Stainless steel 95X18 - definition of steel grade, GOST, material characteristics

Steel 95Х18

Steel has become widespread in the manufacture of a wide variety of products. It was used to create weapons and various connecting elements. The chemical composition of the metal can significantly affect the basic performance properties of the material. For example, characteristics associated with high anti-corrosion qualities are achieved by increasing the concentration of chromium. Knife steel must be durable and sharpenable. Often, 95x18 steel is used for the manufacture of such products. Let's take a closer look at the features of this material.

Effect of alloying additives

Steel 95X18 is a favorite not only among professional knife makers, but also among ordinary users. The Beaver damask knife model has a comfortable grip and simple design.

The maximum strength of the "Beaver" 60-62 HRC is achieved due to the influence of the main alloying additive - carbon. Additional components, such as copper, manganese, nickel, phosphorus, have a smaller share in the composition of this ferrous metal - only 3-5%.

But these elements are extremely necessary to support and activate the protective properties of chromium and improve the quality characteristics of the finished product. Chrome gives anti-corrosion and antibacterial properties to knives made of steel 95X18.

Knife model “Beaver” made of steel 95X18. .

Main characteristics

When considering the properties of steel 95x18, it should be taken into account that the material belongs to the class of corrosion-resistant steels. It is used for the manufacture of products that are characterized by high strength. In addition, the surface may be exposed to high temperatures, as well as chemical exposure. Stainless steel 95x18 is produced on an industrial scale in the form of rods and silver bars, as well as forgings and forged blanks. Analogs of this metal may have similar performance qualities.

When considering mechanical indicators, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Heat treatment is often performed to increase hardness. It is worth considering that hardening 95x18 at home is carried out extremely rarely, since the temperature must be brought to a temperature of 1000 degrees Celsius.
  2. Increasing the hardness of 95x18 steel can make the product brittle. That is why heat treatment often involves tempering at a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius.
  3. Full annealing can be carried out at a temperature of about 900 degrees Celsius.
  4. Wear resistance was increased by including certain chemical elements in the composition.

The hardness index is 60 HRC. That is why steel 95x18 is often used in the manufacture of various knives. High hardness and wear resistance make it difficult to sharpen the blade. Due to this indicator, sharpening is required less often.

To change the basic performance qualities, heat treatment is carried out. Let's call the following features:

  1. The first stage of processing involves the production of castings followed by annealing. To do this, the casting is created at a temperature of about 900 degrees Celsius. The workpiece is aged for several hours. The time is selected depending on the characteristics of the technological process.
  2. The second stage is forging. It was during forging that a blade was obtained that has the required qualities. Due to mechanical action, hydrogen or oxygen is removed from the pores. The refined grain structure makes it possible to increase the strength of the blade with sufficient ductility. Correct forging can only be carried out by a professional who knows all the intricacies of the process.
  3. Hardening. Heat treatment helps to rebuild the structure, after which it becomes durable. As previously noted, hardening involves heating the workpiece to a temperature of about 1000 degrees Celsius. After this, 95x18 steel is kept for an hour at a given temperature, after which it should be cooled in machine oil. It should be taken into account that the use of ordinary water can lead to a significant increase in fragility.
  4. It is tempering that allows you to rid the surface of fragility. It is removed when the workpiece is reheated. The tempering process is carried out at a lower temperature than hardening. The holding period is about one hour.

Hardening a blade made of steel 95x18

Carrying out heat treatment at home is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that it is possible to heat the medium to the specified temperature only if special equipment is used. In addition, at the time of melting, harmful substances may be released that should be removed.

Main indicators and properties

The material belongs to the class of corrosion-resistant steels and is used for the manufacture of critical durable parts that are subject to increased wear resistance and operate under moderate aggressive influence at temperatures increased to 500ºC. On an industrial scale it is supplied in the form of rolled products, shaped, calibrated and ground rods, silver bars, strips, forgings and forged blanks.

EI229 (95Х18)

Home/Characteristics of Steel and Rolled Metal Grades/EI229 (95Х18)

Steel 95Х18, description of properties and hardening mode, heat treatment

Grade: 95Х18 (old name of steel grade 9Х18, EI229) Type of supply: long products, including shaped steel: GOST 5949-75, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006. Calibrated rod GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 7417-75. Polished rod and silver GOST 14955-77. Strip GOST 4405-75, GOST 103-2006. Forgings and forged blanks GOST 1133-71 Class: Corrosion-resistant ordinary steel Use in industry: bushings, axles, rods, ball and roller bearings in other parts that are subject to high hardness requirements and wear resistance and operating at temperatures up to 500 °C or exposed to moderately aggressive environments

Chemical composition in % of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229)

