Gas stove (burner) for wok or cauldron. powerful burner 25 kW in Vladivostok

Description of different stoves for cauldrons

In general, the stove is a cylinder about half a meter high with a hole at the top into which the cauldron extends at least 2/3 of its height.

The grate is located under the bottom of the dish at such a distance that the heat of the flame evenly covers its bottom and walls.

There are several options for making a stove for a cauldron at home:

  • made of metal;
  • from car rims;
  • with a gas burner.

Made of metal

The design of the stove is a cylinder with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of up to 0.5 m. Instead of a bottom, a grate is inserted - a grate on which solid fuel (wood or coal) is burned. A hole is made in the lid to fit the upper diameter of the cauldron so that its edges rise 2-4 cm above the lid. The working chamber cylinder is mounted on three welded supports.

A metal stove moves freely to any place in a summer cottage, unlike stationary stone structures. The working chamber of the furnace quickly melts and heats up, allowing you to save fuel.

Reference. The disadvantage of the device is the lack of a direct chimney. Installing a pipe will make the structure heavier and more complicated, and the escape of smoke through the holes under the lid will interfere with cooking.

From car rims

Another version of the stove consists of two longitudinally welded disks, one of which has a damper cut out. The unit is small in size and weight, which allows it to be transported in the trunk of a car. The material for the furnace is the most economical, and the simplicity of the design will allow even an inexperienced craftsman to make the device in a few hours.

Important! The diameter of the upper part and the convexity inside the disk do not allow installing any cauldron into such a device, so before choosing this option, find out the dimensions of the existing dishes and disks. Small holes around the top and bottom of the oven create good draft without interfering with cooking

Small holes around the top and bottom of the oven create good draft without interfering with cooking.

Photo 1. The finished stove is made from two car rims: one has a door cut out, the other is used as a stand for a cauldron.


A stove with a gas burner is made of metal or brick, differing from other options in the type of fuel. The gas unit has a lower height than a wood-burning or iron device and is mounted on a tripod. The main advantages of such stoves include:

  • ease of operation;
  • possibility of precise adjustment of combustion temperature;
  • small sizes.

Gas combustion in the stove is maintained using portable household cylinders weighing 5-10 kg, which are connected through a special hose at the food preparation site.

Attention! The use of gas furnaces requires increased attention and compliance with fire safety precautions. Combustion stability is largely determined by the quality of the connection between the incoming gas valve and the burner nozzle

Manufacturing a stove with a gas burner requires high-quality materials and a responsible approach from the craftsman

Combustion stability is largely determined by the quality of the connection between the incoming gas valve and the burner nozzle. Manufacturing a stove with a gas burner requires high-quality materials and a responsible approach from the craftsman.

Photo 2. Gas stove for a cauldron. At the bottom of the product there is a burner that runs on gas.

Cast iron stove for cauldron

Cast iron, as the best material for such stoves, allows you to save fuel due to the rapid heating of the stove, as well as slow cooling.

A cast iron stove is more stable due to its weight, which is important. It is also much less susceptible to corrosion.

A cast iron stove will not burn out, as it has high heat resistance. And the appearance of cast iron stoves pleases with variety.

A cast iron stove for a cauldron will help you not only prepare wonderful, aromatic dishes of oriental cuisine, but will also last for many years, passing in your family from generation to generation.

A cast iron stove is the most suitable option for installation on site, since it combines the following features:

  • easy movement of the unit from one place to another;
  • stability and safety during operation;
  • saving on fuel (wood) due to a closed firebox.

On a cast iron fireplace, in addition to traditional dishes cooked in a cauldron, you can cook fish, kebabs and other delicious foods.

The design of a cast iron stove is similar in appearance to a cylinder with a bottom, but with an open top. The cast iron unit is equipped with legs and a door for easy combustion.

Chimneys for cast iron structures can be of three types:


in the form of small triangular cutouts in the upper part of the cylinder;


The price of a cast iron unit directly depends on the thickness of the material and the complexity of the purchased structure. The most expensive on the market are metal and cast iron products, slightly cheaper are those made of stainless steel, and other types are quite inexpensive.

It is not recommended to purchase very cheap devices, since their metal quickly burns out, making further use of the product impossible.

Cast iron stoves are the most popular because they retain heat for the longest possible time, and their only drawback is their heavy weight.

This material practically does not warp from high temperatures, does not burn out, and is not subject to corrosion. Thanks to these properties, a cast iron cauldron stove will serve you faithfully for many years. And a cauldron made of such material, with regular use, is gradually covered with a thin layer of soot, protecting it from burning. Impregnation with oils and fat extends life.

However, stoves are also made of brick or thick metal. They can be gas - a good option for hiking and more. However, you certainly won’t get the characteristic smoky aroma from a gas fire.

To do this, the smoke should hover slightly over the food being prepared, and the cauldron should be deep enough with a rounded bottom.

