How to make foam concrete with your own hands step by step guide

Making foam blocks is a fairly simple process that does not require special skills or specific abilities from the performer. However, to organize full-fledged production, it is necessary to have certain devices, which are sometimes quite expensive, not justifying their costs.

That is why the question of how to independently make equipment for foam blocks is very popular among modern craftsmen.

Homemade machine for making foam concrete blocks

Do-it-yourself foaming agent for foam concrete

Foaming agent composition:

  • caustic soda (caustic soda) – 0.15 kg;
  • rosin – 1 kg;
  • wood glue – 0.06 kg.

The manufacturing technology is somewhat labor-intensive and time-consuming. Therefore, it is advisable only for significant volumes of work.

How to make a foaming agent for foam concrete at home

Preparation involves two stages:

  1. mixing the adhesive solution. To do this, pieces of dry glue are filled with water (1:10) and left for a day. During this time, the glue will swell a little, but will hold its shape. Therefore, the container with water and glue is heated to 60 ° C (with constant stirring). The adhesive solution is ready when all the pieces have dissolved and formed a homogeneous mass;

making rosin soap. For this purpose, the sodium is brought to a boil. Then rosin is gradually introduced into it. The boiling process will take about 2 hours until the rosin is completely dissolved.

Note. Rosin should be crushed first.

Both compositions are mixed when the rosin soap has cooled to 60 ° C.

Note. When mixing, rosin soap is poured into the adhesive solution. Mixing ratio 1:6.

The resulting mixture is poured into a foam generator and high-density foam is obtained. Foam with a density of 80 g/dm3 is considered optimal for use. Using less dense (more airy) foam will degrade the quality of the block and lead to its rapid destruction.

Note. You can check the quality of the foam by filling a bucket with it. After turning the bucket over, the foam should stay inside.

The production diagram of foam blocks is shown in the figure.

Foam block production diagram

Note that, like the first pancake, the first foam concrete blocks usually also come out lumpy. There are several reasons for this:

the difficulty of dosing the constituent components in the solution;

increased/decreased water content in the solution;

increased content of foaming agent in the solution. Its consumption should not exceed 1.5 liters. per 1 m/cub.

Unfortunately, such experiments not only prolong construction time, but lead to additional costs. However, as users testify, they are completely justified. Moreover, defective foam blocks can be used as backfill under the floor, and used equipment for the production of foam concrete can be sold.

Note. As practice shows, it is better to make structural foam blocks (grade D-900 and higher). They contain fewer pores compared to thermal insulation, and are easier for beginners to make.

Foam block production technology

Fill the concrete mixer with sand, Portland cement and water in the required proportions. The apparatus is started, after which it is expected that a homogeneous mixture will be obtained. Next, the foam is prepared in a foam generator, after which it is added to the mixture, and then the required amount of hardener is poured into the solution. Next, the solution is stirred again for 3–4 minutes. With longer mixing, the foam will collapse, and the strength and other characteristics of foam concrete will decrease.

After preparing the solution, it is filled into molds prepared in advance (wooden ones are moistened with water, and iron ones with machine oil or waste). After filling out the forms, the poured blocks are left to harden for a day (sometimes you have to wait longer). Concrete must gain strength at an air temperature of 6C or more. If work is carried out in a cold workshop in winter, then it must be warmed up using a heater or a heat gun. After a day, the finished foam blocks are removed from the molds and placed on pallets.

It should be borne in mind that the better the hardener used, the faster the foam blocks harden.

In general, the entire procedure for making foam blocks takes no more than 2 days. To competently organize the technological process and increase its productivity, the following is required:

  • Use water heated to 30C to mix the solution.
  • To accelerate the hardening of foam concrete, calcium chloride must be added to it (≈1.5% of the total mass of the mixture). In addition, this will reduce the likelihood of block cracking. The additive must be used when performing work in winter.
  • If you regularly fill foam blocks, it is better to make steaming chambers for drying foam blocks at 60C. This will reduce the production time of products.
  • Use forms with cells whose dimensions comply with GOST standards.
  • Wood molds must be covered with polyethylene after filling, and iron molds must be lubricated with machine oil (working off) before use.

Pros and cons of using foam blocks

Foam blocks (photo).
Like any other building material, foam block has its own area of ​​application, disadvantages and advantages.


  • Environmental friendliness. The material is non-toxic. Even at enormous temperatures (up to 1200 degrees), it does not emit harmful substances into the air;
  • Durability;
  • Fire resistance;
  • Noise insulation. Walls made of foam blocks do not allow extraneous sounds to pass through well, and unlike brick, they do not allow low-frequency sounds to pass through;
  • Manufacturability. The process is not expensive in terms of labor or electricity. For production and further use, the intervention of heavy construction equipment is not required;
  • Economical. This material is one of the cheapest. For example: a cubic meter of brick costs about twice as much as a cubic meter of foam blocks.


  • On self-built walls made of foam blocks, cracks may appear as the building settles;
  • Walls made of this material do not tolerate deformation, and it can only be used on strip foundations.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks requires special consideration.

Properties of foam concrete

Cellular concrete, or, as it is called, foam concrete, is a porous stone and is an excellent substitute for wood. It contains in its sealed cells - pores - the most effective heat insulator in the world - air. Cellular concrete is closer to wood than to stone, and brick is closer to stone; it is a heavy and cold material. Cellular concrete is environmentally friendly, and in this respect it is not only inferior to wood, but also has certain advantages, because wood is prone to rotting, fungus and all sorts of harmful things settle in it, but in stone or silicate material these harmful things do not settle.

Foam concrete has other advantages. It does not burn, is easy to process, and durable. Different brands of foam concrete can differ in density several times, which makes this material universal: it is suitable for external walls, for internal partitions, for heat and sound insulation of roofs and interfloor ceilings.

