Gasoline torch for soldering: how to make it yourself

If there is a need to reproduce the soldering (welding) process at home, then a gasoline torch will help you with small metal parts. This type of metalworking equipment is sometimes sold in specialized stores. Due to the simplicity of the design, interchangeability and accessibility of individual components of the unit, modifications of burners made by hand are successfully used in everyday life.

The material in this article will tell you about torches for soldering and welding metals and the possibility of their production at home.

DIY gas burner from a refrigerator compressor

Home page » Do-it-yourself gasoline-air burner from a refrigerator compressor
An active heating device, in particular, a gasoline-air burner, is a tool that is clearly in demand in private households. If there is a surplus in the family budget, it is easy to buy a gas-air burner, given the richness of the market range. Meanwhile, it is quite possible to make such a tool with your own hands from available components. All you need is a working compressor from an old refrigerator and a used blowtorch. Let's consider the process of making an original heating apparatus with our own hands, already tested in practice.

My homemade gasoline burner

Hello, friends. So I got the idea to review my homemade gasoline burner for melting precious metals and copper alloys. I would like to note that this project did not incur any special financial expenses, all you need is desire, inspiration and three free evenings after work. Let me start with the fact that its device is not very complicated, it runs on a gasoline-air mixture and is connected to a 220 V network.

Consists of an old but working refrigerator compressor

A regular switch and start relay (from the same refrigerator). When disassembling the refrigerator, I sketched out the connection diagram, where which wire goes, etc., which made the installation much easier for me, since I am not an electrician.

The compressor outlet tube is connected by a flexible tube to the container where the gasoline-air mixture is prepared

The design of this container is simple: gasoline is poured into the container 1/3 full, the air supply tube is located below the level of the surface of the gasoline and, when turned on, begins to gurgle, as a result of which the air is enriched with gasoline vapor and is supplied to the burner itself through the outlet tube in the lid of the container. I made the container itself from an old diesel fuel filter, welding a kerosene stove tank to it at the bottom.

Here's the burner itself:

I made it from a used CO2 canister.

Inside there is a brass plate with holes. in the middle of which is the main fuel jet (copper tube)

Tap for adjusting the amount of mixture supplied to the nozzle. The faucet is an ordinary water tap, I removed it from the old batteries when I changed them, it was intended to bleed air from the heating system.

I didn’t bother too much with the handle, I just wrapped it in insulated tape.

The whole thing was soldered with ordinary solder, I only welded the head itself with the nozzle (although it was also possible to solder it, the temperature when working there is low). Connected to the container with a regular dropper tube.

I use an ordinary red brick as a container for melting, cut off the required piece from it with a grinder and use a grindstone to create a small cavity in the middle so that the molten metal does not leak out.

Additional tools needed: crooked pliers, an old file and a lighter.

And also a special powder, similar to angel dust, without which all the work will go to waste

You also need to think about safety precautions: Work outside or in a clean, well-ventilated, fireproof room, a metal screen and a fireproof base (brick) that can be safely heated (burner flame temperature is about 1500 degrees). And you can work. Yesterday I worked with silver for the first time, it melts perfectly, this is the ring I came up with

Here I want to show how the device itself works. I melt brass rods.

As you can see, the burner does its job well. My passion is not limited to rings; I want to learn a lot more with its help: flask casting, soldering, glass melting and much more. Ingot after melting.

From raw materials to finished product

As can be seen from the above, making such a device is not difficult or expensive. Nothing is impossible. Go towards your goal, bring it to life, don’t stop at anything and you will succeed, friends. Bye everyone. Be useful to society!

Possible duplicates found

the electrical tape is not blue - it will break quickly

I'll go and change it urgently!

no one has ever gone crazy, it’s enough to know the elementary laws of physics not to think like that

No, it’s a joke, like the Orcs in WH40 - it works from the consciousness “it works”))))

Everything is fine, but at the compressor inlet you still need a cheap car filter; it will have a good effect on the life of the compressor. I also use the compressor from the refrigerator for air.

