Trailer (roll-out) for partial loading and towing of a car, basic set

A homemade trailer-trolley for transporting a car on a rigid coupling was assembled by Wild Tatar. A photo and video review of the design is presented below. It is better and more reliable to transport a broken car to a repair site using a rigid hitch, and a rolling trailer was invented specifically for this purpose.

The principle of rolling is that the transported vehicle runs over it, and the wheels are fixed in special openings welded from a square pipe and additionally tightened with a stripper.

The wheels of a dolly trailer steer and follow the path of the tractor, this is done thanks to steering rods installed and connected into a single structure with the trailer drawbar.

The maximum width along the outer rim of the wheels is 1840 mm. Weight 96 kg, disassembled into parts 1300 mm long, R-13 tires, bolt pattern 4x98. Hitch head for 50 mm ball. Hand winch and two ladders.


  • steering knuckles VAZ classic
  • hubs with bearings VAZ-2108
  • profile pipe 100x100 mm
  • drawbar 60x60 mm
  • steering rods
  • tips and ball VAZ

And so, let's carefully look at the material provided.

The dolly trailer is designed for towing passenger cars using the partial loading method. The dolly trailer must be transported disassembled, otherwise at the first traffic police post you will be issued a fine, because... A trailer without a car will be considered a trailer. with all that it implies. During the design, emphasis was placed on turning the wheels, because Without swivel wheels, there is a skid when towing a car. There are photos of tests and the product itself. PS Special THANKS to users: sanfox for the 3D model “VAZ wheel hub. " and Dimka_88 for "Winch Q=0.5t". And also to the user of a BMW 8 series from an automobile site from Chelyabyansk. Basically it was his idea. I just tried to turn simple sketches into drawings, and them into a product with testing and subsequent operation.

Composition: 3D parts and assemblies. Details, specifications, assemblies. STEP file, Info files (images)

Software: KOMPAS-3D 16.1

Date of: 2018-09-17

Views: 1 145

10 Add to favorites

A trailer is a vehicle that does not have an engine installed. It is designed to travel in conjunction with a car. Despite the apparent complexity of such a device for transporting goods, it is not difficult to make a trailer with your own hands. For successful work, you need to choose the right parts and materials, make sketches or drawings.

Roll-up trailer

Good day to all. There was a need to transport buggies off public roads. As an option, they offer a similar weight. But I’m not even in the know: should it be registered or not. There are options with PTS (self-assembled), without PTS. Please tell me if it’s worth the bother. Or is it easier to carry it in a truck?

Special greetings to Defavod! You'll love it!!

Hello! Thank you. If you don’t register? If you cook it yourself or are ready to buy it, then what sanctions await you? A fine or parking?

And another question: I roll one axle into the truck, fix it tightly so that it does not dangle with slings, the second axle rides on asphalt. This, as I understand it, is according to traffic rules? Or am I completely misunderstood and it’s time to throw my rights into the river?

Well, one more thing: If you screw a channel to the frame and make a platform under it to fix the axle (similar to how bicycles are attached to the back of a car)... is this a change in the design of the vehicle or not? Well, the principle is the same as in the photo, only attached to the frame and without wheels.

Or is it even possible to register a buggy with Technical Supervision? It’s completely self-assembled on a frame welded from pipes. There are only docks for the engine and nothing else.

Last edited by ant222; 08/13/2016 at 20:06.

Denis, well, hello to you, of course, as well as to Gray 777. Please tell me, in simple language, not legal (I’m starting to get confused in the letters in legal), what’s the easiest way to deal with this bullshit?? In terms of the road to the forest and back.. When in the forest I am less interested. Thank you in advance

Well, one more thing: If you screw a channel to the frame and make a platform under it to fix the axle (similar to how bicycles are attached to the back of a car)... is this a change in the design of the vehicle or not? Well, the principle is the same as in the photo, only attached to the frame and without wheels.

Or is it even possible to register a buggy with Technical Supervision? It’s completely self-assembled on a frame welded from pipes. There are only docks for the engine and nothing else.