We believe that this is the most Russian material because it can be made from local raw materials. And as a result, you can make a square meter of wall warmer than a brick house, but 2-3 times cheaper


The resulting foam concrete products are not inferior in quality to traditional autoclaved cellular aerated concrete. Due to the simplicity of the technology and the equipment used (exclusion from the technological cycle of grinding raw materials in ball mills and autoclave processing), the cost of products is 1.5-2 times lower than the cost of the same products made from cellular aerated concrete.

Foam concrete produced using a new non-autoclave and non-steaming technology has: - high heat and noise protection qualities; - high fire resistance; - durable; - environmentally friendly (has a certificate from the Russian Ministry of Health for foaming agents); - meets European standards; - economical (a cubic meter of foam concrete in 2 - 2.5 times cheaper than similar volumes of brick or expanded clay concrete).

Foam concrete and aerated concrete - do not confuse

On the domestic building materials market today you can purchase two artificial, porous building materials - aerated concrete and foam concrete (according to GOST 25485-89 Cellular concrete. Technical conditions. ). They are similar in composition because they are made using cement, sand, water and a blowing agent. Thanks to the last component, the material obtains a porous structure.

But many do not understand the difference between these materials, because they have many similar parameters. The difference mainly lies in the manufacturing technology of these building materials.

When making aerated concrete, aluminum powder is added to a dry mixture of cement and sand, after which the mixture is mixed well. Next, water is added to it. After which the aluminum powder reacts with the cement, resulting in the release of hydrogen and AL oxides. Hydrogen fills the concrete mixture with bubbles, the structure of which becomes cellular (bubbles can be large - 3 mm or more or small - 1 mm or less).

With low quality material, it has a non-uniform structure in height, which is reflected in many of its parameters. High-quality aerated concrete has a uniform structure and improved characteristics.

What is needed to make foam concrete

To produce this building material you will need:

In order to obtain a homogeneous material, you will need to sift and sort the ingredients. Therefore, to obtain high-quality foam concrete, it is necessary to have a vibrating sieve. If a pressure unit is used in production, it is necessary to have a compressor. If technology without the use of a pressure unit is used for production, a concrete mixer will be needed. If foam concrete will be used for the production of foam blocks, it is necessary to purchase ready-made forms for them or make them yourself. If the foam concrete solution is planned to be poured using monolithic technology, you will need boards for installing the formwork. A foam generator for foam production. In technology using a foam generator, a foam concentrate will be required.

This is a special material with high stability in cement mortar. This quality allows you to transport the finished mass to the required distance without destroying the structure of the material. It can be purchased in the form of an industrial concentrate or made with your own hands. A complex such as a pressure unit will significantly facilitate the work and reduce the amount of equipment.

When using it, you do not need a foam generator; the ingredients are mixed in the built-in activator. This process is performed under high pressure, so when the solution is unloaded, the air pores swell even more and the mixture becomes more porous. Such equipment for foam concrete makes it possible to deliver mass to the site of construction work and at the same time produce material with density parameters up to 1200 kg/m3. Water, sand, cement. Gloves to protect hands and a mask for working with bulk materials.

Automatic dosing system of raw materials for the production of foam concrete

Many foam concrete producers know how much time it takes to prepare and pour raw materials into a foam concrete production plant. For example, for 1 batch with V=1 cubic meter. you need to manually fill 6 bags of cement (300 kg), sift and fill 17 buckets of sand (270 kg), measure the required amount of water and foam. At best, this will take 10-15 minutes. Per shift with a productivity of 20 cubic meters. foam concrete takes 1.5-2 hours of wasted time, 3-4 people manually pour 6 tons of cement and 5 tons of sand. In addition, we must not forget the human factor: errors in calculating the number of bags of cement, buckets of sand, liters of water lead to incorrect dosage.

The result is low productivity, high cost, and unstable quality of the foam concrete mixture. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to mechanize the entire foam concrete production process.

The proposed automated dosing system is designed to control the entire complex of foam concrete production from the supply of raw materials to the unloading of the finished mixture.

Dosing system for foam concrete production

Main parts of the dosing system:

1. Weighing cement and sand dispenser on strain gauges. 2. Sand conveyor belt. 3. Cement feeding screw. 4. Cement big bag dispenser (or cement storage silo). 5. Water dispenser. 6. Foam dispenser.

Description of the foam concrete production process:

The operator selects a recipe for preparing foam concrete and starts the process of automated production of foam concrete:

  • The auger is turned on and cement is fed from the big bag unloader (or silo) into the weighing dispenser. After gaining the required weight of cement, the auger turns off.
  • The conveyor for supplying sand to the weighing dispenser is turned on. After the sand has gained weight, the conveyor turns off.
  • Water is supplied by a pump to the mixer. After collecting a dose of water, the pump turns off.
  • The mixer turns on, the hopper valve opens automatically and the cement and sand are unloaded.
  • Foam is added to the mixer from a foam generator through a foam dispenser.
  • After mixing the components, the foam concrete is unloaded into the molds.

Advantages of using a dosing system:

The operator can adjust and set various recipes for the production of foam concrete, select doses of raw materials, monitor the recipe and consumption of materials, configure and monitor all process parameters. The installed program in the remote control allows you to display the entire process of automated foam concrete preparation on the operator panel in real time.

The benefits of using an automated dosing system: - reduction in the cost of foam concrete production, - reduction in the preparation time of foam concrete, - reduction in the number of personnel, - increase in productivity, - production of high-quality products.

Automatic cement and sand dispenser

Dispenser device

The dispenser consists of a frame on which the receiving hopper and control panel are suspended. The hopper is equipped with a surface vibrator and an electrically driven shutter. Weighing occurs using strain gauges. The data is displayed on the operator panel of the console.

