Repairing a pumping station with your own hands: typical faults and how to fix them

Alas, even the most reliable pumping equipment can fail. Among the malfunctions are serious breakdowns and banal wear of rubbing parts or seals. Fixing the simplest problems can be done by a home handyman, but you must admit that even basic repair operations need to be known how to carry out them correctly.

The article describes in detail all the typical types of breakdowns of pumping units. Effective methods for eliminating malfunctions in water supply installations are presented.

Those who want to repair the pumping station with their own hands will find answers to all the questions that arise in such cases. Useful information is supported by step-by-step instructions, diagrams and videos.

DIY pumping station repair

Yandex.RTB RA-1479455-2

The pump pumps jerkily, turns on and off very often

To eliminate this malfunction, you need to do the following:
Pay attention to the pressure gauge, which is located on the automation unit. If the pressure gauge needle rises to the pressure at which the station was set (the pump will turn off), then drops sharply until it turns on, then there may be the following reasons: there is no air pressure in the hydraulic tank

At the factory, nitrogen is pumped into the tank to a pressure of 1.5 atm. Sometimes, due to corrosion, cracks appear in the tank body and the pressure does not hold for long. You need to find the leak and seal the crack (for example, “cold welding”). You can check the air pressure in the hydraulic tank by connecting a pressure gauge (at least a car gauge) to the nipple. The pressure in the tank may not necessarily be due to a crack, but simply due to unknown reasons, the air has escaped. Then you don’t need to drive yourself crazy in search of non-existent cracks, but simply pump up the air with a pump (in fact, that’s where you should start); rupture of the diaphragm separating air and water in the tank. You can check this through the nipple: if water flows from the nipple, it means the diaphragm is damaged; The pressure switch does not work. which controls the activation of the pump.

Maintenance, problems, operation

Preventative actions and repairs:

  • mechanical sensitive parts need to be checked and adjusted
  • It is advisable to clean the contacts
  • If it doesn’t work, don’t rush to disassemble the mechanism - first try lightly tapping the body with a not too heavy object
  • Rocker joints are lubricated with grease once a year
  • do not tighten the adjustment nuts completely - the mechanism will not work

If the device does not hold pressure, does not work correctly, or does not work at all, refrain from hasty conclusions and do not throw it away. Dust, debris, sand in the membrane space prevent it from reacting normally. Steps to fix the problem are:

Unscrew the 4 bolts on the bottom, remove the cover with the inlet pipe and the cover. Carefully rinse the membrane and the cavities around it. Install all elements in reverse order. Set the thresholds again and carry out a test run.

Experts recommend that before setting up the relay correctly, do not exceed the upper threshold by more than 80% of the maximum permissible values ​​for a specific model, which are indicated in the instructions (standard about 5 - 5.5 atm.).

For high-quality operation, there should be no air in the pipeline. Periodically (once every 3-6 months) you need to check the set response thresholds, pressure indicators in the HA, and bleed or pump in air. Before you start setting up, you need to find out whether the pressure switch for the hydraulic accumulator and the unit itself can withstand the required loads, and whether its technical capabilities meet them.

The pump does not draw water

When it is discovered that the pump does not pump water, one of the reasons may be that the pressure in it is not adjusted correctly. Elimination of the problem is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • the pumping station is switched off from the electrical network;
  • water is drained from the water tank;
  • the air pressure in the tank is measured through the nipple using a car pump with a pressure gauge or compressor, its optimal value is 90-95%;
  • air is pumped into the water supply system.
  • water is poured into the station;
  • connects to a network with pressure control.

The air in the water supply system is pumped as follows. The cover from the pressure switch is removed by removing the plastic screw and changing the tightening force of the existing springs of the unit. By turning one nut, the lower pump value is turned on. Clockwise rotation causes the pressure to increase, while counterclockwise rotation causes the pressure to decrease.

Turning the other nut adjusts the pressure range between the lower and upper limits. The range boundaries are changed by rotating the element clockwise to expand, counterclockwise to decrease it. After the steps have been completed, the pumping station is connected to the electrical network and its functionality is checked.

Typical faults and their elimination

Below we will consider a number of problems and malfunctions that may arise during the operation of a pumping station.

The pump rotates, no water enters the system - the check valve is not working properly

Reason: The tightness of the conductive pipelines is broken, the check valve is not working correctly, there is no water in the pipeline or pump.

Solution to the problem: first, check for the presence of water in the pipeline or pump. If it is missing, you just need to add it to the pump through the hole provided for this or lower the suction hose (or the pump itself) deeper. The maximum permissible distance between the pump and the water level must be maintained.

Now you need to check the condition of the check valve and the tightness of the joints, and then eliminate the detected problems. If all these measures do not help, the pump may be damaged by abrasives that have gotten into the water, for example, sand. In this case, you will have to disassemble the pump and replace its impeller or housing. In some cases, it is necessary to install a new pump.

Please note that before starting work it would not hurt to check the voltage in the electrical network. If it is insufficient (a typical situation in rural areas), the pump will not pump water, although it will turn on.

The station operates jerkily - the hydraulic tank is damaged

Reason: The answer to the question why the pumping station turns on too often is most often that some part of the hydraulic tank is damaged. Because of this, the equipment does not build up pressure.

The hydraulic tank of the pumping station consists of a housing and a membrane located inside

Solution to the problem: First you need to press the nipple located on the back of the tank. If water flows out of it (air should come out), then the inner membrane is torn and should be replaced.

Another possible reason why the pressure in the unit’s hydraulic accumulator does not correspond to the normal value is a violation of the seal of the housing. You need to find a crack or hole and seal it. Sometimes, to solve the problem, it is enough to simply pump the missing amount of air into the tank using a conventional pump. The standard value of pressure in the tank is 1.5-1.8 atmospheres.

