How much copper is in a gas stove - Metals, equipment, instructions

Ways to solve the dilemma

When renovations are taking place in your kitchen, a stove replacement is planned, the question arises - where to put the old stove? The options are:

  1. Sale. The stove must be in good condition. You must have time to organize the sale. This includes placing ads, conversations, meetings with potential buyers, and showing them your product.
  2. Disposal to landfill. You can't just throw away the slab. This is not household trash. It must be disposed of correctly. Otherwise - a fine of about 50,000 for private individuals.
  3. Disposal. This matter is best left to professionals. Today there are many companies engaged in such matters. Of course, their services must be paid.
  4. Selling for scrap. This is the most acceptable option. You can also earn some income from it. It is necessary to know the specifics of such an event. One way or another, this is the best solution to the dilemma of where to sell your old electric or gas stove.

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How to dispose of an electric stove?

Illegal and improper disposal of electric stoves (especially mass) is prosecuted by government agencies. Disposal of an electric stove, as well as a gas one, requires compliance with a number of rules necessary to avoid the negative impact of the components of the equipment on the natural environment. Recycling activities related to electric stoves carried out by licensed companies include:

  • a specialist’s visit to the home (or organization) of the customer – the owner of the old equipment;
  • careful removal of outdated devices;
  • transportation of equipment to the dismantling site;
  • disassembling, sorting all components of the electric stove and sending these parts for further processing.

Recycling an electric stove for money (that is, when the owner can get money for his old electric stove) is not practiced in our country. Rather, some companies may ask for a certain amount of money to carry out disposal activities (although it happens that companies remove equipment from your home for free). You can receive a cash reward in the form of a discount on new equipment in stores with recycling promotions.

Proper disposal of slabs is a modern way to ensure safety for human health and nature. Every person, before throwing away old equipment, should think about the consequences. To dispose of an old gas stove, it would be correct to use the services of specialized companies.

This short video explains how household gas equipment and other equipment is disposed of and why this procedure is needed.

Interesting Consequences and measures to combat forest pollution

Specifics of scrapping slabs

This method is most beneficial for those owners who can independently deliver the slabs to the collection point for metal products. At the same time, you can grab other metal debris (if any).

If you do not have your own transport, you can contact a company that removes scrap metal and pays for it. It is better to find a company with the most favorable financial conditions. As a rule, you pay for the product minus fees for the services of field specialists.

To successfully pull this off, you need to:

  1. Contact the selected company by phone or through the website. Submit an application for a visit from receptionists.
  2. Agree on the time of their visit, give the address.

They come and take the device. They can dismantle it themselves. The owner receives money for such change.

There are some subtleties here too. When registering, you must correctly fill out the necessary documents. The client must prove his identity with a passport or other suitable document.

Specialists will inspect and check the slab and the type of metal using special equipment. They weigh her. The possible presence of hazardous impurities and other elements is detected. Based on the checks, the final price is formed.

The client receives payment directly on the day of delivery.

How much does it cost to sell a gas stove for scrap? Here a lot depends on its weight and content. For example, the standard weight of a small stove is 50 kg. Prices vary in different cities and companies. Usually this range is 3000 – 9000 rubles.

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The price of a gas stove for scrap metal can be much less. Especially if it is a modest model in terms of weight and content.

Disposal of a gas stove

Connecting a gas stove 800 rub.

submit your application

Free visit of a specialist in Moscow and the Moscow Ring Road
Free consultation with a specialist

Any product has its own service life. And if there is an old gas stove in your apartment that you want to replace or recycle, then the questions arise: how to do this correctly? There are few options. The main requirement is compliance with environmental standards and current legislation.

By law, the disposal of large household appliances is prohibited in our country, for which an administrative fine of several minimum wages is provided. A gas stove that has served for a long period of time and has stopped working cannot simply be thrown into a landfill. The elements it contains pose a danger both to others and to the environment as a whole.

Removal and disposal of a gas stove in Moscow

Let's disassemble a gas stove into its elements and find out which parts of it pose the greatest threat to our nature: Metal is what the stove body is made of. It is often covered with enamel. The decomposition period of metals is 10-15 years, but the consequences for the soil are very negative.

Glass door - it will take approximately 2500 years for the glass to turn into sand. Until then, it will create danger for others.

Plastic pens take 600 years to “digest” in the soil. But while this happens, harmful substances will be released into the atmosphere.

A hob made of aluminum releases heavy metal ions when decomposed. They negatively affect the soil and pose a threat to human health.

How to properly change and dispose of a gas stove in Moscow

A gas stove is a household equipment with increased danger. You cannot leave it near the trash can - a direct violation of current legislation. Disposal must be carried out by special organizations that have qualified staff.

