Steel grades. Decoding. Letter designations of alloying elements. Groups of steel grades

Steel 06Х1 Steel 06Х1Ф Steel 06ХГР Steel 06ХФ Steel 07Х3ГНМУА Steel 08GDNF (SL-2; 08GDNFL) Steel 08Х2Г2ФА Steel 08ХМФЧА (08ХМФЧ) Steel 08ХМЧА (08ХМЧ) Steel 09ГСFA (09ГSF ) Steel 09N2MFBA (09N2MFBA-A) Steel 09SFA (09SF) Steel 09ХГ2NABch Steel 09KhN2MD (AB2-Sh1) Steel 09KhN3MD (AB3) Steel 09KhN4MD (AB4) Steel 10G2 (10G2A) Steel 10GN (10GNA) Steel 10KH1S2M Steel 10KH2GNM (10KH2GNMA) Steel 10KH2M1 (10KH2M1A) Steel 10Kh3GNMYuA Steel 10KhN3MD (AB2-Sh2) Steel 12G1R Steel 12Kh2N4A (EI83) Steel 12Kh2NVFA (EI712) Steel 12Kh2NVFMA (EP506; EI712M) Steel 12Kh2NM1FA Steel 12Kh2NMFA Steel 12KhGN2MFBDAYU (VS-4) Steel 12KhGNM Steel 12KhGNMF Steel 12Kh N Steel 12ХН2 Steel 12ХН2А Steel 12ХН2МД (АБ1) Steel 12ХН3А Steel 12ХН3МД (АБ2; steel 13KhFA (13KhF) Steel 14N2MFD (14N2MFDA) Steel 14Kh2GMR Steel 14Kh2N3MA Steel 14Kh3GMYu Steel 14KhG2SAFD Steel 14KhGN Steel 14KhGN2MDAFB (14KhGNMDAFB) Steel 14KhGNMDAFBRT (14KhGNMD) Steel 14KHGSN2MA (EP176; DI3A) Steel 14HN3MA Steel 15G (15G1) Steel 15GYUT Steel 15N2M (15NM) Steel 15N3MA Steel 15X Steel 15KH1SMFB Steel 15KH2GN2TA Steel 15KH2GN2TRA Steel 15ХА Steel 15KHGN2MAFach Steel 15KHGN2 TA (15KhGNTA) Steel 15KhGNM (15KhGNMA) Steel 15KhMFA (15KhMF) Steel 15KhN3 Steel 15KhP Steel 15KhSMFB (EP79) Steel 15KhFA (15KhF) Steel 16G2 Steel 16Kh2N3MFBAYU (16Kh2N3MFAB; VKS7) Steel 16Kh3NVFMB (VKS-5; DI39) Steel 16KhG (ATs16KhG) Steel 16KhGTA (EI274) Steel 16KhN3MA Steel 16ХСН Steel 17Н3МА Steel 17ХГ Steel 18Г2ХФУД Steel 18Х2Н4ВА Steel 18Kh2N4MA Steel 18KhG Steel 18KhGN2MFB Steel 18KhGT Steel 18KhN2T Steel 18KhN3MA Steel 18KhNVA Steel 18KhNMFD (18KhNMFDA) Steel 19Kh2NVFA (EI763) Steel 19Kh2NMFA Steel 19KhGN Steel 19KhGNMA (19KhGNM) Steel 19KhGS Steel 20G (20G1) Steel 20G2 Steel 20G2AF (20G2AFps) Steel 20G2R Steel 20GYUT Steel 20N2M (20NM) Steel 20F (20FA) Steel 20Kh Steel 20Kh2MA Steel 20Kh2MFA Steel 20Kh2N4A Steel 20Kh2N4MF (20Kh2N4MFA) Steel 20Kh3NMF (20Kh3NMFA) Steel 20KhGNM Steel 20KhGNMT (20KhGNMTA) ) Steel 20KhGNR Steel 20KhGNTR Steel 20KhGR Steel 20KhGSA Steel 20KhGSR Steel 20KhM Steel 20KhN Steel S hoist 22ХНМ Steel 23G2D Steel 23Х2НВФА (ЭИ659) Steel 23Х2НМФА Steel 23ХН2М Steel 24G2 Steel 24Kh3MF (24Kh3MFA) Steel 24ХНМ Steel 25G (25G2) Steel 50G Steel 50G2 Steel 50Х Steel 50ХН Steel 5ХНМ2 Steel 85ГФ Steel AK32 Steel AK33 Steel AK34 Steel AK35 Steel AK36 Steel AK37 Steel AK48 Steel AK49 Steel AK50 Steel 