Technoplankton recipes for the press for catching silver carp

A trophy in the form of a silver carp in almost all cases impresses with its size and unforgettable emotions from the process of fishing. After all, some specimens of this representative of the carp fish species reach a mass of more than two dozen kilograms and, when caught, are capable of offering decent resistance to the fisherman. In practice, there is an opinion that silver carp is an elusive fish that can only be caught by accident as bycatch when catching carp. Purposefully, many fishermen do not even plan to fish for silver carp, although there are already sufficiently developed technologies for catching fish, albeit not entirely standard and familiar fishing methods, but quite feasible both in terms of equipping the hunt with the necessary equipment and in developing promising strategies.

One of the key points of successful fishing is the ability to competently assemble a kind of equipment, where the role of bait and at the same time bait is played by such an element as technoplankton for silver carp. It is thanks to this combined attachment that silver carp fishing has become a completely solvable task for every fishing enthusiast. In continuation of our article, we will talk about this innovative and effective bait and find out how you can prepare it yourself at home. It would be useful for the fisherman to get acquainted with information on the configuration of gear for technoplankton and common fishing techniques.

What is technoplankton on silver carp?

Fishing for silver carp using technoplankton is considered a priority type of catch for this fish. The bait, made in a factory and offered in fishing stores, looks like it is pressed into a large tablet or granule of dry nutrient mass with mounting holes that allow you to securely fasten the element as part of the equipment. The tablet itself consists of a mixture of ingredients that are attractive to fish and all kinds of flavorings, which attract the trophy to the fishing point with their smell.

The components of the tablets, and they initially represent a fine-grained mass, are mixed with each other, moistened to the parameters required for gluing and pressed under high pressure. After drying, mounting holes are drilled in the granules and the ready-to-use product is vacuum packed. The tablets differ in size and composition of ingredients and attractant, which allows the fisherman to select a certain type of bait for individual fishing conditions.

The basis for the production of granules is finely ground cereal crops, and concentrates of sweet odors are most often used as flavoring agents. Each manufacturer keeps the secrets of the recipes for their product, but the technology for preparing technoplankton remains similar for all companies and, if desired, the fisherman can independently prepare a version of the bait at home that is completely appropriate for the conditions for successful catching of silver carp.


  1. When preparing the mixture, pay attention to what type of fishing you are doing it for.
  2. At different times of the year, silver carp likes different flavors of bait.
  3. If the pond is heavily bloomed due to the heat, then the fish, on the contrary, will not be interested in feeding due to the abundance of food in the pond. During such periods, for fishing, look for bodies of water with clean water.
  4. When fishing with bottom gear, be sure to “raise” the hooks above the technoplanton using foam balls; when fishing with float gear, there is no need to hook them.
  5. If the current carries a cloud of food away from the hooks, then you can use a small sliding weight on the fishing line (cord) between the float and the rod. Be careful, when retrieving your catch, the tackle may become tangled.
  6. Don't forget to frequently replace your hooks with new ones or at least sharpen them before each fishing trip.

Why technoplankton attracts silver carp

A fisherman often has a very common question: why is it the most realistic and easiest way to catch silver carp using plankton? It all depends on the properties of this specific bait, the operating principle of which is focused on the natural behavior of fish feeding in the water column on natural bioplankton, most often of a plant nature, or rather, small microalgae concentrated in a certain area of ​​the reservoir. Natural food in the form of turbidity is filtered by the fish, thus saturating the schools moving in search of the most nutritious places with algae.

Important! The operating principle of technoplankton is based on the gradual dissolution of nutrients in water, which results in the creation of an intense turbid spot.

In addition to visual appeal, the artificially created spot has an attractive aroma that collects fish from long distances. A fish that comes close to the equipment with bait, that is, a technoplankton tablet, begins to intensively filter the water, sucking up aromatic turbidity like a vacuum cleaner. Straining the water, the trophy swallows the hooks located near the granules, self-hatching during installation. Thus, the main attractiveness of the granule is based on the ability of the bait to create a cloudy trail with odors that increase and stimulate the appetite of the fish.

The tablet simultaneously performs the functions of bait and the bait itself. Hooks in most cases are used without additional attachments. High-quality and effective granules dissolve in water gradually, over the course of one and a half to two hours, emitting an aroma that attracts fish and releasing a stable trail of turbidity, equal in intensity and density. A feed composition that instantly dissolves and sinks to the bottom, and these signs indicate a low quality product, will not attract fish feeding in the water column, and therefore will not give the expected fishing result in the form of catching silver carp.

