Penis stretcher: do-it-yourself, vacuum, extender, waist, price

For a long time, many men around the world have been puzzled by increasing the size of their penis. Various devices made from improvised materials were used. With the help of such devices, they tried to stretch the genital organ, thereby increasing its length. Some tribes still use such handicraft structures to this day. However, in the modern world you can find a large number of different factory devices that allow you to safely enlarge your penis.

In today's article we will talk about another type of such devices - a stretcher. You will learn about what they are and how to use them correctly to achieve significant penis enlargement results.

Penis stretcher: do-it-yourself, vacuum, extender, waist, price

A stretcher is a device designed to enlarge the male genital organ. The design helps lengthen the penis by stretching its muscle tissue. The device comes in several types and has its own indications and contraindications.

When is the device used?

There are several types of stretchers

There are no special medical indications for using a stretcher. The only thing that forces the use of this device is the man’s dissatisfaction with the length of his genital organ.

Also, the use of the design is recommended when, in addition to the small size, there are problems with erectile function, there is increased sensitivity of the penis, as a result of which premature ejaculation occurs.


If you wear a magnifier incorrectly, there is a risk of negative consequences.

The penis enlarger has a number of contraindications for use. These include the following:

  1. Congenital anomalies of organ development.
  2. Inflammation in the tissues of the penis.
  3. Damage or pathology of the skin.
  4. Male penis injury.

Attention! It is not necessary to completely abandon the use of a stretcher if there are pathologies. You must first cure the disease, and then proceed to enlarge the penis

Consequences of improper use

If you wear a magnifier incorrectly, there is a risk of negative consequences. Due to improper use, damage to the reproductive organ and its curvature may occur. This occurs due to increased stretching of the tissues of the penis. Another consequence is the lack of effect.

Thus, the stretcher is an effective device for increasing the length of the penis at home. To achieve maximum results, you need to wear the device correctly and for a long time.

Average penis length4

A study of 15,000 subjects worldwide found that the average penis length was:

  • 9.16 cm at rest;
  • 13.12 cm in a state of excitement.

An interesting fact: the majority of men who believe that their penis is not big enough fall within the statistical average. Women surveyed consider this length to be optimal.

What is a stretcher and what is its operating principle based on?

The effect of use is achieved by stretching the penis

A stretcher is a device that is designed to enlarge the penis through mechanical action. The high efficiency of this device is based on its following features:

  1. The stretcher helps stretch the tissues of the penis, pulling the penis to the side and forward. In this case, the penis is fixed in an extended position for a long time, due to which its enlargement occurs.
  2. By using such a device, it is possible to achieve improved blood supply. This effect is based on the expansion of tissues, respectively, on increased blood flow to the genitals. Thus, microcirculation is normalized, which is necessary for improved tissue nutrition and greater regeneration.

There are currently no medical indications for the use of this device.

The stretcher should be used by those men who:

  • unhappy with the size of your penis;
  • want to improve erection, and, accordingly, the quality of sexual intercourse;
  • wish to avoid premature ejaculation by reducing the sensitivity of the head.


  • It is possible to knock Stretch's cap off, and originally he didn't even wear the cap at all. He is only seen wearing his cap in The Long Stretch.
  • Despite the hostility shown towards Stretch, it seems like Franklin still wanted to invite him into the Forum Gangsters set, although he may have just brought it up to silence Lamar.
  • If he is killed via melee attack in The Third Way, the following news reports on his death will still say that Stretch died in a gunfight. This is likely an oversight.
  • Stretch is very similar to Big Smoke and Ryder, the secondary and tertiary antagonists of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    , as all of the men wear hats, were once allies and friends of the protagonist and deuteragonist in their games (Franklin Clinton/Lamar Davis and Carl Johnson/Sweet Johnson), were high ranking members of the Grove Street Families who eventually betrayed them, the protagonist and deuteragonist, aligned themselves with the Ballas, were involved in the failed murder attempt on the deuteragonist in their games (Sweet Johnson in
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    and Lamar Davis in
    Grand Theft Auto V
    ) and finally, they appear as antagonists in their games, only to be killed by the protagonist later in the game (Carl Johnson kills Ryder in the mission Pier 69 and Big Smoke in the final mission of
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    , End of the Line, and Michael De Santa kills Stretch in one of the final missions of
    Grand Theft Auto V
    The Third Way

    Interestingly enough, even after their betrayals were revealed, they still wear their Families outfits.


