How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands: break down point by point

A very fast and fairly compact tool, it can be incredibly useful for making straight and curved cuts. The appearance and functionality of the jigsaws sold are impressive, making one believe in the incredible complexity of the design of these devices. In fact, to recreate such a mechanism, it is enough to understand the principle of its operation, have instructions and the desire to do something with your own hands. It is not at all necessary to be an expert in technology with many years of experience (although this quality will not be superfluous). Next, we will conduct a detailed analysis of the average jigsaw model with drawings, and provide two detailed guides for making such a tool yourself.

Design and principle of operation

A standard DIY jigsaw machine includes a main table on which the cutting tool is placed.
An electric motor and a mechanism that transmits rotation from the motor shaft are usually attached under the table. The tension unit is located either at the top or bottom of the machine. In many models, it is possible to cut workpieces at different angles. This may be necessary in the case of bevel cutting. Markings are often applied to the rotating mechanism. This creates some comfort at work. The maximum possible cut depends on the size of the table. Typically this parameter is 30–40 cm. By design, jigsaw machines are divided into:

  • Having a lower support.
  • Devices with double support.
  • Saws with suspension.
  • With stops and degree scale.
  • Universal devices.

The most common saws are those with a lower support. In this case, the base frame has two parts: lower and upper. On the top there is a cutting and cleaning unit. At the bottom there is an electric motor, control and switching, and a transmission mechanism. This design allows you to cut parts of almost unlimited size.

The upper part of the double support bed contains an additional rail. Installation of such a device is simpler than units with a lower support. The double support allows processing of oversized workpieces. Both options allow you to cut workpieces no more than 8 cm thick

Suspension-mounted jigsaws do not have a frame. As a result, they are very mobile, and the material remains motionless during cutting. Only the cutting unit moves. The working module is most often attached to the ceiling; accordingly, the dimensions of the material are not limited in any way. Hanging saws allow you to cut very intricate and complex shapes.

For ultra-precise work according to diagrams and drawings, machines with a degree scale and stops were invented. The mechanism of their work is to perform actions without errors and errors.

Universal jigsaws can perform several tasks besides cutting. This is drilling, grinding, polishing.

Typically, one of the main parameters of a tool is the power indicator. The higher the power, the more capabilities the mechanism has. But when it comes to a household band jigsaw, this is only partly true. An electric motor with a power of about 150 watts is quite sufficient.

Much more important for a homemade stationary jigsaw is the crank part. A unit that converts engine rotation into reciprocating movement of the belt.

The oscillation frequency of an ordinary household jigsaw is up to a thousand movements per minute. The amplitude is from 3 to 5 cm. For materials of different densities and hardness, speed adjustment is provided. In most cases, the length of the blade reaches 35 cm. With this length of the saw, it is possible to cut workpieces 10 cm thick. The width of the saws ranges from ultra-fine (2 mm wide) to coarse (up to 10 mm wide).

When assembling a plywood sawing machine yourself, you need to pay special attention to the correct tension of the cutting element. The canvas should be smooth, without helical distortions, sufficiently taut, but without unnecessary

The tape should not “ring” from tension. For this purpose, systems of helical and leaf springs have been developed.

In industrial designs, an air flow from an air pump is sometimes used to automatically remove sawdust during cutting.

Design and characteristics of a standard machine

A factory-made jigsaw is a reliable device, the operation of which is guaranteed by the manufacturer. Manual models are low cost. Stationary devices are expensive, but provide proper comfort when processing wood. The set of components in the device is largely the same for everyone.

The design consists of the following parts:

  • Files.
  • Crank assembly.
  • Drive.
  • Devices for tensioning the file.
  • Work table or bed.
  • Additionally, auxiliary mechanisms may be present.

The part to be processed is placed on the work table. The size of the workpiece depends on its dimensions. Some models have a rotary table, which makes working with the part easier and improves visibility. The presence of graduations makes it easier to mark the material.

Average characteristics of factory machines:

  • The table size ranges from 30 to 40 cm. This is the optimal size.
  • The drive has a power of about 150 W. This is an achievable value for a homemade device.
  • The rotational motion is converted into reciprocating motion by the crank mechanism. Then the force is transferred to the saw.
  • The file has an oscillation frequency of 800 to 1 thousand per minute. The vertical amplitude of movement usually does not exceed 5 cm. Some models have adjustment of the speed of movement, which allows you to adapt to the properties of the material.
  • A manual band jigsaw allows you to work with plastic and wood no more than 10 cm in thickness. The length of the parts should not exceed 35 cm.
  • There are many types of saws, which vary depending on the material being processed. The width of the file ranges from 2 to 10 mm.
  • The uniform operation of the file is ensured by its tension mechanism. It consists of coil or leaf springs.

Models for specialized purposes may have radically different characteristics. There are small size specifications for processing small parts. As well as models of large sizes, the industry also produces them for retail sale. But such options will be very expensive.

In the middle class there is high competition for consumers, so the devices will be cheaper. The characteristics are also tailored to the typical tasks of a carpenter. Based on them, you need to make drawings of a jigsaw machine with your own hands. Complex components for it are purchased in the store.

Homemade jigsaw from hand tools

Home woodworking enthusiasts often look for information on how to make a jigsaw with their own hands without any special skills. You can use a ready-made manual jigsaw as a base. The mechanism does not require careful modification. The factory manual device is a drive. But the crank mechanism will have to be developed independently. Manufacturers are trying to offer consumers platforms for quick remodeling, but personal needs can only be satisfied with their product.

