GOST 6111-52 Conical inch thread with a profile angle of 60°

GOST 6111-52



GOST 6111-52





Instead of OST 20010-38

Approved by the Office for Standardization under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on January 10, 1952. The introduction date is set

from 01.10.52

Tested in 1984

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to threaded connections of fuel, oil, water and air pipelines of machines and machine tools.


1. In pipelines made of steel water and gas pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75, connections with conical threads must be made in accordance with GOST 6211-81.

2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).


1. The profile and dimensions of a conical inch thread with a profile angle of 60° must correspond to the drawings. 1 and table. 1.

Table 1

Designation, thread size Number of threads per 1¢¢ Size in mm
Thread pitch Thread length thread diameter in the main plane Internal diameter of thread at the end of the pipe Working coil height
working from the end of the pipe to the main plane
average outer interior
inches n R l










d T H
1/16 27 0,941 6,5 4,064 7,142 7,895 6,389 6,135 0,753
1/8 27 0,941 7,0 4,572 9,519 10,272 8,766 8,480 0,753
¼ 18 1,411 9,5 5,080 12,443 13,572 11,314 10,997 1,129
3/8 18 1,411 10,5 6,096 15,926 17,055 14,797 14,416 1,129
½ 14 1,814 13,5 8,128 19,772 21,223 18,321 17,813 1,451
¾ 14 1,814 14,0 8,611 25,117 26,568 23,666 23,128 1,451
1 11½ 2,209 17,5 10,160 31,461 33,228 29,694 29,059 1,767
11½ 2,209 18,0 10,668 40,218 41,985 38,451 37,784 1,767
11½ 2,209 18,5 10,668 46,287 48,054 44,520 43,853 1,767
2 11½ 2,209 19,0 11,074 58,325 60,092 56,558 55,866 1,767


1. When screwing together without tension a pipe and a coupling with nominal thread sizes, the main plane of the pipe thread coincides with the end of the coupling.

2. Size d T


3. Instead of a 1/16¢¢ thread, it is allowed to use an M6´1 conical thread in accordance with GOST 19853-74.

4. The number of turns with a full profile in a threaded connection should not be less than two.

5. It is allowed to reduce the size l

- l
must be met .

Crap. 1

The thread pitch is measured parallel to the thread axis.

The bisector of the profile angle is perpendicular to the thread axis.

Symbol for tapered thread 3/


GOST 6111-52
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).


2. The pipe thread (external thread) is checked by the average diameter with a thread ring gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69. Axial displacement of the main plane of the pipe D l

2 (Fig. 2) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

Crap. 2

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3. The coupling thread (internal thread) is checked according to the average diameter using a thread plug gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69. Axial displacement of the main plane of the coupling D l

2 (Fig. 3) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

Crap. 3

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4. Size difference l

2 should be no less than the difference indicated in the table.
1 nominal sizes l
1 and

5. Deviation of the distances between the tops and bottoms of the tube and coupling threads from the line of the average thread diameter (d h

1 and d
2 according to devil. 4) must not exceed:

table 2

Thread size designation h




1/16 and 1/8¢¢ 0,3765 -0,045
1/4 and 3/8¢¢ 0,5645 -0,065
1/2 and ¾¢¢ 0,7255 -0,085
1 — 2¢¢ 0,8835 -0,085

Crap. 4

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

6. Deviations of half the profile angle, slope angle (j/2) and deviation in thread pitch (deviations in the distances between any turns) should not exceed:

Table 3

Thread size designation inches Maximum deviation
half profile angle slope angle by thread pitch
for external thread for internal thread at a length of up to 10 mm at the length of St. 10 mm
1/16 and 1/8¢¢ ±1° +12¢ -12¢ ±0,02 ±0,04
-6¢ +6¢
1/4 — 2¢¢ ±45¢ +10¢ -10¢
-5¢ +5¢

