How to organize a spray booth with your own hands?

Comments: no Published: 12/06/2016


Tags:Car door paintingPainting wheelsPainting booth

Painting cars yourself is a responsible procedure that requires compliance with a number of conditions. A specialized camera for painting a car with your own hands - this option is chosen by many car enthusiasts today. Purchasing such an object will not be cheap, so some people prefer to independently provide what a do-it-yourself paint booth requires - drawings, materials, assembly.

Painting a car in this way has a number of serious advantages over using a spray gun in your own garage. Due to the tightness, you don’t have to worry about foreign particles of dust and dirt getting onto the painted surface.

In addition, the design eliminates the occurrence of unwanted air turbulence, due to which the enamel will not adhere to the surface properly, causing streaks, pimples and other defects to form.

DIY car painting

Do-it-yourself painting is profitable, but you will have to work hard to build it. With a competent approach and a conscientious attitude to work, you will be able to build a car painting booth yourself, which will help you avoid serious financial expenses and organize everything to your liking. Below we will look at how to make a spray booth with your own hands, and what steps are needed for this.\

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Sandblasting chamber at home

First stage

Before you build a paint booth with your own hands, you should imagine what it will look like and prepare everything you need. Draw a project on paper that shows the future paint booth along with all its components to scale:

  • premises;
  • heat generator;
  • heat gun;
  • ventilation system.

These are the main points, each of which includes many smaller elements - doors, thermal insulation, lighting system, etc.

Spray booth room

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Do-it-yourself powder coating of rims

Heating system

Working temperature standards must be observed in order to obtain a high-quality result without putting the painter at risk of health problems. The following points can be noted regarding the heating system:

  • Conventional heating and electric heating elements will be sufficient for the winter period;
  • A heat gun will help warm up the room and ceiling areas;
  • A heat generator is only needed for large jobs, otherwise the expense is not justified.

Working temperature standards must be observed in order to obtain a high-quality result and not expose the painter to the risk of health problems.

Let's talk about the premises

Before you make a paint booth with your own hands, you look for a suitable room. This could be a metal garage or a large workshop - the main thing is that you have the space and the ability to equip everything accordingly.

A car painting booth must have walls that meet a number of requirements:

  • fire resistance;
  • tightness;
  • possibility of periodic washing;
  • presence of thermal insulation.

The last point is especially important if we are talking about a garage with steel walls - you will have to make them double and put a layer of basalt wool or other fire-resistant heat-insulating material.

The room must be sealed

Be sure to pay attention to the floor - it should allow air flow to circulate freely. For this purpose, make a covering in the form of a multilayer lattice - this way, normal air outlet and flow will be ensured from below.

Two doors are a mandatory fire safety requirement. They must be easy to open to allow immediate evacuation in the event of a fire, and sealed to prevent dust and foreign particles from entering the room.

The dimensions of the chamber must be sufficient so that the master does not have any obstacles to free movement during his work. A concrete or metal frame can be chosen as the base. An exhaust mechanism with filters and valves is installed under the floor surface. Consider the need for walkways to move around.

Paint booth with water curtain on doors

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Drying as one of the main stages of painting

Let's sum it up

There are many tips on how to make a camera for painting a car with your own hands. You can read incredible tips online about painting a car just outdoors using a can of some secret paint application technology. But rest assured that only a properly prepared box will be a truly effective way to renew or apply paintwork. No other option will work as efficiently and effectively.

You can often create good conditions for painting with your own hands right in your garage. But it is not always possible to complete all tasks with truly high quality. Therefore, you need to remember that a professional spray booth is the best solution. It’s no wonder that large companies spend a lot of money on creating and maintaining equipment in excellent condition. The cost of a paint booth depends on what your goals are. Sometimes you can make do with the means at hand and not spend extra money. But most often the costs will be quite large.

Lighting is important

In the process of painting cars with your own hands, one of the very important roles is played by room lighting. It needs to be bright enough, comfortable for the eyes, and not produce shadows or glare.

Practice shows that the most convenient option will be fluorescent fluorescent lamps - they are placed on the ceiling. To ensure sufficient visibility of the lower part of the machine, several oblong lighting sources are hung along the walls.

Fluorescent fluorescent lamps
An equally effective solution to the lighting problem will be lamps running on LEDs. This type of lighting is becoming increasingly popular due to a number of advantages that LEDs have over other options:

  • bright high-quality lighting;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • low operating temperature;
  • reliability;
  • durability

Today you can easily install LED lighting in a room - it will cost a little more, but the result is worth it.

Without providing high-quality lighting, you will not be able to fully control the painting process, which will negatively affect the final result of the work.

Proper lighting in the spray booth

See also:

How to make ventilation in the garage?

Requirements for a spray booth

There are certain requirements that should be taken into account to create a quality room for painting:

  • High-quality ventilation and air purification are created;
  • Adjustment of temperature indicators so that differences do not exceed 3 degrees during drying;
  • Good lighting to see all the flaws;
  • Compliance with safety rules.

