Smart Solid magnetic angles are the choice for the professional welder

What is a magnetic square and what is it for?

With its help, you can connect the metal sheets to be welded and hold them in this position until the welding is completed.
The square allows you to set the parts at the desired angle. If there must be a gap of a certain width between the parts, the square will cope with this task. This auxiliary element consists of two halves of a non-magnetic body, between which a powerful magnet is laid. A powerful permanent magnet or a switchable electromagnet can be used as a source of magnetic field.

Unlike clamps and other devices in which fixation is carried out using threaded clamps, a magnetic square holds parts in a given position using a magnetic field. This solution makes the square a more durable device, since its design has no moving parts, as well as threaded connections prone to breakage. Therefore, the square can last longer than a device with threaded clamps under equal operating conditions. In addition, installing angles saves the welder time, because now there is no need to tighten the clamps for a long time.

A magnetic square is, in fact, a welder’s “third hand”. It allows you to do without the help of a partner who will hold the structures being connected.

Features when choosing

As with the purchase of any product, you can choose a model with the same functionality and quality, but cheaper, without overpaying for the manufacturer’s brand .

  • Almost all models do not affect the welding arc in any way. However, the cheapest devices can negatively affect the final welding result, so it is better to avoid purchasing the cheapest devices.

  • Magnetic field power. The characteristic is simple - the stronger the field, the heavier elements it can hold. The most powerful devices have field power that allows them to hold objects weighing 35 kilograms.
  • Number of corners. This is also a simple characteristic - the more there are, the more angles you can select in the device. For example, having purchased a magnet for welding at an angle of 90 degrees, you will have to buy an additional device if you need a different angle.
  • If you have a sufficient budget, you should purchase a switchable welding magnet, since the ability to manipulate the magnetic field greatly facilitates manipulation of the device.
  • If you need to weld complex structures, you should immediately think about purchasing universal devices.

In general, magnetic welding angles are a really useful and convenient device, which is very convenient to work with even alone. But we should not forget that low-quality devices can ruin the entire structure, so you need to approach their purchase wisely.

What types of angles are there?

Depending on the design and functionality, angles can be divided into several subgroups:

  • Simple clamps built on the basis of permanent magnets. These are the cheapest magnetic clamps available on the domestic market, however, working with them is not always convenient.
  • Detachable latches. They have a switch that allows you to turn off the magnetic field. After disconnecting, you can detach the latch from the metal, rather than tearing it off by applying powerful force. The most convenient devices of this class are those with switches located on both sides.
  • Magnetic clamps. These devices will allow you to adjust the strength of magnetic attraction and the angle that can be set. The most advanced and expensive devices of this class allow you to install the parts to be connected in any position in three planes. However, the cost of such devices is very high, so they already belong to the professional class.

In addition to the above, we can mention homemade magnetic squares. It's not very difficult to make. In addition, such a device can set any angle, unlike store clamps, which set only fixed angles.

Magnets for welding

Welding magnets are classified as fastening and installation devices. They are able to install the element in the right place and secure it there in the required position. The strong magnets used in these devices help in this and are the reason for the name.


The mounting triangle has a number of undeniable advantages that allow it to be used in certain situations in the best way:

  • It's easy to connect two parts. And it’s easy both in terms of time and effort.
  • Fixed angles. The most common angles are 45, 90 and 135 degrees. However, there are parts on the market with any required angles.
  • Less time spent. By connecting 2 parts using a magnet, you can immediately begin welding them without wasting extra time.
  • Small sizes. Due to the simplicity of the design, they do not have bulky parts and are easy to use.
  • Magnet activator. Particularly advanced devices are equipped with a magnetic field switch, which makes them even easier to install or remove.
  • Easy to clean. The collapsible design makes it easy to clean the magnets from contamination.


As elsewhere, corner magnets have not only pros , but also cons . The main problem is the impossibility of their use for some materials. For example, wood or metals with antimagnetic properties.

What signs should a high-quality square have?

Today, there are many models of welding angles on sale. It's quite difficult to choose between them. However, if you follow a few simple tips, you can find a quality square for little money.

Here are a few rules to follow when choosing a square:

  • Never skimp on magnet power. A low-power square may turn out to be cheaper, but during operation it will only cause inconvenience if it falls off the parts being connected at the most inopportune moment. Most experts agree that the square should hold at least 20 kg of lift.
  • If money allows, it is worth buying a switchable angle. It is much easier to remove after finishing work, which saves the welder’s time and effort. To disconnect the square, simply flip the switch. It is especially convenient to use squares with switches located on both sides. After turning off the magnet, the square can be easily cleaned of adhering metal dust.
  • It is better if the product is designed to accommodate not just one angle, but several. Most modern angles allow you to set five or six different angles.
  • Before purchasing, you should check how firmly the chosen square can hold the connected parts. Profiles secured with a square should not move from their place even after an attempt to move them with powerful muscular effort.
  • It's a question of price. It is clear that a high-quality tool cannot be too cheap. A decent quality square suitable for household work can cost between 300-500 rubles. However, it is better to take several pieces at once. If you take magnetic devices for professional work, the cost can fluctuate around 3 thousand rubles and more. An example of a good quality square sold at an affordable price is the magnetic locking fixtures developed by Smart Solid.