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


2. The pipe thread (external thread) is checked by the average diameter with a thread ring gauge in accordance with GOST 6485. Axial displacement of the main plane of the pipe D l

2 (Fig. 2) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

3. The coupling thread (internal thread) is checked according to the average diameter using a thread plug gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69. Axial displacement of the main plane of the coupling D l

2 (Fig. 3) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4. Size difference l

1 -
2 should be no less than the difference indicated in the table.
1 nominal sizes l
1 and

5. Deviation of the distances between the tops and bottoms of the tube and coupling threads from the line of the average thread diameter (d h

1 and d
2 according to devil. 4) must not exceed:

table 2

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

6. Deviations of half the profile angle, slope angle (j/2) and deviation in thread pitch (deviations in the distances between any turns) should not exceed:

Table 3

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Machine Tool Industry

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2. The pipe thread (external) is checked according to the average diameter with a thread ring gauge in accordance with GOST 6485. The axial displacement of the main plane of the pipe (Fig. 2) relative to the nominal location should not exceed (thread pitch).

Figure 2 - Pipe thread (external)

3. The coupling thread (internal) is checked according to the average diameter with a thread plug gauge in accordance with GOST 6485. The axial displacement of the main plane of the coupling (Fig. 3) relative to the nominal location should not exceed (thread pitch).

Fig.3 - Coupling thread (internal)

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4. The difference in sizes must be no less than the difference between the nominal sizes and indicated in Table 1.

5. The deviation of the distances between the tops and bottoms of the threads of the tube and coupling from the line of the average diameter of the thread (and according to Figure 4) should not exceed those given in Table 2.

table 2

Thread size designation

Figure 4 - Deviation of the distances between the tops and bottoms of the tube and coupling threads from the line of the average diameter of the thread


(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

6. Deviations of half the profile angle, slope angle () and deviation in thread pitch (deviations of the distances between any turns) should not exceed those given in Table 3.

Table 3

Thread size designation Prev. off
half profile angle slope angle by thread pitch
for external thread for internal thread at a length of up to 10 mm at the length of St. 10 mm


GOST 6111-52



Approved by the Office for Standardization under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on January 10, 1952. The introduction date is set

from 01.10.52
Tested in 1984
Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to threaded connections of fuel, oil, water and air pipelines of machines and machine tools. Note. 1. In pipelines made of steel water and gas pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75, connections with conical threads must be made in accordance with GOST 6211-81. 2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

1. The profile and dimensions of a conical inch thread with a profile angle of 60° must correspond to the drawings. 1 and table. 1.

Table 1

Designation, thread size Number of threads per 1¢¢ Size in mm Thread pitch Thread length thread diameter in the main plane Internal diameter of thread at the end of the pipe Working coil height from the end of the pipe to the main plane outer interior d

2 =




1 =

Notes: 1. When screwing together without interference a pipe and a coupling with nominal thread sizes, the main plane of the pipe thread coincides with the end of the coupling. 2. Size d T
is for reference.
3. Instead of a 1/16 ¢ ¢ thread, it is allowed to use an M6 ´ 1 conical thread in accordance with GOST 19853-74. 4. The number of turns with a full profile in a threaded connection should not be less than two. 5. It is allowed to reduce the size l
2 (the distance from the main plane to the end of the pipe), while the requirement of clause 4 of this standard regarding the difference in sizes
- l
2 must be met.

The thread pitch is measured parallel to the thread axis.

The bisector of the profile angle is perpendicular to the thread axis.