Craftsmen make brick ovens with their own hands. For those not inclined to such creativity, it will not be difficult to purchase a ready-made cast iron stove for a cauldron. Nowadays there are many of them sold, in a wide range. And don’t forget to buy a cast iron cauldron for it.

A cast iron stove under a cauldron allows you to prepare a variety of dishes, ranging from simple boiling water and cooking soups, to traditional smoky dishes, such as triple fish soup, tourist conder and others.

Many oriental dishes are also prepared this way, but always in a brick oven. The combustion part in it should heat up quickly and release heat slowly. This is the only way you can cook, for example, real Uzbek pilaf.

Cast iron stoves for cauldrons are good because they allow you to make your favorite dish, using fuel economically, since the fire inside them is well protected from the wind. In such conditions, the cauldron warms up quickly and evenly, and the food in it turns out to be finger-licking.

If you want to cook your favorite dishes not only at the dacha or your home plot, but also somewhere on a camping trip, you will need a collapsible cast iron stove for a cauldron. Although it is a little heavy, it will fit perfectly in the trunk and will reach the right place, where you will collect it and delight the company of fellow travelers with aromatic dishes.

Features of operation

The most important thing in using gas burners at home is compliance with safety regulations during operation. Equipment operating on gas requires special control. The following rules must be observed:

  • before each use, it is necessary to check the integrity of the component parts of all equipment (connecting threads, propane cylinder, hose);
  • timely elimination of various damages, replacement of spare parts and breakdowns;
  • When using for the first time, you should carefully study the instructions, only then proceed to use;
  • if a new cylinder is connected, so that the burner interacts evenly, you need to bleed the air;
  • when installing the structure, place it only on flat surfaces, especially for models with stands;
  • a correctly chosen place with an excellent surface will eliminate the need for wind barriers and tilting the burner during the cooking process;
  • Use outdoors rather than inside a tent is recommended;
  • carefully inspect the cylinder for integrity, monitor the quality of the fuel.
  • It is recommended to periodically clean the nozzles with a sharp needle, as the holes become clogged with repeated use;
  • do not skimp on spare parts, carrying out repairs in a timely manner to avoid dangerous situations;
  • keep the tank away from fire;
  • When starting work in low temperature conditions, preheat the cylinder. It would be even more practical to wrap the cylinder with a thick warming material to prevent the fuel from freezing or use a backing.
  • After finishing cooking, be sure to turn off the fuel supply;
  • Before disconnecting the burner, check that it has completely cooled down;
  • Do not leave switched on equipment unattended to avoid fire hazards.

Undoubtedly, there is no ideal gas burner that meets all the needs of most consumers. But knowing your needs and preferences, having carefully studied the technical characteristics of the models, the pros and cons of gas equipment, you can make a worthy choice. The main thing is to know the principles of operation and highlight the tasks that the purchase of a gas burner will solve.

Review of the gas burner model “TAGAN TG-26” in the video below.


There are a variety of gas microburners for cauldrons, which differ in the type of fuel used, design, and power. Each of them is characterized by a number of features and advantages, which allows the user to choose the optimal solution for themselves.

By design

The cauldron has a wide bottom, so when choosing or creating a device yourself, you need to take these design features into account. The units are made from a variety of metals. The most durable products include cast iron microburners, resistant to various mechanical damages. In order to ensure comfortable use of the equipment, it is recommended to give preference to options with piezo ignition and power control.

According to design, there are several types of gas burners:

  1. On-balance - they look like a compact gas stove for a cauldron, which is light in weight. The devices are installed on the cylinder. You can place dishes with a volume of no more than 3 liters on top.
  2. With a hose - this is a burner for a cauldron, which is connected to the cylinder using a flexible pipe. The device is used to install dishes that have impressive weight and dimensions. This becomes possible thanks to the presence of massive legs with a wide setting.
  3. With a horizontal cylinder arrangement, these are the most budget-friendly devices, the operation of which is carried out using simple collet cylinders.
  4. Integrated systems - such a burner for a cauldron is characterized by connection with the cooking container into a single whole. The design provides a significant reduction in fuel consumption.

Burner with hoseBallonIntegrated

By power

According to the power of the devices, they are divided into several types. Microburners can be:

  • high power – 3-7 kW;
  • average – 2-3 kW;
  • low – up to 2 kW.

A special regulator ensures optimal power of the gas burner. When determining this value, it is recommended to first ask the question, in what kind of container will the food be cooked? The larger the cauldron, the higher the power of the gas burner should be.

By fuel type

The gas unit runs on propane, butane, and isobutane. It is connected to the cylinder using a threaded fastener. According to the type of fuel, burners are:

  • Injection - they work by pre-mixing air and gas.
  • Hearth - the heating installation is located below, so the device operates without additional air supply.
  • Atmospheric - before combustion begins, the media are partially mixed.
  • Fuel oil - injection of media is carried out, which maintains the fuel in a viscous state.
  • Pressurized - they operate using liquid and gaseous fuel.
  • Diffuse - gaseous fuels are used.

In accordance with the design features of the burner, partial or complete mixing of media can be carried out.

