How to restore the appearance of a log house using sandblasting

A new house can be made from an old one using sandblasting. Using this method, you can create the effect of a “antique” home, or, conversely, update an old house. We will tell you how the processing is done in this article.

You can aging bricks and aging wood artificially. In order to give the house an antique look, you need to use a special abrasive mixture and a sandblasting machine. Window structures and other interior details of houses are often treated in this way. You can turn a regular wooden cabinet into antique furniture.


Sandblasting is a technology that helps improve decorative attributes and does not cause too much mechanical stress on the wood. Sandblasting for wood is done using a special apparatus. It consists of a reservoir containing sand or other abrasive. There is also a unit that supplies compressed air.

There is also a hose that connects all the working components, connecting them together, there are also ball valves and a gun, the nozzle of which is made of tungsten or boron. Modern sandblasting is done on the principle of mixing air with abrasive materials, using the pressure of a gun nozzle. It has quite a lot of pressure.

Advantages and disadvantages of work

You can use the forces of nature to age. But this comes with time. Water, temperature fluctuations, and wind affect the condition of the wood. But this happens over many years. How to achieve an almost instant transformation of the surface? – Sandblasting is used for this.

It can be used to process a large surface, for example, the facade of a house, walls, ceilings, wooden beams, and complex architectural elements. There is another method of aging wood - brushing, which involves treating surfaces with special brushes, but it does not give the same effect as sandblasting.

Moreover, sandblasting technologies for wooden surfaces are more beneficial for the condition of the structure. In addition to the aging effects, they also remove old paint from wood during repairs, produce a protective mechanism by applying special compounds, and degrease surfaces.

Application area

The main area of ​​application of sandblasting for wood is a very wide range of technical work. This includes cleaning from old coating, removing varnish or paint, getting rid of corrosion and its traces, and eliminating unplanned oil stains, and it is also used for frosting glass. Sanding wood with a fine abrasive improves its finish. The formation of even small cracks and defects is excluded, so they will not affect the result.

Reference! You can sandblast not only houses and other dwellings, but also ships and the sides of aircraft.

Impact effect

Nowadays, such processing of wood surfaces has become fashionable. Special materials are used to “aging” wood. Sandblasting allows you to achieve a good effect. “Oldness” of the façade or interior – there are a lot of customers. Moreover, in this case the home takes on a more fashionable look of “beautiful wear and tear”, sometimes in the “Provence” style. The look becomes warmer and richer in color.

Sandblasting by professionals

Jet grinding of a log house requires strict adherence to technology, so it should be performed only by specialists. Professional grinders have undergone special training, are fluent in the technological process of sandblasting, and have the necessary work skills.

Qualified specialists of our company will perform abrasive jet sanding of a house of any size. If you want to inexpensively polish a log house, contact us. We guarantee exclusive quality of work and minimal deadlines.

You will find all our coordinates in the “Contacts” section. There you can write us a message or contact us in another convenient way.

Types of abrasives for sandblasting a log frame

The word “abrasive” comes from the French words “grinding” and “scraping”. Consequently, it has exactly this character. Generally, abrasives can be used for polishing, honing, and sanding a wide variety of materials. For example, rocks, glass, rubber, leather, including wood.

Since ancient times, emery, pumice, emery, diamond, and quartz have been used as abrasives. Since the end of the 19th century, artificial abrasives have been used for these purposes - electrocorundum, boron carbide, monocorundum, synthetic diamond, silicon carbide and others.

Tools can be made from a wide variety of abrasive materials. These include grinding wheels, cutting wheels, and whetstones. There are abrasives in the form of tapes and even sandpaper and pastes. In general, it should be noted that the variety of abrasives is currently great and each abrasive has its own density and hardness. There is a special scale that allows you to tell how strong and hard an abrasive is. From talc to diamond - different effects and actions of abrasives are obtained.

Why is it important to order from specialists?

It is important to know that sandblasting wood:

  • accompanied by a lot of noise and large amounts of dust;
  • requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists;
  • needs a whole range of equipment;
  • leaves behind a large amount of construction waste.

Conscientious contractors minimize risks, ensuring high-quality processing and results. Specialists from Ecoblasting clean wood at an average speed of 1 m2 per minute, which means the whole job will take no more than a few hours. After processing, construction waste is quickly removed, because the technology does not use toxic and highly dispersed substances.

How to select the necessary equipment and consumables

The equipment in this case is sandblasting machines. Despite their significant cost, they can bring a lot of benefits. The type of device is usually pressure, the volume of the chamber in liters may vary. Productivity is characterized by the volume of the surface being cleaned. There are quite a lot of offers even on the Internet.