  1. Bunker volume – 1 m3
  2. Metered materials – cement, sand
  3. Type of sensors – weight strain gauge
  4. Number of weight sensors – 4
  5. Weighing limit – from 1 to 2000 kg
  6. Dosing error – no more than 1%
  7. Dimensions – 2900x1660x1660
  8. Weight – 650 kg

Automation tools

The control panel allows you to control the operation of the entire complex for preparing the foam concrete mixture: a weighing dispenser, a screw conveyor, a belt conveyor, a pump and water dispenser, a foam supply pump, a mixer, a vibrator for a station for unpacking cement in big bags or a cement silo. The operator's touch panel is used to set the doses of components necessary for preparing the foam concrete mixture, control and monitor the technological process of foam concrete production.
  • Setting doses for batches (amount of cement, sand, water, foam).
  • Automatic collection of cement into the receiving hopper.
  • Automatic collection of sand into the receiving hopper.
  • Automatic supply of water to the mixer - installation for foam concrete.
  • Automatic rotation of the mixer.
  • Automatic unloading of cement and sand from the receiving bunker.
  • Automatic foam collection into the mixer.
  • Unloading the foam concrete mixture into the mold.
  • Installation for the production of foam concrete
  • Sand conveyor
  • Cement big bag unpacking station with auger

Equipment for curing foam concrete blocks

When purchasing basic installations for the preparation of foam concrete, the organization of production as a whole does not end. So what else could you possibly need?

Heat and humidity chamber

Horizontal autoclave for holding blocks

As almost everyone already knows, foam concrete blocks come in autoclave and natural hardening. The first products are of the best quality, since they are aged in the most favorable conditions. Such pleasure costs a lot, and for small industries it is not advisable to purchase autoclaves, since almost all models have a large loading volume.

For this reason, foam blocks harden under natural conditions. If in the summer this takes about a day, then at sub-zero temperatures the mold turnover rate decreases sharply. Some people cover the formwork with industrial batting and polyethylene to preserve heat, while others go further and create a chamber for steaming.

Steaming chamber for foam concrete

Such a “room” is an isolated room inside the workshop, where a certain heat and humidity regime is maintained. For this, there are special steam generators that automate the entire process, doing all the work for you. Again, purchasing such equipment requires investment.

If there are no available funds yet, you can make a budget option:

  • fence off part of the workshop with accessible, inexpensive material - for example, the same blocks, used bricks or corrugated sheets;
  • install gas heating pipes into the chamber;
  • Place buckets of water in the chamber.

During steaming, gas heating is turned on and the optimal mode is maintained, with a humidity of at least 65%. As they say - cheap and cheerful. But during certification, it is better to remain silent about this method of aging blocks.

Cutting equipment for foam concrete monolith

Foam concrete cutting machine

Equipment for cutting foam concrete comes in two types of action. Some complexes cut the monolith, as they say: without leaving the cash register - immediately after the blocks are unmolded. This is very convenient, since you only need to store the finished products and that’s it - no extra work steps.

The blocks are cut with special strings that are highly accurate. But they are also characterized by a short service life and high cost.

Automated cutting machine

Another type of cutting installation involves transferring a foam concrete monolith onto it and direct sawing, which occurs using circles. This type of equipment is more durable and economical to maintain, although it is not always convenient to use.

Cutting foam concrete

Which machine to choose depends on the production base. For example, they plan to build a workshop in advance for mobile equipment, since special rails and space are needed to move it. The stationary installation is universal and can be used even outdoors - the main thing is to ensure unhindered supply of the foam concrete monolith.

Foam generator

Using this piece of equipment, it is possible to convert the solution into foam. Builders with experience agree that it is better to buy it ready-made rather than do it yourself. A foam generator or porosizer for foam concrete is compiled using the following instructions:

  • Prepare a large and airtight container. For example, it is quite possible to use a barrel.
  • Water and a special substance are placed inside. Using the latter, foam will be obtained.
  • Connecting the compressor to the bottom of the unit. You will need to make a special outlet hole at the top.
  • It is convenient to regulate the supply of substances using a special valve.
  • The outlet is connected via a tee. A second valve will also need to be installed on the air supply side.
  • Drawings of equipment for the production of foam concrete contain two outlets. Each of them must have a valve. In this case, it will be possible to correctly regulate the supply of oxygen and fluid.
  • According to the instructions, the mixture passes through the grates and then enters the compartment. Through the process it is possible to form foam. A special nozzle must also be installed at the outlet of the triple distributor. If the installation was done at home, then a muffler from the car is used in this capacity. A lattice or other porous material must first be introduced into its structure.

Molding foam blocks

Today injection molding and cutting molding are used.

The first method involves pouring foam concrete into cellular forms, which you buy or make yourself. Thanks to this, this method is considered the most accessible. In construction, foam blocks of different sizes are sometimes required, so you need to prepare forms with cells of the required sizes in advance. When cast blocks are removed from their molds, the edges are often damaged.

In the second case, a large formwork is filled with a liquid solution, which is removed after the solution has hardened. Next, a large piece of foam concrete is cut into small blocks using a special installation, which contains cutting strings, tapes or saws. This allows us to produce more even blocks of the required size, and they never chip.

The disadvantage of this method is cutting, since this is a rather complex and labor-intensive process that requires some experience.

Components of a foam generator

To ensure the operation of the unit, according to the technology, it must have a compressor, mixers for foam and concrete composition, an element for dispensing and pouring the solution into molds, as well as a pump for pumping the composition. These are the main elements that form the apparatus; in addition to them, there may be other mechanisms and elements.