Characteristics of technoplankton

The physical basis of such a bait is a combination of various components that have certain proportions. Technoplankton is made in the form of a barrel, which, when dropped into water, behaves in a very unique way.

Once in the water, the components begin to slowly dissolve, creating a huge cloud of small particles that silver carp love. This is especially interesting if you look at this cloud from the side: it is similar to a huge amount of small particles suspended in water that attract silver carp.

How does the keg work?

The operation of a pressed barrel is very simple, and everything that is very simple is considered ingenious. The rig has hooks on leashes of different lengths. When a voluminous food cloud appears, the hooks are located inside it. Silver carp, sucking in technoplankton, also sucks in hooks.

The bait is quite versatile and can be used on any water horizon, including the bottom.

But for this:

Technoplankton recipes for catching silver carp

At home, you can master making dust bait using a few simple technoplankton recipes for catching silver carp. To grind the cereal grains or cereals used in mixtures into dust, you only need a regular coffee grinder. A pre-prepared matrix form into which the moistened composition will be pressed will help give the bait a tablet appearance.

Recipe 1

We take semolina and corn flour in equal parts, once again thoroughly grinding into a fine, dust-like fraction. To the mixture add a third of the volume of breadcrumbs mixed with the same volume of steeply brewed corn porridge. For one and a half kilograms of the resulting dough, we use 300 grams of vanilla sugar as a sweetener. Mix the mixture, slightly moistening it with water, until a plastic sticky mass is obtained. At the last stage of cooking, add 3-5 tablespoons of honey. After this, the product is pressed into molds and dried.

Recipe 2

For cooking you will need a can of condensed milk mixed using a mixer with corn flour and milk powder. The final structure of the mixture should resemble a thick, creamy substance. Place this mixture in the freezer for 30–45 minutes and after it hardens, mix with breadcrumbs until an elastic dough-like mass is obtained. Now all that remains is to pack the raw bait into molds and then dry it. An alternative to drying is to use the raw mixture in special feeders.

Recipe 3

To implement this technology for preparing dust granules, you will need to mix 300 grams of wheat flour with the same amount of finely ground corn product. Add 200 grams of breadcrumbs and 150 grams of milk powder or cream to the mixture. Mix the composition thoroughly again and add 100 grams of sugar syrup, which will also act as a humectant that regulates the plasticity of the dough. After mixing, we press the product into molds and dry it at room temperature for 3–4 days, obtaining a strong, odorous tablet that generates a lot of dust when dissolved in water.

Do-it-yourself technoplankton and a press for it - production and recipes

Fishing means something different for every lover of this type of recreation, but a fish on a hook in any case is a welcome end to it. In order for the bite to be successful, it is necessary to master a considerable number of subtleties.

In particular, study the tastes of fish. For example, silver carp, as well as carp, small carp, carp, bream, roach, crucian carp or catfish can be caught using technoplankton.

This is a briquette-barrel of a mixture of nutrients that gradually dissolves in water.

The effectiveness of fishing for technoplankton depends on:

  • quality and composition of technoplankton;
  • the concentration of nutrients in the cloud of food it produces;
  • whether the hooks are located directly in the cloud.

Operating principle - how technoplankton works

The operating principle of technoplankton is simple. Several hooks suspended in parallel are attached to the hole for the equipment in the briquette. When the inhabitants of a reservoir swim to a cloud of food formed by technoplankton and begin to eat it, they do not see the hooks and swallow them.

The versatility of technoplankton lies in the fact that it is used both for catching fish at the bottom and on the surface with a float:

  • For fishing on the bottom, it is better to use instant plankton, which dissolves in about half an hour.
  • for float tackle or when there is no bite, it is better to use “long-lasting” types that dissolve for several hours.

They fish with this type of equipment from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

Composition of technoplankton

Technoplankton, which is logical, is made as attractive as possible for fish. The feed ingredients are selected in such a way that they have different specific gravity and buoyancy, respectively, due to which a different level cloud of nutrients appears in the water.

