Rolled products made of high strength steel. General technical conditions

The main feature of the brand is the easy weldability of steel. Welders use ADS and RDS under gas protection. However, those products that have been treated with chemicals and critical temperature conditions may not be weldable.

Among the main mechanical features, the following characteristics should be highlighted:

  1. Hardness, according to the Brinell method;
  2. Yield for strain, which is displayed in MPa;
  3. Operation under a certain load;
  4. Indicators of shape change during narrowing and rupture.

The strength class corresponds exactly to the marking of 345 steel. This includes many other grades, which may even differ in their manufacturing method and chemical composition. GOST describes the main types of rolled metal:

  • Profiles with designated thickness;
  • Round, Varietal and Shaped;

Hardness is measured based on the Vickers, Rockwell and Brinell methods. Preference is given based on the type of product in the production of which steel marked 09g2s is used. Also, it is important to know the hardness index if welding work is necessary so that the seam remains strong.

Density varies depending on the chemical composition, and on average reaches 7800 kg/m3. However, alloying components have the ability to increase weight as well as significantly reduce it. In the second case, copper or cobalt can play a role, and in the second, tungsten.

Technical features describe the basic requirements for working with materials from which it is planned to manufacture steel products for servicing gas systems and other facilities in many areas of industrial activity.

The allowable stress for this steel grade depends on the following factors:

  • Temperature conditions at which operation is planned;
  • Brand and strength class;
  • Thickness.

Modern European analogues are most consistent with the mechanical features of the specified brand. But the chemical composition does not have to be the same. The Bulgarian version should be highlighted separately, which is very similar to the domestic marking 09g2s.

Critical point temperature

Impact strength

Impact strength, KCU, J/cm2
Delivery condition, heat treatment

GOST 19281-73. Long and shaped rolled products with a cross section of 5-10 mm. 643934
GOST 19281-73. Long and shaped rolled products with a cross section of 10-20 mm. 593429
GOST 19281-73. Long and shaped rolled products with a cross-section of 20-100 mm. 5934
GOST 19282-73. Sheets and strips with a cross section of 5-10 mm. 643934
GOST 19282-73. Sheets and strips with a cross section of 10-160 mm. 593429
GOST 19282-73. Sheets after hardening, tempering (Transverse samples) with a cross section of 10-60 mm 4929

Endurance limit

Yield strength

Physical properties

Test temperature, °C20- 10020- 20020- 30020- 40020- 50020- 60020- 70020- 80020- 90020- 1000
Linear expansion coefficient (α, 10-6 1/°С)11.412.212.613.213.8


Distance from the end, mm / HRC e
Critical diameter in water, mmCritical diameter in oil, mm

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. Low specific gravity.
  2. High strength.
  3. Durability. Service life under normal operating conditions is more than 30 years.
  4. Wide temperature range for use without deformation of the structure (-70 - +425 °C).
  5. Good weldability. When welding, the grain size does not change and ductility is maintained.
  6. No temper brittleness.
  7. Economical.
  8. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  9. Ease of processing.

This material has one significant drawback - low resistance to rust. This narrows the scope of application of the alloy.


Structural low-alloy silicon-manganese steel 09G2S is used for the manufacture of elements and parts of welded structures operating under pressure in the temperature range -70 +4250C.

Almost the entire line of metal products is made from steel 09G2S, namely steel I-beam, hot-rolled steel sheet, used and unused pipes, strip, circle. St 09G2S has received such widespread use due to its mechanical, chemical and physical properties. Such as good weldability, exposure to external environments, high strength under load.

Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 25x2000x6000

Rolled metal → Products → Steel sheets → Hot-rolled steel sheets 09G2S → Hot-rolled sheets st. 09G2S 25x2000x6000

Steel: 09G2S Sheet thickness, mm: 25 Sheet width, mm: 2000 Sheet length, mm: 6000 Weight of 1 square meter, kg: 196.30 Square meters per ton: 5.09 GOST: GOST 19903-74

supplies hot-rolled sheets made of steel 09G2S , corresponding to GOST 19903-74.

Hot rolled sheet 09G2S is made from low-alloy structural steel. Sheets made of this steel can be welded well, are not flake-sensitive, and are not brittle.

Hot rolled steel sheet 09G2S can be of various strength classes.

Hot rolled steel sheet 09G2S has increased resistance to cold and can be operated at temperatures from -70 to +425°C, which is very valuable in the conditions of the Far North. It is also worth noting that 09G2S steel does not require heat treatment or heating, which can significantly reduce the cost of installation work.

