Devices for assembling metal structures. Assembly of shells.

A welding jig is a device that greatly facilitates the process of welding bulky parts; it is a device for assembling and securing welded parts relative to each other, which are fixed in a certain position. A welding jig is a type of system that allows for volumetric fixation of parts for assembly and welding. A good conductor significantly increases productivity, facilitating the process of manufacturing products, and the quality of the resulting product increases.

The use of a welding jig in production has many other advantages, one of which is high welding accuracy, and in some industries this factor is especially important (for example, in transport engineering). During processing, the part is located either in the jig itself or under it. Another advantage of this device is the ability to process a part in several places at the same time.

To securely secure the workpiece, the jigs are equipped with welding jig clamps. These clamps are capable of holding an object in a “death grip” without being exposed to vibrations from the workpiece. At the same time, the clamps are not prone to deformation of the product being held, since the gripping force can be adjusted. Another advantage of using such auxiliary systems is safety, since securely fastened parts protect workers from injury.

In production, welding jigs are used together with welding robots, which perform welding work. The structure of the conductor is a rigid metal frame, which, in addition to clamps, is equipped with stops and clamps. Stops and clamps are needed to make it possible to adjust the jig to process a part of any configuration. Welding jig clamps come in both manual and mechanical types. From us you can purchase various equipment for welding work: a welding table, a welding jig, as well as clamps for a welding jig. – this is many years of experience in supplying only high-quality industrial equipment.


It’s annoying when, after carefully calibrating and installing the elements in the desired position, the structure assembled with such diligence falls apart at the touch of an electrode, and you need to assemble everything all over again. It’s even worse when the element is welded, but not in the required position - it has moved imperceptibly or deformed after the metal has cooled. Using universal and specialized welding fixtures helps save time and get a high-quality product at the end.

There are many different devices and mechanisms designed for welding. In industry, where they deal with serial and mass production, specialized mechanized and automated equipment is used - transport devices, mechanisms for laying and tilting products, technological assembly devices, etc. At home, as a rule, manual welding devices of universal action are used, allowing carry out quick assembly of the structure, securely fasten all elements in the desired position and achieve minimal deformation of the part.

Main types of assembly and welding fixtures

Installation accessories

. Installation fixtures are designed to install the part in the desired position - exactly in the position in which it will be in the finished product. Based on their functions and design, they are divided into stops, squares, prisms, and templates.

Stops are used to fix parts on base surfaces and can be permanent, removable or folding (retractable, rotary). Permanent stops, which are most often ordinary plates or bars, are welded or screwed to the base. Removable or folding stops are installed when their constant presence in the part is structurally unacceptable.

Squares are used to install parts at a certain (90°, 60°, 30°, 45°) angle to each other. Squares are easy to use, the edges of which are made rotating and allow you to set any necessary angle between them.

Prisms are used to fix cylindrical products in a certain position. The simplest design welded from corners can be successfully used as a prism. Templates are designed for installing elements of a welded structure in a given position in relation to other previously installed parts.

Fastening devices

. With the help of fastening welding fixtures, the parts, after being installed in the desired position, are firmly fixed in order to prevent their accidental shift or deformation after cooling. Fastening devices include clamps, clips, clamps, ties, and spacers.


- a universal tool used for almost any work with metal. For a welder, it is the first most important device, and if it is possible to do without it, then only at the cost of extreme inconvenience and to the detriment of productivity. Clamps for welding can have a variety of shapes and sizes, with a constant throat size and adjustable. Especially convenient are quick-release clamps, in which the clamping occurs using a cam mechanism. In general, it is advisable for a welder to have a set of a variety of clamps, since to assemble one structure, several of them may be needed - of different sizes and configurations.

What is a welding jig?

Reading time: 3 minutes

Welding in a workshop environment is very different from welding in a garage. If in the case of home welding you simply turn on the inverter and weld with piece electrodes, then in production not only special technologies are used, but also special devices. They are designed to simplify the welder’s work and speed up the work. Because often the profit of an enterprise depends on the quantity of products produced.