Symbol for tapered thread 3/

4 ¢ ¢

4 ¢ ¢
GOST 6111-52 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).
2. The pipe thread (external thread) is checked by the average diameter with a thread ring gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69.
The axial displacement of the main plane of the pipe D l
2 (Fig. 2) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

2 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).
3. The coupling thread (internal thread) is checked according to the average diameter using a thread plug gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69.
The axial displacement of the main plane of the coupling D l
2 (Fig. 3) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).
4. The difference in sizes
1 -
2 must be no less than the difference indicated in the table.
1 nominal sizes l
1 and
2 .5.
The deviation of the distances between the tops and bottoms of the tube and coupling threads from the line of the average thread diameter (d h
1 and d
2 according to Fig. 4) should not exceed:

table 2

Thread size designation h

1 =
2 = 1 / 2

d h

1 = d

1/16 and 1/8¢¢
1/4 and 3/8¢¢
1/2 and ¾ ¢ ¢


Date of introduction 01.10.52

This standard applies to threaded connections of fuel, oil, water and air pipelines of machines and machine tools.


1. In pipelines made of steel water and gas pipes in accordance with GOST 3262, connections with conical threads must be made in accordance with GOST 6211-81.

2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).



1. The profile and dimensions of a conical inch thread with a profile angle of 60° must correspond to Figure 1 and Table 1.

Fig. 1 - Conical inch thread

; ; ; taper Fig.1

The thread pitch is measured parallel to the thread axis. The bisector of the profile angle is perpendicular to the thread axis.

Example of a symbol for a tapered thread:

GOST 6111-52
Table 1 Dimensions in millimeters

Designation, thread size, inches Number of threads per Thread pitch Thread length Thread diameter in the main plane Internal diameter of thread at the end of the pipe Working coil height
from the end of the pipe to the main plane outer interior


1. When screwing together without tension a pipe and a coupling with nominal thread sizes, the main plane of the pipe thread coincides with the end of the coupling.

2. Size is for reference.

3. Instead of threads, it is allowed to use conical threads M6x1 in accordance with GOST 19853.

4. The number of turns with a full profile in a threaded connection should not be less than two.

5. It is allowed to reduce the size (distance from the main plane to the end of the pipe), while the requirement of paragraph 4 regarding dimensions must be met.

Diameter of hole for GOST thread (Table)

The reference tables contain the dimensions of the diameters of holes for threading according to GOST 9150-59, GOST 6357-52, GOST 6111-52 and GOST 6211-52

1. The tables are for reference, issued on the basis of the plant’s guidelines 01.2РМ31-65 and normals МН5384-5389-64 and are intended for foremen, technologists and workers of main and auxiliary production.

2. The sizes of holes for threads with large pitches are highlighted in bold text.

3. The diameter of holes indicated without tolerances is carried out according to class 4 accuracy.

Diameters of holes for threading according to GOST 9150-59

Nominal thread diameter Diameters of holes for threading according to GOST 9150-59
Thread pitches S
0,2 0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,75 0,8 1 1,25 1,5
1 0,8 0,75
1,4 1,1
1,6 1,25
2,0 1,75 1,6
2,5 2,15 2,05
3 2,65 2,5
3,5 3,15 2,9
4 3,5 3,3
4,5 4 3,8
5 4,5 4,2
6 5,5 5,2 5
8 7,5 7,2 7 6,7
10 9,5 9,2 9 8,7 8,5
Nominal thread diameter Diameter of holes for threading according to GOST 9150-59
Thread pitches S
0,75 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
12 11,2 11 10,7 10,5 10,2
14 13,2 13 12,7 12,5 11.9A5
16 15,25 15 14,5 14
18 17 16,5 16 15.35A5
20 18,95 18,45 18 17.35A5
22 20,95 20,45 20 19.35A5
24 22,45 21.85A5 20.85A5
27 25,45 25 23.85A5
30 28,45 28 26.85A5
33 29.85A5 29.35A5
36 32.8A5 31.8A5
39 34.8A5
Nominal thread diameter Diameters of holes for threading according to GOST 9150-59
Thread pitches S
1 1,5 2 3 4 4,5 5 5,5 6
42 40,95 40,45 38,9 37.8A5 37,ZA5
45 43,95 43,45 42,95 41,9 40.8A5 40,ZA5
48 46,95 46,45 45,95 44,9 43.8A5 42.8A5
52 50,43 45,95 48,9 47.8A5 46.8A5
56 54,43 53,9 52,9 51,9 50,ZA5
60 58,4 57,9 56,9 55,9 54,ZA5
64 62,4 61,9 60,9 59,9 57.8A5
68 66,4 65,9 64,9 63,9 61.8A5
72 70,4 69,9 68,9 67,9 65.8A5
76 74,4 73,9 72,9 71,9 69.8A5
80 78,4 77,9 76,9 75,9 73.8A5
85 83,4 82,9 81,9 80,9 78.8A5
90 88,4 87,9 86,9 85,9 83.75A5
For metals of high viscosity / (aluminum-magnesium alloys)
Nominal thread diameter Diameter for holes for threading according to GOST 9150-59
Thread pitches S
0,25 0,3 0,35 0,4 0,45 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2
1 0,8
1,4 1.15
1,6 1,3
2 1,65
2,5 2,15
3 2,6
3,5 3
4 3,35
5 4,25
6 5,1
8 6,8
10 8,6
12 10,8 10,6
14 12,6 12,1

