Why are the lights "sparklers"? Origin of the name sparklers

Hello friends! The Chinese are believed to have first invented fireworks in the sixth century. Over time, the use of fireworks spread throughout the world and many new variations were created. Now it is impossible to imagine New Year, Independence Day, Guy Fawkes Night or other holidays without sparklers.

What are sparklers?

These are very inexpensive "pocket" fireworks, consisting of a long thin wire coated halfway with flammable substances that can be lit with a match or lighter. When the coating lights up, thousands of sparks fly out and spiral downward until the entire substance is burned. At the same time, we see a very brilliant light, but this spectacle does not last long.

Why don't sparklers burn your skin?

The material burns at a very high temperature, up to 1600 degrees Celsius, but due to the fact that all the particles are negligibly small to cause a burn to the skin, it is practically impossible to get injured if the fires are used carefully.

Although critical cases are not uncommon, this is mainly due to poor-quality production of fireworks or completely careless use.


Sparkler is a flammable compound (a mixture of chemicals) used in pyrotechnics.

The name is derived from the Indian province of Bengal, where a similar composition was first used for signaling.

A modern sparkler contains barium nitrate as an oxidizing agent, aluminum or magnesium powder as a fuel, dextrin or starch as an adhesive, and oxidized iron or steel filings to produce sparks.

Bengal candles.

Bengal candles are pieces of iron wire with a mixture of sparkler applied to one end.

A special feature of the Bengal candle is the spin mode of combustion - combustion occurs in a circle around the axis of the candle. The process occurs due to the higher thermal conductivity of the wire than that of the combustible material.

Sparklers. History of appearance.

The history of the creation of sparklers goes back to ancient India. It was in Bengal, as historians testify, in the 5th-6th centuries AD. e. During religious ceremonies in temples, a fire of unusual brightness flared up on the altars and quickly burned out. At the same time, depending on the wishes of the clergy and the type of ceremony, “it smelled of evil” (probably the composition contained sulfur powder, which when burned forms sulfur dioxide), or “blessed breath” was spread throughout the temple (probably in this case, instead of sulfur, rosin was used in the composition of the sparkler ).

The high effectiveness of the impact of sparkler fire during religious rites and rituals, in connection with the people’s deification of fire and light, stimulated the rapid development of the use of fiery compositions and the improvement of their formulations by clergy. By the beginning of the 8th century, the compositions of colored fire were already known - blue, green, yellow. Methods have emerged to lengthen the burning time. To do this, the sparkler composition was filled with hollow, dry plant stems and tubes twisted from dried, wide leaves. These first sparklers not only produced a bright flame, but their burning was also accompanied by a characteristic crackling sound.

In the folk traditions and everyday life of the Eastern Slavs, around the same years, “fire fun” took place, which was organized using a club moss. Moss moss or lycopodium, a creeping evergreen herbaceous plant that appears to be moss. Its mature dry spores, when ignited, produce an instant lightning-like flash without smoke. The flame of a moss is amazing and very fun to watch, especially when thrown at night or in the dark. To make a loud noise, add dried and powdered birch leaves.

It was in Europe (according to the Spanish researcher Bertrano Luengo - in Valencia) that Bengal torches and indoor compositions first appeared. The next stage on the way to today's Bengal candles, which are familiar to us, was the appearance of sparkling fire recipes in the 6-7 centuries. The effect was achieved by adding iron scale, crushed cast iron, and later magnesium powder to the flaming compositions of the sparkler.

Thus, the sparkler developed in two directions - as flaming and as sparkling. Flame compositions are usually packed in paper sleeves, sparkling ones are applied in several layers to wooden sticks or metal wire.

Russian pyrotechnician Professor Petrov recommended for making flaming sparklers “sleeves made of 3-turn writing paper, 20 mm in cross-section and 35 cm in length. They put 5 cm of clay into the sleeve and then fill it with the fiery composition of a sparkler on top, lightly tamping it down...” Such a candle burns out along with the sleeve, so it is not possible to hold it in your hands. However, these candles, fixed along the contour of the pattern, give a wonderful “fiery picture” due to their even, bright flame. If, when making a sleeve, we wind it on a wooden stick 5-7 cm in length, then we will get a flaming sparkler candle that is convenient to hold in our hands. These products have survived virtually unchanged to this day. The main manufacturers of such candles are China, India, and Japan.

