstant, reverse polarity8,5Welding of underwater parts of ship hulls
Type E50
WCC-4ACConstant, any polarity10,0-10,5Welding the first and second layers of low-alloy steel pipe joints
VSN-3BConstant, reverse polarity9,0Welding of pipelines made of steel 10G2, operating at temperatures down to -70°C
Type E50A
UONI-13/55BConstant, reverse polarity9,0Welding of critical structures made of low- and medium-carbon steels operating in northern conditions
DSK-50BConstant, reverse polarity, alternating10,0Critical structures made of low-alloy steels 14KhGS and 15KhSND
OZS-18BConstant, reverse polarity9-9,5Critical structures made of low-alloy steel 10KhNDP, up to 15 mm thick
K-5ABConstant, reverse polarity, alternating, 65V9,0Critical structures made of carbon and low-alloy steels
E-138/50NBConstant, reverse polarity9,0Welding of the underwater part of sea vessels
ANO-9BConstant, reverse polarity, alternating9,5-10,0Welding of critical structures made of carbon and low-alloy steels
TsU-5BConstant, reverse polarity8,0-9,0Welding of boiler heating surface pipes, thin-walled pipes made of steel 10 and 20
TMU-21BConstant, reverse polarity9,5-10,0Welding of pipelines made of carbon and silicon-manganese steels
E55, E60
UONII-13/55UBConstant, reverse polarity9,5Bath welding of reinforced concrete reinforcement bars made of steels St5, 18G2S, 25GS, 15GS, etc.
UONII-13/65BConstant, reverse polarity9,0Welding of critical machine-building structures from medium-carbon, as well as chromium, chromium-molybdenum and chromium-silicon-manganese steels
VSF-65BConstant, reverse polarity8,5-9,5Welding of critical machine-building structures from medium-carbon, as well as chromium, chromium-molybdenum and chromium-silicon-manganese steels
E70, E85
VSF-75BConstant, reverse polarity8,5-9,5Welding of highly loaded engineering structures from medium-carbon and low-alloy steels of increased and high strength
LKZ-70BConstant, reverse polarity9,5Welding of highly loaded engineering structures from medium-carbon and low-alloy steels of increased and high strength
UONII-13/85BConstant, reverse polarity9,5-10,5Welding of highly loaded engineering structures from medium-carbon and low-alloy steels of increased and high strength
NIAT-3MBConstant, reverse polarity9,0-10,0Welding of structures made of steels with a tensile strength of 60–100 kgf/mm2 (30KhGSA, 30KhGSNA, etc.)
Table 2. Electrodes for welding alloy heat-resistant steels
Electrode brandElectrode typeDeposition rate, g/AhPurposeRecommended heat treatment of parts
TsL-14E-09MH10,5Welding of boilers and pipelines made of steels 12МХ, 15ХМ, 12Х1МФ and others, operating at temperatures up to 540°СPreheating to 200-300°C, after welding tempering 710-730°C
OZS-11E-09MH8,0-9,0Welding of structures made of steels 12МХ, 15МХ, 12ХМФ, 15Х1М1Ф and others, operating at temperatures up to 510°СPreliminary and accompanying heating to 150-200°C, after welding tempering 710°C
TML-1E-09M1X9,5-10,2Welding of steam pipelines made of chrome-molybdenum, chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steels operating at temperatures up to 570°C
TsL-20E-09X1M10,3Welding of steam pipelines made of chrome-molybdenum, chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steels operating at temperatures up to 570°C, except for thin-walled pipes
TsL-38E-09X1M9,0-10,0Welding of thin-walled pipelines made of chrome-molybdenum, chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steels operating at temperatures up to 540°CVacation 710-730°C, 3 hours
