Steel 08Х18Н10Т – application, chemical composition, properties, foreign analogues

Characteristics of steel 08Х18Н10Т

The chemical composition of steel 08Х18Н10Т is determined according to GOST-5632. The three main elements of this alloy are iron, chromium and nickel; it is their ratio that determines the key characteristics of steel 08Х18Н10Т. Due to the high chromium content, steel is resistant to corrosion, while nickel ensures strength and performance at high temperatures. Among other stainless steels, 08Х18Н10Т is characterized by increased resistance to intergranular corrosion, which makes it possible to use it in more aggressive environments. Steel is almost non-magnetic after heat treatment and weakly magnetic in its normal state. The alloy can be processed and has good weldability.

Demanded stainless steel circle 08x18n10


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The metal circle made of stainless steel grade 08x18n10 is widely used in most industries. In the article below we will look at the advantages of this steel, its chemical composition and characteristics, application and where exactly the stainless steel circle 08x18n10 is used.

The main areas of application of steel 08Х18Н10Т

Stainless steels are widely used in industrial areas where contact with moisture or aggressive external environments is inevitable. Where products made from carbon steels quickly fail or require constant renewal of protective coatings, stainless steels demonstrate high durability indicators, which more than cover the difference in cost.

Welded fittings, electrodes and spark plugs are made from steel grade 08Х18Н10Т. It is used in the production of stainless pipes, shut-off valves, and equipment for the chemical industry used in alkaline or acidic environments. Steel 08Х18Н10Т is suitable for the manufacture of parts operating at high temperatures up to 800C. These include furnace fittings, elements of heat exchangers, boilers, etc. Stainless steels, in particular steel 08Х18Н10Т, are used in the oil and gas industry. Tanks for storing and transporting fuel are made from it, because this metal is not sensitive to aggressive environments.

Well-polished stainless steel has an attractive appearance and is used to make decorative elements.

Types of delivery

Steel 08Х18Н10Т is supplied in the form of steel sheets of different thicknesses, strips, strips and pipes, long and shaped rolled products. Ground rods, calibrated rods of different sections, silver, and forgings are in demand.

Where can I buy a circle made of steel grade 08Х18Н10?

Our company offers all types of rolled metal in Nizhny Novgorod. We have pipes and rods of different sections and sheets. We offer all types of structural, alloy, tool steels and non-ferrous metal products. We also provide professional cutting of rolled metal products and products. If the alloy or brand you need is not available, our employees will help you choose an analogue based on characteristics and purpose. To clarify information about availability or characteristics, ask a question, or to order, call us by phone number or fill out the application form on our website.

Explanation of markings and chemical composition of steel 08Х18Н10Т

  • 08 - this number at the beginning of the brand indicates the percentage of carbon in hundredths - 0.08%;
  • Х18 – chromium content 18%;
  • H10 - indicates 10% nickel in the composition;
  • T – titanium up to 1%.

In addition to the elements indicated in the marking, the alloy contains additives and impurities in small quantities. A chemical element is displayed in the mark only if its concentration has a noticeable effect on the properties of the steel. The content of harmful impurities, such as phosphorus and sulfur, affects the quality of steel, which is also displayed in the marking with a special letter.

If the quality of steel is not indicated in the marking with a special letter, then it is steel of ordinary quality.

Chemical composition in%

C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Ti Cu W Fe
<0,08 <0,8 <2,0 <0,035 <0,02 17,0-19,0 <0,3 9,0-11,0 <0,2 <0,7 <0,4 <0,2 Rest

The influence of chemical composition on the properties of steel

Carbon. Forms the chemical compound cementite (Fe3C) with iron. Starting from 1.2% content, it significantly affects the properties of steel, increases strength, hardness, elasticity, but reduces ductility and impact strength. Increased carbon content also negatively affects the machinability of steel, in particular weldability. The negative impact of both high and low carbon content in steel can be compensated by using alloying additives.

