Water-based paint VEAK 1180: GOST, technical characteristics

Water-based paints are considered one of the best and safest for indoor use. The thing is that the solvent for them is water. This characterizes the excellent properties of paints and varnishes. A thin layer is created on the surface that allows air to pass through. Vapor permeability has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room.

A striking representative of the materials is water-based paint VEAC 1180. It is a unique and universal material. It can be used to decorate walls, ceilings and facades. The paint is absolutely safe, and a beginner in painting can handle the application. What are the technical characteristics of VEAK 1180? What are its advantages? How much does this or that type of paint cost?

Advantages of paint and varnish material

Since VEAC 1180 is a water-based paint, most of its advantages are the same. Here is their list:

  1. Environmentally friendly, contains no harmful or toxic substances.
  2. Excellent adhesion of VEAK 1180 to the surface.
  3. Withstands 5 thousand wash cycles.
  4. Dries quickly after application.
  5. Has no unpleasant odors.
  6. Stays on the wall for a long time.
  7. The consumption is economical.
  8. Water-based paint VEAC 1180 is fireproof.
  9. It washes off perfectly from the working tool.

The benefits are truly wonderful. This determined the price of the paint and varnish material. It is somewhat more expensive than conventional water-based paints.

Choosing a manufacturer

VEAK-1180 paint is produced by the following companies:

  • Superplast, Russia.
  • Admiral, Russia.
  • Eurolux, Russia.
  • JOBI, Germany.
  • Dufa, Germany.
  • Caparol, Germany.
  • Remmers, Germany.
  • Dulux, UK.
  • Johnstone's, UK.
  • Tikkurila, Finland.
  • Sniezka, Poland.
  • Helios, Slovakia.

The cost of products from different factories depends on the composition and technical indicators. Price table for various types of VEAK-1180 paint on the Russian construction market at the end of 2014:

Paint nameCategoryApproximate price for 1 kg
VEAK 1180 interiorfor interior work45
VEAC 1180 universalFor interior and exterior use55
VEAK 1180 façadefor outdoor use65
Fire retardant paint VEAC 1180 for metalused for fire protection of metal structures160
VEAK 1180 fire retardant paintFire resistance group 3200

Comparative table of paint VEAK-1180 from three, Russia; FONTECOAT FL 100, Tikurilla, Finland, Epoxy BS 3000 SG, Remmers, Germany:

IndicatorsAQUAEpoxy BS 3000 SGF ONTECOAT FL 100
Density, g/cm31, 351,51,3
Thickness of 2-layer coating, microns125-155130-170130-160
Conditional viscosity15-4025-4525-40
Consumption per 1 layer, g/m135250185
Adhesion, points31,52
Drying time to degree 3, hours52416
Abrasion resistance, kg/µm3,53,53,5
Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %655065


The following water-based acrylic compositions have the same and similar properties and budget price:

  • Kristallina.
  • K-Flex Finish.
  • Kapral P-32.
  • GROSS.
  • Lakra.
  • VAKSA.

When purchasing paint, ask for a certificate of conformity , which will officially confirm the safety and authenticity of the product.

Composition of VEAK 1180

What do these letters VEAK mean? They partially indicate the composition of the material. VE - water-based, AK - acrylic-containing. So this is water-based acrylic paint. Here's what else it includes:

  • 50% of the paint volume is acrylic dispersion;
  • 37% of the total volume is occupied by white pigment. It is obtained by adding fillers (calcite, chalk, talc, mica) and chemicals;
  • To increase the elasticity of VEAC 1180, plasticizers are added to it in an amount of 7%. These are dibutyl phthalate and lignosulfonate;
  • the remaining 6% are additives that improve the final product. These include preservatives, anti-corrosion agents and defoamers.

The thickener is KMF glue or latex in rare cases. Due to such additives, VEAC 1180 paint hides small cracks and surface defects when applied. They do not need to be puttied. Another feature of it is that it can be applied to any wall surface. How is water-based paint VEAC 1180 used? GOST states that the indicator should be 150 ml/m2.

Advice! To reduce material consumption, the wall must be cleaned of dust and debris and primed.


Walls are painted in three layers: the first is primer, the next two are paint and varnish.

Painting is carried out in stripes overlapping each other at the junction in the manner of writing the letter “W”.

It is better to start work in daylight in the direction from the window in the opposite direction.

How to prepare a wall for painting

The preliminary stage includes plastering the uneven walls, then applying a layer of putty. After the materials have dried, the walls are washed with soapy water and a layer of primer is applied.

Popular Technologies

There are three main technologies for painting walls:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • spray gun.