Diameters of holes for cutting cylindrical pipe threads according to GOST 6357-52

Diameters of holes for cutting cylindrical pipe threads according to GOST 6357-52
Thread designation, inches drill diameter, mm
thread accuracy class
2 3
1/8 8.65A4 8.7A5
1/4 11.5A4 11.5A5
3/8 15A4 15A5
1/2 18.7A, 18.7A5
5/8 20,7+0,12 20.7A5
3/4 24,2+0,15 24.2A5
7/8 28+0,12 28A5
1 30,43+0,16 30,43+0,29
1·1/8 35A4 35A5
1·1/4 39A4 39A5
1·3/8 41.5A5
1·1/2 45A5

Diameters of holes for threading according to OST NKTP 1260

Diameters of holes for cutting inch threads according to OST NKTP 1260
Thread designation, inches Drill diameter, mm Thread designation, inches Drill diameter, mm
3/16 3,6 1 22
1/4 5 1·1/8 24,75
5/16 6,4 1·1/4 27,75
3/8 7,8 1·3/8 30,25
7/16 9,1 1·1/2 33,5
1/2 10,4 1·5/8 35,75
9/16 12 1·3/8 39
5/8 13,3 1·7/8 41,5
3/4 16,25 2 44,5
7/8 19,25

Hole diameter GOST 6111-52

Diameter of holes for cutting inch conical threads with reaming to a cone, GOST 6111-52
Thread diameter Number of threads per 1″ dc do Drill depth. e mm
1/8 27 8,ZA5 8.76A4 15
1/4 18 10.7A5 11.31A4 20
3/8 14.25A5 14.8A4 22
1/2 14 17.5A5 18.32A4 28
3/4 22.9A5 23.66A4 28
1 11·1/2 28.75A5 29.69A4 35
1·1/4 37.43A5 38.45A4 36
1·1/2 43.5A5 44.52A4 36
2 55.5A4 56.54A4 37

Hole diameter GOST 6211-52

Diameter of holes for cutting conical pipe threads with reaming to a cone, GOST 6211-52
Thread diameter Number of threads per 1″ dc I'll drill the depth. e mm
1/8 28 8.1A5 8.57A4 15
1/4 19 10.8A5 11.45A4 20
3/8 14.25A5 14,95+0,1 24
1/2 14 17.9A5 18,63+0,1 29
3/4 23.25A5 24,12+0,1 31
1 11 29.25A5 30.30А3а 37
1·1/4 37.75A5 38.95A3a 40
1·1/2 43.5A5 44.83A3a 42
2 55A5 56.54A3a 44

Source of information: PA “Mashzavod im. October Revolution" 1986.


1. The profile and dimensions of a conical inch thread with a profile angle of 60° must correspond to the drawings. 1 and table. 1.

