How to make sawhorses for firewood with your own hands: materials, manufacturing and assembly process, photos of finished products

Which man has never in his life been faced with the need to saw wood into logs in order to then chop firewood? It’s one thing if this is a one-time job, in nature, for a fire, where swinging a hatchet in unsuitable conditions is good for health.

It's another matter if this task needs to be performed with sufficient regularity. Since ancient times, a device called goats was used to cut logs into firewood.

From a technical point of view, there is nothing complicated about it, and making sawhorses for sawing wood with your own hands is a piece of cake. But before you start making this particular trestle design, it’s worth considering your options.


Making goats is quite simple, but for this you need suitable material, which may be suitable:

  • wooden beams or poles. Wooden sawhorses for firewood are the easiest to make, but they are not resistant to high humidity and can quickly fail, this largely depends on the type of wood and storage conditions. They deserve a great advantage because they are very economical in financial terms;
  • metal. Structures made from this type of material are highly reliable and can last forever if rye is not allowed to appear. You can even use metal elements that are only suitable for scrapping.


Due to the fact that firewood is usually collected only for winter, it is possible to design folding trestles that do not clutter up the space. Or a similar machine will be suitable for harvesting lumber on site. For installation of this model the following materials are taken:

  1. One metal pipe a meter and a half long;
  2. Four wooden beams or boards 5 cm wide;
  3. Wood drill bit;
  4. Leg fastener-limiter - chain, cable, belts.

Four similar bars or boards are marked for drilling; the diameter for this is chosen to be a couple of mm smaller than the diameter of the tube. Through holes are drilled. The boards are connected in pairs so that the angle of the finished open trestle is 360-440 degrees. The resulting design allows the legs to be compactly placed in one plane.


Despite the fact that the design of this product does not cause any particular difficulties, the work must be carried out sequentially:

  • Initially, draw up a drawing of sawhorses for sawing wood with notes on certain nuances and dimensions of each part.
  • It is necessary to correctly calculate the geometry of the device, taking into account the comfortable state when working on the trestles.

Taking into account every, even minor, manufacturing step, you can end up with a stable, reliable and convenient machine for work that can be installed anywhere in your garden.

Making a goat for sawing logs with a two-handed saw on your own

The height of the sawhorse is of great importance for the convenience of sawing logs with a two-handed saw. It’s not for nothing that such a saw is called “friendship,” hinting both at the most famous chainsaw in our country and at the friendly joint work of two sawmills.

It is recognized that the optimal height of the trestle with this method of sawing is 0.9-1.1 m. At such a height, when it is not necessary to bend and squat significantly, the muscles of the back and legs do not become overstrained and do not hurt the next day.

If the height of the goat is abnormal, the work of collecting firewood turns into an unattractive activity, and the back and knee joints of workers are subjected to excessive stress and cause pathological changes in them.

Tools and hardware

Before starting to manufacture a device for sawing wood and metal elements, you may need:

  • nails;
  • self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws;
  • hacksaw (for metal or wood);
  • drill (for drilling metal for fastening);
  • roulette;
  • chalk or something for marking;
  • hammer;
  • axe;

Depending on the type of construction, you may need something else in addition; this must be taken into account before starting work, so as not to be distracted from the process later.

Wooden trestles for the garden

These goats are made quite simply, and they literally look like a stool.

  1. You will need a wooden beam and some kind of shield. The latter can be made from boards or thick sheet material can be used for it - the same old doors, a piece of thick OSB or chipboard, or plywood, and so on.
  2. First, we make a preparation. We take a beam, cut off four identical legs and eight jumpers with a length equal to the dimensions of the future goat. Four of them are equal to the width of the goat, and the other four are equal to its length.
  3. Now we assemble the structure and first of all we connect a pair of legs of any of the jumpers (as a rule, we start from the long sides). The legs are connected by jumpers at the top and bottom - this way they will not move apart during operation. You need to make two such blanks.
  4. Next, we connect these two blanks to each other using short jumpers.
    The principle is the same - two jumpers are placed on each side of the almost formed base of the goat. One at the top, the other at the bottom. Do-it-yourself construction goats photo

Basically, that's it. We can say that the homemade construction trestles are ready, and all that remains to be done before they are fully manufactured is to lay them on the manufactured base - the shield. Like everything else, it should be securely secured with nails or screws.


When assembling a structure, it is important to take into account the proportionality of the machine parameters, which depend on:

  • the height and physical build of a working person,
  • device dimensions,
  • reliability of goats;
  • features of the material being processed (boards, logs, metal, etc.).

