Welding a car body: what and how best to carry out welding work

Welding work on a car body may be required in two cases - severe wear due to corrosion and damage after road traffic accidents (RTA).

Exposure to high temperatures destroys factory protection, deteriorates the properties of metals and causes accelerated corrosion in the welding zone. But the skillful use of modern technologies minimizes the severity of the consequences.

Features of car body welding

The main specificity of welding body iron is its small thickness. The car body is designed and manufactured for minimum weight, so thin rolled sheets are used, and strength is ensured by the three-dimensional design and reinforcement in the right places.

There are also massive parts, but there are not many of them, and they do not create problems during welding. Therefore, the main thing in this kind of repair is to orient the equipment, technology and experience of the contractor to work with a small thickness of steel sheet, less than a millimeter.

In the factory, spot welding is used. The body parts are compressed by the vise of the conductors, after which the welding robot, with its tongs, sets the points at which two or more sheets of metal are melted and firmly fastened.

It is difficult to implement this method during repairs, and there is no need for it. Spot welding is a typical conveyor technology.

On topic: How to degrease a body before polishing, painting and washing

The second feature is the absence of continuous seams. Under such an impact, the metal will be strongly moved and change its geometric dimensions.

If, out of ignorance and for reasons of increased strength, one side of the body is welded in this way, then it may turn out to be several centimeters shorter than the opposite one, and the body will be irreparably damaged. Therefore, they weld, simulating spot welding, with short stitches, observing the symmetry of heating the metal parts.

How much does a car body repair cost on average - approximate prices

The proper operation of the car and the safety of the driver and passengers while driving depend on the condition of the body. It happens that the body requires repair. Such a service in Russia costs from 200 to 17,000 rubles or more .

What is this?

Body repair refers to a set of measures to restore the normal appearance of this part of the car.

The need to replace the hood arises for various reasons:

  • Natural wear and tear.
  • Damage to the body due to an accident.
  • Hitting a curb.
  • Actions of vandals.

In any case, you need to contact a car service. The technician will carry out diagnostics, announce the approximate cost and, with the client’s consent, begin work.

What does the price depend on?

Body repairs cost different things at different service stations. The following factors affect the price:

  1. The model of car.
  2. Type of damage.
  3. Difficulty of work.
  4. Master's qualification.
  5. Departure of the technician to the address where the customer’s car is located.
  6. Materials and equipment used.
  7. Urgency of order fulfillment.
  8. Service station pricing policy.
  9. The need to dismantle certain parts.
  10. Availability of a warranty on the car.

The more labor-intensive the work, the more money the specialist will have to pay. Urgency and calling a specialist to the location of the car are paid additionally. If the car is under warranty, repairs can be carried out free of charge or at a significant discount. The more prestigious the car dealership, the higher the prices it sets for its services.

Types of repairs

There are the following types of repairs:

  1. Removing scratches, abrasions, breaks, cracks and other similar defects.
  2. Restoring the correct geometry. It's expensive.
  3. Elimination of hidden defects. To identify them, diagnostics are carried out. They are eliminated in the same way as visible defects. The price depends on the complexity of the process.
  4. Replacement of doors, fenders, hood cover. If the part cannot be restored, then it is changed taking into account the model and make of the car. This type of repair is expensive due to the high prices of body parts.

Approximate prices

Russian car repair shops set the following prices for body restoration:

  • Installation of a new hood - from 1250 rubles .
  • Replacing the bumper cover – 1200.
  • Installing the trunk lid – 1500.
  • Wing replacement – ​​from 850 rubles .
  • Installation of new spars - from 4500 to 8500 rubles .
  • Rear panel installation – from 4000 to 8500 .
  • Changing the side threshold – 3700.
  • Replacement of racks with part of the threshold - from 6,500 rubles .
  • Sidewall repair – 10250-16500 rubles .
  • Restoring one door – 1500-4500.
  • Hood repair – 2800-6800 rubles .
  • Panel roof restoration – 7500-9500.
  • Repair of racks - 8600-13000 rubles .
  • Restoring headlights – 500.
  • Part replacement – ​​9800 rubles .
  • Protective type of polishing – 3000.
  • Abrasive type of polishing – 8500.
  • Painting – 6700-7100 rubles .
  • Straightening – from 200 .
  • Restoring a part - 7800-9000 rubles .

What type of welding to use to weld the body?

The choice of welding machine will ultimately determine the quality and speed of the work. An experienced specialist will cope with any technology, but will waste time unreasonably, and most likely simply will not engage in outdated welding methods.

