DIY technoplankton for silver carp: top 5 recipes

Fishing means something different for every lover of this type of recreation, but a fish on a hook in any case is a welcome end to it. In order for the bite to be successful, it is necessary to master a considerable number of subtleties. In particular, study the tastes of fish. For example, silver carp, as well as carp, small carp, carp, bream, roach, crucian carp or catfish can be caught using technoplankton. This is a briquette-barrel of a mixture of nutrients that gradually dissolves in water.

The effectiveness of fishing for technoplankton depends on:

  • quality and composition of technoplankton;
  • the concentration of nutrients in the cloud of food it produces;
  • whether the hooks are located directly in the cloud.

How to make technoplankton at home

When producing artificial plankton, two basic conditions must be met:

  • technoplankton should produce turbidity (particles separate from the tablet and float to the surface, creating a cloud that resembles phytoplankton);
  • technoplankton must generate dust (particles separate from the tablet and sink to the bottom, and then, when they emerge, they drag turbidity with them).

There is no need to get too carried away by the diversity of technoplankton components. It will be enough to use three or four components.

The main ingredients of artificial plankton

  1. Fillers. Flour from oats, corn, millet, buckwheat or peas, crushed crackers, dry cookies and other ingredients that can be ground into flour are used as fillers. The proportions are not particularly important, you can take everything equally. It is recommended to heat treat crackers and cookies to enhance their taste. It is good to use oatmeal, which imparts the ability to dissolve evenly and actively.
  2. Adhesive base. Its composition should include components that are well pressed and slowly dissolve in water. This can be dextrin, maltodextrin (12% of the total weight), dry cream or milk, powdered sugar (10% of the total weight).
  3. Flavors. Used in dry or liquid form. The amount of flavoring used should produce a consistent odor. A “sweet” aroma is preferred: honey, strawberry, raspberry, caramel or vanilla.
  4. Starch or rice flour. Added if complementary foods dissolve too quickly. Due to their fine fractionation, these components enhance pressing. But if you add too many of these components, it will have the opposite effect, and the tablet will dissolve even faster.
  5. Water. If the barrel is poorly pressed, you can add half a gram of water per tablet. The result is a dry and hard bait that is difficult to break with your fingers and flows well.

The principles of making bait for silver carp with your own hands

Regardless of the composition of the technoplankton, it must contain milk powder or its substitute to create a cloudy path and starch or oat bran to use artificial plankton on the bottom, so that when they float up, they pull the turbidity along with them, thereby attracting fish.

Factory barrels have a “geyser” effect when they fall into water. This is also one of the bait elements for silver carp. At home, for this effect, Alcoseltzer or a mixture of baking soda and powdered citric acid is added to complementary foods.

Technoplankton should slowly melt, starting from about the fifth minute of being in the water. In this case, the formation of a feeding path is mandatory. This effect should last at least 30 minutes. If the bait invariably stands on the tackle for a long time, and then immediately disintegrates, the effect of complementary feeding will not be achieved.

DIY technoplankton for silver carp

Do-it-yourself technoplankton for silver carp –

not such a difficult and expensive matter. We will present to your attention the most interesting and catchy recipes for technoplankton. Here are recipes that we use ourselves and recipes taken from the Internet. We press with a 20-ton jack, with minimal moisture (0.5 g of water or syrup per barrel of technoplankton).

When we first started making technoplankton barrels ourselves, we tried to use as many ingredients as possible, thinking, the more, the better. In practice we have seen that this is not entirely true. Recently, we have been using 4-5 elements to make technoplankton.

Any type of flour (wheat, pea, corn, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, rye, fish, millet) is suitable as a filler Breadcrumbs ground into a fine fraction, sweet cookies, peanuts, flakes, and fried seeds are also suitable. We tried using store-bought loose technoplankton as a filler - it also worked.

the dregs by adding dry milk, dry cream, semolina, and baby food (dry milk formula) to the barrel.

Floating food particles - ground cork, popcorn, corn sticks, and I read somewhere that they use crushed buckwheat (haven’t tried it ourselves), all kinds of bread, puffed rice, soybeans, dry fish food.

Glue – dextrin, maltodextrin, gum arabic, starch, syrup, various purchased adhesive mixtures.

Geyser - you can use a store-bought one, you can also use soda, citric acid, dry kvass, baking powder, some use tablets (fizzy drinks), but have not experimented with them.

Technoplankton can be colored using any food coloring.

flavor technoplankton with anything, for example: honey, caramel, raspberries, strawberries, anise, vanilla, basil, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, nutmeg, dill, cumin, etc.

Dextrin comes in 3 grades - first (white), second (yellow), third (light ash). To prepare technoplankton, you can use regular dextrin, make it yourself, or you can prepare glue based on it. To do this, add dextrin (1:1) to boiling water and dissolve it in water. Cool, add a little honey and you can add it to the pre-prepared ingredients for the keg. Do not forget that the dissolution of technoplankton and the force for pressing it depend on the amount of glue. The more glue, the dissolution takes longer, and the effort for pressing is less, and vice versa. How to prepare dextrin yourself. To do this, place a 1cm layer on a baking sheet. pour in any starch (corn, potato), put in the oven for 3.5 hours (170°). Stir occasionally. The color should be yellowish. Readiness can be checked as follows: rub the powder with your fingers in cool water; if it turns into a sticky mass, then it’s ready, if it still slides, then it’s not.

Sugar syrup is easy to prepare. Take sugar and water in a 1:1 ratio and cook until the foam disappears from the surface (usually up to 30 minutes). That's it, the sugar syrup is ready.

You can buy baking powder, or you can make your own. The standard proportion in factory baking powder of soda, acid and filler is 5:3:12

respectively. That is, to get 20 g of baking powder you need to take 5 grams of soda, 3 grams of citric acid and 12 grams of filler.

