St0 decoding - Steel 0 - decoding of steel grade, GOST, material characteristics

Characteristics of steel grade St0

St0 - Structural carbon steel of ordinary quality, welds well, welding is carried out without heating and without subsequent heat treatment, welding methods: manual arc welding, automatic submerged arc welding and gas protection, KTS, ESW.

Steel welding methods 0:

  • manual arc welding
  • manual argon arc welding
  • automatic submerged arc welding
  • mechanized welding with a consumable electrode in a carbon dioxide environment
  • electroslag welding
  • contact welding

For welding with a thickness of more than 36 millimeters, heating and subsequent heat treatment are recommended; it is not prone to flake sensitivity, and there is no tendency to temper brittleness. Machinability by cutting in the hot-rolled state at НВ 103-107 and σв=460 MPa, Kυ hard alloy. = 2.1 and Kυ = 1.65, has found its application in load-bearing elements of welded and non-welded structures and parts operating at positive temperatures, and is actively used in general construction solutions. This grade of steel is used to produce parts and components of freight cars, power transmission line supports, excavators and forestry equipment, offshore structures, road bridges, building structures, oil and gas platforms. Forging is carried out at temperatures from 1300 to 700 0C, cooling is carried out in air.

Designation of steels with alloying elements

As mentioned above, the classification of steels with alloying elements includes several categories. The marking of alloy steels is compiled according to certain rules, knowledge of which allows one to quite simply determine the category of a particular alloy and the main area of ​​its application. In the initial part of the names of such brands there are numbers (two or one) indicating the carbon content. Two numbers indicate its average content in the alloy in hundredths of a percent, and one – in tenths. There are also steels that do not have numbers at the beginning of the brand name. This means that the carbon content in these alloys is within 1%.

Example of alloy steel marking

The letters that can be seen behind the first digits of the brand name indicate what the alloy is made of. The letters that give information about a particular element in its composition may or may not be followed by numbers. If there is a number, then it determines (in whole percentages) the average content of the element indicated by the letter in the alloy, and if there is no number, it means that this element is contained in the range from 1 to 1.5%.

At the end of the marking of certain types of steel there may be the letter “A”. This suggests that this is high quality steel. These grades may include carbon steels and alloys with alloying additives in their composition. According to the classification, this category of steels includes those in which sulfur and phosphorus amount to no more than 0.03%.

Delivery St0

Supplied in the form of long products, including shaped steel according to the regulations of GOST 2590-88 Hot-rolled round steel , GOST 2591-88 Hot-rolled square steel , GOST 8239-89 Hot-rolled steel I-beams , GOST 19771-93 Equal-flange bent steel angles, GOST 19772 -93 Bent steel angles, unequal flanges , GOST 8278-83 Bent steel channels, equal flanges , GOST 8281-80 , unequal , GOST 8283-93 steel trough equal flange profiles , GOST 380-94 Carbon steel of ordinary quality , GOST 85 09-93 Steel corners hot-rolled equal flange , GOST 8510-86 rolled steel angles unequal-flanged , GOST 8240-97 Hot-rolled steel channels , GOST 535-88 Rolled bars and shaped carbon steel of ordinary quality , GOST 2879-88 Rolled hot-rolled hexagonal steel, GOST 19903-2015 Hot rolled sheet products , GOST 19904-90 Cold-rolled sheets , GOST 16523-97 Rolled thin sheets of high-quality and ordinary quality carbon steel for general purpose, GOST 503-81 Cold-rolled low-carbon steel strip, GOST 103-76 Hot-rolled steel strip , GOST 82-70 Hot-rolled steel Wide-band universal, GOST 3282-74 Wire Steel low-carbon general purposes , GOST 17305-71 Carbon structural steel wires, GOST 10705-80 steel power steel pipes , GOST 10706-76 Pipes steel eight-dimensional , GOST 3262-75 Pipes steel water and gap-pipes .

Mechanical properties of steel St0

Mechanical properties of steel St0 according to GOST 380-94 regulations is sold in the form of hot-rolled steel with a cross-section of up to 20 mm, from 20 mm to 40 mm, over 40 mm to 100 mm, and also over 100 mm. Tensile strength 300-470 MPa. Relative elongation after rupture is 23 – 26%.

Mechanical properties of St3ps steel according to the regulations of GOST 16523-89 and GOST 19903-2006 in the form of hot-rolled sheets. The cross-section is made from 1.5 mm inclusive to 100 mm inclusive. The elongation rates after rupture are 15%, 18%, 20 and 23%. Below is the data in tabular form:

NDHeat treatment modeSection, mmσв, N/mm2δ, %Bend
no less
GOST 535-2005Hot rolledUp to 2030018
Over 20 to 4030018
Over 4030015
GOST 14637-89Hot rolledUp to 2030023d=2.5a
St. 20 to 4030023d=3.5a
St. 40 to 16030020d=3.5a
GOST 380-71

(not supplied)

Hot rolled productsUp to 2030023
St. 20 to 4030022
St. 4030020
GOST 16523-70

(Transverse samples)

(not supplied)

Hot rolled sheetsUp to 2.0300-11
St. 2.0 to 3.9300-13
Cold rolled sheetsUp to 2.0300-14
St. 2.0 to 3.9300-16

Examples of marking steels of various types

Determining the grade of steel and assigning an alloy to a certain type is a task that should not cause any problems for a specialist. You don’t always have a table at hand that gives a breakdown of brand names, but the examples given below will help you figure it out.

