How to make a smelter - do-it-yourself aluminum melting furnace

This is my homemade smelting furnace, and I also use it as a forge.

To make such a melting furnace with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • old gas cylinder
  • Portland cement
  • quartz sand
  • wood ash
  • perlite (not vermiculite)
  • fire-clay

Additional details:

  • forge burner
  • high gas pressure regulator
  • crucible/melting pot/smelter


  • reciprocating saw (for cutting the cylinder)
  • 76mm hole saw (optional)
  • 35mm bit for drill
  • chisel
  • small drill bit
  • hacksaw
  • drill

Melting point of copper: how to melt metal at home - step-by-step instructions

Copper is an extremely popular and widespread metal used in the production of electronics, power transmission, and the manufacture of various alloys.

What is the melting point of copper, how is it mined and why is it interesting ? Let's talk about all this.

How is copper obtained?

The reserves of this metal on Earth are relatively small (compared to other elements). Moreover, it is found both in the form of nuggets and as part of complex compounds . Most often these are copper pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite. They are found in sedimentary rocks, but most often in hydrothermal veins.

How to make high-quality castings

To obtain high-quality bronze casting, subsequent machining of the casting will be required. It is necessary to sequentially perform the operations of separating the sprues, removing flash, mechanical grinding and polishing of the product. It is impossible to immediately obtain a high-quality finished casting at home, so you need to prepare for finishing procedures.

Art bronze casting technology in pictures

Pouring bronze into a mold

Pouring bronze melt into a casting mold

Pouring the melt in itself is not difficult - the metal is poured in a thin, even stream until the mold is completely filled.

Difficulties may arise if there are no air channels into which air can escape. If the outlets are clogged, air pockets will not allow the melt to completely occupy the entire mold, and the casting will be damaged. The problem can be solved by using a centrifuge, which distributes the metal inside the mold and helps it overcome the resistance of air pockets.

Features of the casting process

The bronze melting process occurs in the following sequence:

  • Bronze scrap is crushed and placed in a crucible.
  • The crucible is placed in a muffle furnace, which is recommended to be heated in advance.
  • The molten metal must be overheated, for which it is kept in the oven for 5 minutes longer than necessary. This makes the melt more fluid.
  • Using a hook and tongs, the crucible is removed from the oven and immediately poured into the prepared mold.

The mold should be prepared by thoroughly calcining it in the oven. If this is not done, the metal will immediately cool down and become hard when casting begins, without filling the entire mold.

Centrifugal casting

The form is prepared in the following order:

  • The oven heats up to 600°.
  • The mold is placed in the oven and heated to the desired temperature.
  • The heating of the oven is increased to 900° and the mold is maintained in such conditions for about 3–4 hours.

It should be taken into account that the melting temperature of bronze of a given grade should be lower than the heating value of the furnace. The melt must be heated to a higher temperature to obtain maximum fluidity (bronze has a high viscosity in the liquid state), as well as to obtain a certain temperature reserve for high-quality production of the casting.

Processing temperature and technical properties of tin bronzes

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