The missing air can be pumped into the membrane tank through a standard threaded fitting with a spool valve

It should be noted that sometimes water flows intermittently due to a leak in the joints of the suction pipeline. It must be checked along its entire length and any cracks found must be repaired.

Video: do-it-yourself hydraulic tank repair

Doesn't turn on

Cause: No power supply.

Solution to the problem: It is necessary to check and possibly clean the burnt contacts of the pressure switch, and check the integrity of the winding. The fact that the engine has burned out will become clear from the smell characteristic of burning insulating materials.

It turns on but does not rotate - the reason is the capacitor or impeller

Reason: the condenser is broken or the impeller is “stuck” to the pump body. This situation often occurs with pumps that have been sitting idle for several months.

Solution to the problem: To start a blocked impeller, just turn it by hand a couple of times. After this, the pump should turn on. If the capacitor is broken, it will have to be replaced.

The unit does not turn off and works constantly - the relay is not adjusted

Cause: The pressure switch is malfunctioning.

Solution to the problem: It is necessary to adjust the pressure switch of the pumping station. To do this, use two springs located on the relay: large and small. The large spring is responsible for regulating the lower pressure limit, and the small one regulates the difference between the minimum and maximum values. All manipulations with the pressure switch must be done extremely carefully.

To find out the reasons why the equipment does not turn off, you should definitely check the condition of the pressure switch inlet. Sometimes it becomes clogged with particles and sediments contained in the water. In this case, the hole must be cleaned and the operation of the pressure switch checked.

A few words about adjusting the pressure switch

It should be remembered that the regulation of the pressure switch of the pumping station must be treated with great care. If this unit is not adjusted correctly, it can lead to serious damage to the entire station, and the manufacturer's warranty does not apply to such cases.

First you need to achieve the correct pressure in the accumulator. To do this, the device is disconnected from the network, and the water is completely drained from the tank. Then, using a pump with a pressure gauge or a household compressor, the required level of pressure is created in the hydraulic tank. Now you need to unscrew the plastic cover on the pressure switch to gain access to the control springs.

The minimum pressure to turn on the pump is adjusted using a large spring (2, see figure). Turning the spring clockwise increases this indicator, and turning it counterclockwise decreases it. To set the required range between the maximum and minimum pressure limits, rotate the pressure differential adjustment spring (1, see figure). Turning the nut clockwise expands the range, while turning it counterclockwise narrows it.

The pressure switch of the pumping station is regulated by a large and small spring

Then the pressure switch cover must be replaced, fill the pumping station with the required volume of water and connect the power supply. The maximum pressure value in the system should be no more than 95% of the maximum possible outlet pressure, which is indicated by the manufacturer in the data sheet.

Common causes of pumping station breakdowns

In the world, as the classics rightly say, nothing lasts forever, this also applies to equipment. Unexpected malfunctions in the operation of pumping equipment; its stop or incorrect operation can be caused by a number of reasons, such as:

  • lack of electricity;
  • lack of water in the system;
  • pump failure;
  • breakdown of the membrane tank;
  • damage to the automatic unit, etc.

The design of household pumping units is not particularly complicated, and this allows you to do the repairs yourself. In some cases, you need to disassemble the pump and replace the damaged part. Sometimes it is necessary to seal a crack in the tank, and sometimes it is enough to simply check the availability of electricity. In each specific case, you need to determine why the pump does not pump water and find a “recipe” for solving the problem. If you cannot find an acceptable solution to the problem, you need to contact specialists.

Features of the device, operating rules

Domestic pumping stations make it possible to organize water supply in a private house, which for some reason cannot be connected to the central main line. Stations are needed to solve problems such as:

1. provide automatic water supply to the house from a water supply source.

2. organize a stable liquid pressure in the water supply system.

3. to ensure protection of pipes from hydraulic shocks.

4. stock up on water in case of an emergency.

In some cases, pumping stations are supplied ready-made, which implies easier installation of the structure. You can also assemble the equipment yourself, selecting individual spare parts of the required quality, it all depends on individual needs.

Attention! If the well is deep, then instead of a surface pump, the station should be equipped with a submersible device. If you understand the principle of operation of a water pumping station, then repairing the equipment will seem easy

The design is based on a container with a rubber liner inside, it is called a hydraulic tank. Water enters the membrane compartment of the tank through a pump. On the other hand, the membrane is filled with air; in rare cases, hydraulic tanks are filled with pure nitrogen

If you understand the operating principle of a water pumping station, then repairing the equipment will seem easy. The design is based on a container with a rubber liner inside, it is called a hydraulic tank. Water enters the membrane compartment of the tank through a pump. On the other hand, the membrane is filled with air; in rare cases, hydraulic tanks are filled with pure nitrogen.

This creates a certain level of pressure in the tank. On one side of the container there is a nipple, like in a car, with the help of which air is pumped in or excess is released. On the other side of the tank, a piece of pipe is placed, to which a fitting equipped with five outlets is attached. The remaining parts of the pumping equipment are mounted to them in the form of a pressure gauge, a relay that determines pressure, a pump hose, and a pipe for water supply.

A hydraulic tank is connected to the water pipe of the house. When you turn on the water in the tap, the container becomes empty and the pressure in it drops. When the liquid level reaches the minimum level, the device itself begins to work, the accumulator is filled with water to the maximum level, and the pressure does not return to normal.

Using a special relay, the pump is turned off and on. The relay is connected to the hydraulic accumulator and pump. The hydraulic tank, as a buffer, serves as protection against water hammer.