25N Steel 25N3A Steel 25Х2Н4ВА Steel 25Х2Н4МА Steel 25KhG2SFR Steel 25KhGM Steel 25KhGNMA (25KhGNM) Steel 25KhGNMT (25KhGNMTA) Steel 25KhGSA Steel 25KhGT Steel 25KhM Steel 25KhN3 Steel 25KhNTS Steel 26G1 Steel 26Kh1MA (26Kh1M) Steel 26Kh2NVM BR (KVK-26) Steel 26KhGM Steel 26KhGMF (26KhGMFA) Steel 26KhMA (26KhM; 25ХМ) Steel 27KhGR Steel 30G (30G1) Steel 30G1R Steel 30G2 Steel 30T Steel 30Х Steel 30Х2Н2ВФА Steel 30Х2Н2ВФМА Steel 30Х2НВА Steel 30Х2НВФА Steel 30Х2НВФМА Steel 30Х2НМА Steel 30Х2НМ FA (30Kh2NMF) Steel 30Kh3MF Steel 30Kh3MFSA Steel 30Kh3NVA Steel 30KhGS Steel 30KhGSA Steel 30KhGT Steel 30KhM Steel 30KhMA Steel 30KhN2VA Steel 30KHN2VFA Steel 30KHN2MA (30KHNMA) Steel 30KHN2MFA Steel 30KHN3A Steel 30KHN3M Steel 30KHNMFA (30KHNVFA) Steel 30KHRA Steel 30KHSNVFA (VP30) Steel 32G2 Steel 32G2S Steel 32Kh 2NVMBR (KVK-32) Steel 33Х3SNMVFA (SP33; EP613) Steel 33ХН3МА Steel 33ХС Steel 34ХН1ВА (0ХН1В) Steel 34ХН3М Steel 35G Steel 35Г1Р Steel 35Г2 Steel 35Х Steel 35Х2ГУФ Steel 35ХГН2 Steel 35ХGSA Steel 35ХМ Steel 35ХН2Ф Steel 35ХН3МА (35ХН3М) Steel 36G2S Steel 36G 2SR Steel 36Kh2N2MFA (36KhN1MFA) Steel 37G2S Steel 37Kh2NVMBR (KVK-37) Steel 37KhN3A Steel 38Х2МУА (38ХМУА) Steel 38Х2Н2ВА Steel 38Х2Н2МА (38ХНМА) Steel 38Х2Н3М Steel 38Х2НМ Steel 38Х2НМФ Steel 38Х2У (38Х2УА) Steel 38ХА Steel 38ХГМ Steel 38ХГН Steel 38ХГНМ Steel 3 8KhGSA (38KhGS) Steel 38KhM (42KhM) Steel 38KhMA Steel 38KhN3VA Steel 38KhN3MA Steel 38KhS Steel 38KhFR (40KhFR) Steel 40G Steel 40G2 Steel 40GR (40G1R) Steel 40Kh (40KhA) Steel 40Kh2N2VA Steel 40Kh2N2MA Alloy 40Kh3M2FA (USP-40) Steel 40KhGNM Steel 40KhGSMA Steel 40KhGTR Steel 40KhMFA (40KhMF) Steel 40ХН Steel 40ХН2ВА (40ХНВА) Steel 40ХН2МА (40ХНМА) ) Steel 40KhP Steel 40KhS Steel 40KhSN2MA Steel 40KhFA (40KhF) Steel 42Kh2NVMBR (KVK-42) Steel 42Kh2NMBR (ABO70N) Steel 42KhMFA (42KhMF) Steel 44Kh2NMBR (ABO70V) Steel 45G Steel 45G2 Steel 4 5Х Steel 45ХН Steel 45ХН2МФА (45ХНМФА) Steel 47ГТ Steel 48ХН3М


Designation GOST Cyrillic10G2
Designation GOST Latin10G2
By chemical elements10Mn2
Designation GOST Cyrillic10G2A
Designation GOST Latin10G2A
By chemical elements10Mn2


Steel 10G2 is used : for the manufacture of fasteners and other parts operating at temperatures from -70 ° C under pressure; parts of pipeline fittings after hardening and tempering; metal structures; welded transitions of NPP pipelines; seamless hot-deformed cold-resistant pipes for gas lift systems and gas field development.