You can get PSM for a buggy if you certify it for compliance with the Technical Regulations on the safety of self-propelled vehicles.

Thank you! I’ll go to Technical Supervision and find out what they need for registration. For now I will carry it in the Bong. One thing is not convenient - it doesn’t fit 5 cm in width to close the sides. I have to unscrew the wheels. Or can it be transported with open sides? With a protrusion of 3 cm on each side. Drives in and out of it even without boards. AT YOUR OWN MOVE, the body is 60 cm from the ground!! You just have to put 2 pallets under the side so that it doesn’t break off when entering/exiting

Last edited by ant222; 08/14/2016 at 22:24 .

I can’t tell you by law, but as a person who often carries all sorts of rubbish on trailers, I’ll share my experience: when you’re dragging something, it’s a rigid hitch and no questions arise, but when it’s hanging alone from behind, it’s like a trailer that needs to be registered, that’s how the guys explained it.

Thanks for the answer! I myself have carried everything and in every way. And in every way I haven’t carried. that it doesn’t matter (rigid coupling), and the fifth (with whom they were going to drive it to the village) replied that he himself didn’t know whether it was possible or not. If there had been a passage via VAT, I wouldn’t have bothered. But it is necessary to drive through 2 regions. And even here, dragging around, who knows, you’ll run into someone. Something like this)))

Ps. I understand perfectly well that practice in all regions is different in our great and vast one.

Last edited by ant222; 08/14/2016 at 22:45.

And again.. Well, they stopped me, well, I’m on my way to register this trailer (unused, self-assembled, I’ve had the transmission for less than 10 days, no title, no license plates, well, I lost it, let’s say, well, I’m going to register, it doesn’t happen to anyone) ..what are the sanctions??if by law.

After all, in fact, the fact that they won’t register it for me is a different story. I’ve owned it for less than 10 days, I’m trying to register it.. How do I know that I was misled by the sellers of this miracle of technology? And it cannot be registered. ))

Last edited by ant222; 08/14/2016 at 22:56 .

I just really don’t see the legal application of sanctions against me in this case. Please enlighten me if I'm wrong.

And by the way, if we’re going to develop it... well, I have a Niva, I slightly re-equipped it, well, just a little) I have a certificate of registration, I have a certificate for the engine, I have 10 days for registration (sales insurance, in theory, I don’t need it). I lost my license plate, the license plates hooligans took it off..well, why can’t I drive it according to the additional traffic regulations??registration deadlines haven’t passed yet..well, and then history repeats itself in 10 days..well, that’s just me, for the sake of fantasy.

Even if I probably asked questions to which there is no clear answer in the legal field... if you put everything together. Well, at the same time I opened a loophole with a converted car. I didn’t want to, I thought about doing everything according to the traffic rules with it. Well, what is there, use whoever understands and who needs it. I do not mind. Ps. If you don’t understand, please don’t ask me questions in a private message. I won’t answer.

23. Transportation of goods

23.1. The weight of the transported cargo and the load distribution along the axles must not exceed the values ​​​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle.

23.2. Before starting and while driving, the driver is obliged to control the placement, fastening and condition of the load in order to avoid it falling and creating obstacles to movement.

23.3. Transportation of cargo is permitted provided that it:

does not limit the driver's visibility; does not complicate control and does not affect the stability of the vehicle; does not cover external lighting devices and reflectors, registration and identification marks, and does not interfere with the perception of hand signals

; does not create noise, does not create dust, does not pollute the road or the environment. If the condition and placement of the cargo do not meet the specified requirements, the driver is obliged to take measures to eliminate violations of the listed transportation rules or stop further movement.

23.4. A load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front and behind by more than 1 m or from the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the “Large Load” identification signs.

, and in the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, in addition, in front - with a white flashlight or reflector, and at the rear - with a red flashlight or reflector.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, vehicle movement

, the overall parameters of which, with or without cargo,
exceed 2.55 m in width
(2.6 m for refrigerators and insulated bodies), 4 m in height from the roadway surface, 20 m in length (including one trailer), or movement a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's overall dimensions by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers
is carried out in accordance with special rules

International road transport is carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transportation rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.