The duration of the work depends on each nuance.


You need to know exactly what the goats are needed for in order to avoid alterations or even replacements. Each device has its own characteristics.

For hand sawing

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in such a job as making simple sawhorses for sawing firewood, but this is not so, even the methods of manual sawing are different:

The simplest design is sawhorses for sawing wood:

  1. .A two-handed saw requires the special skill of two people, so when making sawhorses you need to take into account the dimensions that will be comfortable for a potential partner;
  2. A one-handed saw with large teeth or a bow type. A similar machine is suitable for such work, you just need to take into account the risk of clamping the hacksaw blade.

To work with metal elements, it is advisable to equip the sawhorses with teeth, this will ensure reliable fixation of the material being processed for better fixation. Recently, they began to be equipped with screw stops with position adjustment.

For sawing with chain saws

To speed up and facilitate work, we use modern technology that works:

  • from the power supply network;
  • on combustible fuel.

Such tools will especially come in handy when the amount of work is large.

Simple machines may not be suitable for working with such tools, as there is a risk of injury and tool failure. On such sawhorses, it is possible to saw only parts of the material that extend (hang) outside the machine, otherwise the device itself can be damaged and the desired cutting cannot be obtained.

Therefore, to improve the quality of work, we invented suitable devices. It, of course, has changed a lot in both weight and shape, but has retained its name.

The device is made heavier, stronger, and more stable; for this purpose, some additional changes are made to the design, including:

  • horns for fixation;
  • slopes for stability;
  • foot rests, etc.

The dimensions and design of such sawhorses must be made based on the length of the firebox, the length of the bar and the power of the saw. Also, for convenience, the machine can be built:

  • with the ability to quickly disassemble, which will facilitate and speed up the removal of scraps;
  • with the presence of transverse supports that create a gap between the material and the goats themselves;
  • with fixation of lumber in the cutting area and a stop template, which does not allow the possibility of clamping the chain; in addition, the workpieces can be made of the required size, down to the very minimum; this factor is very important when you have a stove with a small-sized firebox.

With user-friendly design

The most successful design of a machine for blanks, which is easy to make with your own hands, is wooden goats. They just need to be made so that the material is laid with the same overhang on both sides for balance, and sawing is done along their middle.

The resulting trimmings are again placed on the sawhorses for cutting to the desired size. This device prevents the saw from jamming due to the small width between the machine stops at the cutting site.

Simple option

For cutting thick logs one at a time with a chain saw, the most popular design is a sawhorse with the material secured at the rear. Such devices, in addition to cruciform options, are most commonly used in production.

Such devices are very simple in design; even a person who is able to hold the necessary tool in his hands can build them. The main thing is to ensure that the dimensions of the supporting part are commensurate with the size and weight of the material being cut.

This machine can be of any shape, or it can be completely replaced with stops alone.

Any homemade or industrial goat is an indispensable device for working on a personal plot. The main thing is to make or purchase it in a design that will be convenient for the person working on it.

Do-it-yourself sawhorses for sawing wood - how to make a device for sawing with a chainsaw

Preparation of firewood for the winter is familiar to almost every rural resident and land owner. And of course, for convenient sawing of firewood you need a special tool called a sawhorse. Surely many have seen photos of sawhorses for firewood in magazines or on the Internet. This is not a complicated device that you can build with your own hands, and besides, it should certainly be in the household. With their help, it is convenient to process wood, wooden blocks or metal profiles.

Solving the question of what to make a goat out of at the dacha is quite easy. Indeed, to make this simple traditional design, it is enough to use the following materials:

  • a wooden beam of a regular shape. Assembling a device from this material is simple, but it is susceptible to high humidity.
  • wooden posts of medium diameter, which are used to build fences. This method is financially economical, but do not count on its reliability.
  • metal strips that will ensure the reliability of the structure and will serve for many years.
  • various items sent for scrap.

Although the sawmill for sawing wood has a simple design, it is essentially a machine. Therefore, in the process of its manufacture it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • it is necessary to have a plan (drawing) of the future structure with step-by-step instructions and calculation of the dimensions of all parts.
  • It is important to correctly calculate the inclination of the supporting elements for ease of use.

By observing these nuances, you will get a reliable, stable and comfortable-to-use trestle design. In addition, due to its mobility, it can be installed anywhere.

When assembling, the main thing to consider is the size of the equipment, which depends on:

  • human height,
  • parameters of the future device,
  • strength and size of the wood requiring processing.