Assembly order:

  1. A support table is made. A sheet of metal is taken as a material and a hole is made in it. The shape is oblong, 3-4 times wider than the saw blade. Holes for fasteners are made nearby.
  2. The factory device is fixed at the bottom of the support table. Holes for fasteners are made next to the hole for the saw blade. Countersunk head screws are used as fasteners. This is necessary in order to ensure a perfectly flat plane of the table. Otherwise, the processed products will cling to the caps of the wines, which will cause inconvenience in work.
  3. The structure is fixed on a wooden table.

The advantage of creating a jigsaw machine with your own hands is that the factory tool can be disconnected at any time. When necessary, you have an ordinary manual jigsaw in your hands. Therefore, it is better to purchase a manual version of the tool that can be used on a homemade machine - it’s cheaper. Stationary devices are expensive.

Comfortable work with wooden products can be ensured by installing guide rails on a homemade support table. Additionally, markings are applied to the table, which makes it easier to measure distances on parts during processing.

Step-by-step instruction

To create a jigsaw with your own hands, you don’t need to have superpowers:

  • We make a work table that will serve as a support. For this you need a sheet of wood or metal. Lay the size of the base, which will be approximately four times the size of the saw;
  • At the bottom of the support we attach the factory device. Cap screws can be used for fastening;
  • The structure is mounted on a table.

The trick is that a manual jigsaw is cheaper, but it’s more convenient to work with it on a stand. This will avoid unevenness and shifts when working with the material.

A do-it-yourself jigsaw is a real help for single people who have no one to hold part of the element being cut.

Main characteristics of a jigsaw

Remember that any option must comply with the established parameters:

  • The optimal size of a work surface or table should be between 30 and 40 centimeters. The smaller size is not convenient for processing parts, the larger one represents industrial designs;
  • The drive power is equal to 150 Watts. This is the most real value that can belong to a structure made at home;
  • The rotational force imparted to the saw is transmitted using a special mechanism. It has a complex name - crank mechanism. Its main task is to change the rotation into a special reciprocating motion;
  • The file has a certain vibration limit of one minute. This figure should be between 800 and one thousand movements per minute;
  • Jigsaw files have a number of features. The file also has a limit on vertical movement - it should not exceed five centimeters;
  • Most models have a speed control function, this allows you to perform work more efficiently and adapt to the different technical qualities of the material with which you interact;
  • A jigsaw has a limit on the parameters of the material with which it works. So a manual jigsaw should work with plastic and wood, whose parameters do not exceed ten centimeters in thickness, and the length of the product is not more than thirty-five centimeters;
  • Each material (be it plastic or wood) has its own saw. The width of the saw on average can vary from two to ten millimeters;
  • Smooth operation is ensured by the tension mechanism.


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While studying all the features of jigsaws, remember that there are exceptions to the rules. These are industrial designs and variants intended for small-sized figurative work. Most often, their first difference is their high cost.

What does a jigsaw consist of?

All variations have the same configuration, and, therefore, a single set of components and what is worth remembering when deciding to make a jigsaw:

  • File;
  • Tire-connecting rod type assembly;
  • Drive unit;
  • A special device that allows you to tighten the files;
  • Working surface or bed;
  • Additional mechanisms (optional).

Modernization process

A manual jigsaw as the main device for a machine has disadvantages. The main problem is the file - it is too wide in manual models. Because of this, fine woodwork is difficult to perform with it - the curvature of the lines is limited.

The previous design is simple and does not have additional parts that make working with wood easier. The direction of modernization is the possibility of replacing the file with a thin one.

Options for improving the design:

  1. Build a rocker. The structure will be tensioned by springs on one side. The second side of the rocker is fixed to the file.
  2. Secure the file between two rollers. They serve as guides for the thin file.
  3. A stationary factory device is used as a drive for a system of two rocker arms. A file is pulled between the latter. The movement is transmitted from the factory device to the lower beam of the saw.

When buying or making it yourself, you have to choose a design based on personal preferences and the desire to tinker with technology. Using guide rollers is a less popular option - its reliability is poor.

Modernization by installing rocker arms is common. It is better that the factory device only serves as a drive for the jigsaw file. To do this, you need to turn off the pendulum stroke in the tool.

How to improve the design?

Of course, a manual jigsaw is not perfect, but it can be modified and brought to perfection.

  • A rocker is being made. This type of structure will be tensioned using springs on one side and secured to the file on the other.
  • We fasten the file between two rollers. Their function is to be guides.
  • We use a factory jigsaw as a drive. A file is pulled between it and the rocker.


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How to make a machine from a sewing machine?

A sewing machine makes an excellent jigsaw, which is equipped with a saw blade movement regulator. It is not difficult to do if you follow these instructions:

  1. The thread weaving mechanism is removed from the bottom of the machine. On some models it may be located in a different location.
  2. To dismantle this unit, you need to remove several bolts, then remove the cotter pin and drive shaft.
  3. The top protective panel is unscrewed. After this, the groove along which the sewing needle moves must be expanded to suit the parameters of the file.
  4. The cutting element itself is also slightly modified. It is trimmed according to the length of the sewing needle.
  5. It is not necessary to make an adapter to install the cutting element. Instead, you can grind down the upper incisors a little and process the lower zone of the blade.
  6. The file is inserted into the needle holder and work begins.

All presented options for manufacturing jigsaw machines are very successful. The resulting units are distinguished by high labor productivity, and making them is not at all difficult. Depending on their skills, each master will be able to choose the best model of homemade equipment.

How to make your own installation

The desire to create a homemade jigsaw may arise for several reasons:

  1. There is no power supply in the workshop, but it is possible to use low-power internal combustion engines.
  2. There are pneumatic motors, but the compressor power is not enough for a serial tool.
  3. The electric motor is powered by batteries or solar panels; the power of the source is not enough to use a power tool.
  4. It is required to obtain saw motion parameters that are unattainable using a commercial tool.