  • Frame
  • Weight
  • Brake systems
  • Technical features
Length:2.3 m
Width:2.29 m
Track:2.05 m
Ground clearance:215 mm
Number of axles/wheels:1/2
Maximum landing width, mm:1820
Ramp length:1.2 m
Weight of transported cargo:2000 kg
Weight of loaded trailer:68.08 kg
Tire pressure:1,8. 1,9
Hitch:automatic, backlash-free, ball type
Hitch ball diameter:50 mm
Ground clearance:215 mm
Arrival angle:18

How to make a rolling jack for a car: 4 interesting ideas

An ordinary person thinks like this: if he doesn’t have something, he can buy it. A simple and straightforward approach that can only be accomplished if you have enough money in your pocket.

The DIY master has a slightly different opinion: if something doesn’t exist, it can be done.

And really, why spend money on something if you can do it yourself?

Very often this concerns tools and devices for car repair and maintenance.

Let's take, for example, a rolling jack. Yes, you can always buy the first mechanism you come across on the market, paying 1500-2000 rubles for it. But will you be sure of its reliability?

Practice shows that there are things on which it is better not to skimp. And a rolling jack is just that case.

If you buy a good jack from a reliable manufacturer - the toad is pressing, then if you have scraps of metal, you can make it yourself.

Moreover, you can immediately kill two birds with one stone. A homemade rolling jack will be much cheaper than branded models, but at the same time, more reliable than cheap Chinese analogues.

In this article, we will take a closer look at 4 interesting ideas from home craftsmen on how to make a rolling jack for a car with your own hands. If you like any of the designs, take note!

Video review

I’m just now purchasing material for rolling. First, according to points: 1. In principle, they are not needed, but if they are there, they will not interfere. The main question that acelops may have is only when driving with an empty undercarriage. I would throw it on the roof. I will make one for myself, taking into account mounting it on the back wall of my car. 2. A tackle is a rigid hitch for towing cars. But! If you load firewood or any other cargo onto the trailer, yes, it’s a trailer. Depends on the use - like, say, an ax. 3. “He had all the documents with a certificate of release.” Anything - a certificate of disposal, an agreement, preferably with a copy of the previous owner’s passport and his signature on the PTS, a power of attorney for transportation and a certificate of loss of documents - figure it out for yourself. 4. Yes, that's enough. 5. This is all towing by a car of category M1 of another car of the same category. This is all you tell the police. Plus low beam on the tractor and emergency lights on the towed one. A triangle wouldn't hurt either. See traffic rules, the dark time of day has nothing to do with it.

The question of whether to drag a tackle on the roof such a distance or under its own power does not depend on the documents. There is simply no shock absorption on it and at “normal” speed the tackle often just flies from behind. Athletes give up on this matter and rush around at full speed in Ivanovo. There are two options - lower the wheels to 0.8 or throw them on the roof. Yes, the wheels can be removed and thrown into the trunk. But “ordinary” tackles are made of HRZh alloy and weigh as much as a cast-iron bridge.

As for the actual towing - speed - again, see the traffic regulations, but it seems quite reasonable 60-70 km/h on a good road. It’s better not to reverse in principle - it can jump off, especially on uneven roads. Remove as much as possible from the towed vehicle and throw it into the tractor. Brake with a very large margin. When I tried the tackle myself and dragged the fillet 25 km, the main thought was not to lose the car, and so that my ass* wouldn’t get torn off. Also, the maximum pressure in all wheels. Do not hammer the roller in the pits and make sure that the wheels on it do not tear out. With an empty tackle - an emergency warning light, a triangle - a complete achtung, as long as they don’t roll into him from behind. Yes, cover the face with plastic or cardboard - there are a lot of pebbles.

*technical term for the rear of a car. Don't moderate me!