Consumables are cartridges, oils, oil separators, drive belts, air and oil filters, fuel filters, maintenance kits. Equipment and materials must be selected taking into account the specific situation. You need to talk to specialists, go to the store, you can call the company and agree on everything. You need to understand the goal that you need to achieve, and then understand what equipment you need and buy it.

Sandblasting cost

Many probably thought that having such undeniable advantages, jet grinding of a log house cannot be cheap.
This is surprising, but the cost of the work is only slightly higher than the cost of traditional sanding. If we take into account the fact that when grinding with a grinder, a huge number of attachments are used, which greatly influence the final cost of the work, and blasting does not involve the use of consumables, in the end it turns out that the price of both works is almost the same. And this is one of the significant advantages of the new technique.

Non-contact grinding is carried out by an autonomous sandblasting machine running on diesel fuel, which eliminates the use of electricity in the customer’s home. At the same time, when grinding with an angle grinder, a lot of electrical energy is consumed. This circumstance also speaks in favor of sandblasting.

It should be noted that sanding small houses with a wall area of ​​less than 200 sq.m. turns out to be less profitable than processing large cottages. The cost of grinding includes transportation costs, which increase the price of the work.

Best models

Good models of sandblasting equipment are equipped with abrasive supply systems, as well as abrasive suction and regeneration systems. They also have a dust removal system and an air filtration system. Cabinets must be equipped with special ejector-type pistols with manual or foot control.

Nowadays there is a large selection of equipment. But in any case, at the customer’s request, the installation can be equipped with an air filtration unit with polyester filters, for example. It all depends on the specific situation. Example - Mini office DCM 161, DSMG, Zitrek DSMG-25, Contracor DBS-50RC, Bezhetsky ASO-150. There are also services that offer the development of sandblasting equipment specifically for your purpose.

Sandblasting I-30-M2

It costs about 15 thousand rubles. It can be purchased in online stores and on specialized websites. You can purchase it with home delivery. The productivity of this device is up to 3 square meters per hour. Operating pressure range up to 7 bar, abrasive hopper volume – 30 liters, air flow – up to 1.2 cubic meters per minute. Weight 18 kilograms. The brand belongs to PC Pnevmostroytekhnika.

DSMG device

The DSMG sandblasting machine is a pressure type. Its working pressure is 8 atmospheres. Surface cleaning capacity is 20 square meters per hour. Abrasive consumption up to 300 kg per square meter. Operating temperature is from 5 to 35 degrees Celsius. The length of the pressure hose is no more than 10 meters. It costs just under 60 thousand rubles.

Zitrek DSMG-25

These devices have good surface cleaning performance, up to 10 sq.m. per hour. They cost more than 30 thousand rubles. They have a pleasant appearance. They are controlled manually. Operating temperature is from 5 to 35 degrees Celsius.

Contracor DBS-50RC

This is a manual sandblaster. Operating temperature from minus 10 to plus 50. Manufacturer – Germany. The equipment has a pleasant appearance, is efficient and highly productive.

Bezhetsky ASO-150

This is equipment from the Bezhetsk plant. The receiver holds up to 400 liters. Operating pressure is 8 bar, this is the version without a dryer. It has a creative look, nice color. The price is above 200 thousand rubles.

Brushing effect

Artificially aged wooden surfaces are a trend in design. Brushing is one of the techniques used by craftsmen. Sandblasting also gives this effect.

The depth of the grooves depends on the hardness of the wood. Spruce will have the deepest marks, followed by pine, followed by cedar. But on log houses made of larch, this effect will not be noticeable at all, because this is very hard wood.

The intensity of “aging” is related to the time of exposure of the abrasive to the surface. And yet, on a rounded log the texture will appear more clearly than on a chopped one. This is due to the peculiarities of processing workpieces.


Different companies use different equipment and offer their own services. One of the specialists can travel, for example, for free. Mobility in any area is an advantage for ordering work. If you need to treat a wooden surface, the average price will be about 150 rubles per square meter. Painting will cost from 50 rubles per meter. Some craftsmen guarantee greater productivity, low cost of powder coating and durability of the work result.

In general, in order to clean, age or conduct some other cosmetic experiment on a wooden surface, for example, the wall of a log house, house, etc. – you will need special equipment. The choice is wide. And it is sandblasting wood that brings great results.

Advantages of the technique

Non-contact grinding of log frames ensures very high quality processing. The main advantage of the technology is the uniform removal of the top layer of wood, which is almost impossible to do manually.

After sanding, there are no traces left on the logs in the form of scratches, dents and irregularities, which very often appear on wood after processing it with a grinder, especially in cases where people who do not have professional skills take on the work.

The advantages of this method are also evident when processing an old wooden house. Painted walls can be easily cleaned of their previous paint coating, and dirt, rotten and blue areas can also be easily removed.

