How to insert staples into a construction stapler: threading procedure

A furniture stapler is a fairly universal tool with which you can not only perform furniture upholstery procedures, but also a number of other construction operations.

Today, there are several types of similar equipment, differing in their operating principles:

  • pneumatic,
  • electric,
  • manual.

Pneumatic staplers are used in industry, and electric and manual staplers are used in everyday life. Models belonging to the latter type are the most common in the furniture industry due to their mobility and ease of use. Let’s use this example to look at the principle of operation, operation and repair of furniture staplers.

However, before moving on to this procedure, I would like to say a few words about staples and their varieties.

Repair furniture stapler does not hammer staples repair. Main types of models

The manual stapler does not require careful maintenance. You just need to lubricate it periodically.

  1. Manual staplers. This group includes mechanical staplers equipped with a manual drive. They are divided into several types, based on the task that needs to be completed.
  2. Stapling hammer. This staple gun hammers the staple into place with a strong blow. The speed of this model is much higher than its manual counterparts, but the accuracy of driving staples leaves much to be desired. In most cases, such staple hammers are used for:
  • insulation fastenings;
  • laying roofing felt.

In other words, the stapler is used where speed of work comes first, and not its accuracy.

Cable construction stapler. This tool is specially designed for installing cables that can withstand a load of 50 V. The cable diameter for operation must be no more than 7.5 mm. When choosing such a stapler, the diameter of the wire you will have to work with is taken into account. Most often, cable devices are used for large volumes of work, when the following is required:

  • fix the cable;
  • lay an electrical network;
  • install communication lines.

Regular models. This instrument has already become a classic among such devices. It has a manual drive, which is pressed against the surface, and after pressing the release lever, the staple is driven into the material.

Electric staplers are considered one of the most powerful because... have reinforced springs.

Combined models. This construction stapler simultaneously combines operations performed by various types of staplers equipped with a manual drive.

In addition to the models presented above, there are also other varieties of this tool. They are divided into:

Professional models are distinguished by their positive characteristics:

  • great resource;
  • ergonomics;
  • no plastic parts.

The negative side is the high cost of the stapler.

Electric staplers. This variety is widely used for domestic needs. The electric stapler is very easy to operate, just connect the electricity. However, the cost of such a stapler is much higher than its manual counterpart. To simply repair furniture, it is not economical to buy such a model. A manual stapler is more suitable for this job. But if we are talking about constant furniture repair, then it is better to use the electric option.

Pneumatic models. Mostly professionals use such tools in their work. This type of construction stapler is not used for household needs. The staple is driven in by a pneumatic shock. This air method is used in production where an air compressor operates.

In case of special need, you can install your own compressor, but it is better to purchase a compact model, the dimensions of which correspond to the size of a small suitcase. To carry out the work, you only need an electrical network.

The price of such devices is incredibly high. This device is used by professionals who repair furniture. This type of pneumatic stapler is also available from private manufacturers.

Which to choose?

Construction staplers are divided into several types according to certain parameters. For example, according to the principle of operation - mechanical, electric and pneumatic tools.

By purpose:

  1. Typical (classic) stapler. It usually uses U-shaped staples, but special nails can also be installed. It has a universal purpose.
  2. The cable stapler is capable of securing cables and wires with a diameter of up to 8-10 mm, for which rounded staples are used. Such fastening can be carried out in electrical networks with a voltage of no more than 50 V. At higher voltages it cannot be used due to the risk of a short circuit. The main purpose is telephone, computer, communication lines.
  3. The packaging tool is designed to work with cardboard (including corrugated cardboard) and various film materials. It resembles a stationery device, because... bends the ends of staples, but has significantly greater power and size.
  4. The window option is capable of securing glazing beads and other elements using metal pins. The length of these fasteners can range from 10 to 50 mm, depending on the principle of operation of the stapler.
  5. Thacker uses V-shaped staples. This fastener design allows you to connect workpieces located at an angle to each other. An example of use is assembling photo or painting frames.
  6. The rivet stapler (rivet gun) is capable of installing aluminum, copper and steel rivets.
  7. The staple hammer uses the inertial principle, i.e. it is used like a hammer, but the impact force is increased due to a special mechanism. The main purpose is installation of roofing and floor coverings.