Additional Tips

When selecting bait, it is important to consider the time of year. It happens that fish prefer certain components in the summer, while in the spring months it remains indifferent to them

If, due to the heat, the pond has become heavily bloomed, then the fish will not be interested in bait. This is due to the fact that there is an abundance of food in the pond during this period. For this reason, it is better to change the reservoir to another where there is clean water.

Fishing with bottom tackle involves the use of foam balls. Thanks to them, it is possible to raise the hooks above the technoplankton. These products are not required for float fishing.

Sometimes it happens that the current carries a cloud of food away from the hooks. In this case, you can use a sliding weight on the fishing line located between the rod and the float. It should be light in weight. The tackle can get tangled when retrieving the catch, so you need to be careful. It is also advisable to regularly change hooks and replace them with new ones before each fishing trip.

Why technoplankton attracts silver carp

A fisherman often has a very common question: why is it the most realistic and easiest way to catch silver carp using plankton? It all depends on the properties of this specific bait, the operating principle of which is focused on the natural behavior of fish feeding in the water column on natural bioplankton, most often of a plant nature, or rather, small microalgae concentrated in a certain area of ​​the reservoir. Natural food in the form of turbidity is filtered by the fish, thus saturating the schools moving in search of the most nutritious places with algae.

In addition to visual appeal, the artificially created spot has an attractive aroma that collects fish from long distances. A fish that comes close to the equipment with bait, that is, a technoplankton tablet, begins to intensively filter the water, sucking up aromatic turbidity like a vacuum cleaner. Straining the water, the trophy swallows the hooks located near the granules, self-hatching during installation. Thus, the main attractiveness of the granule is based on the ability of the bait to create a cloudy trail with odors that increase and stimulate the appetite of the fish.

The tablet simultaneously performs the functions of bait and the bait itself. Hooks in most cases are used without additional attachments. High-quality and effective granules dissolve in water gradually, over the course of one and a half to two hours, emitting an aroma that attracts fish and releasing a stable trail of turbidity, equal in intensity and density. A feed composition that instantly dissolves and sinks to the bottom, and these signs indicate a low quality product, will not attract fish feeding in the water column, and therefore will not give the expected fishing result in the form of catching silver carp.

Catching silver carp on technoplankton with a float

The principle of its operation is simple and clear.

On hot days, crustaceans become the main food for silver carp. Any accumulation of them attracts the attention of a freshwater whale, and it rushes to these interesting places. In addition to silver carp, this bait attracts the attention of carp , crucian carp and bream, especially if it is located near the bottom.

Technoplankton is a pressed bait (bait), which is a small cylinder with a hole for mounting on the main fishing line.

The bait contains ingredients with different physical properties - size, density, degree of buoyancy. Once in the water, the “tablet” begins to slowly dissolve—“dust,” releasing small particles into the water. Some of them rise to the surface, some sink to the bottom. Something hangs in the water column.

From a distance, this movement resembles an accumulation of plankton. A large fish sees such a “cloud”, approaches and begins to suck in water in this place. Along with the bait, a hook gets into the mouth of the same silver carp. The fish hooks itself.

Purchased technoplankton works in warm water for about one hour (tablet dissolution time). In warmer water the keg will dissolve faster. In cold weather, its validity period increases.

It is quite difficult to talk about exactly what ingredients and in what ratio are included in purchased bait. This mixture is quite expensive, so our poor citizens have come up with a lot of homemade recipes for this bait. Of course, each of these recipes has the right to life. Perhaps some of them can be taken and improved by companies specializing in the production of bait.

But for now, unfortunately, it is difficult for our Kulibin fish to compete with the laboratories of large manufacturers, who generally know much more about fish and its preferences than any expert fisherman.

Although it is impossible to completely exclude the possibility that a homemade bait will work better than a purchased bait.

Flavorings for technoplankton can be different, but honey or garlic .

What kind of fish can be caught using technoplankton?

Since the main principle of operation of barrels with technoplankton is the formation of turbidity from the bait, due to the presence of small particles in the mixture, all types of fish that love this method of feeding will “bite” on this bait. Therefore, a fisherman can expect to catch not only silver carp, but also crucian carp, carp, carp, bream, perch and many other types of fish.

In order for fishing to be as effective as possible, you should take into account the season in which fishing is carried out, namely: select components for the mixture that are most suitable for this time of year. Thus, catching silver carp in spring using technoplankton remains relevant; you just need to slightly adjust the composition of the bait and go fishing with confidence

A few years ago, no one could have imagined that in the near future they would be able to catch silver carp on purpose.

Press for the production of technoplankton

Such equipment is a must for those who plan to prepare technoplankton at home on their own. There are several types of it:

  • mechanical screw press;
  • high pressure hydraulic press.

An alternative may be methods for obtaining technoplankton, such as microwave pressing and squeezing with a jack.

A simple modification for cold pressing includes the following components:

  • Cup. Intended for pressing out. You will need a metal tube 10 cm long with a small diameter and a thread at one end so that you can screw on the plug.
  • Cork. Its role can be played by a screw-on plug for a water pipe.
  • Pin. Used for holes in gear. Holes are drilled in the plug cap and a strong and thin bayonet is fixed in it. It is required to make a hole in the finished barrel. The plug is screwed onto the main tube.
  • Seal. A metal cylinder of such a diameter is selected that it easily fits into the tube and is pressed tightly against it. The cylinder should have the same length as the tube. You can screw the same plug onto the internal piston.