TsL-39E-09Х1МФ9,0-10,0Welding of steam pipelines made of chrome-molybdenum, chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steels operating at temperatures up to 585°CVacation 730-750°C, 5 hours
TsL-26ME-10Х3-М1БФ10,5Welding of steam pipelines made of chrome-molybdenum, chrome-molybdenum-vanadium steels operating at temperatures up to 600°C, welding of dissimilar steels (for example, 1Х11В2МФ and 12Х1МФ)Vacation 740-760°C
TsL-17E-10Х5МФ9,5-10,5Welding of structures made of steels 15Kh5M, 12Kh5MA, 15Kh5MFA, operating in aggressive environments at temperatures up to 450°CPreliminary and accompanying heating to 350-400°C
Table 3. Electrodes for welding corrosion-resistant steels
Electrode brandElectrode typeElectrode rod materialDeposition rate, g/AhApplication
OZL-8E-07 X20N9Sv-04 X19N912-14Welding chromium-nickel steels, when the weld metal is not subject to strict requirements against intercrystalline corrosion
OZL-3E-10Х17-Н13С4Sv-15Х-18Н12С-4TYu11,5—12,5Welding steels of type 15Х18Н12С4ТУ, when the weld metal is not subject to strict requirements against intercrystalline corrosion
ZIO-8E-10Х25 Н13Г2Sv-07X-25N1313,3Welding of structures and pipelines made of two-layer steels, when the weld metal is not subject to strict requirements against intercrystalline corrosion
UONII-13/NZHE-12X13Sv-12X1310-12Welding of critical structures made of chromium steels 08X13, 12X13
OZL-22E-02Х21 Н10Г2Sv-01Х-18Н1012-14Welding of structures made of steels X8N10, X18N12 and others operating in oxidizing environments such as nitric acid
OZL-14AE-04 X20N9Sv-01 X19N910-12Welding chromium-nickel steels, when the weld metal is not subject to strict requirements against intercrystalline corrosion
OZL-36E-04 X20N9Sv-01 X19N913-14Welding chromium-nickel steels, when the weld metal is not subject to strict requirements against intercrystalline corrosion
OZL-7E-08Х20 Н9Г2БSv-01 X19N911,5-12Welding chromium-nickel steels, when stringent requirements are imposed on the weld metal against intercrystalline corrosion
TsL-11E-08Х20 Н9Г2БSv-07Х19-Н10Б1-12Welding chromium-nickel steels, when stringent requirements are imposed on the weld metal against intercrystalline corrosion
TsL-9E-10Х25-Н13Г2БSv-07 X251310,5-11,5Welding chromium-nickel steels from the alloy layer side of two-layer steels, when stringent requirements are imposed on the weld metal against intercrystalline corrosion
OZL-20E-02Х20-Н14Г2М2Sv-01Х17-Н14М212,5-14,5Welding of structures made of steels 03Х16Н15Мз, 03Х17Н14М2, when stringent requirements are imposed on the weld metal against intercrystalline corrosion
NIAT-1E-08Х17 Н8М2Sv-04 X19N910-11Welding of structures made of chromium-nickel and chromium-nickel-molybdenum steels; most suitable for welding thin sheet metal
EA-400/10UE-07Х19-Н11М3Г2Sv-01Х19-Н11М312Welding of power equipment housings and pipelines operating in contact with aggressive environments at temperatures up to 350°C
HA-400/10TE-07Х19-Н11М3Г2Sv-01Х19-Н11М314,5Welding of power equipment housings and pipelines operating in contact with aggressive environments at temperatures up to 350°C
Table 4. Electrodes for welding heat-resistant steels
Electrode brandElectrode typeElectrode rod materialDeposition rate, g/AhApplication
OZL-6E-10Х25-Н13Г2Sv-07X-25N1311-12Welding of lightly loaded structures operating in oxidizing environments at temperatures up to 1000°C
OZL-5E-12Х24-Н14С2Sv-10Х20-Н1512,5Welding of structures made of steel Х25Н2С2 and others, operating at a temperature of 900–1100°С, also welding of corrosion-resistant steels, operating at a temperature of 350°С
