Types, design and principle of operation of a sandblasting chamber, how to make the equipment yourself

During the production process, scale forms on castings. Metal parts rust when exposed to the environment. To get rid of contaminants, the workpieces are sent for sandblasting.

It can be done industrially, or it can be done at home or in a garage, because more than once there has been a need to clean all sorts of parts from rust.


There are 2 types of units that are used for sandblasting metal products.


Habitable vehicles are structures that are designed to clean large workpieces. There is a movable nozzle inside the device. Human participation is required to control technological processes. The operator uses the capabilities of the device for high-quality processing of workpieces.


Uninhabited vehicles are more compact in size. The equipment consists of walls, a sight glass and a hole for the sandblasting nozzle. Moreover, the operator is outside during processing. The height of small-sized boxes does not exceed human height.

The disadvantages of manned vehicles include an increased risk of human injury. Therefore, equipment owners pay great attention to safety precautions. To prevent small dust particles from entering the lungs, it is necessary to install a ventilation system. The specialist must wear protective gloves and goggles.

Manufacturers produce 3 types of uninhabited cameras:

  1. There are ejector models that are capable of processing small workpieces.
  2. To clean thick plaque, pressure structures are used.
  3. The safest option is to use automatic devices that are controlled using a panel.

Design features of the sandblasting unit

In order for the technical system to function correctly, it provides the following devices:

  • sand nozzle with ceramic or steel tip;
  • handle with trigger for controlling the device;
  • fittings for connecting hoses necessary for supplying compressed air and sand;
  • hoses for incoming abrasive and forced air;
  • intake pipe or suction valve;
  • a sand container with an outlet (for example, a small metal barrel or bottle).

The ideal option is to use homemade sandblasting not in the open air, but in a special chamber, which will increase work efficiency and reduce abrasive consumption. The chamber can be a box made of metal sheets, which is welded independently. Most factory camera models include the following items:

  • glass viewing window for monitoring the material processing process;
  • lighting system;
  • two holes for gloves, in which the master places his hands;
  • a grate at the bottom of the chamber and a chute for pouring waste sand;
  • ventilation system to remove dust.

It is better to purchase the nozzle ready-made rather than making it yourself, this way it will last longer. It is almost impossible to make a nozzle of decent quality by hand. You will also have to buy a compressor, or take an old device that is available.

Design and principle of operation

When choosing a sandblasting chamber, you need to pay attention not only to cost. The equipment must ensure high-quality cleaning of scale and rust from the surface of parts. The capabilities of the units depend on several technical characteristics:

  • diameter of the nozzle and connecting hoses;
  • compressor power;
  • abrasive material feed rate;
  • control system;
  • camera dimensions.

During the processing process, metal products go through the following stages:

  1. First, the part is secured in the chamber using clamps.
  2. After this, special containers are filled with abrasive material.
  3. The operator starts the compressor, which allows you to regulate the air flow rate. For this purpose, a system of valves and shut-off valves is used. During the processing process, air is mixed with abrasive particles. The resulting mixture comes out through the nozzle.

Thanks to abrasive processing, you can evenly clean the product from plaque, rust and dirt. Before starting the equipment, it is necessary to check the condition of the connecting hoses and clamps.

Selecting the device to buy

To select a quality device, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • A waste separation system must be present.
  • A ventilation unit is welcome.
  • There must be a “cyclone” that collects the smallest fractions of abrasive.
  • The better the material from which the facing walls are made, the better the cleaning.
  • A good device should have an automatic pipeline cleaning unit.
  • Additional features are welcome, these include a rail track, cart, etc.
  • The basic camera kit should include special gloves, a protective helmet, a mask, overalls and shoes.

Sandblasting is one of the best achievements of mankind. This method allows you not only to use the device to prepare for further work, but also to use it for the purpose of decorating, cleaning and extending the service life of any surface.

Drawings with dimensions

When assembling the sandblasting chamber, you must adhere to the dimensions indicated in the drawing.

How to make a sandblaster from a pressure washer

You can also use a Karcher sink or a similar unit of another brand as a compressor for sandblasting. The device, whose original purpose is to wash cars, is capable of creating high water pressure with low water consumption. The task comes down to modernizing efficient, dust-free equipment. For Karcher you only need to make a special attachment for the outlet pipe.