  • It's possible that Stretch's age could be at around his 40's, since in the mission The Long Stretch, Franklin
    To further prove this, Franklin's line makes reference to Michael as the “middle-aged fool trying to recapture his youth” as well as Stretch. Michael's age is 48 years old according to his DOB on his tombstone, stating his birth year as 1965.

    says to Stretch, “Damn, man, I gotta spend my day with another middle-aged fool trying to recapture his youth?”. He says this line to Stretch, which he then asks Franklin to rephrase what he just said, clearly implying a disagreement with Franklin's statement knowing that he is older.


A stretcher differs from an extender only in that it does not have rigid rods to fix the length of the stretched penis during traction of the genital organ. And this difference gives both advantages and disadvantages compared to the extender. Let's look at them in more detail.


  • The obvious advantage of a waist stretcher compared to an extender is that the stretcher is worn more discreetly under clothing. Consequently, the range of places where you can wear a stretcher is expanding. It can be worn even in summer, with shorts and a T-shirt for graduation.
  • Another advantage of a stretcher is that a person wearing a stretcher is more free in his body movements. In a stretcher, you can safely drive and even engage in physical exercise or certain sports.


  • The disadvantage of all types of stretchers before an extender is the inability to fix the length of the stretched penis during training. If you familiarize yourself with the theory of proper penis enlargement, you will find out that there are periods in the process of penis enlargement when it is necessary to pull the penis to a certain length, but not stretch it, in order to fill the already stretched membrane with new cells.
  • But this drawback can be eliminated if you learn (and over time you will definitely learn this) to control the process, relying on your sensations, feeling the degree of stretching of your own organ.

The main advantage of a stretcher is that it is less noticeable under clothing. The device comes with a special belt (belt) made of fabric, which can be secured under clothing on the knee, hip or shoulder. Unlike rod systems, which can “stick out” through trousers, the stretcher is invisible to others.

If a man has not had penis enlargement surgery, he can use both a stretcher and an extender.

If a man has undergone ligamentotomy (surgical lengthening), it is not recommended to use a hinged/rod extender!

What pattern is used to wear a stretcher?

The stretcher needs to be worn systematically, only then will there be results. Ideal wearing option: 3 approaches per day for 2-3 hours each. Accordingly, breaks are taken between approaches.

Is it possible to wear a stretcher at night and sleep in it?

It is not recommended to use exhaust hoods at night without removing them for 7-8 hours. The stretcher must be worn 8-9 hours a day, but this time must be divided into 2-3 approaches of 2-4 hours each.

After removing the device, it is advisable to massage the penis and/or achieve an erection.

If the operation was not performed, the first results will appear in 6-7 months. The total duration of wearing the stretcher is usually 1 year or until the desired result is achieved.

Usually, after the course, the length of the penis increases by no more than 5 cm.

  1. Penimaster stretcher

One of the most famous models for traction of the penis is called “Penimaster Pro”. The Penimaster Pro stretcher is recommended by leading Russian surgeons specializing in ligamentotomy. According to the experience of doctors, these German extenders and stretchers are considered the highest quality and most convenient.

Extenders and stretchers allow you to lengthen your penis without surgery. The final result depends on how correctly, regularly and for how long the man wears the device. Male enhancement surgery itself does not change the size of the penis. If you do not wear a stretcher system or extender after surgery, the result may even be negative. That is, the length of the penis will simply decrease (or remain the same).


How much will your penis length increase? - By 30-40% of the initial size, the manufacturer claims.

When will the first successes be noticeable? - Already in the first month you can notice an increase in the size of the genital organ.

Will the girth of the penis increase? — It is possible that the girth will also increase, but usually no more than 5-10 mm.

Can a stretcher be used on a circumcised penis? - Yes, you can.