How to choose the right gasoline burner in a store

Choosing a burner in a store is not an easy task, especially when there is a choice. The main thing is to determine in advance the criteria by which the burner will be selected, depending on the expected operating conditions. What you need to pay attention to:

  • It is better to choose a model that has a detachable connection that separates the pump from the burner. This will make it easier to clean the pump if necessary.
  • The instructions should indicate how quickly you can boil 1 liter of water under standard conditions.
  • It should also indicate how much fuel it takes to boil the same 1 liter of water or indicate the fuel consumption per unit of time.
  • If weight is of fundamental importance, then you should also pay attention to this data. If there is transport, this is not important.
  • It is advisable to determine the availability of spare parts. Any device fails sooner or later, and the burner is no exception. If there are no spare parts for repair, then in case of a malfunction, you will simply have to throw it away.
  • The presence of wind protection is another important factor that can influence the selection process.

In some cases, the use of gasoline burners may be justified. At the same time, we should not forget that such devices must be looked after and only high-quality gasoline must be used.

Another factor that influences the choice of gas burners is fire hazard, which requires constant attention and compliance with the rules of use. After all, gasoline is not kerosene and its vapors can quickly ignite and, under certain conditions, explode. Therefore, it is better to think again about whether it is worth taking a gasoline burner with you on a hike. Under certain conditions, it is better to provide yourself with dry tree branches and make sure that they do not get wet if something happens.

Since a gasoline burner is still a dangerous device, it is better to give preference to factory models and not engage in amateur activities, which could endanger not only your own life, but also that of your family members.

Design features and operating principle

The design of a gasoline soldering torch includes two main elements - a fuel tank and a burner device called an ejector. It serves to create the required speed of movement of the gas-air environment due to the generation of thrust during combustion of the mixture.

To operate the BG, the permissible level of fuel is poured into the tank and closed with a lid with a special seal that protects the container from gasoline leakage during storage or operation. The BG tank is equipped with a pump for pumping air and creating excess pressure, ensuring fast and high-quality transportation of the mixture to the nozzle of the burner device.

The fuel poured into the BG tank must be of quality in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. Low-quality gasoline will create a smoky flame and clog the injector. In addition, uncertified fuel increases the level of explosion hazard of the burner.

Gasoline blowtorch device

When purchasing BG, the following characteristics are controlled:

  1. Fuel tank volume.
  2. Maximum filling level with gasoline.
  3. Maximum operating pressure.
  4. Hourly gasoline consumption.
  5. Outlet nozzle diameter.
  6. Empty weight.
  7. Factory warranty.
  8. Burner service life.

These indicators are directly related to the popularity of models among users. The most popular ones are with a volume of 2 liters, with a maximum filling of 1.8 liters, with a maximum pressure of 0.3 MPa and a fuel consumption of up to 1.2 l/hour. Manufacturers give the device a one-year warranty period and promise 5 years of trouble-free operation.

Gasoline blowtorch

Device design and advantages

A gasoline torch for soldering and welding has the following components:

  • burner;
  • nozzle;
  • current-carrying tip with electrode wire;
  • welding arc;
  • weld pool;
  • Weld;
  • base metal;
  • drops of electrode metal;
  • gas protection.

In a simplified version, the device consists of a gasoline tank or fuel tank, an air compressor, gasoline hoses and, in fact, the burner itself. The latter, in turn, also consists of several elements.

A gasoline torch for metal soldering includes the following parts (structural parts):

  • frame;
  • a bushing with a hook made of metal;
  • a tube;
  • heap;
  • emphasis;
  • filler;
  • air flow regulating ball;
  • rubber o-ring.

When purchasing a gasoline torch for soldering and welding, you should not forget that most often the device does not include gas-resistant hoses and torches, so most likely you will need to purchase them separately.

Gasoline and gas burners are designed quite simply , so they can also be made with your own hands at home without much difficulty.