Attention! The pump is turned on only when necessary, when the pressure switch is activated. This makes the service life of the equipment longer

Attention! You need to choose a station, taking into account the parameters of the well, the location of the water intake units

Solving problems associated with the lack of water in the system

The first step is to check the tightness of the pipelines and the presence of water in the system. When there is no water, the cause could be a malfunction of the check valve located between the head of the well and the inlet pipe of the pumping station. This part stops working as a result of the valve becoming clogged with foreign objects. The unsuitability of the spring that controls the operation of this element is also being considered.

A clogged valve can be eliminated by cleaning it after removal, and if it breaks, you need to completely replace the check valve, but this will require a significant amount of money. When the pumping station is idle for a long time, a situation arises when water disappears at the junction of the well and the pump. A special filling hole eliminates the problem.

If there is a problem with a seasonal decrease in water level, the solution is to place the pump inlet circuit deeper into the well shaft. When the inlet circuit is deeply immersed, the likelihood of clogging increases; to prevent this, a filter is installed.

Insufficient voltage in the network is also the reason for the lack of water flow when the supply system is running. This is determined by a power supply tester. Wear of pump blades can be eliminated according to the following plan:

  • disassembling the pumping device using a special tool to facilitate removal;
  • inspection of the condition of the impeller, if necessary, replacement of a broken blade;
  • If it is impossible to replace a broken part (it all depends on the manufacturer), the pump is completely replaced.

Why doesn't it work and what to do about it?

If the diagnostics showed that the pumping station itself is working, then you should pay attention directly to the pressure switch. The algorithm of actions will depend on how the malfunction of this unit manifests itself

Works often

When the pressure in the hydraulic tank is stable, the main reason for spontaneous frequent starts of the pump is a failure of the automation settings. For adjustments, a pressure gauge must be connected to the system.

The most popular relay in local water supply is RDM-5, with preset response threshold settings:

  • lower pressure - 1.4 atm.,
  • upper - 2.8 atm.

Step by step, this standard relay is adjusted as follows:

  1. Remove the unit cover.
  2. By right-hand rotation of the larger spring nut, raise the shut-off pressure to the desired value, for example 3.8 atm. At the same time, the lower launch limit will also rise.
  3. By turning the regulator of the smaller spiral to the left, set the desired pressure delta.

Spirals, especially smaller ones, are very susceptible to adjustments, so they should be adjusted very carefully, with gradual tightening of the nuts at 45° turns.

Doesn't turn off the pump

The most common reasons why the relay does not operate to turn off the pump include:

  • Sticking and, in severe cases with powerful starting currents, melting of the breaker contacts. If the contacts are not damaged, the defect can be eliminated by cleaning them with fine-grained sandpaper, a fine needle file or a nail file.
  • The difference between the relay response thresholds is too high. You should set the settings recommended by the manufacturer or optimal for a particular pump.

It is advisable to maintain the pressure delta in the range from 1.2 to 1.6 atm.

Clicks and switches off frequently

In practice, you can encounter another malfunction of the automation unit responsible for water pressure - periodic clicking.

If the reason is not related, as described above, to a breakdown in the water supply system itself (usually airing) or lack of pressure in the hydraulic tank (ruptured membrane), then the problem is in the automation.

Having summarized numerous opinions on this problem on engineering forums, we can conclude that there is only one possible solution to it - try to eliminate the frequent operation of the automation (clicking) by increasing the difference in the relay response thresholds.

If this does not solve the problem, then the only option is to replace the unit.

It just doesn't work

The relay may not close to turn on for the following reasons:

  1. Insufficient voltage in the network - automation is demanding on this parameter.
  2. Oxidation of the contact group - it is necessary to disassemble the device and clean the contacts.
  3. The automatic shutdown pressure limit is set too high.
  4. Lime and other deposits in the five-pin fitting with a pressure gauge connecting the relay to the pump (five-pin), or the hole in the membrane compartment is clogged - you need to remove the relay and clean the part.
  5. Sand gets into the membrane part of the block, which interferes with the action of the diaphragm on the piston. The latter is often observed if the pump has pumped sand. It is necessary to disassemble the relay, carefully clean and rinse everything.

The pump hums, but does not spin

The reasons for this pumping station malfunction are as follows:

  • It happens that the pump spent the winter somewhere in a barn, and in the spring they took it out and tried to start it. But it begins to hum... Due to the fact that the pump was left without water and without movement for a long time, the pump impeller “glued” to the housing. You need to manually rotate the impeller from the back side, and then plug it into the network;
  • the capacitor has failed (located in the branded engine box);
  • It is necessary to check the voltage in the electrical network, perhaps it is simply too low.

That's all (or almost all) that can be said about malfunctions of the pumping station for water supply systems at home and about repairing the pumping station with your own hands.

pumping station malfunctions

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The equipment does not start

Most often, the unit does not turn on and does not draw water due to a break in the electrical network. To determine the location of the break in the circuit, you will have to use a tester. First of all, it is necessary to check the communications through which the pump pumps water, as well as the pressure switch, on the contacts of which oxide can accumulate and cause their malfunction. To clean the contacts, you can use fine-grained sandpaper or a needle file.

If the pump does not pump water and does not turn on, and no network breaks are found in the section from it to the source, then it is necessary to check each component of the pumping equipment, namely the winding and contacts.

Sometimes the pump does not draw water and does not start due to a broken starting capacitor. In this case, you will have to replace it yourself.

If, after starting the unit, a characteristic noise appears, but the impeller and other rotating parts do not begin to move, then there may be several reasons:

  1. If the device has been preserved for a long time and has not been used, then most likely the impeller is stuck to the body. To fix the problem, just rotate the impeller by hand several times.
  2. Sometimes the cause of this problem can be a broken capacitor. In this case, it will have to be replaced.
  3. If the parameters of the electrical network have changed, that is, the voltage is below the nominal voltage, then the unit will not work.