Work algorithm:

  • a plug is screwed onto the main tube;
  • the tube is filled with a batch;
  • the piston is inserted;
  • The structure is clamped with a jack or a bench vise;
  • the piston is removed, after which the cap of the tube is unscrewed;
  • the resulting barrel of technoplankton is pushed out.

To do similar processes in a microwave oven, there are several options.

Application of plastic tube

Take a plastic pipe of small diameter - approximately 30 mm. Cut a piece 7 cm long. Take two plugs and tightly close both ends of the tube. One end is closed with a stopper, and the mixture is pushed into the opposite end. The opposite end is closed with a stopper. After this, you can send the mixture to bake in the microwave. You don't have to use lids to cover the tubes and just leave the food ball to bake.

Using a syringe

Take 2 disposable syringes with a volume of 20 ml. From the side of the needle nose, one syringe is cut to form a cylinder. On one side it is baked by a piston and filled with substance. On the other hand, it is clamped tightly with a piston from another syringe. Following this, you can insert a second piston. At the same time, you can take it out and put the cylinder in the microwave.

Cold pressing in microwave oven

During cold pressing, the finished mixture is placed into equipment and hardened using pressure. At the same time, it turns into a barrel-tablet.

If a microwave oven is used for these purposes, then the energy of electromagnetic radiation is used. The substance is placed in a plastic tube with stoppers at both ends. When cold pressing, hold the mixture for no more than 30 seconds.

Recipes for making technoplankton fleas with your own hands

In order for fishing to be completed successfully, you need to master a large number of subtleties. It is important, for example, to study the taste preferences of fish. In particular, silver carp, carp, grass carp, roach and crucian carp love technoplankton. This is a special mixture of nutrients produced in the form of braces. After getting into water it gradually dissolves.

Using technoplankton is extremely simple. The briquette has a hole for equipment. A number of hooks are attached to it, which should be suspended in parallel. As soon as the inhabitants of the reservoir swim up to the cloud of food, they begin to eat the food, do not notice the hooks and swallow them.

The versatility of technoplankton lies in the fact that:

  • it is suitable for catching fish on the bottom;
  • it is considered effective when fishing on the surface with a float.

If you have to fish on the bottom, it is better to use instant options. They disintegrate in about half an hour. If there is a suspicion that the bite will not last for a long time, it is advisable to use the so-called long-playing types. It takes several hours for them to dissolve. These types of plankton are also suitable for float gear. Use this type of equipment from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

The composition of flea technoplankton for the press must be known if you intend to make the mixture yourself. It should contain components that could make the contents of the briquette more attractive to fish. If everything was done correctly, the components will have different buoyancy and specific gravity. Due to this, the cloud of nutrients when the food bolus dissolves forms several levels.

Industrial types may vary in composition, depending on the manufacturer. If you plan to make it yourself using a press for technoplankton, then it is advisable to use the following components:

  1. Fillers. It can be corn, oatmeal, peas, buckwheat, millet, dry cookies. All this must be ground to flour.
  2. Adhesives. Necessary in order to prevent the food bolus from quickly dissolving. Maltodextrin, dextrin, dry cream and milk, powdered sugar are included in this category. It is advisable to use a combination of these components rather than using them separately.
  3. Flavors. Suitable for use in any form. It is necessary to use such a quantity that the kneading would be stable. Pisces like sweet aromas: strawberry, honey, raspberry, vanilla and caramel.
  4. Dissolution retardant. Rice flour and starch perform this role excellently.
  5. Humidifier. Its role is usually played by water.
  6. Bubbling component. Provides the so-called geyser effect. Due to this, the ingredients dissolve when entering the water. This can be baking soda, effervescent tablets, dry kvass starter. The ratio in which this component of the recipe should be taken is 1/6.

The advantages of making technoplankton at home are:

  • significant cost savings;
  • the ability to independently come up with unique recipes.

According to the observations of experienced fishermen, some types of fish are much more willing to bite on homemade bait.

Each fisherman has his own special recipe, which he considers most effective. But there are compositions that are recognized as the most popular.

Recipe 1:

  • Corn flour - 200 g. An alternative can be popcorn ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Wheat flour - 200 g.
  • Oatmeal - 300 g.
  • Semolina - 200 g.
  • 150 g of soda + a little citric acid.

All ingredients of the recipe are mixed and moistened with a small amount of water. You need to add enough liquid to form a plastic dough. It is moved into a press and briquettes are made. You can also bake the mixture in the microwave. The effervescent mixture can be mixed into the mass just before pressing.

Recipe 2:

  • semolina - 0.5 kg;
  • corn flour - 0.5 kg;
  • breadcrumbs - 300 g;
  • hominy - 300 g;
  • sugar - 300 g.

The mixture is stirred until smooth, after which it is gradually diluted with honey solution.

Recipe 3:

  • a can of condensed milk;
  • cake powder;
  • dry milk mixture.

Condensed milk is poured into any suitable container and dry ingredients are gradually added. As soon as the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream, transfer it to the freezer for half an hour. It is important that equal amounts of cake mix and milk powder are added. After 30 minutes, take out the finished dough and knead it, adding dry ingredients again in equal quantities. Bulk ingredients are added little by little to prevent the dough from thickening too quickly. For greater stickiness, moisten it with water. At the end of cooking, pass the dough through a sieve and put it under a press.

This recipe is well suited for fish from the carp family . It includes:

  • corn flour - 100 g;
  • soy flour or complementary food for carp - 100 g;
  • bran - 10 g;
  • dextrin - 30 g;
  • honey - 16 g;
  • water - 16 g;
  • jar of anise oil.

All components of this recipe are mixed in a mixer and then put under pressure. A universal recipe for any type of fish includes:

  • ready-made fruit jelly - 250 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • oat flour - 100 g;
  • rye, corn, pea flour - 100 g each;
  • bran - 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs, rice flakes - 100 g each;
  • crushed sunflower seeds - 200 g;
  • effervescent mixture - 175 g.

