Float for pump - connection diagram in 2 simple steps

To ensure that the operation of electric pumps is not accompanied by a large number of errors, it is necessary to install a water level sensor. The device is able to control operation and also prevent dry operation. It is important to spend a lot of time choosing this product, because the durability and reliability of the product depends on the quality of workmanship. Therefore, the editors of the YaNashla website have prepared for you a rating of the best float switches for 2022.


Almost every pump is equipped with special devices that monitor correct operation and prevent malfunctions. One of the popular and effective means of control is a float switch. The main feature of the product is its functionality and practicality. It can work not as an actuator, but also as a water level sensor, and can be placed in any container.

One container can contain up to 3-4 float switches, and they will solve certain problems:

  • Monitor the correct operation of the main pump;
  • Turn off equipment in an emergency;
  • Contribute to the operation of the auxiliary pump;
  • Completely replace some sensors to save space.

With such a product, the pump will always be protected from “dry running”, which will prevent rapid wear and tear. Additionally, if a person is filling a large tank, the switch is able to monitor the water level and prevent overflow. The equipment is sold in two versions: heavy and light. The first is recommended for installation in drainage or rainwater drains, and the second is suitable for standard work with clean water. The cable length is different for everyone, the minimum value is 2 meters.

Float switches for pumps

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Design features of the device

The product is housed in a plastic case that is protected from water penetration. There is a lever and an electrical switch inside. Some designs are equipped with a steel ball. The main task of this element is to monitor and change position when the position of the device itself changes. The last element is a cable, which consists of three wires, where one is common (black), and the rest are connected to the contacts.

When the device is placed at the bottom of a container or reservoir, the connection is made through the black and blue wires. If the device is located at the top point, then the contacts will close brown and black. It is important to remember that all wires must have high-quality insulation; no cracks are allowed.

It is necessary to ensure that the supply cable has high moisture-proof properties; this is often indicated in the technical data sheet of the device. Tight sealing is achieved using a mechanical seal. The product is also equipped with a special element that prevents the occurrence of mechanical stress. To get rid of leaks, manufacturers add polymer resin; this does not make the sensor more expensive, but its safety increases significantly.

Cables made of thermoplastic rubber are able to withstand chemical and temperature exposure. For example, the device will function properly even in cases where it interacts with:

  • Alcohol;
  • Gasoline;
  • Organic acid;
  • Feces.

Due to the fact that the product does not have pores, no elements interfere with performance. Sand or paper does not remain on the surface, which has a positive effect on the buoyancy of the device.

The main characteristics of the float switch include the following parameters:

  • Current limit value;
  • Rated mains voltage;
  • Resistive load, these include starters, heating elements, light bulbs, etc. devices;
  • Reactive load. This takes into account the operation of the pump and compressor;
  • Minimum and maximum temperature values;
  • Protection class.

Features of making the right purchase

Before purchasing a float alarm, you should clearly define the scope and method of its use, as well as determine the necessary electrical characteristics, the dimensions of the device itself and the length of the wire. If the float is needed for drainage or water intake needs, then it will be quite possible to get by with a lightweight budget model. It has the necessary buoyancy, clearly responds to the level of input in the controlled container and immediately transmits a signal to other parts of the system involved in the process if any changes occur. But for drainage and fecal systems, special heavy and expensive modules will be needed (sometimes they are not even equipped with weights), because their design involves close interaction with an aggressive environment. It is worth noting that it is not worth purchasing them for clean water, because their output will be equal to light ones, but the price is orders of magnitude higher.

Some nuances of electrical characteristics

The voltage and current of the float unit must clearly correlate with the same parameters of the pumping equipment used. The voltage is usually 220 Volts, fluctuations in this indicator are permissible from 5 to 10 percent (in both directions). However, the current strength of the switch unit must exceed the limits required for the pump. Instructions for floats often indicate active/reactive load. Accordingly, when connecting it to a pump, this position must be taken into account according to the reactive indicator.

The operating temperature of float devices is quite high - so there is absolutely no need to worry about this. Another thing is the length of the outgoing connection cable - standardly it has a length of 2 to 10 meters. Devices with a short cable length are suitable for household containers of shallow depth, and long cables are useful for working in water utility tanks or deep wells or wells.

Advantages of the equipment

One of the main advantages of this device is the ability to function as a standard water level sensor. The product performs this function regardless of its main purpose. Thanks to this solution, it is easier for a person to use an electric pump, in addition, the product simplifies the control of some water supply systems.

The second feature of the device is the ability to function as part of the main equipment when constructing sewer systems. Due to its simple design and high efficiency, the product is in high demand in areas where it is necessary to constantly monitor the liquid level. This not only prevents the electric pump from running dry, but also prevents the water level from rising.

What is important to know about installation?