We will talk about one of these devices in this short article. We will talk about a welding jig, it is not an assembly jig or a welding jig. You will learn what this device is, why it is needed and how to use it.

general information

A welding jig (welding and assembly jig, assembly jig, assembly jig, welding jig, etc.) is a special device designed for fixing and pre-assembling metal structures with which you will work. With the help of an assembly jig, the parts are securely fixed in one place, it is convenient to weld them and monitor the progress of the work.

The name "welding jig" is colloquial. In professional circles and in stores, this device is called a “welding table-manipulator”. It is often used to fix the rotation of pipes, as well as other large parts. For example, metal beams.

Why are conductors needed? Firstly, they simplify the welder’s work. If he uses a rotating pipe jig, he can rotate the pipe in a given direction without changing its position and welding, in fact, stationary. Secondly, such devices are not just convenient, they also speed up welding work, ultimately increasing the profit of the enterprise. And thirdly, sometimes you simply cannot do without an assembly conductor. For example, in robotic welding.

Welding jig: what it is, where it is used, rules and methods of use

Welding work in a workshop is not like welding “on your knees” in a garage box. There, just like at home in the garden, the inverter and electrodes will go “into powder.” But in factory conditions the picture is completely different.

Special technologies and high-precision devices take welding to another level.

They ensure that the welder works in accordance with safety regulations, and the process itself proceeds faster. This is important where volume determines the employer's income. Let us characterize in more detail one of the welder’s silent assistants.

He is called a conductor, but does not cook himself. Helps ensure that welding goes without a hitch. How and what needs to be done to work without flaws?

general characteristics

A welding conductor has many “pseudonyms”. It is simply called welding, welding-assembly, simply assembly. Or they say for assembly or welding. Using this device, the assembly of structures to be welded is fixed and outlined.

The assembly model fits together the parts of the future structure surprisingly firmly. Welding will take place without unnecessary inconvenience, and the process will be controlled.

Note that the device is colloquially called a welding jig. The price tag in a retail establishment will read “welding manipulator table.”

Professionals are also more likely to choose a nomenclature term. With this device, the rotation of pipes and large-sized structures is recorded.

Take the same metal beams. In general, it is, in its application, universal. In the retail chain you can see an assortment of conductors of different shapes and sizes. They can handle any type of configuration “from small to large.”

The difference between the devices themselves may lie in the principle on which they operate. Hence the different models. They can be in the form of not a kitchen table, but a table where a vice is located, providing mechanical fixation of structures for welding.

When presented with the full electromechanical version of the device, parts of the structures are easily moved where required. All types of conductors are united by one detail.

It is represented by a rigid metal frame. And all the other devices are mounted on it.


Conductors simplify the welder’s work process. They will allow you to easily cope with the need to rotate the pipe. It will direct you where you need it without moving from its place.

It's not just about ease of use. They intensify the welding process. Less time is spent, and more finished products are produced.

Profitable? Certainly! And sometimes, without an assembly conductor, “neither here nor there.” How to carry out, say, robotic welding work without it.

Rules of circulation

They are dictated by the conductor model. Basically everything is clear by default. Working with a manipulator at an ordinary stationary table will not be difficult.

We place the parts of the future structure as required, clamp them with a mechanical vice and get started! To work with conductors at a higher level, it is a good idea to read the attached design. From it you will learn the differences between your favorite model.

If the process is not automated, you will have to “flex your muscles” yourself to firmly connect the parts of the structure. Who else besides you, the performer, knows better how to position the surfaces to be welded.

In production with a high degree of automation, the human factor is almost minimized. The workshops there are equipped with the necessary equipment with high-tech processors.

True, in less advanced industries or in artisanal conditions, craftsmen were also not left alone with soulless metal. Manufacturers of welded equipment produce a considerable range of useful tools for them.