To prepare bait for bottom fishing, you need:

  • dog food - 0.5 kg;
  • roasted ground peanuts - 100 g;
  • dried sweet peppers - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.

A similar recipe can be used for float fishing, but it will require more dry ingredients.

To prepare technoplankton recipes with your own hands, you don’t need anything complicated, but it doesn’t hurt to take a number of points into account. First of all, these are fishing conditions. If you are going to fish on the bottom, you will need substances that dissolve gradually and leave a significant cloudy trace behind.

If we are talking about fishing on the bottom, you definitely need to add ingredients that tend to “dust”. These should be components that can float, for example, bran, a wine cork, ground to small particles.

Such equipment is a must for those who plan to prepare technoplankton at home on their own. There are several types of it:

  • mechanical screw press;
  • high pressure hydraulic press.

An alternative may be methods for obtaining technoplankton, such as microwave pressing and squeezing with a jack.

A simple modification for cold pressing includes the following components:

  • Cup. Intended for pressing out. You will need a metal tube 10 cm long with a small diameter and a thread at one end so that you can screw on the plug.
  • Cork. Its role can be played by a screw-on plug for a water pipe.
  • Pin. Used for holes in gear. Holes are drilled in the plug cap and a strong and thin bayonet is fixed in it. It is required to make a hole in the finished barrel. The plug is screwed onto the main tube.
  • Seal. A metal cylinder of such a diameter is selected that it easily fits into the tube and is pressed tightly against it. The cylinder should have the same length as the tube. You can screw the same plug onto the internal piston.

Work algorithm:

  • a plug is screwed onto the main tube;
  • the tube is filled with a batch;
  • the piston is inserted;
  • The structure is clamped with a jack or a bench vise;
  • the piston is removed, after which the cap of the tube is unscrewed;
  • the resulting barrel of technoplankton is pushed out.

Technoplankton: advantages and disadvantages

The use of this type of bait has its pros and cons. The advantages of using the mixture include:

attractive aroma that attracts the attention of fish; the possibility of catching other types of fish with this bait; The unique composition promotes the formation of a cloudy cloud in the water, which the silver carp will undoubtedly like.

The disadvantages of using the mixture include:

  • high cost of store products;
  • the possibility of purchasing a fake, which will reduce the effectiveness of the bait.

All shortcomings can be eliminated by preparing bait at home on your own.

Composition of homemade technoplankton

For silver carp fishing with technoplankton to be successful, the bait must create a cloudy cloud and be very dusty.

The process should occur slowly and gradually, if the technoplankton falls apart already 20 minutes after the tackle was thrown into the water, large pieces fall off from it every now and then, then this is a bad bait that is unlikely to work.

Proper technoplankton must contain certain groups of components.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

DIY technoplankton: fillers or base

Various cereals
As a basis for the production of technoplankton, you can use any cereal ground into flour.

Typically, fishermen mix a mixture based on semolina, corn or oatmeal, often diluting the composition with buckwheat or pea “dust”.

In general, the proportions and composition can be any, so the fisherman has ample opportunity for experimentation and creativity.

The only thing I would like to recommend is to always add oatmeal to the mixture. This ingredient gives uniform, slow dissolution and “dusts” well. A dust cloud allows the fish to quickly detect the tackle.

Binding components or "glue"

Powdered milk
is needed so that the compressed technoplankton does not fall apart like usual bait, but gradually melts in the water.

Another function of binding components is to create a cloudy cloud near the bait, which, like dust, attracts the attention of fish.

The best binders are starch, maltodextrin, powdered sugar, milk powder and cream powder.

You can add several ingredients at once. Powdered milk and powdered sugar work best together. The milk creates a decent cloud of turbidity, and the sugar glues the base well and gives the technoplankton a sweet taste, which the silver carp really likes.

Important! The percentage of binder to base is approximately 1:8.

What is technoplankton?

In the recent past, no one thought about using a fail-safe remedy - technoplankton. This is a unique mixture consisting of the smallest particles of food, which is pressed into tablets (made in the form of barrels and having holes for equipment). When immersed in water, the small components begin to dissolve, forming a cloudy cloud. Silver carp loves this type of food and instantly responds to treats.

Characteristics of technoplankton

The sizes of technoplankton for catching silver carp can vary from large to small. It all depends on the chosen equipment. The essence of the process is that the barrel with bait is attached to hooks. Combining with water, the mixture begins to blur and the silver carp, swallowing food, swallows hooks along with it.

Technoplankton is a pressed mixture of finely ground various feeds, shaped like a barrel

The advantage of this bait is its versatility. The mixture is suitable for use in ponds, rivers and other bodies of water. In special stores you can purchase technoplankton with different solubility rates (from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours).

Read Winter fishing in Komi

Technoplankton components

The main ingredients are represented by the following components:

  1. Filler - flour from oatmeal, corn, buckwheat is used as a base, and peas or millet can also be used. The mass can be “diluted” with the help of cookies, breadcrumbs and other ingredients (also ground using a coffee grinder). To avoid mistakes, it is recommended to use all products in equal proportions.
  2. Binding base - the binding elements can be dextrin, maltodextrin, milk powder or cream, as well as powdered sugar.
  3. Flavoring – there are two types of additives: liquid and dry. The choice is always up to the buyer. Silver carp prefers sweet aromas (particles of honey, vanilla, caramel and other additives).
  4. Rice flour - recommended to add if the mixture dissolves quickly.
  5. Liquid – water is used if the resulting barrels are poorly held together (during the pressing process).