Homemade rolling jack from a bottle

The most popular designs are based on a hydraulic drive, which is a bottle jack. Its carrying capacity must be at least 3-5 tons. Preferably more.

The idea of ​​making a rolling jack belongs to the author of the YouTube channel Mr Novruz.

The jack structure consists of:

  • support frame (bed);
  • racks;

  • lever;
  • hydraulic drive;
  • stop

To make the main structural elements (support frame, vertical post and lifting arm) you will need thick metal.

In this case, the master uses a channel. We mark and cut the pieces to the required size. We weld a vertical stand to the supporting frame (we install the workpieces perpendicular to each other).

We cut four pieces of square rod and weld them to the base - this will be the “seat” for the bottle jack. We weld a handle-bracket made from a square rod to the outside of the rack.

The author welds a mount with a roller to the front of the frame so that the structure can be conveniently moved in the garage and on the street.

Instead of a roller, you can install a pair of wheels. Some craftsmen install two pairs of wheels, but one will be enough. By the way, you can make the wheels yourself.

Rack and pinion rolling jack

Despite the fact that the most common do-it-yourself lifting mechanisms are hydraulically driven, some car owners prefer to use completely mechanical designs driven by a low-lift rack-and-pinion car jack.

And such devices also have a right to exist - a budget option for the garage.

Required parts and materials:

  • rack and pinion mechanical jack;
  • profile pipe;
  • wheels (metal or plastic).

First of all, we determine the dimensions of the future structure. Then we cut the blanks from the profile pipe and weld them into a rectangular base.

A rail with a lifting mechanism will need to be welded to the base. These parts can be removed from an old car jack.

To make the structure mobile, we weld wheels to the base. In this case, the author welded two pairs of wheels. But, as we said earlier, you can get by with just one pair of wheels.

The next step is to make a hinge assembly with a lifting arm.

Next, install the handle from the car jack, and our homemade product is ready. We clean the welds and metal and start painting.

The operating principle of the device is very simple. Using the handle, moving the lifting element along the rail, we thus raise the lever, which rests on the bottom of the car and lifts it.

Details on how to make a rolling jack with your own hands are shown in the video below. This idea belongs to the author of the YouTube channel Ze Pro.

Please note: No matter whether you use a hydraulic or mechanical jack, always use vehicle safety stands. Don't put yourself in danger and don't risk your life!

Manual lift for lifting a car

This device is not a jack in the truest sense of the word. However, this is one of the types of mechanical lift.

The idea of ​​making this device belongs to the author of the YouTube channel “BOBKA TV”.

First of all, we prepare the necessary parts. To do this, we use the following materials: profile pipes, strips of metal and a piece of round pipe (we cut the round pipe blank lengthwise and use one of the resulting halves).

Next, we proceed to the manufacture of a homemade device. We weld a piece of round pipe to a section of professional pipe, as shown in the photo below.

We weld another piece of corrugated pipe to the opposite end of the profile. We weld a stand from a long section of profile pipe to it - it will act as a lever. A handle must be welded to the top of the rack.

Next, install the wheel axle from a threaded rod and weld it. We weld a piece of profile with furniture wheels to the stand.

We clean the welds and start painting. After this we install the support wheels.

The principle of operation of a homemade device is very simple. We rest the trolley against the bottom of the car. Then we press on the lever with our own weight and lift the car. In this case, you no longer need to press the lever.

The step-by-step process of making a homemade rolling jack is shown in the author's video.

If you liked this homemade product, you can repeat it. But be sure to use car safety stands.


We offer for rent a truck with a loading width of 205 cm (weight of the truck without load is 150 kg)

The carriage is rented on the basis of a rental agreement. To conclude a trailer rental agreement you will need:

  • identity document
  • document for the car that will be towed
  • deposit (for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region in the amount of 10,000 rubles, for residents of other regions and CIS countries - 30,000 rubles)
  • A dolly trolley is transferred for rent only after a complete check of the technical condition of the dolly and its functional serviceability (including lighting fixtures and attachments) in your presence.