Process of creation

A gas burner for a cauldron can also be purchased in stores, but a homemade modification is more convenient. She will become an excellent assistant on hikes and while relaxing in the country.

The main advantages of this burner:

  • Ease of use.
  • During operation, it does not produce smoke or unpleasant odor.
  • There is less soot on the dishes.

To create a cauldron burner yourself you will need:

  • Special regulator. Its functions are to supply fuel to the created burner.
  • Set of nozzles.
  • Heads.
  • Unit for mounting a cylinder with fuel (gas).

The DIY working stages are as follows:

  • A supply tube is created. A steel tube is used. Its maximum permissible diameter is 1 cm. Required wall density: 2 – 2.5 mm.
  • Creating a case for your device. A strong steel rod is used. Its width is 2 cm. There are 2-4 holes in it. They will ensure oxygen gets in. Without them, the fire will not be stable or the device will not start at all. Each hole in diameter reaches 1 mm. Similar holes are required in the cutting rod. A couple of holes are also placed in the body. Their diameter is 5 mm.
  • The divider is placed into the housing using pressure. It needs to be pressed very carefully.
  • A flange is installed inside the device. The required gap here is at least 0.6 mm. Such a reserve will somewhat slow down the flow of fuel at the outlet section of the igniter.
  • Creating an injector. Here you need to use a steel rod and a drill. There should be a blind hole. Drill number – 2. The required distance to the exit section is approximately 1.5 mm. Anything less is not acceptable.
  • Creating a jumper. A number 4 drill is used. The created hole must be caulked and the end sharpened. Emery will help with this. You need to sharpen it so that the tip of the pipe sits quietly on the nozzle.
  • A hose made from a mixture of rubber and fabric is threaded onto the end of the pipe. The other end is mounted to the cylinder. Fastening is done using a clamp. A screwdriver is used to tighten.
  • The body, into which the divider is already embedded, is threaded onto the nozzle thread.

After these stages, the homemade burner can be considered ready. Signs of its correct assembly:

  • In operation, it produces an even flame.
  • No black smoke appears.

If soot has formed somewhere in the burner structure, slowly turn its body on the threaded section of the nozzle. Examine the connecting points. If the fastening here turns out to be weak, strengthen it: the FUM tape will be used. It perfectly compacts the desired areas. You can regulate the fire by using a valve to introduce gas.

Before using the burner, be sure to examine all its connecting areas for strength and tightness.

After all the indicated steps, the product can be mounted on the stand. The cauldron should easily fit on top. Such a stand can be created from good metal that is not subject to deformation under heavy weight and high temperatures.

It is also very important to protect the flame. This defense will not allow the wind to knock down the fire

And then all the heat will be directed under the cauldron. This type of protection consists of a funnel arranged around the nozzle. When hiking, you can use stones instead of a funnel. But this causes some inconvenience.

A portable gas burner for a cauldron is a device that allows you to quickly and efficiently prepare pilaf during tourist travels. The device has a fairly simple design, so it is not difficult to make it yourself. What burners are suitable for a cauldron and how to build them with your own hands?

Overview of species

There are different burner options.


This burner is installed directly on the gas cylinder. Made from steel or titanium. There are types of burners with adaptable mounts that are suitable for different cylinders. The advantage of such devices is their minimal weight, modest price and ease of movement.


This device is connected to cooking utensils and a cylinder. In fact, it is also a gas pump, but with a significant difference in gas consumption. Due to the radiator mesh inside the cookware, heating occurs much faster, which significantly reduces fuel consumption. This is the main advantage of such burners.

With hose

Such burners are considered the best option for both home and camp use. The material for production is mainly cast iron, less often steel. Their power varies from 3.5 to 35 kW, which significantly affects the quality of cooking. Burners with a hose connection, in turn, are divided into two types - using bottled gas (propane, butane, isobutane) or natural.

Advantages: can be used for cooking large quantities of food - from 10 to 60 liters, adjustable burner power, which ensures quality and convenience of cooking, the ability to use large cylinders, up to 12 liters.

Disadvantages: relatively high price, cumbersome components.

Gas burners are also classified into the following types:

  • desktop;
  • mortise;
  • floor

Tabletop burners are installed directly on a table or other flat surface. Used both at home and outdoors.

Mortise ones are installed in a tabletop or other suitable surface, after which they are connected to the cylinder. Used at home or in the country.

Floor-mounted ones can be used both at home and in camping conditions - fishing, hunting, on a long hike, as well as in the country.


You can also arrange a gas option for it, that is, create a burner using this fuel. This option is much more convenient, since control over the flame is easier, there is no need to use firewood and wait for a large fire to burn.

It is also important to purchase the right cauldron. It is better to opt for the aluminum or cast iron version

The first one is excellent for hiking. It has compact parameters and modest weight. The second is better suited for home or country conditions. You can also use the steel version at the dacha. The steel in it is heat-resistant and thick.