Our organization can replace your gas stove with a new one and dispose of the old one. We have all the approvals necessary to work with gas equipment. Our craftsmen are highly qualified. We visit the site free of charge in Moscow and within the Moscow Ring Road. We provide free consultation.


According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, only organizations that have the appropriate permits and approvals have the right to carry out work related to the installation of household gas equipment!

If you need correct installation, in compliance with ALL standards and requirements, contact us!

LLC "GazTekhMontazh" has all the Approvals and Permits for carrying out installation activities with gas equipment. We do not “inflate” prices at the end of the work! As a result, we issue a receipt, based on this document, payment is made and a mark is placed on the warranty card. All services come with a WARRANTY.

Other nuances for old slabs

When trading in an old stove, you need to know what is valuable about an old gas stove and what parts are not valued. For example, experts do not evaluate any wires, windings and other components that are not used for processing.

How much non-ferrous metal is in a gas stove? Typically, cheap ferrous metals are used to manufacture such devices. Therefore, you can’t count on high prices. The percentage of non-ferrous metals is minimal. In rare cases, they can be discovered during disassembly.

Thus, if you want to earn extra money by selling non-ferrous metals and are puzzled whether there is non-ferrous metal in the gas stove, then this is not the best solution. You're better off looking for objects with a high content of such metals.

How much copper is in an old gas stove? It's no secret that you can make a good profit by selling copper. Especially in villages, significant masses surrender. And often the owners decide whether there is copper in the gas stove and how much it can contain? In this regard, the answer is negative. And it doesn’t matter what brand of stove.

Often, users of the Idel stove are dissatisfied with its functionality.

This is far from the best model. This is a modest version with limited functions and frequent breakdowns. Even summer residents are increasingly abandoning it. And a logical question arises, how much copper is in the Idel gas stove and what is the most profitable way to sell it? In this regard, the stove is also disappointing. It is modest in size, assembled from ferrous metal. You won't get much for it. At best, 3000-5000 rubles.

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But in old Soviet gas water heaters and boilers, the situation with copper is much better. For example, in the old column there is a copper radiator. Its weight is 7 kg. The average price of 1 kg of copper is 145 rubles. That is, upon passing this component you can get 1015 rubles.


Gas to electricity
This is not an easy matter. To go through the entire necessary procedure, you will have to overcome many authorities. You will need to be patient, have some money, and not count on a quick victory.

You need:

  • obtain permission (consent) from the housing organization to increase power in your apartment;
  • obtain permission to increase power in your apartment from the connection service of Moscow City Electric Grid Company OJSC (tel. 957-22-60);
  • obtain permission to replace the gas stove with an electric one and additionally install a storage water heater from Rostekhnadzor (formerly Mosgosenergonadzor), that is, permission to use thermal equipment (tel. 166-32-13);
  • agree with the TsOPenergo department on the possibility of using the installed electricity meter in your apartment or replacing it if necessary;
  • conclude a power supply agreement with the city branch of TsOPenergo at your place of residence;
  • obtain permission from the gas service to dismantle the equipment.

Electric - on electric

Do you want to replace your still fully functional, serviceable electric stove with a more modern one? When purchasing an electrical appliance, keep in mind that each has its own rated power. And if the stove consumes too much electricity, and the electrical wiring is not designed for such an “appetite”, there is a risk that the plugs on the panel will fly out, or, God forbid, the electrical wiring will catch fire.

Therefore, before you buy an electric stove, study its technical characteristics. Consult with specialists, and it is better to entrust the installation to specialized organizations.


According to current regulations in Moscow, repairmen are required to respond to a signal of a gas leak in your apartment within 40 minutes.

To fulfill a request for repair of gas equipment, specialized services are required to respond within 24 hours.

Question about electric stove

Is there copper in an electric stove? This is a very pressing question for the owners of such devices in situations where they are deciding how best to hand over an electric stove that is no longer needed.

As a rule, the wires of such plates contain copper conductors. Such core material is required according to the PUE criteria. Depending on the number of cores and their thickness, the potential benefit of delivering these products is determined. But this is still a very small benefit.

How much copper is in the electric stove itself? Not much either. It may be present in modest proportions in heating components. There may also be tungsten in there. The type of electric stove also matters. For example, small two-burner models may rarely have copper heaters.

What is valuable in the stove?

A gas stove for scrap metal contains ordinary iron (the overwhelming majority), brass or copper, and aluminum in small quantities. Gas taps are made from brass. Burners made of aluminum. Old Soviet models of gas stoves have a lot of copper: the design includes a copper radiator weighing several kilograms.

On average, non-ferrous scrap accounts for about 25% of the volume of metal tile parts.

There is less metal in an electric stove, since it itself is lighter than a gas stove. The main part is steel. The heating elements contain some copper and may contain tungsten. Copper is also found in cables for electric stoves.

