Steel press: set of exercises, drawing up a training plan, work of abdominal muscle groups, positive dynamics, indications and contraindications

"Dead Bug"

  • Lie on your back with a relaxed spine, raise your legs and bend them at a right angle. Place your palms on your thighs just above your knees.
  • Pull your stomach in and, without moving your ribs and pelvis, begin to lower your right arm and leg until they are almost parallel to the floor. Keep your torso and spine still and stable as you move your arms and legs.

Return to starting position and repeat on the left side.


First of all, you need to find out what body type you are. There are three of them: endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic. If you are a mesomorph, then a) endomorphs and ectomorphs hate you, b) it’s easy for you to lose weight, gain weight, gain weight and lose it. Right now, thank God (or whoever you believe in) for such a somatotype - you are lucky.

If you are tall, thin, and since school days you have not been offended when people call you a scumbag, then you are an ectomorph. You won't be successful in weightlifting, but it won't be difficult to show off your six-pack to your classmates - you have minimal fat. Most likely, your abs are already visible - they are just underdeveloped and therefore look funny. But if you try... remember Brad Pitt's torso from Fight Club?

Finally, if you are thick, wide and have forgotten when you weighed less than 80 kg, then you are an endomorph. You should be great at manipulating the barbell, but the problem is with your abs. You will be able to collect a sixpack, but it will have nothing in common with the magnificence of, say, Cristiano Ronaldo. However, don’t despair - Gerard Butler is also an endomorph, which didn’t stop him from sparkling with Zack Snyder’s six-pack.

If you still can't decide, measure your wrist. For an ectomorph, the bone will be less than 17 cm, for a mesomorph - within 17-20 cm, for an endomorph - more than 20 cm. But do not forget that the pure type is rare: neighboring figures are usually mixed.

Pilates exercise

  • Lie on your back with your legs bent at right angles. Pull your stomach in and tighten your abs to press your lower back into the floor.
  • Exhale and lift your shoulder blades off the floor until the bottom of your shoulder blades barely touches the floor.
  • Straighten your legs and lower them at a 45-degree angle from the floor. Make sure your lower back is pressed to the floor. Pull your arms towards your legs and place them parallel to the floor at a distance of 5 cm from the ground.
  • Start moving your arms up and down with a small range. Make 5 movements while inhaling and 5 while exhaling.

Repeat the cycle nine more times for a total of 100 movements.
see also

This girl did the plank for just a minute a day, and this is what it led to (real experience)

Bicycle crunches/

  • Lie on the floor, pressing your lower back to the floor. Place your hands behind your head.
  • Bring your knees to your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
  • Extend your right leg and lift it at a 45-degree angle from the floor. Turning your upper body to the left, reach your left knee with your right elbow. Make sure that the movement is carried out using the abdominal and chest muscles, and not due to the elbows.

Switch sides.

Perform the exercise slowly, controlling every movement.

Abs engages all muscles

Performing it over and over again, approach after approach, the methodology of building breathing is extremely important. After all, this is the secret of grouping the abdominal muscles. Some rhythm is required: first exhale while twisting, and then inhale. Since exhaling air, compression and concentration of the abdominal muscles occurs. While inhaling, relaxation occurs. By inhaling deeply, you can increase the amplitude of the exercise.

The goal of pumping up the abs is to make both the rectus abdominis and oblique abdominal muscles work, as well as the lower back muscles. In order to pump up the rectus muscle, it is necessary to perform upper, lower and general flexions. The oblique muscles are tensed during the twisting process in conjunction with the rotation. By working on the lateral press, the lumbar muscles are worked out. Thus, to achieve maximum results, the entire abdominal cavity must be included. By following these rules, training your abdominal muscles will be more effective. With each new approach, awareness and technique will develop. And this will be followed by the desired benefit, which will turn the loose bag of intestines into a steel abs .

Diamond crunches (butterfly)

  • Lie on your back, spread your knees apart and bring your feet together. Extend your arms behind your head.
  • Exhale and twist, raising your legs and extending your arms forward. When performing the movement, try to lift your shoulder blades and pelvis off the floor.
  • Hold this position and feel the tension in your abs.
  • Slowly lower your arms and legs down, returning to the starting position.