The following materials will be required:

  • ceramic nozzle, purchased in a store or made by yourself;
  • reinforced hose;
  • mixing unit (tee with a nozzle of suitable diameter);
  • cylindrical dispenser, supply control unit;
  • a tube for collecting abrasive with an air supply channel into a sealed tank.

The sandblasting installation from a high-pressure washer operates according to an ejector scheme. The injected liquid, passing through the mixing block at high speed, forms a vacuum in the sand supply channel. It enters the cleaning zone along with water under high pressure.

How to make homemade sandblasting with your own hands

To assemble a sandblasting chamber yourself, you need to know its design and operating principle.

Work zone

The closed part of the chamber in which the part is processed is called the working area. There is a mesh surface on its floor, which is necessary for the timely removal of used abrasives. Waste falls through the bottom of the chamber. A prerequisite for the normal functioning of the unit is the presence of an inspection window. Lamps installed in the chamber must be protected from abrasives and dust.

Cone bottom

The main task of the cone bottom is to remove spent abrasive.


Without a hood, it is impossible to completely get rid of dust. During the processing process, abrasive particles hit the treated surfaces at high speed. In this case, the material is destroyed and turns into dust. It is advisable to organize automatic abrasive recovery. This technology allows the material to be reused.

Sandblasting machine

There are 2 types of sandblasting machines:

  • ejector;
  • pressure

The devices differ in operating principles. In ejector units, compressed air is supplied directly to the sandblasting gun. In this case, the abrasive flows by gravity from the tank through a separate hose. The abrasive particles are not accelerated as much as in pressure units. The duration of ejector sandblasting treatment is 2–4 hours. For quick cleaning of products, pressure-type devices are used. Thanks to this scheme, it is possible to increase the particle emission speed. This allows for more intensive surface cleaning

General building

The common housing contains attachments, electrics and a pneumatic control device. When assembling yourself, you must take into account that the holes should not be too narrow. The optimal diameter is 16-20 mm. There is an air damper at the top of the equipment.


To prevent the cell from being too dark, it is necessary to properly organize the lighting. Plastic covers are used to protect the lamps from dust. With their help, you can prevent damage to electrical contacts. As an additional measure of protection, a fine-mesh mesh is used. It is placed on top of the casing. The design increases the service life of the viewing window.

The principle of operation of a homemade sandblasting chamber

The principle of operation is quite simple: compressed air from an air compressor is mixed with an abrasive, supplied to the surface through a gun or a special nozzle, due to which the surface is intensively cleaned of various types of contaminants: rust, scale, paint, etc. Spent abrasive with elements of contaminants (chilled paint , scale, etc.) fall through the grated floor. Next, if you have a simple chamber without automatic recovery, then you need to remove and sift the used abrasive, separate the debris, and put it back into the hopper. During operation, dust generated will be removed using ventilation.

Safety precautions

When the open type unit operates, active spraying of abrasive crumbs occurs. A special suit is used to protect the operator. During operation of the equipment, a high level of noise occurs. The owner of the unit must take care of soundproofing the room.

Large amounts of dust pose a danger to humans. A filter is used to clean the air in a timely manner. The sandblasting chamber must be connected to the ventilation system. Purified air is supplied through a special hose directly to the operator’s helmet.

How to make a siphon sandblaster

Step 1: Drill a hole in the bottom of the cylinder. Weld the control valve at the end.

Step 2: Connect the air supply hose to one end of the control valve and connect the other hose to the siphon nozzle of the gun.

Step 3: When the siphon gun trigger is pulled, the nozzle is activated and the high pressure and volume passing through the venturi arm tube causes air to be sucked through the hoses.

When the compressed air is released from the gun, it draws sand through a hose built into the sand pile at the bottom of the hopper and releases it along with the compressed air. This creates a sandblasting force that is applied to the object it is being used on.

That's all! The DIY mini sandblasting machine is ready.

Although siphon sandblasters are cheap and easy to make, there are some key disadvantages associated with them. Siphon gun nozzles are larger than pressure gun nozzles, so they draw more pressure and also require larger compressors to operate.

a large volume of air, which is necessary to suck the abrasive material from the cylinder. This makes it slower than a regular pressure sandblaster. Additionally, these guns tend to clog easily, making cleaning difficult.

Sandblasting machines, unlike siphon ones, work four times more efficiently. Therefore, they are more suitable for large productions.