For example, no one has used an oxygen-acetylene torch for a long time, although it was with its help that car bodies were repaired before the advent of modern semi-automatic machines.


The main type of welding machine in body repair is a semi-automatic machine operating in an inert gas environment. The welding method is so simple that it is accessible to any novice repairman.

Before the widespread dissemination of this technology, the art of welding as applied to body iron had to be learned a lot. Now this is available for the car owner to do independently if he wants to personally repair the body.

The essence of this welding is to feed thin copper-plated steel wire into the weld zone from a coil using an electric motor with a gearbox. One output of the electric arc supply voltage is connected to the guide rollers and the nozzle through which the wire passes, the second - to the parts being welded.

Through the same nozzle, gas is supplied to the arc area, usually carbon dioxide from a cylinder with a reducer, which does not allow oxygen, which interferes with the clean fusion of parts. Sometimes a little argon is mixed with carbon dioxide to obtain better seams.

When you press the button located on the torch of the welding machine, voltage is simultaneously applied to the wire, the supply is turned on and the carbon dioxide valve opens.

The mode is selected by manual or automatic adjustment of the basic welding parameters:

  • arc current, reliable penetration of the seam, the so-called penetration, depends on it;
  • wire feed speed, the higher the current, the greater the mass of filler metal should be;
  • the flow of incoming gas is regulated by a reducer on the cylinder.

Typically, the current is set slightly higher than required, and the touch time is adjusted by the welder by the duration of the button press. A well-welded short stitch is formed without burning through thin metal.


An inverter is a power electronic converter of high AC voltage into low DC voltage, which can be used to power the welding arc.

Sometimes there is still a misconception that an inverter is a welding machine for working with electrodes, but it is more compact and lighter than an outdated welding transformer. That is, according to the authors of the statement, a semi-automatic device is not an inverter.

In fact, this term refers only to the conversion method, and currently all welding machines, including semi-automatic machines and everything else, use this inverter principle.

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The essence of the inverter is an increased conversion frequency. The physics is such that a transformer, and it must be present at least for galvanic isolation of the network and electrodes, is smaller in weight and dimensions, the higher the frequency at which it operates.

The network frequency is 50 Hz, such transformers for acceptable welding power weigh about 20 kg. The inverter usually operates at a frequency of 50-100 kHz, that is, a thousand times higher, so its transformer is almost invisible among other electronic components, and the entire device can weigh 2-3 kg.

Manual arc welding

If we talk about outdated technologies, but not yet completely obsolete, then this is manual welding with a consumable electrode coated with flux. The method works well when welding massive parts by an experienced specialist, but is completely unsuitable for body work.

Of course, there are specialists with extensive experience who can easily weld a tin can with an electrode, but in practice everyone uses a semi-automatic machine.

As a last resort, without a bulky cylinder, using flux-cored wire. But this has its drawbacks: consumables are expensive, and the quality of work is low.

Price list

Details Author: Super User Category: Sample Data-Articles Published March 17, 2016

Wheel alignment prices*

Domestic cars*
BrandVAZ, IZHSobol, NivaAZLK, Volga, ZAZ
Wheel alignment check500
Wheel alignment80010001000
Foreign cars*
AdjustmentsFront axleRear axleFront+Rear
Wheel alignment check500
Wheel alignment7007001400