The composition of the finished technoplankton remains with the manufacturer. As for self-made, it is good to use the following ingredients in its composition:

  1. Fillers. Everything ground to flour - oatmeal, corn or popcorn, millet, buckwheat, peas (boiled or raw), breadcrumbs, dry cookies.
  2. Adhesive components (glue and do not allow to dissolve quickly). Dextrin, maltodextrin, technorapid, milk powder, cream powder, powdered sugar. It is better to use a mixture of maltodextrin and powdered sugar (there is literally a little less powder), rather than them separately.
  3. Flavors. Can be used in any form. It is necessary to add such an amount at which the kneading will be obvious and stable. Most of all, fish loves sweet aromas: honey, strawberry, caramel, vanilla, raspberry.
  4. Dissolution retardant. Typically starch or rice flour is used.
  5. Humidifier. Usually water is added.
  6. A bubbling ingredient helps create a geyser effect, which promotes the dissolution of components when placed in water (any effervescent tablets, baking soda + citric acid, dry kvass starter), ratio 1/6 to the total mass.

Recipes for making your own technoplakton

Each fisherman makes the composition in his own way, but there are several of the most popular mixtures, which we will focus on.

Recipe 1:

  • 200 grams of corn flour (you can make it from popcorn ground in a coffee grinder);
  • 200 grams of wheat flour;
  • 300 grams of oatmeal flour;
  • 200 grams of semolina flour;
  • 150 grams of soda + lemon juice.

All ingredients must be mixed and sprinkled with water. When the dough becomes plastic, it must be placed in a press and made into briquettes, or it can be baked in a microwave oven. The effervescent mixture must be mixed with the mass immediately before pressing.

Recipe 2:

  • 0.5 kg of raw semolina;
  • 0.5 kg corn flour;
  • 300 grams of breadcrumbs;
  • 300 grams of mamalyga;
  • 300 grams of sugar.

Mix everything until smooth and dilute with honey solution, gradually.

Recipe 3:

  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • Powdered milk mixture;
  • Powder cake.

Pour a can of condensed milk into a bowl and gradually stir in the dry ingredients until the mixture reaches the consistency of sour cream. Milk and cake should be added in equal quantities. Place this in the freezer for half an hour.

Then we take it out and knead it into a tight dough, again adding dry ingredients in equal quantities. Add the bulk part a little at a time; if you add a lot at once, the dough may thicken too quickly. Moisten slightly with water to make it sticky.

At the end we pass it through a sieve and press it.

Recipe 4 for feeding on the bottom:

  • 0.5 kg of dog food;
  • 100 grams of roasted ground peanuts;
  • 50 grams of dry sweet pepper;
  • 1 cup powdered sugar.

If you want to use this recipe for float fishing, add more dry ingredients.

Recipe 5:

  • 250 grams of ready-made fruit jelly;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • Any combination of crushed cereal flakes, breadcrumbs and powdered milk.

Mix the cooled jelly with honey, and then gradually add the dry mixture into it until a moist (but not wet) mixture is formed. Place the compressed barrels on a napkin to dry completely.

Recipe 6:

  • 350 g ground flour;
  • 350 g raw sunflower seeds;
  • 150 grams of wheat flour;
  • 150 grams of rice flour;
  • 1 cup corn flakes;
  • 100 grams of milk powder.

First grind all components to a powder using a coffee grinder, and then mix.

Recipe 7:

  • 250 grams of sunflower seeds;
  • 150 grams of shortbread cookies with creamy taste;
  • 125 grams of dry cream;
  • 250 grams of cooked peas;
  • 250 grams of fish bait;
  • 250 grams of semolina;
  • 125 grams of protein powder;
  • Flavoring.

Grind all ingredients and mix.

Recipe 8:

  • 0.5 kg corn flour;
  • 250 g rice flour;
  • 250 g pea flour;
  • 250 g buckwheat flour;
  • 250 g milk baby food with rice;
  • 250 grams of raw peanuts;
  • 250 g raw sunflower seeds without peel;
  • Honey syrup.

Recipe 9:

  • 1 tbsp. Sunflower seed;
  • 150 grams of dry cookies with vanilla flavor;
  • 250 grams of chopped popcorn;
  • 250 grams of semolina;
  • 250 grams of corn flour;
  • 250 grams of milk powder;
  • 125 grams of cucumber flour.

To make cucumber flour, you need to grate the cucumber, dry it and then grind it. The flour has a fairly strong aroma, which attracts silver carp well.

Recipe 10:

  • 4 parts flour for hominy;
  • 4 parts millet flour;
  • 1 part rice flour;
  • 1 part milk powder;
  • Vanilla flavored sugar syrup.

Mix everything, adding syrup periodically. The total syrup should be added to about 30% of the total mass. Then let the mixture rest for 60 minutes. And at the end, we pass through a coarse sieve, press and dry.