Despite the simplicity of assembly and design of the device, a gasoline torch for soldering and welding has undeniable advantages. Firstly, the low weight and size of the device make it lightweight, portable and convenient to use at work. Secondly, thanks to the creation of a fuel-air mixture, the device ensures the appearance and retention of high temperatures, which, in turn, guarantees the highest quality result upon completion of the soldering process.

Do-it-yourself gas-air burner

The new acquisition of such equipment involves the purchase of individual working parts and their further independent assembly into a single unit. However, the design of the burner is quite simple, and if desired, it is possible to build it yourself, saving a certain amount of money.

Gasoline burner production

When making a gasoline burner with your own hands, the drawing contains further assembly elements: body, handle, bushing, hook, stop, tube, rubber ring, heating pad and filler.

The composite body of the gas burner is made from any type of steel using a lathe. One side of the part is open, and the other is covered with a special plug with a hole. The diameter of which is 0.1 mm larger than the outer diameter of the tube, this allows you to move the device body along the tube, while maintaining the tightness of the structure. A ring made of iron mesh and slag wool is placed inside, and a bushing with a hook and stop is made from sheet steel.

Nozzle with a hole of 0.2 mm. located at the end of the tube passed inside the body. To produce it, the tube is sealed with PMTs-54 hard solder and a hole with the required diameter is made.

The gasoline torch for DIY soldering is ready for use.

Copper-zinc solder

Making homemade copper-zinc solder for soldering does not incur large physical and financial costs. Copper is obtained from cut calcined copper wire. A zinc cap from an ordinary galvanic battery is calcined over a fire and placed in cold water and a weakly concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid. At the end of the heat treatment, the finished zinc is finely cut with scissors.

Keeping the proportions, pieces of zinc and copper are covered with borax and placed in a crucible. The joining of metals into solder is carried out in the torch. The resulting workpiece is cooled and leveled in a vice with a file, the chips are picked up and mixed with borax again.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

The following is the sequence of operations for manufacturing a gas-air burner:

  • The body is made on a lathe or milling machine; on one side it must be open, on the other it must be closed with a plug.
  • A hole is drilled in the plug. Its diameter should exceed the outer diameter of the nozzle by fractions of a millimeter. It should fit tightly.
  • A ring of fine wire mesh is placed inside the housing.
  • A limiter and a bushing with a hook are cut out of a sheet of metal.
  • The handle is made from dense wood.
  • The tube is passed through a hole in the housing so that its end becomes the burner nozzle.
  • The end of the tube is sealed with refractory solder.
  • a 0.2 mm hole is drilled in the solder. You can solder a ready-made jet of suitable diameter into the end of the tube.

Do-it-yourself gasoline burner assembly

You can make refractory solder yourself from finely chopped pieces of copper and zinc. Zinc is taken from the battery glass, crushed and poured with weak hydrochloric acid. Then copper and borax are added. The resulting mixture is calcined in a crucible.

Gasoline-air burner from a refrigerator compressor

Hello dear DIYers! If some household appliance is broken, I would not recommend getting rid of it right away, because in most cases some parts from this appliance can be given a second life! Let me give you a specific example: let’s say you have an old refrigerator that doesn’t freeze or something else. There is most likely no point in repairing it or pumping freon into it. But this refrigerator has a compressor, from which you can make so many interesting things, and most importantly - useful! This can be a device for inflating tires, an airbrush application device, or a spray gun! You never know how you can use this part of an unnecessary refrigerator.

So the author of the YouTube channel TEXaS TV, using a compressor, made such an interesting homemade product for his needs - an air-gasoline burner!

In this article we will look at how, following the example of the author, we can make the same device ourselves.

For work, the author uses: - profile pipes, - welding machine, - drill, - lathe, - thread cutting tool, - angle grinder, - bolts, washers, nuts, - pressure gauge, - rubber hoses, - screwdriver, - refrigerator compressor ,-capacity from a blowtorch.