Brush painting is an energy-intensive process with less than ideal results. The brush applies the paint unevenly and leaves streaks. However, you cannot do without a brush when processing areas in corners, at the joints with the ceiling, and around window frames. To do this, you need to choose a brush 10-15 cm wide, immerse it in liquid up to a third of the bristles, and use a mesh to get rid of excess on the brush.

Painting with a roller is a quick method that requires care in distributing the paint, first on the roller itself, then on the wall to avoid drips and splashes. To do this, use a special tray with a container for water emulsion and a place for rolling.

The use of a spray gun gives a high-quality layer without streaks, omissions, smudges, or color differences. The device is characterized by a large simultaneous coverage of the wall area, which speeds up the painting process.

How to paint over old paint

It is possible to update the interior without bothering to remove the old coating only if the old paint does not peel off. For a new coating with water-based emulsion, you need to sand the wall, apply a primer layer, and then start painting.

If the old paint is covered with cracks, chips, or peeling places, then for better adhesion of the new coating it must be removed. The water-dispersion coating can be washed off with a special solvent, or mechanically using a spatula, chisel, grinder, hair dryer, etc.

How to apply to different surfaces

You can paint wallpaper, textured plaster, plasterboard structures, and old finishes with oil paint with a water-dispersion emulsion. Each of these cases requires an individual solution.

You can paint wallpaper that is specially marked “for painting”!

Others may behave unpredictably under the coloring composition - get wet, change the degree of smoothness of the surface, peel off from the wall, absorb the paint unevenly, creating streaks.

Plasterboard walls are becoming more popular due to the variety of shapes they can create and their smooth surface.

This simplifies the process of wallpapering, but painting requires a number of manipulations.

Painting of drywall is possible when applied to a layer of finishing putty. The layer of putty here can be minimal, since it is intended not to level, but to create a uniform surface without seams and putty at the joints to obtain a uniform color in just one layer of paint.

You should not apply water-based emulsion to whitewashed surfaces - it is better to wash off the whitewash first. Chalk or lime compounds will begin to crack and peel under the paint, forcing you to repaint the walls once a year.

Water-based paint VEAC 1180 technical specifications

According to GOST, the paint and varnish material is produced for treating concrete, brick and metal surfaces. Concrete and brick walls can be plastered or not plastered. As for metal, it must be primed. The base color of VEAK 1180 is white. If necessary, it can be tinted in any shade. As mentioned above, the consumption is regulated by GOST and is 150 mg/m2. Paint is applied in several layers. Subsequent layers can be applied after drying. This takes 1 hour.

Water-based paint VEAC 1180 has the following technical characteristics:

  1. Frost resistance of paint is from 4 to 5 cycles.
  2. Adhesion (adhesion) to the surface – 2 points.
  3. Durability before erasing – 3.5 microns/kg.
  4. Resistance to moisture – 12.
  5. Covering capacity – 120 g/m.
  6. Viscosity at a temperature of 20 °C – from 30 m2/s.
  7. Acidity index (pH) – 6.8–8.2.
  8. 53–59% is accounted for by non-volatile compounds.

Note! Freezing paint does not affect its properties in any way. Before staining, it is defrosted to room temperature. When thickening, it is diluted with cold, clean water to the desired consistency.

The service life of the paint and varnish material is 6 years. Coloring is simple. It's all about the plasticity of VEAK 1180, the layer is applied carefully, smudges and bubbles will not form. In addition, transitions on the coating are completely invisible. This is very convenient, you can start painting, stop at a certain point, and if you continue after some time, the transition between the old and new layers will not be visible.


2.1. Water-dispersion paints are fire and explosion proof.

2.2. During the production, testing and use of paints, fire safety and industrial sanitation requirements in accordance with GOST 12.3.005 must be observed.

2.3. All work with paint must be carried out in rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, ensuring the air condition of the working area in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

2.4. The maximum permissible concentrations and hazard class of vapors of monomers and paint components are given in Table 2.

table 2

Component nameMaximum permissible concentration, mg/m*Hazard Class
in the air of the working area of ​​the production premisesin the water of reservoirsin the atmosphere
Polyvinyl acetate dispersion:
on vinyl acetate100,20,153
by acetaldehyde50,20,013
on dibutyl phthalate0,50,22
Latex butadiene nitrile:
for acrylonitrile0,52,00,032
Styrene-butadiene latex:
for styrene30/100,10,0033
Emulsion MBM-5s:
by methyl methacrylate100,010,13
for butyl acrylate100,013
for methacrylic acid101,03
Ethylene glycol51,03
Thiuram: (tetramethylthiuram disulfide)0,51,00,0062
White Spirit3004
Titanium dioxide104

________________ * Probably an error from the original. Should read: mg/m. — Note from the database manufacturer.

2.5. The harmful substances that make up the paint have a toxic effect on the hematopoietic organs, nervous system, skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. The dried coating has no harmful effects on the human body.

