The burning temperature of a cigarette when inhaling. New alternative

The burning temperature of a cigarette when inhaling. New alternative

Heat-not-burn tobacco product (HNB) systems use a temperature lower than that at which the contents of conventional cigarettes burn.
The result is smoke containing nicotine and other chemicals. The first HNB products appeared in 1988, but at first they were not commercially successful. Interest in it arose against the backdrop of disappointment with electronic cigarettes, which could not provide the desired effect from a puff. Currently, tobacco heating systems are produced by major tobacco manufacturers. Although tobacco companies claim that HNB is safer than regular cigarettes, there is no credible and reliable scientific evidence to support this. Many studies on this topic were funded by the manufacturers themselves, so their conclusions are questionable due to conflicts of interest. Independent medical experts say heated tobacco systems are as harmful as smoking, but they admit there is little research on the issue.

In 1998, one of the largest tobacco companies, Philip Morris International, released a heating device into which a cigarette was inserted. It became the predecessor of the iQOS system. This name is an abbreviation of the slogan I quit original smoking (Russian: “I quit regular smoking”). According to the company, HNB will completely replace tobacco cigarettes and vapes in the future, but industry analysts doubt that this will ever happen.

What is included in tobacco smoke?

Cigarette smoke consists of gaseous components and particulate matter. Gaseous components of tobacco smoke include carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, ammonium, isoprene, acetaldehyde, acrolein, nitrobenzene, acetone, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocyanic acid and other substances.

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Cigar burning temperature. What is IQOS?

IQOS (IQOS) is an innovative system for heating tobacco using electricity, the design of which is constantly updated and improved. The device needs to be recharged via a regular USB cable, like a smartphone.

IQOS is owned by one of the leading tobacco companies in the world.

Often a cigarette is a way to unwind, get distracted and take a break; cigarettes are integrated into our culture, becoming an attribute of communication and an everyday ritual. Most smokers get used to the ritual of smoking a cigarette. Those who have been using sticks for a long time no longer want to return to regular cigarettes, and cigarette smoke begins to irritate them, but are these stylish ones really safe?

IQOS sticks are shaped like small cigarettes with a filter. Manufacturers claim that the sticks use crushed, selected leaves of high-quality and pure tobacco, carefully pressed and laid along the axis of the stick. Before entering the stick, the tobacco is crushed into thin sheets. They are then shaped and placed in a stick.

The main threat from smoking is the combustion products of tar, nicotine and several thousand other chemical compounds (carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, isoprene and other dangerous substances, etc.). Therefore, people are constantly looking for ways to reduce the amount of harmful substances and healthy alternatives to cigarettes; for this, engineers around the world use modern technologies.

The essence of IQOS work is heating to 300-350°C, but not combustion; this releases nicotine, not combustion products. The smoking process itself is identical to the classic one - a puff is taken, filling the lungs with the products released from the tobacco.

Nicotine is a natural component of tobacco; it is also present in smaller quantities in tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and other plants of the nightshade family.

Important! Nicotine is strictly contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women, and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

The importance of temperature control

The combustion temperature of a cigarette can vary (this depends on the contents of the cigarette) from 400 to 800°C. The temperature of smoldering tobacco during puffing reaches 900 - 1100°C. The temperature of tobacco smoke is approximately 40 - 60°C.

The temperature of a smoldering cigarette is 700-900 degrees!

Columbus discovered America - he was a great sailor, And at the same time he taught the whole world to smoke tobacco...

Freshman month this year is largely dedicated to such serious problems of young people as drug addiction, the spread of HIV infection and, of course, smoking. Readers can get more detailed information at library events and from books, while we present only a few interesting facts. Behind the lines of statistics

According to the WHO, 4 million people die every year from tobacco-related diseases, or one person every 8 seconds. If this continues, within 20 years smoking will become the leading cause of death and disability worldwide.

In recent years in Russia there has been an intensive initiation of smoking among adolescents and young people, especially girls. In total, 49.5% of this category smoke, that is, almost 16 million people. 58.3% of boys smoke, 40.5% of girls smoke.

Do you know this about tobacco? Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin. A person will die instantly if a dose of nicotine from one smoking pipe is injected into the body intravenously. The temperature of a smoldering cigarette is 700-900 degrees! The lungs of an experienced smoker are a black, rotting mass.

For the entire population of teenagers and young adults who smoke, there are 3 billion 481.9 million packs of cigarettes per year. Thus, the average annual total amount spent by them on the purchase of cigarettes is 58 billion 321.5 million rubles. Chemicals contained in tobacco smoke contribute to premature baldness.