Sugar syrup: 1 part water + 1 part sugar + vanilla, boil everything for 20 minutes and cool. If you need to increase buoyancy, add crushed cork.

Features of preparing technoplankton depending on fishing conditions

When preparing technoplankton, you need to consider what type of fishing you are preparing it for: surface (float) or bottom:

  1. To fish on the bottom, you definitely need to add ingredients that will “dust”, components that can float (ground wine cork, bran, etc.).
  2. For surface fishing, these should be substances that dissolve gradually and leave a large cloudy trail behind in the water.

Press for the production of technoplankton

To prepare technoplankton at home, you need to get a press.

There are several types of presses for its manufacture:

  1. Pressing with a manual screw press.
  2. Squeezing with a jack.
  3. Using a high pressure hydraulic press.
  4. Pressing in the microwave.

Simple cold pressing mold:

  1. Glass for pressing. You need a metal tube 8-10 cm long with a small diameter and a thread at the end for screwing on the plug.
  2. Cork. A screw-on plug for water pipes can be used as a plug.
  3. Pin for a hole in the tackle. You need to drill a hole in the plug cap and fix a thin but strong pin in it to make a hole in the finished barrel. Screw the plug onto the main tube.
  4. Seal. To compact the substance, you need to select a metal cylinder of such a diameter that it fits tightly and easily into the tube. The length of the cylinder should be the same as that of the tube. You can also screw a plug onto the inner piston cylinder from above.

Scheme of work:

  1. Screw the plug onto the main tube.
  2. Fill the tube with the mixture.
  3. Insert the piston.
  4. Clamp the structure using a bench vice, jack or clamp.
  5. Remove the piston and unscrew the cap from the tube.
  6. Push out the resulting barrel of technoplankton.

For pressing in the microwave, you can use several options:

  1. Using a plastic tube. From a plastic pipe of small diameter (about 30 mm, maybe smaller), you need to cut a piece of about 4-7 cm. Then you need to select 2 plugs that will tightly close both ends of the tube. Immediately close one end with a stopper and stuff the mixture tightly. Close the other end with a stopper and bake in the microwave. You can simply try to tightly fill a piece of tube without lids and put it in the oven. But with one lid, this form is much more convenient to fill out.
  2. Using a syringe. You need 2 disposable syringes with a volume of 20 ml. Cut the syringe from the side of the needle nose so that you get a cylinder. On the one hand, plug the syringe with a piston, fill it with the substance and, on the other hand, press it tightly with a piston from another syringe. Then you can leave the second piston, or you can remove it and put the cylinder in the microwave.

Cold pressing and microwave, what's the difference?

During cold pressing, the prepared mixture is placed in a device and, using pressure, gives it hardness, turning it into a tablet barrel.

When pressing in a microwave, the energy of electromagnetic radiation is used. To do this, the substance is placed in a plastic tube with stoppers at both ends and baked until the desired state is reached for about 20–30 seconds. Instead of a tube, you can take a disposable large syringe.

As a result of using these two methods, you will get almost the same result.


  1. When preparing the mixture, pay attention to what type of fishing you are doing it for.
  2. At different times of the year, silver carp likes different flavors of bait.
  3. If the pond is heavily bloomed due to the heat, then the fish, on the contrary, will not be interested in feeding due to the abundance of food in the pond. During such periods, for fishing, look for bodies of water with clean water.
  4. When fishing with bottom gear, be sure to “raise” the hooks above the technoplanton using foam balls; when fishing with float gear, there is no need to hook them.
  5. If the current carries a cloud of food away from the hooks, then you can use a small sliding weight on the fishing line (cord) between the float and the rod. Be careful, when retrieving your catch, the tackle may become tangled.
  6. Don't forget to frequently replace your hooks with new ones or at least sharpen them before each fishing trip.


Technoplankton fishing gear

As a rule, the best time to catch silver carp using plankton is summer. The equipment or so-called stick for silver carp can be supplied to hunting zones using float or bottom gear. The device consists of a diamond-shaped or square type frame with a sliding pin. The pin is used for fastening the granules, and the frame-bracket is for mounting leashes with hooks and attaching the equipment to the tackle cord. Leashes with hooks are attached to the rings of the frame in such a way that they fall into the zone of intense turbidity, where with a high degree of probability they will be sucked up by the fish filtering the nutrient composition that approaches the smell and dust plume.