How much does a gas stove weigh?

If you decide to buy yourself a new stove - gas or electric stove, sooner or later the question will arise where to put the old one. This is what we will talk about today.

Many people don't even worry about this. They can take it out and put it near the trash can, in the dark, so that no one can see and let the janitor decide where to put it. But this is wrong, and even if the same janitor sees you, there will be proceedings.

If your stove is in working order, you can always sell it. To do this, post a sale message on a free bulletin board and you will definitely find a buyer. Well, if it doesn’t work, then there is only one way out - to get rid of it. There are several ways to do this. But looking ahead, let’s say that scrapping an electric stove would be the best solution, and this also applies to a gas stove.

One way is to recycle it . This method is not cheap. The fact is that you yourself will need to disassemble it, get permission from the city authorities, take it and only then can it be accepted for disposal.

This process itself is free. Handing over an electric stove in this way is expensive and laborious. Due to the fact that the stove weighs about 50 kg, you will need the help of one more person, whom you also need to thank. Of course, household appliance recycling companies offer cargo transportation services, and you can call these people to your home, but the cost is about 2,000 rubles. The amount is colossal for a non-working stove.

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The second way is to take the slab to the central city landfill . However, this method is also expensive and laborious. Again, you need to get permission from the city authorities, hire someone to help and transport the stove. It is best if you have already been able to load the stove, sell it for scrap.

The third and best solution is to scrap the gas stove .

As we have already said, on average, a stove weighs about 50 kilograms (gas and electric stoves). The price for 1 kg of scrap ranges from 4 to 9 rubles. The cost varies depending on what area you live in. Accordingly, after handing over the slab you will receive 200-450 rubles. Minus the blockage percentage is about 10%. The amount is small. Please note that all these calculations relate to your own delivery of the slab to the scrap metal collection point.

If you want the slab to be taken out for scrap metal, then you will not receive money for it, in this case, selling the slab for scrap metal will not be a profitable option, they will simply provide you with a service and help you get rid of it, and in some cases no one will go for it at all.

We all know about the dangers of huge landfills, which are always located outside the city limits. All waste must be sorted and recycled. This applies in particular to any scrap metal. We know a lot about the importance of recycling any raw material. Just think how much the amount of melted metal will increase if every person hands over unusable equipment to scrap metal collection points?! The fact is that cast-iron bathtubs are the most recycled, and small appliances in most cases are sent to landfill. It is not right!

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You can sell your gas stove as scrap metal at any recycling collection point. Since the purchase of metal in large quantities and its subsequent transportation is carried out by large enterprises, they do not deal with small goods. That is why in our country, literally at every step, there are scrap metal collection points. They are mainly located in garage cooperatives or in the private sector, in warehouses. At the collection points there are loaders who, completely free of charge, will come and pick up the slab and transport it to the collection point. An electric stove for scrap metal is, first of all, about caring for the environment!

A modern kitchen is most often equipped with a variety of kitchen appliances and household appliances. The most popular and relevant kitchen appliance is the stove. Typically, experienced housewives prefer gas stoves. They are more economical to operate and allow you to quickly cook various dishes on gas.

Why recycle a gas stove?

A used gas stove belongs to the class of multi-component solid household waste, so it cannot be left in a landfill; proper disposal is required. This causes serious harm to the environment.

Composition of waste and danger to the environment

What does a gas stove consist of and what danger does it pose to the environment:

  • The base of the stove is a metal body, also covered with stainless steel, so the decomposition period in the ground is almost 10, or even 15 years. And this does not go unnoticed for nature - during the destruction, iron compounds enter the soil, poisoning the ground, making it unsuitable for agriculture, and groundwater, poisoning an important source of life.
  • Oven door glass. This element is almost impossible to decompose naturally; it will take more than 2,000 years for it to become sand again.
  • The plastic from which the handles are made. During the decomposition process, substances that are toxic to nature and humans are released. The breakdown period for different types of plastics is 50-600 years.
  • The hob often consists of the non-ferrous metal aluminum. When decomposed, it releases heavy metal ions, which are among the strongest pollutants. When they get into the soil, they poison the ground and groundwater, making them unsuitable for humans.
  • And when burned, all components produce a toxic mixture of gases, which damages the ozone layer and is the culprit of the greenhouse effect. That is, with each incorrectly disposed slab, the Earth becomes one step closer to disaster.

Proper disposal of gas and electric stoves will help to significantly reduce the amount of garbage, and therefore the negative human impact on nature both in the country and throughout the world.

By thoughtlessly throwing an old stove into a landfill, a person first harms himself, since the products of combustion and decomposition of its components remain in the ground, air and water for many years.