Table 1

Designation, thread size Number of threads per 1¢¢ Size in mm
Thread pitch Thread length thread diameter in the main plane Internal diameter of thread at the end of the pipe Working coil height
from the end of the pipe to the main plane
outer interior

2 =




1 =


1. When screwing together without tension a pipe and a coupling with nominal thread sizes, the main plane of the pipe thread coincides with the end of the coupling.

2. Size d T


3. Instead of a 1/16 ¢¢ thread, it is allowed to use an M6´1 conical thread in accordance with GOST 19853.

4. The number of turns with a full profile in a threaded connection should not be less than two.

5. It is allowed to reduce the size l

2 (distance from the main plane to the end of the pipe), in this case the requirement of clause 4 of this standard regarding the difference in dimensions
2 must be met.

The thread pitch is measured parallel to the thread axis.

The bisector of the profile angle is perpendicular to the thread axis.

Symbol for tapered thread 3 /

4 ¢¢

Not Found



Date of introduction 01.10.52

This standard applies to threaded connections of fuel, oil, water and air pipelines of machines and machine tools.


1. In pipelines made of steel water and gas pipes in accordance with GOST 3262-75, connections with conical threads must be made in accordance with GOST 6211-81.

2. (Deleted, Amendment No. 2).

1. The profile and dimensions of a conical inch thread with a profile angle of 60° must correspond to the drawings. 1 and table. 1.

Crap. 1

The thread pitch is measured parallel to the thread axis.

The bisector of the profile angle is perpendicular to the thread axis.

Example of symbol for tapered thread 3/


GOST 6111-52
(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

Table 1

Dimensions in millimeters

Designation, thread size,


Number of threads per 1¢¢
Thread pitch


Thread length Thread diameter in the main plane Internal diameter of thread at the end of the pipe


Working coil height





from the end of the pipe to the main plane












1/16 27 0,941 6,5 4,064 7,142 7,895 6,389 6,135 0,753
1/8 7,0 4,572 9,519 10,272 8,766 8,480
¼ 18 1,411 9,5 5,080 12,443 13,572 11,314 10,997 1,129
3/8 10,5 6,096 15,926 17,055 14,797 14,416
½ 14 1,814 13,5 8,128 19,772 21,223 18,321 17,813 1,451
¾ 14,0 8,611 25,117 26,568 23,666 23,128
1 11½ 2,209 17,5 10,160 31,461 33,228 29,694 29,059 1,767
18,0 10,668 40,218 41,985 38,451 37,784
18,5 46,287 48,054 44,520 43,853
2 19,0 11,074 58,325 60,092 56,558 55,866


1. When screwing together without tension a pipe and a coupling with nominal thread sizes, the main plane of the pipe thread coincides with the end of the coupling.

2. dT


3. Instead of a 1/16¢¢ thread, it is allowed to use an M6´1 conical thread in accordance with GOST 19853-74.

4. The number of turns with a full profile in a threaded connection should not be less than two.

5. It is allowed to reduce the size l

- l
must be met .

2. The pipe thread (external thread) is checked by the average diameter with a thread ring gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69. Axial displacement of the main plane of the pipe D l

2 (Fig. 2) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

Crap. 2

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

3. The coupling thread (internal thread) is checked according to the average diameter using a thread plug gauge in accordance with GOST 6485-69. Axial displacement of the main plane of the coupling D l

2 (Fig. 3) relative to the nominal location should not exceed
(thread pitch).

Crap. 3

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).

4. Size difference l

2 should be no less than the difference indicated in the table.
1 nominal sizes l
1 and

5. Deviation of the distances between the tops and bottoms of the tube and coupling threads from the line of the average thread diameter (d h

1 and d
2 according to devil. 4) must not exceed:

table 2

Thread size designation h




1/16 and 1/8¢¢ 0,3765 -0,045
1/4 and 3/8¢¢ 0,5645 -0,065
1/2 and ¾¢¢ 0,7255 -0,085
1 — 2¢¢ 0,8835

Crap. 4

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2).