Silicon . Deoxidizes steel, removes gases (oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide). In small concentrations it does not affect the quality and properties of alloys.

Manganese. It is also a deoxidizing agent, improving some characteristics of steel if contained in the alloy in large quantities. Does not affect quality when its concentration is negligible. It is especially useful in that it binds sulfur into the MnS compound - manganese sulfide, which neutralizes its harmful effect on the alloy.

Phosphorus. Deteriorates the performance of the alloy in any quantity. Due to the harmful effects of phosphorus, at low temperatures steel becomes brittle, loses its toughness, and becomes cold-brittle.

Sulfur. Like phosphorus, it negatively affects the quality of steel in any concentration. Causes red brittleness - loss of viscosity at high heating temperatures. In addition, sulfur makes steel susceptible to fatigue, susceptible to corrosion, and loses overall resistance.

Chromium. Alloying element, one of the most popular and accessible alloying additives. Steels with a chromium content of 8% or more are called high-chromium steels; these are the most common alloy alloys in industry. Steel alloyed with chromium is called chromium or stainless steel, and steel coated with a thin layer of chromium is called chrome plated. Chromium enhances the beneficial properties of steel - hardness, strength, elasticity, with almost no effect on ductility.

Molybdenum. An alloying element that increases a number of important characteristics of steel - red resistance, anti-corrosion properties, tensile strength, elasticity.

Nickel. Expensive additive, increases the cost of production of alloy steel; whenever possible, it is replaced by cheaper additives.

Vanadium. Expensive and rare deoxidizer. Promotes the formation of a fine-grained metal structure, increases density, strength and hardness.

Titanium. Thanks to titanium, steel can be processed well and acquires a fine-grained structure. Titanium also has a positive effect on the anti-corrosion properties, deoxidizes and increases the strength of the alloy.

Copper. Gives steel strength and prevents rusting. Steels with a high copper content are in demand primarily in construction.

Tungsten. Alloying carbide-forming element. Increases red resistance, hardness, allows the metal to maintain a fine-grained structure at high temperatures, and protects against temper brittleness. Expensive and rare supplement.

Iron. It forms the basis of any steel; up to 99% of the iron content can be seen in carbon unalloyed alloys.

Receiving technology

When processing parts, it is important to obtain the desired mechanical properties. Their combination is obtained thanks to two components:

  • chemical composition;
  • thermal and/or mechanical treatment - steel 08Х18Н10Т is no exception.

Stainless steel has features that combine plasticity, which makes it possible to roll out metal with a thickness of less than 1 mm, and strength, which is sufficient for the manufacture of critical utilities and parts operating under high pressure in highly aggressive environments.


Russian steel marking determines the chemical composition. It indicates the main alloying elements that largely influence the character of the alloy. In this case, the marking 08Х18Н10Т determines

  • carbon – 0.8%;
  • chromium – 18%;
  • nickel – 10;
  • titanium – 0.4-0.6%;
  • silicon and manganese (by default, they are not indicated in the labeling) - up to 0.8 (practically, the manganese content is always higher)


In the standards of other countries, this brand may have the following markings:

  • America – AISI 304; 321;
  • Japan - SUS321;
  • Germany - 1.4541;
  • China - 2337.

The Russian analogues are two types of alloys:

  • with the addition of molybdenum - 10Х17Н13М2Т, 10Х17Н13М2 (without titanium); 10Х17Н13М3Т (with an increase in molybdenum to 3%);
  • without Ti - 08Х18Н9 or with nickel content up to 10;
  • a cheaper analogue that is corrosion resistant at normal temperatures and slightly aggressive environments is 12X17.

Technical characteristics and properties of steel

The tables below show the physical, mechanical and technological properties of steel 08Х18Н10Т.