To produce a large volume of construction raw materials, it is possible to construct a foam generator from a combination of devices of the same type.

The power and other performance characteristics of the unit must ensure continuous operation at each stage of the process. The simplest option involves assembling an installation based on three components: a foam generator, a concrete mixer and a compressor. Often such a unit is used to produce mortar directly at the time of construction for pouring structures.

Correlation of parts parameters

When assembling the unit, it is important to maintain the necessary ratio between some of its components. Taking into account the decrease in the diameter of the spiral when it is pulled out, it is necessary to ensure a difference between the diameters of the outer ring and the pipe of 12-15% (the diameter of the ring is larger), as well as a difference between the diameters of the ring inside and outside - 20%, in favor of the outer diameter

This difference provides optimal ratios for pipes with different parameters.

Foam concrete characteristics and properties

Foam concrete has some properties that can be considered its advantages over a number of other building materials:

High quality thermal insulation. Thanks to the air-filled cells, the material has high thermal resistance.

In winter, this quality saves heating costs by about 25%. Good fluidity, allowing easy and high-quality filling of molds. Reliability. Foam concrete is not affected by atmospheric factors and chemical influences. This is a practically ageless material that is as strong as stone, does not rot, and is not afraid of dampness. Excellent strength characteristics.

The density of foam concrete is 400-1400 kg/cm³, allowing it to withstand compressive loads in the range of 10-100 kg/cm³. This increased characteristic makes it possible to use this material in the construction of objects with a lower volumetric weight, which leads to an even greater increase in the thermal resistance of the walls. Unlike materials such as foam plastic and mineral wool, foam concrete does not lose its qualities over time. They only get better due to the long maturation of this material: after four months its strength increases by one and a half times, and after a couple of years - by more than two and a half times compared to month-old cellular concrete. Maintaining an optimal microclimate.

Foam concrete, reviews confirm this fact, is distinguished by good air permeability, allowing the walls to breathe. Environmentally friendly. It does not evaporate harmful substances, as it is made from natural raw materials. According to this indicator, foam concrete is second only to wood.

For example, the environmental friendliness index for brick is 10, for cellular concrete – 2; bricks – 10; wood – 1; expanded clay blocks - 20. Excellent sound insulator. The material absorbs sound well without reflecting it, especially low noise. Fire safety. The first degree of fire resistance allows a fifteen-centimeter foam concrete wall to protect the room from fire for four hours. The large sizes of the blocks ensure ease and speed of installation.

Easily processed with cutting tools. High efficiency. The accuracy of geometric dimensions makes it possible to place blocks on glue, avoiding cold bridges, which saves the cost of plastering and additional insulation. The lightness of the blocks allows you to save on the foundation and floors, and are easy to transport.

  • Date: 03/01/2015 Comments: Rating: 44

A do-it-yourself foam concrete installation is made using a certain technology. The final product of foam concrete is a foam block, which consists of the following components:

  • cement; water; sand; foaming agent.

Foam generator diagram.

Home-made foam concrete is cheaper than its factory-made counterpart. Cement is considered the most expensive component of foam concrete, so the cost of the final product depends on its choice.

DIY foam generator for foam concrete

Purchasing this module is the most expensive part of production.

The purpose is to convert the foaming agent into foam before feeding it into the solution.

The design of the foam generator consists of three components:

  1. feeding module. A foaming agent solution is poured into it. Any container can perform this function;
  2. converting module. The quintessence of the installation is foam conversion;
  3. dosing module. Provides the ability to supply foam to a solution of a given density (determined by the brand of foam block).

Diagram of a foam generator for the production of foam concrete

Diagram of the device of a foam generator for the production of foam concrete

To make a foam generator you will need: a metal pipe (2 blanks), a pump, hoses, valves. And also a welding machine. The components are listed in more detail in the specification that accompanies the drawing of the foam generator.

Assembling a foam generator for foam concrete (diagram-drawing)

Drawing of a foam generator for foam concrete

Making a foam generator

The specificity of the factory foam generator tube is that at first it has a narrow channel, which then widens. This technique allows you to increase the speed of passage of the emulsion through the tube. Then at the exit it will have the maximum possible speed.

Making a mixing chamber

Weld two pipes to one of the prepared pipes. Moreover, it is advisable to place one of them (through which air will be supplied) at the end. And weld the second one, intended for supplying the foaming emulsion, on the side (at an angle of 90°).

Both inlet pipes (end and side) are equipped with two valves:

shut-off (allowing you to shut off the flow of foam concentrate);

adjustable (allowing you to adjust the supply parameters, change the pressure, pressure, quantity, etc.).

In practice, after the mixture supply parameters have been adjusted, the control valves are not used.

Note. The diameter of the side pipe should be 15-20% larger than the diameter of the end pipe.

Making a foam cartridge

A pipe is welded to the second pipe blank. It is designed to release the finished mixture. It is advisable to equip the outlet pipe with a device in the form of a funnel to reduce the rate of exit of the mixture. A filter is placed in the blank. The purpose of which is to convert emulsion into foam. You can purchase a ready-made filter.

But its function can be performed with no less success by metal mesh (brushes) for cleaning dishes.

At the same time, spiral ones are not suitable, only wire ones. These meshes need to be compacted as tightly as possible along the entire length of the foam cartridge pipe. To prevent mesh particles from flying out along with the mixture, a “Ruff” is installed at the outlet of the pipe, inside of which a mesh washer is installed.

Connection of mixing chamber and foam cartridge

Next you need to connect the mixing chamber and the foam cartridge. Naturally, this must be done so that the welded pipes are placed at opposite ends. To ensure an increase in the speed of passage of the foam concrete mixture through the tube, you need to install a Laval nozzle or a jet washer between them. Replacing the nozzle with a jet will reduce the efficiency of the design by 30-40%, by reducing the speed of passage of the mixture through it. However, it is cheaper, easier to install and can be used as a temporary option. The installation location of the nozzle or jet is shown in the diagram.