Drawings and diagrams

Before you start making a sandblasting machine, it is extremely important to understand the specifics of its operation.

The general principle of operation is easy. Simple models in their design resemble the design of a spray gun. Any drawing can confirm this. It is assumed that the equipment will receive compressed air flow into its air ducts, after which it will lift the sand and throw it out through the nozzle. Such an easy operating principle contributes to the convenient and quick use of the device. In addition, its production is amazingly simple.

However, in order to successfully create a homemade sandblasting unit, a special compressor is required. It must guarantee air flow at optimal pressure. In fact, it is difficult to create a compressor yourself, so it is best to buy it in a specialized store. It is advisable to choose models with a power of at least 3 kW and the presence of a forced cooling system. It will not be possible to successfully create a sandblasting unit without a compressor, since it simply will not be able to cope with the assigned tasks.

When wondering how to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands, it is extremely important to understand the specific operation of the equipment used. Otherwise, the created unit will not be able to exhibit the optimal level of functionality and successfully provide high-pressure air flow. Experts note that it is best to use compressors with a capacity of at least 500 liters per minute. To eliminate unnecessary risks associated with the functionality of the equipment, the compressor motor must have a forced cooling system to eliminate the risk of overheating.

To create a sandblast you will need to use:

  1. A compressor that will provide a stable air supply at optimal pressure.
  2. A special container for material (sand), which must continuously supply abrasive material. It is recommended to use a propane or freon gas cylinder. Both containers boast optimal resistance to mechanical factors and are ready to contain significant pressure.
  3. A sandblaster nozzle is also required for the unit to operate successfully. The best materials are boron and tungsten carbide. Short-lived products are made from ceramics and cast iron, but they cannot cope with long-term intensive work.
  4. To create a complete structure, you also need to use a 2-inch piece of steel water pipe with a special thread and plug, ball valves of the S 111 type, a DN 15 threaded pipe with three adapters, a 2-meter reinforced rubber hose, a gas hose, a collet clamp, and hose fittings , tape made of fluoroplastic sealing material.

If you use high-quality components at affordable prices, the total cost of the kit will be about $35. In fact, this amount turns out to be more profitable compared to the price of ready-made sandblasting equipment.

Safety precautions when operating a sandblasting machine

A sandblasting machine is a potentially dangerous unit; when working with it, it is important to follow safety precautions to avoid injury:

  1. Be sure to use a respirator, safety glasses and gloves. Inhalation of sand dust can lead to severe respiratory illness. Make sure that your family is not near the work.
  2. Before you start cleaning the surface, check the strength and tightness of all connections of the device. This must be done every time.
  3. Do not forget to open the sand supply valve before turning on the compressor.
  4. To achieve the best effect, direct the abrasive stream at an angle of 90° to the surface being treated.
  5. During operation, make sure that the hoses of the device are not stretched.
  6. Check the quality of the abrasive and the uniformity of the sand before pouring it into the container. The sand must be dry.
  7. To avoid accidental shock, ground the device before turning it on.
  8. To ensure effective work, it is recommended to maintain a right angle when cleaning any surfaces.


  • https://HouseChief.ru/kak-sdelat-peskostrujj-svoimi-rukami.html
  • https://kraska.guru/specmaterialy/korroziya/peskostrujnyj-apparat-svoimi-rukami.html
  • https://dom-i-remont.info/posts/obshhie-voprosy/peskostruy-svoimi-rukami-shema-printsip-deystviya-sovetyi-i-instruktsiya/
  • https://podelki.expert/peskostrujnyj-apparat-svoimi-rukami/
  • https://fishki.net/3491572-samyj-prostoj-peskostrujnyj-apparat.html
  • https://WikiMetall.ru/oborudovanie/peskostruy-svoimi-rukami.html
  • https://svoimirykami.guru/peskostruj-svoimi-rukami/

What else can a nozzle and gun be made from?

Making your own sandblasting gun is not difficult. For assembly, you can use a nozzle for a regular ball valve located at the end of the hose for discharging the air-sand mixture. The nozzle is a nut that clamps the outlet nozzle for the abrasive.

The nozzle, in turn, can be made on a lathe. But it is more rational to use a spark plug. The worn-out part is cut with a grinder, while the durable ceramic rod is separated from the metal parts of the structure, and its length is adjusted.