2.4, 2.5 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. Persons associated with the manufacture, testing and use of paints must be provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 and GOST 12.4.103.

2.7. Monitoring compliance with maximum permissible emissions (MPE) into the atmosphere, approved in accordance with the established procedure, must be carried out in accordance with GOST

Cost VEAK 1180

The cost of paint is influenced by several factors: manufacturer, composition, purpose and technical characteristics. On average, in Russia you can buy paint for 50–200 rubles/l. Other prices:

  1. For metal, water-dispersion fire retardant – 160 rub./l. Serves to protect structures from fire.
  2. Fire retardant organosoluble - 200 rubles per 1 liter.
  3. Interior – 45 rub. Used for interior work, resistant to moisture.
  4. Universal – 55 rub. Used for work outside and inside.
  5. Facade paint – 70 rub. Designed for outside work (GOST 28196-89).

As for manufacturers, there are quite a lot of them. In Russia these are Superplast, Admiral and Eurolux. German manufacturers are Dufa, Remmers, Caparol, JOBI. Dulux and Johnstone`s are representatives from the UK. The well-known Finnish company Tikkurilla, the Slovak Helios and the Polish Snezka.


VEAC is available in three forms, depending on the application.

  1. Interior water-based paint – for painting indoors.
  2. Facade paint – for work outside buildings, painting exterior parts of houses.
  3. Universal – suitable for any application.

There is enamel for use in rooms with high temperatures and fire hazards. These are fire retardant paints.

The difference in forms is determined by the composition of the paint, which changes by adding additional components to provide the desired qualities. For example, for a façade type there must be more resistant qualities to moisture and weather conditions.

VEAK paint tinting

Since the color of the paint is white, dyes are needed to give it color. It is very important to choose the right not only paint, but also the color for it. The quality of the composition depends on the manufacturer. Below is a list of recommended colors:

  • German Dufa D230;
  • English color from Dulux;
  • domestic companies: Palizh, Unicolor, Dali, Parade.

You shouldn't use too much pigment. This may adversely affect the performance of the composition. Inorganic colors are used for facade work. Their shades are pale, however, they do not fade in the sun. To give a rich shade to the interior, organic-based products are used. Their UV resistance is much worse.

Note! Application of the composition is carried out in different ways.

The slowest one is with a paint brush. The advantage is that it allows you to treat hard-to-reach places. It's faster and more convenient to work with a roller. But it is effective on flat and large surfaces. The ideal option is a spray gun. The paint is applied evenly, quickly and without smudges.

Criteria for choosing water-based paint VEAC 1180

We learned that there are quite a few manufacturers of this type of paint. And hardware stores are filled with a variety of options. Some of them are cheap and unknown, while others are well-known and more expensive. It is clear that this matter is not worth saving. It is better to focus on proven material that has positive reviews and has proven itself well.

The main sign of a quality product is the presence of a certificate of conformity. If the store can provide it, then this is a good sign. What should be inside the certificate of water-based paint VEAC 1180? Such data:

  1. GOST marking.
  2. Address of the plant where the product was manufactured (legal and actual).
  3. List of surfaces for which water-based emulsion is suitable.
  4. The tests that the composition passed.
  5. The certificate is certified by the signature and seal of higher authorities.

Also, when purchasing, pay attention to the packaging itself. It should not be damaged, neither the label nor the can itself. Don't forget to check the expiration date. And remember, the most expensive does not mean that it is the best.

Customer Reviews

It is impossible to judge water-based products solely by technical characteristics and written advantages. It is important to find out what users who have already used it say about VEAC 1180 water-based paint.

Nikolai, construction foreman: “It has always been more convenient and easier to work with water-based emulsion than with lime. And it’s easier to tint paintwork materials. One day, water-based paint VEAC 1180 was brought to our site. That was the first time I worked with it. After opening the package, we prepared the composition by adding water and coloring. The result is a light coffee shade. In one shift, 6 apartments were sprayed. VEAC 1180 paint applies smoothly, does not splash or leak. Has good hiding power. True, during operation the water emulsion has to be constantly stirred. But this did not stop us from quickly completing all the work.”

Victor, developer: “I couldn’t decide what type of interior decoration to choose for the cottage. I read a lot of information and settled on painting. Cheap and cheerful. I painted the walls and ceiling with acrylic-based emulsion VEAC 1180. I was pleased with the result. An experienced designer created pearl, blue and pistachio colors VEAC 1180, perfectly combining them with each other. Moreover, he argued that if his wife didn’t like it, then painting the walls would not be a problem. As a result, my wife approved, the surface is smooth, has no sagging or smudges. Beautiful matte color that has lasted for 3 years. I recommend water-based paint VEAC 1180.”

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