Mechanical properties of the material

Mechanical properties of steel 08Х18Н10Т (old 0Х18Н10Т EI914) at T=20oС
Rental Size Eg. σв (MPa) s T (MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/m2)
Bar Æ 60 490 196 40 55
The leaf is thick 520 210 43
The wire is annealed. Æ 8 1400-1600 20
Hot deformed pipes 510 40
Forgings 490 196 35 40

Properties according to GOST 5582-75

Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm Yield strength, σ0.2, MPa Tensile strength, σв, MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets: hardening at 1050-1080 °C, water, air Up to 3.9 520 40

Properties according to GOST 5949-75 standard

Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm Yield strength, σ0.2, MPa Tensile strength, σв, MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Rods. Quenching at 1020-1100 °C, air, oil, water. 60 196 490 40 55

Properties according to GOST 7350-77

Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm Yield strength, σ0.2, MPa Tensile strength, σв, MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheets: hardening 1000-1080 °C, water, air. Over 4 206 509 43

Properties according to GOST 9940-81

Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm Yield strength, σ0.2, MPa Tensile strength, σв, MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Seamless hot-deformed pipes without heat treatment 3,5 — 32 510 40

Properties according to GOST 18907-73

Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm Yield strength, σ0.2, MPa Tensile strength, σв, MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Ground rods, processed to a specified strength 1 — 30 590 — 830 20

Properties according to GOST 25054-81

Delivery condition, heat treatment mode Section, mm Yield strength, σ0.2, MPa Tensile strength, σв, MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Forgings. Quenching 1050-1100 °C, water or air 1000 196 490 35 40
Rental Size Direction Tensile strength σ in , MPa Short-term strength limit, S T , MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Relative narrowing, ψ, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
Bar F 60 490 196 40 55
Thin sheet 520 210 43
Annealed wire F 8 1400 — 1600 20
Hot-deformed pipes 510 40
Forgings 490 196 35 40

Impact strength of steel as delivered

Assortment Heat treatment Index Т= +20 °С Т= -25 °С
Bar Quenching at 1050 °C, water KCV, J/cm2 216 181
Bar Quenching at 1050 °C, water KCV, J/cm2 167 147

Mechanical properties in long-term strength tests

Mechanical properties of 08Х18Н10Т (old 0Х18Н10Т EI914) during long-term strength tests
Test temperature, °C Creep limit, MPa Creep rate %/h Long-term strength limit, MPa, not less Test duration, h
600 650 74 29-39 1/100000 1/100000 147 108 78-98 10000 100000 10000
Test temperature, °C Creep limit, MPa Creep rate %/hour Long-term strength limit, MPa Test duration, hours
600 74 1/100000 147 10000
108 100000
650 29 — 39 1/100000 78 — 98 10000

Mechanical properties of steel at elevated temperatures

Mechanical properties of steel 08Х18Н10Т (old 0Х18Н10Т EI914) at elevated temperatures
Test temperature, °C σ0.2 (MPa) σв (MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/cm2)
20 300 400 500 600 700 275 200 175 175 175 160 610 450 440 440 390 270 41 31 31 29 25 26 63 65 65 65 61 59 245 — 313 363 353 333
Test temperature, °C Yield strength, σ 0.2 , MPa Tensile strength, σ in , MPa Elongation at break, δ5, % Relative narrowing, ψ, % Impact strength KCU at 20°C, J/cm2
20 275 610 41 63 245
300 200 450 31 65
400 175 440 31 65 313
500 175 440 29 65 363
600 175 390 25 61 353
700 160 270 26 59 333

Physical properties

Temperature, °C Modulus of elasticity, E 10 5 , MPa Linear expansion coefficient, a 10 6 , 1/°С Thermal conductivity coefficient, l, W/m °C
20 1,96
100 16,1 16
200 18
300 17,4 19
500 18,2