Is the device really convenient? — The system provides very comfortable use. A load of up to 1 kg is basically invisible. This makes it possible to use the device in everyday life. The Monkeybar fixation principle currently has no analogues in other systems in terms of comfort.

How many hours should the device be worn daily? — From 2 to 8 hours, it depends on wearing experience.

Are lubricants required to operate the system? — Lubricants are necessary to create gliding and ensure that there is no discomfort. You can use both intimate gels and baby powders.

Do I need to wash the camera and other elements of the stretcher? — The device needs to be washed. It is preferable to wipe the vacuum chamber with wet wipes, protecting it from water. And the silicone elements and tape should be washed with hot water and soap.

Are spare parts required? — If you want to use Petcher Pro for a long time (6-12 months), then you will need additional silicone elements.

Is there a guarantee of successful application? If you use the device correctly and for enough time, you can safely guarantee results. Specific achievements depend on the individual characteristics of the person.

Stretchers can really help increase penis size, but this is only possible with the right choice of device and proper use.

Special attention must be paid to safety

The best choice would be waist stretchers, since due to their mechanism of action they have the highest efficiency.

A practicing journalist, he tests recipes on himself. Knows everything about men and traditional medicine.

With upward thrust

Such stretchers are intended for daily wear. They are not capable of harming the genitals and are completely invisible to others due to their special design. A peculiar disadvantage of such designs is the absence of a pronounced load on the penile ligament, which means there is no isolated effect on the tissue of the genital organ.

Considering these circumstances, we can say that the effectiveness of devices with traction will be lower than knee or waist ones. However, the severity of the effect in this case largely depends on the anatomical features of the penis:

  • if the genital organ is bent downwards, then wearing a stretcher will not bring significant results;
  • with a straight penis or a slightly curved one, you can expect much more pronounced results from use.

What is better - buy or make?

Only a ready-made, factory-made device can ensure the achievement of the desired result for all types of phalluses. By purchasing a ready-made, high-quality and original stretcher, you can easily use it discreetly in public places without experiencing discomfort or pain. This, as you understand, is not always feasible when wearing a homemade device.

We strongly recommend purchasing factory stretchers - ideally with a vacuum mechanism and a belt clip. To date, this type of device is the best.

Using stretchers assembled by yourself, you risk injuring your penis and causing harm to your health.

How does a stretcher work?

Enter your details to receive instructions for increasing

A stretcher for penis enlargement is a special mechanical design that affects the tissue of the male organ. Due to the production of new cells, the penis lengthens and enlarges.

To better hold members of different diameters, split adapters in the shape of half rings are provided. They are inserted into the sides of the chamber inlet and form three inlet sizes.

To ensure free entry of the head through the gateway, a special lubricant (lubricant) is used. Liquid consumption is very small; only a small drop of product is required to lubricate the head.

Air is pumped out using a connector together with an air hose. At the end of the camera there is a rotary valve that opens when the connector is put on. When the air is pumped out, the connector is removed and the valve is closed, so the stretcher is put on quickly and without hassle.

There is almost no mechanical compression of the head and pinching of the vessels that nourish the tissues of the head. The camera operates on the principle of a suction cup. The vacuum is created using special gateways made of latex rubber

The airlock gently grips the base of the head of the penis, maintaining a tight seal inside the chamber

Penimaster provides a unique solution to eliminate this problem. The device has an adhesive membrane that tightly covers the surface of the head of the penis, which prevents protrusion of any part of the skin on the head, which means there is no risk of a bubble.

The stretcher makes it possible to change the size of the penis forever. Tissue growth is irreversible; parameters will not return to their original values.

The kit includes a special mount that allows you to install the system on almost any strap or flagellated extender. The stretcher is not an extender; it can be used independently, since it is equipped with an elastic belt attached to the thigh, belt or over the shoulder.

There is a shrinker that allows you to adjust the length and tension. The belt system relieves the user from wearing the heavy metal-plastic structure of extenders, making the wearing process comfortable and more discreet.

Experienced users are advised to alternate wearing a stretcher and an extender, since the extender provides stronger tension.