OZL-9AE-28Х-24Н16Г6Sv-30Х-25Н16Г713-14Welding chromium-nickel-manganese and chromium-nickel-silicon steels operating in oxidizing environments at temperatures up to 1050°C
OZL-29E-10Х17-Н13С4Sv-02Х17-Н14С414,5-16Welding of structures made of steel 20Х20Н14С2, operating in oxidizing environments at temperatures up to 1100°С
OZL-25E-10Х-20Н70-Г2М2ВSv-KhN78T10,5-11,5Welding of thin-sheet structures and heating elements made of KhN78T alloy and alloys of the KhN70Yu type
NIAT-5E-11Х-15Н25-М6AG2Sv-10X16-N25AM612,5Welding of steam pipelines and boiler superheaters, welding of 30GSA steel in a hardened state
032L(TU14-4-237-72)Sv-10Х20-Н1511,5-12,5Welding of steels type 20Х23Н13, operating at temperatures up to 900°С in gas environments containing sulfur compounds
GS1(TU14-4-222-72)Sv-08Х21-Н10Г610-11Welding of thin steels operating in carburizing environments at temperatures up to 1000°C
OZL-35(TU14-4-168-21-77)ХН70У13,2Welding of nickel-based alloys operating at temperatures up to 1200°C
OZL-31(TU14-4-395-73)Sv-30Х15-Н35В3Б3Т9-11Welding of steels type 20Х25Н20С2, working in carburizing media
TsT-1E-09Х19-Н11Г3-М2ФSv-04-X19N913Welding of components of ultra-high pressure installations, turbines, pipelines made of steels 12Х18Н9Т, 1Х14Н14В2М, operating at temperatures up to 620°С
TsT-7-1E-09Х19-Н11Г3-М2ФSv-06-Х19Н9Т10,5Welding of components of ultra-high pressure installations, turbines, pipelines made of steels 12Х18Н9Т, 1Х14Н14В2М, operating at temperatures up to 620°С
TsT-7E-09Х19-Н11Г3-М2ФSv-08Х19-Н12М313Welding of components of ultra-high pressure installations, turbines, pipelines made of steels 12Х18Н9Т, 1Х14Н14В2М, operating at temperatures up to 620°С
TsT-15-1E-08Х20-Н9Г2БSv-07Х19-Н10Б12Welding of structures and steam pipelines made of heat-resistant steels operating at temperatures up to 650°C
TsT-15E-08Х20-Н9Г2БSv-08Х19-Н10Т12Welding of structures and steam pipelines made of heat-resistant steels operating at temperatures up to 650°C
TsT-26-1E-08Х16-Н8М2Sv-0Х15-Н8М210,5Welding of steam pipeline assemblies and heat exchangers made of heat-resistant and heat-resistant steels operating at temperatures up to 850°C
TsT-26E-08Х16-Н8М2Sv-Kh16-N9M2 (EP-377)10,5Welding of steam pipeline assemblies and heat exchangers made of heat-resistant and heat-resistant steels operating at temperatures up to 850°C
TsT-28E-08Х14-Н65М15-В4Г2Sv-H15-N60M15 (EP-367)10,5Welding of power plant components from dissimilar steels, welding of steels with nickel-based alloys
KTI-7AE-27Х15-Н35В3-Г2Б2ТSv-30Х15-Н353Б3Т9-11Welding of reaction pipes made of steels operating at temperatures up to 900°C
VI-IM-1(TU14-4-358-73)Sv-06Х15-Н60М1512Welding of heat-resistant steels and alloys such as VZhL-8, EI-435, etc.
IM-ET-10E-04Х10-Н60М2467N26M (NIMO-25. EI-639)14-16Welding of heat-resistant steels and alloys such as VZhL-8, EI-435, etc.
AN-ZHR-1(TU14-4-568-74)Sv-08Х25-Н60М10 (EI-606)Welding of dissimilar steels (high-alloy with medium- and low-alloy heat-resistant): hardenable steels without subsequent heat treatment, operating at a temperature of 450-600°C
AN-ZHR-2(TU14-4-568-75)Sv-H25-N40M7 (EP-675)Welding of dissimilar steels (high-alloy with medium- and low-alloy heat-resistant): hardenable steels without subsequent heat treatment, operating at temperatures of 450-600°C
KTI-10E-12Х11-NVMFSv-10Х11-ВМФН9,2Welding of nitrided and cast turbine elements made of high-chromium steels operating at temperatures of 535–585°C
OZL-19(TU14-4-560-74)Sv-07Х25-Н1312-13Welding of high-manganese steel 110G13L and its combinations with steels of type 30KhGSA