According to technical characteristics:

  1. Impact force. This is an important criterion for choosing a tool, because it determines the depth of driving in the fastening element (staple, nail). For household construction, this parameter is in the range of 3-16 mm. Low-power tools work with staples up to 8 mm high, while higher-power tools work with staples higher than 10 mm.
  2. Bracket width. The area of ​​pressing of the elements when they are fastened depends on this indicator, and therefore the speed of the operation and the reliability of the connection.


The most widely used mechanical stapler is the operating principle of which is based on increasing physical strength using a spring mechanism. During operation, the user presses the handle with his hand, which bends the spring.

At the maximum point of bending, the spring is released and all its accumulated energy is directed to strike the fastening element (clip, pin or nail). This force is enough to drive it into the base.

The spring in a mechanical stapler can be of a twisted or plate (spring) type. When choosing a tool, it is better to give preference to the second option, because it provides significant impact force with almost complete absence of recoil. In modern designs, the impact force is adjustable, which makes it possible to configure the tool to work with materials of different hardness.


An electric stapler differs from a mechanical tool in that the spring bends using electricity. When you turn on the device, it immediately enters the ready state, and to strike the bracket you just need to press the start button. This stapler can operate from mains power or a built-in battery.

Usually, preference is given to battery power, because... The connection to the outlet is eliminated and there is no cord that interferes with operation. The most commonly used batteries are nickel-metal hydride type (2 cells at 14.5 V) and lithium-ion type at 18 V. The second type of battery is the most reliable.

The main advantages of an electric stapler are the elimination of physical effort, which is important for large amounts of work; acceleration of work; convenience and practicality. Disadvantages - higher cost, less reliability and greater weight of the tool


In a pneumatic stapler, the shock load is provided by compressed air. Such a tool can be produced in stationary and manual versions.

In the first case, the air supply is regulated by the pedal, and in the second - by the start button.

To operate a pneumatic tool, you need an air compressor, which creates the main disadvantage - the bulkiness of the equipment.

Among the positive aspects of this stapler, there is a locking system against accidental inclusions, prevention of jamming of staples, and adjustment of shock load. The most important advantage is the highest speed of operation and enormous penetrating ability.

How to use a stapler


In order to load the stapler with staples (i.e. load the staple gun), you must first move away the spring intended for pressing them. The staples themselves are placed in a special groove, in which, in fact, they need to be placed. After this, the spring is put in place. The tool is completely ready for use.

Video: how to thread a stapler with staples

Now you know how to insert staples into a stapler, we can proceed directly to work.


In order to fix the necessary element, you should firmly attach the device to the place where you plan to hammer the bracket. After this, without lifting the device from the surface, you must press the trigger button (lever). If these manipulations are successful, you will hear a characteristic sound and see a staple inserted into the material.

Tips and tricks

In order to protect yourself when working with a construction stapler, you should follow some rules:

  • If you use a mechanical model of the device, it is necessary to adjust the screw regulator. This operation should be performed on a piece of rough material by rotating the screw from minimum to maximum. If the staple goes in all the way from the first shot, you can start working on the “finishing” part. Otherwise, re-adjustment is required;
  • In order to drive the staples at the same distance, you should first mark the necessary places with a pencil or ballpoint pen;
  • Hold the material with your free hand so that when firing it does not move from the pre-designated place;
  • Keep track of the number of staples in the “store” so as not to be left without a single fastening element at the most inopportune moment;
  • After finishing work, secure the handle with the safety catch to prevent spontaneous or accidental firing.

In addition to all the above tips, you may also need help repairing this construction tool, since the stapler, like any other equipment, tends to break.


The most common cause of stapler failure is a breakdown of the impact mechanism. However, in order to get to it, you must first disassemble the tool. This can be done by performing a number of simple operations:

  • Remove the adjusting screw;
  • Remove the spring;
  • Remove the protection cover;
  • Remove the pins;
  • Remove the lock washers.

If the list of actions does not make it clear to you how to disassemble the stapler, then you can see this in the video below.