The vacuum stretcher comes with the following configuration:

  1. vacuum chamber (pictured),
  2. changeover valve,
  3. camera mounting platform for installation on an extender,
  4. air pumping system – connector with tube,
  5. sluice ring,
  6. narrow shrinker (split adapter),
  7. wide sprinkler,
  8. adhesive membranes,
  9. stretcher belt for installing the vacuum system to the thigh or belt,
  10. latex gateways,
  11. lubricant,
  12. disk with instructions for use.



From his appearances, Stretch is shown to be an extremely murderous, violent, brutal, bloodthirsty, sadistic, selfish, reckless, cold-blooded and trigger-happy gangster, who for some reason, shows a very strong mutual dislike towards fellow gangster Franklin Clinton and the two frequently argue, leaving Lamar to pick a side, however most of the times Lamar tries to stay neutral to their conflict and tries to resolve their issues.

The possible reason for Franklin's dislike of Stretch could be due to Stretch trying to pull Franklin into the life that put him in jail in the first place, and also due to Stretch's selfish personality and his routine gangbanging life, while Stretch appears to dislike Franklin due to his attempts to leave the hood and make something real for himself as well as for skepticisms and his doubts about the deals they make and that Lamar and Stretch should also leave the hood and get some jobs which won't get them killed in the process .

He appears to have a very short temper, assaulting Franklin for poking fun at him for “dropping the soap” in prison, and is also very merciless as shown when he immediately, and without hesitation, shoots an unarmed D twice in the face when he discovered that he had betrayed them.

In spite of his recklessness, Stretch is also very deceitful and manipulative, as shown when he secretly changed from the Families to the Ballas in prison, feigned loyalty to the Families while he was actually a traitor (unbeknownst to most) and several times used his influence on Lamar to manipulate him and try to make him think that Franklin is a snitch and to make deals with the Ballas which are actually set-ups for Franklin and Lamar to be killed. After the shootout at the scrapyard in The Long Stretch, he pins the blame on Franklin and Lamar for killing D and the Ballas, even though he too participated in the shootout and was the one who shot D to start with.


Stretch is a short, bulky man with numerous tattoos covering his body. He wears the usual CGF clothes including a white T-shirt, blue shorts, a green hat and a silver chain. He has no hair at all.

Contraindications and risks

Devices and devices for penis enlargement are safe, but there are restrictions on their use:

  1. congenital or acquired injuries and injuries of the penis;
  2. Peyronie's disease and other developmental abnormalities;
  3. damage to the skin and mucous membrane;
  4. infectious and venereal diseases in the acute stage of development;
  5. severe disorders of cardiovascular activity;
  6. pathologies of the circulatory system;
  7. hypersensitivity to certain materials and lubricants, tendency to allergies.

You should not immediately take to high altitudes. Practices should begin with minimal weight, intensity and time, increasing your achievements every day and reaching a new level. If the slightest discomfort occurs, return to the previous stage!

Use the structures only in dry form with clean, pre-washed genitals. Otherwise, the attachments will become a source of infection, and you will increase the risk of the proliferation of harmful microorganisms.

Most devices are recommended to be combined with lubricants; it is best to choose water-based options that do not damage silicone and other materials.

Before starting the procedures, be sure to read the instructions included in the product box. It would be useful to study videos dedicated to such training in order to clearly understand how to act.

Penis enlargement cream: a review of well-known drugs

Preparation for training

Penis enlargement with exercises requires little preparation:

  1. Measurements of the genital organ. You need to write down the size of your penis before doing the exercises so that you have something to compare the results with.
  2. Psychological comfort. It is necessary to take care of a calm environment. The moral component affects the effectiveness of the exercises, so you need to start the exercises in a good mood.
  3. Hygiene. To avoid infection during exercise, thoroughly wash your hands and genitals.
  4. All exercises must be performed in an erect or semi-erect state.
  5. Prepare a special lubricant that will improve gliding and prevent skin injury.
  6. Before actually performing the exercises, warm up the tissues of the organ by applying a warm compress to the phallus.