Fine for taking KMG to a landfill or taking it to garbage containers

Unauthorized dumping of large-sized household waste is suppressed by the state with fines. So, if there is no special container in the area designed specifically for such waste, then the removal of gas stoves must be carried out independently and at your own expense. Otherwise, a fine may be imposed in the amount of:

  • From 1,000 to 2,000 for citizens;
  • From 2,000 to 5,000 for officials;
  • The administration can also collect money in the amount of several minimum wages.

If a person does not want to spend money on proper disposal of kitchen equipment and decides to take it to a forest belt and leave it there, then the fines for such an offense are even higher and reach about 20,000 rubles. For this amount you can buy a new stove. Therefore, you should not tempt fate, but it would be better to understand how to dispose of slabs without harming the environment.

In the Russian Federation there are organizations that record and move gas and electrical equipment. They exist completely legally, so leaving kitchen equipment in a landfill with impunity will not work.

It is necessary to store unusable household appliances before disposal, observing fire and sanitary safety rules, since the owner is responsible for them, even if the kitchen equipment is not working.


Choosing a gas stove is a crucial step for every housewife. Women are usually concerned about how their new home appliances will look. Men are interested in the dimensions and weight of equipment. Dimensions will depend on the brand and sample of the device.

Old style

Old-style copies from different manufacturers do not differ much from each other.
The dimensions of a standard Soviet stove are 55 cm wide and 65 cm deep. The average weight is 30-40 kg. The maximum figure does not reach more than 50 kg. Typically the stove has 4 gas burners and one oven compartment. Article on the topic: How to set up a hitachi TV without a remote control

Modern representatives

Gas stoves from modern manufacturers are famous for their diversity and large selection of different variations. The most popular include:

  • Tourist. They are famous for their uniqueness, as they are convenient to take on a hike or fishing. On average, their price is about 1000 - 1500 rubles, dimensions are 175x200x100 mm. This one weighs no more than 1.5 kg. The stove comes without an oven, only 1-2 burners;
  • Homemade. Dimensional samples are installed in houses or apartments. They have parameters of 650x650x800 mm. Their weight reaches up to 45 kg. It depends on the material from which it is made, the number of burners and the presence/absence of an oven.

The main advantage of modern models is that they are lighter in weight, have gas control, and cast iron grates. In addition, they fit perfectly into any interior.

Owners of small kitchens should pay attention to miniature models of gas stoves. Most often they come separately from the oven and are built into the kitchen structure. On average, the weight of such a slab is 20-25 kg. Such household appliances do not differ much from large-sized options. They are equipped with the same functions and have the same number of burners (from 1 to 4).

What are the requirements for copper pipes?

Companies that produce products for gas pipeline installation never use copper alloys with other materials in their production, as the quality is lost. The purity of the metal should not be lower than 99.9%.

Brands used for making pipes:

  • at domestic enterprises - M1, M2, M1r, M2r;
  • foreign analogues – Cu-DHP.

Depending on the production method and physical properties, finished products are divided into 3 categories: soft (R – tensile strength 220 mPa), semi-hard (R – tensile strength 250 mPa), hard (R – tensile strength 290 mPa).

For the installation of gas pipelines, it is recommended to use hard or increased hardness pipes. Soft ones are only suitable for connecting gas equipment to the network - boilers, stoves, water heaters

It has been noticed that long-term storage affects the quality of copper - it becomes harder. You can return to its former qualities by annealing. In order not to carry out additional restoration measures, we do not recommend purchasing installation products with a reserve.

You cannot use pipe products with a wall thickness of less than 1 mm. Thin pipes do not meet the requirements and may be damaged during the assembly process - during bending or crimping

According to manufacturing technology, gas pipes are divided into 2 groups:

  • welded - in the production of which welding is used, therefore, there are seams;
  • seamless - monolithic, seamless products.

It is preferable to use the second group, since the seams will always be areas from the risk zone, that is, they will have reduced characteristics in terms of tightness.

In addition to conventional copper pipes and fittings, they also produce products with an outer shell made of polymer materials - PVC or polyethylene foam. The advantages of such products are additional external protection and a kind of camouflage.

Copper products are often used as design elements, so the pipeline is placed in a visible place and assembled using stylized fittings and fasteners

Sewing a copper gas pipeline into a concrete wall or hiding it behind drywall is prohibited by law.

Standards and regulations

The gas pipeline is a structure that poses a potential danger to the residents of the house, therefore both production and installation work are subject to the requirements set out in the regulatory documentation.

The basis for modern sets of rules were the norms of 1987 - SNiP 2.04.08-87.