The process of cutting a candle requires appropriate skills. In addition, when cutting, a large amount of dust is generated, and a not very pleasant smell appears. If you don’t have a separate room and the skills to work with an angle grinder, it’s easier to purchase a suitable nozzle in a store.

DIY designs are often more effective than pistols, a wide range of which are commercially available. Therefore, if you have free time, it is wise to spend it on implementing your technical solution, and spend the saved money on other, no less important goals.

Making sandblasting yourself allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing a serially assembled machine by 3–5 times. Maximum savings can be achieved by using a homemade compressor, but it is very difficult to achieve sufficient power. The best option is do-it-yourself sandblasting in combination with a powerful factory compressor.

Required Parts

If you have a desire to make sandblasting with your own hands from a gas cylinder, it should be noted that it is no more difficult than sandblasting from an ordinary plastic bottle.

  • ball valves in the amount of two pieces.
  • gas cylinder.
  • pipe, it will be used to fill the reservoir with consumables.
  • tee in the amount of two pieces.
  • sleeve 15 millimeters in the amount of two pieces.
  • clamps.
  • tape required for sealing at joints.



1. Abrasive collection and recovery system:

  • Scraper conveyors. Each scraper conveyor consists of a number of frames with elastic scrapers and is driven by a pneumatic cylinder controlled by an automatic pneumatic control system.;
  • The bucket elevator is used to move the spent abrasive into the air-mechanical cleaner;
  • A pneumatic-mechanical abrasive cleaner (separator) with a hopper is designed to remove dust and fine fractions from abrasive material by cleaning in an air flow in order to separate the abrasive material in a closed circulation cycle. The separator is designed to clean abrasive material in an amount of 900 liters per hour;
  • Pneumatic shutter. The pneumatic control of the shutter is connected to the control of the abrasive blasting unit, which makes it possible to reduce the process of loading abrasive material to a minimum and eliminate unwanted overflow.

Sandblasting from Karcher

Attention! The main difference between equipment from Karcher is the use of pneumatic washing equipment, which will also find a worthy place in automotive work.

In this case, a conventional compressor is not required. It is assumed that the abrasive material (most often sand) will be supplied under the influence of strong kinetic energy, which will contribute to effective cleaning. At the same time, the created sandblasting attachment for a Karcher with your own hands can be implemented on the basis of a gun designed for pneumatic cleaning equipment.

To create a nozzle, it is best to use high-quality materials. In this case, it is allowed to use only very fine sand, which will be supplied along with distilled water. Otherwise, there is a risk that the sandblasting unit will not last for a long time due to its increased vulnerability to various external factors.

So, how to make a sandblasting machine with your own hands? What additional aspects should be considered?

The most important thing is to understand the specifics of sandblasting:

  1. When you press the special gun, the water should flow past the intake hose. The main goal is to create a vacuum.
  2. Subsequently, the created vacuum sucks in sand, which mixes with water. The required process starts successfully.

The implementation of such a scheme usually turns out to be impractical. Most often, it is recommended to use add-ons in the form of taps and dispensers. If you can successfully create a homemade sandblast with your own hands, cleaning a surface with a diameter of 70-80 centimeters can take a minimum of time and up to 30 kilograms of sand.

When creating a nozzle for a sandblasting machine, you need to ensure that you have the following parts:

  • nozzle (this device is the basis for any sandblasting equipment, not just Karcher);
  • trigger;
  • reinforced hose (minimum length - 2 meters);
  • convenient and functional dispenser;
  • ceramic nozzle for active use of a sandblasting unit (the metal analogue will quickly become unusable).

It should be noted that creating sandblasting from Karcher yourself is not so easy. Specificity will even appear in the manufacture of the nozzle, because for this you will need to select a metal rod with a diameter of 15 millimeters and carefully saw it from the middle.

You can assemble the nozzle according to the following scheme:

  • the nozzle is attached to the nozzle using the existing thread;
  • on the other side of the nozzle, a reinforced hose is installed, which is secured with a fitting and a clamp;
  • A dispenser is installed at the end of the ceramic nozzle.

It is these three main aspects that contribute to the creation of a ceramic nozzle that will allow long-term use of sandblasting equipment.

To save sand, it is allowed to use a special tank with a grid. This requires a reinforced hose, which is attached to a container with water and abrasive material, as well as to a tray for collecting waste sand.

A video of sandblasting from a Karcher with your own hands will allow you to understand the specifics of the equipment and its further successful use.

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