You can get hydraulic, pneumatic, electromagnetic, or even vacuum clamps. Then it will take very little effort to fix the parts of the future structure in the desired position.


However, few people are interested in installing an assembly jig in their garage or shed in their yard. The volume of work and scope of home craftsmen is not the same.

The manipulator table is already on a production scale. At home, it is more rational and cheaper to use smaller and simpler clamps, such as clamps.

Today there can be no serious production without welding jigs. Save labor costs and material consumption.

If you have experience in this matter, you can post your comments on our website. Work to you without defects!

Requirements for welding metal structures

The welding process in technological terms must provide the completed connections with the required geometric parameters, dimensions and high quality. The structure should be strong and durable, and the risk of deformation should be zero.

Welding of metal structures.

That is why the technology for welding metal structures must be implemented taking into account certain requirements, which will largely determine the quality of the created welds:

  1. If simple connections are created without using a jig, as well as when creating complex seams, before turning on this tool, it is important to leave a gap between the parts being fastened. Then, when the elements are displaced, the seam will not be damaged. But the gap dimensions must correspond to the permissible standard, otherwise the system will not be strong and durable.
  2. When welding critical metal structures, welders check strict compliance of the installed part with its location, according to the map. When the workpiece arrives on the slipway, it is worth preparing each of them for the final stage.
  3. All parts must strictly correspond in type and size to the parts of the future structure specified in the project. This will preserve the functionality of the product.
  4. When performing manual arc welding, it is important to apply the root layers of the seam with electrodes with a diameter not exceeding 3-4 mm.
  5. When strengthening, metal structures will need to be positioned so that stitches can be placed predominantly in the lower position. This is necessary to provide the welder with safe working conditions.
  6. It is important to take strict control of the corners of the metal structure, for which you should use special tools and a jig. All angles between planes must be right, if provided for by the design. Otherwise, parts will become distorted, which will lead to a violation of the integrity of the mechanism and loss of its functionality.
  7. The finished structure must have minimal shrinkage stresses and deformations, for which welding work must be carried out in a stable mode with deviations from the specified values ​​of current and arc voltage of no more than ±5%.

It is important to take into account the described recommendations already at the stage of assembling parts into an integral structure, and not just before performing welding work. Especially if the automatic mode is selected, in which it will not be possible to correct the mistakes made.

In general, it is this type of welding work that is considered the most acceptable, since when welding processes are automated, the influence of the human factor on the quality of the seams is reduced to zero.

It is also important to weld the process sample under conditions that completely coincide with the conditions for welding structures at the production site.

If you have to work with a welding machine at low air temperatures, it is worth welding the butt samples before starting operations at the negative temperature conditions provided for by the technological process. This will allow them to be further tested mechanically.

If it is necessary to carry out welding work on particularly critical metal structures made from new steel grades or using new welding consumables, the craftsman will need to make control samples in the same spatial position and with the same materials and equipment as when welding the assembled structures.

This will allow the welder to assess the situation from all sides before starting work and avoid mistakes during its implementation.

Classic technology for welding metal structures

Welding is a unique method of producing permanent metal joints, which opens up wide opportunities for people to reduce the labor intensity of creating and installing metal structures.

It allows the use of rational types of sections in metal structures, which leads to a reduction in metal consumption by several times, compared with the use of other technologies.

Today, welding work is carried out using different methods, but all of them were created based on knowledge of classical technology. It is simple and can be implemented both for domestic purposes and on an industrial scale.

Welding angles for metal structures.

If you manufacture welding metal structures using classical technology, you will need to use the following energy sources:

  • electric arc;
  • gas flame.

Both options involve three methods for making welds:


Does not imply human intervention in the process of welding work. The welding machine is adjusted to the current operating mode, taking into account the specific type of operation being performed, only once before starting work.