Currently, information of interest on copper pipelines can be found in the following documents:

  • SP 42-101-2003 – on the design and construction of gas distribution systems;
  • SNiP 42-01-2002 – norms and rules of the State Registration Service;
  • OST 153-39.3-051-2003 – operation of gas distribution stations.

Along with the main documents, you should study additions and clarifications that appear periodically in connection with the development of technology and the release of new products. Let's assume that SNiP 42-01-2002 was amended in 2011 and supplemented with materials, including requirements for copper products. New edition – SP 62.13330.2011.

If you have entered into an agreement with a gas service for the installation and maintenance of a gas pipeline, then workers must purchase materials and assemble the pipeline in accordance with regulatory documents

The rules for installing structures made of copper gas pipes should also be added to the general requirements. An example of such a document is the STO “Design, installation and operation of gas pipelines from copper pipes for gasification of residential and public buildings,” which examines in detail the nuances of gas pipeline assembly and requirements for pipes.

More information about the requirements for copper pipes and fittings can be found in the following documents:

  • GOST 617-90;
  • GOST 859-78;
  • GOST R 52318-2005;
  • EN1057 – European standards;
  • GOST R 52948-2008;
  • GOST R 52922-2008;
  • GOST R 52949-2008.

We warn you that if you use products that do not meet legally valid requirements, the operation of the gas pipeline becomes dangerous.

Recommendations for recruitment

Involving amateurs in installation work is not the best solution. We advise you to contact a company that has been installing in-house gas pipelines for a long time and has experienced gas system installers.

If you decide to do welding, soldering or crimping copper pipes yourself, the work should be supervised by a specialist with experience and permission to perform such work

The qualifications of workers are documented, so you have the right to request a certificate.

Specialists who have received the 4th category and higher according to OK 016 are allowed to solder or weld. The conclusion is given by the certification commission, based on the rules RD 03-495-02 and PB 03-273-99.

Crimping can be carried out by workers with the 3rd category and above who have experience in assembling copper gas pipelines and have passed certain tests. To obtain permission to practice, the performer must make at least 3 high-quality connections with press fittings tested by the commission. Control of the work performed is determined according to the rules of SNiP 3.01.01.

Features of assembling a copper gas pipeline

The assembly and connection of copper pipes for an intra-house gas pipeline differs from the installation work carried out with other types of products - for example, polymer or steel.

Hard solder is used for soldering copper elements. It differs from soft in that it has a higher melting point - from +600°C and above

Hard solder is used without flux; popular materials include PMFOTSr6-4-0.03 and PMFS6-0.15 - copper-phosphorus compounds.

If soldering is used advantageously for intra-house wiring, then at the entrance to the house, where large-diameter pipes are installed, connecting work is performed using argon arc or gas welding.

Other rules for installation work on a copper gas pipeline:

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Parts marked in yellow

Copper Connection Fittings

Connecting copper and steel elements

Copper gas pipeline installation location

Plastic brackets and other fasteners made of polymers are prohibited. If grooves are cut out to arrange internal wiring, they cannot be closed from the outside, and the space around the pipes in the groove must be free.

What does weight depend on?

The weight of the equipment depends on its dimensions.
The larger the model, the more powerful it is. You should also consider the material from which it is made. Today, gas stoves are made of enameled, stainless steel and tempered glass. Article on the topic: What is cheaper, induction or gas stove?

The weight is affected by the type of cooking grate. Cast iron and steel grates are made for gas stoves. Cast iron will be heavier, but will also last much longer than steel. Plus, we also don’t forget about the depth and filling capacity of the gas oven. If additional grilles, grills, etc. are built into it, then the weight can also be greater.

The dimensions of household appliances are influenced by many factors, from capacity to material of manufacture. Sometimes even a small slab can weigh many times more than a large sample. Therefore, weight should not always be determined by appearance alone.

Hello, dear readers. Have you ever wondered how much copper is in a gas stove? If the stove is old, what is the best way to get rid of it? And how to properly dispose of it?

Hand over for recycling

Proper disposal of an electric stove is a complex technological process that only professionals with the appropriate education and training level have the right to perform.

This procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Depressurization of the pipeline system. Removing the remaining gas from it.
  2. Complete disassembly of equipment. Removing the protective glass, plastic parts and heat-insulating material that wraps the oven.
  3. Sorting products by chemical composition. Plastic, steel, basalt wool, brass, glass and fastening hardware are placed in separate containers.
  4. The steel is sent under a press, where a compact briquette is obtained from the body, baking sheets, grate and hob. After a sufficient amount of metal has been accumulated, it is exported and sold to metallurgical enterprises.
  5. The tempered glass door is cleaned in acid to remove grease and burnt substances. The glass is then crushed and sent as scrap to factories, which use it as additives to produce a wide variety of products.
  6. Plastic handles and covers are crushed and sold to chemical plants. There, granules or bars are made from the agglomerate, which serve as raw materials for the manufacture of consumer goods and means of production.
  7. Pipes, bolts, nuts and other small parts are sold to a network of repair shops that use them to restore worn or broken products.