C0,9 — 1

Siup to 0.8
Mnup to 0.8
Niup to 0.6
Sup to 0.025
Pup to 0.03
Cr17 — 19
Tiup to 0.2
Cuup to 0.3
Foreign analogues of steel grade 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229)
USA440B, 440C, 440FSe, A756
Germany1.4125, X102CrMo17, X105CrMo17
FranceX105CrMo17, Z100CD17
European UnionX102CrMo17
Properties and useful information:
Specific gravity: 7750 kg/m3 Heat treatment: Annealing 885 - 920oC, 1 - 2 hours Forging temperature, °C: beginning 1180, end 850. Sections up to 700 mm are subject to annealing with recrystallization, tempering Material hardness: HB 10 -1 = 230 - 240 MPa Temperature of critical points: Ac1 = 830, Ac3(Acm) = 1100, Ar3(Arcm) = 810 Machinability: in the annealed state at HB 212-217 and σв = 700 MPa, K υ solid. spl = 0.86, Kυ = 0.35 Weldability of the material: not applicable Flock sensitivity: insignificant Tendency to temper brittleness: prone
Mechanical properties of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229)
Delivery condition, heat treatment modeσ0.2 (MPa)σв(MPa)δ5(%)ψ%KCU (kJ/m2)HB(HRСе)
Quenching from 1000-1050 °C, oil. Tempering 200-300 °C, air or oil. St. 56
Bar. Full annealing 885-920 °C, 1-2 hours. 4207701530
Bar. Full annealing 730-790 °C, 2-6 hours. 770880122524-29
Heating 850-860 ºС. Quenching 1000-1070 ºС, oil or air. Cold treatment 70-80 ºС. Vacation 150-160 ºС, air 1980-230063St. 59
Mechanical properties of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229) depending on tempering temperature
Temperature, °CKCU (kJ/m2)HB(HRСе)
Hardening 1040 °C, oil
200 300 400 500265 285 245 20559 53 56 56
Hardening 1050 °C, oil
150 200 300 400 500 600— — — — — —59-64 58-62 55-59 56-59 51-54 41-44
Mechanical properties of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229) at elevated temperatures
Test temperature, °CKCU (kJ/m2)HB(HRСе)
Hardening 1050 °C, oil. Cold treatment at - 70 ºС. Vacation 400 ºС
20 200 300 400— 12-18 12-22 12-2258-59 57-58 56-57 56-57
Endurance limit of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229)
σ-1, (MPa)Heat treatment
960Hardening 1050 °C, oil. Vacation 150 ºС, HRCе 61
Mechanical properties of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229) at T=20oС
RentalSizeEg.σв(MPa)sT (MPa)δ5 (%)ψ %KCU (kJ/m2)
Physical properties of steel 95Х18 (old 9Х18 EI229)
T (Grad)E 10-5 (MPa)a 10 6 (1/Deg)l (W/(m deg))r (kg/m3)C (J/(kg deg))R 10 9 (Ohm m)
Brief designations:
σв— temporary tensile strength (tensile strength), MPaε— relative settlement at the appearance of the first crack, %
σ0.05— elastic limit, MPa— ultimate torsional strength, maximum shear stress, MPa
σ0.2— conditional yield strength, MPaσben— ultimate bending strength, MPa
δ5,δ4,δ10— relative elongation after rupture, %σ-1— endurance limit during bending test with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
σco.05 and σco.— compressive yield strength, MPaJ-1— endurance limit during torsion testing with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
ν— relative shift, %n— number of loading cycles
— short-term strength limit, MPaR and ρ— electrical resistivity, Ohm m
ψ— relative narrowing, %E— normal modulus of elasticity, GPa
KCU and KCV— impact strength, determined on a sample with concentrators of the types U and V, respectively, J/cm2T— temperature at which properties were obtained, degrees
sT— proportionality limit (yield strength for permanent deformation), MPal and λ— thermal conductivity coefficient (heat capacity of the material), W/(m °C)
HB— Brinell hardnessC- specific heat capacity of the material (range 20o - T), [J/(kg deg)]
H.V.— Vickers hardnesspn and r— density kg/m3
HRСе— Rockwell hardness, scale CA— coefficient of thermal (linear) expansion (range 20o - T), 1/°С
HRB— Rockwell hardness, scale BσtТ— long-term strength limit, MPa
HSD- Shore hardnessG— modulus of elasticity during torsional shear, GPa

Description of the chemical composition and its interpretation

Steel 95Х18 is an alloy of iron and carbon, alloyed with chromium. In addition to the basic elements, the composition contains impurities that have both a positive and negative effect on the quality of the alloy. These are silicon, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, nickel, copper, titanium. What percentage of these components is contained in steel and how are they related to its properties?

  • Carbon (0.9-1%) increases the hardness and at the same time reduces the ductility of steels, which accordingly negatively affects the casting properties and workability of steel by pressure.
  • Chromium (17-19%) increases hardenability (the effectiveness of hardening by heat treatment), increases abrasive wear, heat resistance, and corrosion resistance.
  • Manganese (up to 0.8%) reduces the likelihood of microcracks, thereby increasing the surface quality of the part. Helps improve ductility, weldability and forging properties.
  • Silicon (up to 0.8%) increases the strength and hardenability of the alloy without reducing the value of its ductility.
  • Phosphorus (up to 0.03%) and sulfur (up to 0.025%) belong to the group of harmful impurities. Their increased content in the chemical composition of steel greatly worsens the mechanical characteristics of the alloy. Adding sulfur to 0.05% reduces the elastic limit by 2.5 times.
  • Titanium (up to 0.2%), copper (up to 0.3%), nickel (up to 0.6%) have a positive effect on the strength, corrosion resistance and heat resistance of steel. But their percentage in the composition is not large, and therefore the effect on the general properties of the metal is insignificant.

Explanation of markings

The numerical and alphabetic expression 95x18 itself shows the percentage of elements in its composition. The first number, 95, indicates that the alloy contains carbon in a volume of 0.9% to 1%. The Russian letter "x" separating the two digits is an abbreviation for the word "chrome". This chemical element provides corrosion resistance and in the 95x18 grade it occupies a volume of 18% (in practice, it varies from 17 to 19%), as indicated by the second number - 18. The high percentage of chromium allows this grade to be classified as stainless steel.