Designing a jigsaw is not difficult. A typical structure looks like this:

The installation is easy to adapt to any torque source. A pair of pulleys (one is located on the engine shaft, the other drives the crank mechanism) allows you to vary the gear ratio, reducing the load on the power unit and allowing you to get the required speed (they are also responsible for the number of saw strokes per minute) on the actuator.

A machine built according to the above scheme can have a very different configuration; the material of manufacture is also selected individually. An example of a finished installation looks like this:

Parts for electric jigsaw

When assembling an electric jigsaw, it is important to find a suitable motor that will drive the working tool - the saw. A motor from a drill, blender, food processor or other equipment of the same type is perfect for this purpose. It is better to make the jigsaw frame from aluminum pipe

It is better to make the jigsaw frame from aluminum pipe.

The movable frame is made of metal profiles, wooden slats or slats made of durable plastic. It is most convenient to work with aluminum tubes of square section, since they are easy to process, have low weight and a significant margin of safety.

To fix the jigsaw in the desired position, you should make a reliable frame for it from wood or metal. The dimensions of the frame do not have much impact on the operation of the jigsaw. They depend only on which version of the tool you need - a compact tabletop or a full-size one installed on the floor.

The jigsaw table is made from a thick sheet of plywood, in which a small diameter hole is made where the file will move (Fig. 2).

There is also a simpler option on how to make a homemade jigsaw. It consists in the fact that a hand-held electric jigsaw is mounted in a vertical position on a table-stand, while its file is tensioned to the movable guide bars - levers.

Files for a jigsaw

Files are different. It all depends on what purposes the device will be used for. Files are:

  • pin ones have pins at the top and bottom, they are wider (the canvas is 2 mm in size). You won’t be able to make a beautiful pattern with this saw; it’s intended for regular cutting.
  • pinless ones do not have pins, the length of the blade is from 0.6 to 1.35 mm, i.e. they are thin. But with the help of such a file, the patterns will be beautiful, high-quality, and you will be able to make even the smallest cut.

Since there are teeth on the base of the file, you need to understand what types of teeth there are and for what purposes each is used:

  1. standard (the teeth are the same, the cut is high-quality, neat, designed for slow, medium speed work);
  2. with a missing tooth (necessary for faster cutting, such teeth do not allow the saw to heat up quickly);
  3. double (the speed slows down compared to the previous type, but the saw works longer, because the tool heats up more slowly);
  4. with reverse tooth (wood is cut in the opposite direction, which reduces the number of chips);
  5. American tooth (designed for accurate sawing, ensuring a clean cut, without chips or damage);
  6. spiral saws (designed for neat carvings, also convenient to use because there is no need to turn the product, the teeth are on both sides).

Files used

The saw blade is the main working element of the machine, with the help of which the process of sawing workpieces occurs. Their design is radically different from the files mounted on manual electric jigsaws. They have a thinner and more flexible thread-like structure.

Externally, such files are similar to the blades used on manual jigsaws, but they have one difference - special slots are installed on the flat ends for more convenient fixation in the cams of the machine.

In addition, they are classified according to the shape of the teeth. Depending on this they distinguish:

  • standard;
  • blades with missing teeth;
  • files with double teeth;
  • blades with reverse teeth;
  • spiral;
  • saw blades with crown teeth.

Each of them performs its own specific function and allows you to perform different types of cuts. The most commonly used blades are those with standard teeth.

How to make a jigsaw from a washing machine engine with your own hands

You can make a machine for the workshop not only from a manual jigsaw, but also from an engine from an old washing machine. The diagram looks like this:

  1. A frame for a jigsaw machine is welded from metal corners 20x20 mm. A tabletop of convenient sizes and shapes is cut out of laminated chipboard, and then holes for screws are drilled in both parts of the structure. An L-shaped lever is made from a profile pipe with a diameter of 20x20 mm, which will limit the movement of the saw, and it is welded to the frame.
  2. A box for the reciprocating mechanism is made from sheet steel by welding and a bushing is mounted into it for the movement of the stationary jigsaw rod. A crankshaft with an eccentric flywheel is made on a lathe. A mini-bearing is installed on the working part of the latter and the shaft is placed in the box.
  3. The finished mechanism is lubricated and covered with a lid, and then the box is screwed into the frame. The blade is clamped in the rod and a table made of chipboard is installed on top.
  4. An extension is machined onto the crankshaft, which will allow you to connect the working part of the jigsaw to the engine from the washing machine. The motor is screwed to the box, and an on and off button is installed on the surface of the lever on top.

Before use, it is advisable to screw the machine to the tabletop so that it does not vibrate. The design turns out to be quite convenient to use, although to change the files you have to dismantle the entire box.

What is the difference?

Each species has its own nuances and advantages over its neighbors. So options with a lower support are the most popular in everyday life. They are the vast majority. The lower frame has several functions at once - a controller, a motor, a main gear, and a button to turn the device on and off.

Models with two (upper and lower) have their own significant advantage. The top has a rail, which is additional to the design. It copes well with cutting small parts and point work. It is important to remember that for this type the thickness of the material during work cannot be more than eight centimeters.

Variations on the suspension do not fix the frame stably. But their advantage is mobility. In this case, the material being processed is fixed and does not move, and the jigsaw itself moves with the help of an attachment behind the master. This variation makes it possible to create very complex and subtle patterns.

The scale and stops are necessary for carpentry masters who work exclusively from drawings. Markings prevent inaccuracies.


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Tool selection

To choose a good machine suitable for solving specific problems, you need to pay attention to its power. The majority of models are equipped with an electric drive with a power of 90 to 500 W. For home use, the optimal power is 150-200 W

For home use, the optimal power is 150-200 W.