Content of elements in common steel grades (click to enlarge)

Structural steels that do not contain alloying elements are designated by the letter combination “St”. The numbers following are the carbon content, calculated in hundredths of a percent. Low-alloy structural steels are marked somewhat differently. For example, 09G2S steel contains 0.09% carbon, and alloying additives (manganese, silicon, etc.) are contained within 2.5%. 10KhSND and 15KhSND, which are very similar in their markings, differ in different amounts of carbon, and the share of each alloying element in them is no more than 1%. That is why there are no numbers after the letters indicating each alloying element in such an alloy.

20Х, 30Х, 40Х, etc. – this is how structural alloy steels are marked; the predominant alloying element in them is chromium. The number at the beginning of such a mark is the carbon content in the alloy in question, calculated in hundredths of a percent. The letter designation of each alloying element can be followed by a number, which is used to determine its quantitative content in the alloy. If it is not there, then the specified element in the steel contains no more than 1.5%.

You can consider an example of the designation of chromium-silicon-manganese steel 30KhGSA. According to the labeling, it consists of carbon (0.3%), manganese, silicon, and chromium. It contains 0.8–1.1% of each of these elements.

Delivery type St0

B20 - Classification, nomenclature and general standardsGOST 380-2005;
B22 – Long and shaped rolled productsGOST 535-2005; GOST 5422-73; GOST 8239-89; GOST 8240-97; GOST 8278-83; GOST 8281-80; GOST 8283-93; GOST 8510-86; GOST 8509-93; GOST 30136-95; GOST 9234-74; GOST 10551-75; GOST 30565-98; GOST 19771-93; GOST 19772-93; GOST 19240-73; GOST 2590-2006; GOST 2591-2006; GOST 19425-74; GOST 2879-2006; GOST 11474-76;
B23 - Sheets and stripsGOST 8568-77; GOST 14637-89; GOST 14918-80; GOST 103-2006; GOST 19903-74; GOST 82-70;
B24 - TapesGOST 6009-74; GOST 3560-73;
B34 - TapesGOST 503-81;
B62 — Steel pipes and connecting parts for themGOST 3262-75;
B71 – Low carbon steel wireGOST 3282-74;
B72 – Medium and high carbon steel wireGOST 17305-91;

Structural carbon steel of ordinary quality St0 - characteristics, properties, analogues

This page shows the technical, mechanical and other properties, as well as the characteristics of steel grade St0.

Classification of material and application of grade St0

Brand: St0 Material classification: Structural carbon steel of ordinary quality Application: for minor aspects of structures and non-essential parts: decking, fittings, lining, washers, railings, casings, cladding and others.

Chemical composition of material St0 as a percentage

up to 0.23up to 0.06up to 0.07

Mechanical properties St0 at a temperature of 20oC

AssortmentSizeEg.sTd5yKCUThermal change
Rolled goods, GOST 535-200530015-18
Thick sheet, GOST 14637-8930020-23
Wire rod, GOST 30136-95420-47058-68

Technological properties St0

Weldability:no limits.
Flock Sensitivity:not sensitive.
Tendency to temper brittleness:not inclined.

Explanation of symbols, abbreviations, parameters

Mechanical properties :
— Short-term strength limit, [MPa]
sT— Proportional limit (yield strength for permanent deformation), [MPa]
d5— Elongation at break, [%]
y— Relative narrowing, [%]
KCU— Impact strength, [kJ/m2]
HB— Brinell hardness, [MPa]
Physical properties:
T— Temperature at which these properties were obtained, [Deg]
E— Modulus of elasticity of the first kind, [MPa]
a— Coefficient of thermal (linear) expansion (range 20o— T), [1/degree]
l— Thermal conductivity coefficient (heat capacity of the material), [W/(m deg)]
r— Material density, [kg/m3]
C— Specific heat capacity of the material (range 20o—T), [J/(kg deg)]
R— Electrical resistivity, [Ohm m]
no limits— welding is performed without heating and without subsequent heat treatment
limited weldability— welding is possible when heated to 100-120 degrees. and subsequent heat treatment
difficult to weld— to obtain high-quality welded joints, additional operations are required: heating to 200-300 degrees. during welding, heat treatment after welding - annealing

Other brands in this category:

Please note that this information about the St0 brand is provided for informational purposes. The parameters, properties and composition of the actual St0 grade material may differ from the values ​​given on this page. More detailed information about the St0 grade can be found on the information resource Brand of steel and alloys. You can check with our managers for information about the availability, delivery times and cost of materials. If you find inaccuracies in the description of materials or errors found, please inform the site administrators using the feedback form. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Foreign analogues of steel grade St0

USAA283A, A366, Gr.A
Germany1.0035, 1.0035, Fe310-0, S185, St33, St33-1, St33-2
FranceA33, S185
England15HR, 15HS, Fe310-0, HR15, S185
European UnionS185
ItalyFe320, S185
SpainA310-0, S185
ChinaQ195, Q195-b, Q195-F, Q195-Z
BulgariaASt0, S185
HungaryFe310O, S185
Czech10000, 10004
  • Structural steel
  • Tool steel

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