Set of kitchen knives made of 95X18, handle - amaranth, hornbeamSet of kitchen knives made of 95X18, handle - amaranth, hornbeam

Chemical composition of steel 95Х18

Stainless steel 95X18 contains a number of chemical elements that determine its physical and chemical properties.

Forged steel 95X18 surpasses many other alloys in strength and hardness, reaching 57-58 HRC. This is due to its high carbon content.

The basis of the alloy material, like any ferrous metal, is iron, of which in the classical formula there is at least 78%.

C, %Cr, %Mn, %Ni, %Si, %Ti, %P, %S, %Cu,%

Explanation of markings

The percentage of carbon present in the alloy is 0.9-1%, so for convenience, the average value is indicated - 0.95, which is included in the marking.

The letter X between the content of constituent elements means the presence of an alloying component - chromium. The number 18 indicates its percentage in the alloy. In fact, this value varies between 17-19%.

Folding knives "Zubr" contain 0.95% carbon and 18% chromium.

Mechanical characteristics

Hardening of steel in violation of technological conditions, as well as untimely tempering, noticeably worsen the technical parameters of 95x18 steel. Like other martensitic steels, the 95x18 alloy is densified during quenching, and during the annealing process, a ledeburite structure is formed with some excess carbide, which has morphological differences.

  • Primary carbides appear after the liquid phase and have an elongated shape in the direction of rolling or forging.
  • Secondary elements are noticeably smaller, appear during the cooling stage, and are located in the body and along the edges of the initial austenites.

With increasing processing temperature, the hardness of the alloy increases. Under the condition of high-quality hardening, according to the technological map, the Rockwell hardness of steel 95x18 reaches 58-60 units. At the same time, the hardness of the metal in MPa is 230−245 units.

The specific gravity of the alloy per cubic meter is 7.75 tons.

Other mechanical parameters of alloy 95x18:

  • density - 7.75 × 10 3 kg/m3;
  • thermal conductivity - 24.3 W;
  • the specific heat capacity of this grade of metal at 20˚C is 0.483×10 3J;
  • degree of electrical resistivity - 0.68×10 6 Ohm/m.

Instructions for hardening metal at home

In a simplified form, the process of hardening a metal consists of increasing the temperature of the sample to high values, and then cooling it.
But it's not that simple. And this is explained by the fact that different types of metals differ in their structure and, accordingly, specific properties. Therefore, certain techniques (and temperatures) are used to harden them. We will talk about them, as well as the specifics of carrying out the relevant operations. First of all, it is worth noting that heat treatment (hardening) of metal products (or blanks) is carried out in two cases.

Firstly, if necessary, increase the strength of the material (several times). Almost everyone encounters this in everyday life. For example, to “strengthen” the cutting edges of kitchen utensils (knives, hatchets for chopping meat) or tools (chisels, chisels, etc.).

Secondly, to give the metal some plasticity, which greatly facilitates further work with the material (“hot” forging). This is well known to those involved in blacksmithing. Let's consider all stages of the technology of hardening metal products at home.


The main condition for high-quality hardening is its uniformity, without dark spots on the sample (blue or black). The metal should not be heated to “white heat”. A sign of optimal heating is that it acquires a bright crimson (red) color. The source of heat can be anything - a blacksmith's forge, a blowtorch, an electric stove, a gas burner, an open fire. Its choice depends on the temperature that needs to be achieved for a given type of steel.


There are several methods for carrying out this technological operation. It can be either sharp or gradual, stepwise. The specificity is determined by the type of metal.

Jet hardening

It is used if it is necessary to process not the entire sample, but a separate section of the surface. A stream of cold water is directed at it.

With one "cooler"

It is clear that a suitable container (bucket, barrel, bathtub) is pre-installed. Typically used for alloy or carbon steel workpieces.

With two

Media with different abilities to lower the temperature of the material are used as a “cooler”. Therefore, the process is a two-stage process, which also ensures “tempering” of the metal. For example, cooling is first done in water, and then in oil (for example, machine oil or mineral oil), since it can ignite due to high temperature.

There are other methods, but they are usually used by craftsmen who work at a professional level and are well versed in metals. For example, isothermal hardening. There is no point in dwelling on them in detail, since first we will have to explain what martensitic and austenitic steels are.

Modes of hardening and tempering of steel

What to cool in?

We have already mentioned that this is most often done with cold water and oil. But these are not the only possible “coolers”. The fact is that with such hardening, some types of steel become brittle. Therefore, in practice, other media are used that can intensively lower the temperature of the metal.

For example, liquid wax. It is more suitable for working with flat workpieces, which, after bringing their temperature to the required value, are completely immersed in it, sequentially, several times in a row, until the mass of sealing wax has completely hardened.

Craftsmen also use substances such as alkalis, solutions with a strong concentration of salt and a number of others, even molten lead, as “coolers”.

How to check the quality of hardening? There is a fairly simple way - using an ordinary file.

  • If, when processing a workpiece, it literally “bounces” off it, then the result is “glass.” Such metal is overheated and will crumble easily.
  • But the “sticking” of the tool indicates that the metal is soft (“plasticine”), not hardened enough, and the strength of the part made from it is highly questionable.

Practical recommendations

  • All metal products that we encounter in practice are heterogeneous in composition. There are several types of steel, and not all of them can be subjected to heat treatment. For example, low-carbon steel does not harden.
  • If in everyday life it is necessary to give strength to a table knife or an ax, then special knowledge in the field of metallurgy is not required. But a novice blacksmith should be reminded that before starting heat treatment of a workpiece, it is necessary to understand what material it is (grade of steel). The corresponding reference table will help you with this, in which for each of them the duration of thermal exposure, the temperature, and the optimal cooling method are indicated.