Even before creating a burner for your cauldron, you need to have knowledge about its specifics. Its walls are of good thickness. The bottom has the shape of a ball. Therefore, this cookware is not stable on flat surfaces. The shape of the cauldron is such that a ring-shaped stand is specially supplied for it. The cauldron should be placed only on it. It is not recommended to place it on a standard barbecue grill or on an outdoor grill model.

If you set out to please yourself and your family and friends with the most excellent pilaf, then you need culinary skills and the right cauldron. You cannot create real pilaf in a container with a flat bottom.

A container with a flat bottom heats up faster in the lower part than along the walls. And heating is distributed evenly throughout the cauldron.

One more nuance: if you just purchased a cauldron and have not yet had any culinary operations in it, then you need to clean it of any remaining machine oil. It remains after the production process. The method for eliminating it is simple: it is washed off with warm water and safe laundry soap is used. The use of modern means for these purposes is prohibited. Because their composition contains elements hazardous to health. And besides, the walls and bottom of this cookware are very porous.

Advantages and disadvantages

The cauldron burner is characterized by a large number of advantages:

  • simple design that allows you to use the device without special training;
  • light weight and compactness, which simplifies transportation;
  • simplest possible cooking;
  • absence of soot and thick smoke when the equipment is operating, which is a guarantee of comfortable cooking;
  • duration and safety of operation;
  • Possibility of use even in windy weather;
  • low cost, thanks to which the cauldron burner is available to a wide range of buyers.

The device is extremely easy to operate: in order for the unit to ignite, you just need to turn the valve and light the fire. There are models of devices on which cauldrons with a capacity of more than 10 liters can be installed.

The cauldron burner also has a number of disadvantages. Equipment efficiency decreases at low temperatures. Another disadvantage of the installation is intensive fuel consumption.

Possible difficulties

During manufacturing there is a risk of encountering the following troubles:

  • poor quality of seam welding;
  • the grate gets stuck when lowered into the cylinder;
  • lack of structural stability;
  • release of an unpleasant odor during cooking.

A common cause of poor weld welding is the incorrect choice of welding electrodes. To avoid this, choosing their markings according to the thickness of the metal being welded will help.

Important! Iron, steel and stainless steel sheets require different electrodes, and the angles must be made of the same metal as the furnace cylinder. To prevent the grate from getting stuck in the middle of the cylinder, its dimensions are selected 5-10 mm smaller than the internal diameter of the body

To prevent the grate from getting stuck in the middle of the cylinder, its dimensions are selected 5-10 mm smaller than the internal diameter of the body.

The instability of the structure results from the incorrect choice of the angle of inclination of the supports. The taller and narrower the cylinder, the straighter the oven legs should be.

An unpleasant odor inside often appears if iron with poorly cleaned paint is used for the structure, so before folding the sheet for the body, it is burned with a blowtorch.

Advantages and disadvantages

The undeniable advantages of cast iron slabs for cauldrons include the following list:

  • Long service life. The gray cast iron used in production is stable and prolongs its service life;
  • Strength. Such plates are resistant to physical damage;
  • Heat dissipation. When using cast iron stoves as a heating device, large areas can be easily heated;
  • Resistance to deformation. In addition to resistance to physical impact, the panels are not susceptible to corrosion;
  • Resistance to temperature changes. This allows you to maintain the original appearance, regardless of the duration and intensity of use.

Such plates are resistant to physical damage. Corrosion resistance is justified by the productive process.
During manufacturing, a cast iron stove for a cauldron is coated with a special agent, which immediately removes rust and protects it from further changes, maintaining the same appearance. When purchasing such a device, you should pay attention to one significant drawback of cast iron as a material for the hob

The weight of the product is large and requires caution during installation and transportation.

Why cast iron

Historically, cast iron was immediately chosen as the material for stoves. Purely because of the cheapness.

And only then they began to say that the coefficient of thermal expansion of cast iron is approximately 1.5 times less than that of steel, and the choice of material was correct.

Stove plates are made of gray cast iron. This material is well suited for high temperatures and is not afraid of temperature changes. Repeated heating will not cause warping or cracking.

And at the same time, cast iron has good thermal conductivity, which allows you to place, for example, a frying pan on a free space on the stove and cook.

Are the blows dangerous?

Another fear: cast iron is brittle.

Yes. Cast iron can be broken. But for this you will need a sledgehammer. And we don’t know the reason why you should do this.

With normal use and proper installation, the stove lasts a long time.

Location options

In cases where a regular cauldron stand is used, made, for example, from a pipe, its location is obvious. Due to its mobility, it can be easily installed in the yard, on the terrace, you can take it with you outdoors and place it anywhere in the open air. As for stationary models:

  1. Stoves with a wide chimney should be placed in an open area under a canopy or in a personal plot.
  2. If there is a narrow chimney, the product can be installed in a gazebo, on a veranda, in a summer kitchen, or in a barbecue house.