It is important to make the room airtight; any breeze can greatly affect the temperature, which leads to the formation of defects.

It is important to make the room airtight.

Room ventilation, air purification and drying

A do-it-yourself paint shop is built taking into account all the requirements of painting technology and safety. Properly arranged air ventilation plays a key role here. It is responsible for purifying the air, as well as ensuring that paint mist is properly deposited and removed.

Depending on what principle is used in the room ventilation system, two types of chambers are distinguished:

  • with one motor;
  • with two motors.

In the first case, air is supplied to the room from above, and the fog settles down - the necessary pressure is applied to it. Finally it is discharged through an individual channel arranged for this purpose. In the second case, one of the motors pumps air, the second sucks it out, removing it from the chamber.

Spray booth ventilation

The design will require high-performance ceiling air filters to eliminate the possibility of foreign particles entering the painting area. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose air filters that operate in a two-phase mode - in the first phase, large types of contaminants are removed, in the second - small ones. It is important to take into account that it is necessary to clean both incoming and outgoing air flows. Filters installed at the bottom clog faster and will have to be replaced much more often.

The installation of filters should provide for the possibility of turbulence in the air flow with enamel particles - to do this, you need to correctly position them around the perimeter of the room and take into account the air pressure.

After painting, the car will need to be dried - a special device is installed for this. For drying, a heat generator is used, which operates on an advantageous type of fuel. Some people use infrared heaters for this purpose. The main requirement for drying is a uniform supply of heat to avoid overheating.

Supply and exhaust ventilation in the painting booth

See also:

How to make a compressor with your own hands

How much does a finished painting and drying booth cost?

Whether the game is worth the candle can be seen using the example of an ordinary inexpensive painting and drying booth, which you can easily buy and not think about anything. True, such a camera will not cost less than 1,200,000 rubles. But everything is included.

  1. The camera is actually collapsible and is made of sandwich panels. The size of the spray booth is 7x5.5x3 meters. The panels are painted with a polymer powder paint and coated on the inside with a special anti-reflective coating to minimize errors when painting the complex surfaces of a Jaguar XJ or multi-textured components when painting the carbon body of a Mazerati Quatroporte.
  2. The chamber equipment includes a generator group, which consists of a suction fan, an air recirculation system with a pneumatic damper, an air filter unit and a heat exchanger. The chamber is usually equipped with an imported gas burner.
  3. The camera has an automation system that switches the modes of painting the car body, namely: painting, blowing, heating-drying and cooling.
  4. The air filtration system consists of coarse and fine filters and a paint trap.

Some more useful information

In order to complete the interior decoration, use non-flammable materials - for example, metal. You should not choose an option such as lining, as the risk of fire increases. Depending on how correctly the finishing work is carried out, it will be possible to assess the degree of tightness, which is important to avoid the ingress of dust and foreign particles. Give preference to smooth, easy-to-clean surfaces - this will simplify the cleaning process.

Think about the premises where inventory, paints, professional equipment, safety equipment, and workwear will be stored.

The work of painting a car is simplified by the presence of automatic process control. This, of course, will affect the cost of the entire project, but, on the other hand, you will receive a number of invaluable advantages. The automatic control panel must have a panel made of durable, reliable material. It should be easy to use, ergonomic and comfortable. Consider the ability to quickly switch between manual and automatic modes.

Exhaust and ventilation system in the painting booth

The chamber helps to start the required air flow in the room, clean it of contaminants, and eliminate harmful substances present in the paint. Obtain the required temperatures for drying.

The chamber helps to start the required air flow in the room, clean it of contaminants, and eliminate harmful substances present in the paint.

Drying in a car painting chamber

Various heating elements are used to heat the air in the chamber. A rather convenient option is the use of electric heating elements. It will be more economical to use heat generators using diesel fuel, gas or waste oil. Modern thermogenerators have different power and performance, and are also able to regulate the temperature automatically.

A worthy alternative to drying a car with warm air is the use of infrared lamps. This equipment is easier to install and significantly speeds up the drying process.

Warm air must be supplied evenly into the car painting chamber to avoid local overheating, which can negatively affect the quality of painting. This is ensured by a system of air ducts above the ceiling, which have several exit points.

It is better to combine control of the air-cleaning and drying equipment of the paint booth using a common control panel. Located in a convenient place, such a remote control allows you to quickly select the optimal conditions inside the camera if necessary. In addition, it is possible to instantly turn off drying and ventilation in the event of a fire.

What tasks does she perform?

You need to paint your car not just in the garage, but in a specially prepared place. This means a special camera that ensures the following conditions and functions:

  1. Cleaning street air from dust, heated air, as well as paint residues and unpleasant odors.
  2. Car painting. Here it is important to understand that for work you will still need air, which is drawn into the room, heated to 20 degrees, and then drawn outside.
  3. Paint drying. Drying paintwork is a very long process that must be carried out under the most favorable conditions. To do this, you need to purify the air and supply it at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius.