Diagram of a foam generator for foam concrete using a washer jet

Size ratio of foam generator for foam concrete (depth and inlet diameter)

Size ratio of foam generator for foam concrete

Connecting the compressor to the end pipe of the mixing chamber

Any compressor that provides a pressure of 6 atm is suitable for operation. Using a compressor with a receiver, pressure reducing valve and pressure gauge will allow you to regulate the pressure.

Material prepared for the website

Connecting the foam concentrate container to the side pipe of the mixing chamber

The container is installed on the floor, a hose is attached to it, through which the foaming emulsion (foaming agent plus water) will be supplied to the mixer by moving through the side pipe. Installing a small pump (an ordinary household “trickle”) will allow for a more efficient supply of foaming agent to the foam generator. However, in order to save money, the supply can also be organized by gravity.

A foaming agent for foam concrete made in such a simple way will cost much less than a purchased one. And the resulting foam will be in no way inferior to the foam obtained from a factory generator.

Simple equipment for making foam blocks with your own hands

If you have suitable equipment for the production of foam blocks and purchase raw materials at competitive prices, there is a chance to achieve a high level of profitability. Moreover, financial investments in such production do not require huge amounts of money.

You need to carefully familiarize yourself with the production process of foam concrete blocks and competently approach the selection of equipment, and you will be able to launch the production of this popular building material.

What is needed for production

It is possible to produce foam concrete blocks, but this requires a set of equipment and various devices:

  • Formwork for pouring foam concrete and forming blocks of specified sizes;
  • Foam generator with appropriate technical parameters;
  • Compressor;
  • Concrete mixer with sufficient capacity.

The presence of such a kit brings excellent results to manufacturers - a typical shift is 3 cubic meters of foam concrete blocks. So a week of active and productive work, and there will be a ready supply of foam concrete blocks for building a load-bearing wall.

One of the important units included in the equipment for the production of foam blocks is a foam generator, which forms a foam solution, which then enters the formwork or molds. This unit is more profitable and easier to make yourself if you have the necessary components.

It is advisable to have a three-phase compressor, as it develops more power, but if there is none, standard electrical voltage will do.

A classic foam generator consists of:

  • Made from a body made of fine metal mesh,
  • Containers of the required volume,
  • Hose set,
  • Compressor.

Foam generator operation

Self-assembled equipment for the production of foam blocks in the form of a foam generator exists in order to mix the foaming agent with water and air, and then send the resulting mass through the cells of the metal mesh of the body into pre-prepared forms.

In the process of adjusting the quality of the foam, you need to constantly check its consistency, because the properties of the foam concrete block will depend on this. If the foam spreads too much, you need to make the necessary adjustments to the components or to the operation of the foam generator to prevent this process from happening, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a geometrically correct foam block.

And even if the foam concrete block is made from loose foam, this product will collapse under minor mechanical loads.

The composition of the solution used to produce foam concrete must include high quality cement. There are different proportions for the production of foam concrete blocks, and they depend specifically on the brand of cement used and the density of the concrete. If the concrete has a density of 300-500 per square meter, a mixture without sand is allowed.

If the density reaches 600 kilograms per meter, the use of natural sand will be required. It will be better for the final product if the sand is pre-screened.

Features of the production of foam concrete blocks

All components must be placed in the mixer and the mixing process must begin, adding the starting materials one by one. Mixing begins with cement, water and sand, and then foam is added to the production process.

The final product will depend on the speed of mixing the starting materials. If you use a vertical mixer, the mixing process lasts 20 minutes, and if you use a barrel with blades, this procedure is reduced by 10 times.

The manufacturer will have to choose between formwork and forms - which will be more convenient for him, and for what purposes he will use foam concrete blocks. The option with formwork requires the use of cutting the mass that has not completely hardened into separate fragments of equal size.

It is necessary to have marks on the formwork or use other measures to cut foam concrete blocks evenly without significant errors.

When using metal or plywood forms, foam concrete is poured into them and you need to wait some time until the mixture hardens and a foam concrete block is formed.

To speed up the hardening process, you need to use various additives and rooms with suitable temperature conditions.

It will be much more convenient to remove frozen foam blocks if you provide a collapsible design of the forms. Then you can remove the product without damaging its surface.

What is needed for stationary production with large use

Block holding post

Are you building a large factory for the production of foam blocks? Then the equipment for foam concrete, made by yourself, is definitely not for you, since large volumes and production flow simply do not accept defects, which is inevitable with self-made installations.

It is best to immediately buy complexes that not only increase the quality of products, but also reduce the number of workers to a minimum, which will reduce the cost of the product and win more customers.

Automated foam concrete production plant

If you decide to buy all the equipment separately, and you have a production facility that has not previously been used as a concrete workshop, then before purchasing, clearly plan the future work site, guided by the main principles:

  • everything should be organized, and the use of manual labor should be minimized;
  • the raw material storage post is best located within walking distance to the place where the components are dispensed;
  • water must be supplied to the workshop without interruption;
  • it is necessary to reduce the distance from the dispensing hopper to the molds as much as possible;
  • a overhead crane is required;
  • determine in advance the location for the steaming chamber;
  • The place where the blocks are kept should be in a dry place without drafts.

Once you have such a plan, it will immediately be clear what installations and additional mechanisms to purchase.

The video in this article will tell you more about the equipment for making foam blocks.


From the entire variety of equipment, the main and most commonly used types can be distinguished:

  • Foam generator;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Compressor;
  • Foam concrete mixer;
  • Forms.