Interesting How much does a kilogram of copper cost and where is it most often found?

Ways to solve the dilemma

When renovations are taking place in your kitchen, a stove replacement is planned, the question arises - where to put the old stove? The options are:

  1. Sale. The stove must be in good condition. You must have time to organize the sale. This includes placing ads, conversations, meetings with potential buyers, and showing them your product.
  2. Disposal to landfill. You can't just throw away the slab. This is not household trash. It must be disposed of correctly. Otherwise - a fine of about 50,000 for private individuals.
  3. Disposal. This matter is best left to professionals. Today there are many companies engaged in such matters. Of course, their services must be paid.
  4. Selling for scrap. This is the most acceptable option. You can also earn some income from it. It is necessary to know the specifics of such an event. One way or another, this is the best solution to the dilemma of where to sell your old electric or gas stove.

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Disposal of old equipment

The issue of recycling old equipment worries many law-abiding citizens who are trying to preserve the environment and comply with all the necessary norms and requirements established by law. Alloys of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastic elements, parts that can be reused - all this can be recycled. Trust the professionals - take care of nature and use the services of proven and respectable contractors - “KBTStok”.

The improvement of the environmental condition in the capital region is associated primarily with the activities of such specialized organizations as “KBTStok”, which offer the population, on a paid basis, to remove unnecessary household appliances and safely dispose of them. Numerous applications and requests to our call center indicate that the relevance of the service is beyond doubt - private entrepreneurs, large organizations and ordinary people are interested in ensuring that an ancient gas stove or a broken refrigeration unit no longer litters the premises and is taken out for disposal in as soon as possible.

The service for recycling old household appliances will definitely help people who:

Specifics of scrapping slabs

This method is most beneficial for those owners who can independently deliver the slabs to the collection point for metal products. At the same time, you can grab other metal debris (if any).

If you do not have your own transport, you can contact a company that removes scrap metal and pays for it. It is better to find a company with the most favorable financial conditions. As a rule, you pay for the product minus fees for the services of field specialists.

To successfully pull this off, you need to:

  1. Contact the selected company by phone or through the website. Submit an application for a visit from receptionists.
  2. Agree on the time of their visit, give the address.

They come and take the device. They can dismantle it themselves. The owner receives money for such change.

There are some subtleties here too. When registering, you must correctly fill out the necessary documents. The client must prove his identity with a passport or other suitable document.

Specialists will inspect and check the slab and the type of metal using special equipment. They weigh her. The possible presence of hazardous impurities and other elements is detected. Based on the checks, the final price is formed.

The client receives payment directly on the day of delivery.

How much does it cost to sell a gas stove for scrap? Here a lot depends on its weight and content. For example, the standard weight of a small stove is 50 kg. Prices vary in different cities and companies. Usually this range is 3000 – 9000 rubles.

Article on the topic: Hans gas stove how to use the oven

The price of a gas stove for scrap metal can be much less. Especially if it is a modest model in terms of weight and content.

Where can I sell my gas stove for money?

You can sell your gas stove as scrap metal.
The corridor of possibilities depends on whether the stove is in working condition or not. In the first case, the owner can:

  1. Return your old gas stove to a repair shop for money;
  2. Sell ​​through online platforms or other resources;
  3. Give freely to summer residents or people in need;
  4. Hand over to buyers;
  5. Take it for scrap.

If the device is not working, only the last two options are available.

To sell a working gas stove, you need to place an advertisement. The most accessible and effective option is the Internet platforms Avito,, From Hand to Hand and others. You can post a post on a page on a social network.

If the gas stove is in good condition, but old, its appearance repels buyers, it can be taken to a repair shop. They can use the device to obtain serviceable components.

An alternative to workshops is selling to summer residents. For a low cost, they will be happy to acquire a gas stove for cooking in a country house. To do this, you can advertise:

  1. In a thematic social group, whose audience mainly consists of local summer residents;
  2. To a specialized print media that accepts free advertisements;
  3. In Avito and other online platforms.

If you don’t really need money, but you want to quickly get rid of your old device, you can give away your gas stove for free. To do this, you need to place an appropriate advertisement in the above sources. In this case, the process of disposing of a gas stove will go faster.

How much does it cost to sell a gas stove for scrap?

At the collection point, they may offer 250-500 rubles for an old gas stove.