Depending on the intended purpose, the installation method may vary. However, before installing the device, you should know that operation is not allowed only when the rated current value is several times higher than the maximum. The parameter is indicated on the box and in the technical notes. device passport. The easiest way to place the switch is to place it in a tank. To do this, you need to equip it with a special weight and make sure that the design is designed for such use.

The sinker must be fixed to the cable; often this element is included in the kit, so there is no need to look for available materials. After fixing, you should calculate the free play; it is recommended to do this in a practical way, so the readings will be more accurate. Once the user has completed the calculations, it is necessary to install the cable on the outside of the container. The last point is connection to pumping equipment.

There is another method that is often used in the household - using a supply cable. This option is easy and does not require any calculations; the only thing to remember is that there should be no other sensors or elements inside the tank that the equipment can get caught on.

In some cases it is necessary to install multiple float switches. Each device is fixed on a special rod made of plastic and installed inside the container. Floats must not only be installed, but also be properly adjusted and well placed on the structure. The accuracy of the work depends on this. The wires that come from the switch body are fixed using ordinary clamps. The number of sensors directly depends on the number of installed pumps.

Classification of existing devices

Modern models of float switches are conventionally divided into two types: light and heavy. The first ones are used in pumping systems that carry out drainage or supply running clean water to the population for domestic purposes. The latter are used in the management of fecal pumping equipment and drainage systems.

IMPORTANT! A float switch should be purchased based on the future tasks of its use. Lightweight models attract buyers with a low price, but they are adapted to function only in clean water!!!

Heavy units are considered more universal - they work equally well in clean and polluted environments, but using them in running water is impractical due to their high cost.

How does the switch work?

Despite the clear design, devices may differ in their method of operation:

  • Device for water supply systems. This is the simplest and most common way to use the product. The principle of operation is simple: when the product is on the surface, the pump begins to pump water from the container. The sensor automatically sends an electrical signal to the water pumping equipment. The station switches off when the switch reaches the bottom.
  • The principle of operation in the sewer system. The electric fecal pump is turned on when the main control device rises to the surface. The auxiliary equipment begins to function when the sensor sinks to the bottom. It is important to know that one such float is capable of working with two pumping devices at once. At the same time, this does not affect the quality in any way; performance remains at the same level. In addition, the two-pump design is highly efficient because there is no problem with fluid delivery.

Functioning of float switches in various systems

The scope of application of the device in question is extremely wide. It is effectively used in standard water supply systems, where it quickly controls the emptying/filling of the storage tank, prevents equipment from idling, thereby extending its service life.

Functioning of a float switch in water supply complexes

The device, placed in the tank, floats to the surface when the tank is filled with water to the permissible (set) limit, and at the same time turns off the working pump, thus preventing the liquid from overflowing. If the liquid level drops, the float drops again to the required level, at which the pump is turned on to fill the container with water. In both cases, having reached the upper or lower limits, the float signals this to the automatic water supply station. Depending on its device, this fact can be recorded in the memory of the operator panel or the signal will go directly to the central dispatch console.

The filling/emptying process itself looks something like this: when a certain mark is reached and the corresponding signal is sent from the float device, an automated servo drive is activated, which opens (for filling) or closes (for overflowing) the valve or gate valve responsible for supplying liquid.

Contact with sewer and drainage

For fecal, drainage and sewage pumps, only the heavy type of float switches must be used. This is necessary because liquids of higher density pass through these pumps than running water. In general, the same principle of operation of the device is observed as for water supply systems, with the exception that one switch can be connected to two pumps. With such a scheme, the pumps will work in turn, or they will each perform their own function - one will pump out the accumulated liquid when filling the tank, and the second will supply liquid to the tank from an external system.

However, today Rosvodokanal specialists try not to use this scheme and prefer to use its own float switch for each pump. This is due to the fact that sometimes there may be differences in the volume and rate of entry/emptying of the tank, which leads to a distortion of the correct operation of the device.

Correct operation and maintenance

Compliance with basic recommendations for use ensures a long service life of each device. The switch does not require maintenance only when it is placed in water supply systems. But when the product operates in the sewer, it must be inspected and cleaned at least once a month. To do this, use a strong jet of water, which will instantly remove any contaminants that have formed. This is an important step as it prevents the float from sticking. If the device breaks down, it is better to buy a new one or replace it at a service center. Carrying out repairs yourself without special equipment is prohibited. Because the seal of the housing is broken.

The device operates properly at temperatures of 0...60 degrees. There are some manufacturers that produce designs that can withstand up to 70°, which allows you to expand the scope of application of the switches.

The length of the cable is important because it determines where the product will be used. If a person buys a 2-meter version, then it is recommended to use it only in small tanks. For wells and some storage tanks, you should purchase products with a wire length of 5-6 meters.