Foam generator

Foam generator.
The foam generator performs the function of producing foam, on the basis of which foam concrete will later be produced directly in any type of concrete mixer.

Structurally, it consists of:

  • a lower tank serving for a mixture of water and foaming agent;
  • upper tank for foam concentrate;
  • control and inlet valves;
  • inlet pipe that generates foam.

The device is connected to water (if there is no centralized water supply system, you can fill it in buckets), the upper tank is filled with a foaming agent (any kind, you can even make it homemade, sometimes manufacturing instructions are supplied with the device).

Next, the device is connected to a compressor, which creates pressure and foam begins to exit the pipe. With the help of outlet valves the porosity can be set.

Concrete mixer

Concrete mixer.
This is a device for forced mixing of ingredients (sand, water, crushed stone, cement) in order to prepare a homogeneous mixture ready for use.

Concrete mixers are divided into:

  • Gravitational;
  • With forced mixing of materials.

In a gravity mixer, the ingredients rotate in a drum, which is equipped with blades on the inside. When rotating, the materials collide with the blades, thereby mixing.

In a concrete mixer with forced mixing of materials, the components are located in a stationary drum. Blades mounted on a shaft rotate in the drum.

According to the installation method, concrete mixers are divided into:

  • Stationary;
  • Mobile.

Devices with a finished solution output of more than 660 liters are usually stationary. Up to 65 l are always mobile. From 330 l to 500, both mobile and stationary.

Depending on the nature of their work, concrete mixers can be either continuous or cyclic. In cyclic, loading occurs in portions, and in continuous, loading of materials and output of the mixture occurs constantly.

Foam concrete mixer

Foam concrete mixer.

Designed for the production of cellular concrete. Used for the manufacture of blocks using foam barotechnology.

Combines three functions:

  • Performs mixing;
  • Generates foam;
  • Works as a pump to transport foam to the installation site.

Thus, this is the most complete unit for the production of foam concrete. It combines the functions of a foam generator, concrete mixer and compressor.

Equipment for the production of foam blocks at home

To produce foam concrete, the following equipment is required:

  1. Concrete mixer. It is permitted to use an installation for the production of cellular concrete for these purposes;
  2. Compressor. Necessary for pumping air into the steam generator and mixer;
  3. Foam generator. Allows you to prepare foam;
  4. Form. It is often made independently from wood or iron.

If you plan to make foam blocks year-round, you will need to additionally buy a steamer in addition to the equipment listed above. You can also assemble the installation yourself, but this will not save much money. Moreover, some elements may not fit together well, which will affect the quality of the foam blocks.

It is better to buy equipment as a set, which costs between 100,000 and 250,000 rubles. This installation will make it possible to produce 10-25 m3 of foam concrete per work shift.

When selecting equipment, you need to pay special attention to the power and characteristics of the electric drive. In addition, you need to consider the distance to which the finished solution can be supplied.

If you are building your own house and you need the equipment one-time, then it is better to rent it.

While using the equipment, it must be washed periodically.

Construction equipment for the production of foam concrete

To produce foam concrete yourself, you need reliable industrial equipment that will work for years and bring profit to the owners. Therefore, it is advisable to buy construction equipment for the production of foam concrete from machine-building enterprises, and not from “handicraftsmen” for one year of work. Yes, the price of industrial equipment is steep, but it is justified by the high productivity and excellent quality of the resulting foam concrete. But foam blocks are subsequently made from foam concrete. This means that the quality with which we produce foam concrete, the foam blocks will be of the same quality. And who needs low-quality blocks? No one!

The article Selecting equipment for the production of foam concrete and foam blocks will help you choose the right equipment.

Equipment for the production of foam concrete - composition

The equipment for the production of foam concrete includes:

created on the basis of an industrial mixer (pneumatic blower) for concrete mixtures VB-06719 for preparing foam concrete mixtures and delivering it to the place of installation.


price 380,000 rub.

designed for continuous supply of foam to a foam concrete production plant. Foam is formed by supplying a foam solution and air to the foaming module. Assembled on an industrial vortex pump VK2/26 and equipped with a pressure gauge for control, taps, hoses for supplying foam to the installation.

price 50,000 rub.

is designed to supply compressed air to the foam generator for foam production and to the installation for dispensing foam concrete.

designed for preparing and storing a foam solution by adding a foaming agent to water in the required proportion.

They consist of one cubic container made of polyethylene. The outside has a metal sheathing. There are drain taps in the lower part and filler necks in the upper part. Installed on a wooden pallet. The container measures 1000 x 1200 x 1160 mm. Equipped with hoses for connecting to a foam generator and heating element for heating water.

price 10,000 rub.

The price of the set is RUB 515,000.

Equipment for the production of foam concrete - delivery, installation

Based on the quality of the equipment and many years of experience in manufacturing equipment for the production of foam concrete, company representatives will advise you on all issues of organizing the production of foam concrete blocks. They will tell you what additional equipment you need to use in your production.

Stroysnabzhenie LLC will provide the full range of services related to the order: delivery by vehicle, installation and commissioning of construction equipment, as well as its further maintenance. Will help train personnel to operate the equipment and study the technology of foam concrete production.


Cutting equipment for the production of foam blocks

Features of the main equipment for preparing foam concrete

Mobile mini-plant for the production of foam concrete

Equipment for the production of foam concrete, however, like any other equipment, is obscenely expensive. Therefore, many who have just embarked on the path of a production worker and are pursuing the dream of creating high-quality foam concrete on an industrial scale want to “cheat” and purchase all the installations in stages, while simultaneously developing their own “ideal recipe.”

Working as a technologist and advising newcomers in this matter, you often come across what mistakes are made due to ignorance of basic things about foam concrete. For example, often, having purchased a foam generator, in order to save money “at first” on a mixer, they start making the solution using a mixer attachment for a hammer drill or an ordinary stationary mixer.