High-quality structural manganese steel. To obtain high-quality welded joints, additional operations are required: heating to 200−300 °C during welding and heat treatment (annealing) after welding.


Steel 10 - carbon, high-quality, structural steel - these definitions indicate its purpose.

Carbon - means unalloyed, with a minimum amount of additives in the composition. The disadvantage of such steels is their susceptibility to corrosion and the undesirability of operation at very high or very low temperatures. The advantages include ease of manufacture, low cost due to the absence of expensive additives in the composition, and high performance characteristics under normal conditions. This is the best steel for mass-use products - structures, pipes, fasteners, fittings, fences, cladding, beams, channels, etc.

Structural - means that the steel is intended for the manufacture of structures (welded and non-welded) and mechanical parts. Such steels are very popular in mechanical engineering and construction. Depending on their characteristics, rigid load-bearing structures, frames, trusses, critical and non-critical parts, fasteners, fittings, etc. are made from them.


Long and shaped rolled productsB22GOST 1133-71, GOST 8278-83, GOST 8281-80, GOST 8282-83, GOST 8283-93, GOST 8319.0-75, GOST 9234-74, GOST 11474-76, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006
Sheets and stripsB33GOST 1577-93, TU 14-1-4118-86, TU 14-1-4118-2004
Long and shaped rolled productsB32GOST 4543-71, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, GOST 1050-2013, TU 14-1-2118-77, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14 -1-1271-75, TU 14-1-5228-93, TU 14-136-367-2008
Steel pipes and connecting parts for themB62GOST 550-75, GOST 8732-78, GOST 8734-75, GOST 9567-75, GOST 21729-76, GOST 23270-89, GOST 24950-81, GOST 30563-98, GOST 30564-98, GOST 8733-87, GOST 8731-87, GOST R 53383-2009, STO 79814898 105-2008, TU 14-3-1128-2000, TU 14-3-1393-86, TU 14-3-1577-88, TU 14-3-492 -76, TU 14-3-463-2005, TU 14-159-1128-2008, TU 14-3-1128-2005, TU 14-3Р-1128-2007, TU 14-3-1128-82, TU 14 -3-1654-89
Sheets and stripsB23GOST 82-70, GOST 19903-74, GOST 103-2006, GOST 19903-90
Metal forming. Forgings B03GOST 8479-70, ST TsKBA 010-2004
Blanks. Blanks. Slabs B31OST 14-21-77, OST 3-1686-90, TU 14-1-4944-90, TU 26-0251-16-78
Thermal and thermochemical processing of metalsB04ST TsKBA 026-2005


Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYu 8x2120x11900 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 10x2250x12000 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 12x1879x12070 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 14x1878x11800 mm 63,000.00 Hot-smoked sheet 10G2FBYu 16x1575x12200 mm 63,000.00 Hot-smoked sheet 10G2FBYu 18x2350x12000 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYu 20x2350x10100 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 24x1500x8700 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 25x2150x6200 mm 63 thousand Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYu 36x2200x10900 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 40x2470x11700 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 45x2350x6000 mm63,000.00 Hot-rolled sheet 10G2FBYU 50 x2230x8500 mm63,000.00

Please check with the sales department for availability, sheet sizes and prices.