If we summarize all the advantages of the sandblasting technique, then in addition to the above, they look like this:

  1. High processing speed, which is four times higher than grinding with a grinder. Abrasive jet grinding allows processing up to 100 sq.m. wooden surface in one working day. But it should be borne in mind that these terms are relevant for new buildings; when sanding an old house, the time doubles.
  2. The impeccable quality of log polishing, provided that it is performed by qualified specialists, does not raise any complaints even among the most demanding customers.
  3. The technology allows you to process any areas of the log house to perfect condition: corner joints, chamfers, joints, inter-crown seams.
  4. As a result of processing, the wood is compacted by removing the soft layers of wood. This ensures better absorption of protective agents and longer service life of the paintwork.
  5. Possibility of treating darkened and fungus-affected surfaces without prior bleaching with special products.

Benefits of sanding from Royal Cedar

  • Individual approach.

    For each Customer, we select the best option depending on the expected result and the initial condition of the log. We recommend the sandblasting method for large houses; for small log houses, it is more advisable to do manual sanding.

  • High quality work.

    We use professional grinding tools for manual work. We have a device for applying protective compounds under high pressure (250 Bar), which ensures deep penetration of the products into the wood. Wall processing occurs immediately after finishing sanding work.

  • Convenient operating mode.

    We carry out work all year round. We travel to remote settlements. We have modern mobile equipment that does not require a powerful source of electricity.

Sandblasting of surfaces has the following main applications:

Sandblasting metal.

Sandblasting metal, cleaning metal surfaces from scale, old paint, rust and other contaminants. Sandblasting of metal is determined by degrees: Sa 1, Sa 2, Sa 2 1/2, Sa 3, according to ISO 8501-1:2007: “Preparation of the steel base before applying paints and similar coatings”, GOST 9.402-2004 also defines 4 degrees cleaning:

  • When inspected at 6x magnification, no scale or rust is detected.
  • When examined with the naked eye, mill scale, rust, burnt marks, molding sand residues and other non-metallic layers are not detected.
  • No more than 5% of the surface contains spots and stripes of tightly adhered mill scale and casting skin, visible to the naked eye. In any area of ​​the surface of the product, no more than 10% of the area of ​​the 25x25 mm plate is occupied by scale.
  • Rust and flaking scale have been removed from the surface.

How to add shine to the appearance of a wooden house?

Restoring the exterior of a wooden house involves refinishing, before which it is necessary to carefully sand the entire surface and all joints, otherwise the painting will not be of the highest quality and will definitely not last long.

Sanding can be done with a grinder (traditional method), and many people often do this. But the availability and low cost of this method are quite deceptive. In fact, such an event is extremely labor-intensive and time-consuming. It can take weeks or even months to completely treat your home.

I’ll tell you from my own experience, I hired a worker to polish two small rooms in the log house of a bathhouse, it took a very long time. Approximately 50 sq.m. He polished the log walls for a whole week. At the same time, in addition to paying for the work itself, I spent money on 10 expensive grinding wheels for an angle grinder and respirators. One grinder burned due to wood dust, and the second had to be cleaned after every working day.

Imagine how much time it will take to clean all the logs by hand. What if this is not a bathhouse, but a full-fledged house of 150 meters and two floors?

Sandblasting machines for garage

For this category, I selected inexpensive, structurally simple and repairable devices. They allow you to perform high-quality partial body repairs, decorative carpentry, and artistic glass and stone processing. Be prepared for the fact that their shut-off valves break, the main channels get clogged and the nozzles quickly wear out, which together leads to an uneven supply of abrasive and a decrease in the quality of processing. Blow out the system after work (it’s better if before each addition of abrasive). Do not leave sand in the tank, even for a day, if the machine does not have a lid or if the garage is not heated. Choose models of this class only for non-intensive use (up to 4 hours a week) - in this case, the cost and repair of the equipment will be economically justified.

Sand thrower from – from RUB 4,990.

An attachment for an angle grinder, which allows you to assemble a full-fledged sandblasting machine from an angle grinder. A compressor is not required for operation; the abrasive is accelerated due to the rotation of the throwing disc. A sandblasting machine is suitable for purchase by home craftsmen when there is no regular work for sandblasting and it is inappropriate to buy a full-fledged device. Suitable for cleaning metal surfaces before painting. Among the advantages, I would like to note the low price, high-quality assembled structure (which was a big surprise for me), thanks to the quality of the final work at the level of specialized installations. Among the shortcomings, I note an imperfect abrasive supply device - it is a plastic bottle into which sand is poured. For comfortable work there is not enough capacity and you have to interrupt work often.