An important selection criterion is the presence of two operating speeds of the unit. In the standard version - 600 and 1000 rpm. This makes it possible to select the appropriate mode for working with materials of different densities.

The desktop can be fixed or rotating. Fixing the table at an angle allows you to cut material at specified angles other than 90°. There are also models that provide table height adjustment - this allows you to extend the service life of the file, since you can use different sections along its entire length for work, and not just the central part.

Manufacturers equip jigsaw machines with a variety of options, including:

  • a compressor to remove chips from the marking line with a stream of air;
  • drilling block;
  • illumination of the work area;
  • guarding the blade (will not allow your fingers to come into contact with the moving saw);
  • clamping device (prevents vibration of sheet material of small thickness).

Basic and additional functions

To make work easier, many models of jigsaw machines are equipped with a number of additional functions. Among them are:

  • speed adjustment . The most common function that allows you to set the required number of reciprocating movements of the jigsaw blade per minute. Thanks to its presence, you can get a fairly clean cut, depending on the type of workpiece being cut. There is a smooth and stepwise adjustment of the frequency of movement of the saw blade;
  • desktop tilt. Allows you to cut material at any angle relative to the horizontal plane. Professional models have the ability to adjust the desktop in several planes. For greater convenience, the mechanism is marked with graduations, allowing you to select the appropriate angle;

  • work area lighting. Allows spot illumination of the work site. Thanks to this, work can be completed faster and with better quality. In addition, the built-in backlight reduces eye fatigue when sawing;

  • dust extraction. An auxiliary function that allows you to instantly remove shavings and sawdust formed during sawing, thereby facilitating the work;

  • engraver. The presence of a flexible shaft with an engraver allows you to expand the functionality of the machine. It can be used to polish, drill or grind workpieces. The only drawback is the single drive system, which does not allow you to run the saw blade and the engraver at the same time.

An expanded set of functions makes the jigsaw machine more expensive and is only advisable for professional use.

General drawing, structural features of desktop jigsaw machines

The most common layout of jigsaw machines is as follows:

It includes:

  • a frame (or body) on which all components and mechanisms are mounted;
  • drive, often from an electric motor via a V-belt to a crank;
  • a crank mechanism that converts the rotational motion of the electric motor shaft into the reciprocating motion of the saw;
  • double rocker with tensioning device and attachments for saw blades;
  • desktop, sometimes with a mechanism for rotating in the horizontal plane at a given angle.

Previously, miniature jigsaw machines with a somewhat simplified design were on sale, but it was precisely because of this, which led to the rapid failure of the files due to their short stroke, that their production was discontinued.

Most currently produced desktop jigsaw machines work with files 200–350 mm long and have a working stroke of 30 to 50 mm.

The differences between the machines mainly consist in the power of the electric drive (from 90 to 500 W for most models), as well as the type and methods of attaching the files. The optimal power, in our opinion, is 150 W.

And files, in addition to length, can vary in width (from 2 to 10 mm), type of shanks (with or without pins) and thickness (from 0.6 to 1.25 mm).

Some models can be equipped with the simplest, often called “Soviet”, saw blades for manual jigsaws, which is a big advantage. To realize just this opportunity, owners of jigsaw machines that do not have it often improve the fastenings of their devices by installing clamps from a manual jigsaw on them.

Most desktop jigsaw machines have 2 speed modes: most often 600 and 1000 rpm, which is very useful when working with materials of different thickness, hardness and viscosity. The presence of the already mentioned rotary table is a useless function for 99% of the work performed on the machine.

Also, most jigsaw machines are equipped with additional accessories, such as:

  • compressor for blowing chips from the cutting line;
  • lighting of the sawing area;
  • drilling block, etc.

These devices cannot be called useless, but it is still not worth relying on their presence when choosing a tabletop jigsaw machine, since these same functions can be successfully performed by:

  • a compressor for an aquarium, with a blowing power selected by you, often more efficient than the standard one;
  • a table lamp or carrier with a light output that is comfortable for your eyes;
  • electric drill or screwdriver.

Even more complex devices, such as engraving drills, which can be equipped with your machine, generally cause some bewilderment, but let’s say right away that it is better to have such tools not tied to a jigsaw (or any other) machine. Their mobility is often more expensive than the advanced functionality of this very machine. In addition, all this is far from free.


There are a number of main characteristics that affect the cutting speed and ease of working with a jigsaw. The main ones are:

  • power . It is the main parameter affecting the performance of the machine. The higher the power of the electric motor, the thicker and harder workpieces can be cut with its help. The average power of such machines is 90 W;
  • depth of cut . A parameter indicating the maximum permissible thickness of the workpiece being cut. As a rule, this indicator is limited by the design features of the machine and is 50 mm. Expensive professional models have the ability to adjust the sawing depth;
  • number of moves . Directly affects the speed and cleanliness of the cut. The more reciprocating movements the blade makes, the cleaner the cut is formed. On household machines this figure is 1500 strokes per minute;
  • desktop dimensions . Has a direct impact on the ease of use of the machine. The average table size is 0.35 x 0.25 m. This is quite enough for cutting out small parts at home. For professional use, it is recommended to purchase a jigsaw with a larger table.

Before purchasing a stationary jigsaw, first of all, you need to decide on the scope of work that it will perform. Based on this, you can select the optimal combination of parameters.

Inexpensive machines with high accuracy

To independently study the intricacies of working on a jigsaw and carrying out minor household work, pay attention to the most affordable models. None of the errors here are critical.

Everything is adjusted, tightened, strengthened. In the process of preparing and servicing the machine, invaluable experience is gained. In this category, the main thing is to strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and pay careful attention to preparing the first operational start-up.