Hot rolled steel sheet 09G2S is widely used in the construction of industrial facilities, bridges, roads and other areas where high strength is required.

Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 25x2000x6000 specifyIn stock

Dimensions, weight and number of meters per ton of hot-rolled steel sheet. 09G2S

NameSheet thickness, mmWeight 1m. sq., kg Square meters per ton
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 4x1500x6000 431,4031,85
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 5x1500x6000 539,2525,48
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 6x1500x6000 647,1021,23
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 7x1500x6000 754,9518,20
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 8x1500x6000 862,8015,92
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 10x1500x6000 1078,5012,74
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 10x2000x6000 1078,5012,74
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 12x1500x6000 1294,2010,62
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 12x2000x6000 1294,2010,62
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 14x1500x6000 14109,909,10
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 14x2000x6000 14109,909,10
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 16x1500x6000 16125,607,96
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 16x2000x6000 16125,607,96
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 18x1500x6000 18141,307,08
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 20x1500x6000 20157,006,37
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 20x2000x6000 20157,006,37
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 22x2000x6000 22172,705,79
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 24x2000x6000 24188,405,31
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 25x2000x6000 25196,305,09
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 30x2000x6000 30235,504,25
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 32x2000x6000 32251,203,98
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 34x2000x6000 34266,903,75
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 36x2000x6000 36282,603,54
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 40x2000x6000 40314,003,18
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 45x2000x6000 45353,302,83
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 50x1500x6000 50392,502,55
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 50x2000x6000 50392,502,55
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 60x2000x6000 60471,002,12
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 70x2000x6000 70549,501,82
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 80x2000x6000 80628,001,59
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 100x2000x6000 100785,001,27
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 120x2000x5000 120942,001,06
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 140x2000x4500 1401099,000,91
Hot rolled sheet 09G2S 160x2000x3700 1601256,000,80

What does the transcript look like?

Knowing the labeling makes it possible to directly understand what exactly is offered by the manufacturer and what features the product has. From a technical point of view, the marking 09g2s means the following:

  1. 09 - exact proportion of carbon in the total alloy;
  2. G2 - presence of manganese and its fluctuation in the total volume - 2%;
  3. C—presence of silicon, the proportion of which does not exceed 1%.

However, one should not think that the composition of steel includes only those elements that are indicated in the marking.

In addition to manganese and silicon, the overall composition is supplemented by sulfur, nitrogen, nickel, copper and phosphorus. However, the share of additional components rarely exceeds 1%, so they are not mentioned in the labeling.

Also, decoding concerns not only doping, but also other criteria. For example, the following should be included here:

  • Structure and changes after the hardening process;
  • Main purpose;
  • Manufacturing method;
  • Chem. composition of the material.

As a result, there are analogues for these indicators on the domestic market. You can often hear that 09g2s is steel 345. However, the second indicator is intended for builders and does not mean the chemical composition, but the fluidity indicator, which corresponds to the steel standard.



1.1. Rolled products are manufactured in strength classes 265, 295, 315, 325, 345, 355, 375, 390 and 440.

1.2. In terms of shape, size and maximum deviations, rolled products must comply with the requirements of GOST 8509 - for angular equal-flange, GOST 8510 - angular unequal-flange, GOST 8239 - I-beams, GOST 19425 - for I-beams and special channels, GOST 26020 - for I-beams with parallel flange edges, GOST 8240 - for channels, GOST 19903 - for sheets, GOST 103 - for strip and GOST 82 - for broadband universal rolled products, GOST 7511, GOST 8278, GOST 8281, GOST 8282, GOST 8283, GOST 9234, GOST 10551, GOST 13229, GOST 14635, GOST 19771, GOST 19772, GOST 25577 - for bent profiles, GOST 2590 - for round, GOST 2591 - for square rolled products; GOST 21026 - for channels with a bent flange. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.3. The degree of accuracy of rolled products in terms of dimensions, flatness, and curvature within the limits provided for in the product range standards is indicated by the consumer in the order. If there are no requirements in the order, the manufacturing accuracy is determined by the manufacturer.

1.4. Examples of symbols are given in Appendix 1.

Application area

The main areas in which steel of this marking is used are as follows:

  1. Shaped products;
  2. Sheet metal;
  3. Production of hot-rolled strips.

As mentioned above, analogues can be easily welded. The characteristics mentioned above make it possible to use them in products that require an increased level of wear resistance: construction angles, steel beams, and channels.