6. Deviations of half the profile angle, slope angle (j/2) and deviation in thread pitch (deviations in the distances between any turns) should not exceed those given in table. 3.

Table 3

Thread size designation inches Maximum deviation
half profile angle slope angle by thread pitch
for external thread for internal thread at a length of up to 10 mm at the length of St. 10 mm
1/16¢¢ and 1/8¢¢ ±1° +12¢ -12¢ ±0,02 ±0,04
-6¢ +6¢
¼¢¢ – 2¢¢ ±45¢ +10¢ -10¢
-5¢ +5¢

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Machine Tool Industry

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the Office for Standardization under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on January 10, 1952.

3. INSTEAD OST 20010-38


Designation of the referenced technical document Item number
GOST 3262-75 Introductory part
GOST 6211-81 »
GOST 6485-69 2, 3
GOST 19853-74 1

5. The validity period was lifted according to Gosstandart Decree dated December 18, 1984 No. 4538 (IUS 3-85)

6. EDITION with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in December 1969, December 1984 (IUS 1-70, 3-85)

NPT/NPTF tapered thread: main characteristics and standards

Appearance of a tapered NPT thread NPT/NPTF (national pipe taper/national pipe tapered fuel) thread is an American standard for tapered pipe threads. This standard applies to pipes and fittings that are manufactured in the USA.

NPT tapered pipe thread complies with GOST 6111-52 “Inch tapered thread with a profile angle of 60 degrees”, which is valid in most CIS countries.

The United States National Hydraulic Transmission Association advises against the use of NPT and NPTF standards in hydraulics. But despite this, the use of these standards is very widespread.

NPT thread diagram

Types of inch threads:

  • NPT – thread with a taper of 1:16 and a profile angle of 60°. This thread complies with ANSI B1.21.1, FED-STD-H28/7 standards.
  • NPS – cylindrical thread.
  • NPTF - sealed inch thread with a profile angle of 60°, sealing occurs due to thread compression. This type of inch thread complies with SAE J476, ANSI B1.20.3, FED-STD-H28/8 standards.

Main parameters of the most common NPTF threaded connections:

Nominal diameter, inchMain diameter, mmThreaded hole, mmThreads per inchPitch, mm
NPTF 1/16″7.8706.00270.940
NPTF 1/8″10.2178.25270.940
NPTF 1/4″13.57710.70181.411
NPTF 3/8″17.01614.10181.411
NPTF 1/2″21.21117.40141.814
NPTF 3/4″26.56622.60141.814
NPTF 1″33.19528.5011.52.209
NPTF 1 1/4″41.95237.0011.52.209
NPTF 1 1/2″48.02143.5011.52.209
NPTF 2″60.06055.0011.52.209
NPTF 2 1/2″72.64265.5083.175
NPTF 4″113.913107.0083.175

Main parameters of the most common NPT threaded connections:

Nominal diameter, inchMain diameter, mmThreaded hole, mmThreads per inchPitch, mm
NPT 1/16″7.8706.00270.940
NPT 1/8″10.2178.25270.940
NPT 1/4″13.57710.70181.411
NPT 3/8″17.01614.10181.411
NPT 1/2″21.21117.40141.814
NPT 3/4″26.56622.60141.814
NPT 1″33.19528.5011.52.209
NPT 1 1/4″41.95237.0011.52.209
NPT 1 1/2″48.02143.5011.52.209
NPT 2″60.06055.0011.52.209
NPT 2 1/2″72.64265.5083.175
NPT 4″113.913107.0083.175
NPT 5″141,300134,38483.175
NPT 6″168,275161,19183.175
NPT 8″219,075211,67383.175
NPT 10″273,050265,31183.175
NPT 12″323,850315,79383.175

To create an NPT (NPTF) connection, special threading machines with a tap (die or threading head) are used.