The hook feed distance is adjusted by the length of the leash. The thickness of the nylon leash is taken to be no less than 0.3 mm. The hooks themselves have a design with a shortened forend, numbers 8-9 according to the domestic classification, and are made of thick wire that can withstand high loads without bending capabilities. Continuing the article, we will consider the criteria for the gear necessary to submit a rig with bait in the form of technoplankton.

Float rod

A float rod is the most effective type of tackle for catching silver carp. Fish most often feed in the middle or upper water horizons, and it is with float rigs that it is convenient to regulate the supply of bait to promising feeding layers of active schools. The gear chosen is a powerful match rod 4–5 meters long, capable of providing long-distance deliveries of heavy rigs and coping with landing large fish. The fishing rod is equipped with a carp spinning reel with a baitrunner and a capacious spool, which should easily accommodate 100–120 meters of monofilament fishing line with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm.

The float must be made of dense polystyrene and its mass must be suitable for holding the installation in the prospective water horizon. The upper part of the float is painted in a bright color that is noticeable to the eye, the lower surface is masked by painting it in dark green tones. Balancing of equipment is carried out with lead weights. When fishing in windy weather and on currents, the rig is anchored with a sliding weight.


Fishing for technoplankton can be done with an ordinary classic bottom rod mounted on a heavy spinning or feeder rod equipped with a carp reel. Unlike float rigs, which are fed directly into the fish feeding horizon, the bottom fishing technique involves feeding the rig with technoplankton to the bottom and installing an additional float on the fishing device, which raises the bait in the water column to the level required by the fishing conditions. The foam float plays the role of ballast, and the quiver tip of the tackle acts as a bite alarm. With this method of fishing, hooks can be equipped with foam peas that push leads to the surface, into a plume of turbidity moving to higher water horizons.

How to make technoplankton with your own hands: composition of the mixture, cooking recipes

In order for fishing to be completed successfully, you need to master a large number of subtleties. It is important, for example, to study the taste preferences of fish. In particular, silver carp, carp, grass carp, roach and crucian carp love technoplankton. This is a special mixture of nutrients produced in the form of braces. After getting into water it gradually dissolves.

Using technoplankton is extremely simple. The briquette has a hole for equipment. A number of hooks are attached to it, which should be suspended in parallel. As soon as the inhabitants of the reservoir swim up to the cloud of food, they begin to eat the food, do not notice the hooks and swallow them.

The versatility of technoplankton lies in the fact that:

  • it is suitable for catching fish on the bottom;
  • it is considered effective when fishing on the surface with a float.

If you have to fish on the bottom, it is better to use instant options. They disintegrate in about half an hour.

If there is a suspicion that the bite will not last for a long time, it is advisable to use the so-called long-playing types. It takes several hours for them to dissolve.

These types of plankton are also suitable for float gear. Use this type of equipment from mid-spring to mid-autumn.

Bait for carp

This recipe is well suited for fish from the carp family . It includes:

  • corn flour - 100 g;
  • soy flour or complementary food for carp - 100 g;
  • bran - 10 g;
  • dextrin - 30 g;
  • honey - 16 g;
  • water - 16 g;
  • jar of anise oil.

All components of this recipe are mixed in a mixer and then put under pressure. A universal recipe for any type of fish includes:

  • ready-made fruit jelly - 250 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • oat flour - 100 g;
  • rye, corn, pea flour - 100 g each;
  • bran - 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs, rice flakes - 100 g each;
  • crushed sunflower seeds - 200 g;
  • effervescent mixture - 175 g.

To prepare bait for bottom fishing, you need:

  • dog food - 0.5 kg;
  • roasted ground peanuts - 100 g;
  • dried sweet peppers - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup.

A similar recipe can be used for float fishing, but it will require more dry ingredients.

Influence of fishing conditions

To prepare technoplankton recipes with your own hands, you don’t need anything complicated, but it doesn’t hurt to take a number of points into account. First of all, these are fishing conditions. If you are going to fish on the bottom, you will need substances that dissolve gradually and leave a significant cloudy trace behind.

If we are talking about fishing on the bottom, you definitely need to add ingredients that tend to “dust”. These should be components that can float, for example, bran, a wine cork, ground to small particles.

Press for the production of technoplankton

Such equipment is a must for those who plan to prepare technoplankton at home on their own. There are several types of it:

  • mechanical screw press;
  • high pressure hydraulic press.

An alternative may be methods for obtaining technoplankton, such as microwave pressing and squeezing with a jack.