When installing a stove under a cauldron, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose and nearby buildings. Smoke should not enter residential areas

You should also pay attention to vegetation. Nearby trees and shrubs may catch fire, or the fryer will simply destroy them

There must be a strong foundation under the stove. This does not apply to simple structures, such as a metal taganok. Massive cast-iron products will certainly sag, so they require a reinforced concrete base with a thickness of at least 10 cm.

In accordance with fire safety requirements:

The oven should not be located near flammable substances. Particular attention should be paid to the issue of smoke removal. Outdoor buildings require waterproof coatings. The first use of the stove is allowed no earlier than 3 days after installation.

All metal parts of the structure are installed only after the solution has dried. Under their weight they deform the product. The operation of such a stove is unsafe.

The stove for the cauldron should be placed in an open area

Upgrade Tips

Craftsmen have developed a number of improvements to the design of the cauldron stove. Among them we can highlight;

  1. Metal stove cauldron with barbecue. By welding the grill to the stove, the metal required for the manufacture of 1 side panel is saved. Space is saved on the site or in the gazebo. You can simply make cutouts - segments for rotating the skewers and use the oven as a barbecue.
  2. If the structure needs to be moved around the site and finishing elements need to be added to the structure, the stove can be placed on a cart with wheels. By performing simple finishing using twisted rods with curved ends purchased from blacksmiths, you can decorate the stove with different metal patterns.
  3. You can make a structure with a roof made in the form of a cap. And a small gnome will appear on your site. It all depends on the imagination of the master.
  4. You can upgrade a steel stove that loses heat when burning. To do this, it is lined with natural stone or brick, and a tandoor or oven can be attached to it. In this case, a permanent structure is created on the site.

How to make it yourself

The devices are sold in specialized stores. However, to save money, it is quite possible to make a gas burner for a cauldron with your own hands, the main thing is to strictly follow the prescribed instructions.

Materials and tools

Before starting the production of equipment, it is recommended to first prepare the appropriate materials and tools. To assemble the microburner structure, you need to make sure you have a gas cylinder. The device can be operated using propane or propane-butane. To make your own unit you will need:

  • connecting unit for a gas cylinder;
  • heads;
  • a hose made from fabric and rubber;
  • nozzles;
  • gas supply regulator.

Also, during the work process, a steel rod, the width of which is 2 centimeters, can be useful. Fastening of various parts of the device is carried out using fastening clamps.

The assembly of a homemade gas microburner is carried out using the appropriate tools - a screwdriver and a drill. To work with the second type of tool, you need to use drills with numbers 2 and 4.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to properly make a burner with your own hands, it is recommended to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. To produce the equipment housing, 4 holes are drilled in a steel rod - their diameter should be no more than 1 millimeter. Thanks to the openings, oxygen access is provided to support the combustion process. The same holes are drilled in the divider rod. Holes are made in the body, the diameter of which is 5 millimeters.
  2. A divider is carefully inserted into the frame, the material of which is steel.
  3. The flange is placed inside the finished structure. When installing it, be sure to provide a gap of 0.5 millimeters. This opening is needed to slightly slow down the gas stream after leaving the igniter.
  4. To build a nozzle, use a 2 mm drill to make a blind hole in a metal rod. The distance from it to the exit point is more than one and a half centimeters.
  5. The supply is made using a steel tube with a diameter of no more than 1 centimeter. It is recommended to give preference to products whose wall thickness does not exceed 2.5 millimeters.
  6. Using a drill number 4, make holes for the jumpers. After this, they are carefully minted. To ensure free placement of the end of the tube on the nozzle, the end is ground using emery.
  7. A hose is placed on one end of the steel tube. Its second end is attached to the cylinder with a clamp.
  8. The body, on which there is a divider, is screwed onto the thread of the prepared nozzle.

At the final stage, the finished homemade gas burner is mounted on a stand with legs. For its manufacture, strong metal is used, which is characterized by a high level of fire resistance. All metal parts of the structure must first be coated with paint, which guarantees their protection against corrosion. To ensure the correct direction of the flame in strong winds, it is recommended to make protection using stones and other available materials.

Making the divider blanks

We drill holes in them with a diameter of 4 mm

We make 7 of these dividers. We cut out the tubes to fit the size of the dividers.

We weld the elements

Cut a ring out of metal and make holes in it

Install the created injectors


Stove for a cauldron made from wheel rims

Making a stove for a cauldron from car wheels with your own hands takes just a few minutes - this is one of the most simple, but nevertheless original designs.

The whole process can be divided into several stages.

To make a cauldron stove you will need:

  • two rims from a domestic car of the thirteenth radius;
  • 1 meter of rectangular pipe;
  • three large bolts with nuts;
  • 4 nuts for 10;
  • wire 8 mm thick;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • electrodes;
  • welding helmet and welding gaiters.

We purchase a rectangular pipe, wire, nuts and bolts at any building materials store or market.

Of course, you can also buy rims, but it’s easier to go to several tire shops where they can give you them for free or for a nominal fee.