BREXIT brings to your attention equipment with which you can cut NPT (NPTF) threads on pipes and workpieces with high quality:

  • Die heads from 1/2 to 2 inches. Designed for high-quality, high-performance thread cutting. Safe and quick replacement.
  • Manual threading dies from 1/2 to 1.1/4 inches. Designed for cutting conical pipe threads on water, electrical or gas pipes. It has high performance and is easy to transport.
  • Manual threading dies from 1/2 to 2 inches. Can be widely used in equipment installation and construction industry, ideal for increasing labor productivity, reducing construction time, ensuring its quality, and reducing labor intensity.
  • Electric threading machines from 1/2 to 2 inches. High-performance threading machine for mobile and stationary use. Suitable for long-term, intensive use in the workshop and on the construction site, used in the installation of heating and water supply systems and in mass production. The machine cuts precise threads of very high quality.
  • Electric threading machines from 1/2 to 3 inches. The machine is designed for cutting screw and cylindrical threads on pipes. Used to produce precise, reliable threaded connections on pipes and bolts in accordance with codes. It is designed for long-term industrial use.
  • Electric threading machines from 1/2 to 4 inches. The machine is designed for cutting pipe and metric threads. Used for the manufacture of precise, reliable threaded connections on pipes and studs in accordance with standards.

NPT threads are used in connections with increased tightness requirements. Connections with such threads are able to withstand strong pressure of the circulating medium through the pipeline.

To buy equipment for cutting NPT (NPTF) tapered threads on pipes, contact BREXIT managers by contact numbers: +375 (17) 256-22-55, +375 (29) 602-00-80, +375 (29) 766 -07-00, we will tell you in detail about the operating features, design and specifics of this type of equipment.


GOST provides holes for threads with coarse pitch <1 =

1.0 - 2.2 mm.

26. Dimensions and maximum deviations of the diameters of holes in threads with fine pitch.

Dimensions, mm

Nominal thread diameter dThread pitch P Threaded hole diameter with tolerance range
4Н5Н; 5H; 5Н6Н; 6H; 7N 6G; 7G 4Н5Н; 5H 5Н6Н; 6H; 6G 7H; 7G
Denomination Deviations
2,5 3 3,50,35 2,15 2,65 3,15 2,17 2,67 3,17 +0,05+0,07
4 4,5 5 5,5 0,5 3,50 4,00 4,50 5,00 3,52 4,02 4,52 5,02 +0,08 +0,10 +0,14
6 0,5 0,75 5,50 5,20 5,52 5,23 +0,08 +0,11 +0,10 +0,17 +0,14 +0,22
8 0,5 0,75 1 7,50 7,20 6,95 7,52 7,23 7,00 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26
10 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 9,50 9,20 8,95 8,70 9,53 9,23 9,00 8,75 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,17 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,20 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,26
12 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 11,50 11,20 10,99 10,70 10,43 11,52 11,23 11,00 10,75 10,50 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,17 +0,19 +0,10 +0,17 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,26 +0,30
14 0,5 0,75 1 1,25 1,5 13,50 13,20 12,95 12,70 12,43 13,52 13,23 13,00 12,75 12,50 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,17 +0,19 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,20 +0,22 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,26 +0,30
16 0,5 0,75 1 1,5 15,50 15,20 14,95 14,43 15,52 15,23 15,00 14,50 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30
18 0,5 0,75 1 1,5 2 17,50 17,20 16,95 16,43 15,90 17,52 17,23 17,00 16,50 15,95 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40
20 0,5 0,75 1 1,5 2 19,50 19,20 18,95 18,43 17,90 19,52 19,23 19,00 18,50 17,95 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40
22 0,5 0,75 1 1,5 2 21,50 21,20 20,95 20,43 19,90 21,52 21,23 21,00 20,50 19,95 +0,08 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,10 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,14 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40
24 0,75 1 1,5 2 23,20 22,95 22,43 21,90 23,23 23,00 22,50 21,95 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40
27 0,75 1 1,5 2 26,20 25,95 25.43 24,90 26,23 26,00 25,50 24,95 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,22 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40
30 0,75 1 1,5 2 3 29,20 28,95 28,43 27,90 26,85 29,23 29,00 28,50 27,95 26,90 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,30 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40 +0,53
33 0,75 1 1,5 2 3 32,20 31,95 31,43 30,90 29,85 32,23 32,00 31,50 30,95 29,90 +0,11 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,30 +0,17 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40 +0,22 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40 +0,53
36 1 1,5 2 3 34,95 34,43 33,90 32,85 35,00 34,50 33,95 32,90 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,30 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40 +0,53
39 1 1,5 2 3 37,95 37,43 36,90 35,85 38,00 37,50 36,95 35,90 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,30 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40 +0,53
42 1 1,5 2 3 4 40,95 40,43 39,90 38,85 37,80 41,00 40,50 39,95 38,90 37,85 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,30 +0,36 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40 +0,48 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40 +0,53 +0,62
45 1 1,5 2 3 4 43,95 43,43 42,90 41,85 40,80 44,00 43,50 42,95 41,90 40,85 +0,17 +0,19 +0,24 +0,30 +0,36 +0,20 +0,22 +0,30 +0,40 +0,48 +0,26 +0,30 +0,40 +0,53 +0,62