Features of the material

The production technology for steel grade 95x18 is formed in the most economical mode in terms of material cost.

There are some features of the metal that preclude its use for the manufacture of structural elements.

  • When heated, the alloy tends to form grains. In this case, the large grains that appear cannot be eliminated by heating the product.
  • Joints made by welding have a resistance limit of -40 degrees Celsius.
  • During the process of cold deformation, the metal has a low tendency to form.

The inclusion of carbide-forming components in the alloy results in an increase in the strength and corrosion resistance of welds. In addition, it is practiced to reduce the granularity of the structure by using microscopic quantities of rare earth elements (for example, cerium). But introducing additional components requires a careful and competent approach.

Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, manganese, as well as silicon and sulfur in the most minimal doses help reduce the cold capacity of the alloy.

Careful adherence to proportions and technological requirements at all stages of production of 95x18 steel makes it possible to obtain high-quality metal at the output.

Main indicators of the production process

Work in the metallurgical industry requires compliance with specified technological parameters and standardized techniques that comply with developed and approved GOSTs on Russian territory. The method of reforging or rolling the starting material has been successfully used to produce 95×18 steel. In this case, high temperature and slow cooling are important.

The metal is deformed at temperatures from 905˚С to 1125˚С, followed by gradual cooling or maintaining a temperature of 750−760˚С for some time and then a decrease in the degree of heating. Hardening is carried out in baths with oil at a temperature of 1000−1050˚С, tempering is characterized by indicators of 210−320˚С, an increase in the latter parameters leads to a decrease in corrosion resistance, as the concentration of carbides increases.

To increase the anti-corrosion properties and consolidate them, salt is added to the cooling bath; the solution should be three percent. Annealing is carried out at a temperature of 890−920˚С. When processing metal whose cross-sectional profile is less than 70 cm, recrystallization is used, ending with gradual tempering. Cold processing takes place at 75−85˚С, forging - at 1190−2000˚С, a gradual increase to 847−850˚С and maintenance at 755˚С is practiced.

Increasing useful qualities

To increase the steel's resistance to corrosion and strength, to reduce the ability to form large grains on the surface, elements are introduced into the alloy that affect the formation of carbides and microscopic dosages of cerium . This element belongs to the category of active surface components and further reduces the grain size of the resulting steel. A carefully adjusted alloy rate is introduced, since violating it by the smallest amount will change the properties of the material in an unpredictable way.

To reduce cracking and brittleness of metal during plastic cold working, the following impurities are introduced:

  • to increase the strength index, carbon and nitrogen are used, and their total concentration in the mass should be ≤ 0.01%, this also affects the performance and durability of welds of chrome-plated steels;
  • The fragility of the metal during cold forging is reduced with the introduction of phosphorus, silicon, oxygen, sulfur, and manganese into the alloy.

Increasing the purity of ferritic alloys with the addition of chromium leads to increased accuracy when using the metal in the manufacture of parts and workpieces and in smelting. In ferritic compounds there is a danger of anti-corrosion destruction of the crystal lattice joints. To avoid this, additional additions of titanium and niobium are introduced, provided that the required concentration of carbon and nitrogen is maintained.

Ferritic steels become brittle when heat treatment parameters are changed, which is successfully reversed by proper secondary temperature exposure. To prevent breaks and cracks on the surface of the steel, it is necessary to combine deoxidation products with silicate inclusions. Alloying with silicon helps, as it forms a kind of film on the surface and prevents the appearance of pitting corrosion.

95×18 steel is often used in products and workpieces that are not welded when joined. Mechanical loads are selected according to the quality of the knife, since the fragility of the material leads to destruction of the edge under significant forces, for example, impact.

To test hardness, the Rockwell method is used, which consists of measuring the depth of the hard tip of the measuring device in the material after applying a standard load for all cases. Typically the value is 60, 100, 150 KGS. This method is common because it is one of the most effective measurements.

The best properties of steel and its disadvantages

Like any materials, 95x18 steel for knives has its advantages and inevitable disadvantages.

The composition of the alloy gives the finished products unique properties; blades made of steel 95X18 have:

  • high level of wear resistance;
  • increased strength;
  • hardness;
  • neutral reaction to aggressive environments, which increases resistance to corrosive processes.

With a knife made from 95X18, you can safely cut and process any product: the steel does not react with acidic environments, does not rust from exposure to water or salt, does not deform, and does not lose its attractive appearance.

A significant advantage of 95X18 steel for the manufacture of high-quality knives is the low cost of finished products. Experts also note the ease of sharpening knives made from steel of this brand. Fans of hunting, fishing and long-distance hiking are also pleased with this property. Moreover, a knife made of this steel can be sharpened even using a simple cobblestone. In nature, this is great luck.

At home, for sharpening and straightening, it is better to use a diamond-coated stone with a grit level of 100/80 and 50/40.

Strength and high wear resistance extend the service life of the product and allow you to use the knife for a long time, which remains sharp for a long time.

Increasing the hardness of metal, which is rarely paid attention to in everyday life, is facilitated by the use of new technologies and high-quality heat treatment.

How to increase strength

To improve the hardness index, a special heat treatment technology is used. It is carried out in several stages.

First, the castings are prepared and fired at a temperature of 890 to 920 degrees. The process lasts about two hours.

The finished castings are sent to forging, where they are turned into strips of the required sizes. Their thickness is set taking into account the mechanical processing of the metal during sharpening.

The next stage is hardening: first at high temperatures in a furnace, and then in containers with machine oil.