After performing all the above manipulations, you will be able to see the drummer, which, for the most part, fails due to the exhaustion of its resource.

In order to repair this element, you should remove it, place it in a vice and, using an ordinary file, give the striker its original shape.

That's it, the repair is completed, and the instrument is again in full combat readiness.

Tips on why the stapler does not work and how to fix it:

  • If your tool does not finish (does not finish) the staples, then try tightening the spring, it may have weakened;
  • If a construction stapler bends the staples, try adjusting the spring tension bolt (relax or tighten, experiment). Another probable cause of malfunction is a mismatch between the type of staples and the structure of the material - for chipboard and plywood it is recommended to buy staples made of hardened steel;
  • If the staples do not come out of the stapler, but bend and get stuck inside, perhaps the striker (tongue) that pushes them has become rounded and needs to be sharpened;
  • If the mechanism itself works, but the staple does not fire, it is possible that the staple does not grip, or the firing pin has worn out. Try filing the firing pin and turning the damper with the other side.

Watch the video to see how to repair a staple gun with your own hands.

Video: do-it-yourself stapler repair

How to disassemble a furniture stapler, what to do if it jams. What could be the reason, what to do if the construction stapler does not fire staples:

The real-time video shows step by step how to disassemble the stapler, what could be the cause of the breakdown and how to fix it yourself, as well as how to assemble the stapler.

Safe work techniques

Using a mechanical stapler.

By following safety precautions when using the device, you will avoid unnecessary injury. And the device will last longer:

  • Before replacing staples, you need to put the tool on safety. This way he won't shoot by accident.
  • Do not point the stapler at yourself or other people or animals.
  • When transporting or storing the device, always switch the safety switch on.
  • The tool can only be used in a sober mind. Persons in a state of intoxication are prohibited from handling a stapler.
  • The work place should be well lit.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that staples hit metal surfaces to avoid rebound. It is important to use special glasses to prevent the charge from flying into the eye.
  • If the fastener is stuck in the product and is not completely clogged, you must carefully remove it.
  • If small parts are used in the work, they need to be clamped in a vice. Driving staples into small surfaces directly in your hand is very dangerous.
  • During work, the body position should be natural, clothing should be comfortable, and the sole should not slip.

When working with an electric or pneumatic stapler, you must follow the safety rules described for mechanical tools. More important:

  • An electric stapler cannot be used indoors if there is a risk of explosion;
  • you need to make sure that the switch on the device is off before plugging the cable into the outlet;
  • the device body, electrical cable and plug must be undamaged;
  • The power tool cannot be used outdoors during rain and snow, or indoors in high humidity;
  • there should be no people or animals in the work area;
  • all components of pneumatic tools must be in good working order and not damaged;
  • During operation, the power cable must not come into the worker's area.

Mechanical, electric or pneumatic staplers are easy to use. But it is important to use the tool correctly. You need to charge it with fasteners with the markings indicated for your model. It is also necessary to adjust the mechanism for the required force of driving in staples. The main thing: follow safety rules when using. Careful handling and careful use are the key to productive work with any stapler.

Video “Master class on replacing staples in a stapler”:

open the box of staples, take a batch of staples, open the stapler, insert the staples, pointy ends down.

I don’t know if the procedure for inserting staples is the same in all staplers, but I just looked at my stapler and can write this:

  1. Open the stapler
  2. Pull the spring device that held the brackets in position downwards,
  3. Insert the brackets into the space provided (so that you get the letter P standing on a support, and not upside down),
  4. Slowly return the spring to its place and it will rest against the brackets.
  5. Close the stapler.

A construction stapler is a multifunctional mechanism. It is used when it is necessary to connect identical or different not particularly hard materials to each other, for example, plastic, wood, film, insulation, plywood. This tool is called differently: tacker, staple gun, staple gun, nailer, staple gun. The individual elements are fastened to each other using staples, pins or small nails. To know how to properly work with a construction stapler, you need to understand its design, the types of fasteners suitable for it, and the method of setting up and replacing staples.

What types of staples are there for a construction stapler?

Staples for fastening surfaces are divided among themselves according to several criteria:

  • material of manufacture;
  • hardness;
  • coating;
  • dimensions;
  • form.

