GOST 7372-79 steel rope wire. technical specifications (as amended n 1-4)

Main types

There are two main types of barbed wire. Let's take a closer look at them.


Despite all the external similarities, modern barbed wire is not exactly the same as what was patented at the end of the 19th century. To date, about 450 patents have already been issued for it. Collectors of wire fences (it turns out there are such people) count up to 2 thousand different types and samples. Manufacturers' catalogs often mention only 2 dozen main varieties. The simplest option is a single-base corrugated design with spikes throughout.

The thickness of such a product is most often 2.8 mm. This is the option that is usually used in summer cottages and fences around private houses.


Coating with a protective layer of zinc does not always help solve the problems. Sometimes more significant strengthening of the enclosing structure is required. The following options are known:

  • Bruno spiral (coils of different diameters);
  • flat corrugated tape with a pointed edge;
  • “chain-link” with diamond-shaped cells;
  • spikes that complement the main fence.

A biaxial (more precisely, two-basic) barbed barrier is also in demand. For the most part, it is made of galvanized metal.

A typical barbed wire texture looks like this.

Products operating under voltage must be designed for a current of 2-10 kV. They are mainly produced for livestock farming and penitentiary use. Returning to tape structures, it is worth pointing out that they can damage significant areas of soft tissue. They are used to protect structures, including those built on frames and supports. And the classic type of barbed wire is used mainly in independent execution.

The traditional version is often called “thread”. This is always galvanized material with a thickness of 2.5 to 2.8 mm. Exceeding these limits is strictly not recommended. There are threads made from one wire or from two strands, braided into a “pigtail”. The same distinction is made between spikes. Stamped spikes are used mainly where the maximum degree of security is needed.

The elastic “thread” is relatively strong and has a small cross-section. This material is more resistant to the negative effects of temperature changes. Resistance to mechanical stress is also increased. As a result, “threads” with increased elasticity are used for the construction of large spans. As for the “soft” wire, it is much more convenient when fastening.

However, over time, such a fence weakens and begins to sag intensively. This drawback is especially pronounced with significant spans. The problem is not too significant if you install the wire in small areas. In addition, technologists classify piercing and cutting tape and reinforced “twist” into a special category. Experts consider everything else to be only subspecies of the three main types of barbed wire.

Installation rules

Vertical supports dug into the ground are fastened in increments of no more than 3 m. These supports are quite sufficient for installing the wire itself; nothing else is required. But increasing the degree of security is only possible with additional tension on the wire in the transverse plane relative to the main strip. Barbed thread can be used in addition to already created protective structures. In this case, it is mounted on top of fences and gates.

Reinforced tape is much more difficult to install. To install it you will need:

  • scissors for cutting metal reinforcement;
  • Grinder;
  • some other tools, which depends on the method of fastening the wire at the support points.

Installation of Egoza wire will be simplified when using special brackets. For flat and spiral models, you can use the same type of brackets. They can be installed in a variety of places. Now they sell brackets in different formats:

  • direct;
  • L-shaped;
  • Y-shaped.

You should prepare the fence yourself with a step between brackets of no more than 2.5-3 m. You need to work not only in protective gloves, but also in thick clothing. Sometimes it makes sense to even wear safety glasses. The shape of the bracket is selected taking into account ease of installation. Before starting work, the area should be marked.

The reference points are fixed using bolts or welding. Then a spiral is mounted on top of the brackets using special brackets. The next step is to stretch the double string along the entire length of the spiral. The spiral itself is aligned, and it is secured using twists of a special pattern.

Finally, the individual parts of the wire fencing are connected using mounting brackets. If the fence is energized, you must warn about this by hanging special signs around the perimeter with clear warning text.

Watch the video below about the production of barbed wire.

Advantages of barbed wire fences

The history of using barbed wire to fence the territory of various institutions goes back more than one century. Spiked products were strung around pastures and private lands to prevent anyone from entering from the outside. In security zones, the thorn protected against attempts to escape.

The installation procedure depends on the required level of protection

Currently, barbed wire is widely used, the installation of which has advantages over other methods of increasing the degree of inaccessibility of the fence:

  • quickly installed;
  • impossible to overcome;
  • cheap;
  • installed on an existing fence;
  • transparent;
  • has a terrifying appearance;
  • capable of seriously injuring;
  • Corrosion resistant.

The thorn looks less aesthetically pleasing than forged peaks, but it is impossible to overcome the fence even with the help of wire cutters and other tools.