The hardened slabs are reheated and kept at 140-280 degrees for an hour.

This procedure eliminates excessive fragility by filling voids in the molecular network of the metal. The material itself acquires the required level of hardness. This indicator is calculated on the Rockwell scale and is 57–59 Hrc. However, this data is understandable only to specialists, and ordinary users of cutting tools will simply note its high quality.

At the last stage, the cutting edge is processed. First, the metal strip is given the desired shape, having previously identified the edge border, and then it is sharpened, giving the desired degree of sharpness.

It is worth noting that hardened steel becomes quite hard, so initial sharpening is a rather labor-intensive process.

Not without its shortcomings

After the “song of praise” for the advantages of 95X18 knives, it is worth paying attention to the disadvantages, which, fortunately, are very few - only two. Moreover, one of them is related to the technology of processing the alloy and its chemical composition.

The increased chromium content makes the metal very sensitive to temperature, and therefore requires strict adherence to it during processing. If the temperature is significantly exceeded, the alloy will become increasingly brittle, which will exclude the possibility of its further processing.

In everyday life, fragile knives made of 95X18 steel are very rarely found, but this is where the second drawback of the metal can appear. Even a high-quality steel knife should not be used frequently for large lateral fracture loads; if the thickness of the butt is less than 4 mm, it can break.

Physical and mechanical properties of the alloy

High strength and wear resistance make alloy steel 95Х18 one of the most popular in metallurgy. The maximum blade hardness on the Rockwell scale can reach 62 HRC. The alloy goes through the stages of hardening and tempering under strict adherence to the temperature regime, which determines the high level of strength.

The peculiarity of the alloy is that if it is “overexposed” in crucibles and the rules of heat treatment are violated, then the composition cannot be changed and its main advantages will be lost during forging.

Knives made of damask steel are undemanding in sharpening, since blades made of 95X18 alloy are slightly dull. Such chrome-plated knives can be sharpened even on a stone or a diamond-coated stone with a grain size of 100/80 and 50/40.

Damask steel knives.

Areas of use

Thanks to the above characteristics and low cost, 95X18 steel has found application in many branches of modern production.

Aviation instrument making uses this steel for the manufacture of critical components of mechanisms that are subject to increased wear resistance requirements. Parts made from 95Х18 are resistant to operation at ambient temperatures up to 500 ºС and moderate exposure to aggressive environments. First of all, this includes seating rings for rolling and sliding bearings.

In mechanical engineering, steel is actively used as a material for parts operating under conditions of abrasive wear. Its applications are extremely diverse and include all kinds of bushings, shafts, axles, hydraulic valves, springs, etc.

In the oil industry, 95X18 is used for the manufacture of roller and ball bearings.

95X18 steel is most widely used in the manufacture of bladed weapons.

The main modern knives used in hunting and tourism are usually made from two grades of steel. These are 95X18 and 65X13. Each of them has its own characteristics. There is still active debate on the forums of hunters’ websites about which one is better.

Application of steel 95x18

The steel 95x18 in question belongs to the martensitic class of stainless metals. It is worth considering that high mechanical strength characteristics make this material one of the most common. For example, 95x18 for knives is used extremely often. For weapons, blanks of this metal are supplied only in the case of the production of various collections.

Use in industry is determined by the fact that the material has increased protection from mechanical stress. However, there are a few negative points to consider. The features include the following points:

  1. To achieve higher performance qualities, heat treatment is carried out in almost all cases. If the technology is violated, the metal can become brittle and more wear-resistant.
  2. The industrial use of steel 95x18 is associated with increased heat resistance and wear resistance, as well as corrosion resistance. The manufactured products can withstand temperatures of about 500 degrees Celsius.
  3. It is possible to use metal in highly chemically aggressive environments. Examples include applications in salt water or when exposed to steam.

The metal is found in mechanical engineering and aircraft manufacturing, and weapons are often made.

An alternative application is the production of high-strength parts that operate under conditions of increased wear. You can often find the following products:

  1. Axles. They are designed to accept different loads and...
  2. Bearings. There are a variety of types of these products: roller and ball. It is designed to rotate.
  3. Rods of various types.
  4. Bushings.

Recently, the steel 95x18 in question has been used in the manufacture of building materials. This is due not only to high wear resistance, but also strength and corrosion resistance. In other words, the product will last a long time due to the absence of corrosion.

Steel 95x18 is supplied to industry for the manufacture of a wide variety of products. It comes in a variety of forms:

  1. Stripes. It is worth considering that steel strips are often used as a base in the manufacture of various products, for example, blades.
  2. Shaped and long products. When using rolling technology, cylindrical blanks can be produced, which are subsequently machined by turning.
  3. Calibrated and ground rod. It is used for semi-automatic or automatic machining equipment, such as turning.
  4. Forged blanks and forgings have also become very widespread.

In conclusion, we note that there are quite a large number of foreign analogues that have similar performance characteristics. Completely different standards are applied when labeling them. In addition, attention is paid to the fact that the concentration of some elements may differ significantly. That is why the performance qualities of the metal should be considered in detail.

Explanation of markings

The standards used for marking steels make it possible to determine the chemical composition and some qualities of the material. Decoding the steel grade 95Х18 is carried out as follows:

  1. The first digit in all cases indicates what the carbon concentration is. In the case under consideration, the figure is 0.95%. When the concentration of this element in the composition changes, the basic characteristics of the material change significantly. It is worth considering that it is also important how carbon is distributed throughout the structure.
  2. The next number indicates which substance is the main alloying element. In this case, the "X" indicates chromium. This substance can significantly increase the protection of the structure from the effects of high humidity and some other chemicals. After the letter there is a number that indicates the concentration of the alloying element. The steel in question, 95X18, has a chromium concentration of 18%.