To create additional stress on the muscles of the penis and force them to actively grow, it is recommended to hang weights on the erect penis. In addition, follow a few recommendations:

  1. Sports activities. Physical activity has a healing effect on the entire body, so it is recommended to supplement the exercises with all types of sports that put stress on the lower abdomen: cycling, squats, running, abs, etc.
  2. Quitting bad habits. They disrupt the normal functioning of blood vessels, which ultimately negates all efforts.
  3. Nutrition. You should exclude unhealthy foods from your diet and enrich it with foods that have a positive effect on the growth of the sexual organ: greens, fresh vegetables, fruits, ginger, nuts, lean meat and fish, seeds, garlic, fermented milk, aphrodisiacs (oysters, mussels, etc.) .
  1. Vitamins, dietary supplements. There are special complexes that enrich the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for normal growth and functioning of the penis, for example, Vimax, Vigrix, etc.
  2. Monitor the health of the genitourinary system, avoid cooling or overheating. If you have chronic diseases, treat exacerbations in a timely manner so that the infection does not spread and does not interfere with the normal growth of the sexual organ.
  3. Additionally, use other methods of penis enlargement at home.

If the penis is not prepared for the enlargement procedure, serious complications may arise.

Wet a towel with hot water and place it on the penis. You can put rice in a bag, heat it and apply it to your penis. Sometimes they just warm it up with hot water in the shower. Steam heating is acceptable. Fill a large container halfway with boiling water and hang your penis into it, covering the jar with a towel. To avoid burns, be careful.

Any of the suitable options is selected. By the way, steam heating is considered the most effective, despite the danger.

It is advisable to supplement the preparation of the penis with a special warm-up, which will help achieve quick results.

There are many types of warm-up, but the most popular are:

  • Rubbing. The member rolls between the palms. You shouldn't be too zealous. You need to focus on the sensations, there should be no pain.
  • Shaking. The penis is swung in different directions. You can pat your thighs. This is a great stress reliever.

How to wear?

The device should only be put on a member that is in a relaxed state. The device is equipped with rods of various lengths.

At the beginning of wearing, it is necessary to choose rods of such length that the penis is freely positioned and firmly fixed in the extender.

As the device is worn, the initial rods are replaced with longer ones. Each man chooses the size of the extender individually for himself, focusing on the size of his penis.

When worn, the ring base of the device should rest against the groin. The protective gasket must completely cover the head. The securing strap is placed over the gasket.

DIY stretcher

The choice of length depends on the individual proportions of the man

This device has a rather simple design, which is why many men have the idea of ​​making it themselves. To make a stretcher with your own hands, you need to have an idea of ​​its structure and functioning. The simplest and most effective designs will be discussed below.

How to make a foot stretcher

It is the simplest design, requiring only two elastic bands, a few rivets and an elastic bandage. You should also stock up on a few chain links and a small carabiner. The manufacturing process involves the following steps:

  1. A fixation ring is made for the head of the penis. To do this, take an elastic bandage or elastic band up to one and a half centimeters wide. A segment is measured from it that exactly corresponds to the girth of the penis in the area of ​​the head. The ends of the segment are sewn together.
  2. On two opposite edges of the fabric ring, a rivet is installed, to which two short (no more than a centimeter in length) thin elastic bands are attached.
  3. 2-3 chain links are attached to the elastic bands. They are necessary for subsequent attachment of the structure to the carabiner. Then a tractor, which is a thin rubber band, is attached to it. The choice of length depends on the proportions of the man’s body.

It is not difficult to make such a design, but if we are talking about vacuum analogues, then in this case it is better to buy a factory-made stretcher.



  • Can be found on Staunton Island and Shoreside Vale.
  • Unique black limousine in the missions "Salvatore's Called a Meeting" and "Chaperone".

GTA Vice City

  • Parked at the Vercetti Mansion, to the left of the stairs, next to Infernus.
  • Appears in the mission "The Party".
  • Three Stretches appear near the stairs of the Vercetti Mansion in the mission "Keep Your Friends Close...".

GTA San Andreas

  • The Strip, Las Venturas.
  • Calton Heights, San Fierro.
  • Near the Wang Cars showroom in San Fierro (export only).
  • Three black limousines outside Jizzy B's club in the mission "Ice Cold Killa".
  • On the roads in Downtown Los Santos.
  • On roads in the Verona Beach and Rodeo area.
  • On the roads in the Santa Maria Beach area

GTA Liberty City Stories

  • Can be found in Torrington, Cedar Grove and Belleville Park.
  • The black version can be found in the mission "A Date with Death", but can only be found on the street.