Technological properties

Mass fraction of basic chemical elements, %
C - carbon Si - silicon Mn - manganese Cr - chromium Ni - nickel Ti - titanium
No more than 0.08 No more than 0.80 No more than 2.00 17,00-19,00 9,00-11,00 No more than 0.70
Forging Forging temperature, °C: beginning 1220, end 900. Sections up to 300 mm are cooled in air.
Weldability Weldable without restrictions. Welding methods: manual arc welding, automatic arc welding, electroslag welding, resistance welding.
Machinability At HB 143 and σв = 510 MPa: Kv carbide = 1.1 Kv high-speed steel = 0.35

Resistance of steel 08Х18Н10Т against crevice erosion

Durability group Point Erosion resistance against steel 12X18H10T
Persistent 2 0,75-1,5

Resistance of steel 08Х18Н10Т to sulfide corrosion cracking

Method of forming blanks Name of parts
Forgings, stampings, rolled products Body, bonnet, stem, spindle, valve seal parts, bellows end parts


Designation GOST Cyrillic03Х18Н10Т
Designation GOST Latin03X18H10T
By chemical elements03Cr18Н10Ti
Designation GOST Cyrillic03Х18Н10
Designation GOST Latin03X18H10
By chemical elements03Cr18Н10
Designation GOST CyrillicХ18Н10Т
Designation GOST LatinX18H10T
By chemical elementsCr18Н10Ti

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т taking into account characteristics and properties

Below are tables for the use of steel for various parts, indicating the temperature of the working environment and additional instructions for use.

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for bodies, covers, flanges, membranes and valve assembly made from rolled products, forgings (stampings) (GOST 33260-2015)

steel grade ND for supply Temperature of the working medium (wall), °C Additional instructions for use
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632 Long products GOST 5949, Sheets GOST 7350 M3b, M2b. Pipes GOST 9940, GOST 9941. Forgings GOST 25054 -270 to 610 For welded fittings operating in aggressive environments: HNO3, alkalis, ammonium nitrate, food media, special equipment media, ship fittings, cryogenic media, hydrogen sulfide-containing media; for membranes

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for fittings fasteners (GOST 33260-2015)

Steel grade, according to GOST 1759.0 Material standard or specification Application options
Bolts, studs, screws Nuts Flat washers
Ambient temperature, °C Nominal pressure Pn, MPa (kgf/cm2) Ambient temperature, °C Nominal pressure Pn, MPa (kgf/cm2) Ambient temperature, °C Nominal pressure Pn, MPa (kgf/cm2)
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632 -196 to 600 Not regulated -196 to 600 Not regulated -196 to 600 Not regulated

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for the manufacture of spindles and rods (GOST 33260-2015)

steel grade ND for supply Working environment temperature, °C Additional instructions for use
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632 Long products GOST 5949 -270 to 610 It is used for work in aggressive environments: nitric acid, alkalis, ammonium nitrate, food environments, environments of special equipment, shipbuilding, cryogenic equipment and hydrogen sulfide-containing environments. Used for welded joints

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for bellows (GOST 33260-2015)

steel grade ND for supply RD for the production of bellows Working environment temperature, °C Operating pressure Pp, MPa (kgf/cm2), no more Additional instructions for use
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632 Sheet GOST 5582. Tape GOST 4986, (for steel 1.4541) GOST 21744, GOST 22388 -260 to 550 From 0.6 to 25.0 (from 6 to 250) For water, steam, inert gases and cryogenic temperatures. For mildly aggressive environments - up to a temperature of 350°C. For corrosive environments - up to 150°C
Pipe GOST 10498. Pipe blank

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for valve valve assembly

steel grade Working environment temperature, °C Hardness Additional instructions for use
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632 -100 to 300 155…170 HB The functionality of the valve assembly is ensured by the presence of surfacing or other wear-resistant coating in the mating part

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for gaskets

steel grade Type of semi-finished product Application temperature, °C Additional instructions for use
Name ND for supply
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632 Thick heat-treated sheets GOST 7350 -253 to 600 Suitable for use in corrosive environments

