How to make a vacuum pump with your own hands: master class

In industry, vacuum devices are needed to remove large volumes of air and gas. However, this method has found application in everyday life, although not so long ago. Such devices help to store food and things, marinate meat, pump out gas and liquid. They can be easily purchased in stores, but they are not cheap. There is an alternative option - to make a vacuum pump yourself.

In industry, vacuum devices are needed to remove large volumes of air and gas.

Types and scope

Vacuuming in everyday life is used to remove excess air from plastic packaging intended for storing clothing or food. When air is taken in, the volume of the container decreases, and the polyethylene fits tightly to the product. Using this method helps to store food for a long time; it does not spoil even without freezing.

Things and household products (plaids, blankets, pillows) are significantly compacted in the packaging, as a result of which they take up much less space. It should be noted that clothes stored in this way are reliably protected from moths.

Thanks to vacuum units, it is possible to process wooden products or building materials with laminating film. Vacuum pumps are used to remove gas or steam in everyday life. This is necessary in order to restore the tightness of the devices. In addition, the devices have found application in split systems.

Main types of vacuum devices:

  • Water-ring - their operation is carried out by immersing a device in a liquid, which, during rotation, pumps out air from the center of the blade mechanism.
  • Rotary-plate units - often made with two chambers, operate by pumping gas from the first chamber into the second, ensuring the operation of the rotor.
  • Membrane-piston devices - in them the vacuum is created by a piston system. The compressed gas is released outside the chamber using a valve, ensuring a decrease in pressure and the arrival of new portions. Such devices are considered one of the most versatile and silent.

DIY vacuum. Water jet vacuum pump and more.

Hello pikabushniki. I want to share my designs for obtaining a forevacuum in a small vacuum box. The depth of this vacuum can reach 10 mmHg. which is sufficient for storing food, impregnating wood (knife handles), impregnating high-voltage coils and other purposes.

The box consists of a glass jar with a thread and a special lid with a fitting for pumping out

A hole with a diameter of 13 mm is drilled in the standard cover, into which a fitting for tubeless car tires is inserted and opened with a self-tapping screw for tightness.

The water-jet vacuum pump is manufactured on the basis of an injection gas welding torch

The burner must be propane-oxygen or acetylene-oxygen injection, that is, have a nozzle and a cone inside

Water is supplied from the water supply (cold) with a pressure of at least 2 bar into the oxygen fitting through the connecting device

A vacuum is created in a propane or acetylene fitting when the burner tap is open due to the ejection of a flowing stream of water. The second pump is made on the basis of a large-volume medical syringe of 160 cm3. and two check valves (sold in pet stores), a vacuum hose (VAZ car automatic ignition timing)

The simplest devices

If you need the device urgently, you can quickly make a simple vacuum pump with your own hands. To do this, you will need two plastic bottles of different diameters, which can easily fit into each other. One of them will act as a piston, so you should select containers that are close in diameter, otherwise you will need to make a large sealing layer on the smaller one. In addition, you will need a hose from a bicycle pump.

If you need the device urgently, you can quickly make a simple vacuum pump with your own hands.

First you need to cut off the neck of the larger container. Then make a hole in the bottom of the smaller bottle and insert the bottles into each other (it should be noted that the inside may need seals, which can be made using tape). Then screw the hose into a large container, always in the opposite direction. The device will pump out air when the piston moves from a smaller container.

Important points

The size of a man's manhood matters when building relationships. That is why representatives of the stronger half of humanity often decide to create a pump with their own hands to increase the length of the penis. Many “masters” make mistakes at the manufacturing stage. It's worth talking about some important points.

Many men have been injured due to improperly sized seals. When a vacuum was created by the device, the base of the penis was damaged or the testicles were sucked into the flask. It is very important to measure the width of the penis and make the o-ring 0.5 cm larger.

Modernization of the cuff pump

You can make a vacuum pump for pumping out air with your own hands from any cuff device. Even bicycle devices are suitable for these purposes. Of course, it is better to take a car pump, because improving it will be much less hassle.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  1. Spin up the car device.
  2. Remove the cuff and turn it the other way around.
  3. Reassemble the device in reverse order. The difference is that the cuff is reversed.
  4. At the inlet of the pump, where the hose is located, with which air is pumped out, screw on the check valve. The latter must function by passing air flow from the vessel to the device. There should be no movement of the air mass in the opposite direction. The check valve can be purchased separately or taken from the aquarium compressor. Immediately before installation you need to blow into it. Screw the side that will not let air through to the pump, and the other to the tube. It should be noted that the device is quite sufficient to meet household needs, but it is not suitable for creating a deep vacuum due to its low power.