You need stamped wheels that are made of steel; cast wheels will not work. They are made of aluminum alloys that are resistant to high temperatures, and they can only be welded in an argon environment.

Main stages of work:

Using a grinder, we saw off the partition on one of the disks. We install one disk on another. In this case, the remaining partition of the previous disk should be at the bottom. The partition for attaching the disc to the wheel is welded to the main rim using spot welding. We need to find the welding points and cut through the metal of the partition to the rim. Don't overdo it, the rim should remain intact. You need to cut the partition at a distance of 1.5-2 centimeters from the weld spot.

After the cut, the metal of the partition is easily removed; you need to pry it out with a screwdriver. It is important to leave fragments of the partition at the welding points. They provide a gap between the walls of the cauldron and the stove, which creates draft in the stove, and the heat evenly envelops the cauldron from all sides. We place one disk on top of the other so that the disk with the sawn partition is on top

In the lower disk, the fastening partition remains intact; this will be the bottom of our stove. We align both disks relative to each other and weld the disks along the entire perimeter. Now you need to make the door. We make a vertical cut in the welded disks to the size of the door. It is very important to leave a strip of metal at the bottom; it will act as a threshold that will hold the coals inside the stove. After the cut is made, we put bolts on it with nuts screwed on them, they will act as hinges for us. We weld the bolts on one side of the cut, the nuts on the other. All that remains is to cut the door around the entire perimeter and weld a long bolt, which will serve as a handle. The edges of the door and the opening must be cleaned of burrs with a file or grinding disc. Now we make handles for carrying the stove. We bend them from wire in a vice. Wire of this thickness bends without much effort, and right angles in the bending areas are given to the handles using a hammer. We put nuts on the handles and weld the nuts to the stove body opposite each other. We turn the stove over and weld three legs. The length of each leg is 30 centimeters. It is also necessary to weld a large hole for the hub, which is located in the center of the disk. This can be done using any piece of metal of a suitable shape. We load the stove with wood and heat it well. During this process, the remaining paint on the discs burns out, and the oven can be painted using any heat-resistant paint.

Distinctive features and types

There are two main types of cast iron stove for cauldrons - a solid plate and a prefabricated version. They differ from each other in design features. Despite this, both types are used as a heating device and come to the rescue when preparing food. The main difference is the presence of thermal gaps.

Assembled view. A stove for a cauldron with removable rings consists of burners, which are represented by rings of different sizes. Groups of such rings are laid out from small to large. The diameter of the burners can be easily adjusted by being able to remove them from the panel. This will make it more comfortable to adjust the stove to the dimensions of the dishes.

A stove for a cauldron with removable rings consists of burners, which are represented by rings of different sizes.

The advantages of a prefabricated slab include the absence of possible deformations. The surface is not damaged during long-term use and transportation. The gaps between the burners extend the service life. The heating rate of a dish or room is much greater, which is explained by contact with a heat source.

If the model of a prefabricated cast-iron slab is equipped with stiffeners, then the device can easily heat up to higher temperatures. This speeds up both the speed of cooking and the scale of the heated room. All the advantages of the device “resulted” in their cost.

One-piece look. This version of the hob is divided into two subtypes. The first option is represented by a solid sheet of cast iron material. The second is a special flooring that has one or two burners with a fixed diameter.

Compared to prefabricated panels, a solid slab has no thermal gaps.

Models of such surfaces are easy and quick to install with the ability to install anywhere. Consumers are also pleased with the affordable price. Compared to prefabricated panels, a solid slab has no thermal gaps. This makes it more vulnerable to physical and mechanical damage. Products without burners cannot quickly heat dishes and cook food. This is due to the lack of contact of the cookware with the heat source of the stove.

Criterias of choice

To choose the right gas burner, you need to take into account all the criteria, and most importantly - under what conditions it will be used:

  • the size of the group (a vacation trip, a trip to the country), the choice of the volume of the cauldron for cooking depends on this;
  • a planned menu with a set of products and its relationship with cooking on a burner in a cauldron;
  • power and compatibility with gas cylinders;
  • weather conditions and burner dimensions.


Directly depends on the volume of the dishes and the amount of food being prepared. Based on these parameters, you can choose one of three types of gas burners:

  • weak – 2 kW;
  • average - from 2 to 3 kW;
  • strong – up to 7 kW.

Convenience will be ensured by the presence of a regulator that allows you to change the power. If you decide to cook a dish in a cauldron, buy powerful burners that will ensure quick and uniform heating of the walls of the cauldron.

For small cauldrons, a power of no more than 12 kW will be required, 10 kW for a cauldron up to 20 liters, 20 kW for a cauldron up to 40 liters, 25 kW for a cauldron up to 60 liters.


The most durable metal from which high-quality burners are made is cast iron. It is not deformable and can withstand high temperatures. It has a large margin of safety, withstanding the heavy weight of the cauldron.


Having made a choice in favor of a cauldron, you should take a closer look at the design of the gas burner. The cauldron has a wide rounded bottom, so large burners heat its walls evenly.