In this homemade product, the main part is an old, but still working refrigeration compressor. The second, important detail is the blowtorch reservoir. It has one advantage over all other containers: one of the fittings goes down to the very bottom of the container. You need to make another hole in the tank for a pressure gauge to monitor the pressure inside.

After the author has made the hole, he turns the fitting on a lathe. It has a thread cut for an M12 nut. Now you need to fix the fitting. Initially, the author did this using a nut, which he managed to screw onto the fitting from the inside. Throwing it there, using the shaking method, makes sure that it fits onto the thread of the part being screwed. Then installs a pressure gauge and checks the connections for air leaks. It turned out that the air from under this connection is good for poisoning. In my opinion, this connection is not very appropriate in this design, since there is no normal way to tighten the parts tightly. Therefore, the author welds the nut. After checking for leaks, use paste to eliminate air leakage from under the fitting. The air pumped into the container does not escape, as evidenced by the readings of the device - the pressure gauge needle remains in place.

The next step is to make a platform for the tank and compressor. Markings are made on the profile pipe and the corrugated pipe is cut into pieces along it. It turns out 6 blanks. Two of them are equal to 40 cm, and the remaining 4 are 16 cm. All received parts are laid out in the order they should be finished. We weld them into a single structure. All welds are carefully cleaned with a grinder.

For ease of movement around the workshop, the author screws wheels into the corners of the base, which are secured with metal screws. The base is completely ready! Markings are made on it for fastening parts. The tank from the blowtorch will be attached to the frame using corners welded to it. All parts are painted.

This is what can come out of seemingly unnecessary parts of household appliances that have served their time.

This concludes the review and wishes everyone creative success in all their endeavors!

Buy or make a burner yourself

Buying a gasoline burner in a store is the easiest option. Understanding which model is best for you is quite a difficult task, because everything depends on the design features.

Sometimes burners are heavy, so you won’t be able to take them with you, especially if you don’t have a vehicle.

Factory-made burners are extremely expensive, and for their stable operation you need to buy only high-quality fuel.
  • Creating a BG yourself has certain advantages.
  • Firstly, you can refuel such burners with the most affordable fuel, and secondly, you can create a drawing of a gasoline burner and make exactly the device you wanted.
  • And thirdly, you can install accessible consumables that you can quickly change while using the burners.

We are confident that this article will help you create a homemade gasoline burner. We wish you good luck!

Gasoline torches for soldering and everything connected with them

The gasoline soldering (smelting) apparatus is designed to form a gasoline-air combustible mixture. A gasoline torch for soldering and melting metal runs on a gasoline mixture. These burners offer convenient flame adjustment using a rotary tap located on the handle.

Advantages of the device


  • The device is portable;
  • Low weight of the device;
  • Ease of use;
  • High-quality result upon completion of soldering (melting).

Gas burner device


  • Gasoline tank;
  • Air compressor;
  • Gasoline hoses;
  • Burner.

Please note that torches and hoses, as a rule, are not included in the kit for gasoline soldering. In this regard, the purchase of these elements is made separately

Do-it-yourself gasoline torch for soldering

Purchasing a ready-made gas burner is not always possible (for various reasons). In this case, it will be useful to know that you can make a gasoline torch for soldering yourself. Note that homemade gasoline devices are no worse than purchased ones. A DIY device is just as effective.

If you bring a lit match to the spout of a gasoline burner, you will be able to see a fire instantly flare up. Steady combustion of gasoline will continue for five minutes (+/-2 minutes). The flame temperature at its tip will reach more than 1000° C.

Note that with such a burner you can easily melt hard solders, heat treat small tools, melt various metals, solders, and even soften glass.

There is no need to make many parts of a homemade gas burner, since they can be borrowed from other things. For example, homemade parts such as a rubber bulb can be made from a spray bottle.

The homemade burner device contains:

  • Frame;
  • Sleeve with hook;
  • A tube;
  • Emphasis;
  • Pen;
  • Rubber ring;
  • Balloon;
  • Pen;
  • Rubber bulb;
  • Filler.