V-bracket placement diagram

History of creation

It is impossible to name just one name of the person who invented the barbed defense. But it is quite obvious that the weak restraining ability of ordinary flat wire prompted its creation. It can hardly be considered as a serious barrier for animals on pastures or for criminals in prisons. In 1872, the American farmer G. Rose came up with the idea of ​​attaching boards with sharpened wires to a simple wire fence. The patent was received approximately six months later.

But the modern look of barbed wire was created by Joseph Glidden. He realized that attaching sharp elements to boards was irrational, so he created a metal structure, which without additional devices became a serious obstacle. Wrapping them with metal wire without points helped prevent the spikes from moving.

Important: Glidden did not create his design from scratch, but was based on samples already known at that time, including those proposed in France

Barbed wire also owes a lot to J. Gates. For the first time in the United States, he widely used advanced metal smelting methods, which made it possible to reduce production costs. It was also Gates who carried out an advertising campaign showing that dozens of cows were securely held by a wire fence. Reducing the price of the finished product and bright marketing did their job - soon the “thorn” was bought not only by those who were looking for an effective replacement for a wooden fence around their home. They began to use it in places where the abundance of forests made it possible to build traditional pens, because it turned out to be simpler and more profitable.

What kind of fences are installed on?

“Egoza” can be installed on any structure, but, for example, wooden picket fences and other easily damaged structures are rarely supplemented with barbed wire on top. In such cases, it is often attached to the outside of the fence or laid on the ground.

Photo No. 1: Egoza on a wooden fence

From above, a safety barrier is most often installed on fences, which are easier to climb over than to break. It is especially important to mount the Egoza on a concrete fence or other permanent structure.

Photo No. 2: Egoza on a concrete fence

Note! There are a large number of ways to protect a fence made of corrugated sheets or other material using Egoza barbed wire. In the diagram below you will find the most popular installation options.

Image No. 1: methods of attaching Egoza to fences

Types and applications of steel wire

As you can see, depending on the production method, the use of protective coating, as well as thickness, weight and density, different types of steel wire are produced.

When we talked about the manufacturing process, we mentioned that the finished product is fired. In this case, the output is a flexible product that can be used for knitting, for example, chain-link mesh, bending reinforcement, supports for trees or plants, and so on.

Such wire is usually galvanized due to the nature of its operation - outdoors, with frequent direct exposure to water, high and low temperatures.

  • For Chainlink, heat-treated, zinc-coated wire with a diameter of 1.30 to 6.30 mm is used.
  • For grape supports, flexible low-carbon steel wire with a rather small nominal cross-section is also used - 2.10-2.30 mm.
  • For communication lines, only galvanized steel wire must be used, while the core itself is made of special “T” type steel.

Therefore, both thin and thick wire products are widely used. For some types of fittings it is also important to use rigid, unburnt wire.

And, in conclusion, we can say that we have proven what was said at the beginning: low-carbon steel wire is a truly universal material that is widely used to make completely different products that find their application in many areas of life.

Photo of barbed wire

Vaira Metal mesh Wire Fences and Fidget

  • Rabitz
  • Lightweight Cossack mesh
  • Uzelfix mesh
  • Welded mesh
  • Masonry mesh for reinforcement from wire VR-1 (armopoyas)
  • Cossack masonry mesh
  • Expanded mesh
  • Woven mesh GOST 3826-82
  • Corrugated mesh
  • Channeled mesh
  • Twisted hexagonal mesh
  • Stainless filter mesh
  • Brass mesh L-80
  • Conveyor woven mesh
  • Conveyor woven mesh
  • Hinged mesh
  • Reinforcing façade fiberglass mesh
  • Tensioner for mesh and wire
    • Low carbon wire GOST 3282-74
  • Knitting wire GOST 3282-74
  • Galvanized wire GOST 3282-74
  • Trellis wire for vineyards TM Kazachka
  • Wire VR-1
  • PVC coated wire
  • Printing wire
  • Welding wire Sv08(A), Sv08G2S, SvO8GA, SVO8GM, SVO8KhM, SVO8G1NMA, ZOKHGSA, copper-plated, on cassettes, etc.
  • Ground wire
  • Cold heading wire
  • Spring wire
  • Fechral heat resistant wire
  • Bimetallic
  • Bronze wire BrOF, BrNHK, BrKMts3-1, BrAMts9-2, BrOTs4-3, BrB2.5, BrB2, BrAZhNMts 8.5-4-5-1.5
    • Egoza
  • Spikes for Cossack fence
  • Fidget installation
  • Barbed wire
  • Subtle Obstacle (SMO)
  • Reinforced razor tape (RBR)
    • Metal fences
  • Plastic fences
  • Sectional fences Cossack-320
  • Sectional fences Cossack
  • Sectional fences Betafence
  • Fence posts
  • Wickets and gates
    • Construction nails
  • Screw nails
  • Rough, ring nails
  • Nails in reels
  • Finish carpentry nails
  • Roofing nails
  • Container nails
  • Tar paper nails
  • Slate nails
  • Forming nails
  • Bolts
  • Hex nut
  • Cotter pins
  • Rivets
    • Perforated sheet
  • Expanded metal sheet
    • Gabions
  • Geogrids
  • Geotextiles
  • Steel fiber