Rating of the best budget floats

Energy TSY-5

A high-quality option that is designed for automatic control of the water level in various containers. The model will also help to monitor the correct operation of the pumping device and turn it off if there is no liquid. The design is practically no different from the standard options. Maximum current – ​​16 A. Protection class – IP68. The approximate service life with proper use is 10 years.

Sold at price: 440 rubles.

float switch Energy TSY-5


  • Convenience;
  • Doesn't take up much space;
  • Efficiency;
  • Durability;
  • Dirt does not accumulate.


  • Wire length – 2 meters.


A universal device that can be installed for any purpose. The device has a durable plastic case and a long cable. The maximum load is 4 kW, while the rated current is 4 A. The tightness is at the highest level, so neither dust particles nor water will penetrate inside the product, which ensures high durability and trouble-free operation.

The average price is 440 rubles.

float switch WWQ FS


  • Low cost;
  • Durability;
  • Durable housing;
  • Easy installation.


  • Not found.


An excellent model that monitors the liquid level and allows you to turn off the pumping equipment in a timely manner. The weight of the structure is 100 grams, while the cable length is 3 meters, which is suitable for small tanks. Made from durable plastic that can withstand small mechanical loads.

The outer part is completely smooth, which eliminates the possibility of accumulation of solid elements. The weights are included and are installed in the standard way: using a special clamp. The dimensions of the device allow it to be placed in any container. The insulation is of high quality, no cracks were detected.

Sold at price: 580 rubles.

float switch KITLINE 11000


  • Strength;
  • Cable length – 3 meters;
  • Smooth surface;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Excellent insulation.


  • Not found.

The role of alarms in drainage pumps

A drainage pump with a float switch is widely used both in industry and in everyday life. Its scope of use is cleaning wells, removing dirty liquid, etc. In a drainage pump, the float is equipped with the function of turning the drive on and off automatically. The switch is lowered into the wastewater via an extended cable along with a pipe for collecting liquid. The vertical type drain pump kit includes a vertical float switch with the function of pumping liquid out of a confined space. Such a drainage pump can, for example, drain inactive pipelines.

Rating of switches of the middle valuable segment


A high-quality product from a German manufacturer that can function for ten years without requiring complex maintenance. Supplied in a plastic case that is well sealed and does not allow water and dust to pass through.

The maximum operating temperature is 60 degrees. Thanks to the high-quality material, the product can be used even when pumping gasoline, without the outer layer being destroyed.

The average price is 1,900 rubles.

float switch ]WATTS IGD


  • Durable housing;
  • Durability;
  • Easy to use;
  • Efficiency;
  • Switching angle – 95o.


  • Not found.

Marco AS2

A good product made in Italy, which has a high service life and reliability. The main advantage of the device is the ability to control a small water level (from 20 to 50 mm). This is not found in every design, which makes the product unique.

The body is smooth and has no irregularities, which allows it to be used in any system. The outer part is made of impact-resistant plastic, which is also a good solution. Operating current – ​​10 A.

Sold at price: 1,900 rubles.

float switch Marco AS2


  • Efficiency;
  • Durability;
  • Appearance;
  • Strength indicators;
  • Able to monitor low water levels;
  • Wide range of applications.


  • Not found.

Wilo WA 65

A quality product with a 5 meter cable that is suitable for installation in a variety of tanks. The insulation is performed at a high level, which prevents accidental breakage and depressurization. The body is made of durable material that can function at 55-60 degrees. The kit includes a special weight.

The average price is 2,000 rubles.

float switch Wilo WA 65


  • Length of cable;
  • Universal application;
  • Convenience;
  • Easy to clean;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.

Rating of premium models

Grundfos GIFAS-FS-E

An expensive and high-quality device that is suitable for sewer and water supply systems. The device is capable of operating simultaneously with two pumps. The case is made of durable material that can withstand temperature changes. Operating voltage is standard.

The average price is 3,500 rubles.

float switch Grundfos GIFAS-FS-E


  • Strength;
  • Length of cable;
  • Versatility;
  • Easy to use.


  • Not detected.

Pedrollo T80/10

A high-quality float switch that can function for a long period without deteriorating or becoming clogged. The design is standard, the product is a “frog float”. Electric switch. The body is connected to the sinker using a contact cable.

The average price is 3,600 rubles.

float switch Pedrollo T80/10


  • Durability;
  • Easy maintenance;
  • External execution;
  • Convenient weight;
  • Versatility.


  • Not found.

Wilo MS 1

An expensive product intended for professional use where precision is important. The body is made of polypropylene, which has good wear resistance and durability. The outer part is completely smooth, eliminating the chance of contamination. The insulating element is made of high quality.

Sold at price: 5,350 rubles.

float switch Wilo MS 1


  • Efficiency;
  • High service life;
  • High-quality insulation;
  • Cable length – 10 meters;
  • Universal execution;
  • 2-year warranty.


  • Not found.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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