When preparing the mixture, the fisherman must look at the situation: if the barrel does not hold together, then liquid should be added; otherwise, it is advisable to use starch or flour. Having brought the technoplankton to readiness, you can safely go fishing.

Buyers also have the opportunity to purchase ready-made mixtures for making technoplankton for catching silver carp.

In order to make plankton with your own hands at home, there are many recipes and methods

How to make technoplankton with your own hands: drawings and description

Fishing means something different for every person. But the fish on the hook is its desired ending. In order to have a good bite, you need to know many nuances. Including studying the behavior and tastes of fish. For example, carp, grass carp and silver carp can be caught using technoplankton. This is a briquette, which consists of a special composition of nutrients, which dissolves in the pond over time and lifts small particles upward.

The principle of operation of bioplankton is quite simple. 2-3 hooks are attached to the tackle hole in the barrel and hung in parallel. When the silver carp swims up to the formed cloud of hydroplankton and begins to eat it, the fish does not notice the hooks and swallows them.

In this case, the result of fishing for phytoplankton will depend on the following factors:

  • whether the hooks are located in the cloud itself;
  • the amount of nutrients in the formed bait cloud;
  • composition and quality of technoplankton itself.

The versatility of this bait lies in the fact that it is used both for catching silver carp on the bottom and used with a float. The main differences between the methods of fishing for technoplankton are as follows:

  • for float equipment, or if the fish does not bite, it is advisable to use “long-lasting” varieties that dissolve in water for 2-3 hours;
  • For bottom fishing, it is advisable to use fast-soluble technoplankton, which dissolves in approximately 20-30 minutes.

They fish with this type of gear from early spring to late autumn.

When making technoplankton at home, they try to select recipes that are as attractive as possible for fish in a particular region. The feed components are selected so that they have different buoyancy and specific gravity. Thus, a cloud of different elements at different levels appears in the reservoir.

The composition of the finished bait remains with the manufacturer. As for making technoplankton at home, you can make a geyser with your own hands using the following components:

  1. Adhesive substances (they stick together and do not allow the bait to spray out very quickly). Maltodexterin, dextrin, dry cream or milk, technorapid, powdered sugar. It is advisable to use a mixture of maltodexterin and powdered sugar (you need a little less powder), rather than using these components separately.
  2. Fillers. Everything is finely ground: ready-made popcorn or corn, millet, oatmeal, peas, buckwheat, cookies or breadcrumbs.
  3. Dissolution retardant. Typically, rice flour or starch is used.
  4. Flavors. Can be used in any form. It is necessary to add enough so that the smell is pronounced and persistent. Silver carp usually loves sweet smells: the aroma of strawberries, cherries, currants, vanilla, pineapple.
  5. The bubbling component makes it possible to create a geyser effect, which promotes the dissolution of ingredients when they enter a body of water (kvass starter, citric acid, any effervescent tablets). The total mass requires a ratio of these components of 1 to 5.
  6. Humidifier. As a rule, water is used for this.

Any fisherman makes technoplankton for silver carp with his own hands according to his own recipe. At the same time, there are a number of the most popular compositions.

First recipe:

  • 250 grams of wheat flour;
  • 200 grams of corn flour (you can grind popcorn in a coffee grinder);
  • 200 grams of citric acid and soda;
  • 250 grams of semolina flour;
  • 350 grams of oat flour.

All components must be mixed and water added. When the mixture is plastic, you need to transfer it to a press and make barrels, or you can cook briquettes in the microwave. The effervescent composition must be added to this mass before pressing.

Second recipe:

  • 500 grams of corn flour;
  • 500 grams of semolina;
  • 350 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 350 grams of mamalyga;
  • 350 grams of breadcrumbs.

Everything needs to be mixed until smooth. Then gradually add honey solution. Then the briquettes need to be dried.

Third recipe:

  • any dry biscuits;
  • powdered milk;
  • one can of condensed milk.

Pour the condensed milk into a container and gradually add the dry ingredients until the composition reaches the consistency of sour cream. Cookies and milk must be added in equal proportions. Place all this in the freezer for 30 minutes. Then take out and knead the frozen dough, again adding dry ingredients in the same ratio. Bulk ingredients must be added a little at a time; if you add a large amount, the dough will thicken very quickly. Then you need to add a little water to make it sticky. Finally, we rub everything through a sieve and press.

The fourth recipe for bottom fishing:

  • 150 grams of ground roasted peanuts;
  • 500 grams of dog food;
  • one glass of sugar;
  • 70 grams of black pepper.

If you want to use this recipe for float fishing, you will need to add more dry ingredients. When bottom fishing, everything can be left unchanged.

Fifth recipe:

  • any combination of ground breadcrumbs, cereal flakes and dry cream;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 300 grams of fruit jelly.

Mix the jelly with honey, then gradually add the dry mixture until a moist (but not wet) composition is formed. The pressed briquettes must be placed on a napkin until they are completely dry.

Sixth recipe:

  • 300 grams of raw sunflower seeds;
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 200 grams of rice flour;
  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • 150 grams of dry cream;
  • a glass of corn flakes.

All ingredients must first be ground using a coffee grinder. Afterwards, the components are mixed and placed under a press.

Seventh recipe:

  • 200 grams of shortbread cookies;
  • 200 grams of sunflower seeds;
  • 200 grams of boiled peas;
  • 150 grams of milk powder;
  • 200 grams of semolina;
  • 200 grams of food for aquarium fish;
  • flavoring;
  • 150 grams of protein powder.

All components need to be crushed and mixed. For bottom fishing or fishing in the current, you can add a small amount of clay.