    Steel fiber

    • Lawn mesh
  • Garden trellises
  • Fence gratings
  • Signal grid
  • Road, sidewalk mesh
  • Universal plastic mesh
  • Lawn grid (eco-parking)
  • Composite reinforcement and fiberglass rods for greenhouses, greenhouses
  • News

    Installation of the “thorn”

    To protect your dacha, there are 2 options for installing a protective fence:

    • On top of or on a regular fence;
    • Make a continuous spiked (barbed) fence.

    For this we need:

    • Barbed wire (preferably reinforced);
    • Mounting brackets;
    • Electric welding machine;
    • Electrodes;
    • Hardware (staples);
    • Pliers;
    • String;
    • Protective clothing;
    • Mittens.

    The brackets are welded to the posts. The barbed wire is stretched and secured with hardware. To prevent it from sagging, the string is stretched. A “thorn” is evenly distributed and secured on top of it.

    To make a continuous fence made of barbed wire (which can often be seen in the photo), pillars are dug in at a distance of at least 2 meters from each other. To increase stability, it is better to concrete them or make supports.

    To tighten and fix the “thorns”, “eyes” are welded to the posts along the entire length. Their pitch is at least 100 mm. The barbed wire is secured to the “eyes” using hardware (staples).

    To increase the protective functions of the fence, voltage can be applied to it. At the same time, you must remember to post a sign warning about this!

    Installation methods

    Depending on the type of fence, completely made of Egoza or just the top, different types of barbed wire are installed.

    Flat blade

    When replacing an outdated fence sheet and installing barbed wire, the fastening is carried out on the old base. For populated areas, a flat Acacia tape fence is recommended. It consists of a frame with ribbons stretched between horizontal profiles. The barbed strip is mounted at an angle and forms diamond shapes 380–400 mm high and 140–160 mm wide. At the intersection points, the strips are connected to each other by wire or bracket. All fencing elements are coated with zinc.

    Installation option for “Acacia” type product

    A flat barrier has its positive qualities for installing it on streets where people walk:

    • the canvas does not extend beyond the dimensions of the fence;
    • has a threatening appearance;
    • transparency 100%;
    • height up to 4 m;
    • very difficult to overcome.

    The openwork design at first glance is actually quite strong and dangerous. When cutting the wire in several places, it is impossible to penetrate into the area.

    Cell appearance

    Transparency can also be considered a disadvantage. Passers-by can clearly see what is happening in the yard. New supports must be installed under frames with barbed wire.

    By installing a corrugated or polycarbonate fence parallel to the inside of the site, you can hide the yard from prying eyes.

    Drawings of accommodation options

    Fence made of thorny spirals

    Fencing large areas in open space can be done with Egoza volumetric spirals. Ribbons with thorns are pulled in several rows. When repairing a fence, old posts are used. The distance between them should be no more than 3 m.

    An example of a wire arrangement in the form of a spiral

    Brackets are welded to the posts and barbed wire is attached to them. The fasteners themselves can be of various types and shapes:

    • vertical;
    • horizontal;
    • inclined;
    • Y-shaped.

    L-shaped bracket diagram

    Horizontal fastening elements are bent from a profile or rod at an angle of 90° and screwed on one side to the pole, the other is located parallel to the ground.


    According to the manufacturing method, the “thorn” is divided into:

    Galvanized steel wire with spikes along its entire length. Its thickness is 2.8 mm. It is the simplest protective structure for protecting your property on a farm or country house;

    Reinforced (corrugated) tape. It looks like a thin strip of steel with razor-sharp edges. It has 2 varieties - AKL (straight) and ASKL (twisted).

    Domestic manufacturers produce various versions of the “thorn” for all household, industrial, strategic and other needs. The most popular and well-known products are under two brands:

    • "Egoza";
    • "Gyurza."

    Design features, application

    A thin strip (metal thread) with spikes along its entire length - this is the design of barbed wire. Simple and unpretentious. But very effective!

    France is considered the birthplace of the “thorn”, although it gained fame in America thanks to one farmer named Henry. He used it as a fence, which interested the others.