Video instructions for repairing pumping equipment for water supply to a country house:

The pressure device turns on more often than usual

Why does a working pumping station often turn on? The reason is primitive - there is insufficient pressure in the air chamber of the storage tank. The lower the air pressure, the more often the pump turns on and the period of its continuous operation decreases. To make sure of this, take a car pressure gauge and measure the pressure on the nipple inserted into the tank. In many models of water-pressure installations, normal pressure is considered to be 1.5 Atm. If, after testing on the pressure gauge, it is 0.5 Atm or 0.9 Atm, using a conventional car pump, air is pumped into the tank to the recommended value.

It is worse if, when monitoring the pressure in the air compartment of the tank, its complete absence is discovered. This may be a consequence of air leakage through the rusted metal body of the tank, which may well occur after 3-4 years of operation if the tank is made of ordinary rusting steel. The leak will be detected when you try to inflate the air chamber. In many cases, the tank cannot be repaired, so you will have to replace it.

Currently, new storage tanks are sold as a set (tank, membrane fabric, connecting flange), thanks to which replacing it is not difficult. It is necessary to disconnect the nut of the pump pipe section from the old flange and release the two threaded fasteners connecting the tank with the devices installed on top

The used tank is carefully removed and a new one is placed in its place. The fasteners are tightened, a piece of pipe is attached to the new flange - the station is ready for work

What else could be causing the regular switching on of the equipment? This happens when a rubber bulb becomes unusable (breaks). It is easiest to diagnose such a malfunction - when you press the nipple, water actively flows out of it. In such a situation, it is necessary to change the “breathing” film. How to do this?

It is necessary to prepare containers (dishes) to drain the water (the tank is fully filled with liquid). First, the nut connecting the pipe section with the flange is loosened little by little so that water begins to flow. When the liquid has completely drained from the inlet, unscrew the bolts connecting the flange to the tank body and drain the remaining contents of the tank. Now you need to pull out the used “breathing” film, dry the tank as much as possible inside (if it is made of ordinary steel) and place a new bulb in it. The flange is installed in place, gradually bolted to the body, and a section of pipe is attached. Replacement of the rubber membrane fabric is complete. All that remains is to pump air through the nipple to the previously specified pressure and pour water into the pump cavity. You can turn it on.

Adjusting the pressure switch of the pumping station

The considered breakdowns of water pumping installations are considered very popular; they can be easily removed by the owners of the equipment themselves. Interruptions in operation are also possible due to problems with the automatic control system. This happens quite rarely and requires the intervention of a professional technician. It is better not to touch the relays and sensors with your own hands.


There is such subtlety here. Before installing the flange in place, check that the bulb has smooth walls. After you put the pear in place, it will be wrinkled. It is necessary to take measures to straighten the pear. Put your hand into the pear and smooth out the walls.

After this, we install the flange in place and secure it with bolts. By the way, let me note an interesting fact. In mechanisms there are such concepts: bolted connections and screw connections. What is the difference? A screw connection is a fastening where the bolt is screwed into the body. In a bolted connection, the bolt is tightened with a nut.

We have assembled the pumping station, we are moving on to connecting it to the water supply system. We take the suction pipe and fill it with water to capacity. If we don’t do this, then we’ll have trouble starting the pump. A check valve is installed on the other side of the pipe and it will prevent water from escaping. With this we will check the functionality of this valve. So, we filled it, the water stays in the pipe, which means the valve is working. We screw the pipe to the pump inlet pipe.

After this, we fill the pump cavity with water through a special neck and close it with a screw cap. The pumping station is ready for operation. If everything is done correctly, it will work almost immediately. If it did not start pumping water, it means there was an air bubble somewhere in the system. The impeller drove it to the receiving neck. You need to turn off the pump, unscrew the screw cap of the neck and again add water to the fullest. Start the pump again. If it doesn’t download again, then you need to repeat the process. Happens up to several times. In my case, the pump started pumping immediately. But you can hear the air noise inside. I stopped the pump and started it again. By stopping, we allow the air to collect in one place and it is more easily pushed into the flow pipe and carried out by the water. That's all. Have a good mood!

Principle of operation

The main difference between a pump and a pumping station is the automatic maintenance of water pressure in the central water supply system. The main factors that support the full operation of the pumping station are the availability of electricity and the required amount of water in the well.

Pumping station

Operating principle and design of a pump with a storage tank

A pumping station with a storage tank is considered an old model, although today such options are still found. The reason is that the tank itself is a very bulky structure. The presence of water and pressure in it is controlled by a float and when the level decreases, a sensor is triggered, starting its pumping. This system has a number of disadvantages:

1. Large dimensions;

2. If the water level sensor fails, water may overflow into the room;

3. Difficulty of installation;

4. Low pressure due to the fact that the water flows by gravity;

5. The tank must be installed above the station level.

Operating principle and design of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator

A pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator is considered the best option for autonomous water supply. Such a system contains a relay, through which the maximum air level is controlled. In this case, in the hydraulic accumulator it decreases in volume due to water pressure.

Once put into operation, the pumping station begins to draw water from the well and, due to pressure, sends it to the hydraulic accumulator. As soon as the user at home turns on the water, the pressure in the system gradually decreases. When the pressure drops to a certain level, the relay will turn on the pump, which will pump water into the container and thereby increase the pressure to the required level. The relay then turns off the pump. If the water demand is small, the pump itself will not turn on, so liquid from the tank will begin to flow into the tap.

General completeness

Regardless of the type of station - with a battery or with a tank, it is additionally equipped with:

1. Cable;

2. Pumping unit;

3. Pressure gauge;

4. Grounding terminals;

5. Diaphragm pressure tank;

6. Connector for connection.

What does it consist of?