Caliber LEN-90 – from 3,400 rubles.

After tightening the fasteners and adjusting the saw tension, the problem of noticeable vibration does not go away. Rigidly fixing the frame to the table surface will not help either. By the time a novice user decides to look for the problem, digging deeper, the play of the axial bushings becomes stronger and all the purchased files break. The issue with bushings is resolved by replacing them with bearings. You can save on pin files by replacing both pin fasteners with purchased or homemade units for fixing straight files. Moreover, the products cut out at this stage, after manual processing, take on a quite decent appearance. Technical characteristics of the machine Caliber LEN-85

Maximum workpiece thickness, mm.40
Blade movement frequency, movements/min.1 450
Processed materialsSoftwoods
Weight, kg.12
Power, W90
Homeland of the brand/country of manufactureRussia/China

BISON ZSL-90 – from 4,398 rubles.

Machine vibration interferes with precision tasks. Tightening loose fasteners and placing damping elements under the connections does not give the expected effect. But a rattling stamped table cannot be the cause of vibration, so you should look at the motor mount and drive elements. Theoretically, I accept the possibility of assembling a machine with beating shafts and pulleys, but in practice I have only encountered incorrect fixation of the flywheel. Loosen the fastening screw, set the flywheel without tension, and tighten the screw back. 98 times out of 100, adjusting the position will eliminate vibration from your new machine. The remaining 2% is due to manufacturing defects in drive parts, which are corrected as part of the warranty. Technical characteristics of the ZUBR ZSL-90 machine

Maximum workpiece thickness, mm.50
Blade movement frequency, movements/min.1 450
Processed materialsSolid wood and plywood, plastic, thin aluminum
Weight, kg.14.7
Power, W90
Homeland of the brand/country of manufactureRussia/China

Review of the machine from the 220 Volt store:

Kraton WMSS-11-02 – from 6,272 rubles.

All the advantages of an inexpensive machine are spoiled by the need to use pin files. The solution is to install homemade screw holders for direct consumables, but in this case the user will lose the factory warranty. I propose a compromise: drill a three-millimeter hole in two threaded rods of a suitable size - insert the ends of a regular file into them and tighten them with nuts. If you have one pair of pins, it will take you a minute to change the file. Operating efficiency is maintained and instructions are not violated. Technical characteristics of the Kraton WMSS-11-02 machine

Maximum workpiece thickness, mm.50
Blade movement frequency, movements/min.1 400
Processed materialsSolid wood and wood derivatives
Weight, kg.17
Power, W85
Homeland of the brand/country of manufactureRussia/Southeast Asian countries

In the following video, the author uses this machine to cut out a decorative trinket:

Dremel Moto-Saw (MS20-1/5) – from RUB 6,403.

The negative aspects of owning a Moto-Saw are the high cost of special consumables and the inability to repair the tool yourself. In fact, the minus points turn out to be advantages, for example, the design of the pins on the blade marked S50 allows for side cutting. This removes restrictions on the length of the workpiece being processed. The design of the machine contains no components that may require custom settings and maintenance. I admit that the shrill sound of the working tool will disturb someone, but the high speed of the saw makes it possible to put up with this feature. Dremel Moto-Saw (MS20-1/5) Specifications

Maximum workpiece thickness, mm.18
Blade movement frequency, movements/min.1 500 — 2 250
Processed materialsWood, PVC, soft metals
Weight, kg.1.1
Power, W70
Homeland of the brand/country of manufactureUSA/China

The author of the video shares his impressions of purchasing this device:

Review of the most popular models

There is a huge selection of stationary jigsaw machines on the domestic tool market, each of which differs in power, depth of cut, set of additional functions and, of course, cost.

It is sometimes difficult for an unprepared person to choose a model that fully meets his requirements. To make this task easier, we have prepared a review of the 3 most popular models presented today.


Stationary jigsaw machine of household class. Used for cutting wood products, fiberboard, chipboard and plastic. The body is made from high quality structural steel, powder coated to protect against corrosion. Small dimensions and weight allow it to be used in confined spaces.

Design features allow the use of saw blades with and without pins. The convenient location of the web tension regulator on the frame allows you to quickly tension it. In addition, the designers provided the possibility of fixing the saw blade in several planes, which greatly facilitates the process of cutting workpieces.

For greater convenience, the machine is equipped with a smooth adjustment of the number of saw blade strokes and a system for cleaning the surface from sawing waste.


  • manufacturer – Jet;
  • model – JSS-16;
  • The homeland of the brand is the USA;
  • country of origin – China;
  • class - household;
  • maximum cutting depth, mm – 50;
  • power consumption, kW – 0.09;
  • saw blade length, mm – 127;
  • saw stroke frequency, stroke/min – 1600;
  • maximum workpiece width, mm – 406;
  • dimensions, mm – 680x340x385;
  • warranty, months – 12;
  • weight, kg – 13;
  • price, in rubles – 16,500.
universal saw blade mountnot detected during operation
desk tilt adjustment
good performance

Dremel Moto-Saw (MS20-1/5)

Universal electric jigsaw. Designed for figure cutting of wood blanks and its components. The metal body, coated with powder paint, ensures durability of use. The uniqueness of the tool lies in its small size and the possibility of its use as a stationary machine and as a hand tool.

The light weight and dimensions allow the machine to be conveniently placed on any workbench. The surface of the work table is equipped with graduations for more precise cutting of workpieces. Additional convenience is created thanks to the function of quick replacement and tension of the saw blade.