The technical features of the brand are necessary in the manufacture of automobiles, construction and various fields of industry. It is worth noting that the optimal temperature range makes it possible to use steel in products and places where significant deformation occurs over a certain period of time. However, the limit value of -70 degrees ensures successful use in the harsh conditions of Siberia.

Steel 09g2s-15 is popular in the modern market. It is used in all represented areas of industry. It should be added that in addition to welding, installation can be carried out on the basis of a bolted connection. The material exhibits excellent resistance to chemical and biological influences, which is why it is successfully implemented in chemical plants and port stations.

Also, in the north of the state, many kilometers of pipeline routes are made of this particular grade of steel. Metallurgists have successfully used the temperature regime of the material and introduced it into appropriate conditions where the mechanical and physical properties will be manifested in the best possible way.

Another reason for using steel with this marking in the production is the high level of efficiency, which is created due to adequate pricing and excellent speed of construction of structures, which allows reducing costs for specific enterprises.

Welding Features

Working with steel of this marking is carried out on the basis of special requirements, which dictate the need to comply with basic rules to achieve an effective result.

The importance of maintaining the mechanical stability of the material at the seams is the most important task, which becomes the basis for the safety of structures and people. However, under normal conditions it is difficult to achieve excellent results.

For example, the condition for eliminating overheating is determined by the use of currents of 40-50A per 1 mm of electrode. The work requires accompanying hardening of materials at temperatures up to 600 degrees.

But, based on the boundary parameters of the alloy, it is possible to carry out independent calculations for welding work. Cooling is done in air or water. By following the basic technology, it is possible to achieve high quality that will not be inferior to that of expensive alloys.

Recycled raw materials

The variety of secondary raw materials can surprise many specialists. To obtain information, simply enter the metal markings into the search query and get results with the following types of products:

Steel 09g2s is a material that is successfully used in many areas of industrial activity, and also exhibits its positive features in the form of mechanical stability and a wide temperature range.


The basis for the manufacture of the material is cast iron. It goes through a long optimization process, during which the amount of carbon in the composition increases and the basic properties of the metal improve. To achieve certain technical characteristics, additional alloying additives are added.

  1. Open-hearth method. An industrial furnace is loaded with scrap, cast iron, charge, and additional components. A pile of metal is melted using a torch of burning fuel. Once the scrap is melted, alloying components are added to the bath. When carrying out the procedure, special open-hearth furnaces are used, which can smelt up to 900 tons of metal at a time.
  2. Electrothermal method. During production, an industrial electric furnace is used, with which you can accurately set the heating mode and control the metal production process. The main advantage of the technology is the ability to obtain metal with the lowest content of harmful impurities (phosphorus, sulfur). Thanks to the ability to set very high heating temperatures, it is possible to obtain specialized types of steel with unique technical characteristics.
  3. Converter. Molten cast iron is poured into the melting apparatus and purged with oxygen. The impurities contained in the cast iron begin to oxidize. Oxidation releases a large amount of heat, which increases the overall temperature to 1600 °C.

Range of products made from steel 09G2S

The metallurgical enterprises of our country produce the following rolled products:

  • 19281-73 Long and shaped rolled products;
  • 19282-73 Sheets and strips.

That is, on the metallurgical products market, consumers can purchase a channel, angle, sheet, etc. We can safely say that such a wide range of products is ensured precisely by the properties and, of course, the price of this material.

For comparison, we can say that on average the price of a hot-rolled sheet of 09G2S steel is 43,000 rubles per ton, while a sheet of ordinary steel costs approximately 41,000 - 43,000. But the properties of the material described cover all the costs associated with its acquisition and processing.

Analogs and substitutes for steel 09G2S

When developing metal structures, a design engineer can replace 09G2S with the following domestically produced steels 09G2, 09G2DT, 09G2T, 10G2S. In addition, imported analogues are widely used in the domestic industry, such as: A 516-55 (ANSI - USA), SM41B (JIS - Japan).