ANV-20(TU14-4-597-75)Sv-01Х19-Н15Г6-М2АВ210,5-11Welding of critical structures made of steels used in low-temperature technology (cryogenic engineering)
Table 5. Electrodes for surfacing surface layers with special properties
Electrode brandElectrode typeDeposition rate, g/AhHardness of deposited metal, HRGPurpose
OZN-250uE-10G27-820-28Surfacing by direct and alternating current of rapidly wearing parts made of carbon and low-alloy steels subject to shock loads (axles, shafts, automatic couplers, railway crosses, rails, components of agricultural machines)
OZN-300uE-11G37-828-35Surfacing by direct and alternating current of rapidly wearing parts made of carbon and low-alloy steels subject to shock loads (axles, shafts, automatic couplers, railway crosses, rails, components of agricultural machines)
OZN-350uE-12G47-835-40Surfacing by direct and alternating current of rapidly wearing parts made of carbon and low-alloy steels subject to shock loads (axles, shafts, automatic couplers, railway crosses, rails, components of agricultural machines)
OZN-400uE-15G57-840-44Surfacing by direct and alternating current of rapidly wearing parts made of carbon and low-alloy steels subject to shock loads (axles, shafts, automatic couplers, railway crosses, rails, components of agricultural machines)
OZSh-1E-16-G2ХМ8-8,535-39Surfacing of dies for cold stamping
OZSh-2(TU14-4-317-73)9-10At least 56For surfacing in the lower and vertical positions of hot stamping dies and cutting tools
OZSh-3E-70X3-SMT9-1025-58Surfacing in the lower position of cutting and cutting dies and wearing parts of machines
EN-60ME-37 X9S28-925-60Surfacing of dies operating with heating of contact surfaces up to 400°C, machine parts: guides, gears, eccentrics, etc.
UONII-13/NZHE-20X1310-1233-48Surfacing of dies operating with heating of contact surfaces up to 400°C, machine parts: guides, gears, eccentrics, etc.
TsN-6LE-08Х17-Н8С6Г28-37Surfacing of sealing surfaces of boiler fittings operating at temperatures up to 570°C and specific pressure up to 800 kgf/cm2
TsN-12M-67E-13Х-16Н8-М5С5Г4Б13-1438-50Surfacing of sealing surfaces of boiler fittings operating at temperatures up to 600°C and high pressure
OZI-3E-90Х4-М4ВФ9-1058-63Surfacing of hot and cold stamping dies and wear parts of machine tools and mining and metallurgical equipment
OZSh-4E-10M9N8K8-H2SF10-1255-60Surfacing of hot and cold stamping dies and parts of machine tools and metallurgical equipment (cones and valves of blast furnaces, rolling rolls, knives for cutting metal, etc.)
OZI-4E-10K15-V7M5-H3SF10-1152-58Surfacing of dies and metal-cutting tools and parts operating under particularly severe temperature and power conditions
OZI-5E-10K18-V11M10-H3SF10-1162-65Surfacing of dies and metal-cutting tools and parts operating under particularly severe temperature and power conditions
VSN-6E-110-X14-V13F29-1050-55Surfacing of wear parts operating under significant shock loads under conditions of abrasive wear
VSN-8(TU14-4-779-76)9-10At least 57Surfacing of wear parts operating under significant shock loads under conditions of abrasive wear
ENU-2(TU14-4-633-75)8,5-9,5At least 57Surfacing of fast-wearing steel and cast iron parts operating under moderate shock loads under conditions of abrasive wear
12AN/LIVTE-95Х7-G5S8,325-32Surfacing of parts of excavators and earth-moving machines operating under moderate shock loads
T-590E-320-H25S2GR8,557-65Surfacing of steel and cast iron parts subject to abrasive wear