Strong rectangular magnets

These are very powerful products that are capable of attracting weights that far exceed their own mass. Typically classified as N52.

Xhigh +3M magnet – set

The selection opens with a magnet from Aliexpress from a company popular in China. Xhigh +3M magnet is a set of quite powerful N52 class model. It is enough for both home purposes and for use in speakers.

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Price354-417 rub.

Xhigh 15x6x3mm – super strong

A rare earth magnet made in the shape of a brick. Its advantages are high power and a fairly durable body compared to other models.

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Dimensions15x6x3 mm
Price177 rub.

Xhigh – set

Another magnet from Xhigh in a rectangular case. Has dimensions from 20x5x3 to 30x20x5 mm. Supplied in a set containing from 2 to 20 products. There is a three-layer protective coating consisting of nickel, red copper and nickel.

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The device is quite powerful, so we recommend observing safety precautions when working with it.

Dimensions20x5x3-30x20x5 mm
Price245 rub.

Xhigh 50x10x3mm – large

Strong magnets from Aliexpress. Their advantage is their massive size, which increases the power of the product. The user has 5 variations available for ordering: from 50x10 to 60x10 mm.

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Despite the fact that the products are classified as N35, the manufacturer claims that they can withstand heavy weights. And this seems to be true, judging by user reviews.

Dimensions50x10x2-60x10x3 mm
Price247-368 rub.

Xhigh – strong

Fragile but powerful neodymium magnet. Despite being only rated N35, it easily lifts objects weighing several kg and is suitable for refrigerators.

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Dimensions30x10x2 mm
Price236x436 rub.

Xhigh Double hole – with hole

Neodymium rare earth magnet with rope hole. It is quite powerful, suitable for household use and fastening objects.

At the same time, users note that the Xhigh Double hole cases are relatively fragile. Therefore, it is recommended to use them carefully.

Dimensions20x10x3-30x20x5 mm
Price245-376 rub.

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What rules must be followed when using a square?

Before you start using a square, you should carefully remember the rules for safe work with this tool and always adhere to them in your work.

Firstly, it is worth considering the weight that the square can hold and not exceed it. A part that comes off at the most unexpected moment can cause defects or cause injury. So make sure the magnet is powerful enough to hold it. The most powerful magnets for holding heavy parts can withstand loads of up to 34 kg! Fixed parts should not wobble when force is applied to them.

Secondly, it is worth remembering that when heated from welding, the metal is deformed. Therefore, there is an additional load on the square, which may exceed the ability of the square to hold parts. To avoid unexpected drop of the square and divergence of the seam, before starting to weld the seam, tack the parts at several points on both sides of the installed magnetic clamp. After this, the metal will no longer diverge from thermal deformation after welding the main seam.

The third rule is due to the fact that the magnetic field from a strong magnet can deflect the electric arc to the side. Therefore, do not forget to remove the angles from their installation sites when approaching them. The process of removing and installing the square can be facilitated by the use of switchable magnetic clamps.

Do not neglect these simple rules, and working with a magnetic square will always be easy and safe for you.

Homemade welding magnet

Is it possible to make magnetic angles for welding with your own hands? No problem, because their design is quite simple. What will you need for this?

  • Round magnet with a diameter of 80-90 mm and a thickness of 15 mm.
  • Steel sheet 2 mm thick.
  • Four M6 bolts 40 mm long and nuts for them.

Templates of the required configuration are cut out of the sheet (use a grinder). There should be two templates. Please note that the size of products cut from a steel sheet should not be less than the diameter of the magnet. All edges are adjusted exactly to the required angles, they are necessarily ground to maximum cleanliness. The surfaces are also polished so that rust and other defects do not reduce the strength of the magnetic field.

A magnet is installed on one of the templates exactly in the middle, and marks are made for fasteners. There should be four holes: three in the corners, one in the middle. Using the marks, through holes are drilled in two templates.

The angle tool is assembled by installing M6 bolts into the holes. In this case, it is necessary to install nuts not only on the end of the bolt, but also between the templates, so that during the process of screwing in the threaded connection, the corners of the homemade tool do not bend. It is important that the round magnet does not protrude beyond the edges of the templates. The shanks of the bolts that extend onto the nuts must be cut with a grinder. Here is the technology to make your own magnet for welding work with your own hands. A magnetic welding fixture is a simple but necessary tool. Today it is used by both professionals and welders just starting out.

Magnetic squares Smart Solid: the choice of professionals

The Smart Solid company produces several model lines of magnetic fasteners. Here are several models from this manufacturer that are in greatest demand in our country.