A simple modification for cold pressing includes the following components:

  • Cup. Intended for pressing out. You will need a metal tube 10 cm long with a small diameter and a thread at one end so that you can screw on the plug.
  • Cork. Its role can be played by a screw-on plug for a water pipe.
  • Pin. Used for holes in gear. Holes are drilled in the plug cap and a strong and thin bayonet is fixed in it. It is required to make a hole in the finished barrel. The plug is screwed onto the main tube.
  • Seal. A metal cylinder of such a diameter is selected that it easily fits into the tube and is pressed tightly against it. The cylinder should have the same length as the tube. You can screw the same plug onto the internal piston.

Work algorithm:

  • a plug is screwed onto the main tube;
  • the tube is filled with a batch;
  • the piston is inserted;
  • The structure is clamped with a jack or a bench vise;
  • the piston is removed, after which the cap of the tube is unscrewed;
  • the resulting barrel of technoplankton is pushed out.

To do similar processes in a microwave oven, there are several options.

Application of plastic tube

Take a plastic pipe of small diameter - approximately 30 mm. Cut a piece 7 cm long. Take two plugs and tightly close both ends of the tube.

One end is closed with a stopper, and the mixture is pushed into the opposite end. The opposite end is closed with a stopper. After this, you can send the mixture to bake in the microwave.

You don't have to use lids to cover the tubes and just leave the food ball to bake.

Using a syringe

Take 2 disposable syringes with a volume of 20 ml. From the side of the needle nose, one syringe is cut to form a cylinder. On one side it is baked by a piston and filled with substance. On the other hand, it is clamped tightly with a piston from another syringe. Following this, you can insert a second piston. At the same time, you can take it out and put the cylinder in the microwave.

Cold pressing in microwave oven

During cold pressing, the finished mixture is placed into equipment and hardened using pressure. At the same time, it turns into a barrel-tablet.

If a microwave oven is used for these purposes, then the energy of electromagnetic radiation is used. The substance is placed in a plastic tube with stoppers at both ends. When cold pressing, hold the mixture for no more than 30 seconds.

How to catch silver carp using technoplankton

By purchasing a dusty flavored tablet or mastering the art of making technoplankton with your own hands, as well as collecting the appropriate equipment, it is quite simple to understand the secrets of catching silver carp.

Important! It is more promising to catch silver carp in the early morning and evening hours before sunset at long distances from the shore.

To install the rod, select a section of the coastline with a gentle entry into the water free of algae and no obstacles for long casts, bushes or trees. The installation is delivered to the longest possible distance into a free area of ​​water with depths from 2 to 5 meters, without being particularly tied to certain bottom anomalies and thicket banks.

Schools of active silver carp constantly comb the reservoir, looking for attractive plankton and, following the trail of smell and dust, sooner or later they will definitely come out for bait. The fish bite is gentle without harshness or aggression. The trophy who takes the hook smoothly moves the float to the side or gradually loads the quivertip, pulling the cord from the reel, turning on the baitrunner. Having determined the bite, you should make a control soft hook and start landing fish. If there is a specimen weighing 1–3 kg on the hook, the fishing is forced, preventing the trophy from being pulled away from the shore by the rig.

Large specimens are pulled in by pumping out the tackle with a whip and a reel, monotonously tiring the fish. The jerking of a ten-kilogram silver carp during high-speed fishing will certainly lead to breakage of the equipment. Having brought the trophy to the shore, the fish are taken by entering the water in a landing net, which is why, when choosing a place to set up the tackle, they pay attention to the flat and shallow coastlines, which contribute to the comfort of fishing.

Bait and groundbait

Technoplankton is still the favorite in silver carp fishing. You have to buy bait in stores, but the pleasure you get from fishing is worth the money spent. The powder contains various flavoring and appetite-inducing substances. All this is complemented by flavorings. There are many varieties of baits available, allowing you to choose the optimal scent. These are scents such as:

  • original;
  • bloodworm;
  • honey;
  • strawberries;
  • blood;
  • anise;
  • raspberries;
  • vanilla, etc.

However, some fishermen are trying to counter the monopoly of technoplankton with their own recipes. So far they are suitable only in some specific and well-studied bodies of water. The main magical property of technoplankton barrels is the slow soaking of the bait in the water. The result is an attractive and flavorful food stain. Thus, a barrel of technoplankton becomes both bait and groundbait.

Catching grass carp on a feeder - a detailed guide to making equipment and choosing bait with groundbait.

Carp are most often found in the same reservoir with silver carp; learn about the technique of catching this strong and beautiful fish in the article about float fishing for carp.

A large and detailed article on rigging a float rod yourself.

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