Available sheets: thickness 8mm-18mm width 1500-2500 mm length 2500-12500 mm

Chemical composition

TU 14-1-4118-20040.07-0.15≤0.035≤0.0351.2-1.6≤0.30.17-0.37≤0.3Remainder≤0.3≤0.05≤0.03≤0.15≤0.2
TU 14-159-1128-20080.07-0.15≤0.025≤0.031.2-1.6≤0.30.17-0.37≤0.3Remainder≤0.3≤0.05≤0.03≤0.15≤0.2
TU 14-3R-1128-20070.07-0.15≤0.025≤0.0251.2-1.6≤0.30.17-0.37≤0.3Remainder≤0.3≤0.008

Fe is the basis. According to GOST 4543-71, the content in high-quality steel is regulated: P≤0.025%; S≤0.025%; Сu≤0.30%; in especially high-quality steel: P≤0.025%; S≤0.015%; Сu≤0.25%. According to GOST 30563-98, GOST 30564-98, TU 14-159-1128-2008, TU 14-3R-1128-2007, TU 14-3-1128-82 and OST 14-21-77, the chemical composition is given for especially high-quality steel brand 10G2A.

Steel 10G2A Moscow and Moscow region

Steel has a wide range of applications in mechanical engineering, manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing and many other industries. There are many grades of steel, most of them are made to order, there are grades that are constantly in stock due to regular demand. The Resurs company sells 10G2A steel directly from the manufacturer. With constant demand, we are ready to offer mutually beneficial terms for the supply of many grades of steel. Including 10G2A.

The favorable price for the 10G2A brand is determined by the minimum markup and the absence of intermediaries. We take full responsibility for the supplied material and guarantee the quality of delivery. The cost of products is determined by warehouse and logistics costs; we have the ability to supply steel directly from the manufacturer’s plant, this allows our clients to run their business stably.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mmholiday t, °CsТ|s0.2, MPaσB, MPad5, %d4d10d10y, %kJ/m2, kJ/m2Brinell hardness, MPa
Seamless cold- and hot-deformed pipes in the delivered condition, heat-treated (HB - for wall > 10 mm)
Seamless cold-drawn, cold-rolled and warm-rolled pipes, heat-treated as delivered in accordance with GOST 21729-76
Blanks for pipeline fittings made of rolled sections and stamped. Hardening in air from 910-930 °C (exposure 2.5-4.0 hours depending on the thickness and weight of the workpiece)
Long products. Normalization (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Quenching in water at 880-900 °C + Tempering (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Normalization at 900 °C, cooling in air (longitudinal samples)
Blanks for pipeline fittings made of rolled sections and stamped. Hardening in air from 910-930 °C (exposure 2.5-4.0 hours depending on the thickness and weight of the workpiece)
Long products. Normalization (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Quenching in water at 880-900 °C + Tempering (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Normalization at 900 °C, cooling in air (longitudinal samples)
Blanks for pipeline fittings made of rolled sections and stamped. Hardening in air from 910-930 °C (exposure 2.5-4.0 hours depending on the thickness and weight of the workpiece)
Long products. Normalization (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Quenching in water at 880-900 °C + Tempering (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Normalization at 900 °C, cooling in air (longitudinal samples)
Blanks for pipeline fittings made of rolled sections and stamped. Hardening in air from 910-930 °C (exposure 2.5-4.0 hours depending on the thickness and weight of the workpiece)
Long products. Quenching in water at 880-900 °C + Tempering (longitudinal samples)
Long products. Normalization at 900 °C, cooling in air (longitudinal samples)
Rolled sheets according to TU 14-1-4118-2004
Long products. Quenching in water at 880-900 °C + Tempering (longitudinal samples)

Endurance limit and impact strength of steel 10G2A

Endurance limit, N/mm2Steel conditionImpact strength, KCU, J/cm2, at t, ºСHeat treatment
σ-1τ-1200– 20– 40– 70– 80
221At σB = 530 N/mm2280153117Annealing
289At σB = 590 N/mm2364276185Normalization 900 ºС
321304211Hardening 900 ºС
Vacation 500 ºС

Description of mechanical symbols

sT|s0.2Yield strength or proportional limit with tolerance for permanent deformation - 0.2%
σBShort-term strength limit
d5Elongation after break
d4Elongation after break
d10Elongation after break
d10Elongation after break
yRelative narrowing
kJ/m2Impact strength

Decoding steel 10

The grade of steel indicates its chemical composition, quality and degree of deoxidation. The fewer numbers and letters in the stamp, the simpler the metal composition. One number denotes mild carbon steels, consisting of 98-99% iron.