The average pumping station has three main components, namely:

  • pumping device;
  • hydraulic accumulator;
  • automation block.

Now let's look at each element in more detail.

Pumping device

Water supply stations are most often equipped with surface pumps, whose names indicate their location. They are installed in specially equipped xenon systems, or inside residential premises. Pumps with fairly high power are used, since it is necessary to lift water from wells and transport it to the house.

A small device is enough to service one home

Hydraulic accumulator

A hydraulic accumulator (also called a pressure accumulator) is a metal device whose purpose is to maintain a certain level of pressure on a constant basis. The most popular is a model that is a small metal cylinder with an elastic membrane installed inside. During operation, the rubber membrane is deformed to a certain point. When work stops, it returns to its original position, displacing liquid from the cylinder.

Hydraulic accumulator device

Automation block

It is designed to promptly stop the operation of the device. It works like this:

  • the pressure decreases to a certain point;
  • the relay starts to operate;
  • the pump comes into play and the accumulator begins to fill with water;
  • Once the optimal pressure is reached, the operation of the device is suspended.

As you have already noticed, a pumping station is a combination of components and assemblies, the operation of which can also be done separately. In most cases, all the main components of the unit are installed on one housing , however, there are also models in which the pumping device is installed on a pressure accumulator. The automatic control device is also located on one housing.

Automation unit for pump

During the entire warranty period, there are practically no problems with the equipment during operation. But this does not mean at all that you will not have to deal with the need to troubleshoot various components. Over a long period of operation, any part of the mechanism can break, so you need to be prepared for anything that happens. Let's look at the possible causes of failure and options for resolving these problems.

Basic information about the operation of the pumping station

The pumping station operates according to the following scheme: receiving power from the source, the suction pump begins to draw water, the water goes into the tank, filling it to a certain level, after which the pressure switch stops the suction device. When a person consumes water, the liquid level in the membrane tank drops, the pressure switch gives the command to implement the water intake process again.

Usually, when purchasing a pumping station, the warranty period is indicated. What to do when the pump does not pump water after such a period has expired? There are certain approaches to performing work related to the failure of a station, allowing you to find the cause of the breakdown, and ways to repair the pumping station yourself. In many cases, this does not take as much time as it might seem at first glance.

Independent work or professional help?

The following malfunctions of the submersible pump allow you to cope with the problems yourself, without the involvement of a specialist. However, even in these cases, you must understand well that without knowledge of the technology, the problem that has arisen and minimal skills, it is quite difficult to cope with the repair.

Before searching for any fault, you need to get acquainted with the design. First of all, you need to carefully study the instructions for the unit and its diagram. In order not to end up with unnecessary parts later, you need to remember the sequence of actions during disassembly. When working with any unknown device, it is recommended to photograph each step.

The price of a submersible pump plays a big role. Small “liberties” are allowed when repairing simple, inexpensive models, since in this case it will be more or less simple to assemble and disassemble the structure. Expensive imported (European) models have a longer warranty period, so the best solution in this case is to contact a service center.

How to ensure stable operation of the water supply system

In order for the plumbing system to function successfully, it is necessary to provide a certain level of pressure and water pressure. When there is no access to centralized water supply, this problem is easily solved using a pumping station. It usually consists of:

  • pump;
  • membrane storage tank;
  • automatic control unit (pressure switch, pressure gauge, etc.).

The pump pumps water, which enters the tank. When the pressure in the tank reaches a certain maximum level, the pump turns off. Gradually, the water from the tank is consumed for various needs and the pressure drops. At a minimum pressure level, the pump turns on again and water flows into the tank. The process is controlled automatically.

With the help of such a unit, you can provide water supply to a house, bathhouse and other buildings located on the site. Having studied the principle of operation, you need to begin studying possible breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

Having studied the principle of operation and the design of the pumping station, you can repair it yourself

How to prevent problems from occurring?

To avoid possible problems, it is necessary to correctly select a pressure switch.
The characteristics of the automation must be optimal for working with specific equipment. It is better to seek the help of a specialist in this matter. Preventative measures to prevent problems are:

  • The use of a magnetic starter to remove the load from high currents from relay contacts.
  • Periodic external inspection of the relay and checking the most critical points - the connecting pipe and contacts.
  • Check at least once every 2 months and, if necessary, adjust the settings.

Important! The pressure threshold for turning on the relay to start the pump should be 0.2 atm. lower than the pressure in the accumulator.

Checking the injection pump

The pumping station will often turn on even if the pump is not provided with sufficient power. The pump impeller will not be able to develop the required power. In this case, the pump will not be able to create maximum pressure in the pipeline; in order to fill the pipes with water, it will have to work almost without interruption.

A power deficiency may be the result of a malfunction of individual parts of the pump - electrical or mechanical. Malfunctions of the power supply also contribute to this problem.

The main reasons for the lack of power:

  • Salinization of the pump inlet and outlet pipes: can be eliminated by mechanical cleaning or rinsing with cleaning solutions.
  • Oxidation of the contact surfaces of the terminal box: they should be cleaned with fine sandpaper, having first disconnected the pump from the power source.
  • Unstable voltage in the electrical network: its fluctuations are checked while the pumping station is running. This drawback can be eliminated by connecting a voltage stabilizer.

Over time, individual components of the mechanical part of the pump wear out, which leads to a decrease in the maximum possible pressure level in the system. You can check the pump's capabilities visually by disconnecting it from the outlet water supply.

A weak stream of water at the outlet of the pump indicates a high degree of wear of its parts. Most of them cannot be repaired, so you will have to replace the entire worn-out unit.