A stand must be chosen with widely spaced legs for stable support and safe installation, taking into account the weight of the cauldron and the amount of food being prepared. The best solution would be a torch with a hose. Equipment with cast burners and open flames requires protection from the wind.


They come in two types:

  • removable
  • non-removable.

Devices with removable legs are easy to transport, easier to maintain, and take up much less storage space.

Burners with fixed legs are undoubtedly more bulky, but the design itself is much stronger.

Another important factor is the bottom of the legs. This determines how stable the burner will be under different conditions.

There are corner legs made of steel; as a rule, they are removable and screwed to the structure with special screws. Such legs are well suited for loose soil; it is enough to “sink” them into the ground, and the device will hold on. But they are not suitable for hard surfaces such as asphalt or hard, dry ground.

Cast iron legs with a tapered bottom are also great for loose soil. They can also be used on hard surfaces, but there is a risk that the structure will “roll.”

Angled or tubular legs with round or square pieces welded underneath provide good stability on asphalt and other hard surfaces, but can become lopsided in loose soil.

Cast thick square legs work equally well on hard or loose surfaces, as do tubular square legs.


Making your own tripod is rational and easy. For the simplest option, you will need metal and a welding machine. More complex products have folding elements in their design. Of course, such tripods are the most convenient to use, but the manufacturing process is much more complicated than conventional ones. If you plan to install a cauldron in the country, you can choose a one-piece design. It is simple and has excellent stability.

Required materials and tools

What you will need to make a tripod:

  • fittings;
  • welding machine;
  • electrodes;
  • welding mask;
  • welding mittens or gloves

When choosing the material for making a tripod, it is preferable to choose fittings. It is very stable and can withstand high temperatures well. The required amount of reinforcement is calculated only when the height of the finished structure is determined. You will need 3 identical cuts. The larger the cauldron, the higher the tripod should be. The most common tripod option has a height of 50 to 90 cm.

For example, for a cauldron with a diameter of 30 cm, the recommended height of the tripod is 120 cm from the ground (standing on three legs). It may be smaller, it all depends on your wishes, but it is the specified height of the tripod that will allow you to light a fire under the cauldron without any problems.

You will also need two sets of three jumpers of the same size. The first is necessary to connect the top of the tripod, which has a triangular shape. Despite the fact that the cauldron itself is round, if the dimensions of the pieces of reinforcement for a triangular structure are correctly calculated, its position will be stable. In this case, the cauldron is installed inside. The length of the reinforcement on one side of the stand (cauldron with a diameter of 30 cm) will be 21 cm. The jumpers are welded in the center of the tripod, for example, at a height of 60 cm. They provide it with stability.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Making a tripod is very simple. If you wish, you can make your own drawings or use a ready-made one. Having made the necessary sections of reinforcement, they are welded. For convenience, it is recommended to carry out work with an assistant who will monitor the even arrangement of the parts and hold them.

After completing the welding work, it is necessary to clean the seams with a grinder. This is done for the beauty and finished look of the product. When cleaning seams, you can use the following tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • cleaning circle.

Connecting rings and chain

Connecting the tripod legs We clamp the stand so that the hooks do not fall out

Attach the hook

Adjusting the height


Advantages and disadvantages

A homemade tripod for a fire has the following advantages:

  1. Easy to make and use.
  2. Cheap manufacturing.
  3. The ability to make a product yourself, even a beginner can handle it.

In addition to the advantages, this design has the following disadvantages:

  1. Cheap look.
  2. Difficulty in transportation.
  3. Possibility of using a cauldron of a certain size.

Where to use

The tripod can be used wherever lighting a fire is permitted. However, it is not recommended to install it on a grill. This design is not reliable and may fall. People nearby may suffer burns and injuries. It is best used for cooking when installed in the country, on trips out of town, outdoors or in the forest. For safety, the tripod is placed on the ground and hammered with improvised means (hammer, axe, stone). It will be stable and allow leisure time to pass safely.

Selection rules

Before choosing, you need to decide how often you cook in a cauldron. If the menu constantly includes pilaf, shurpa, muli, strudl and other Central Asian dishes, then a stationary brick stove is needed. This is especially true for the private housing sector. Moreover, building a stationary slab is quite simple. You need a regular flat area, which is additionally leveled with a small reinforced layer of cement.

If you have your own home, but there is no desire or space to install a permanent stove for a cauldron, then you can choose stationary options made of cast iron or thick metal. In addition, they can be combined with barbecue. In the slabs of capital design, it is necessary to provide removable rings for boilers of different volumes. This will make it more versatile.

For travel or rare use, thin-walled, collapsible fireplaces are better suited. They take up little space, last quite a long time with infrequent use, and are lightweight. But they are not suitable for frequent cooking. For metal or cast iron types, legs are desirable. The fireplace flame, being above ground level, will better heat the entire surface of the boiler. In addition, you won’t need to bend down low every time.