GTA Vice City Stories

  • Near Pay 'n' Spray in Ocean Beach.
  • Parked at a hotel in Vice Point.
  • Can be purchased from Sunshine Autos for $3,000. The car is bulletproof (but loses protection in a collision).

GTA IV + Episodes from Liberty City

  • Can be found in the affluent areas of Algonquin, Middle Park, Lancaster, Triangle, Star Avenue and the International Airport. Francis, Liberty City.
  • Very common at the exit of the East Middle Park shelter.
  • Very rare in Broker/Dukes.
  • Usually found on the road when driving to Marbelle near the International Airport. Francis.
  • Can be found in Alderney.


  • Two cars (black and white) can be found in Michael's hangar located at Los Santos International Airport.
  • On the Meltdown mission with special numbers "VIN3W00D".
  • Can be found outside the Tequi-la-la nightclub in West Vinewood.
  • Appears in Marlowe Vineyards in Tongva Hills.

Types of stretchers

At the moment, there are several types of such devices:

  • waist,
  • vacuum,
  • with upward thrust,
  • knee, which are also called leg.

Each of these devices has its own thrust vector, which determines the design features. And in order to understand the features of such devices, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

Vacuum stretchers

The advantage of this device is its stealth, reliability, and convenience.

Devices for penis enlargement of this type require the presence of elastic straps and a vacuum cap, which is placed on the head of the penis. The degree of tension is adjusted using a special tractor.

The design is characterized by extreme simplicity and simultaneous comfort. Thanks to this, you can wear this penis stretcher throughout the day without any discomfort. The cost of such a model starts from 3,000 rubles.


Such designs are also called side-pull stretchers. They are represented by orthopedic straps with special thrust rings. The main advantages of such devices are: convenience for daily wear and absolute invisibility to others.

In addition, according to numerous reviews about stretchers for men, wearing such devices is highly effective. This is explained by the fact that if there are two points of fixation (cap and thrust ring), pronounced results of tissue stretching can be obtained. You can buy such a device for 4000-5000 rubles in specialized stores or on the Internet.

Knee (leg) stretchers

It is strictly forbidden to use this device during physical activity, this ultimately affects the result

A special feature of knee stretchers is the presence of elastic bands that are fixed just under the knee joint. The use of such devices is allowed only while staying on a bed or sofa. It is also convenient to use them while sleeping.

Such features of application are dictated by the fact that in a lying position it is possible to achieve better stretching of the tissues of the penis. This provides excellent training for the pelvic floor muscles.

According to experts, using a leg stretcher while constantly moving is unacceptable for the following reasons:

  1. The effectiveness of the application drops significantly.
  2. Due to constant fluctuations in the degree of tissue tension, trauma to the genital organ is possible.

With upward thrust

Such stretchers are intended for daily wear. They are not capable of harming the genitals and are completely invisible to others due to their special design. A peculiar disadvantage of such designs is the absence of a pronounced load on the penile ligament, which means there is no isolated effect on the tissue of the genital organ.

Considering these circumstances, we can say that the effectiveness of devices with upward traction will be lower than knee or waist ones. However, the severity of the effect in this case largely depends on the anatomical features of the penis:

  • if the genital organ is bent downwards, then wearing a stretcher will not bring significant results,
  • with a straight penis or a slightly curved one, you can expect much more pronounced results from use.

Safety precautions

It is not recommended to wear the stretcher for more than 2 hours in the first month of use. Remove the device in a timely manner and massage.

Important! If you begin to feel discomfort, you need to remove the device and perform a massage. Then the device can be put on again. If you are using a weight suspension device, it is prohibited to use weights exceeding 1.5 kg in the first month.

Side effects and consequences of improper use

If the stretcher is used incorrectly, very negative consequences are possible. For this reason, these designs should be used in strict accordance with the instructions. If you experience pain or discomfort, you should stop using the product by contacting your doctor for professional advice.