As previously noted, the composition also includes other chemicals. They are not indicated in the labeling, but can affect basic performance. As for the concentration of harmful chemical impurities, it is maintained in accordance with standards.

Production nuances

Steel 95X18 is quite difficult to produce due to imperfect equipment. To obtain a material with the required properties, it is subjected to:

  • forging;
  • roasting;
  • hardening;
  • vacation.

Raw materials are produced in accordance with GOST 5632-72 by smelting in an oxygen converter shop. After this, the metal is distributed through a continuous casting device, where it is poured into bloom, slab and billet forms. Most steel grades, including 95X18, are supplied in the form of a slab - a rectangular flat billet.

Due to the fact that the output should be a fairly large semi-finished product, this grade of steel is rolled into coils in a hot rolling shop, where the metal is heated to 750–950 degrees before passing through the rolls. The output is a roll 1.2-12 mm thick.

Most often, knives are made from billets, in particular, from rods obtained by drawing.

A roll or rod can be cut into pieces - sheets or smaller rods, which later serve as blanks for creating certain objects. An important stage in the production of a knife with the necessary characteristics is forging, which can be cold or hot, as well as machine or manual.

For the industrial production of knives, a machine method is used, followed by cutting sheets or rods into fragments. The process takes place on hammers, deformation is carried out at a temperature of 900-1125 degrees, exactly when the crystal lattice is unstable. After forging, gradual cooling occurs to 750 degrees.

It is important to know that stamping, used to create bearings and knives, is considered a separate type of forging.

After forging, hardening is carried out. The essence of this process is to impart special strength properties to the surface layer of the metal. The most important criteria are time and temperature.

The workpiece is heated to values ​​30–50 degrees above the critical temperature, after which it is rapidly cooled in water or oil, less often in other substances, to a temperature of 450–650 degrees.

At this stage, it is important not to cool the raw material too much, at the same time not allowing it to heat above 650 degrees. In the first case, softening of the metal may occur, and in the second, a significant increase in fragility.

The final stage is vacation. Tempering is carried out after the material has naturally cooled in air; this is necessary to get rid of internal stress and, accordingly, excessive fragility. The essence of the process is to heat the steel to 150–650 degrees, after which cooling occurs.

Another operation that is often used to produce knives is annealing. The purpose of this procedure is to increase the malleability of the metal to processing.

To do this, the steel is heated to a certain temperature, held for some time and cooled naturally, after which another tempering is carried out.

Annealing can be carried out both after receiving the castings, and at the very end - when the metal is processed by craftsmen. The workpiece can have different shapes:

  • band;
  • long products;
  • rod.

All procedures are carried out in the forge. In fact, the share of manual labor in the manufacture of such products is quite large; it is still impossible to industrially achieve the creation of a high-quality hunting knife.

However, fakes are still sold, although their quality is rather questionable.

Only by applying all these steps can you obtain 95x18 steel with the required characteristics for a knife that will be used in difficult conditions.

Production technology

During production, steel 95Х18 goes through 4 main stages of processing:

  • forging;
  • burning;
  • hardening;
  • vacation.

Initially, steel sheets are subjected to mechanical deformation by forging hammers, after which the workpieces are cooled. The key condition for production technology is a regulated hardening regime, violation of which can lead to excessive fragility or softness of the metal.

During hardening, the raw material is heated to a critically high temperature and quickly cooled in oil or water. The level of hardness of the final product here is determined by the grain size of the authensite contained in the metal lattice structure. The diameter of these particles increases as temperatures increase.

Most often, 95X18 is supplied to factories in the form of slabs - flat rectangles, and the blade itself is made from varietal blanks made from special rods. Knife forging is carried out cold or hot, manually or using forging hammers.

Without manual labor in a forge, these technological processes are not yet possible, so you should purchase knives made of 95X18 steel only from reputable manufacturing factories. Counterfeits from handicraft forges, which are sometimes found on the market, may not differ in appearance from the original knife. Caution is necessary, since only a product made from raw materials with the characteristics declared according to GOST will serve for a long time.

Steel forging process.

Steel production

Steel is produced from foundry or pig iron, iron-containing materials and products obtained by reduction. Metal waste and scrap are used. Additives are added to them to form slag, for example, lime, spar, deoxidizers (aluminum, ferromanganese) are used, and alloying materials are added.

Steel production is divided into two methods - converter and hearth processes. The first involves refining cast iron from impurities by blowing it with oxygen. Such technologies do not require the use of an external heat source, since molten cast iron containing oxides (phosphorus, carbon, manganese and silicon) is able to provide the required amount of heat to keep the steel in a liquid state.

The hearth process takes place inside blast furnaces or electric furnaces and requires an additional heat source from outside. They are used for melting solid metal scrap and charge. At this stage, the main one is the open-hearth process, which requires the combustion of liquid, solid or gaseous heat carriers. Next, the molten steel is poured into a ladle. This time is used for enrichment with alloying additives.

Oxygen-converter smelting method

This method involves removing carbon and impurities from cast iron by oxidation using oxygen blowing in convector smelters. The capacity of such a furnace is 50–60 tons; it is shaped like a pear and rotates around an axis. From the furnace lining, the converter method is divided into Bessemer and Thomas.