Material of manufacture

When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the material of manufacture:

  1. Aluminum clamps are well suited for connecting non-rigid parts. Their cost is quite reasonable compared to some other types.
  2. Copper analogues are much more expensive and are also intended for fastening elements with low hardness.
  3. Staples made of steel can penetrate harder surfaces, but over time they will corrode.
  4. The most expensive option is stainless steel brackets. They are able to connect solid parts and at the same time do not rust when exposed to moisture.


Hardness is an equally important parameter of staples for a construction stapler. They can be simple, very hard, or hardened. Sometimes the ends of the staples are sharpened by the manufacturer. This makes it easier to penetrate the most stubborn surfaces.


According to their shape, staples are divided into U-shaped and U-shaped. Most often, U-shaped ones are used. There are also T-pins, but they are rarely used. Their advantage is that the attachment point is almost invisible.

Standard sizes

Manufacturers of tackers also produce brackets for their devices. However, all parameters are strictly standardized, and a set from a third-party manufacturer may well be suitable for one staple gun.

Dimensions are marked as follows:

  • a – thickness;
  • b – width;
  • height.

The most popular option is size 53: a=0.7 mm; b=11.4 mm; Height – 14 mm.

Unfortunately, there are no universal staples that could be suitable for all jobs. Therefore, they will have to be selected based on the required properties and dimensions.

Characteristics and types of furniture brackets

The main indicator that is taken into account when choosing a bracket is its depth. Depending on the nature of the work performed, this indicator can vary from 4 to 14 millimeters.

So, for example, in order to carry out the procedure of upholstering furniture with fabric, a staple with a depth of 8 millimeters will be sufficient, while for fixing thicker materials, a staple with a greater depth should be selected.

Also, depending on the overall dimensions, staples are divided into the following types:

  • 53 - is the most common. Staples of this type have a width of 11.4 millimeters and a thickness of 0.7 mm. The depth of this fastening element varies from 4 to 14 millimeters;
  • 140 – having the following characteristics: width – 10.6 millimeters, thickness – 1.2 mm, depth – similar to the previous type;
  • 36 – this marking means that the stapler can shoot staples that have a semicircular shape and are mainly used for cable installation;
  • 300 - These are special nails intended only for the stapler.

When choosing a bracket, you should also take into account the structure of the material from which it is made.

Regular steel staples work just fine on regular wood. However, if you are dealing with particleboard or plywood, you should purchase staples made from hardened steel, as regular ones may simply bend.

Not just parentheses

Some staplers can work not only with staples, but also with studs of various shapes. The designations of what the stapler works with are indicated on its body or in the instructions.

I tuck the nails into the stapler in the same way as with staples, but you need to be careful after pulling out the spring. A row of nails must be loaded along one of the outer edges of the letter “P”, and not inside this very letter!

If you want it to produce two nails side by side when working with a stapler, load the second row along the second outer edge. Next, the spring is inserted and the stapler is closed.

A stapler (translated from English as “stitcher”) is a necessary thing in everyday life and at work. A stationery stapler is designed for fastening sheets and files. There are five types of staplers: manual, manual office, desktop horizontal or vertical, stitching, printing. They all differ, first of all, in the number of sheets that can be stitched at a time.

You will need

  • – stapler;
  • – staples.



Determine what type of stapler you have. To do this, see how many sheets you can sew at a time. The most primitive in design are pocket staplers. They are prepared for stapling up to 10 sheets. Manual office ones have a special recess on the fingers and allow you to fasten up to 30 sheets. Tabletop horizontal or vertical ones have a rubber or plastic sole; they sew up to 50 sheets. Stitching machines allow you to staple up to 150 sheets, while printing machines, which have a maximum stitching depth, can bind up to 250 sheets at a time. The specificity of stapling with a stapler is through fastening, which you carry out using a metal staple. The staple pierces the sheets being stapled right through, and its ends rest against the plate located at the end of the other side of the stapler.


Before loading the stapler, determine the size of staples that is suitable for it. Staples (also called paper clips) come in several types: No. 10, 26/8, 26/6, 24/8, 24/6. These numbers are written on the packaging. Staples must be packaged in cardboard boxes of 500, 1000 or 2000 pieces. You will find out which of the above are suitable for your stapler by looking at its packaging.