  • MAG 613/614/615 . _ _ _ The clamps of this series are built on the basis of permanent magnets. 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°, 135° - angles that can be set using angles from this model range. The three models differ only in size and the weight they can hold. All angles in this series use powerful ferrite alloy magnets. The magnetic square of the 615th model (the highest model in the line) can withstand weight up to 34 kg!
  • MAG601 / MAG602 / MAG603 is another model series that differs only in size and power. The set angles are the same in all models of the series and are 45°, 90°, 135°. Ferrite non-switchable magnets can hold weight from 11 kg for the younger model to 34 kg for the older one. In this range, you can choose a device suitable for any job.
  • MAG 610 is not one square, but a set of four magnetic clamps of the same shape. 45°, 90°, 135° - angles that can be set using these squares. Each of them can withstand up to 4 kg of load, but thanks to the distribution of force between the four fixing elements, the set can hold parts with much larger weights. Flat profile, pipes, strips, metal profiles - the square holds parts of various shapes equally well. The magnets used in the design of the product are non-switchable and made of ferrite.
  • MAG 605/606 is a series of switchable magnetic clamps designed for setting angles of 45°, 90°, 135°. As in other series, the magnetic latches have the same shape and angles. Thanks to the ability to turn off, the magnet is convenient to remove and replace. You can cope with this task even with one hand! The older model in the series is capable of handling a load of 24 kg.

So, magnetic angles from Smart Solid are a useful tool that can significantly facilitate a welder’s work. When used correctly, they can allow small-scale welding work to be carried out quickly and efficiently. Several squares of different designs will successfully complement the arsenal and will help in work activities, both for a professional welder and for a beginner who is just beginning to master this skill.

The best search magnets – where they are used

A search magnet is a compact and powerful product that can attract and hold metal objects weighing tens of times its own weight. They are used to search and retrieve objects from wells, rivers and standing reservoirs.

Xhigh neodymium magnet D50x30mm – round

The review opens with a popular search magnet from Aliexpress made of neodymium. Its feature is its durable metal body. When placing an order, the user can take one of seven lot options, differing in class N35/N40/N52.

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Dimensions50x30 mm
Price729-4 100 rub.

U-Jovan – with hole

A compact hidden magnet that has many uses. For example, it can be used for magnetic locks on doors or in everyday life. The advantage of the lot is that there are many options to choose from. Up to 12 configurations are available to the user. Supplied in sets from 5 to 30 pieces. In this case, the dimensions of the products range from 8x3.3 to 20x4.5 mm.

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Dimensions8x3.3-20x4.5 mm
Price239-364 rub.

U-Jovan D16-D60 – rescue

The TOP rescue magnet from U-Jovan continues. It is used to find lost objects in deep bodies of water. There is a rope mount on the body of the product.

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The D16-D60 was manufactured using A4 steel and 304 stainless steel, resulting in a durable unit.

DimensionsD16-D60 mm
Price151-1,234 rub.

Xiaozhufeifei Neodymium magnet – industrial

Advanced industrial magnet that can withstand temperatures up to +80 degrees. The user can select the class (up to N52) and device dimensions (up to 50x30 mm), as well as the country of shipment - Russia or China.

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Dimensions40x20-50x30 mm
Price1,111-2,576 rub.

Hysamta 50X30MM – powerful

This is a heavy duty round magnet that is rated N35 to N52. With Hysamta you can easily lift an object over 100 kg.

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Dimensions40x20-50x30 mm
Price736-1602 rub.

U-Jovan – refrigerator magnet

Popular model from China. When ordering, you can choose both small and large holders (up to 20x3 mm). One set can contain up to 50 magnets. An excellent option for home use. For example, U-Jovan will help you attach reminders to your refrigerator.

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Dimensions4x2-20x3 mm
Price257-429 rub.

Xhigh D74mmx28mm/D67x28mm – with bolt

The selection continues with a neodymium magnet from the Xhigh brand. This model has two holes for a bolt and a ring. The body is made in the form of a tablet.

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Xhigh is a fairly powerful magnet that can lift an object weighing up to 150 kg.

Dimensions74x28 mm-67x28 mm
Price918-2 209 rub.

N50 – set

N50 is a set of small but strong magnets made in the form of a tablet. Its diameter is 12 mm and thickness is 1 mm. The set costs only 45 rubles. For this amount, the user will receive 10 universal tablet magnets, which are suitable not only for everyday use, but also for many other purposes.

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Dimensions12x1 mm
Price45 rub.

U-Jovan 10*1 10*2 12*2 15*1 20*1 30*1mm – self-adhesive tape

This is not a simple metal magnet that we are used to. The model is made in the form of a flexible self-adhesive tape. Its width ranges from 10 to 30 mm, thickness – from 1 to 2 mm.

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Despite the fact that this tape is inferior in power to steel models, its attractive force is quite enough to find small lost objects or secure an object in the desired position.

Dimensions10x1-30x1 mm
Price185-447 rub.
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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