TO prices*

Auto repairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 VALVEForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the manifold gasket (exhaust + inlet)15001500150018001400(intake) 800(exhaust)22502250
2Replacing valve stem seals with valve adjustment and removing the cylinder head2500-45002500-45002500-45002500-4500700070007500
3Replacing the ram drive450
4Replacing the crank pulley/shaft350350350450450650650
5Replacing the Cylinder Head Mounting Plugs3000300030003500360080008000
6Replacing the Cylinder Block Mounting Plugs9509509501000125012501250
7Replacing the chain guide45040004000
8Replacing the fuel pumpcarb 500-eng 1500carb 500 eng 1500750 without sanitary tank 1500 with sanitary tankcarb 500750 without sanitary tank 1500 with sanitary tank10002000
9C/o gas tank50015001500800150010002000
10Engine overhaul12000120001200012500140001650019500
11Block head repair5000500050005000650095009500
12Replacing the Cylinder Head Gasket2700250025002700350046505000
13Replacing the valve cover gasket3001501503001850550550
14Replacing the crankcase gasket1200100010001500100014501450
15Replacing the engine mount (pillow) (1 pc.)3503503504005008001000
16Replacing the front crankshaft oil seal95012001200from 950190018501850
17Replacing the rear crankshaft oil seal2500250025003500250040004850
18Replacing the camshaft1500150015001500285028502850
19Replacing the timing chain2300230035003500
20Replacing the timing belt10001000170020002200
21Replacing the chain tensioner500500
22Replacing the chain shoe20002200
23Replacing the oil pump2500200020002500250025003000
24Change of oil400400400400400400400
25C/o engine4500400040005000450080008000
GEARBOX prices*
RepairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacement of the gearbox assembly2000200020003000200030004850
2Clutch replacement2100210021003100210032004850
3Replacing the shift link75012001200750120018501850
4Replacing the flexible coupling8501500
5Replacing the reverse sensor300300300300300350350
6Replacing the speedometer drive500500500500500500500
7Bulkhead from the bathroom4500450045005000450060007000
8Replacing the drive oil seal (CV joint)600600150060010001500
9Replacing the gearbox shank oil seal8001700
10Replacing the gearbox primary shaft oil seal3000225022504000225038503850
CLUTCH prices*
Car serviceVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the release bearing2000200020003000200030004850
2Replacing the clutch slave cylinder500500
3Replacing the clutch master cylinder700700700700
4Replacing the clutch cable with adjustment550550550550550
5Replacing clutch brake fluid300300300300
6Replacing the clutch fork50021002100500210032005000
7Clutch replacement2200220022003200220032005200
8Bleeding the clutch300300300300
Auto repairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacement assembly50050010001000
2Replacing the outboard bearing120090020002500
3Replacing the flexible coupling7001000
4Replacing the rear crosspiece (on the card shaft)4004001000
REAR AXLE car service price*
Auto repairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the rear axle2850285035003500
2Beam replacement4000220022005000220024004000
3Replacing the gearbox2000front-3500 rear-200025003500
4Replacing internal CV joint100010002000100012001450
5Replacing the axle shaft (outer CV joint)1000150010001100
6Replacing the axle shaft seal, gearbox drive1100800800200080010001200
7Replacing the shank seal5005001150
8Replacement of shock absorber, strut (1 pc.) rear500500500500500750950
9Replacing the rear spring (1 piece)800500500800500750950
10Replacing a set of jet rods 5pcs1500150020002500
11Replacing the transfer case15003500
Car serviceVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the drive assembly600600150060010001200
2Replacing the outer CV joint (boot)demon s/u drive-600 with s/u-1000demon s/u drive-600 with s/u-10001500demon s/u drive-600 with s/u-100010001100
3Replacing the internal CV joint (boot)100010001200100012001450
4Replacing the boot clamp300300300300300300
RepairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the front spring 1pc100090090010009009001000
2Replacement support bearing 1 piece90090090010001200
3Replacement of the lower lever assembly (1 pc.)12007007001200700750-1500950-2000
4Replacement of the upper lever assembly (1 pc.)7007007001000
5 Replacing silent blocks on a removed lever (1 piece)3005005008005005001000
6Replacement of the ball joint (1 pc.)400300300400300300400
7Replacing the front shock absorber (strut). (1 PC.) 50090090050090010001000
8Replacing front stabilizer bushings, 1 piece300300300300300300300
9Replacing the crab of the longitudinal extension bracket (1 pc.)400400400
10Replacement stabilizer strut 1 pc.300300300300300
STARTER price*
Car serviceVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Starter replacement8005505508005508001000
2Replacing the retractor on the starter1100300300110030011001300