In order to load the stapler with the selected staples, bend its cover. It is connected by a spring to a plastic element, the one that presses the staples to the opposite edge of the metal groove, the one that holds the staples. Opening the cover will pull the spring and, consequently, the plastic element, thus freeing up space for new staples.


Take one section of staples and place them in the metal groove, ends facing down. Close the lid and click the stapler once to test. If a staple with concave ends inward falls out of it, it means you did everything correctly, but if this did not happen, or the staple was bent abnormally, then repeat the procedure or change the stapler.

Using a stapler without any nails, you can fasten materials of small width and density. It is an indispensable tool in the office, construction and furniture industries. In this article we will figure out how to insert paper clips into a stapler.

How to insert staples into the receiver

The design of all mechanical hammers is almost the same. There is a handle-lever, due to which pressing occurs, and at the bottom of the stapler there is a metal plate that opens the receiver. This is where we have to load the staples.

Before you buy brackets at a hardware store, you need to find out what size will fit your device. As a rule, the size and type of suitable staples are indicated on its body.

For example, the body of our stapler indicates a width of 12 mm and a depth of 6-14 mm. This means that you will only be able to charge staples in this range.

Smaller or larger brackets will not fit into the receiver. The size of the staples in millimeters is also indicated on their packaging.

To insert projectiles into the stapler, you need to open the metal plate on the back surface.

To do this, you need to take it with your thumb and forefinger on both sides, then pull it towards you and slightly down. Thus, we press the metal tab on the back surface of the plate, and pull out a metal spring, similar to the one found in a regular office stapler.

If there are any staples left in your stapler, they will fall out once the spring is pulled out. If they are not there, then it’s time to install new ones for further work.

The staples are inserted into the receiver (the hole is in the “P” position). Next, insert the spring back, closing the metal tab. That's all, the tool is loaded and ready to go!

How to choose a mechanical stapler

A mechanical stapler is one of the most common tools. It costs very little, but is used for many jobs and operations. In terms of structure, mechanical staplers come in two types: with a coil spring and with a spring (plate).

Mechanical stapler with coil spring

Coil spring staplers are the cheapest models. This tool belongs to the household category. They are simple, but during operation they require significant effort to cock the mechanism again. In addition, over time, such springs lose some of their elasticity and begin to work worse. Another unpleasant moment is the high recoil force. Such models are suitable for short-term use - the load is too heavy.

Professional mechanical construction staplers are made using flat leaf springs. They provide smoother operation, less recoil, have a longer service life, but are more expensive.

Mechanical stapler with leaf spring

If you plan to work for several hours, get this type of tool. It will justify itself, and there will be applications - a lot of different operations can be done with such a device. It is especially useful for those who try to do a lot with their own hands. It is used very often during construction, and will come in handy later on the farm.

Important points

When choosing any mechanical stapler, pay attention to:

  • The case must be dismountable - with screws. Then it is possible, if necessary, to disassemble it, clean and lubricate it.
  • How far is the handle from the body? The closer it is to the body, the easier it will be to work.
  • Possibility of adjusting the punching mechanism. When working with soft materials (pine, for example), the minimum value is set. So that the staple fits in, but the material does not jam. When working with hardwood, plywood, chipboard, etc., you will have to put in more effort, otherwise the staples won’t go into the material, and finishing them off with a hammer is not the most fun thing to do.
  • Double strike function available. This is just for working with hard materials. This mode of operation allows you to re-hit a staple that is not completely hammered. In this case, a new one is not supplied.

Also, for safe transportation and storage, it is desirable to have a “stressless release” function or the ability to jam the mechanism - often this is just a metal loop that fits over the handle.

How to refill

A construction stapler can have two types of magazine. It is more convenient to use if the store opens. Then refilling a construction stapler is as simple as a stationery stapler: the spring is pulled back, a block of staples is inserted, and the spring is released. That's it, you can work. During operation, at any time you can remove the stuck bracket, correct the block, etc.