    The return of the tackle from rental is carried out in its pure form, also with a technical inspection; the acceptance certificate is signed.


  • payment for the rental of the tackle - according to the price
  • return of deposit

  • when returning a trailer from rental in a dirty state - the cost of washing
  • in case of damage to the car; attachments, components and additional equipment - the cost of bringing them to their original form
  • NOTE:

    the trailer is a mechanical vehicle and if the speed limit is exceeded while being towed, it may be subject to a fine based on the readings of the recording cameras. Responsibility for violations of traffic rules when operating the trailer for the entire rental period rests with the lessee in full.

  • On this page: rental of a trolley in Moscow - loading width 205cm
  • Close

    Car jack with homemade hydraulic system

    Some home craftsmen come up with completely homemade designs - that is, without the use of hydraulic or mechanical jacks. However, in most cases, such homemade devices do not justify themselves.

    One of these devices for lifting a car was made by the author of the YouTube channel K i.

    To make the frame of the structure, the author used metal profile pipes. A wheel axle is welded to the bottom of the frame, onto which two wheels are placed. Furniture wheels are attached to the opposite end of the base.

    The author made the hydraulic system from plastic sewer pipes, a silicone hose, fittings and a piston. All elements of the system are interconnected. Attached to the frame.

    From a piece of round steel pipe, the author made a handle that connects to the piston.

    The frame and handle will need to be painted (all welds must first be cleaned), after which you can begin the final assembly of the lifting device.

    The assembled structure should not be taken seriously, since it is not able to fully compete with mechanical and hydraulic rolling jacks.

    And most importantly, there is no safety when using this device. In general, a rather dubious design.

    The step-by-step process of making a jack with a homemade hydraulic system, as well as the principle of its operation, is shown in the author’s video.


    We offer for rent a truck with a loading width of 185 cm (weight of the truck without load is 60 kg)

    The carriage is rented on the basis of a rental agreement. To conclude a trailer rental agreement you will need:

  • identity document
  • document for the car that will be towed
  • deposit (for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region in the amount of 10,000 rubles, for residents of other regions and CIS countries - 30,000 rubles)
  • A dolly trolley is transferred for rent only after a complete check of the technical condition of the dolly and its functional serviceability (including lighting fixtures and attachments) in your presence.

    The return of the tackle from rental is carried out in its pure form, also with a technical inspection; the acceptance certificate is signed.


  • payment for the rental of the tackle - according to the price
  • return of deposit

  • when returning a trailer from rental in a dirty state - the cost of washing
  • in case of damage to the car; attachments, components and additional equipment - the cost of bringing them to their original form
  • NOTE:

    the trailer is a mechanical vehicle and if the speed limit is exceeded while being towed, it may be subject to a fine based on the readings of the recording cameras. Responsibility for violations of traffic rules when operating the trailer for the entire rental period rests with the lessee in full.

    • On this page: rental of a trolley in Moscow - loading width 185cm


    Do-it-yourself car tackle (drive2 drawings)

    We welcome everyone who is interested in motorsport.

    Today we would like to talk about a rigid hitch with partial loading of a car. In common parlance - “tackle”. Two manufacturers are widely known in our village. Both make turntable carts. About the first one, we heard not the most flattering reviews from friends: the carts fall apart, after each race they have to be patched and strengthened. The second one is in perfect order with the reliability of the carts, but due to the high metal consumption, the “rolls” are very heavy. And everything would be fine, but recently nothing has been heard about the second manufacturer. Therefore, we decided to weld the cart ourselves.

    We started with analyzing and designing a tackle to suit our needs.

    We decided to make a rigid cart for several reasons:


    To transport a car, we need a minimum loading height, because...
    The “Tuper Killer”
    will drive on asphalt in the summer, which means installing a suspension with minimal ground clearance. It is easier to achieve the minimum loading height on a rigid cart, because There is no rotary superstructure.