GOST provides holes for threads with D = 1.0 - 200 mm and for c1

3rd row. GOST provides a method for determining the diameters of holes for cutting metric threads for materials of high viscosity.

27. Diameters of holes for cutting inch conical threads with a profile angle of 60° according to GOST 6111-52

The dimensions of the holes for threading apply to metals and alloys that do not have high viscosity.

Dimensions, mm

With cone deploymentWithout cone deployment
Thread size, inches Number of steps per 1″Thread pitch PInternal thread diameter d1 Diameter of hole with reaming to cone Drilling depth


Hole diameter without taper
Denomination Deviations Denomination Deviations Denomination Deviations
1/16 1/8 27 0,941 6,389 8,766 6,00 8,30 +0,16 +0,20 6,39 8,76 +0,09 13 14 6,3 8,7 +0,14
1/4 3/8 18 1,411 11,314 14,797 10,70 14,25 +0,24 11,31 14,80 +0,13 20 21 11,2 14,7 +0,24
1/2 3/4 14 1,814 18,321 23,666 17,50 22,90 +0,28 18,32 23,66 +0,17 26,5 18,25 23,50 +0,24 +0,28
1 11/4 111/2 2,209 29,694 38,451 28,75 37,43 +0,28 +0,34 29,69 38,45 33,5 34,5 29,6 38,5 +0,28 +0,34
11/8 44,520 43,50 +0,34 44,52 34,5 44,5 +0,34

28. Diameters of holes for cutting cylindrical pipe threads (according to GOST 21348-75)

Diameters of holes for cutting cylindrical pipe threads in accordance with GOST 6357-81 in products made of steel in accordance with GOST 380-94, GOST 4543-71, GOST 1050-88 and GOST 5632-72 (except for nickel-based alloys) and copper in accordance with GOST 859-78 .

Nominal thread size, inches Number of steps per 1″ Step Threaded hole diameter Nominal thread size, inches Number of steps per 1″ Step Diameter of threaded hole
Denomination Deviations for accuracy classes Denomination Deviations for accuracy classes


B 1/8 28 0.907 8.62 +0.10 +0.20 4/21 21/223/43 31/431/233/44 41/25 51/26 11 2.309 62.80 72.27 78.62 84 .97 91.07 97.42 103.77 110.12 122.82 135.52 148.22 160.92 +0.22 +0.43 1/4 3/8 19 1.337 11.50 15.00 +0 .12 +0.25 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 14 1.814 18.68 20.64 24.17 27.93 +0.14+0.28 1 11/8 11/413/811/ 213/4 2 11 2.309 30.34 35.00 39.00 41.41 44.90 50.84 56.70 +0.18+0.36
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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