If the magazine is retractable, inserting staples into the stapler is also easy: after releasing the latch, pull out the spring, insert the staple block, return the spring to its place, fixing it in the flap.

How to fill a staple gun with staples

With such a structure, removing a stuck staple can be problematic. You will need to pick it out of the striker, and this can be dangerous - do not forget to block the release mechanism.

What kind of fasteners can it work with?

There are three types of staples that mechanical staplers work with: U- and U-shaped staples and pins (shaped like the letter T). Naturally, it is better if the device can work with all types, but these are usually not cheap models. Yes, and U-shaped brackets are needed mainly when laying cables, and this, you see, is a specific job, and T-shaped ones are used infrequently, since they do not provide stable fastening, but they are indispensable if it is necessary to make the fasteners as inconspicuous as possible.

You also need to choose the type of staples

However, U-shaped staples are most often needed. They are almost universal, available with different back thicknesses and leg heights, and are selected for the type of work. The characteristics of the stapler usually indicate the maximum length of the legs that this unit can handle. On average it is 10-15 mm. By this indicator you can judge the power of the impact - the longer the staples a construction stapler can hammer in, the more powerful it is and the easier it will cope with the job.

Tips for using the device

To maintain safety when working with a furniture stapler, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Before fixing the staples with a mechanical stapler, it is adjusted on an unnecessary piece of material. To do this, after the shot, they look to see if the staple has entered completely into the base. If yes, then you can start working right away. If not, you will have to turn the screw mechanism from minimum to maximum to achieve a good position.
  2. When working, be sure to hold the material to prevent displacement with your free hand.
  3. After finishing work, the handle must be put on the safety lock to avoid accidental pressing and operation of the device.

Stapler with safety handle

A construction stapler allows you to fasten any material to the surface of furniture in the shortest possible time. The tips in this article will help you choose the right tool and correctly approach working with it.

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These convenient and ergonomic devices have won well-deserved appreciation from both professional furniture makers and home craftsmen. There are even models of staplers on sale that can work with small studs. Using a hammer, with almost inevitable injuries, is gradually becoming a thing of the past. In addition, the speed of work increases significantly. However, this design sometimes becomes unusable. Frankly speaking, I don’t want to throw away my old stapler. Let's talk about how to repair a furniture stapler yourself.

Classification of pistol staples

Staplers are useless without staples. And the “cartridges” differ in many ways. Manufacturers themselves make all kinds of projectiles for staplers.

  • Aluminum fasteners. Suitable for working with soft surfaces.
  • Steel staples. Suitable for both hard and more plastic materials. Over time, they become covered with rust.
  • Stainless steel and galvanized fasteners are more expensive. They are as versatile as steel ones. They don't rust.
  • Simple - suitable for working with malleable materials.
  • Solid - used to interact with dense materials such as plastic and wood.
  • Hardened - for the most stubborn surfaces.

An important point will be sharpening the ends of the staples. Spicy? They will get clogged much easier.

  • Flat ones are the most popular types of staples; there is a very large selection of them.
  • Semicircular - more often used to secure cables.
  • Pins (look like the letter "T") are used to hide the fasteners. The most inconspicuous ones.

Each stapler has its own type of staples. The marking is indicated on the pistol box or on the body. It is important to use only staples that match the markings, otherwise the device will work by shooting several fasteners or not work at all.

What to do if the gun does not release staples:

  1. Check the number of fasteners inside the device. If there is nothing, fill it up.
  2. Are there staples, but they don’t fire? This means you need to open the “latch” on the back of the gun and remove the staples. Then check if they are the right size. If not, then you need to replace it with suitable ones.
  3. If the projectile is visible and it is stuck in the exit hole, then carefully pry it by the protruding ends and remove it.

Operating principle and purpose of construction staplers

A stapler is a device for attaching sheet material to a base. A construction stapler looks like a pistol.

Its action is reminiscent of driving nails with a hammer. To play a blow, you need to pull the trigger or the cocking lever, depending on the type of instrument. And then release the trigger. Using a system of springs located in the gun body, the staple from the clip is fed into the output channel and is instantly driven into the material. At the moment the trigger is released, the bracket moves towards the exit. Therefore, in the passive state of the stapler, the equipment is already ready for driving. In some models, the staple legs are bent, in others they are simply driven in. Not only staples, but also nails can be used as equipment. There is no need to put in any special effort, so the process is easy and quick. It can be used by women and older people.