Steel 09G2S - domestic analogues

Foreign analogues of Steel 09G2S

13Mn6 9MnSi5SB4912Mn09G2SVH29SiMn16
Mechanical properties
σBtemporary tensile strength (tensile strength), MPa
σ0.2conditional yield strength, MPa
σcomcompressive strength, MPa
σco0.2compressive yield strength, MPa
σ0.05elastic limit, MPa
σbenbending strength, MPa
σ-1endurance limit during bending test with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
δ5, δ4, δ10relative elongation after rupture, %
ψrelative narrowing, %
νrelative shift, %
εrelative settlement at the appearance of the first crack, %
τKultimate torsional strength, maximum shear stress, MPa
τ-1endurance limit during torsion testing with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
KCU and KCVimpact strength, determined on a sample with concentrators of the U and V types, J/cm2
HRСе and HRBRockwell hardness (scale C and B respectively)
HBBrinell hardness
H.V.Vickers hardness
HSDShore hardness
Physical properties
Enormal modulus of elasticity, GPa
Gmodulus of elasticity in torsional shear, GPa
ρndensity, kg/m3
λthermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m∙°C)
ρelectrical resistivity, Ohm∙m
αlinear thermal expansion coefficient, 10-61/°С
Withspecific heat capacity, J/(kg∙°С)

Steel 09G2S

Total information

Steel: 09G2, 09G2DT, 09G2T, 10G2S.
Categories (difference between categories, see at the end of the article)
09G2S-1, 09G2S-2, 09G2S-3, 09G2S-4, 09G2S-5, 09G2S-6, 09G2S-7, 09G2S-8, 09G2S-9, 09G2S-10, 09G2S-11, 09G2S-12, 09G2S- 13, 09G2S-14, 09G2S-15
Type of delivery
Long products, including shaped steel: GOST 19281-73, GOST 2590-71, GOST 2591-71, GOST 8240-72. Thick sheet GOST 19282-73, GOST 5520-79, GOST 5521-76, GOST 19903-74.
Thin sheet GOST 17066-80, GOST 19903-74, GOST 19904-74.

Strip GOST 103-76, GOST 82-70.

Forgings and forged blanks GOST 1133-71.

Various parts and elements of welded metal structures operating at temperatures from -70 to +425 °C.

Chemical composition (according to GOST 19281-2014)

Chemical element%
Carbon (C), no more0.12
Silicon (Si)0.5-0.8
Copper (Cu), no more0.30
Arsenic (As), no more0.08
Manganese (Mn)1.3-1.7
Nickel (Ni), no more0.30
Phosphorus (P), no more0.035
Chromium (Cr), no more0.30
Nitrogen (N), no more0.008
Sulfur (S), no more0.040

Mechanical properties

Mechanical properties

Heat treatment, delivery conditionSection, mmσ0.2, MPaσB, MPaδ5, %δ4, %
Long and shaped rolled products<1034549021
Sheets and strips (transverse samples)10-2032547021
Sheets and strips (transverse samples)20-3230546021
Sheets and strips (transverse samples)32-6028545021
Sheets and strips (transverse samples)60-8027544021
Sheets and strips (transverse samples)80-16026543021
Sheets after hardening, tempering (transverse samples)10-3236549019
Sheets after hardening, tempering (transverse samples)32-6031545021
Hot rolled sheets2-3,949017

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures

test t, °Cσ0.2, MPaσB, MPaδ5, %ψ, %
Normalization 930-950 °C

Mechanical properties depending on tempering temperature

holiday t, °Сσ0.2, MPaσB, MPaδ5, %ψ, %
Sheets 34 mm thick in delivery condition HB 112-127 (transverse samples)

Technological properties

Forging temperature
Start 1250 °C, end 850 °C.
welds without restrictions. Welding methods: RDS, ADS under submerged arc and gas shield, ESW.
In the normalized, tempered state at σB = 520 MPa Ku tv.spl. = 1.6, Ku = 1.0.
Tendency to release ability
not inclined
Flock sensitivity
not sensitive

Critical point temperature

Critical point°C

Impact strength

Impact strength, KCU, J/cm2

Delivery condition, heat treatment+20-40-70
GOST 19281-73. Long and shaped rolled products with a cross section of 5-10 mm. 643934
GOST 19281-73. Long and shaped rolled products with a cross section of 10-20 mm. 593429
GOST 19281-73. Long and shaped rolled products with a cross-section of 20-100 mm. 5934
GOST 19282-73. Sheets and strips with a cross section of 5-10 mm. 643934
GOST 19282-73. Sheets and strips with a cross section of 10-160 mm. 593429
GOST 19282-73. Sheets after hardening, tempering (Transverse samples) with a cross section of 10-60 mm 4929

Endurance limit

σ-1, MPaσB, MPa

Yield strength

Test temperature, °C / σ0.2

Physical properties

Test temperature, °C20- 10020- 20020- 30020- 40020- 50020- 60020- 70020- 80020- 90020- 1000
Linear expansion coefficient (α, 10-6 1/°С)11.412.212.613.213.8

Steel categories 09G2S

What is the difference between steel categories 09G2S-12, 09G2S-14 and 09G2S-15, and the difference is in impact bending tests.