The burner body can be turned on a lathe

Steel of any grade can be used as a material for the manufacture of this important part. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the body of the part is composite (one end is open and the other is closed with a plug). There is a hole in the plug, the diameter of which is 0.1 millimeters larger than the outer diameter of the tube. Using this quality, the body can move along the tube quite tightly, while maintaining tightness. Inside the housing it is necessary to install a ring made of metal mesh and slag wool

Next you need to make a sleeve with a hook and a stop

A ring made of metal mesh and slag wool must be installed inside the housing. Next you need to make a sleeve with a hook and a stop

You can use a steel sheet for this. The burner handle, which is essential for a gasoline device, is carved from beech or oak. The holes for the tubes (2 pcs.) are drilled very carefully. Thus, the axes of the holes should be strictly parallel. The finished handle is sanded and then coated with several layers of colorless varnish. Next, it is necessary that the end of the tube, which is passed inside the body, forms a nozzle. If you have PMTs-54 hard solder (adheres well to steel), try to solder the end of the tube with it, and then drill a 0.2 millimeter (diameter) hole along the axis of the tube. You can make your own solder. It must be said that solder consists of copper and zinc. In order to get zinc, you can use cups from an old electric battery. You need to empty the glass of its contents and then heat it over the fire. Next, you need to lower it into cold water, and then into a weak solution of hydrochloric acid. A clean glass is cut into pieces with scissors. Thus, we obtain zinc. Now it's up to copper. To do this, do the following: take copper wire; anneal it on fire; Finely cut the wire using scissors. Now you can pour pieces of copper and zinc into the crucible, maintaining equal proportions, after which you need to sprinkle with borax. Metals can be fused using a burner. After this, you will need to cool the resulting block and secure it in a vice. Then use a hog file to file it on all sides. The resulting sawdust must be mixed with borax.

Homemade gasoline burners like these will work great if done correctly.

Please note: if you do not have enough experience working with flammable materials, it is advisable to use commercial gasoline burners

How to make a gasoline torch for soldering with your own hands: drawings

A gasoline burner is a very useful device that can be used both in industry and at home or in camping conditions. Its main purpose is soldering various metal products under high temperature.

Unlike welding machines, the connection is made using a fuel-air mixture, the combustion of which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy. The design of the device is not highly technologically complex, so you can make a gasoline burner yourself.

Device design and advantages

Regardless of the type of unit, the main components are:

  • fuel storage tank;
  • manual pump for pumping air;
  • connecting petrol-resistant hoses;
  • burner with nozzle;

The burner consists of the following elements:

  • adjustment ball;
  • O-rings;
  • limiter;
  • valve;
  • burner nozzle.

If the main purpose of the torch is welding and soldering, it is equipped with special tips for feeding filler wire.
Such devices are called gasoline welding units due to the similarity of the technological process. In addition to the simplicity of the design, the device has other advantages:

  1. Dimensions and weight . There are many models, from which you can choose the appropriate size and weight - from mini devices for working with jewelry to massive burners for hiking.
  2. Mobility . Thanks to its small size, the burner can be used anywhere, without being tied to local conditions. The only requirement is the availability of fuel.
  3. Process stability . Provided that the settings are correct and the quality of the fuel is normal, the burner flame is highly stable.
  4. Temperature adjustment . A special mechanism allows you to regulate the temperature effect over a wide range.

What is better: buy or do it yourself?

There is no clear answer to this question . Naturally, it is much easier to purchase a gasoline torch for soldering in a specialized store - modern manufacturers offer many models for various purposes.

Please note that some units are significant in weight, which reduces their mobility; moving such devices requires personal transport.

One of the advantages of factory-made products is their compliance with technical specifications: if the passport indicates that the burner is capable of working with hard grades of metal, there should be no doubt about it. The quality of homemade products depends on the skills of the craftsman and the materials used in production.