  • The word “steel” means that the brand is of high quality. The quality of steel is determined by the percentage of harmful impurities - phosphorus and sulfur; the lower the percentage, the higher the quality. There are steels of ordinary quality (st), high-quality (steel), high-quality (A) and especially high-quality (SH).
  • 10 is the percentage of carbon in hundredths. Steel 10 contains 0.1% carbon. Carbon in significant concentrations changes the properties of the alloy, imparts strength and hardness, but reduces ductility and toughness. Carbon steels are not resistant to corrosion and are not used in aggressive environments, but are well suited for the production of mass-produced products due to their low cost and simplicity of the production process.
  • Sp - means the degree of deoxidation - calm. If the degree of deoxidation is not indicated in the marking, as is the case with steel 10, then it is a mild steel. Deoxidation is the process of removing impurities from an alloy, primarily oxygen and nitrogen, in order to reduce the formation of bubbles and gas pockets when the alloy solidifies in the final stages of production. According to the degree of deoxidation, steel can be calm (sp), semi-quiet (ps) and boiling (kp). Boiling water contains the most impurities; its structure is porous and heterogeneous. Calm, maximum purified from impurities and homogeneous. Semi-calm occupies an intermediate position.

The composition of steel is not limited to the elements specified in the grade. The marking lists only those additives that are contained in significant quantities and affect the properties of the alloy.

physical characteristics

TemperatureE, GPar, kg/m3l, W/(m °С)a, 10-6 1/°С


Wear resistance of cemented steel

Heat Treatment Characteristics Vickers hardness HV Wear, mg
sample bronze liner
Cementation to a depth of 1.5 mm, hardening at 780°C, tempering at 170°C 782 4,0 3,0

Critical point temperature

Temperature of critical points of the material 10.

Ac1 = 724, Ac3(Acm) = 876, Ar3(Arcm) = 850, Ar1 = 682

Technological properties

Technological properties of the material 10.

Weldability: no limits.
Flock Sensitivity: not sensitive.
Tendency to temper brittleness: not inclined.

Mechanical properties

Mechanical properties at T=20oC of material 10.

Assortment Size Eg. s in s T d5 y KCU Thermal change
mm MPa MPa % % kJ/m2
Heat treated sheet, GOST 4041-71 4 — 14 290-420 32
Hot-deformed pipes, GOST 550-75 353 216 25 50 780
Pipes, GOST 8731-87 353 216 24
Pipes, GOST 10705-80 314 196 25
Rolled products, GOST 1050-88 up to 80 330 205 31 55 Normalization
Rolled products cold-hardened, GOST 1050-88 410 8 50
Rolled products annealed, GOST 1050-88 290 26 55
Rolled products are calibrated and cold-hardened, GOST 10702-78 390 8 50
Mechanical properties of steel 10 at elevated temperatures
Test temperature, °C σ0.2 (MPa) σв (MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % KCU (kJ/m2)
normalization 900-920 °C
20 260 420 32 69 221
200 220 485 20 55 176
300 175 515 23 55 142
400 170 355 24 70 98
500 160 255 19 63 78


Hardness 10 calibrated cold-worked, GOST 1050-88 HB 10 -1 = 187 MPa
Hardness 10 hot rolled, GOST 1050-88 HB 10 -1 = 143 MPa
Hardness 10, Heat treated sheet. GOST 4041-71 HB 10 -1 = 117 MPa
Hardness 10, Pipes GOST 8731-87 HB 10 -1 = 137 MPa
Hardness 10, Hot deformed pipes. GOST 550-75 HB 10 -1 = 137 MPa
Hardness 10, hot rolled rod. GOST 10702-78 HB 10 -1 = 115 MPa
Steel endurance limit 10
σ-1, MPA J-1, MÏÀ n Heat treatment
157-216 51 106 Normalization 900-920 °C σ4001/10000=108 MPa, σ4001/100000=78 MPa, σ4501/10000=69 MPa, σ4501/100000=44 MPa,
Impact strength of steel 10 KCU , (J/cm2)
Т= +20 °С Т= -20(-30) °С Т= -40(-50) °С Т= -60 °С Heat treatment (35 mm rod)
235 73-265 59-245 196 203-216 49-174 157 179 45-83 78 19-42 None Normalization Annealing
Hardenability of steel 10 (GOST 4543-71)
Distance from the end, mm Note
1,5 3 4,5 6
31 29 26 20,5 Hardness for hardenability strips, HRC