The spray booth has a huge number of advantages, among which is the complete absence of dust, which interferes with normal painting . The design of the air inflows ensures normal air supply and completely cleans it. In addition, there should be no drafts in the chamber, which is achieved by a unique ceiling system. Of course, such a pleasure is very expensive, but if you want, you can build such a camera yourself, and also paint cars professionally.

Typical do-it-yourself car painting project

To make a spray booth yourself, you need to consider and study many components: the room, the principle of operation, as well as the materials needed to organize a universal paint booth. So, first we need to decide on the elements that we will need:

  • garage or other suitable premises for painting and drying (non-residential);
  • heat generator to create optimal temperature conditions;
  • heat gun;
  • powerful ventilation system.

This list is approximate, but in general, it describes all the main components that are involved in the process of creating a paint booth. The list can be expanded to gates, lamps, fans, control panels and more.

In fact, it all depends on the needs and capabilities of a particular person.

Reference! Homemade mini painting and drying booths in the garage can be successfully used not only for powder coating, painting cars and trucks, but also for painting furniture yourself.

The production of a painting and drying chamber can take more than one month. But it will turn out to be fully automated, and it will be possible to paint the car and dry it efficiently and quickly. Among the functional elements of cameras it is worth considering:

  • separate cabin for painting and drying;
  • supply-type ventilation with different cleaning filters;
  • heat pump and various automation;
  • installation of exhaust type ventilation with air filters.

The simplest frame painting project

A simple and economical do-it-yourself paint booth, in terms of the complexity of the work performed, is built as follows. First, you need to select a room for its equipment and prepare the tools and materials necessary for the work: boards for the frame, plastic film for covering it, a measuring tape and marker, a stationery blade and tape, a wood saw and hammer, a scraper and nails of different sizes.

Next, you can draw a drawing and mark the boards using a tape measure and marker. Then the boards are cut with a saw according to the markings. From the resulting wooden blanks it is necessary to make four boards along the width of the chamber (180 cm) and four boards along the depth of the chamber (150 cm long). After this, twenty centimeters each need to be cut from four boards 220 cm long for the slats (chamber height).

Next, the frame of the paint booth is constructed from the prepared boards. The base is made of two boards 150 cm long and two boards 180 cm long. Then you need to install four vertical boards 200 cm long and build a ceiling on top of the vertical boards of the same design as the base. Thus, we have the frame of a homemade camera, which needs to be sheathed.

Painting box project in garage

A more functional paint booth, in which you can obtain high-quality car painting, can be organized in the garage. To do this, the walls of the garage must be lined with plastic lining, LED lamps installed on the walls and ceiling. Next, an air intake, a heat gun, and additional heating elements should be installed under the ceiling.

Using air ducts, air is distributed from the heat gun to 6–8 heating elements (heating elements) located around the perimeter of the heat exchanger. The next stage of work is raising the floor and installing a grille, under which you can place floor filters, a fan-based hood and a heat generator (heating elements or burner).

After this, it is necessary to make an entrance gate to the working area of ​​the box. It is better to make the ventilation system external. To ensure the safety of homemade equipment, it is recommended to consider the following:

  1. Lighting devices, ventilation devices and other equipment in the spray booth must be explosion-proof.
  2. Heating elements must have a safety thermostat, and all electrical appliances must be grounded.
  3. The insulation for walls should be non-flammable (for example, mineral wool).;
  4. It is recommended to install local exhaust devices in areas of increased accumulation of vapors and particles of paint and varnish materials.
  5. The ventilation system must be designed so that the so-called. "dead zones".

Water curtain chambers

Such equipment is presented in several variations on the construction market. The choice is made taking into account the objects that will be painted in them. So there can be chambers without side walls and floor, with an active water floor and walls, etc. It is important to decide in advance what work will be performed in the chamber.

It is important to decide in advance what work will be performed in the chamber.

Some tips for beginners

Additional income can be obtained by renting out the camera to car services, which will be happy to use the service. You can also establish mutually beneficial relationships with them, when clients of one company receive a discount on services in another, etc.

You can provide separate services for straightening, puttying and polishing cars. The best advertisement is a job well done. You can place advertisements announcing the opening of an enterprise on social networks and on special forums. Leaflets posted around the city serve as a good warning.

By following all the requirements and recommendations, a novice entrepreneur can found a promising enterprise that will bring stable and fairly high profits for a long time.

Where to start construction?

Having decided to build a paint booth for body work, you need to immediately think about the expected amount of profit and drawing up a construction project. You also need to consider the camera's performance and the expected number of employees.

Usually, for the full operation of a car painting shop, at least 1 painter is needed, as well as several disassemblers and straighteners. The recruited personnel need to be trained in the latest painting technologies, and try to organize a mini-laboratory for selecting paints in the workshop.

As you can see, there is a lot of work, and in order to get completely confused, it is necessary to draw up a detailed design of the spray booth.

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