The main disadvantages of industrial gasoline burners are:

  1. High price.
  2. High requirements for fuel characteristics.

When making it yourself, the master has the opportunity to independently select the dimensions and weight of the future device . It is noteworthy that handicraft inventions work on any gasoline, even the lowest quality.

Parameters and materials required for work

A do-it-yourself gasoline-air air burner has an undeniable advantage - when creating it, you will use common materials that are always at hand .

Accordingly, the process of maintenance or routine repairs will be cheaper compared to repairing an industrial burner, because the cost of specialized spare parts is an order of magnitude higher than that of components selected independently.

Having the skills of a welder or carver, you can construct such a device without any problems. The entire assembly process takes 5-6 hours, provided all the components and tools are available.

In most cases, a gasoline burner can successfully replace a gas burner. Using a mixture of gasoline and air, you can achieve operating temperatures of up to 3000 Cº .

This value will allow you to solder copper, brass and other non-ferrous metals.

On a hike, the device will allow you to quickly heat up food in any weather conditions, and on the road you can quickly and efficiently heat up a copper washer for its subsequent replacement.

On the Internet you can find many working diagrams and drawings for making a gasoline burner yourself, which differ in the type of design and complexity of the design. In the vast majority of cases, the following materials will be needed for assembly:

  • metal container;
  • holder;
  • sleeve;
  • a piece of thick wire;
  • container for pumping air;
  • bulb from a tonometer for measuring blood pressure;

There are no special requirements for the above elements. Many nodes can be replaced with something else . For example, instead of a bulb from a blood pressure monitor, an old compressor from a refrigerator will work perfectly.

Step-by-step manufacturing process

The assembly sequence of a homemade device is as follows:

  1. Manufacturing of the body. A familiar turner can best handle this task. There are no requirements for the type of material. One side should be open, and the other should be closed with a cork. I drill a hole in it for the tube.

Important! The gap in the plug should be increased by 0.1 mm. In this case, the housing will move while maintaining tightness.

  1. Installing the ring into the body. It should be made of metal mesh.
  2. We cut out a sleeve with a hook from a steel sheet.
  3. We make a holder from hardwood.
  4. We bring the end of the tube to the level of the burner, passing it through the body.
  5. We solder the tube output.
  6. Drill a hole and insert a fuel nozzle of the appropriate size.

To solder the tube, you should not use soft copper solder, since its main requirement is refractoriness. With certain skills, you can make solder yourself.

Preventing clogging

The operation process is inevitably accompanied by clogging of the fuel channels and nozzle. This is due to the use of low quality fuel . Impaired cross-country ability leads to the fact that gasoline and air are mixed in the wrong proportions, which affects the quality of work. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend using the following prevention methods:

  • Use gasoline with a low octane number.
  • Clean the device after each use.
  • Add injector additives to the fuel.
  • Periodically clean the system with affinity carburetor flush. It deals with deposits most effectively.

Features of jewelry

Gasoline burners for repairing and making jewelry are separate from other devices. They are used for smelting precious metals. The devices are characterized by their miniature size and large heating area . Currently, most factories use high-precision laser systems, which improve the quality of the finished product.

Despite the fact that jewelry burners are practically not produced, their use is relevant for jewelry repair. That is why modern goldsmiths very often ask the question: “How to make jewelry burners with your own hands?” On specialized forums you can always find descriptions and drawings of high-quality models.


Despite the simplicity and reliability of the design of gasoline burners, they are a source of increased fire hazard. Therefore, we do not recommend giving preference to homemade devices if you lack the necessary experience and plumbing skills.

Member of the “Roads” tourist club, Alexey Yurievich Khalyuzov: “I really love hiking - I’ve been into it for 10 years. From the very beginning, friends suggested a simple model of a gasoline burner, which can be made from an ordinary Zhiguli filter.

The volume of fuel is enough to cook or heat food throughout the day. Its only drawback is its short service life. At most, such a burner lasts for 12 months, after which you have to make a new model.