Main technical characteristics:

  • manufacturer – Dremel Moto-Saw;
  • model – MS20-1/5;
  • The homeland of the brand is the USA;
  • country of origin – Taiwan;
  • class - household;
  • maximum cutting depth, mm – 18;
  • power consumption, kW – 0.07;
  • saw blade length, mm – 100;
  • saw stroke frequency, stroke/min – 2250;
  • dimensions, mm – 470x370x130;
  • warranty, months – 12;
  • weight, kg – 4.6;
  • price, in rubles – 9,999.
small dimensions and weightsmall cutting width
possibility to use the machine as a hand tool
special cutting precision


Household grade desktop jigsaw. Designed for artistic sawing and trimming of wood and plastic workpieces. The body is made of structural steel and coated with powder paint to protect against corrosion and mechanical damage.

Low noise and power consumption combined with good performance make it an optimal choice for home use.

The work table of the machine is made of polished aluminum. This ensures durability and low friction, making the job easier. In addition, it is equipped with the ability to change the angle of inclination.

The height-adjustable transparent protective cover ensures safe work. The flexible pipe of the working surface cleaning system allows you to improve the quality of cutting the material.

Model specifications:

  • manufacturer - ZUBR;
  • model – ZSL-90;
  • The homeland of the brand is Russia;
  • country of origin – China;
  • class - household;
  • maximum cutting depth, mm – 50;
  • power consumption, kW – 0.09;
  • saw blade length, mm – 133;
  • saw stroke frequency, stroke/min – 1450;
  • maximum workpiece width, mm – 410;
  • dimensions, mm – 580x280x340;
  • warranty, months – 12;
  • weight, kg – 13.77;
  • price, in rubles – 11,170.
good performancelack of adjustment of the saw blade stroke
ease of setup and operation
Possibility of quickly changing the saw blade

A stationary jigsaw is a necessary tool for people who are interested in artistic sawing. In addition, it helps to quickly and efficiently cut boards and products made of plastic and wood. We hope that after reading the article, everyone will be able to choose a jigsaw with the parameters they need or make it themselves. Write in the comments if you have a stationary jigsaw and what parameters you used when choosing it. Your experience will be useful to other readers.

General information

But in some cases, using a hand tool to perform work is extremely difficult or even inconvenient - poor visibility of the cut line will interfere, it becomes necessary to hold the workpiece with both hands, and so on. But the main problem with a manual jigsaw will be that the file moves to the side, and this is especially evident when cutting materials with a large thickness, as well as a small radius of curvature. In this case, a sawing machine made from a jigsaw will not be superfluous; it is not difficult to make with your own hands and even a novice master can cope with this task.

Area of ​​application of the machine and principle of operation

The main structural elements can be called:

  • Frame with a tensioned file.
  • A crank mechanism that will provide reciprocating motion of the frame.
  • Stand and work table.

An electric jigsaw can successfully replace the crank mechanism and set the frame with the saw in motion. There are even simpler designs in which the electric jigsaw will simply be attached upside down to the work table, and the file will either hold its position during operation due to its own elasticity, or will be fixed on top by means of guides/spring-loaded bracket that moves with them at work. This will make it possible to reduce power loss during movement on the frame, but it will require the use of an elongated type of saw, which is not very often found on sale.


The main advantage of a jigsaw-type machine will be the ability to perform precise cuts, as well as no deviation of the file to the side.

Moreover, the advantages of jigsaw machines over hand tools are:

  • More effective control (visual) of the accuracy and direction of the cut.
  • Possibility of using guide elements.
  • It becomes possible to install special templates, which will make it possible to obtain many identical blanks.
  • A narrower file is used, which makes it possible to reduce the radius of curvature and cut out parts of a more complex configuration.

Along with this advantage there will be one more thing - the need to organize a workplace for sawing will disappear, because the machine will be located on a plane appropriate for this.

Basic design and drawings

To make a sawing machine from a jigsaw for wood, you will need a drawing. There are ready-made platforms that make it possible to quickly turn a hand tool into a full-fledged machine tool. But they are usually designed for electric jigsaws from certain manufacturers, and will not fit all other devices. Moreover, the cost of such platforms is often much higher than the cost of the tool.

For this reason, it will be much easier to make the machine yourself. The basis for such a machine will be a desktop. It was experimentally established that tables made of sheet metal were able to demonstrate the greatest efficiency - they are durable, and also provide excellent installation accuracy; frequent replacement and reduction of the working length of the saw blade are not required. The electric jigsaw is attached to the table through holes to the support plane, and if necessary, it will be easy to detach it and use it in the standard way.

The work table must be installed on the bed. It can be made of natural wood, chipboard or other materials. The main requirement will be strength, ease of access to the electric jigsaw and a size convenient for the master, or rather height. A rocker arm should be installed at the end of the table, to which the second end of the saw blade with a tension device will be attached.

There are two options for tensioner designs:

  1. A rigid rocker arm and a spring-type block at the end with a movable saw blade fastening unit.
  2. A movable rocker arm, which has a spring at the opposite end and a rigid unit for attaching saw material.

Both the first and second options are popular, have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice is usually made in favor of the option that is simpler and technically accessible.

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A tabletop jigsaw is an indispensable item for any owner who is used to doing household work on his own. Electric jigsaws are especially good for residents of the private sector, lovers of manual labor and country holidays. The desktop electric model has gone quite far from its prototype, an ordinary manual jigsaw. A desktop jigsaw makes it easier and faster to cut, not to mention improving quality.

Concept of a tabletop jigsaw

A jigsaw is a saw, which is characterized by reciprocating movements of the saw blade, which acts as a working body. It has a ski designed to guide the saw blade when moving along the surface that is being processed, and makes movements at a frequency of up to 3000 vibrations per minute.