T-620E-320-H25S2GR8,555-62Surfacing of steel and cast iron parts subject to abrasive wear
EN-60ME-70-H3SMT956-62Surfacing of dies for cold stamping
OMG-NE-65-X11N39,225-33Surfacing of crusher jaws, railway crosspieces and other parts made of G13L steel
TsN-2E-190-K62X-29V5S212,259-65Surfacing of sealing surfaces of fittings for boilers and steam pipelines operating at a temperature of 450–580°C and a specific pressure of up to 800 kgf/cm2
TsN-3E-200-Х29Н6Г2At least 40Surfacing of steel and cast iron parts subject to abrasive wear
Table 6. Electrodes for welding and surfacing of cast iron
Electrode brandType of current and polarityPosition in spaceApplication
OMCH-1Constant, reverse polarity, alternatingLowerRepair of cast iron products by hot welding; cracks, chips; welding with partial heating when repairing large products
HF-3Constant, reverse polarity, alternatingLowerCorrection of defects in cast iron by hot welding
EHRConstant, reverse polarity, alternatingLowerCorrection of defects in cast iron by hot welding
MPCh-1Constant, reverse polarityLowerWelding and surfacing of products without heating, when it is necessary to obtain tough, well-worked seams. Correction of defects on treated surfaces
OZCH-1Constant, reverse polarityBottom and verticalWelding without heating cracks on products that require tight seams and are subject to mechanical processing
OZCH-3Constant, reverse polarityBottom and verticalWelding without heating cracks on products that require tight seams and are subject to mechanical processing
TsCh-4Constant, reverse polarityLowerWelding of high-strength cast iron products, welding of defects. Welding cast iron with steel
ANCH-1Constant, reverse polarityBottom and verticalWelding without heating cracks on products that require tight seams and are subject to mechanical processing
OZZHN-1Constant, reverse polarityBottom and verticalWelding of high-strength cast iron products, welding of defects. Welding cast iron with steel
TsCh-3AConstant, reverse polarityLowerWelding without heating damaged parts made of gray and high-strength magnesium cast iron
Table 7. Electrodes for welding non-ferrous metals
Electrode brandRod metal typeDeposition rate, g/AhConsumption of electrodes per 1 kg of deposited metalTemporary resistance of deposited metal, kgf/mm2Note
Electrodes for welding aluminum and its alloys
OZA-1SvA56,322,36,5-8,5Welding and surfacing in the manufacture and repair of aluminum products of grades A6, AD0, AD1, Ad
Af-4akrSvA57,5-7,82,56,5-8,5Welding and surfacing in the manufacture and repair of aluminum products of grades A6, AD0, AD1, Ad
A2SvAMts or SvAK57,5-7,82,511,0Welding in the manufacture and repair of products made from Amts and AL-9 alloys
OZA-2SvAK56,25-6,52,3At least 10Welding and surfacing of parts made of cast alloys AL-2, AL-4, AL-5, AL-9, AL-11
Electrodes for welding nickel alloys
"Komsomolets-100"Copper14,01,427,0Welding copper sheets containing not more than 0.01% oxygen and copper to low carbon steel
MH-5MH-512,01,425,0Welding of copper-nickel pipes from MNZh5-1 alloy and welding of these pipes with L90 brass and BrAMts9-2 bronze
ANMts LKZ-ABBrANMTs 8-5-1.516,51,250,0Correction of defects in bronze castings of type BrAMts9 and AN
Electrodes for welding copper and its alloys
M30KNMZh-Mts28-2.5-1.513,01,4Not less than 40.0Welding of parts made of Monel metal and other copper-nickel alloys
KhN-1NIMO-2514,065,0Welding of products made of nickel-molybdenum alloy (25-30% molybdenum) operating in aggressive environments (hydrochloric and sulfuric acid)

