Three-phase asynchronous motor, how much copper does it contain?

What percentage of copper is in an electric motor?

It must be said that on average the share of copper in the total mass of an electric motor is about 10%. This is where the average purchase price for electric motors comes from.

How many kilograms of copper are in an electric motor?

Copper content in asynchronous electric motors.

Electric motors 4A, 4AM weight, kg with number of pole pairs
power, kWt2/3000 rpm8/750 rpm

How many kg of copper are in an 11 kW electric motor?

how much copper is in electric motors table

Electric motors 4A, 4AM weight, kg with number of pole pairs
power, kWt2/3000 rpm8/750 rpm

How to disassemble an engine for copper?

How to remove copper from an electric motor

Cut the motor housing lengthwise and in half to get to the stator. Cut off the visible part of the copper winding, and to remove the metal from the grooves, burn the stator for about 1.5 hours. Once it has cooled, you can remove the remaining copper using needle-nose pliers.

How much copper is in a 30 kW motor?

how much copper is in electric motors table

Electric motors 4A, 4AM weight, kg with number of pole pairs
power, kWt2/3000 rpm8/750 rpm

How much does 1 kg of copper cost?

Copper - prices for 1 kg of scrap

Copper prices per 1 kg of scrap - May 23, 2022
NamePrice per kg
MIX A batch of scrap including several types of copper.600 rub.
Shine Cleaned and shiny wires more than 2 mm620 rub.
Copper shavings Copper shavings without impurities.240 rub.

How many kilograms of copper are in a refrigerator compressor?

More than a kilogram of copper can be extracted from one small single-chamber refrigerator. Compressors of modern two-chamber models contain about 1.5 kg of non-ferrous metal. However, the weight of the part itself can reach ten kilograms.

How much copper is in a TV?

Typically, 500-800 grams of copper can be extracted from one TV, and sometimes even more than 2 kg.

How much copper is in a washing machine?

As for copper, the electric motor of a washing machine contains approximately 0.7-1.2 kg (the final weight depends on the model). In general, with a price tag of 360 rubles. per kilo you can get a maximum of 250-400 rubles. Aluminum is also present in the engine housing.

What metals are in an electric motor?

The unit consists of a housing, rotor, stator and other components. As a rule, up to 90% of the engine mass is made up of ferrous metals - steel and cast iron. The most valuable equipment resource is the copper or aluminum that makes up the windings.

How to disassemble an anchor for copper?

If you plan to hand over the wire to a metal receiving facility, you can cut it on one side of the core with side cutters and pull it out with pliers. If you need a whole piece, then it unwinds. Then the anchor is clamped in a vice, and with the help of a hammer and an old chisel or a sharp chisel, the copper contacts are beaten off.

How to disassemble an asynchronous motor?

How to disassemble an asynchronous electric motor

  1. Remove the motor from the device where it was installed and turn off the power completely.
  2. Take a hammer, screwdriver and wrench. ...
  3. Arm yourself with a pencil to mark the places where some parts join each other.
  4. You don't need to hit it hard with a hammer, even if it doesn't work, so as not to deform any of the parts.

How to disassemble a car engine?

Procedure for disassembling a car engine - instructions:

  1. We remove it from the car.
  2. Disconnect the clutch.
  3. Remove the camshaft drive belt, tension roller and spacer washer located under the tension roller.
  4. Disconnect and remove the pulley from the camshaft.
  5. Remove the cover. ...
  6. Disconnect the water pump.

How much copper is in the baby pump?

How much copper is in the “Malysh” or “Rucheek” submersible pump? Results: iron turned out to be 918 grams, copper 317 grams, and lastly, this is duralumin, its 425 grams, but if your pump body consists entirely of duralumin, then you can count on 850 - 900 grams.

Electric motors of commutator and asynchronous types

Typical household electric motors

Instead of disassembling the electric motor into copper for delivery to the nearest point, we suggest studying the design (we will show you how to break it). Problems arise when gutting the stator or rotor. The coils of an electric motor are assembled using a similar principle - they are recessed into a pre-insulated mainsail, sometimes driven on top with a wedge. Thanks to the special shape of the hole, the structure is held firmly in place. Most people don’t bother with the windings of electric motors: the sides are cut off with a grinder, the wiring is knocked out of their place. You'll see it on YouTube. The videos discuss the repair of electric motors regarding rewinding of coils.