Impact bending tests in accordance with steel categories (according to GOST 19281-2014)

Standardized characteristicCategory
Impact strength KCU at test temperature, °C:
minus 20++
minus 30++
minus 40++
minus 50++
minus 60++
minus 70++
Impact strength KCV at test temperature, °C:
minus 20+
minus 40+
Impact strength KCU after mechanical aging at test temperature +20°C++++++
Note: Shaped products in categories 4-6, 13-15 are manufactured with a thickness of up to 11 mm inclusive.

Foreign analogues of Steel 09G2S

13Mn6 9MnSi5SB4912Mn09G2SVH29SiMn16


Mechanical properties
σBtemporary tensile strength (tensile strength), MPa
σ0.2conditional yield strength, MPa
σcomcompressive strength, MPa
σco0.2compressive yield strength, MPa
σ0.05elastic limit, MPa
σbenbending strength, MPa
σ-1endurance limit during bending test with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
δ5, δ4, δ10relative elongation after rupture, %
ψrelative narrowing, %
νrelative shift, %
εrelative settlement at the appearance of the first crack, %
τKultimate torsional strength, maximum shear stress, MPa
τ-1endurance limit during torsion testing with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
KCU and KCVimpact strength, determined on a sample with concentrators of the U and V types, J/cm2
HRСе and HRBRockwell hardness (scale C and B respectively)
HBBrinell hardness
H.V.Vickers hardness
HSDShore hardness
Physical properties
Enormal modulus of elasticity, GPa
Gmodulus of elasticity in torsional shear, GPa
ρndensity, kg/m3
λthermal conductivity coefficient, W/(m∙°C)
ρelectrical resistivity, Ohm∙m
αlinear thermal expansion coefficient, 10-61/°С
Withspecific heat capacity, J/(kg∙°С)


Comparison with another steel grade

For example, for 09g2s and st3 the difference is determined primarily by the carbon content. For St3sp it is 10-20 times higher than what is found in the low-alloy alloy.

St3sp – refers to carbon alloys. This grade of steel is characterized by high brittleness and rapid destruction at low temperatures. If the brand being described has a lower limit of -70 degrees, then the object of comparison is only -20.

The quality of St3sp is ordinary, which indicates a likely high presence of sulfur and phosphorus. Then, like 09g2s is high quality. All other advantages are already in the previous description. It only remains to note that the cost of this brand is significantly higher than the price of St3sp.

Video about low alloy steels:

Which is better: galvanized or stainless steel?

In order to successfully solve various technological problems and not get confused: buy a galvanized sheet instead of a stainless steel one, contact a trusted, reputable supplier. Although both metals are corrosion-resistant, and when constructing structures with a service life of no more than 10 years, it is quite possible to get by with cheaper galvanized steel, for critical objects it is still not worth skimping on quality.

A guarantee that you are purchasing a certified product will be choosing as a partner a reliable supplier with attractive market offers. Today we are the best and are ready to supply any volumes of highest quality metal products in the shortest possible time.


4.1. Sampling to determine the chemical composition is carried out according to GOST 7565.

4.2. Chemical analysis of steel is carried out according to GOST 22536.0—GOST 22536.12, GOST 27809, GOST 12346, GOST 12347, GOST 12348, GOST 12350, GOST 12351, GOST 12352, GOST 12355, GOST 12356, GOST 12357, GOST 1 2358, GOST 12359, GOST 12361, GOST 12364, GOST 18895 or other methods that provide the necessary accuracy of analysis.

In case of disagreement in quality assessment, the assessment is carried out using the methods established in the standard. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.3. Carbon equivalent (Ce) is calculated using the formula

where C, Mn, Si, Cr, Ni, Cu, V, P are the mass fractions of carbon, manganese, silicon, chromium, nickel, copper, vanadium and phosphorus.

4.4. Control of surface quality and dimensions of rolled sheets according to GOST 14637, long products - according to GOST 535.

4.5. Delamination of rolled products during cutting is controlled by inspection of the edges and ends without the use of magnifying devices.

If necessary, the quality of the metal on the edges of sheets and universal strips is checked by removing chips: in this case, bifurcation of the chips serves as a sign of discontinuity of the metal.