It would seem that the option is ideal for beginners, and besides, it is so convenient to prepare foam concrete on site when pouring floors or walls.

Rotary hammer attachment

As a result, instead of a good cellular material, you get an incomprehensible mixture that has no volume and strength. In general, nothing but frustration and marriage. Foam concrete is a fragile material, especially at the preparation stage, since the main ingredient, foam, can be extinguished by any factor.

And as you know, there is no good foam, there is no foam concrete in principle. Therefore, first of all, you need to purchase specialized equipment to create this unusual building material.


Models of concrete mixers

Before diving into the abyss of the variety of concrete mixers, I would like to immediately make a reservation that the most important thing in it is the blades, since the foam concrete mixture requires thorough, as fast as possible, and, what is very important, gentle mixing.

Mixers that are used for ordinary concrete cannot guarantee such a process. The delicate foam structure will break on their blades, but they are indispensable when mixing heavy aggregate with a cement-sand mixture.

Therefore, we immediately discard the option: “buy a used mixer type MK 260A/B at a low price.” The photo below is a vivid example of available mixers that are NOT suitable for the production of high-quality foam concrete.

Special drawings of equipment for the production of foam concrete, especially its blades, form the basis for the design of the “correct” mixers. The ideal option is double multi-directional auger blades.

Only such a construct will help maintain the integrity of the foam in the cement composition, quickly and evenly mixing all components. The ideal blade speed is 345−380 rpm.

Note: By the way, it is quite possible to make such equipment for the production of foam concrete with your own hands.

Foam concrete mixer

The second thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing is the type of stirrer. There are gravitational and forced actions. The former are not very convenient to work with such viscous mixtures as foam concrete. It sticks to the blades and walls of the hopper, which not only affects the quality of the resulting material, but also causes enormous losses when dispensing the solution.

The following picture emerges: material was loaded into the bunker for 1 batch, equal in volume to 1 m3, and during molding, 0.15−0.2 m3 of solution was missing. So, after about 5-6 batches (if you do them 1 cube at a time), the mixture is “lost” by approximately 1 m3.

No, you won’t find it in the mixer or anywhere else, the foam will break, and the cement-sand mortar will settle on the walls. You will have to put a lot of effort and time into cleaning the equipment.

Forced action concrete mixer

Forced-action concrete mixers are an ideal option for mixing foam compounds, especially with the right blades. They are mainly intended for preparing large-volume batches, which are prepared quite quickly. The output is a homogeneous mixture.

But such foam concrete equipment cannot be used for all types of aggregates; large crushed stone will greatly slow down the operation of the unit. In order for such a mixer to serve as long as possible, you need to carry out maintenance at least once a month. For those who are not familiar with the structure of such equipment, repairing and inspecting the intricate transmission mechanism will not be easy.

Equipment for the production of forced foam concrete

Engine power also plays an important role when choosing a mixer for foam concrete. It, of course, depends on the performance of the equipment, but it is best to pay attention to more powerful three-phase asynchronous motors of 0.3 kW.

The ability to install a water meter is a nice bonus that will greatly help in future work. The dosage of water into any concrete must be accurate.

To do this, automatic dispensers are built into the mixers, which often go wrong with the settings, and because of them, the price of equipment for the production of foam concrete blocks increases significantly. Therefore, the optimal dosage option is ordinary cold water meters.

Counter on a concrete mixer

There is, of course, another option - timed using a stopwatch. But after a couple of batches, even the most patient and pedantic BSU operator will give up on such an idea. And the last selection criterion: the thickness of the steel from which the mixer is made.

The quality of the mixture does not depend on this parameter, but durability does. The optimal thickness of the blades is 8 mm, the body itself is 12 mm. It is also desirable that the equipment for the production of foam concrete blocks has reliable support and the ability to be transported.

Attention! For those who dared to purchase a concrete mixer in China, but the instructions for it say little, and the language barrier with the supplier was not overcome, keep in mind that this is the equipment designed to work with Chinese concentrate, which increases in volume when mixed , and does not decrease like domestic. For this reason, the design of the mixer is different, which may affect the quality of the final product.

These are the main parameters of a concrete mixer that you need to pay attention to when purchasing it. Well, the volume of the batch depends on your “appetites”.

Foam generator

Factory produced foam generator

Many steam generator manufacturers guarantee that their foam concrete production plant can handle any concentrate. In practice, things are different. Some models generate foam best from SDO, others from protein foaming agents. And it’s better to believe those who warn in advance that their equipment works most efficiently with certain raw materials.

Note: For example, a foam generator for the production of domestically produced foam concrete will most likely not generate foam normally using Chinese concentrates, since they, for the most part, have a completely different operating principle. Therefore, when purchasing "available" materials from a friendly power, be careful.

In order not to make a mistake, you can take with you the concentrates available to you in a small volume and test them on the selected generator. And if the sample meets all the parameters that foam should have, then this unit is intended for you. But this is all a lyrical digression; let’s get to the point.

According to the principle of operation, such units are reversible and non-reversible.

Features of continuous steam generators are as follows:

  • no additional receiver is needed for foam production; a pressure pump works instead;
  • requires certain skills, since if high pressure is used, the installation may explode;
  • manually performing all stages of foam generation - which is not very convenient, leads to loss of concentrate and there is a greater risk of the human factor influencing the quality of the foam;
  • It is undesirable to use lime with concentrate with such a generator;
  • the resulting foam is of average quality, due to the difference in pressure during its manufacturing process;
  • relatively low cost.

Reversible foam generators

But nevertheless, despite such characteristics, such equipment is in great demand. And many craftsmen have learned to make a foam generator with their own hands for foam concrete using practically improvised materials.