Therefore, it is important to understand the main purpose of purchasing welding equipment when choosing in a store. Using the automatic mode, you can use resistance and electroslag welding.


When using this method, welds are formed manually, and electrodes are fed automatically. This state of affairs allows you to increase productivity without compromising the quality of the metal products created.

For semi-automatic welding, you can use gas flux, infusible electrodes, and welding wire.


All actions using the manual arc welding method are carried out by the welder without the use of automated equipment: from controlling the supply of the electrode to forming the connection itself.

Often, in manual mode, ordinary submerged arc welding, electric arc welding or soldering with a gas welding device are used. This method is rational to use for domestic purposes, and not in large-scale production, because it is excessively expensive and characterized by low productivity.

Innovative welding technologies

Over time, the classical method of performing welding work was improved, experienced specialists developed innovative ways to connect metal parts into a single structure: welding using laser systems, ultrasound, thermal effect, etc.

Such innovative ideas can help the welder in his work, making some tasks easier and speeding up the entire process of assembling metal structures as a whole. For this reason, scientific development and research continues in this area today.

Methods of welding metal structures.

Also, the use of innovative technologies for performing welding work allows the welder to receive a number of advantages:

  • reduce metal warping rates;
  • increase the speed of work;
  • reduce the cost of cleaning the weld seam;
  • reduce costs for purchasing consumables;
  • make connections of thin sheet metal.

The following welding technologies are especially interesting from the point of view of productivity, quality of the resulting seams and cost-effectiveness:

  1. Electron beam welding is used when working with deep joints - up to 20 cm, but only under the condition of a certain ratio of the width of the seam and the immersion depth of the tool - 20:1. The seam formation process is carried out in a vacuum, so it is almost impossible to use this technology in everyday life. It is used in the field of narrow-profile industries.
  2. Thermite welding involves applying a special mixture to the joining contours of parts during the combustion process. The technology is used for critical structures made of finished metal, when it is necessary to eliminate an existing defect in the form of a crack or chip using metal surfacing.
  3. Plasma welding involves the use of ionized gas passing through electrodes with high welding characteristics and performing the function of an arc. The technology has wider application possibilities compared to the electronic type, as it allows the welder to cut and weld a metal structure with any width of metal.
  4. Orbital argon arc welding using a tungsten electrode is used to work with complex metal parts. For example, for fixed joints of pipes with a diameter of 20-1440 mm. During operation, activating flux is applied to 1 g/m of the seam. This makes it possible to solve a number of important technological problems: reduce the volume and weight of the weld pool by conducting operations with reduced current; due to the pressure of the arc on the liquid metal, the seam is of high quality in any spatial position; welding can be automated without cutting edges.
  5. Gentle welding technologies in Ar+CO2 and Ar+O2+CO2 shielding gas mixtures. When using this method of welding, better connections can be obtained when compared with welding in CO2. At the same time, the actual volume of consumables will be reduced by 20% due to a sharp reduction in the spattering of electrode material, and the transition to the welded parts of the metal structure will become smooth.

What devices help with welding?

When performing welding work, it is necessary to securely fasten the parts to be welded together and conveniently position them. Some types of welding can only be carried out in a certain position, and the welding joint must be positioned accordingly.

How to use?

The use of a conductor largely depends on the model of the device itself. But in most cases there is nothing complicated about this, everything is intuitive. If you are using a simple stationary jig table with mechanical clamps, then place the part on it and fix it in the desired position using the same clamps, stops or clamps.

If you use more technologically advanced conductors, then read the instructions for this model. Since each device may have its own nuances of use.

Rules of circulation

They are dictated by the conductor model. Basically everything is clear by default. Working with a manipulator at an ordinary stationary table will not be difficult.

We place the parts of the future structure as required, clamp them with a mechanical vice and get started! To work with conductors at a higher level, it is a good idea to read the attached design. From it you will learn the differences between your favorite model.