This instrument was invented in 1946. Its creator is Albert Kaufman, who replaced the needle in a sewing machine with a blade. The instrument went on sale already in 1947. A manual jigsaw has a body with a flat platform and a handle. The main difference between an electric jigsaw and a manual one is its greater functionality and cutting quality.

Inside there is an electric motor and a special mechanism that drives the blade. In stationary jigsaws there is no handle, and the platform is located on top. At the front of the mechanism there is a guide, at the bottom there is a retractable blade that moves and makes cuts.

The tool works as follows: a tabletop jigsaw file is securely secured with clamps in the slide. The reciprocating movements have a frequency of up to 3000 strokes and can be adjusted. The support platform allows the jigsaw to focus on the part being cut, so the work is carried out very accurately.

The purpose of a desktop jigsaw

A jigsaw is an integral part of every workshop and every hobbyist. Its thin file can successfully cut plywood, copper, iron, thick boards, brass, and steel. The tools come with motor, foot or hand drive and are more productive. An electric jigsaw is simply indispensable for carpenters, wood workers, furniture decorators, and drywall workers who produce complex parts.

An electric jigsaw can make straight and curved cuts on workpieces with complex shapes and various sheet materials without disturbing the external contour. Most often, tabletop jigsaws are used for cutting wood and wooden boards, figures with complex outlines made of laminate and plasterboard, plastic blanks, and also for cutting sheet metal.

The benchtop electric jigsaw makes clean cuts in complex shapes and works on small parts. Due to the stable and fixed position during operation, high cutting accuracy is achieved. The file has a stable motion thanks to the tension system and guides, which manual jigsaws lack. The large size of the table makes it stable, so the precise sawing direction is maintained.

Types of jigsaws

Today, the power tool market offers a wide variety of jigsaws, which differ in the nature of their application, technical characteristics, type of power supply and design features. In construction stores you can buy a tabletop jigsaw for every taste and budget.

It is difficult to classify by design features, because each manufacturing company strives to provide its products with features that are designed to facilitate and improve the operation of the tool. In this regard, the shape of the handle is a significant parameter.

There are two established types of handles: mushroom-shaped and D-shaped. A jigsaw with a staple handle requires one-handed operation. This increases the possibilities of using a jigsaw, but has a somewhat negative effect on the quality of cutting the material.

Mushroom-shaped handles allow for more accurate cuts when holding the jigsaw with both hands, having previously secured the workpiece to be cut. The choice of a jigsaw with a specific handle shape depends on the financial capabilities and personal preferences of the buyer. You should choose the jigsaw that will be more convenient to work with.

Household jigsaws are not intended for intensive use, but the low price of a desktop jigsaw and the power that is sufficient for household needs make them indispensable in the household.

Professional jigsaws are characterized by high wear resistance and the possibility of daily long-term (up to 8 hours) use. The significant power of such jigsaws allows processing of materials of large thickness. Expanded equipment and improved characteristics are reflected in the price.

Among professional jigsaws, industrial jigsaws also stand out, which are characterized by greater adaptability to complex operations and drive features - for example, increased power supply voltage. Industrial models are machines that are designed for the woodworking industry.

Depending on the type of power supply, there are mains and cordless jigsaws. Network models are powered from a power supply network with standard voltage. If productivity is important to you, then you should choose a corded power tool.

Cordless jigsaws provide independence from the presence of sockets and greater mobility during operation. When purchasing a battery model, you should pay attention to the type of battery. Increased performance characteristics are inherent in lithium-ion batteries. The battery capacity is responsible for the duration of operation without recharging.

Advantages of desktop jigsaws

A tabletop electric jigsaw is a stationary design, so this type of cutting tool has many advantages. Modern models can work with wooden materials with a thickness of 40-50 millimeters. The working body is a narrow saw, which makes vertical translational and reciprocal movements. Due to the peculiarities of the notching of the teeth and the mechanics of the movements of the saw, the material is cut out by moving upward.

A tabletop jigsaw allows you to cut out complex decorative parts, make longitudinal, straight, inclined and transverse cuts. The wide tabletop allows you to process large parts and make cuts inside wide workpieces. Reliable fastening protects the housing from unnecessary vibrations and allows the material to be well positioned, so the motor can operate without overload.

The advantages of desktop jigsaws include good accuracy and clarity of cuts, high safety and ease of use, wide customization options depending on the material and the required detail of the cut workpieces.

If you need to cut small parts, a manual jigsaw will not be very convenient. It is quite heavy, so you will have to hold it with one hand and guide the workpiece with the other. A table jigsaw does not have this drawback. Perhaps the inconveniences are the large size and the difficulty of working with large parts.

A tabletop jigsaw is a kind of mini-machine for cutting workpieces. If you purchase a jigsaw in a store, most likely it will provide the ability to select power and adjust the frequency of saw strokes. However, you can make a simple homemade tabletop jigsaw, and very quickly. You will need a hand jigsaw, a few screws, a small piece of plywood and just an hour of work.

Making a tabletop jigsaw

A carefully made jigsaw will be little inferior to one made in a factory, and in some respects even superior to it. Assembling such a jigsaw is not difficult if you have the necessary materials. Next, we describe a simple scheme for such manipulations.

The design of the jigsaw includes the following components: handle, switch button, insulating washer, power cord, frame, heating filament, screw clamp and earring. First you need to make a frame. You will need a duralumin pipe with an outer diameter of up to twelve millimeters.

You can also use textolite with a thickness of at least ten millimeters or thick plywood for the base. But keep in mind that the lighter the frame, the more convenient the jigsaw will be to use. Be sure to provide a channel so that you can lay the power cord later. The best frame shape is one with one side tilted at 45 degrees.