The photo shows two typical household electric motors:

Brushed motor U8330

The option on the left is shown and taken from a Philips food processor. We apologize in advance for refusing to disassemble it completely; we need to remove the ring, which goes deep into the plastic gear. It’s simply dangerous; an electric motor costs 2,000 rubles. We found it irrational to experiment in this way. The photo shows: the shaft is removed after disassembling the frame (held in place by two long bolts). The brushes are inconvenient (the motor is a commutator), there is quite a lot of copper here. The stator and rotor are equipped with windings. Moreover, in the latter case there are no wedges. If you look closely, you can see: the ends of the rotor (commutator) windings of the electric motor are stuck with glue. Dissolve, remove in another way - dismantling is possible. On the stator, the poles are held in a clever way: a coil of copper is bent at the periphery. It is a common thing for engines when there is practically nothing holding the fixed coils.

Tables for measuring the amount of copper in any electric motors

SEE HERE how to disassemble an electric motor into parts.

Reconnaissance of the abandoned railways of Moscow.

A table of the amount of copper in electric motors is suitable . ... It contains a large number of different materials, namely copper . Therefore, many users have a question about how much of this material is contained in electric motors . Device parts containing copper . see table


IMHO, you should not throw away unusable products, even very small ones, containing elements made of copper and other non-ferrous (as well as precious) metals, and you will always have some money for amateur radio activities :) Babay was engaged in collecting scrap metal.

What to do with an electric motor that has already served its useful life or has simply failed? Hand over for scrap at any collection point. Since the device includes both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the sale will be quite profitable, especially if it is simply lying “dead weight”.

The first thing to do is to find a buyer who has all the permits for the purchase and subsequent disposal of these devices. If you are in Moscow and Moscow Region, contact Lomservice, they will not only accept the product for recycling with the signing of an agreement, but will also offer the highest price for 1 kg/t of raw materials (for details on how the electric motor is handed over and accepted for scrap, find out here – .

How to determine the power of an electric motor without a tag


  1. Practical measurements
  2. Definition from tables
  3. Calculation by number of revolutions per minute
  4. Determination by dimensions
  5. Determination by the power produced by the engine
  6. Why do you need to know engine power?

If the technical documentation for the engine is lost, and the inscriptions on the body are erased or unreadable, the question arises: how to determine the power of an electric motor without a tag? There are several methods that we will tell you about, and you will just have to choose the one that is most convenient in your case.


Based on the comparative characteristics of copper and aluminum, it is clear that the copper winding of the alternator is better and more reliable. It is so good that many buyers have already made the right conclusion for themselves and when buying a generator they are always interested: does the alternator have copper or aluminum windings? With all the obvious advantages of copper, it must be said that this article does not at all advertise the purchase of generators with copper windings. Reviews from many customers indicate that not everything is so bad with aluminum. There are excellent and reliable alternators with aluminum windings that last for more than 10 years without repair. Many quality brands pay a lot of attention to the issue of improving the conductivity of aluminum, making correct calculations of the wire cross-section and its interturn insulation. This increases not only the conductivity, but also the resource of the generator. Thus, if you need an inexpensive and not very powerful electric generator for infrequent use (for example, a reserve for a small home and office), then feel free to buy a synchronous generator with aluminum winding, saving money. Finally, a few more secret tips when choosing a generator winding. Since copper is more expensive and in high demand, some unscrupulous manufacturers even resort to deliberate deception. They lightly tint the aluminum winding, passing it off as copper. The situation is bad because you will not be able to look at the insides of the generator and touch them. Although, even in this case, few will understand what kind of metal is at hand. You have to take the seller's word for it. And then, when the generator “dies”, already during repairs, it is clear whether you were deceived or not. To avoid falling into such a trap, be careful when choosing a generator:

  • buy generators only from reliable and stable brands;
  • On the Internet, look only for official dealers of the manufacturer.

Alternative uses for an old typewriter

We suggest considering all possible ways to get rid of equipment that has become unnecessary. There are quite a lot of them. Some sales options allow the owner to receive income, while others, on the contrary, involve additional costs. How can you “free yourself” from the machine gun.

  • Dispose of the unit according to all rules. Household appliances are transported to a separate landfill; before this, the devices are finely crushed using a special apparatus. This method is unprofitable, since you will have to pay about 2 thousand rubles for the services of the carrier and the procedure for recycling the washing machine.
  • Place a sale ad on a classifieds website or in a newspaper. This method is applicable if the machine is functioning properly. Having offered the unit for little money, about one and a half to two thousand rubles, there is no doubt that many people will respond who want to buy it.
  • Take it to a hardware store. Many large sellers from time to time carry out an interesting promotion “We exchange old equipment for new ones.” By handing over your unwanted washing machine to the store, you will get a good discount on new equipment. This method can be the most profitable of all.