    The barbed wire fence was reliable, had high protective properties at a fairly low price. This interested many farmers. There was “mad demand” for such fencing.

    The first company that seriously began selling “thorns” was able to sell 270 tons of them!

    A lot of time has passed since then. Razor fencing is still in demand and is used to protect:

    • Private property (territory);
    • Military bases;
    • Special sports grounds;
    • Strategically important objects;
    • Enterprises;
    • Facilities launched into construction;
    • Areas where special dog training takes place;
    • Various prison colonies;
    • Various private pastures.

    Types and scope of application

    Galvanized wire products can be made from a variety of materials. A steel, aluminum, titanium base is used. In some cases, manufacturers give preference to nickel, zinc, and copper. Suitable alloys are bimetallic or polymetallic.

    Thanks to this, the wire has improved qualities and excellent corrosion resistance. It is sold to customers in special skeins of 20-200 kg. Coils of 0.8-1.2 tons are also used.

    Galvanized wire is produced using thermal treatment technology or without the use of this method.

    The methods of processing the material also differ - soft knitting treatment, thermal or hard treatment without treatment.

    If the wire is subjected to thermal hardware action, then it can be used in the manufacture of nails with a diameter of 1-6 mm, chain-link mesh, and in the process of aerial cable fastening. Taking these factors into account, the price of galvanized wire is determined.

    The semi-finished product is used in the production of household items - handles for buckets, hangers for hanging clothes, fasteners for drawers.

    Sometimes the scope of application expands, and therefore it can be found in the process of reinforcing preparation of power transmission wires. It is used not only for installing cable products, but also for creating staples, key rings, and paper clips.

    The material is used in the manufacture of mesh, and also as an element of security systems; in particular, galvanized barbed wire is popular.

    There are several other areas of application:

    • In welding works.
    • For laying communication channels - it has normalized electrical resistance and low elongation. The material is type T steel. Diameter is 1.5-4 mm. The disadvantage is the risk of sagging as a result of heating. The coil of wire is covered with paper with an impermeable effect and a cloth containing chemical fibers.
    • In the production of cores that are used in aluminum and steel wires without insulation. Grades for stranded and single-wire cores are used, belonging to types A, B and C, depending on the mechanical properties.


    Egoza barbed wire is a type of security fencing produced by the brand of the same name. The Chelyabinsk plant where it is produced is part of the group. Among his clients are government agencies, nuclear, thermal, electric power facilities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. When developing wire, specialists from the Egoza perimeter fencing plant take into account the level of responsibility when protecting objects of special importance and the needs of ordinary citizens who want to ensure reliable protection of their areas.

    Flat belt structures have more varied technical characteristics. Thus, for Egoza products, a spiral with a five-rivet fastening of the AKL type, the mass of the coil, depending on its diameter, ranges from 4 to 10 kg. The weight of 1 meter is easy to calculate based on the length of the skein - normally it is 15 m.

    The manufacturer produces several types of Egoza brand wire. All products have common features: made from steel or galvanized tape, the presence of sharp spikes. All varieties are highly durable and reliable, have a long service life, and can be mounted either around the perimeter of existing fences or independently, supported on poles.

    The main purpose of Egoza wire is to protect objects from unauthorized entry. In livestock grazing areas, it is used to prevent or stop the movement of the animal outside the designated area. In industrial, military, secret, protected facilities, in water and environmental protection zones, in places with limited access, barbed wire acts as a protective barrier, allowing it not to block visibility and access to natural light, as is the case with solid fences.

    Depending on the type of product, its installation can be carried out in different ways. Most often this wire is used for:

    • creating fences around the perimeter of the roofs;
    • fixation on vertical posts (several levels);
    • installations on supports with a horizontal tension string for 10–15 sections;
    • laying on the ground (quick deployment).

    All these features make barbed wire a popular solution for use on various types of objects.

    Types of barbed wire

    During its existence, barbed wire was made in different ways, using the development of industrial technologies. Currently, several types of thorns are used for fencing:

    • classical;
    • reinforced tape;
    • twisted tape.

    Types of models

    Classic wire is a solid thread with pieces twisted onto it. The sharp ends stick out in different directions.

    Fences made from classic types are completely transparent. The thread is stretched in several rows between the pillars. They are used mainly against animals to prevent them from running away or entering someone else's territory.

    Pole placement scheme

    A strip of carbon steel with sharp ax-shaped protrusions is called Egoza. It has a reinforced strip of base wrapped around scraps of wire. It is characterized by high strength and sharp edges of the spikes.

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