Technoplankton recipes for catching silver carp

Catching silver carp is a truly exciting process that will be remembered for a long time. Fishing allows the fisherman to experience a lot of emotions, ranging from excitement and slight tension to euphoria and pride in his catch. To go home in a great mood, you need to carefully prepare for fishing and make delicious bait for fish. Let's look at popular recipes for preparing technoplankton.

Various components can be used to bait silver carp.

To reproduce the classic version of the mixture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour made from buckwheat and oatmeal – 200 g each and corn flour – 400 g;
  • crackers – 200 g;
  • sugar-based sweet syrup (a binding element that holds all components together).

The preparation process will take a few minutes: mix all dry ingredients and add syrup.

The following recipe for preparing technoplankton for silver carp is no less popular:

  • corn, semolina flour - 500 g each;
  • croutons, hominy, sugar - 300 g each.

Among the many recipes for bottom technoplankton for catching silver carp, the following is rightfully considered effective. To prepare the mixture you will need 500 g of semolina, corn flour and roasted ground peanuts. Fishmeal (100 g) should be added to the above components. All dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed and moistened with sugar syrup. To prepare the syrup you will need 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of liquid. To make the mixture homogeneous, it is recommended to use a blender.

A fisherman can always experiment with components, replacing some with others and adding new ones. Silver carp's favorite treats include sunflower seeds, egg yolk, sweet powder, boiled potatoes, banana and even dog food. A lasting smell can be given to the bait by adding honey, raspberry, caramel and other flavors.

It is recommended not to touch the equipment during the first 30 minutes of fishing.

Originally posted 2018-08-07 17:09:33.

How to prepare technoplankton with your own hands

Closer to factory production standards is the production of homemade bait through a mold. It can be made from a metal pipe of suitable diameter (length is 0.8-0.9 meters). An element of cylindrical configuration identical in size is selected for it.

A hole is made in its lower part for a pin fixed to a plug, which is used to screw the threaded structure onto the tube. A preliminary drawing of the press will allow you to quickly build a model that does not present structural complexity.

Manufacturing technology

This process is divided into several stages:

  1. Choose the appropriate composition, depending on the type of fishing.
  2. The main component is a suitable filling, taking into account the nuances of the reservoir and the general climate of the region.
  3. The base is most often corn or semolina.
  4. It is allowed to include working bait, as well as crackers and cookies, into the flavoring composition.
  5. For density, powdered sugar or honey is added to the composition.
  6. The prepared mixture is placed in the working cylinder and compacted.
  7. Using a bottle jack, the mass is compressed with a force of about five tons per kilogram.
  8. The smooth edges of the mold ensure that fine particles are produced in small rolls with varying disintegration periods.
  9. With this scheme, technoplankton is well pressed, which allows it to dissolve in water for the required time.

We use a microwave oven

It is possible to create bait briquettes in the microwave without using the cold pressing method. The prepared composition is placed in a plastic tube with a tight lid. The seal is first performed by pushing out the piston. The briquette is placed in a microwave oven turned on at maximum power.

The longer the sintering period, the higher the decay time of complementary foods in water. The optimal cooking mode in the microwave is 25-30 seconds. After removing the technoplankton from the furnace, it is further compacted, cooled and pushed out using a piston mechanism.

Recipes for preparing technical complementary foods

The first method is one of the simplest. The list of ingredients includes:

  • Buckwheat-oat flour - 200/200 g.
  • Corn grinding - 400 g.
  • Breadcrumbs - 200 g.
  • Granulated sugar - 100 g.
  • Water - 100 ml.

First, sugar syrup is prepared by dissolving sugar in water. All dry ingredients are mixed separately. The sweet liquid is slowly poured into the dry composition and mixed with a blender or mixer. At the finish, the composition is filled into a special mold for pressing.

Second option


  • Corn in a flour-like state - 500 g.
  • Semolina - 50 g.
  • Finely crushed peanuts - 500 g.
  • Effervescent mixture - 450 g.
  • Fish powder - 1000 g.

All bulk substances are mixed, a little water is added, sugar syrup is poured in a thin stream, barrels are formed, adding ground biscuits.

Simple recipe

From corn, oat and semolina flour in proportions of 200/300/200 grams, preparations are made with the introduction of an effervescent substance. Add a little water to the dry mass and begin pressing the solution. All further manipulations are similar.

Technoplankton recipes for cooking

There are many recipes for preparing complementary foods. The following recipes are popular among them:

  • No. 1 Buckwheat flour 200 g
  • Oat flour 200 g
  • Corn flour 400 g
  • Breadcrumbs 200 g
  • Prepare sugar syrup (dilute 100 g of sugar in 100 ml of water). Mix all dry ingredients and moisten with sugar syrup, mixing the mixture using a blender.
  • №2
      Ground roasted peanuts 500 g
  • Corn flour 500 g
  • Semolina 500 g
  • Fish meal 1000 g
  • Prepare sugar syrup (dilute 100 g of sugar in 100 ml of water). Mix all dry ingredients and moisten with sugar syrup, mixing the mixture using a blender.
  • №3
      Corn flour 250 g
  • Pea flour 250 g
  • Sunflower seeds crushed 200 g
  • Breadcrumbs 100 g
  • Powdered milk 100 g
  • Kissel dry 100 g
  • Honey 50 g
  • Dilute the jelly from the package in cold water, leave for 5 minutes, then cook in the microwave. Mix all the dry ingredients, gradually add jelly to the mixture, stirring with a blender.
  • №4
      Corn flour 1000 g
  • Rice flour 500 g
  • Pea flour 500 g
  • Buckwheat flour 500 g
  • Baby food with milk and rice flour 450 g
  • Raw peanuts 500 g
  • Sunflower seeds raw 500 g
  • Mix all ingredients, then add honey diluted with water. Add this syrup in small portions to avoid over-watering.
  • №5
      Semolina 500 g
  • Corn flour 500 g
  • Breadcrumbs 300 g
  • Mamalyga 300 g
  • Sugar 300 g
  • Mix all ingredients, then add honey syrup. You need to add it in small portions so as not to over-wet the complementary foods.
  • №6
      Part one: Dry dog ​​food 500 g
  • Ground roasted peanuts 100 g
  • Paprika powder 50 g
  • Powdered sugar 200 g
  • Part two:
      Boiled potatoes 500 g
  • Banana 1000 g
  • Egg yolk 1 pc.
  • Condensed milk 50 g
  • Mix the ingredients from the first part of the recipe in one container, and from the second in another container. Then connect these parts and knead the dough for casting on the bottom feeder. To obtain a mixture for kegs, you need to add more of the dry (first) part of the mass so that the consistency is similar to crumbly porridge.
  • №7
      Grated flour 350 g
  • Sunflower seeds raw 350 g
  • Millet groats 150 g
  • Rice cereal 150 g
  • 1 cup puffed corn (ground)
  • Powdered milk 100 g
  • Millet and rice cereals must be ground in a coffee grinder to the state of flour, sunflower seeds must also be ground, but the grinding should be coarse.
  • №8
      Sunflower seeds 1 cup
  • Vanilla cookies 150 g
  • 1 cup puffed corn (ground)
  • Semolina 1 cup
  • Corn flour 1 cup
  • Powdered milk 1 cup
  • Cucumber flour ½ cup
  • Preparation of cucumber flour: grate the cucumbers and place in an electric dryer. After they have dried, you need to grind them in a coffee grinder. Thanks to this green grass meal, the water will have the smell of fresh cucumber, which the silver carp will really like.
  • № 9
      Corn flour 1000 g
  • Millet flour 1000 g
  • Rice flour 250 g
  • Powdered milk 250 g
  • Prepare the syrup: dilute 200 g of sugar in 200 ml of water and boil for 20 minutes. Cool and strongly flavor to your liking.
  • If neutral buoyancy is desired, fine cork particles can be added to this recipe.
  • Mix all the dry ingredients, then moisten the mixture with syrup: 70% dry mixture requires 30% syrup. Leave for 1 hour to soak. Rub through a large sieve and press. Leave to dry for 3 hours, then wrap in plastic.
  • Initially, technoplankton is intended for catching silver carp, but you can also catch other fish with this bait. The main condition for good fishing is not to touch the equipment for at least the first half hour. After all, when artificial plankton gets into the water, a cloud is created that imitates natural plankton and attracts fish. The process of catching silver carp is very exciting and unforgettable. And an important factor in this case is a high-quality bait made by yourself.

    Read Twister fishing and fishing techniques for beginners

    Technoplankton manufacturing technology

    There are two ways to prepare technoplankton at home.

    The first method is based on force pressing of the prepared mixture in a mold specially designed for this purpose, and does not require heat treatment. After pressing, baking is carried out in a microwave oven.

    Photo 2. Molds and finished products.

    The second method based on the use of improvised means, for example, a twenty-cc syringe. A plastic tube with a diameter of 3.5 centimeters will also work. It is only necessary to supplement it with a piston that will clamp the mixture inside this tube. In this case, the use of a twenty-cc syringe will be most relevant.

    Photo 3. Syringe as a mold.

    Technoplankton production is carried out in the following sequence:

    • The finished mixture is placed in a mold, then it is clamped with a piston.
    • The resulting form with the mixture is placed in the microwave for 10 seconds, then pressed again with a piston and sent back to the microwave for 30 seconds.
    • After baking is completed, the mold is pulled out and allowed to cool, then the finished barrel is removed.

    How the bait works

    Using technoplankton is extremely simple. The briquette has a hole for equipment. A number of hooks are attached to it, which should be suspended in parallel. As soon as the inhabitants of the reservoir swim up to the cloud of food, they begin to eat the food, do not notice the hooks and swallow them.

    The versatility of technoplankton lies in the fact that:

    • it is suitable for catching fish on the bottom;
    • it is considered effective when fishing on the surface with a float.

    If you have to fish on the bottom, it is better to use instant options. They disintegrate in about half an hour. If there is a suspicion that the bite will not last for a long time, it is advisable to use the so-called long-playing types. It takes several hours for them to dissolve. These types of plankton are also suitable for float gear. Use this type of equipment from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

    What is technoplankton?

    Technoplankton is a kind of mixture of various pressed feeds with clearly calculated proportions. If we talk about its appearance, then it is a small barrel-shaped element that reacts to water in a unique way.

    In a body of water, the substance begins to actively dissolve, forming a whole cloud of small particles. If you look at this phenomenon from the side, it resembles a real school of fish. This is exactly the plankton that silver carp like to eat.

    Operating principle

    The operating principle of this kind of bait is very simple, but at the same time ingenious. The tackle has several hooks that are suspended parallel to each other. When the substance begins to work, releasing a cloud of plankton, the fish begin to eat the bait, simultaneously swallowing these hooks.

    The versatility of the bait lies in the fact that it can be used both on the surface of the bottom of a reservoir and in the water column.


    • if you plan to fish with fish on the bottom, it is better to take an instant composition, which works within half an hour;
    • if you use a float rig or in the case when the fish does not want to bite, it is best to opt for compounds that dissolve over several hours.

    Composition of technoplankton

    The components of this kind of bait are very diverse. It all depends solely on the recipe you choose. But there are some tricks that can help you make a really high-quality product.

    So, if your homemade product does not press well, it is recommended to add a little water. Basically, about half a gram is enough for one barrel. As a result, you should have a product in your hands that is dense and hard.