The Bessemer method is used for melting cast iron with a high percentage of silicon. When blowing, silicon oxidizes and releases a significant amount of heat. Burnout of almost all silicon raises the temperature to 1500–1600ºС, and carbon begins to burn out, while iron is oxidized at the same time. The resulting iron oxide dissolves well in cast iron and turns into steel. Phosphorus also goes into the composition of steels, which after casting usually contain less than 0.21% carbon and are used for technical purposes. They are used to make bolts, nails, wire and iron for roofing.

The Thomas method was developed for processing cast iron with phosphorus in its composition. The furnace lining is made of calcium and magnesium oxides. Thus, slag-forming substances contain a significant number of oxides with basic properties. The phosphate anhydrite obtained as a result of combustion reacts with excess calcium and turns into slag deposits. The main source of heat is the combustion of phosphorus.

The Bessemer and Thomas methods make it possible to obtain steel with a low carbon index; their use for high-tech parts and assemblies is not recommended.

Open hearth furnace for steel production

It differs from the converter in that combustion is promoted not only by air oxygen, but also by oxygen obtained from iron oxides, which enter the furnace as part of iron ore or rusty scrap metal.

In an open-hearth furnace, air and fuel gas are preheated. Using a regenerator system, the combustible gas alternately moves in two directions. The combustion of carbon and impurities in the first stage occurs after the combustion of oxygen and the combustible mixture. Due to the combined action of acidic and basic oxides, sulfur, silicates and phosphates are released, which turn into slag. Before the end of the melting, they stop pouring out the slag and add deoxidizers, which make it possible to obtain high-carbon steel, obtained by subsequently using alloying additives.

True, some say that they encountered brittle steel of this sample, but I think that the production recipe was violated here, otherwise the steel is good. I sharpened the hunting knife so much that the knife became like a razor, now when I open it it’s just pleasant to look at, not to mention the work.

Heat treatment conditions

According to GOST, martensitic, as it is marked by manufacturers, raw materials are continuously poured into blanks and rolled out in a hot converter shop at a temperature of 750-950°C.

The temperature conditions at different stages of processing are as follows:

  1. The maximum temperature for heating steel to a state of crystal lattice instability is from 900 to 1125°C.
  2. The temperature when cooling the workpieces is up to 450-650°C.
  3. The temperature during tempering and returning the metal lattice structure to a stable state is 150-650°C.

The procedure for smelting steel 95Х18.

Type of delivery

The production of bladed weapons and high-strength parts for working under conditions of extreme friction is not the entire range of products manufactured from 95Х18 steel. This metal can be supplied in a variety of forms, including:

  • long and shaped rolled products;
  • calibrated or grinding rod, as well as silver;
  • band;
  • forgings, forged blanks.

Forging blank 95x18

The production of steel rods from 95X18 metal requires a different heat treatment technology, in particular heating occurs over a longer period of time, but at lower temperatures. In this case, the HRC hardness index decreases from a value of 60 to values ​​of 30 and below.

Bladed weapon

If you type “steel 95X18” into Yandex images, the results will show solid knives and blades made of this steel.

Blades and knives made of 95X18 steel remain the most popular on the domestic market. In terms of production scale, they are undoubtedly inferior to the production of high-strength parts and other areas of use of 95X18. However, the number of people interested in making knives is quite large. From this point of view, steel can be considered not as a metal of industrial significance, but as a material from which works of art are made. And the very process of creating a knife or other bladed weapon is akin to skilled work, since it requires both experience and a certain ability to feel the metal.

Video - Hardening 95X18 at home

tempering a hardened knife at home - Heat treatment

For a knife made of carbon, it makes no difference whether it is cold or hot; it is dangerous to place massive workpieces in a hot oven, and even then in a really hot oven (i.e. above 6000). But at 180-1900, IMHO, it will be fragile, 210-2200 is better - you can’t cut glass with it! And it’s better to wash the film before - simply because without it the whole kitchen will stink!

Regarding the vacation temperature, Sensei emphasized that 200 would be a lot. One more nuance - I'm afraid I may have confused the steel grade. Perhaps it was U10. Since the forging itself took place in the form of a master class, there was no need to choose the material - I forged from whatever was given. Does anything change for the U10 holiday?

About washing the film - I also thought that the family would curse me for such smells from the kitchen.

+100, but I would add vacation time up to 2 hours.

Another tip. Spend a little more time finding decent steel. The costs for manufacturing and heat treatment will be the same, but the quality of the blade will be much better. U8 is the most disgusting steel of all existing on the globe

A little higher I answered that I may have mixed up the brand, and it could have been U10 - somehow I didn’t focus on this. Sensei gave out the piece of iron, named the brand - and then, after three and a half hours of swinging the hammer, it somehow became a little forgotten. As for the advantages and disadvantages of steel, I don’t have much to compare it with yet. The first forging was from reinforcement, the second was this. It felt like it was easier to forge the reinforcement.

But in any case, thanks for the advice.

Foreign classification

As noted above, the name of steel 95Х18 is an exclusively Russian-language version, while the foreign marking of this metal is somewhat different. Imported analogues have different names, depending on the country producing the metal. Thus, the overseas analogues of 95X18 steel are grades 440C and 440B. These grades of steel are produced in the USA. In the European Union, the metal X105CrMo17 and X102CrMo17, produced by German steelmakers, have identical properties. The Poles were a little more prudent, calling the high-chrome steel H18. The Land of the Rising Sun uses the eastern analogue of SUS440C, produced on the basis of American steel.

  • 440C, 440B - USA;
  • X105CrMo17, X102CrMo17 - Germany;
  • H18 - Poland;
  • SUS440C - Japan.