Basic ways to get rid of old equipment

In general, there are many more ways to get rid of an unnecessary washing machine than it seems. All of them are different in terms of financial costs/profits, and in the amount of time and effort. Here is a list of the main options:

  1. Recycle. The bottom line is that you personally take your unit to a specially designated place, where you also pay 1500 - 2000 for the procedure. This money goes towards transporting the machine to a special landfill and the recycling service itself.
  2. Sell ​​or give away for free. Of course, this can only be done if the device is still in good condition. Some people will be happy to come and remove the car themselves if you offer it for free.
  3. Give it to the store. This refers to various promotions like “Changing the old for the new.” You can save some money and get rid of the equipment.
  4. Donate to an institution. Orphanages and any other similar institutions gladly accept any help. Household appliances are never superfluous, so why not do a good deed if your machine is still in good working order?

Well, if the home helper has already outlived its usefulness, of course, the most profitable thing to do is to sell it for scrap metal; as you can see, the content of valuable metals is quite high. Even if it’s not very convenient to transport, it’s still better than paying extra for disposal.

Sell ​​your washing machine for scrap

Washing machine for scrap metal. Unfortunately, nothing in our world lasts forever. This also applies to household appliances, and in particular washing machines. Statistics show that the average lifespan of a washing machine is 5–8 years, taking into account intensive everyday use. Often repairs will be quite expensive, and no repairman will give you a guarantee. It’s easier to buy a new car, and an old one... But where to put the old washing machine? More details below.


An electric generator (known among experts as an alternator) is needed to convert the mechanical energy of the rotating motor shaft into supplied alternating current electricity. Based on the design features and type of generator, the equipment performs certain tasks. Generators can be diesel, gasoline and gas. They are used in various industries. Basically, electric generators serve as emergency or temporary sources of electricity in case of breakdowns on power transmission lines. Models running on gasoline or diesel fuel are often used during power outages in hospitals, private offices and homes, various enterprises, etc. Based on the type of internal combustion engine installed, all generators are divided into synchronous and asynchronous. The structure of an asynchronous motor is technically much simpler: it has no carbon brushes and no winding. Therefore, the concept of “winding”, which is discussed today, is applicable exclusively to synchronous generators.

Various options

There are several ways to get rid of your old machine:

  • Dispose of as household appliances. It must be said right away that this option will cost you 1500-2000 rubles. The fact is that household appliances are disposed of in special landfills, after being shredded. The funds will be used to pay for transportation and the processing service itself.
  • Place advertisements in a newspaper or on the Internet. There are a large number of people who want to take away their old washing machine. You can consider selling it (if the machine is in good condition) or giving it away for free.
  • Return it to the store. Of course, we are not talking about returning it. Many household appliance stores hold promotions in the “Change new for old” format.
  • Donate a car to an orphanage. If your washing machine is still operational, you can donate it to an orphanage. As a rule, such institutions always need help.
  • Sell ​​your washing machine for scrap.

In fact, the latter method is most often used - washing machines are sold for scrap. This is due to the fact that most old cars are thrown away due to malfunctions and it is impossible to sell or donate them. Then scrap metal collection points come to the rescue.


In order to excite an electromotive force in sections of the stator (the immovable part located in the generator), it is necessary to create a variable magnetic field structure. Such a field is created due to the rotation of a magnetized armature (rotor). Magnetization occurs using a winding - a metal wire wound around the rotor and stator. With a change in the magnitude of the electric current, the structure of the magnetic field and, of course, the output voltage of the stator are affected. Using a simple electrical circuit with feedback on voltage and current, the process is regulated. As a result, a synchronous alternator can cope with short-term overloads, and is limited only by the resistance in its own windings. In other words, its starting processes are much easier than those of an asynchronous one.

That is, a metal winding is needed to create electromagnetic excitation and subsequent creation of the necessary magnetic field. In this case, only two factors affect the generator resource:

  • Winding quality: the more turns, the higher the calculated power of the electric generator. The size of the cross-section of the wire also affects the power of the generator.
  • The metal from which the winding is made. It can be copper wire or aluminum.

It is also worth noting that in modern devices the winding is covered with a layer of varnish insulation, which is classified using letters. The closer the letter is to the end of the alphabet, the better the class, therefore, the heat resistance is higher and withstands heat better (also affects the price). Many people, before purchasing a synchronous electric generator, wonder about the structure of the winding, wondering whether to choose a generator with copper or aluminum winding. Let's consider the positive and negative sides of both, since the winding is one of the key points when selecting a generator.

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