"Russian twist"

  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees, place your heels about 30 cm from your pelvis.
  • Lean back slightly without rounding your spine. You can make the exercise more challenging by lifting your heels off the ground.
  • Place your hands, palms together, just below chest level. Pull your stomach in and slowly turn your body to the left. The amplitude of movement is small. It is important that the movement is carried out by rotating the body, not the arms.
  • Inhale and slowly turn to the right through the center.


And the most important thing is your nutrition. After all, no matter how many approaches you make, if for dinner you have fried potatoes and beer, you won’t see the press like your ears. After all, 90% of success is nutrition, and only 10% is training.

  1. First and most importantly: give up alcohol, and especially beer. Alcohol increases cholesterol levels, which causes fat to grow, especially in the belly area. Therefore, if you don’t want a beer belly, you should forget about beer.
  2. Less calories! To lose weight, you need to burn fewer calories than you take in. Carbohydrates only until 15:00, protein the rest of the time. No fast food, soda, sweets or smoked foods.
  3. When the fat starts to go away, you can switch to protein nutrition. Protein promotes muscle growth and repair. The correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 50/20/30.
  4. Divide your diet into 5-6 times. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. This way you will always be full and will never overeat.
  5. Drink more water - at least two liters a day. It removes harmful toxins from the body, speeds up metabolism and controls appetite.

Paloff press

  • Stand with your left side facing the cable machine and grasp the D-handle with both hands, placing it at chest level. Adjust the weight so that it is 4.5 kg. You can change the weight depending on your strength levels.
  • Take 2-3 steps to tighten the cable. If you feel pulled to the left, reduce the weight.
  • As you exhale, extend your arms forward from your body. Make sure that your body does not turn towards the machine.
  • Hold for 2 seconds and return to the starting position.

see also

12 Best Exercises to Develop Your Core Muscles

Press for beginners

For those who have just started exercising, it is necessary to feel how tense the muscles are. Therefore, it is recommended to do the entire workout very slowly, this will shape the future appearance of steel cubes . It is better to pump up the abs at this stage without weights and dumbbells; it is enough to use your body weight. Over time, beauty will require sacrifice and you can include weight-bearing exercises in your workouts.

In all exercises there is a problem associated with fixing the head in the desired position. A towel rolled into a roll will help alleviate this difficulty. At the same time, it should be held between the chin and chest. At the same time, your hands should be on the back of your head and your elbows should look up.

If you start working on your abs, you also need to check your diet and immediately remove foods that are harmful to the body from it. Truly impressive results will only be achieved with a minimum level of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it is recommended to work on the definition of your abs during the process of losing weight. Only in combination with a healthy diet and sleep schedule is the expected relief guaranteed.

Ideal abs are available to everyone, regardless of bone width!

Crunches on the upper block

  • Attach the rope handle, adjust the height so that the handle is level with the top third of the machine: the exact position depends on your height.
  • Then select your desired resistance. 10 kg is an excellent weight to start with. As you begin to feel more confident with the exercise, feel free to increase the weight.
  • Get down on your knees, grasping the handle behind your head. Tighten your abs and make sure your body weight is in your shins.
  • Exhale and perform a crunch, bending your body towards the floor as far as possible. Your elbows should move towards the middle of your thighs.
  • Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Rotating a medicine ball over your head

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keeping your spine in a neutral position, lift a 2-3 kg medicine ball above your head.
  • Start making circular movements with the ball above your head with the greatest amplitude, keeping your body motionless and stable.

see also

10-Minute Intense Full Body Workout


  • Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell in your hands. Squat down and twist your body to the left, moving the dumbbell behind your left thigh.
  • Exhale and lift the dumbbell up, moving it diagonally across your body. Try not to round your lower back.
  • Reverse the movement, do a few reps, then switch sides.
  • Focus on rotating your core. Perform the exercise slowly, controlling every movement.

How to speed up results

First, you need to build a regular training schedule. Abdominal exercises for men can be performed 4 times a week. As a rule, men's metabolism is faster, so recovery occurs faster.

It is better to do abdominal exercises for girls every other day, but regularly and without skipping days.