Have you decided to install a water supply system in a private house yourself? Then the next topic will be interesting for you: . Step-by-step setup of the pump station pressure switch with your own hands.

How can you be sure that the hydraulic tank is to blame?

The simplicity of the design gives us the right to hope for long and trouble-free operation of this container. This is absolutely correct, because there are not many problems that arise in the operation of the device. Therefore, first we need to consider the options when other equipment, the work of which is directly related to the water “collector,” may be acting up.

The hydraulic accumulator is not always the culprit of low water pressure or unsatisfactory operation of the system. Often the problem lies in an incorrectly selected or malfunctioning pump. In the first case, the power of the device is simply not enough; in the second, some kind of malfunction prevents the pump from working. Repairing a pump with your own hands is a risky operation, especially for those for whom such work is “terra incognita”. Therefore, it is better for them to turn to specialists.

A fairly common occurrence is frequent switching on or constant (almost continuous) operation of the pump. If your equipment is behaving strangely, you should first make sure that it is (or is not) its fault. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Checking the outlet pressure. The norm is considered to be 0.15-0.2 MPa (1.5-2 atm.) If the value is different, then the provocateur of the problem has been detected.
  2. Checking the source. If the pressure is okay, then the next possible culprit is a well or borehole. In this case, the pump is tested as follows: it is lowered into a container with liquid - into a barrel, a large canister, etc. When the pressure is normal, the problem is “source - source” of water.
  3. Adjusting the pressure switch. This is another possible way. The relay cover is removed, then the springs are compressed or weakened using the adjusting screw: the smaller of them is responsible for the lower pressure limit. The larger and thicker part goes behind the top one. After adjustment, the pump must stop working.
  4. The last step is to inspect the water supply, because another possible reason for the pump to run continuously is a leak in the system. To confirm or refute the guess, the valve is closed after the hydraulic tank insertion point. If the fault lies with the leak, then after some time the pump should stop.

Pumping station malfunctions, or How to repair a pumping station with your own hands

No device, no matter how reliable it is, works forever. Alas! This also applies to pumps for water supply systems. Therefore, at the end of the topic about pumping equipment, we will figure out what malfunctions of the pumping station occur and how to repair the pumping station with your own hands. If you were looking for: water supply pumping station faults, home pumping station faults, water pumping station faults, pumping station pressure switch faults. then this article is still for you. Further I will simply list possible faults and “correct” them.

The pump does not want to turn off, what should I do?

If the pump does not turn off for a long time, this indicates that the pumping station does not build up the pressure necessary for the relay to operate. There may be several reasons for this, specifically:

  • there is not enough pump power;
  • there is no water in the voids of the gas ring pump;
  • Large leak in the water wiring.

Let's consider any of the above circumstances. In what cases does the pump not provide the required pressure? The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • installation of low-power equipment (the pump cannot cope with the task under specific operating conditions);
  • wear of the pump itself.

The first situation occurs when the equipment power is incorrectly calculated, when an operating indicator such as pressure does not meet current conditions. In other words, the pump is weak, and therefore is not able to overcome the resistance of water (which must be raised from a certain depth) and compressed air in the storage tank. This problem manifests itself immediately after the installation of the purchased station and the first attempts to start it. The issue is resolved by replacing much more powerful equipment.

During long-term operation of the water pressure device, one of the parts of the gas ring pump may fail. Sometimes it is the impeller that wears out and is not able to provide the required water pressure. In this situation, it is necessary to replace the worn part or pump assembly. In both cases, there will be the presence of water in the water supply system; in other words, the station pumps water, but its pressure is not enough for the relay to operate.

A specific feature of a gas ring pump is its inability to create pressure without the presence of water in its voids. Before starting the newly installed pumping station, the cavity of the pumping device and the supply pipe should be completely filled with water through a special hole on the pump housing (top), closed with a screw plug. If this is not done, the pump will work in vain without stopping. To prevent water from flowing into the water intake tank, a check valve is first installed at the end of the supply pipe.

For gas ring pumps, water is considered not only a transportation object, but also a coolant, so it is impossible to leave the pumping device on for a long time if it is not filled. This may lead to overheating and failure.

How can a situation arise with a lack of water in the voids of the pump during operation? It's simple - the check valve stopped working and the water left the supply pipe. It is necessary to replace the valve (if it has been in operation for a long time) or inspect it. It may well be that a grain of sand or other small object has gotten between its body and the membrane fabric, preventing a tight fit. To prevent this from happening, the valve is equipped with a mesh filter to prevent contamination. If the station does not turn off for a long time due to a lack of water in the pump, nothing will flow from the open mixer. In such a situation, immediately turn off the equipment and look for the cause.

Equipment installation

Why doesn't the pumping station turn off? This happens when there is a large intake of water at points of use or when there is a significant pipeline break in the domestic water supply system. The pressure accumulated by the pump is regularly wasted, due to which the pumping device may not be switched off for a long time. In such a situation, one should be concerned about the possibility of a communications breakthrough. To determine the presence/absence of a leak, close the tap on the outlet pipe closest to the station. If the equipment then began to operate at normal intervals (gained pressure and turned off), you must immediately look for a breakthrough or simply a forgotten open tap.

Hydraulic accumulator: operation and reasons for its failure

One of the most important “team players” is the hydraulic accumulator, which allows you to create and store a supply of water, protect the system and equipment from force majeure situations. This device is called differently, sometimes not quite correctly: expansion or storage tank, hydraulic tank, expansion tank, membrane tank, or simply - HA. This is a closed container that has a hydraulic chamber that changes its volume. In order to imagine how a hydraulic accumulator works, it is necessary to consider its design.