Hardness HB (Brinell) for metal products made of steel 10 (GOST 1050-2013)

steel grade Hardness HB, no more, for metal products
hot rolled and forged calibrated and with special surface finishing
without heat treatment after annealing or high tempering hard-worked after annealing or high tempering
10 143 187 143

Minimum value of yield strength, MPa (kgf/mm2) at design temperature (PNAE G-7-002-86)

steel grade Assortment Temperature, K (°C)
293 (20) 323 (50) 373 (100) 423 (150) 473 (200) 523 (250) 573 (300) 623 (350)
10 Cold and heat-deformed seamless pipes with an outer diameter from 5 to 250 mm, with a wall thickness from 0.3 to 20 mm; outer diameter from 6 to 250 mm, with wall thickness from 1.6 to 24 mm; outer diameter from 6 to 160 mm, with wall thickness from 2 to 22 mm 206 (21) 196 (20) 195 (19) 181 (18,5) 176 (18) 157 (16) 137 (14) 118 (12)
Sectional hot-rolled and forged steel with a thickness or diameter of up to 80 mm 186 (19) 186 (19) 186 (19) 177 (18) 177 (18) 157 (16) 137 (14) 118 (12)

Minimum value of ultimate strength (tensile strength), MPa (kgf/mm2) at design temperature (PNAE G-7-002-86)

steel grade Assortment Temperature, K (°C)
293 (20) 323 (50) 373 (100) 423 (150) 473 (200) 523 (250) 573 (300) 623 (350)
10 Cold and heat-deformed seamless pipes with an outer diameter from 5 to 250 mm, with a wall thickness from 0.3 to 20 mm; outer diameter from 6 to 250 mm, with wall thickness from 1.6 to 24 mm; outer diameter from 6 to 160 mm, with wall thickness from 2 to 22 mm 343 (35) 333 (34) 333 (34) 333 (34) 333 (34) 323 (33) 314 (32) 294 (30)
Sectional hot-rolled and forged steel with a thickness or diameter of up to 80 mm 333 (34) 333 (34) 333 (34) 333 (34) 333 (34) 323 (33) 314 (32) 294 (30)

Density ρп kg/cm3 at test temperature, °С

Steel 10 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
7856 7832 7800 7765 7730 7692 7653 7613 7582 7594

Linear expansion coefficient α*106, K-1

steel grade α*106, K-1 at test temperature, °C
20-100 20-200 20-300 20-400 20-500 20-600 20-700 20-800 20-900 20-1000
10 12,4 13,2 13,9 14,5 14,9 15,1 15,3 12,1 14,8 12,6

Modulus of normal elasticity (Young's modulus) E, GPa

Steel grade At test temperature, °C
20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
10 206 199 195 186 178 169 157

Thermal conductivity coefficient λ W/(m*K)

Steel grade λ W/(m*K), at test temperature, °C
20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
10 58 54 49 45 40 36 32 29 27

Specific heat capacity c, J/(kg*K)

steel grade s, J/(kg*K), at test temperature, °C
20-100 20-200 20-300 20-400 20-500 20-600 20-700 20-800 20-900 20-1000
10 466 479 512 567

Modulus of elasticity in torsional shear G, GPa

steel grade At test temperature, °C
20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
10 78 77 76 73 69 66 59

Electrical resistivity ρ nom*m

steel grade ρ nom*m, at test temperature, °C
20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
10 190 263 352 458 584 734 905 1081 1130

Physical properties

T E 10- 5 a 10 6 l r C R 10 9
hail MPa 1/Grad W/(m deg) kg/m3 J/(kg deg) Ohm m
20 2.1 7856 140
100 2.03 12.4 57 7832 494 190
200 1.99 13.2 53 7800 532 263
300 1.9 13.9 49.6 7765 565 352
400 1.82 14.5 45 7730 611 458
500 1.72 14.85 39.9 7692 682 584
600 1.6 15.1 35.7 7653 770 734
700 15.2 32 7613 857 905
800 12.05 29 7582 875 1081
900 14.08 27 7594 795 1130
1000 12.6 666
1100 14.4 668
T E 10- 5 a 10 6 l r C R 10 9
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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