In cases where Central Asian dishes are prepared very rarely or when they are prepared outdoors, a Taganka cauldron is best suited. This stand is perfectly transportable, lightweight, and takes up minimal space. In addition, there are collapsible options.

Design and principle of operation

To make a cast iron stove, the casting method is used. Gray cast iron grade SCh 15-20 is used as raw material for production. Such numbers decipher the strength range of the device and measure it in kg/s per square millimeter. The color of the material is not gray, as in the name. This name was fixed by GOST.

To make a cast iron stove, the casting method is used.

Cast iron combines iron and an admixture of carbons, which are the main elements of the material of the stove for the cauldron. Such panels are heat resistant. They are resistant to temperature changes and can withstand high temperatures. The plates are also characterized by resistance to corrosion, which extends their service life.

When choosing a cast iron stove, pay attention to the rules for caring for the device. When choosing a cast iron stove, pay attention to the rules for caring for the device. Protects the surface from cracks, scratches and other damage

This reduces the service life. Rebooting can lead to malfunctions, which is also best avoided. You also need to control moisture on the surface.

How to choose a gas burner

First of all, you need to build on versatility. There are multi-fuel burners (gas and liquid fuel) that use only one of these two types of fuel. Power is also a determining factor. Values ​​up to 2 kW - low-power devices. From 2 to 3 kW - respectively, medium power burners, more than 3 - high power.

Dimensions are also important, primarily for a camping burner. Unnecessarily large or small variations should be avoided. You need to start from the number of people and personal calculations

You should pay attention to functionality and equipment, although the latter indicator will certainly affect the price. Operating time, flame temperature and power are significant indicators for soldering irons

You should pay attention to the presence of such amenities as piezo ignition and preheating. Many products of this profile can be found on Aliexpress. You need to choose a burner after studying the nuances that will certainly affect its operation.

For tourist purposes

These are stand-alone devices that can serve as kitchen utensils. Based on power, they are divided into 3 categories. The lowest rates are acceptable for solo hikes and winter fishing; medium rates are suitable for groups of up to 3-5 people; large figures are for eight to ten people. The non-stick coating on the pot will improve efficiency. On long trips, the cost of fuel used increases. You also need to take into account that not all types of fuel can be transported with you (for example, by plane). In this case, liquid fuel is preferable to gas, and it also takes up less space. Weather conditions such as frost, terrain and altitude are key to ruling out certain options. There are two most important aspects to consider: the number of people up to 3 or more, mild or extreme weather conditions.

For soldering

Fuel consumption decides a lot - both material costs and operating time. Therefore, his choice is one of the key nuances. The type of fuel also affects the maximum flame temperature. Gasoline will give a higher indicator than gas, however, it is consumed faster. Consequently, the duration of work will be reduced, and even a more capacious cylinder will not help much. We should not forget about the ideal weight of the structure and, accordingly, the comfort of manual work. The preheating system also increases it. It is worth dwelling separately on fuel containers: they come with or without a valve, disposable and reusable, stationary and removable. There are options with fuel supply regulation, which allows you to control the temperature. Their efficiency is much higher, as is their price. The presence of piezo ignition is an additional argument in favor of purchasing a blowtorch.

Plate with rings

The slab as in the figure is called a prefabricated one. With some conditions, this is what we need. Another version of the slab does not provide holes - blind slabs. These plates are not suitable for the cauldron at all.

Maximum diameter

To securely fix the cauldron, the stove ring must encircle it in the upper half. Ideally under the very hands. It is allowed for the cauldron to be held on the handles.

The maximum diameter, when all the rings are removed, should fit your largest cauldron. Buying a stove “for growth” with larger ring diameters than needed for your large cauldron is hardly rational.

The remaining rings need to be checked for size for other cauldrons (if any) and other cooking utensils.

Central plug

In the center of the rings, as you can see, there is a plug. This is an important detail; it allows you to carefully close the rings when you don’t need to cook, but you need to light the oven. Prevents the spread of smoke and does not disrupt the draft in the stove.

Pay attention to the jumper: it’s good when the jumper has a hole. Typically, hot rings are assembled and disassembled with a poker or metal hook.

With a blind jumper this will not work and you will need a potholder or carbon tongs, which is inconvenient

Typically, hot rings are assembled and disassembled with a poker or metal hook. With a blind jumper, this will not work and you will need a potholder or carbon tongs, which is inconvenient.

Pros and cons of gas

Yes, of course, gasification of everything and everyone continues everywhere, but why is gas so convenient?

  • It burns immediately, rather than the rather long and labor-intensive process of kindling wood or coal;
  • Gas is never damp;
  • When burning, it does not produce sparks;
  • Does not smoke dishes;
  • There is no smoke at all;
  • There is no physical labor for chopping and carrying firewood;
  • It will be cheaper.

This is just what immediately comes to mind.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • In the event of an accident or breakdown of equipment, there is a threat of explosion;
  • If there is a leak, there is a risk of poisoning.

We will take the cost of gasification, administrative difficulties and the like out of the equation. These factors vary from place to place.

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