The option with buyers is more profitable. The reasons are as follows:

  1. There is no need to load and remove the gas stove yourself;
  2. The money the buyer pays will be a 100% profit.

For users of the website, we have compiled (and are constantly expanding) a list of organizations in large (and not only) cities of Russia where you can return your old gas stove for money:

Moscow, Saint Petersburg

AstrakhanBarnaulVladivostokVolgogradVoronezhEkaterinburgIzhevskIrkutsk KazanKaliningradKemerovoKirovKrasnodarKrasnoyarskLipetskMakhachkalaNaberezhnye ChelnyNizhny Novgorod NovokuznetskNovosibirskOmskOrenburgPenzaPermRostov-on-DonRyazanSamaraSaratov TogliattiTomskTulaT YumenUlyanovskUfaKhabarovskCheboksaryChelyabinskYaroslavl

In this case, you need to consider how much it costs to sell a gas stove for scrap. For it, with a weight of 50 kg, they will pay from 250 to 500 rubles. at the rate of 5-10 rubles. per 1 kg of weight. Transportation costs are not reimbursed. Accordingly, turning over a gas stove for scrap will cost more than giving it to a buyer for 150-250 rubles.

What will happen to the stove next?

Once at the collection point for scrap metal or buyers, the slab is subsequently disassembled into its component parts. Then they are sorted into plastic, metal, glass, aluminum.

Next, the components are transported to processing plants. They are melted at high temperatures, separated from impurities, and secondary raw materials used for industrial purposes are obtained. Thus, the gas stove becomes a source of components necessary for production.

The resulting raw materials are significantly cheaper in cost than those extracted using the traditional method. In addition, environmental damage is prevented by reducing production and preventing landfills from household appliances.

Gas stove for scrap metal. We are looking for metals...

Other nuances for old slabs

When trading in an old stove, you need to know what is valuable about an old gas stove and what parts are not valued. For example, experts do not evaluate any wires, windings and other components that are not used for processing.

How much non-ferrous metal is in a gas stove? Typically, cheap ferrous metals are used to manufacture such devices. Therefore, you can’t count on high prices. The percentage of non-ferrous metals is minimal. In rare cases, they can be discovered during disassembly.

Thus, if you want to earn extra money by selling non-ferrous metals and are puzzled whether there is non-ferrous metal in the gas stove, then this is not the best solution. You're better off looking for objects with a high content of such metals.

How much copper is in an old gas stove? It's no secret that you can make a good profit by selling copper. Especially in villages, significant masses surrender. And often the owners decide whether there is copper in the gas stove and how much it can contain? In this regard, the answer is negative. And it doesn’t matter what brand of stove.

Often, users of the Idel stove are dissatisfied with its functionality.

This is far from the best model. This is a modest version with limited functions and frequent breakdowns. Even summer residents are increasingly abandoning it. And a logical question arises, how much copper is in the Idel gas stove and what is the most profitable way to sell it? In this regard, the stove is also disappointing. It is modest in size, assembled from ferrous metal. You won't get much for it. At best, 3000-5000 rubles.

Article on the topic: Gas stove flam how to light the oven

But in old Soviet gas water heaters and boilers, the situation with copper is much better. For example, in the old column there is a copper radiator. Its weight is 7 kg. The average price of 1 kg of copper is 145 rubles. That is, upon passing this component you can get 1015 rubles.

How to get rid of unnecessary fabric items

Every year the amount of fabric and textile products sent to landfill increases. Meanwhile, its decomposition period is about 10-30 years. And throughout this entire time, there is an active release of carbon dioxide, harmful, toxic chemical compounds that are hazardous to the environment. In order for the environmental situation to change and positive trends to appear, each person must start with himself. Instead of sending an item to the trash bin, you can:

  • give to those in need;
  • give for recycling to obtain recyclable materials;
  • sell through online resources;
  • sell it to second-hand stores and get a little money for it or a discount from promotion partners;
  • use as a duster for doing chores around the house or garden.

Interesting! Unnecessary old things can become the basis for creativity. They can be used to sew a patchwork quilt, bedside rug, pillowcases or decorations, household items

Give to charity

Recycling old clothes may not be useful if you donate unwanted items to those in need. They can be accepted at:

  • social support centers;
  • orphanages and organizations for pensioners;
  • funds to help people in difficult life situations;
  • homeless shelters.

The main condition is the good condition of things. They may be worn, but before returning them they must be washed, ironed and carefully packaged.

Actual information! Check with your friends, maybe someone has relatives or acquaintances from villages who will gladly accept a gift of out-of-fashion items in good condition.

Events to collect items for charitable organizations are often held within large companies. Several times a year, collection points for old clothes are organized inside offices.