Stapler at work

The stapler is designed to perform two types of tasks, which expands the scope of the tool:

  • nailing one part to another. The base is plastic, wood, plywood, chipboard. The attached part is any material that the stapler will pierce: carpet, boards, baseboards, lining;

Nailing boards with a stapler

Stapler for stitching parts with a folded edge of the staples

In both cases, the fastening is reliable. To increase its resistance to deformation, consumables are used in which the sharpening is asymmetrical, or the coating melts.

Staplers are used in various industries:

  • in construction;

Stapler in construction

Nailing baseboards with a stapler

Upholstery of furniture using a stapler

Stapling the cable with a stapler

Stapling cardboard with a stapler

Making greenhouses using a stapler

What to do if a bracket gets stuck

It is worth noting another very important point that will help you in your work. It happens that the staples become bent and get stuck in the exit hole. They cannot be hammered into the surface and cannot be pulled out by hand.

In this case, we will need to pull out the feed magazine completely.

This option exists for almost all professional staplers.

First you will have to repeat the opening of the metal plate and pull out the spring.

Next, in the middle of the lower part of the stapler you need to find an iron part, slightly protruding from both sides. Grasp it tightly with your thumb and forefinger on both sides and pull down forcefully.

This will remove the entire feed magazine that was in the tool.

You will see a jammed staple that can now be easily pulled out by hand.

Putting the stapler back together is not difficult: the entire pulled out block returns to its place with a press. You should hear a click when you do this. Afterwards, do not forget to replace the spring.

Types of staplers

In 1997, the stapleless stapler was invented. This stapler binds sheets together with small strips cut from paper. Therefore, its owner does not have a question about how to charge the stapler. There are three types of staplers: standard, mini and construction.

They are equipped with a manual or electric drive. A stationery stapler is used to staple paper sheets with metal staples. It is used to make brochures and notebooks. A regular stapler staples up to 50 sheets. One pack contains 20 plates of 50 staples. When you press the handle of the device, the spring, which is located inside, is tensioned and released, driving in the bracket. It passes through the paper and hits a deflection plate, which bends its ends. Some stapler models bend staples in two different ways: inward or outward. In the second case, the bracket is easily pulled out. This stitching method is used to temporarily secure sheets. Some models have a tab on the back for removing staples. They are also equipped with a mechanical amplifier. The best material for a stapler is metal coated with plastic. To prevent the device from scratching the surface of the table, plastic or rubber pads are placed on its bottom.

Construction staplers are used for upholstery of furniture and walls. It has a high rate of fire and fires up to 60 strikes per minute.

Stapler cartridges are also found in some models of copiers and printers.

Operation of electrical appliances

Most often, electric staplers for furniture are used for reupholstering interior items and for other large-scale repair work. They differ from mechanical ones by having more massive charges. Their service life is longer. And it’s easier to use electric ones. This furniture stapler costs several times more than mechanical models.

People often ask a question about a furniture stapler. How to choose? There are many options here. Electric staplers differ in the following parameters:

  • Number of shots. 20-30 per minute is the standard speed. There are also faster staplers - about 50 beats per minute.
  • Source of energy. Units with an electrical cord will not be useful everywhere. The wire may be very short. If there is no access to an outlet, the gun will not work. A type of stapler with a battery is more useful here. But such models are much heavier. You need to pay attention to this if you plan to work long hours.
  • A very important point: when purchasing a tool, you need to look at its operating characteristics. How long an electrical appliance can be used without interruption. The fact is that the engine of the device heats up. And the staples clog badly. If this happens, you need to stop the device and wait for it to cool down.
  • Safety. It is better if the pistol has protection against accidental shots. The design of the stapler can be constructed in such a way that the staple flies out only when it touches the surface.
  • Devices are also distinguished by the presence and absence of different operating modes.
  • Price. Directly depends on the manufacturer. If the quality of the pistol is important, then it is better to choose German models.
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