A smoker is twice as likely to become impotent as a non-smoking man because smoking narrows the blood vessels in the genitals. Smoking also damages male sperm. The earlier a young man starts smoking, the more difficult it will be for him to subsequently become a father. Smoking leads to the development of three main fatal diseases: lung cancer; chronic bronchitis and emphysema; coronary disease.

Smoke “breaks” the body. Heavy smokers have 22% more problems with forgetfulness than non-smokers, and light smokers have 12% more problems. A smoker personally shortens his life by 3-8 years. Three men who starred as the Marlboro Man for tobacco commercials at different times died from smoking-related illnesses: David Millar in 1987 from emphysema, and Wayne McLaren in 1992 after lung cancer spread to his brain. , and David McLean - 1995 from lung cancer.

In France, in Nice, as a result of the competition “Who will smoke the most?” two “winners” died after smoking 60 cigarettes each, and the remaining participants were hospitalized with severe poisoning. In England, a case was recorded in which a 40-year-old man who smoked for a long time smoked 14 cigars and 40 cigarettes at night during difficult work. In the morning he became ill, and, despite the medical assistance provided, he died. The literature describes a case when a girl was put to sleep in a room where tobacco was in bundles and powder, and she died a few hours later. Recent studies have shown that if parents smoke, their children will be much more dependent on tobacco. Children of smokers begin to smoke at the age of 6-8 years. There was a recorded case of a four-year-old child tarring one after another.

A little history One of the “youngest” vices – tobacco smoking – has a 500-year history. Discovery by Christopher Columbus in 1492. America is associated with the discovery by Europeans of many new plants for them, among which was tobacco. At first, tobacco was declared an all-healing medicinal herb: “Tobacco induces sleep, relieves fatigue, soothes pain, cures headaches...” Tobacco quickly took possession of aristocratic salons back in the 16th century. and became especially popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. Recommended at first as a cure for all diseases, tobacco very soon acquired a bad reputation, and the Spanish Queen Isabella was the first to curse it along with those who used it.

Turkish Sultan Murad IV banned smoking tobacco under pain of death penalty applied to passionate smokers; the firman he issued in 1625 provided for various types of death penalty for smokers: beheading, burning or impalement.

In Persia - lips and nose were cut off for smoking, in Italy - tobacco was declared the devil's pastime and, as a warning to posterity, five monks caught smoking were walled up alive in a monastery wall; in England - smokers were equated with thieves and were led through the streets with a rope around their neck .

In Russia, during the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, those caught smoking were punished for the first time with 60 blows of sticks on the feet, and for the second time, their nose and ears were cut off! And after wooden Moscow burned down in 1634 because of smokers, smoking was prohibited under penalty of death! In the special Code of 1649. it was “... ordered that everyone who was found with a godless potion should be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until they confess where the potion came from.” Tobacco traders were ordered to “flog, cut their noses and exile to distant cities.”

iqos temperature. Appearance, charging

All three devices, of course, tried to make them as ergonomic and easy to carry as possible. The differences in the design are due to the specifics that they wanted to incorporate into the operation and the mechanics of the process itself.

IQOS is designed as a stylish gadget. Despite the presence of removable and moving parts, nothing creaks or wobbles. The packaging and the device itself leave a feeling of “expensiveness” and premiumness. The coating of the charging block and stick holder is made of soft-touch eraser. In the second generation, the LEDs became brighter and vibration for notifications appeared.

IQOS 2.4 Plus also has Bluetooth for connecting to a smartphone via the IQOS Connect app. In the program you can see the charge percentage, receive notifications when the holder is ready and display a map with points of sale of consumables.

Ploom Tech is one of the most ergonomic models among the participants. It's just a stick with an LED at the bottom. Pull - the diode glows blue. The capsule has run out - the diode blinks blue. The battery is low - the tip glows red. There are no buttons or other control methods on the case. We untwisted the battery, hooked it up to charge, waited 1.5 hours, and put it back together.

GLO is also compact and ergonomic with no removable parts. There are only two moving parts - a lid on top and a hatch on the bottom. The LEDs are quite bright, and their animation is intuitive. Its integrity may appeal to fans of non-modular devices. The kit also includes a lanyard and charger. GLO comes in four colors: black, grey, gold and pink.

How many puffs does Glo have?

To start the session, you just need to pull the holder out of the block, insert the tobacco stick and press the power button. Session lasts 6 minutes or 14 puffs

— the system monitors what happens first and warns with vibration 30 seconds or 2
before completion.

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