It happens that a purchased item of clothing remains hanging in the closet after one use. It would be a pity to recycle it and give it away for disposal. Then you can try to sell. The easiest way to do this is via the Internet:

Estimate market value. To do this, you need to view similar advertisements. Create a good, detailed ad using several selling sites, attaching bright, good quality photos. If the clothes were ordered online, you can attach a photo from the store's website. Write a good description

It is important to indicate: fabric composition, size, quality and other parameters. The more detailed you describe, the easier it will be for potential buyers to evaluate it.

You can attract with an additional bonus or discount by adding their price initially to the cost. For example, sell a strap along with a dress.

Give to stores

You can recycle clothes at specially created centers inside stores. For this, they are ready to provide a discount on a subsequent purchase, the amount of which will range from 5 to 30%. It all depends on the quantity and quality of items handed over. Which stores provide the service of exchanging old things for new ones?

H&M accepts clothing of any condition, except shoes and bed linen. For this, the buyer receives a coupon with a discount of up to 15%;

  • Monki is ready to accept home textiles for recycling and provide the buyer with a certificate for a 10 percent discount;
  • Uniqlo is offering jewelry from the brand as part of its “Unlimited Clothing Possibilities” campaign. True, you need to submit at least three things;
  • But Charity Shop did it simpler. They have installed special containers in large cities where people can place unnecessary things themselves.

In some stores, such promotions are temporary. They are held on certain days or dedicated to Ecology Day.

Hand over to collection points for recycling

Throughout the Russian Federation there are special collection points for recycling. There are not many of them yet, but they are present in large cities. Sometimes, as part of a campaign, such points also give out gifts and certificates for change.

At such points they accept everything: clothes, shoes, home textiles in any condition.

The addresses of such centers can be found on the Internet specifically for your city.

Question about electric stove

Is there copper in an electric stove? This is a very pressing question for the owners of such devices in situations where they are deciding how best to hand over an electric stove that is no longer needed.

As a rule, the wires of such plates contain copper conductors. Such core material is required according to the PUE criteria. Depending on the number of cores and their thickness, the potential benefit of delivering these products is determined. But this is still a very small benefit.

How much copper is in the electric stove itself? Not much either. It may be present in modest proportions in heating components. There may also be tungsten in there. The type of electric stove also matters. For example, small two-burner models may rarely have copper heaters.

Terminology[ | ]

Products and semi-finished products obtained by forging are called “ forging”

" When forging in dies, the metal is confined on all sides by the walls of the die. When deformed, it takes the shape of this cavity (see Stamping, Rotary forging). With free forging

(manual and machine) metal is not limited at all or limited on one side. In hand forging, the metal or tool is directly impacted with a handbrake, sledgehammer or hammer.

Open forging is also used to improve the quality and structure of the metal. During forging, the metal is strengthened, so-called discontinuities are welded and large crystals are crushed, as a result of which the structure becomes fine-grained and acquires a fibrous structure.

performed on special equipment - hammers with a mass of falling parts from 40 to 5000 kg or hydraulic presses developing forces of 2 - 200 (200 - 20,000 tf), as well as on forging machines. They produce forgings weighing 100 tons or more. To manipulate heavy workpieces during forging, cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 350 tons, tilters and special manipulators are used.

Forging is one of the economical ways to produce blank parts. In mass and large-scale production, die forging is predominantly used, and in small-scale and individual production, free forging is used. When forging, a set of blacksmith tools is used, with the help of which the workpieces are given the required shape and size.

Hob material

It is very important to pay attention to what material the hob is made of. Not only its care, but also the appearance of the entire device depends on this.

Enameled steel is the most popular. It is distinguished by its reliability and low price, but it usually leaves a lot of scratches and chips. If you forget about fat after cooking, then it will be difficult to clean it later. There are various color solutions.

Stainless steel is stylish, with increased reliability, and dirt is much easier to remove. But difficulties arise with maintaining the appearance: handprints, stains and drops are clearly visible on such panels. Therefore, special products are usually used for cleaning.

Glass ceramics are more expensive, but they look impressive and are easy and pleasant to clean. In terms of reliability, they are comparable to stainless steel, but you still need to handle it carefully and follow all instructions.

How to lose weight correctly?

Uliagon answers:

Unfortunately, many people are overweight. Very often this happens due to improper metabolism, poor nutrition, and low mobility. First you need to go to the doctor and consult with him. He will create a diet, the necessary nutrition, with which you can lose weight. In addition to this, you can start training at a fitness club. The trainer will create workouts and loads specifically for you. If you follow the recommendations of the doctor and trainer, then everything should... Read more

Unfortunately, many people are overweight. Very often this happens due to improper metabolism, poor nutrition, and low mobility. First you need to go to the doctor and consult with him. He will create a diet, the necessary nutrition, with which you can lose weight. In addition to this, you can start training at a fitness club. The trainer will create workouts and loads specifically for you. If you follow the recommendations of the doctor and trainer, then everything should work out.

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