Non-reversible foam generators are used in large industries and are characterized by the following features:

  • automation of the process, from manual control, only the “Start” button;
  • high rate of expansion and durability of the resulting foam in foam concrete;
  • it is possible to reduce the amount of concentrate to a minimum;
  • works well on budget foam concentrates made in Russia;
  • safe to work with;
  • ease of use;
  • high cost, even used installations.

Homemade foam concrete foam generator

It is quite difficult to figure out how to make a foam generator for foam concrete of this type with your own hands. Not only special knowledge is needed, but also components. If you are new to this business, then it is cheaper and easier to buy factory-made equipment, which in case of breakdown can be returned to the manufacturer under warranty.

But foam is generated not only due to the main mechanism. Before being fed into concrete, it passes through a special pipe 1.5-2 meters long. So, this pipe contains “foam activators”, which make its structure cellular. The quality directly depends on this filler.

It comes in several types:

  • metal balls with a diameter of 1-2 mm are an excellent option, but often rust very quickly;

Metal copper-plated balls for bearings

  • metal kitchen brushes for cleaning heavy dirt are a good option, but thin rods wear out very quickly and corrode;

Metal scourer for dishes

  • crosses for laying ceramic tiles - they whip up the foam well, but only at first, as they very quickly stick together, making an unstable foam;

Crosses for tiles

  • plastic balls with a diameter of 1-2 mm or simply “bullets” for a children’s pistol are the most reasonable option of the above, as the concentrate foams well, is easy to clean, cheap and resistant to any chemically active substances.

Plastic bullets for children's pistols

Attention! There should be enough filler so that its volume completely covers the volume of the pipe in a compacted state. If it is not enough, then the foam may turn out to be “liquid”.

Often the filler in this pipe is to blame for a sudden drop in foam quality. It just needs to be washed and rinsed thoroughly. It may need replacement. It is recommended to wash the balls in the pipe approximately once a week, on maintenance day, and after long periods of inactivity of the equipment.

Concrete supply means

Feeding foam concrete mixture into molds

As mentioned earlier, the structure of foam concrete is very unstable. Its integrity can also be affected by the method of feeding the mixture into the molds. Roughly speaking, the more operations are performed with the finished mixture, the more the foam in it is destroyed, and accordingly the percentage of quality decreases.

For this reason, the finished foam concrete solution is not transported to the construction laboratory. Samples are most often hammered in production, and after stripping, they are taken for curing and testing.

In modern mini-factories, everything is provided for - the foam concrete mixture is fed under pressure through a hose into the molds. The option is ideal. But it is not always possible to purchase a new unit of this type, and equipment for the production of used foam concrete may be broken, or something has gone wrong in the work process, and unloading the mixture through a hose under pressure becomes unacceptable. In such cases, they get out as best they can.

Equipment for preparing foam concrete with automated feeding

The first method is using a gerotor screw mortar pump. Such equipment is repurposed specifically for supplying foam concrete. But the trouble is that when making unstable foam, the auger simply breaks it up even more.

And the cost of such an installation is high. In addition, the auger itself is very “vulnerable”, and the impact of any large inclusion, for example, a pebble in the sand, can break it, which leads to an expensive replacement.

Gerotor screw mortar pump for feeding foam concrete

The second method is unloading directly from the hopper into containers, and from there into molds. In many foam concrete production plants, this option is a backup option - in case of a breakdown of the main distribution equipment, or an emergency power outage. However, some manage to work with such a tub constantly.

Universal production trolley

In addition to the above advantages, there are no more advantages in this method, only disadvantages:

  • due to the operation of unloading concrete in several stages, the structure is knocked down;
  • manual transportation of a filled cart requires serious physical effort;
  • if only this method of unloading concrete is available in production, then it is better to provide for it a crane beam, which can also break from time to time, like all automated equipment.

Method three - the mixture is directly fed into the molds from the hopper. A similar method is relevant in the manufacture of blocks using cut technology, when a foam concrete monolith is formed.

In this case, unhindered delivery of trolleys or special forms to the bunker is organized. Of the three methods listed, this is the most effective and least “traumatic” for foam in concrete.

Feeding foam concrete directly into molds

As you can see, everywhere has its own subtleties. Therefore, think through everything to the smallest detail in advance: you may have to immediately buy spare hoses and augers, and also choose the optimal design of the molds.

Forms for foam concrete

Foam concrete mold

As mentioned above, the type of foam concrete molds depends on the production technology and equipment.

There are three types:

  • Stationary metal ones for wall blocks are the most common. For cast blocks, the metal perimeter is divided into cells of the desired size, for example, as in the photo above. Such formwork is durable and strong. If you have experience as a welder, making the necessary metal equipment yourself will not be difficult. And they are not that expensive, even new ones. They are easy to assemble, although it takes a lot of time and several pairs of hands.

Manual assembly of formwork for foam blocks

  • Formwork for cut production is a simplified version for cast blocks. Just a metal hollow box. It assembles quickly and lasts a long time.

Mold for cut blocks

  • Formwork for tongue-and-groove partition blocks is produced either entirely from metal or with elements made from heavy-duty plastic, at least that’s what mold manufacturers say. But this is far from true. During the hardening process of the mixture, a large amount of heat is released, even with natural aging.

For example, the temperature inside the blocks at the very “height” of the process can reach up to 70 degrees. This thermal regime, as well as the pressure of concrete, leaves no chance for plastic to “survive”. After literally a couple of months of constant use, it warps, which leads to defects.

Replacement of such elements is carried out only with factory analogues, which is not cheap. Therefore, it is best to immediately purchase metal formwork for tongue-and-groove blocks.

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