Depending on this, the length of working time spent will be determined.

A device with a height of 90-110 cm is considered a win-win option. As a result, the person working behind it will not have to lean forward too much, and the hands will not get too tired due to the horizontal position.

There will be minimal stress on the spine, and the work process will become much easier.

When cutting wood using a two-handed saw, a stable support for the second hand is required. This should be taken care of in advance when assembling the device.

It is possible to make a stop from wood that can be installed in any desired place.

Chainsaw sawhorses must have a strong surface and room for free positioning of the wood for cutting, in order to avoid the chainsaw itself becoming jammed while cutting the blade.

An ordinary hand saw is most often used for preparing medium-sized firewood, so the goat will fit standard dimensions and is not difficult to build with your own hands, having in stock:

  • wooden beam with a cross-section of 10x10 cm and a length of 1 to 1.2 m.
  • beam with a cross-section of 5x5 cm and a length of 1.0 m for installing the legs of the device in the amount of 4 pieces.
  • the same timber, but 36 cm long for making “horns” in the amount of 2 pieces.
  • 1 inch beams in the amount of 2 or 4 pieces for strengthening the legs.
  • self-tapping screws in the amount of 30-40 pcs. for fastening parts.
  • stain, paint or varnish to protect the sawhorses from rotting timbers.

You can also use any available material suitable for constructing goats.

For assembly you need to prepare the following tool:

  • hacksaw - for cutting and leveling the surface of the timber,
  • corner - to control the evenness of elements important for the stability of the structure,
  • graphite pencil for making the necessary marks,
  • screwdriver or screwdriver for tightening the fastener,
  • hammer,
  • chisel,
  • roulette,
  • paint brush (4-5 cm).

Once the necessary material and tools are prepared, you can proceed directly to assembling the device. First, it is worth processing the main beams. Apply markings for future cuts in the amount of 6 pieces on each side. In total there should be 12 grooves for the arrangement of legs and horns.

To securely fasten each of the grooves, a depth of 2.5 cm is sufficient. For tight fastening of the beams, the grooves need to be sawed 2-3 mm less than for the legs. After processing and installing the structure on the legs, you should proceed to the fastening device using self-tapping screws.

Be sure to install reinforcement parts to ensure reliable stability and strength of the device, as well as to ensure the safety of the operator.

Saw off the lower parts of the legs so as to install fastener reinforcement elements. The assembled structure must be coated with a protective agent in the form of stain.

Dry the product and successfully use it on the farm.

To make sawhorses for a two-handed saw and similar tools, care should be taken to ensure increased stability of the structure. A more powerful beam at least 100 mm thick and a metal tie will help ensure this.

The width of the racks at the bottom is wider than at the top. In addition, you can provide a wooden screed from an ordinary short board.

You can make the device mobile by building folding trestles. But this is a labor-intensive and financially expensive process. For this you will need: 4 strong small beams, a metal pipe 1-3 m long, a limiter, drills for wooden parts.

The assembly process is quite simple. You need to make beams from a board 50 mm thick. Make cut marks for the legs. Make holes for the pipe on each strip.

Place the base in them and install the legs.
Install a limiter so that they do not move apart. Metal sawhorses The most durable, stable and long-lasting option for sawing wood. To create it yourself you will need:

  • pipe (angle) with a diameter of 5.0 cm - 5 pieces, for the base,
  • wooden beam no more than 10 cm and section 50x59 mm,
  • grinder or hacksaw,
  • yardstick,
  • piece of chalk,
  • welding machine, bolts.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a sketch of the future device. After this, you can begin preparing the main beam, with marks for the installation of legs and horns.

Then the other necessary structural elements are prepared. To ensure mobility of the structure, the connecting units must be bolted so that they can be disassembled if necessary.

The connections of the stationary device can be welded using a welding machine. Finally, a beam is fixed to the base for the entire length of the structure to avoid contact between the saw and the metal.

Using our recommendations on how to make a sawhorse, you will create a stable structure, and cutting firewood on it will be a pleasure. You can also view ready-made sketches, photo and video materials on the Internet.

The finished product should be able to withstand significant weight, but it is important to store it in a dry area, avoiding humid climates or moisture.

Equally important is the correct use of sawhorses. You should not load too massive and heavy logs on it.

The folding design of the sawhorses is suitable for cutting firewood using a hand saw or chainsaw. This device is simply indispensable in the homestead for collecting firewood and stove logs to light the stove, barbecue or fireplace in the house.

Photo of sawhorses for firewood

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