Japanese scissors made of SUS440C steel analogue 95X18

Classification of foreign analogues

Marking 95Х18 is used exclusively in the countries of the former CIS. Foreign analogues differ in their percentage characteristics of the content of key elements, and accordingly, the labeling in other countries is completely different.

Alloy designations from foreign importers:

  • in the USA - 440C, 440B;
  • in Germany - X105CrMo17, X102CrMo17;
  • in Poland - H18;
  • in Japan - SUS440C.

Thus, the alloy closest in composition to the Russian one is cast in Poland. Japanese manufacturers use chrome steel from the USA as the basis for their knives.

Steel 95x18 for knives: pros and cons


  • First of all, it is worth noting the favorable ratio of the cost of knives and their performance characteristics. Their average price varies between 3,000 rubles.
  • With more or less “competent” use, knives keep sharpening for up to 2 months.
  • The sharpening process does not require high qualifications from the blade owner.
  • These knives are characterized by high resistance to metal corrosion.
  • Increased hardness and strength.


  • Knives made from steel 95Х18 have a low impact toughness value. This can cause cracks to form when exposed to shock loads, or even split the knife. As a result, such blades are unsuitable for throwing.
  • The performance characteristics of the blade strongly depend on the previously performed heat treatment. Steel is sensitive to the slightest deviations from the technology of its implementation. Although we note that in conditions of mass production, this operation is completely entrusted to specialized equipment, which reduces the appearance of low-quality products to nothing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite its demand and undeniable advantages, chrome steel 95X18 also has weaknesses, which is why it may be inferior to other domestic alloys . In some cases, a substitute for 95Х18 can be steel Х12МФ, which is an analogue of American steel D2.

The strength of this alloy is also increased to 60-62 HRC, and the blade made from it is wear-resistant and multifunctional in use. Buyers often ask which steel should be chosen: 95X18 or X12MF. This question should be based on the frequency of use and purpose of the knife.

X12MF steel is a general-purpose alloy, from which not only knives are produced, but also other metal products: gears, rollers, dies and other parts that do not require high strength indicators.

A knife made of X12MF alloy is less resistant to strong mechanical stress. In addition, it becomes covered with dark spots and stains after just a few uses when in contact with fruits, vegetables and meat, and also does not tolerate careless treatment. This leads to a quick loss of the attractive appearance of the product, but has almost no effect on the cutting properties of the blade.

Steel 95X18 is subjected to a qualitatively different processing technology, as a result of which it does not lose its bright metallic shine and production gloss under any conditions of use. An additional and most important advantage of this steel is its availability: at a low price, the quality of these knives is not inferior to imported brands.

Its disadvantages are due to the same production features:

  • the sharpness of the blade of stainless chrome steel 95X18 is slightly lower than that of other alloys;
  • the cutting depth of the knife is relatively small;
  • the blade cannot withstand strong fracture loads with a spine thickness of 4 mm.

This knife is chosen if you plan to use it infrequently or only in rare cases when you plan to go outdoors or hike. After a long period of inactivity, it will not rust and will look like new.

If a knife is needed for daily use, you should choose the multifunctional cutting base for X12MF knives, which shows better results in faster and deeper cuts.

Knives made of steel X12MF and 95X18.

What to look for when choosing

A tourist knife, for the production of which 95x18 steel is used, is made with a drop-down blade. Hunting blades are produced with a fixed design. Knives made of steel 95x18 must be selected according to the following criteria:

  1. Design – it is better to choose a folding design for a tourist knife. It should have a small blade and very compact dimensions. A hunting knife should be of minimal dimensions, but with a significantly larger width and thickness; the blade is fixed with a handle. The product usually comes with a case.
  2. Size – both tourist and hunting blades must be at least 15 cm in length, but no more than 25 cm for their comfortable use.
  3. Handle - it should be made of a material that reacts poorly to the environment. The best option would be polymers.
  4. The quality of the blade - it must be free of chips, nicks, and signs of corrosion.
  5. Sharpening – the greater the sharpening angle, the rougher the work the knife is intended for.

It is also worth paying attention to other characteristics of the knife:

  • blade thickness – optimally 1.5–2 mm;
  • the presence of protection on the handle - a lock that prevents the palm from slipping;
  • balance between handle and blade.

A high-quality knife made of such steel cannot be cheap due to the high percentage of manual labor. Only a qualified craftsman can hold the metal for the right time at the right temperature, which is important when working with such capricious steel as 95x18.

By purchasing knives from this brand from trusted suppliers or in specialized hunting and tableware stores, you can get:

  • product warranty;
  • quality certificate;
  • professional consultation of your choice.

By following these simple rules, you can be sure that the product will not fail under any operating conditions and will last for many years.

Scrap pricing

The cost of one kilogram of 95X18 steel scrap is in the range of 50-65 rubles. This increased price compared to conventional structural steels is due to the presence of chromium in its chemical composition.

It is better to find out a more accurate cost directly at the scrap metal collection points. It depends on the following points:

  • The ratio of demand and supply of scrap specifically in your region.
  • The value of quotes on world ferrous metal exchanges.
  • Compliance with the chemical composition according to GOST 5632-72.
  • Quality of surface condition of scrap metal.
  • Delivery form. This refers to the type of profile: sheet, strip, circle, etc.
  • Geometric dimensions of the profile. Dimensions that are too large require additional cutting operations for ease of transportation.
  • Scope of delivery. As a rule, scrap metal collection points give preference to working with scrap weights of 1000 kilograms or more.


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