3Replacing the starter bendix1500110011001500110015001500
4Replacing starter brushes1500110011001500110015001500
5Replacing starter bushings1500110011001500110015001500
6Replacing the starter bushing in the gearbox800800800
Car serviceVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacement brake disc 1 piece550550550950550650650
2Replacement of front brake cylinders (1 t.)750550550950550450450
3Replacing the caliper assembly650550550800550650850
4Replacement of brake hose, front and rear tubes 1 pc.500500500500500500500
5Replacing the master brake cylinder7007001000800100010001000
6Replacement rear brake cylinder 1 pc.400400400400400400650
7Replacing the rear pads (drum) behind the axle8008008008008008001250
8Replacing rear pads (disc) for the axle500600
9Replacing front pads (axle)600500500600500500600
10Replacing handbrake pads (Disc brakes)13001300
11Replacing the vacuum brake booster8008001000800100011001100
12Replacing handbrake cables1100110011001100110012501250
13Replacing the handbrake rod (handle)5008001200500-1200120010001000
14Development of 1st side caliper guides300300300300300
15Replacing brake fluid80080080080080012001200
Auto repairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the steering gear1650195016501650
2Replacing the steering rack without power steering - with power steering1500- 20001500- 20001500- 200026002600
3Replacing the steering rack boot600650
4Replacing the power steering pump95095012501250
5Replacement steering tip 1 pc.300300300300300300300
6Replacing the short rod assembly400400
7Replacing the middle link400400
8Replacing the pendulum500550
9Replacing the steering linkage assembly12001200From 1500
10Replacing the steering rod (on the rack)500500500600600
Type of work2101-21072108-210992110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacement assembly750750750125075012501250
2Replacing the front hub bearing 1 pc.850100010001250100010001250
3Wheel bearing clearance adjustment 1 pc.150150150150
4Removing and installing the steering knuckle850750750125075014501850
5Replacing the rear wheel bearing (half shaft)1000500500120050010002000
Auto repairVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Generator replacement600500500600600850850
2Replacing the alternator belt300300300300300450450
3Replacing generator brushes without removal250200200250250450450
4Generator diagnostics100100100100100250250
5Replacing the diode bridge1250115011501550125012501250
6Replacing generator bearings1600150015001600160020002000
Car service2101-21072108-210992110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the exhaust pipe gasket800500500800500950950
2Replacing the resonator500400400500400550650
3Muffler replacement500400400500400550600
4Muffler repair (welding work)from 300
5Replacing corrugations100012501850
6Replacement assembly1450145014501450145018501850
7Catalyst replacement5001700500-1700500500-120012001200
Car serviceVAZ 2101-2107VAZ 2108-21099VAZ 2110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Replacing the cooling radiator100012001200VAZ1200-2500Chevrolet120012501450
2Replacing the pipe (1 pc.) next. 200 each 400400400400400400400
3Replacing the thermostat650650650650650650750
4Replacing the water pump (pump)950200020001050250021502150
5Replacing the cooling fan450450450550750750750
6Replacing the stove faucet750750750750750950950
7Replacing the heater radiator (stove)12501400(08-99)-2000(13-15)18501250 without air conditioning185050005000
8Replacing the electric motor of the heater (stove)10001000165012501650650650
9Replacing heater air ducts (assembled)1200250036001350360036503650
10Repair of the damper control mechanismfrom 500
Car service2101-21072108-210992110Niva16 valveForeign carsSUVs
1Computer diagnostics500500500500500500500
2Suspension diagnostics300300300300300300300
3Engine compression measurement400400400400400400400
4Changing the engine oil and filter400400400400400400400
5Replacing the fuel filter300300300300300450450
6Replacing the fuel filter (in the tank)12001200
7Changing the gearbox oil400400400400400500500
8Coolant replacement400400400400400400400
9Changing the oil in the drive axle400400400400400500500
10Adjustment of valves8508508508501250
11Clutch adjustment350150150350150150150
12Adjusting the hand brake350350350350350350350
13Bleeding the brakes500500500500500500500
14Clutch bleeding with adjustment350350From 250From 250
15Replacing spark plugs300300300300300400500
16Pulling the chassis650650650650650650850
17Replacing the cabin filter350500500500350350
18Replacing the air filter150150150150150150150
19Comprehensive diagnostics of internal combustion engines1000100010001000100012001200
20Replacing the speedometer cable600550650600650950950
21Replacing the windshield wiper motor300300300300300500500
*If difficulties arise during car repairs, the cost of repairs can be changed by agreement with the client. For prices for repairs of imported vehicles, please call!