Next you need to make an earring. It is made of copper sheet one millimeter thick. After this, it is attached with screws to the frame where it connects to the handle. This way the screw, wing nut and shackle will form a clamp in which the heating filament can be secured. The thickness of the duralumin sheet should be up to 0.8 millimeters. It is necessary to make pressing cheeks from it, between which there is a switch button.

After this, you need to cut a gap in the plywood that the saw can fit through. It can be done using a drill. To do this, you need to drill holes along the marking line and smooth out the transitions. Instead of plywood, you can use plastic, metal, plexiglass and others. Next, you place and drill mounting holes on the plywood and jigsaw base plate.

Then you need to secure the jigsaw with screws to the plywood base so that the file can fit through the gap. You attach the structure to the table using a clamp so that the file is pointing upward. You can also secure the platform in any way possible. The jigsaw file remains a regular one, but the possibilities for good cutting are expanded by freeing up your hands.

You can use a nichrome spiral from any household heating device (iron, for example) as a heating filament. It must be secured with tension between the ends of the frame bends. In order for the thread to heat up, you need to apply a tension of about 14 V. To control the operating mode, you can use a rheostat.

The current is determined by the thickness and length of the nichrome thread. Using a rheostat, you can set the optimal current strength (no more than 3-5 A), which will affect the temperature to which the filament is heated. Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the current strength. But keep in mind that if the force is too high, the material being cut out may be caught in the flame, but if it is insufficient, it will not be taken. A self-made desktop jigsaw will allow you to cut shapes with complex contours from various types of materials.

Rules for using a desktop jigsaw

When working with a table jigsaw, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. When cutting, do not press too hard on the tool, otherwise the needle will break at best, or you will ruin the work at worst.
  2. Replace saw blades from time to time. An old saw can damage and destroy the surface of the material.
  3. If you work with organic glass and non-ferrous alloys, the surface of the product must be moistened with water. This operation will speed up the process and extend the life of the saw.
  4. If you are cutting a surface with a thickness of less than one millimeter, place a sheet of wood or plywood under the material being processed.
  5. Before cutting, it is necessary to secure the material. It is better not to make long cuts by hand; the line may turn out to be crooked.
  6. To cut different materials, appropriate blades are required, with a special pitch and length.
  7. Rotate the tool by turning only the back of the tool.
  8. When cutting laminate, tape is applied to the cut line, which protects the material from chipping.
  9. If there is a need for curved cuts, set the jigsaw pendulum to minimum.

If you have not yet fully understood how to make a tabletop jigsaw, watch a video about this procedure. This tool allows you to cut complex parts from wood and other materials, make longitudinal, inclined, straight and transverse cuts. Using a jigsaw, you can process large parts, wide workpieces and small products, which is not superfluous at home.

How to make a jigsaw machine with your own hands?

We will not dwell on the manufacture of simple machines: you can easily find this kind of manuals with video support on the Internet. Let's talk about homemade jigsaw machines.

Do-it-yourself machine assembly.

Here is the sequence of work for their manufacture:

We make the frame from plywood sheet or plastic. The main thing is that the thickness is at least 12 mm. The function of the bed is a foundation, a working surface and a place for fixing mechanisms and an electric motor.

We place a special rocking chair with an eccentric on the opposite side. We connect them using a metal strip with bearings. All fastenings in the structure are screw.

We install the intermediate shaft. To do this, you need to prepare two bearings, place the pulley on the shaft as tightly as possible, then carefully secure it with screws. Similar actions are performed with the eccentric.

On a rocking chair, the range of motion should change. To do this, you need to change the mounting location of the screw, for which we drill exactly four threaded holes on the eccentric flange. The holes must be located at different distances from the axis. With a change in the mounting location of the screw, the amplitude of the rocker will change.

We make a rocking chair: these are nothing more than wooden rocker arms, into whose rear ends the screws that you made in the previous paragraph are inserted, these are tension screws. The rocker arms themselves are attached to the rack with hinges. We fix a file on the front ends of the rocker arms

The previous and current stages must be performed with special attention and care. The fact is that fastening the file is a fundamentally important thing

Rocker arms with plates are subject to constant loads during movement due to their rigid connection with screws.

The rocking chair requires a stand. It will be better if it is made from a whole piece of material. We make a groove for the first rocker arm on the top of the rack. At the lower end we place a special rectangular opening for the second rocker arm.

Your machine is ready. We wish you great ideas and their high-quality implementation.

Device classification

Basically, the classification of jigsaws consists only of the purpose of the tool, so based on this, jigsaws are:

  1. household - designed to perform small and low-cost work. Machines of this type can have a power of only up to 500 W and run for half an hour, this will be quite enough.
  2. Professional sawing machines are necessary for work that requires a lot of labor. The power of such a stationary jigsaw is much greater, 700-1500 W, it can be used for 3 hours without a break. It is intended specifically for permanent professional activities.
  3. The production unit is much larger than previous types; it performs work in the production sector, so the duration increases to 20 hours.

The device can also be classified depending on the cutting material. This is what determines the type of device, as well as the saw used for cutting.


Depending on the power of the electric motor, the depth of cut, the number of strokes of the saw blade and the time of continuous operation, the following types of stationary jigsaw machines are distinguished:

  • household . The simplest machines, equipped with a minimum set of additional functions. Suitable for artistic cutting with a jigsaw and cutting wooden blanks up to 50 mm thick. The power of their electric motors, as a rule, does not exceed 90 W, and the number of saw blade strokes is up to 1500;
  • professional _ Such machines are designed to work with workpieces of large thickness and size. They have the widest range of additional functions for more accurate and faster cutting of workpieces. As a rule, they can work continuously throughout the day.
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