4.5.1. Ultrasonic testing of the continuity of rolled sheets is carried out in accordance with GOST 22727.

4.6. Sampling and production of samples for mechanical and technological tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 7564. Samples are cut lengthwise from shaped rolled products and universal strips, and across the rolling direction from sheet metal. When testing for impact bending on samples with a sharp notch, samples are taken along the rolling direction.

For rolled products with a diameter or side of a square greater than those indicated in the table. 1 and 7, it is allowed to determine the mechanical properties on samples cut from blanks, forged or rolled to the dimensions regulated by Table. 1 and 7. The standards of mechanical properties in this case must correspond to table. 1 and 7.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.7. From each rod, sheet, universal strip, roll selected for control, one sample is taken for tensile and bending tests, and two samples for each temperature are taken to determine impact strength. The quality of bent profiles is controlled by the workpiece.

4.8. Tensile testing of rolled products is carried out on samples of five times the length in accordance with GOST 1497. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.9. The bending test is carried out according to GOST 14019.

4.10. Determination of the impact strength of rolled products with a nominal thickness of up to 10 mm inclusive is carried out on samples of type 1, 2 or 3, and for categories 8 and 9 - types 11, 12, 13 according to GOST 9454. For rolled products with a thickness of more than 10 mm, the impact strength is determined on samples of type 1, and for categories 8 and 9 - type 11 according to GOST 9454.

The impact strength of shaped and strip products with a thickness of 3-4 mm, and sheet products with a thickness of less than 5 mm can be determined on samples with a width equal to the thickness of the product.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.11. Impact strength after mechanical aging is determined according to GOST 7268 on samples with a U-type concentrator. The thickness of the samples must correspond to those adopted in clause 4.10.

4.12. When testing samples with a type U concentrator, a reduction in impact strength on one sample is allowed by 15%; when testing samples with a type V concentrator, a reduction in impact strength on one sample is allowed by 30%; in this case, the average value of the test results must not be lower than the standards in Table. 6 and 7.

4.13. When the manufacturer uses statistical and other non-destructive methods for monitoring mechanical properties in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation, the manufacturer may not carry out control of mechanical properties according to the methodology provided for by this standard. The manufacturer guarantees compliance of manufactured products with the requirements of this standard. In case of disagreement in quality assessment and during periodic product quality checks, control methods provided for in this standard are used.

Steel 09G2S: composition, properties, categorization

Print version November 14, 2022

Steel 09G2S is often used at the SARRZ Plant for the production of tanks and various types of containers: receivers, devices with elliptical bottoms, separators, oil settling tanks, etc.

What are the properties of steel 09G2S?

Steel grade 09G2S contains in the name information about the chemical composition:

  • 09
    — content 0.09% carbon;
  • G
    - manganese is present in the composition;
  • 2
    — the percentage of manganese is not higher than 2%;
  • C
    - the composition contains silicon and its content is less than 1%, because There is no number after C in the brand name.

Thus, in terms of its chemical composition, steel is classified as low-alloy .

According to the classification, steel is structural . It has excellent weldability without restrictions and is not prone to temper brittleness - a special state of the alloy, which is characterized by a low impact strength.

At high pressure and under loads with a variable force vector, steel retains its original characteristics. Also, the properties do not change over a wide temperature range - from -70°C to +425°C, which makes it possible to install tanks from this brand in areas of the Far North with difficult operating conditions.

What categories are there?

Steel 09G2S is divided into categories depending on the requirements for impact bending tests. The normalized characteristic is impact strength KCU - this is the ability of a material to absorb mechanical energy in the process of deformation and destruction under the influence of impact load.

There are 15 categories in total, the differences of which are discussed in the table.

Standardized characteristicCategory
Impact strength KCU at +20 °C++
Impact strength after mechanical aging+++++++
Impact strength KCU at -20 °C++
-40 °C++
-50 °C++
-60 °C++
-70 °C++
Impact strength KCV at 0 °C+
-20 °C+

The category is indicated along with the steel grade. For example, steel with category 12 is designated as 09G2S-12 .

Steel 09G2S is not corrosion-resistant, so finished capacitive equipment must be coated with special anti-corrosion compounds - organosilicate compositions, polyurethane compounds, acrylic urethane enamels, etc. The choice of coating is carried out for a specific order and depends on operating conditions, the type and aggressiveness of the working environment, as well as the characteristics of the technological process.

Stainless steel products and the differences between different types were discussed in detail on the “Director’s Blog” page in the article “Stainless steel grades: chemical properties, classification, analogues.”

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