There are several negative consequences of improper use of a stretcher:

  1. Penis injury. It can be caused by too much stretching of the tissue. Therefore, you should not set a strong tension on the device; it is correct to increase it gradually.
  2. No effect. This is possible in several cases. Firstly, the matter may concern the wrong choice of stretcher. As mentioned above, some models are not suitable for a certain anatomical structure of the genital organ. Secondly, a man may use the product irregularly. It should be remembered that results can only be achieved with a systematic approach. And thirdly, high efficiency is possible only with regular use for at least six months.

What types of stretchers are there?

Stretchers come in the following types:

  • knee;
  • vacuum;
  • with upward thrust;
  • waist


The complete set of vacuum stretchers consists of:

  • a vacuum cap designed for the head;
  • tractor, with tension regulator;
  • belts

The simple design allows you to wear the device every day.


The waist stretcher is a design that looks like an orthopedic belt with a ring. This device can also be worn every day. In addition, it is invisible under clothes.

After the device is put on the penis, two reference points are created - a ring and a cap. The tissues of the penis are stretched due to the tension between them.

Leg or knee

With upward thrust

Stretchers with upward traction are suitable for everyday wear. They are invisible under clothing, but their effectiveness is lower than that of foot or belt devices.

There are several types of these systems:

  • vacuum;
  • waist;
  • knee (leg);
  • with upward thrust.


One of the variations of such systems is a vacuum stretcher. It is considered to be a worthy replacement for an extender.

The device kit includes:

  • vacuum cap;
  • elastic straps;
  • tension regulator.

The beauty of a vacuum stretcher is that it exerts constant tension on the penis tissue. Stretching occurs from the cap to the stop. And convenient for everyday use.

If you find a system on sale without a stop, it means that it serves as an auxiliary element in the techniques of manual stretching, hangers, and others.


The set of waist stretcher models includes a belt, a thrust ring, a retainer, cuffs and sleeves. The belt works to enhance traction and is comfortable for discreet everyday use.

Growth is ensured by the action on the penis on one side at the very root, on the other side at the latch. This technique is considered doubly effective.

Leg or knee

The foot version is prohibited for use in traffic conditions. The impact of the load on the penis is not stable, which can lead to ineffective use or injury.

With upward thrust

Another option that is perfect for daily use and is not noticeable under clothes. It is in one position almost all the time, which ensures a constant and stable load on the penis. Changes in load are only possible when bending over and squatting. Also, there is no constant isolated load on the tunica albuginea, which results in the absence of accentuated stretching of the ligament. Therefore, the effect of using this stretcher is lower compared to waist and knee devices.

The effectiveness of a particular stretcher depends on the characteristics of the male genital organ. That is, if the penis is bent to the bottom, then the option with upward thrust will be more effective. If the penis is straight or with a curved head, then it is better to choose the waist version.

Unique aspects of Petcher Pro

  • Manual assembly of the device. In this way, the highest quality is achieved, creating unquestioned operation of the stretcher with maximum service life.
  • The creation of individual conditions of use distinguishes the model from serial devices. This factor guarantees comfortable and effective use of the device. The set contains 6 vacuum chambers, differing in size. This choice will allow you to choose the size of the camera so that it is best suited for a particular case. This way the device will be firmly and comfortably positioned without creating unnecessary problems.
  • Various use cases. The vacuum chamber included in the kit can be used not only with Petcher Pro. It is also suitable for other systems. For example, for an extender.

  • Ease of use. A high level of comfort is guaranteed by the possibility of selecting a vacuum hood according to size, high-quality materials and the Monkeybar principle. The main method of fixation is the creation of a vacuum when the cap is suctioned to the genital organ. No additional mechanical means for retention are required. This design does not create unnecessary problems for the carrier, preventing the device from depressurizing.
  • Safety. This criterion is at a fairly high level thanks to the use of first-class materials that are used in the medical field. The device cannot harm humans or cause allergic reactions.
  • Efficiency. The developer regularly applies all the innovations that appear in this area in order to modernize the device to meet modern requirements and standards. The maximum time for one use is 10 hours. But such a long training requires experience.
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