The modern name of these products is triumphal candles. The products are practically smokeless and can be successfully used indoors. At the same time, both individual candles and combined table toys are produced. This is a tabletop figure made up of three or more candles placed in a stand and the upper part pulled together in a tense state. When the product is set on fire, the candles expand and form a multi-beam burning composition.

Bengal torches are quite popular, especially in Europe. The products are available in different colors (red, green, blue, white, yellow), different sizes (length from 20 cm to 100 cm), and for different purposes (outdoor and low-smoke indoor). Bengal torches were an indispensable attribute of all fireworks shows in the 18th and 19th centuries. They were used to set fire to products and in all situations where it was necessary to suddenly illuminate a large area of ​​the stage or decorations with colored light.

New Year's sparklers.

New Year's sparklers.

In Russia, sparklers have become a traditional New Year's treat! Sparkling sparklers decorate the celebration and delight adults and children!

Sparklers. Bengal candles. History of appearance.

Women's site: I-the-most-beautiful.rf (www.i-kiss.ru)

Author: Ivanov Alexander Vyacheslavovich

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Why are sparklers called sparklers?

The lights get their name from a region called Bengal. Now this region is divided between India and Bangladesh, but it was there that sparklers were first used.

Or rather, their initial use was not festive at all, but rather the opposite. The mixture was used to deter thieves as an alarm. It is not known for certain how this mixture caught fire, but it is a fact that it was used in this way.

New Year's paraphernalia

You can buy sparklers, as well as other New Year's goods, in the 4party online store. Here you will find:

  • firecrackers;
  • artificial snow;
  • ;

  • themed New Year's balls;
  • costumes for adults and children;
  • decorations for outfits;
  • themed accessories in 2022;
  • souvenirs;
  • garlands of different colors and shapes;
  • table serving items.
  • The online manager will help you select products individually to suit your wishes. Wide selection, reasonable prices, fast delivery. In Kyiv - by courier, in Ukraine - by Nova Poshta. Pickup is possible in the capital. If you don't like the product, you can return or exchange it within 14 days.

    Have a nice New Year!

    History or who invented sparklers?

    It is difficult to say when and by whom sparklers were invented. But it is very widely believed that Callinikos of Heliopolis, an architect who lived in 670 AD, is considered responsible.

    He created the first “hand-made” fireworks, called “Greek fire” and again not for idle purposes, as today, but for the mass destruction of enemies and their ships.

    One Greek monk noted in his chronology:

    “The architect Callinikos of Heliopolis in Syria fled to the Romans and invented sea fire, which set fire to the boats of the Arabs and completely burned them.”

    How it happened that now sparklers are used at all holidays is not known exactly, but they were conceived for a completely different purpose.

    Production of sparklers

    Sparklers are now mainly produced in China. The country annually produces hundreds of thousands of tons of various pyrotechnics, including all kinds of sparklers, which can have different chemical formulas and compositions.

    Here is just a small part of the elements from which a modern sparkler can be made: barium nitrite, dextrin, magnesium powder, steel or cast iron filings, gunpowder, etc. It’s interesting that by using the right proportions and combining the right components, you can get a full-fledged sparkler at home. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the instructions and not to forget about safety precautions.

    Today, not a single New Year is complete without all kinds of firecrackers, streamers, firecrackers, fireworks and, of course, sparklers. Moreover, sparklers are one of the most accessible spectacles that bring an atmosphere of joy to the house and allow anyone, even the poorest family, to enjoy it.

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    What were sparklers used for in ancient times?

    In addition to what we now know about the military method of use, sparklers were also useful to monks. Namely, during sacrifices, when everyone is already in an excited state from what is happening, and then out of nowhere a flame flares up and then quickly goes out. All this very tensed the situation and encouraged people not to doubt the deity.

    In ancient Europe, such a combustible mixture was used for torches, but this method was not very practical and therefore did not last long.

    How did sparklers spread around the world?

    As soon as Europe concluded a trade agreement with India, the sparkling spectacle first came to the markets of Spain, namely to the largest trading city of that time, Valencia, where the wonderful lights completely captured the attention of both kings and ordinary citizens.

    Soon, China, Japan and America gained access to sparklers, where they immediately won hearts and gained enormous popularity among people of different social statuses. Later, the Slavic peoples saw magical sparkling lights. Today, few people know, but sparklers also have a second name - “Triumphal candles.” But it didn’t catch on among the people.

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