    To slightly reduce the rate of disintegration of the composition into small particles, add additional starch or rice flour. But be careful, if you overdo it you can have the opposite effect and the bait will dissolve even faster.


    In the process of creating bait, special attention should be paid to the filler. Most often oat, corn, buckwheat, pea or wheat flour is used for this purpose.

    If you wish, you can also take crackers or other ingredients that can be crushed into a flour mass.

    To create truly high-quality technoplankton, it is not at all necessary to be strictly guided by certain proportions. Much more important is the competent processing of each individual ingredient. Because fish can ignore the aroma, which is extremely undesirable.

    For example, fishermen advise that crackers and cookies must be heat-treated. This will significantly enhance their effect on fish.

    Plus, pay attention to oatmeal. It is this that is capable of actively and evenly dissolving in the thickness of the reservoir.

    Adhesive base

    As an adhesive base, it is best to use ingredients that will promote good crimping and disintegration of the composition into particles.

    For this at home you will need:

    • maltodextrin;
    • dextrin;
    • powdered sugar;
    • powdered milk;
    • dry cream.

    Moreover, it is worth paying special attention to the fact that these components should be used in a ratio of no more than ten percent of the total weight of the composition.


    Flavorings can be used as an additional optional component of technoplankton. They can be produced as liquid mixtures or dry powders.

    Their characteristic feature is considered to be a strong, striking aroma, which is simply impossible not to pay attention to. Most fishermen advise using sweet scents. These can be vanilla, spicy, honey, strawberry or raspberry flavors.

    Advantages and disadvantages of technoplankton

    Positive aspects of the bait:

    1. Pleasant smell that attracts fish.
    2. You can catch a wide variety of fish species with this type of bait.
    3. Only this composition is capable of dissolving faster than all baits in the water column, activating the future catch.

    Negative aspects of the composition

    • Great price for factory options.
    • A variety of fakes that even an experienced fisherman cannot recognize.

    But you can eliminate all the shortcomings in one fell swoop by creating a truly inexpensive and high-quality product with your own hands.

    Manufacturing components

    When making plankton, powdered milk, corn flour, wheat bran, chopped boiled green peas, cucumber ground into porridge and green grass growing on the shore of the reservoir in which you are going to fish are used. The binding component will be breadcrumbs, dry cream, well-ground flour, and powdered sugar. Moreover, the latter attracts all types of cyprinids, which include silver carp.

    “Dusting” properties are created using the powdered milk contained in the composition. It is its use that makes it possible to create a column of turbidity in the water, in which, to increase efficiency, the presence of greenish plant particles is desirable.

    Increases the efficiency of technoplankton particles creating a “geyser” effect. As a rule, these are particles of processed cereals, such as oatmeal, instant cereals, and other cereal flakes. When a barrel or granular mixture dissolves, they rise to the surface of the water, carrying with them other particles that make up the technoplankton. You can add bread kvass or a mixture of soda and citric acid (3 parts soda and 5 parts citric acid).

    The filler will be flour from various cereals: oats, corn, millet, buckwheat, peas. Ground crackers and cookies are also included in the bait base.

    Photo 1. Components for manufacturing.

    Technoplankton recipes include attractants whose task is to attract fish.
    Most often, these will be sweet aromas such as honey, vanilla, strawberry, anise, meadow grass and garlic. Attention! You need to be careful with the dosage of the attractant so that the bait scares away the fish due to too high a concentration.

    Technoplankton fishing gear

    As a rule, the best time to catch silver carp using plankton is summer. The equipment or so-called stick for silver carp can be supplied to hunting zones using float or bottom gear. The device consists of a diamond-shaped or square type frame with a sliding pin. The pin is used for fastening the granules, and the frame-bracket is for mounting leashes with hooks and attaching the equipment to the tackle cord. Leashes with hooks are attached to the rings of the frame in such a way that they fall into the zone of intense turbidity, where with a high degree of probability they will be sucked up by the fish filtering the nutrient composition that approaches the smell and dust plume.

    The hook feed distance is adjusted by the length of the leash. The thickness of the nylon leash is taken to be no less than 0.3 mm. The hooks themselves have a design with a shortened forend, numbers 8-9 according to the domestic classification, and are made of thick wire that can withstand high loads without bending capabilities. Continuing the article, we will consider the criteria for the gear necessary to submit a rig with bait in the form of technoplankton.

    Float rod

    A float rod is the most effective type of tackle for catching silver carp. Fish most often feed in the middle or upper water horizons, and it is with float rigs that it is convenient to regulate the supply of bait to promising feeding layers of active schools. The gear chosen is a powerful match rod 4–5 meters long, capable of providing long-distance deliveries of heavy rigs and coping with landing large fish. The fishing rod is equipped with a carp spinning reel with a baitrunner and a capacious spool, which should easily accommodate 100–120 meters of monofilament fishing line with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm.

    The float must be made of dense polystyrene and its mass must be suitable for holding the installation in the prospective water horizon. The upper part of the float is painted in a bright color that is noticeable to the eye, the lower surface is masked by painting it in dark green tones. Balancing of equipment is carried out with lead weights. When fishing in windy weather and on currents, the rig is anchored with a sliding weight.


    Fishing for technoplankton can be done with an ordinary classic bottom rod mounted on a heavy spinning or feeder rod equipped with a carp reel. Unlike float rigs, which are fed directly into the fish feeding horizon, the bottom fishing technique involves feeding the rig with technoplankton to the bottom and installing an additional float on the fishing device, which raises the bait in the water column to the level required by the fishing conditions. The foam float plays the role of ballast, and the quiver tip of the tackle acts as a bite alarm. With this method of fishing, hooks can be equipped with foam peas that push leads to the surface, into a plume of turbidity moving to higher water horizons.

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