Maximum permissible temperature for using steel 08Х18Н10Т in environments containing ammonia

steel grade Temperature of application of steels, °C at partial pressure of ammonia, MPa (kgf/cm)
St. 1(10) to 2(20) St. 2(20) to 5(50) St. 5(50) to 8(80)
08Х18Н10Т 540 540 540

Maximum permissible temperature for the use of steel 08Х18Н10Т in hydrogen-containing environments

steel grade Temperature, °C, at partial pressure of hydrogen, PH2, MPa (kgf/cm2)
1,5(15) 2,5(25) 5(50) 10(100) 20(200) 30(300) 40(400)
08Х18Н10Т 510 510 510 510 510 510 510

Application of steel 08Х18Н10Т for the manufacture of main parts of nuclear power plant fittings

steel grade Type of semi-finished product or product Maximum permissible temperature of use, °C
08Х18Н10Т GOST 5632, GOST 24030 Sheets, pipes, forgings, long products. Fasteners 600

Receiving technology

When processing parts, it is important to obtain the desired mechanical properties. Their combination is obtained thanks to two components:

  • chemical composition;
  • thermal and/or mechanical treatment - steel 08Х18Н10Т is no exception.

Stainless steel has features that combine plasticity, which makes it possible to roll out metal with a thickness of less than 1 mm, and strength, which is sufficient for the manufacture of critical utilities and parts operating under high pressure in highly aggressive environments.


  • carbon – 0.8%;
  • chromium – 18%;
  • nickel – 10;
  • titanium – 0.4-0.6%;
  • silicon and manganese (by default, they are not indicated in the labeling) - up to 0.8 (practically, the manganese content is always higher)


In the standards of other countries, this brand may have the following markings:

  • America – AISI 304; 321;
  • Japan - SUS321;
  • Germany - 1.4541;
  • China - 2337.

The Russian analogues are two types of alloys:

  • with the addition of molybdenum - 10Х17Н13М2Т, 10Х17Н13М2 (without titanium); 10Х17Н13М3Т (with an increase in molybdenum to 3%);
  • without Ti - 08Х18Н9 or with nickel content up to 10;
  • a cheaper analogue that is corrosion resistant at normal temperatures and slightly aggressive environments is 12X17.

The closest equivalents (analogues) of steel 08Х18Н10Т

USA (ASTM/ASME) 321, S32100
Germany (DIN, WNr) 1.4541, 1.4878, X10CrNiTi18-9
Japan (JIS) SUS321
France (AFNOR) 321F00, Z6CN18-10, Z6CN18-10
England (BS) 321S12, 321S18, 321S20, 321S22, 321S31
Euronorms (EN) 1.4541, X10CrNiTi18-10, X6CrNiTi18-10
Italy (UNI) X6CrNiTi18-11, X8CrNiTi1811
Spain (UNE) F.3523, X6CrNiTi18-10
China (GB) 0Cr18Ni11Ti, 1Cr18Ni9Ti, 0Cr18Ni10Ti
Sweden (SS) 2337
Poland (PN) 0H18N10T, 1H18N10T, 1H18N9T
Czech Republic (CSN) 17246, 17247, 17248
Austria (ONORM) X6CrNiTi18-10S, X6CrNiTi1810K, KW
Russia (GOST) 10Х14Г14Н4Т, Х14Г14Н3Т

Alloy 03Х18Н10Т

Steel 03Х18Н10Т is corrosion-resistant, one of the most common grades of stainless high-alloy steels.

Alloy 03X18H10T is used for the production of cold-rolled thin sheets; compensator bellows; parts and welded structures operating in highly aggressive environments (nitric acid, nitric acid media, acetic acid, alkali and salt solutions). 03Х18Н10Т has a higher capacity for deep drawing than steel grades 08Х18Н10Т and 12Х18Н10Т


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