Preparatory work

Before welding, the parts must be completely cleaned of dirt and oxides. This is the basis for both a high-quality seam and the further preservation of the body in this place.

The method of connecting parts is selected. Thanks to the semi-automatic machine, this is not critical; you can easily weld parts end-to-end or with overlap in any spatial position. The apparatus is being prepared. The nozzle is cleaned or replaced, wire and carbon dioxide reserves are checked.

On test pieces of similar metal, the modes, current, supply and pressure (flow) of gas are set. The strength of the test connection is checked.


Before starting welding work, you need to prepare the car body. First of all, it is necessary to clean the treated areas of all contaminants. Next, paint and corrosion are removed from these fragments of the car body by grinding. You also need to check the electrical network of the room where you plan to carry out welding work, whether it will withstand the load of the welding machine.

If the network meets the requirements, the carbon dioxide semi-automatic machine must be charged with welding wire. To do this, you first need to remove the gas nozzle from the burner and unscrew its copper tip with a wrench. Next, set the required current polarity by moving the pressure roller with the wire to the side. This parameter is determined by the type of wire used. For regular wire, a plus is set on the torch, and a minus on the clamp, and vice versa for flux-cored wire. After this, the wire is inserted 10 - 20 cm into the feed channel and the pressure roller is returned to its original position.

As a result, the wire should end up on the drive roller in the hollow, but not crumble. Then the carbon dioxide semiautomatic device is connected to the network and the key on the burner handle is pressed. First, the supply of gas begins, then current and wire. Finally, you need to select a copper tip, put it on the wire and install the gas nozzle on the semi-automatic machine. To better understand how to prepare a carbon dioxide semi-automatic machine for operation, you can watch the video.

How to weld a car body with a semi-automatic machine

Welding is carried out with short stitches or points (welding rivets). In the second case, a hole is drilled (usually at the site of the factory point), after which it is welded, both parts are fused and the gap is filled with metal.

If the metal is very thin, then there is no point in greatly reducing the welding current. You need to use short touches, quickly pressing the torch button, to throw the metal wire onto the sheets, not allowing them to burn out. After which it is more confident to melt the resulting thickened seam, giving it a marketable appearance and strength.

You cannot cook with glasses, especially without any protection at all, closing your eyes at the moment you press the button. It is necessary to use a “chameleon” type mask, which automatically shades when the arc is ignited and returns transparency immediately after the button is released. All processes will be perfectly visible, quality is guaranteed.

How much?

The price list for body repairs of cars from our car service center is publicly available. When you come to us, you can estimate in advance how much it will cost you. Many prices start from a minimum cost and depend on:

  • on the degree of damage;
  • labor intensity of the process;
  • amount of materials used;

For example, the price for exhaust hood (geometry restoration) and car body repair starts from 3,500 rubles .

The same work, only of increased complexity - after a serious accident - starts at 11,500 rubles .

Welding the body with an electrode

If there is an urgent need to use manual welding, then you should take a thin electrode, an inverter with deep current regulation and try to select a mode using the same principle that was described for welding a thin sheet with a semi-automatic machine. That is, with quick touches, not allowing the metal to burn out.

No stitches can be made in one pass. And electrodes are best used for alternating current; they are the best to ignite and hold the arc from the inverter. Rather, it will be a problem to quickly pay it off.

Is it possible to cook a car body with an inverter?

If you use the word “inverter” as a designation for a manual arc apparatus, then there will be a lot of inconvenience, but it can be boiled. An example method is described above. As for the true meaning of the term “inverter”, other devices now simply do not exist for a long time; they are all inverter, including any semi-automatic device.

Inverter Application

You can also use an inverter to weld the car body. Typically, this tool is used to speed up work. Its operating principle is based on the use of high frequency currents (30 - 40 kHz, in contrast to 50 Hz for other welding devices). The inverter is characterized by compactness and high speed of welding. This instrument has many operating modes, which helps the performer in mastering. Therefore, it is recommended for novice users to cook with an inverter. Finally, the device can be used even in a network with reduced voltage.

The disadvantages of the inverter include high cost, sensitivity to dust, and the inability to work with metal thicker than 3 mm. In addition, resistance welding with this tool produces a thick, uneven seam and leads to strong heating of the metal, which may result in the formation of thermal deformations.

As for the technology of work, resistance welding using it is carried out in the same way as with a conventional welding machine. The difference between these devices is constructive and consists only in the principle of voltage supply.

How to treat the body after welding

The metal must be clean before welding begins. But in its process it will inevitably be oxidized. For protection, a primary primer is used, it is called a primer.

The primer can be acidic (phosphate, reactive, there are many names, but the essence is the same, it is an etching primer) or epoxy.

The first works better against oxide residues, but protects worse in the long term. Epoxy is good as protection, you can put putty on it and the second layer of primer - filler - holds better. Putty should not be applied to an acid primer.

There is no clear choice; the master must decide, he knows better than the conditions. But then everything goes according to technology - the seams are protected with body sealant and painted or coated with protective compounds for the underbody.

It is possible to use compositions for hidden cavities. The main task is to completely block the access of moisture and oxygen to the overheated metal of the weld, the resistance of which has been lost, even if alloying additives were present in it.

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