Electrodes used in welding steels must provide high mechanical properties of the welded joint and high productivity of the welding process.

Electrode wire.

Electrode wire is made with a diameter of 1-12 mm. The length of electrodes cut from wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm is usually 350 mm, and with a diameter over 3 mm - 450 mm. In practice, electrodes with a diameter of 2–7 mm are predominantly used. Electrodes with a diameter of 2 mm are used to weld metal up to 2 mm thick, and with a diameter of 3 mm - metal with a thickness of 2 mm and above. For welding metal with a thickness of 5–10 mm, electrodes with a diameter of 4–5 mm are used, and for thicknesses over 10 mm, electrodes with a diameter of 5–7 mm are used. The chemical composition of the metal of steel electrode wire is established by GOST and has 19 grades. For welding low-carbon steel and many types of structural steels, three grades of wire are most widely used in production: Sv-I, Sv-IA and Sv-II.

These wire grades differ in the content of carbon, silicon and phosphorus. The best Sv-IA wire contains up to 0.10% C; 0.35—0.6% Mn; 0.15-0.25% Si; 0.03—0.04% S; up to 0.03% R. Mark Sv-II contains carbon up to 0.18%.

For manual arc welding, the electrode wire is coated with special coatings to protect the molten metal bath from absorbing oxygen and nitrogen from the air. The oxygen content in the weld metal above 0.2% and nitrogen above 0.15% sharply reduces the plastic properties of the weld metal: relative elongation, bend angle, impact strength. The absorption of nitrogen and oxygen by the molten metal during the welding process occurs both during the transition of metal drops from the electrode to the bath and in the bath itself and continues until the metal solidifies. Oxygen, which has great chemical activity, enters into compounds with iron: FeO, Fe3O4 and Fe2O3.

The lower oxide - oxide FeO - is formed earlier than others on the surface of a drop of molten metal and immediately dissolves in it. Higher oxides of iron at the moment of transferring a drop of metal into the bath are deoxidized by carbon, manganese, and silicon contained in the electrode wire. Burnout of these impurities reduces their content in the weld metal. On the surface of the weld pool, oxidation reactions continue and, despite the deoxidation processes occurring inside the pool, the metal is saturated with oxygen in the form of a solid solution of FeO in iron or oxide inclusions.

Saturation of the molten metal with air nitrogen can occur either through the formation of manganese nitrides MnN and silicon SiN or oxide NO at high temperatures. At a metal temperature of about 1000°C, this oxide precipitates from the solid solution and dissociates into atomic nitrogen and oxygen. Atomic nitrogen forms nitrides Fe4N and Fe2N with iron in the temperature range 500-800°C. To reduce the nitrogen and oxygen content in the weld metal, a number of measures are used: the content of deoxidizing agents (Mn, Si) in the electrode metal is increased, and a special electrode coating containing deoxidizing agents is applied. A good protection of the molten metal from oxygen and nitrogen in the air during manual arc welding is the use of coated electrodes, which, when melted, produce slags that protect the metal both during its transition from the electrode to the bath and in the bath itself. Depending on the thickness of the coating, electrodes are divided into thin-coated, with a coating layer thickness of 0.1-0.3 mm, and thick-coated, with a coating layer thickness of up to 2 mm. The weight of a thin coating is about 1%, and a thick one is about 20-35% of the weight of the electrode. Thin coatings are designed to increase arc stability and are therefore often called ionizing coatings. The most common ionizing coating is chalk, consisting by weight of 80-85% finely sifted chalk CaCO3 and 15-20% liquid soluble glass NaOSiO2.

Welds made by these electrodes, due to the lack of protection of the molten metal, have low tensile strength and low ductility. To obtain welds with high strength and ductility, thickly coated electrodes are used. The composition of the thick coating includes gas-forming, slag-forming and alloying substances and deoxidizers.

The gas-forming substances in coatings, such as wood flour, starch, food flour, cellulose, etc., are intended to create a protective gaseous environment (around the arc and the liquid metal pool) during the melting process of the electrode, consisting mainly of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. As a result of this protection, it is possible to eliminate the harmful effects of air on the liquid metal. Slag-forming substances included in thick coatings, such as feldspar, manganese ore, titanium ore, chalk, kaolin, etc., form slags when melting the electrode, protecting the molten metal from exposure to air and improving the conditions for the formation of weld metal.

Ferroalloys in the form of ferromanganese, ferrotitanium, ferrosilicon, etc. are introduced into coatings to deoxidize the weld metal and slag, convert ferrous oxide in the metal into other compounds, as well as to alloy the weld metal by increasing the content of certain elements in it, such as Mn, Si, Ti and etc.

For welding steels with a low content of alloying impurities, electrodes with rods made of low-carbon steel are used, but with the introduction of alloying elements in the form of ferroalloys (ferromanganese, ferrosilicon, ferrovanadium, ferrotitanium, etc.) into the coating along with the corresponding gas and slag-forming components.

Alloying elements from the coating, partially burning out, pass into the deposited weld metal and make it possible to obtain mechanical properties of the weld close to the properties of the metal being welded.
When welding high-alloy steels (stainless and heat-resistant), electrodes are used whose rods are identical in chemical composition to the metal being welded. To compensate for burnout during welding of the alloying elements contained in the wire, the corresponding components in the form of ferroalloys are introduced into the coating composition for these electrodes, in addition to gas and slag protective substances. In all coatings, liquid glass is used as a binder. In some cases, dextrin and organic glue are used.

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