It is advisable to regularly increase the intensity of the load. Add repetitions, approaches, you can take additional weights. The main thing is to maintain a smooth dynamics of loads.

Be sure to adjust your diet. Less carbohydrates: it is better to avoid buns and pastries. Eat more protein: eggs, meat, legumes. To prevent digestion from being disrupted, add fiber and dietary fiber.

Dumbbell kick

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your legs about 30 cm from your pelvis. Take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg in your hands and place them at chest level. Place your elbows on the floor.
  • Keeping your hands on your chest, lift your body. Turning your body to the left, make a “punch” forward with your right hand.
  • Press your right hand to your chest, turn your body forward and lower yourself to the floor.

Switch sides.

see also

A 3-month workout plan to get your body in shape

Side bends with dumbbells

  • Stand straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Take a dumbbell weighing 2-4 kg in your hands and stretch them above your head, as if squeezing your head. This will engage your abs and protect your neck.
  • Bend sideways to the right. Try not to strain your neck, look forward, not down.
  • Return to the starting position.

Bend to the other side.

Skiers swim

As mentioned above, jumping contributes to the active development of the core muscles in the complex. Six back lunges from a squat position and then six squats alternately on each leg - that’s the whole secret of a powerful core from a Hollywood star trainer. When jumping, you should “spring” a little, which creates additional stress on the lower back and sides in the lower position. The press also works here. The muscles in the exercise help you support your body. Great, right?

You can perform all these exercises in any order, the main thing is the correct technique and strict adherence to the work/rest time frame. Each of these exercises provides a load on all the major muscles of the core, which will not only pump up your abs, but also improve your posture. The best part is that all these exercises can be done at home. And the result will not be long in coming. And don’t forget to adjust your diet, because abs and fat are incompatible. Otherwise, why should we try and pump up our “cubes”.


Farmer's walk

  • Take 4 kg dumbbells in your hands. Make sure your body weight is evenly distributed between your legs, your back is not tense, and your shoulders are straight.
  • Lower your arms down and slightly move them to the sides at a distance of 1.5 cm from your hips - this will activate your abdominal muscles.
  • Start walking forward without straining your back or raising or lowering your shoulders.

Walk 10 steps forward, then 10 steps back.


Describing all kinds of diets here is a pointless exercise, so we will limit ourselves to introductory information. Firstly, under no circumstances rush to extremes. Sitting on kefir and the smell of cheese for a week is not worth it - it is not only dangerous, but also pointless: the body will think that you are about to die and will begin to frantically eat your muscles. And only then will he switch to fat, but will consume it one teaspoon a day. That is why all sorts of diets in the spirit of “don’t eat after six” work mainly with hundred-kilogram ladies.

So you need to eat, and even more often than usual. But less: eat half (and quarter) portions five to six times a day, this will force your body to constantly work and, as a result, burn more calories. After all, any weight loss one way or another comes down to one thing - burning more calories than you consume. And also pay attention to carbohydrates: they should not be more than 40% of the total amount of substances received in the diet. And if you have decent willpower, then it’s ideal to consume two grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight per day. Of course, we are talking about slow carbohydrates - cereals, brown rice, lentils, buckwheat, and so on. Put off the buns, chocolate and beer until winter.

To make life less boring, eat more protein. Eat boiled (not fried!) chicken, low-fat fish, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir. You can compensate for the lack of sugar with fruits, but look for yourself: professional athletes even refuse this when losing weight.

Walking with a kettlebell

  • Hold a light weight with your right hand. To start, you can use a 4kg kettlebell.
  • Raise your arm up, turning the weight upside down and bending your elbow at a right angle. Keep your wrist straight: If you notice that your wrist is deviating to the side, use a lighter weight.
  • Start moving forward. Take 20 steps, or 6 meters, forward if space allows.

Switch hands and perform the same movement.

Rotation of the weight around the body

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and your arms slightly out to the sides. Take the weight with your left hand.
  • Slide the weight behind your back and grab it with your right hand.
  • Make a slight movement of your body, passing the weight from one hand to the other.

Imagine that you are making a weight rotate around your waist.

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