And the advantage is that two liters of gasoline is enough for a week-long hike.”

Making a gas burner from scrap materials: step by step

List of materials and tools:

• drill;• grinder;• hammer;• sandpaper;• brass blanks for the divider nozzle;• thin brass tube with a diameter of 15 mm;• wooden blocks;• vice;• silicone seal or FUM tape;• hoses for connection;• valve for adjustment.

How to make a nozzle and handle

First of all, we take a brass tube and attach a handle to it - for example, from an old burner, or from a wooden block, having processed it beforehand. We drill a hole in the block for a brass tube with the appropriate diameter. Having inserted the tube into the timber, we secure it with silicone or epoxy resin.

Next, we proceed to a more labor-intensive and time-consuming stage of work - manufacturing the nozzle. The hole size should preferably be 0.1 mm.

You can use a drill to make a slightly larger hole, and then adjust the edges to 0.1 mm. The hole must have the correct shape so that the flame is even.

After this, we fix the workpiece in a vice, take a hammer and carefully, in a vertical plane with a “pull” towards the middle of the workpiece, strike the future nozzle. We rotate the product evenly to form an ideal hole.

Then we take fine-grit sandpaper and sand the nozzle head. To connect to the tube, a thread is applied to the back of the product; the elements can also be simply soldered - but in the future, repairing the parts will be more difficult.

Now we connect the device to the gas cylinder and set it on fire - the do-it-yourself burner is ready for use. However, here you can see that to regulate the gas flow, you can only open and close the valve of the gas cylinder, and thus it is very difficult to obtain the desired flame. What we can do?

How to improve flame control

For the normal operation of our homemade unit, we will install a divider and a tap on it. It is better to mount the tap near the handle, at a distance of about 2–4 cm, but it can also be attached to the supply pipe. As an option, take a burner tap from an old autogen or another similar tap that is attached with a thread. To seal the connection, take FUM tape.

The divider is installed on a pipe with a nozzle; it is made of brass, diameter 15 mm. The best option is a cylindrical part with a hole for a tube with a nozzle. If there is none, we do this:

1. Take a brass pipe with a diameter of 35 mm and cut a piece of 100–150 mm.2. Take a marker, step back from the end and mark 3-5 points, with an equal distance between them.3. We drill 8–10 mm holes in the pipe, take a grinder and make straight cuts to them.4. We bend everything to the center and weld it to the burner pipe.

DIY burner for jewelry work

Among the most useful and functional devices for the home workshop, a gasoline soldering torch occupies one of the leading places.

Such a device is capable of qualitatively connecting all kinds of metal structures using liquid metal technology.

The device operates on the basis of a gasoline-air combustible mixture, which is formed in the burner, and allows further smelting work to be carried out.

The rotary tap located on the handle acts as a regulator of the direction and power of the flame, which significantly simplifies the combustion process.

Today, metal smelting is carried out using two types of solders:

  1. Low-melting.
  2. Refractory.

If when working with low-melting metals almost all existing types of soldering irons are used, then in the case of refractory metals it is necessary to create maximum temperature indicators.

In this case, you simply cannot do without using a burner.

Currently, there are several varieties of such a universal device that can operate on the basis of different fuel mixtures, but at the same time heat the structure to the required temperature.

Among the most common and convenient torches are models for soldering and welding, which operate on gas or a gas-air mixture. You can purchase them at the appropriate store or try to create them yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gasoline burner

Among the main advantages of BG are the following:

  1. Proper functioning of the burner at an altitude of 3-4 thousand above sea level.
  2. The burner can operate normally even at minus 40 degrees Celsius.
  3. Fuel such as gasoline costs much less, especially when compared with gas.
  4. Light weight burner and ease of use.
  5. You can take the burner anywhere, for example, fishing, hunting or just on a hike.
  6. This device is convenient to use during installation work.
  7. The high temperature at the outlet allows you to work with various types of metals and alloys.
  8. You can use other fuel: kerosene, alcohol or diesel fuel.