Preparing for work

The penis is the most delicate part of the male body, consisting of many soft tissues. It is quite difficult to damage it. Therefore, before you start figuring out how to make a penis pump with your own hands, you need to start preparing each part for assembly.

First of all, you need to examine the surface of the seal and flask. There should be absolutely no sharp corners, cracks or rough surfaces. Any, even the smallest unevenness can cause irreparable harm to health.

The second important point is the correct choice of material. It is important that it does not cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Otherwise, instead of the elasticity of the penis, the man will get irritation and itching.

The third detail is the mandatory processing of the main mechanisms. It is necessary to wash the seal and flask with a sterile solution or soapy water. Next, they need to be dried and further treated with alcohol.

Having ensured that all components are sterile and safe, you can proceed to the main stage - assembling the device.

Vacuum device from compressor

A more powerful device can be obtained from a compressor, which is present in air conditioners or refrigerators. Step-by-step master class on self-assembly of the unit:

  1. Release the compressor from the evaporator and condenser. To do this, you need to cut the copper tubes that connect the devices.
  2. Correctly connect the compressor to the electrical network.
  3. Attach a fine air filter to the inlet of the device (can be purchased at any auto store).
  4. Attach a flexible hose of the required diameter to the outlet of the device.
  5. Connect the compressor to the network.

Using such a unit, you cannot pump out air masses that contain a lot of water vapor. This may cause the device to malfunction. In this case, it is necessary to make a receiver and a sump. Such parts will work together as a drainage device.

You can make your own vacuum pump from an aquarium compressor. To do this, you need to disassemble it and remove the check valves. When the valves are turned over, the compressor will begin to pump out air instead of pumping. The procedure is similar to making a device from a car pump.

Homemade or purchased

The question of the benefits of creating devices from improvised means is relevant. There are branded models for only $15 . However, the price spread in this category of goods is quite noticeable. Let's analyze all the pros and cons.

Advantages of the factory option

  1. Cost for a simple model - $15.
  2. I produce pumps using strict technology. They do not cause discomfort .
  3. Wide choice: amount, shape, color and method of air injection.
  4. Confidentiality. Ordering from an online store requires delivery in opaque packaging without indicating the contents.

Advantages of a homemade pump

  1. Spend less money.

By assembling the model yourself, you get satisfaction from the design process. Operation will not give such results. The device costs less than a thousand rubles, so it is popular among clients in this market. A homemade pump is used as a “demo version” : assembled, tried. I liked it and bought a store-bought equivalent.

Using a medical syringe

Such a device will certainly come in handy on the farm if you need to pump out liquid or gas in small volumes. The following parts are required for operation:

  • plastic tee;
  • flexible plastic pipe, its diameter should be identical to the holes of the tee and syringe;
  • 2 check valves for aquarium;
  • a syringe, the volume of which depends on the power of the device (the larger the syringe, the greater the power).

The plastic pipe is cut into pieces 10 cm in size, and then attached to the tee. The tubes should fit snugly to the spout of the tee. This is necessary so that they do not jump off under pressure during operation of the device.

The syringe tip is then attached to the central tube. The entire structure is presented in the form of a tee, on the sides of which two pieces of hose are fixed, as well as a syringe located at right angles to the retracted ends.

The next step is to install the valves. They are often marked with an indicating arrow. One of them should be placed so that the arrow points away from the tee, and the second - with the arrow pointing towards it. In general, the system will be similar to an entry-exit sign.

The handheld device is ready. It can be used to pump water from one container to another by placing one valve in the liquid and the other in the pumping container. The arrows act as guides. You need to immerse the valve in the water, the pointer of which points to the tee. The system will work when the piston on the syringe begins to move.


There are more disadvantages to creating a homemade device than advantages. First of all, they are associated with the labor intensity of the process. Not every person will be able to create a safe device that allows them to achieve the desired effect, which would meet sanitary and hygienic requirements and would be suitable in size.

The second disadvantage is the aesthetic appearance. The finished device looks much more attractive.

And, of course, the operating principle is a little more complicated. In a sex shop you can buy an automatic mechanism. You just need to press a button and you can enjoy the process. At home, you can only create a manual device.