Membrane tank design

Any hydraulic tank has a certain number of elements. It includes:

  • housing made of stainless steel;
  • membrane (pear), which is made from special, elastic and durable rubber (EPDM, BUTYL);
  • air supply nipple;
  • a flange equipped with a valve, it is intended for pumping water;
  • special instruments - pressure gauge, pressure switch;
  • platform (supports).

As you can see, the device is quite simple, but continuous, intense work can “ruin” even the most reliable structures. Modern high-quality models of storage tanks have a long service life, work for a long time, and without “whims”. However, you need to know about possible malfunctions of the hydraulic accumulator, since some breakdowns cannot be ruled out.

Vessel tasks and their implementation

The storage tank consists of two chambers: one contains air, the other contains water. The last compartment deserves special attention. This is a rubber bag, or membrane. The principle of operation of the storage facility is based on compressing liquid with compressed air. When water is consumed in the system, the pressure drops.

The hydraulic tank immediately reacts to changes that have occurred: it quickly restores parameters by supplying a new portion of liquid, but without the slightest involvement of the pump. Naturally, the rare activation of this main device of the pumping station guarantees its longer operation.

Using a relay for the hydraulic tank, two important parameters of water pressure are set: its upper and lower limits. When the value becomes minimal, the pump “helps” the accumulator: it turns on and works until the pressure again reaches the maximum (preset) level.

The membrane tank eliminates the most common problems that arise during the operation of autonomous water supply, heating systems or economical solar systems. Water accumulators help:

  • stabilize blood pressure;
  • quickly equalize water pressure during intensive use;
  • prevent the occurrence of water hammer, which is extremely dangerous for the system;
  • guarantee the supply of water when the pump fails due to power outages, but in this case the hydraulic tank must have a large volume;
  • significantly extend the life of the main element of the pumping station, since rare periods of operation of the hydraulic machine eliminate rapid wear of the equipment.

The peculiarity of a membrane tank is that the efficiency of this vessel device is not determined. The device either works or it doesn't.

Symptoms of a faulty accumulator

The membrane tank is a relatively simple design. Therefore, possible malfunctions of the accumulator can often be detected visually.

One of the signs of its “inaction” is the frequent operation of the safety valve. When the pressure in the system rises to the limit, it releases water, protecting appliances and pipes. Other symptoms of malfunction:

  • unjustified activation of the pump at each water intake;
  • uneven flow of liquid from the tap - in jerks, in small portions;
  • a pressure gauge showing that the change in pressure occurs abruptly: in this case, the arrow of the device first rises sharply, then drops to zero.

If these signs are detected, you can be almost sure that the accumulator is either not working correctly or is faulty. Finding the source of the problem and eliminating it is the next operation that the owners of the hydraulic tank and pump (pumping station) will have to do.

You cannot delay repairing a faulty hydraulic tank. Ignoring the incorrect operation of storage equipment will lead to the fact that the problem will soon affect not only the tank, but also other elements of the water supply or heating system. This scenario is unlikely to inspire anyone, since in this case the costs of correction will significantly increase.

Construction of a pumping equipment complex

In order to understand what malfunctions can occur in a complex of pumping equipment when organizing pumping water supply, and how to correct them, you need to know the composition of the devices and the order of their operation.

Pumping stations consist of the following components:

  • pumping equipment
    itself . Depending on the characteristics of the water supply source, pumps can be submersible or surface pumps. They can have different operating modes and power;
  • hydraulic pressure accumulator
    . This unit is a container that is divided into two parts by a partition made of flexible but durable rubber. When the pumping device operates, the container is filled with water and the rubber partition is stretched. When the pump stops operating, the partition tends to return to its original position and returns the water accumulated in the container to the pipes, maintaining the pressure in the water supply pipelines at a constant level;
  • control unit
    . This unit consists of a pressure gauge that measures the pressure in the system. Mechanical parts in the control unit set the minimum and maximum pressure values. When the minimum indicators are reached, the unit gives a command to turn on the pump, and when the maximum indicators are reached, the pumping equipment is turned off.

Connect the use of hydraulic accumulator

Hydraulic accumulator for pumping station 50 liters

Connecting the pumping station involves the use of hydraulic accumulators. Typically this is a 50-liter capacity (membrane tank for water supply systems). A natural question arises: why such difficulties? I would like to note that this scheme is used in all “cool” water supply systems in Europe and Russia.

The main job of a hydraulic accumulator is to save energy and the service life of the pumping unit. How does this happen? The design of the hydraulic accumulator itself is a temporary reservoir of water pressure. Usually, any owner needs to briefly open the tap in the kitchen or bathroom (wash hands, wet a rag, etc.). In a stationary pipeline, a short-term opening of the tap does not affect the start of the pumping unit.

Under conditions of such operation of the pump, it always turns on briefly. The pressure in the pipes will in any case immediately drop below 4 bar. As a rule, any start of the electric motor of a pumping station consumes more power, and accordingly, electricity consumption increases. Frequent switching on also affects the service life of all parts of the unit.

To maintain the required pressure in the system for a long time, special expansion tanks are used. Now, when you briefly open (use) a tap or mixer, the station will not start up again. When the water level in the tank drops after frequent switching on, the pump will naturally turn on until a certain pressure is created again, and so on in a circle.

The inlet filter is clogged

The liquid entering the water supply system of your own home from an autonomous well is saturated with mechanical impurities. Solid particles of silt, clay, sand, freely circulating through main pipes, can damage equipment, causing premature wear of parts. To extend the life of the pumping station, a special filter is installed on the inlet pipe to block the path of debris.

The continuous operation of the pump system is caused by clogging of the screening device or a break in the supply pipeline. As a result, a sufficient amount of water stops flowing into the unit. To solve the problem, it is recommended to clean the protective device or replace the damaged section of the line.