But a gasoline burner also has disadvantages:

  1. High fire hazard, especially during fuel filling.
  2. Most often, the fuel torch is uneven.
  3. Soot may appear during operation.
  4. It is important to use pure high-octane gasoline, otherwise the throttle hole will quickly become clogged.

DIY burner for jewelry work - Metals, equipment, instructions

Among the most useful and functional devices for the home workshop, a gasoline soldering torch occupies one of the leading places.

Such a device is capable of qualitatively connecting all kinds of metal structures using liquid metal technology.

The device operates on the basis of a gasoline-air combustible mixture, which is formed in the burner, and allows further smelting work to be carried out.

The rotary tap located on the handle acts as a regulator of the direction and power of the flame, which significantly simplifies the combustion process.

Today, metal smelting is carried out using two types of solders:

  1. Low-melting.
  2. Refractory.

If when working with low-melting metals almost all existing types of soldering irons are used, then in the case of refractory metals it is necessary to create maximum temperature indicators.

In this case, you simply cannot do without using a burner.

Currently, there are several varieties of such a universal device that can operate on the basis of different fuel mixtures, but at the same time heat the structure to the required temperature.

Among the most common and convenient torches are models for soldering and welding, which operate on gas or a gas-air mixture. You can purchase them at the appropriate store or try to create them yourself.

Homemade burner: description and characteristics of the device

If we talk about the burner design, it includes the following components and elements:

  1. The burner itself.
  2. Nozzle.
  3. Conductive tip with electrode wire.
  4. Welding arc.
  5. Welding pool.
  6. Weld.
  7. Base metal.
  8. Drops of electrode metal.
  9. Gas protection.

A simplified version includes a gasoline tank or fuel tank, an air compressor, gasoline hoses and the burner itself, which, in turn, consists of individual parts.

Models that are used for soldering metals have the following structural elements:

  1. Body.
  2. Metal sleeve with hook.
  3. With a pipe.
  4. In a bunch.
  5. With emphasis.
  6. Filler.
  7. A control ball (designed to change the air flow).
  8. Rubber sealing ring.

If you are going to purchase a torch for soldering and welding, do not forget to pay attention to the presence of gas-resistant hoses. In most cases, they are not included in the basic kit, so there is a need for additional purchase of such parts

The design of gasoline and gas burners is very simple, so you can make the design at home using improvised materials. However, despite the ease of assembly and the absence of complications in the configuration of the device, the gasoline burner remains a very valuable tool, which is characterized by many undeniable advantages.

  1. Firstly, such a solution is lightweight and compact in size, which makes it very convenient for further use.
  2. Secondly, the creation of a gasoline-air mixture allows you to create and maintain a high temperature regime, which is necessary to achieve maximum quality of the final result.

Making a gasoline burner with your own hands

Not everyone can purchase a new burner that runs on gas or a fuel-air mixture, which is due to the relative high cost of the device. And the purchased model does not always cope with the assigned tasks, especially if it has already been used. This may be due to the presence of hidden defects or breakdowns.

To avoid becoming a victim of such an unwise purchase, many men prefer homemade solutions, which are particularly affordable and easy to assemble. As mentioned earlier, even the most inexperienced welder can easily install such a device using improvised means, saving himself from high costs.

If a homemade gasoline burner is made taking into account the basic rules and recommendations, it should produce fire immediately after a lit match is brought to it. In this case, stable and steady combustion of the fuel-air mixture will be noticeable for another 3-7 minutes.

Preventing clogging

During use, the channels or nozzles for supplying the combustible mixture may become clogged.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to follow these recommendations:

  • Use gasoline with the lowest octane number.
  • Each use of the burner must be completed by thoroughly cleaning the device.
  • Once a month, add high-quality injector additives to gasoline.
  • Systematically clean the system with carburetor cleaner. Such products fight very well against various deposits in fuel channels and jets.
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