You can watch the device in action in the video:

You can find out more about the device on the website of the sand blower supplier→

Forsage F-90SFSB – from RUB 5,634.

The simplest device is designed only for amateur small work in a leisurely mode. Sand is pulled out of the tank due to the attractive force of a powerful air flow (ejection principle). Ball valve, ceramic nozzles.

Features of Forsage F-90SFSB


  • Low price - thanks to Chinese mass production. It is more profitable to purchase Forsage F-90SFSB than to make an analogue yourself from new materials.
  • Dimensions – in original packaging, it fits in the trunk of a hatchback.
  • Maintainability - parts can be picked up at the nearest construction market.


  • The device does not have a filter or a lid on the abrasive container.


The more attentive you are to controlling the moisture content of the bulk abrasive, the longer the machine will last.
Technical characteristics of Forsage F-90SFSB

Tank capacity, l19
Allowable pressure range, bar4-8
Air consumption (abrasive), m³/min (kg/h)0.17-0.566 (130-250, 6mm nozzle)
Abrasive supply schemeEjector
Weight, kg10
Homeland of the brand / country of originRussia / China

Big Red TR4012 – from RUB 8,718.

The device is equipped with a tank that is spacious enough for amateur needs. The abrasive supply is pressure (part of the air flow is redirected to the tank, from where sand is pushed out by excess pressure). Only amateur exploitation shown.

Features of Big Red TR4012


  • Compactness – dimensions allow you to conveniently store and transport equipment with all hoses.
  • Price – due to Chinese production.
  • Productivity – the pressure circuit stabilizes the supply of abrasive. A uniform flow of particles quickly cleans any surface.
  • Maintainability - all work on replacing worn-out and cleaning clogged components can be done independently.


  • There is no air filter - only an additional cleaning unit on the line supplying air to the device will help prevent moisture from bulk abrasive.


To reduce the chance of condensation building up in the abrasive container, keep equipment warm or warm before use.
Technical characteristics of Big Red TR4012

Tank capacity, l40
Allowable pressure range, bar4-8
Air consumption (abrasive), m³/min (kg/h)0.17-0.71 (160-250, 6.5mm nozzle)
Abrasive supply schemeNadornaya
Weight, kg19
Homeland of the brand / country of originChina / China

Sorokin 10.2 – from RUB 10,499.

Simple design, with high-quality execution of all connections. The air is filtered at the intake manifold, and the abrasive supply intensity is adjusted using a ball valve. Meets all the needs of a garage workshop.

Features of Sorokin 10.2


  • Mobility - light weight and a pair of support wheels prevent any difficulties with moving the device, even when equipped.
  • The design includes a moisture-oil separating filter - eliminating the need to use additional equipment between the compressor and the sandblasting machine.


  • Non-automatic basic filter - you need to monitor the level of collected condensate and drain it as necessary.


If the relative air humidity (where the compressor operates) exceeds 90%, then the condensation filter must be freed of moisture each time abrasive is charged.
Technical characteristics of Sorokin 10.2

Tank capacity, l32
Allowable pressure range, bar4-9
Max. air consumption (abrasive), m³/min (kg/h) 0.17-0.707 (32-40 nozzle 2mm)
Abrasive supply schemeNadornaya
Weight, kg17
Homeland of the brand / country of originRussia / China

Impressions from using Sorokin 10.2. The video shows how the device cleaned a rusty tank:

Benefits of using new stripping technology

One of the main advantages of shot blasting is leveling and accuracy - after all the necessary actions are carried out, there are no scratches, cracks or other visual damage left on the log. In addition, when stripping an old wooden building, outdated paint and varnish coatings are most effectively removed, the part is prepared for further painting, after which the room takes on an updated, attractive look.

Among other advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • High speed of task completion. In a day you can easily process up to a hundred square meters of a relatively new building; a little more time is spent on older houses;
  • The quality of workmanship is almost impeccable, of course, subject to the work of a professional specialist. The result can exceed even the most demanding expectations;
  • Innovative technology is designed to effectively sand any areas, even the most difficult to access - corners, seams, joints and others;
  • Several hard layers are removed from the log, leaving a soft wood structure that efficiently absorbs all applied coatings;
  • Materials in any condition, even those susceptible to the formation of fungus, lend themselves well to finishing, getting rid of it.

In addition to all of the above, sandblasting, which is worth reading on the website , carefully prepares the log surface for further painting. Thanks to the resulting roughness, the paint is guaranteed to be firmly fixed to the part, preventing runoff, and also hardens much faster, becoming covered with a film. Subsequently, it is recommended to additionally apply a protective layer and varnish, which will protect against moisture and deformation under its influence. It is sandblasting that is guaranteed to allow the building to acquire its original appearance, look elegant and attractive.

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