How to ensure stable operation of the water supply system

In order for the plumbing system to function successfully, it is necessary to provide a certain level of pressure and water pressure. When there is no access to centralized water supply, this problem is easily solved using a pumping station. It usually consists of:

  • pump;
  • membrane storage tank;
  • automatic control unit (pressure switch, pressure gauge, etc.).

The pump pumps water, which enters the tank. When the pressure in the tank reaches a certain maximum level, the pump turns off. Gradually, the water from the tank is consumed for various needs and the pressure drops. At a minimum pressure level, the pump turns on again and water flows into the tank. The process is controlled automatically.

With the help of such a unit, you can provide water supply to a house, bathhouse and other buildings located on the site. Having studied the principle of operation, you need to begin studying possible breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

Having studied the principle of operation and the design of the pumping station, you can repair it yourself

How to disassemble correctly

Having disconnected from the electricity, we proceed to unwind and disconnect all the fluid supply and injection hoses. Disassembling the device is carried out in stages:

First stage. We separate the pumping unit from the electric motor.

  • The motor is attached to four bolts that secure the flange skirt of the unit.
  • After unscrewing the bolts, remove the engine by lightly tapping the flange.
  • By separating the connection, the rotation sleeve will become visible.
  • It turns out there are two parts of the station: on one there is an impeller with a distribution unit, on the other there is a motor.
  • Carefully remove the rubber gasket and wipe it with a damp cloth.
  • The shaft in the engine needs to be turned to see if all the bearings are rotating.

Second phase. Remove the start relay cover.

  • Typically, the fastener consists of one or two screws, tightened with a Phillips screwdriver. All the ins and outs are hidden under the lid.
  • Two steering wheels with springs to regulate pressure.
  • Relay for controlling the power supply to the unit.
  • Remove the protective casing of the engine cooling fan. Often the screen is not fixed with anything, but is simply mounted on the back wall of the motor.
  • Sometimes there are a couple of small screws that can be easily removed.

Third stage. Unscrew the impeller pressure nut and remove the disc from the axle.

  • When removing the shaft, you will have to gently tap it with a hammer from the impeller side.
  • The axle will come out along with the cooling fan and bearings.

Fourth stage. Disassembly of the pump distribution chamber.

The body is made of cast iron or steel; stainless steel is very rare.

  • By dividing the station into two parts, the entire interior of the mixing chamber will become visible.
  • We unscrew all the accompanying pipes to clean the threaded connections.

As a result of the work done, we will receive a completely disassembled device. Now you can begin diagnosing each node individually and troubleshooting.

Types of pumping stations

With built-in ejector

Pumping stations are divided according to the type of working process; they come with and without an ejector. The basic principle of operation of the internal ejector is that the volume of liquid rises due to the created vacuum. True, such models have a very high price, but thanks to their design they can supply liquid from a depth of 20 to 45 m.

Pumping station with built-in ejector

This equipment has high performance, but because of this it also has a much higher noise level. Therefore, it should be installed in a utility room or, if possible, outside the house.

With remote ejector

Such pumps are immersed in the well along with two pipes. Through the first pipe, water is supplied to the ejector, which leads to the formation of a suction jet. This unit is significantly inferior in its characteristics to classic ejector pumps. In addition, they are afraid of air and sand in the system. Their main advantage is that this pump can be installed at home without any problems, even if the nearest well is located at a distance of 10-30 m.

Ejectorless designs

In a pumping station without an ejector, water is drawn through a special multi-stage design related to the hydraulic part. This equipment can operate almost silently and with significantly lower power consumption.

The pumping station is running, the pump is spinning, but there is no water.

The steps to resolve this issue are as follows:

  • First of all, you need to check the check valve, which is located in the water in a well or well. It often happens that sand or debris gets into it and the valve does not close. In this case, the water does not rise through the pipes to the pump.
  • Secondly, check the presence of water in the pipeline between the well and the pump. The pump must also be filled with water; if there is no water, fill it through the filler hole.
  • Very large gap between the impeller and the pump housing. The pump simply works on its own. The reason for this may be the high content of abrasive substances in the water, such as sand. In this case, you should change the housing and impeller, if they are commercially available, or the entire pump (but not the entire station!).
  • The well/well simply ran out of water. The solution is to try lowering the suction pipeline or hose deeper. But remember: the distance from the water level in the well to the pump should not exceed that indicated on the pump, usually 8-9 m.

Design and characteristics of the main elements

The unit is very different from a submersible, primarily in its volume and operating principle. Working elements of the complex:

  1. Powerful pump. It is she who lifts the liquid from the depths of the well or well and supplies it to the water supply network. All other elements ensure its proper operation. The first and only purpose is to pump out liquid from an aquifer.
  2. Hose or pipe. The torque of the impeller creates a vacuum environment inside the hose, and water rushes upward to the impeller. Here it is captured and pushed further into the system.
  3. Check valve. It is located on the hose near the unit itself or directly in the well. Designed to stop the liquid after turning off the pump.
  4. Coarse filter. It looks like an iron or plastic plug with a mesh base. Detains large and small particles of silt and clay depending on the cell size. Protects equipment from clogging, especially the impeller.
  5. Relay for measuring pressure in the line. Without this device the device will not work. The sensor is installed at the base of the expansion tank. When water is drawn in, the pressure in the system drops, the relay registers this process and commands the pump to turn on. Therefore, the power cable does not go directly to the network, but passes through the pressure sensor. The inclusion step is 1.5–2 points.
  6. Pressure gauge. Serves as a pressure controller in the system. Shows any changes after turning the unit on and off.
  7. Expansion tank. Regulates the smooth start of the pump. Without it, the equipment will work jerkily, constantly turning on and off.

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