Low vacuum unit

It is quite difficult to make it yourself in the absence of a lathe, welding machine and without special skills. A cylindrical body is required for manufacturing. It should contain a shaft equipped with a blade wheel. When water is supplied, the wheel rotates and, under the influence of centrifugal forces, a vacuum will certainly be created in the device.

The mechanism operates using an electric motor. The impeller should not be installed directly in the center. This is necessary so that the gaseous mass is injected and pushed through the system. The disadvantage of such a device is that the liquid that makes the device work constantly heats up and needs to be replaced.

The device must be equipped with inlet openings. With their help, the liquid will flow inside. In addition, there must be outlets through which gas can escape. Similar mechanisms are used in large enterprises, as well as in agricultural work, to remove gas mixed with sand or dust. For continuous operation, it is necessary to provide a gas outlet, a constant supply of liquid and a motor cooling system.

The mechanism operates using an electric motor. The impeller should not be installed directly in the center.

Design #12 - “homemade” for a small stream

This pump can operate on an ultra-low amount of energy. Of course it’s good if there is a river or lake. But what to do if the river becomes very shallow in the summer? A swing type pump will help.

Such a pump allows you to use very small amounts of energy from a small stream.

The main part of the structure is two buckets rigidly connected to each other through blocks (4). It is necessary to make a drainage system from the stream from galvanized steel (3). In order to reduce wear, a piece of plastic is placed under it. The drainage system is rigidly connected by a leash to a rope (5).

Leash 6 is made of rigid wire and the length is calculated so that the drainage system moves to the desired angle

The entire system must be adjusted so that when one bucket is filled, the drainage moves to the second bucket. The energy of the buckets is transmitted through the crank (8) to the pump (10).

Car pump conversion

You can make a vacuum pump with your own hands using a similar car device . The step-by-step process is as follows:

  • first you need to remove the rod with the cuff from the open cover located on the sleeve;
  • Having previously unscrewed the screws, remove the cuff;
  • turn the latter over in the opposite direction and replace it and the rod.

As a result of these manipulations, you will get a suction tube to which you need to connect a check valve. During installation, you need to ensure that air enters the sleeve. To check this, you need to blow into the valve. A tube should be attached to the second end of the valve, which should be made of dense materials that are not susceptible to atmospheric influence.

This device creates a vacuum in food containers or clothing storage containers. Any breakdowns that occur can be easily repaired with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to study the materials on the design of the original unit. After familiarizing yourself with the design, you can repair the device yourself, without the help of expensive technicians.

To make a vacuum pump with your own hands, you need desire and source material. The scope of application and complexity of manufacturing the device depend on the type of primary device. A big advantage of making your own devices is significant cost savings.


You can create a penis pump in width and length with your own hands in exactly the same way, since the principle of its operation is to increase blood flow and stretch the corpora cavernosa. Why is it worth making it yourself and not buying it in a store?

Of course, only for the purpose of saving. If the finished product costs more than 3,000 rubles, then you can create a device with the same method of operation absolutely free from improvised means or spend a small amount on the main components - up to 500 rubles.

Making your own check valve for water

A homemade check valve for installation on a pipeline through which water is transported does not require expensive consumables and complex equipment in its manufacture, which makes it possible to save a lot of money. So, to make a check valve yourself, you need to prepare:

  • a coupling with an external thread cut into its body;
  • female tee;
  • a spring, the diameter of which allows it to freely enter the tee;
  • a steel ball, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the cross-section of the internal cavity in the tee;
  • screw plug;
  • sealing tape FUM.

If you don’t find a spring with a suitable diameter, you can make it yourself, using a rod of the appropriate diameter and rigid steel wire. It is necessary to drill a hole in the rod on which the homemade spring will be wound; the end of the wire will be inserted into it. To make winding the spring more convenient, the rod can be clamped in a vice, and the wire winding itself can be done using pliers.

Diagram of a homemade check valve for water

After all the materials for making a homemade check valve have been prepared, you can begin assembly, which is performed in the following sequence.

  • A coupling is screwed into the internal threaded hole of the tee. This is done in such a way that it overlaps the side hole by approximately 2 mm. It is necessary to fulfill this requirement when tightening the coupling so that the ball, which will be located in the inner part of the tee, does not jump out into its side hole.
  • A ball is first inserted into the hole located on the opposite side of the tee, and then a spring.
  • The hole in the tee into which the ball and spring were inserted is plugged with a screw plug, tightened using FUM tape.
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