If the process is not automated, you will have to “flex your muscles” yourself to firmly connect the parts of the structure. Who else besides you, the performer, knows better how to position the surfaces to be welded.

In production with a high degree of automation, the human factor is almost minimized. The workshops there are equipped with the necessary equipment with high-tech processors.

True, in less advanced industries or in artisanal conditions, craftsmen were also not left alone with soulless metal. Manufacturers of welded equipment produce a considerable range of useful tools for them.

You can get hydraulic, pneumatic, electromagnetic, or even vacuum clamps. Then it will take very little effort to fix the parts of the future structure in the desired position.

Features of welding jigs

Welding jigs vary in size, shape and principle of operation. According to their functional purpose, they are divided into two types:

  1. Conductors intended only for assembling metal structures using welding tacks. As a rule, their basis is a metal table or plate with rigidly fixed stops, stops, clamps and clamps.
  2. Conductors for performing assembly and welding work. They combine the functions of a conductor and a tilter. Such models are most often rotatable and provide access to the structure to be welded from any side.

Design features of the jig for “SLOT-TABLE” frames

The jigs are universal in use and are suitable for assembly, manual welding and the 4500 model can be adapted for robotic welding. The jig for welding heavy frames can be equipped with an electric motor drive for vertical rotation with hidden rolling bearings in the guide profiles. Jigs for welding frames make it possible to quickly and accurately adjust the length and width of various frames and weld them from all sides. The corners of the frames are located on special equipment and are available for welding from the top and bottom sides. The front left clamping angle forms the 0-point of the X and Y axes. The left traverse is fixed and one or more traverses are moved using a double toothed belt drive. Digital counters can be used to set frame dimensions.

Application of clamping angles

Special clamping angles are used to connect, assemble and weld parts of frame structures at right angles. Spindle clamp fasteners are installed in close proximity to the weld being applied, so that certain irregularities within the weld can be carefully removed. The front left clamping angle forms the 0-point of the X and Y axes. The clamping angles (along the x- and y-axes) move in parallel and can be combined with a digital counter or distances can be measured manually using a tape measure.

Requirements for welding conductors

You can buy jigs for welding of any design and purpose from us. Such products must meet several requirements:

  • Ensure strong and precise fastening of parts.
  • Prevent their deformation when applying welding seams.
  • Have a convenient location of fixing and clamping elements.
  • Provide access to all parts of the metal structure for welding work.
  • Eliminate the possibility of incorrect assembly of metal structures.
  • Be easy to use.
  • Ensure the safety of assembly and welding work.

Technical characteristics of the conductor "SLOT-TABLE"

Conductor type4100420043004400
Frame size, m.3.0 x 1.53.0 x 1.53.0 x 2.03.0 x 2.5
Maximum load, kg50100100100
Vertical rotation range360°360°225°225°
Load Levelingpneumaticpneumaticpneumatic
Brake mechanismmanualmanualmanualmanual

If you follow the operating instructions for assembly and welding tables, the manufacturer guarantees the durability and high wear resistance of assembly and welding tables.

How to order welding conductors

You can order the production of welding jigs in one of the following ways:

  1. By email
  2. By phone or...
  3. Click on the “Cost Calculation” button.

You can order the production of welding jigs from us. We have many years of experience in manufacturing such metal products and offer the best products at an attractive price.

Jig for drilling holes

A hole drilling jig is equipment to facilitate the process of drilling parts and eliminate defects. It represents a kind of pattern along which the cutting tool moves. Such conductors are widely used on machine tools and are high-precision products. The hole drilling jig is used on various drilling equipment. We are ready to offer the production of jigs for drilling overhead and box-type holes, as well as combined options. The use of jigs for drilling holes allows you to reduce labor intensity and increase the speed of manufacturing parts. In addition, the use of jigs allows you to make holes in several places on the part at the same time.

Conductors are more often used in mass production. We offer production of various types of conductors. Call us, we are ready to offer the best conditions for cooperation.


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