    For further maintenance of the hitch, we need to drive it into our boxes, and our gate is 2.5 m. There are again problems with the rotary one, because it is wider than the hard one. Having experience owning a rotary trolley, we can say that this is a serious storage problem: there are few garage boxes where you can drive the cart.


    The metal consumption of the structure and, accordingly, the cost are lower. Fewer nodes means greater reliability. And it’s easier to make a rigid one than a rotary one.

    The only disadvantage of a hard tackle is the effect of pushing the tractor in a turn. Precisely because of the lack of ability to turn. This feature is felt on light tractors, but in the case of our

    - it will be little noticeable. And there haven’t been many maneuvers in narrow places in our entire travel history. Having assessed all the pros and cons, we settled on a hard tackle.

    And then the story in photographs:

    A motorcycle is a whole philosophy and lifestyle for a large number of people. It represents to its owners freedom, the romance of the road, exciting and unforgettable travel. But for a bike to last for many years, it requires proper care and maintenance. First, you need to figure out what types they come in and how to make a motorcycle mount with your own hands.


    We offer for rent a truck with a loading width of 185 cm (weight of the truck without load is 60 kg)

    The carriage is rented on the basis of a rental agreement. To conclude a trailer rental agreement you will need:

  • identity document
  • document for the car that will be towed
  • deposit (for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region in the amount of 10,000 rubles, for residents of other regions and CIS countries - 30,000 rubles)
  • A dolly trolley is transferred for rent only after a complete check of the technical condition of the dolly and its functional serviceability (including lighting fixtures and attachments) in your presence.

    The return of the tackle from rental is carried out in its pure form, also with a technical inspection; the acceptance certificate is signed.


  • payment for the rental of the tackle - according to the price
  • return of deposit

  • when returning a trailer from rental in a dirty state - the cost of washing
  • in case of damage to the car; attachments, components and additional equipment - the cost of bringing them to their original form
  • NOTE:

    the trailer is a mechanical vehicle and if the speed limit is exceeded while being towed, it may be subject to a fine based on the readings of the recording cameras. Responsibility for violations of traffic rules when operating the trailer for the entire rental period rests with the lessee in full.

    • On this page: rental of a trolley in Moscow - loading width 185cm


    Types of motorcycle stands

    Today, tackles have proven themselves to be very convenient devices for repairing and servicing a bike. Every motorcycle owner who has had to repair their equipment has thought about purchasing such a device. The tackle allows the owner of the iron horse to install it very steadily for repairs. The roller is very convenient when changing a wheel - it allows you to hang the motorcycle and thereby easily remove the wheel.

    We can say that a homemade stand is a do-it-yourself motorcycle stand, only without a table. If there are wheels, the lift can easily be moved to a given location for repairs. The small dimensions of the device allow it to be used in places with limited space.

    • rear - for servicing the rear of the motorcycle;
    • front - for servicing the front of the motorcycle.

    The front type lift comes with an adapter that allows you to hang the wheel for repairs. The adapter is selected for a specific bike model. This tool is suitable for repairing the front fork. A do-it-yourself car tray is ideal for storing cars in the winter. It has a simple design and does not require special knowledge to operate it.

    The rear type tackle is a little more structurally complex. It features an L-shaped device with a handle. It is equipped with clamps whose task is to securely hold the wheel. The width of the clamps is selected for a specific wheel. Such tackles are mainly used by repair services, as they allow lifting weights of up to 300 kg. With the help of such a tackle, you can hang the motorcycle in such a way that the suspension is maximally unloaded. Thanks to this feature, it is quite easy to replace the chain.

    Selecting a Factory Lift

    The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a stand in a store is the manufacturer of the device. The manufacturer must certify its product and provide all quality guarantees for the device. Factory lifts undergo a series of safety and operational tests. Branded products must comply with GOST standards. Good expensive lifts are made from quality materials using modern technologies. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right model.

    The motorcycle lift industry is evolving along with technological progress. New production technologies are emerging, new materials for manufacturing are being developed. Competition among manufacturers leads to the emergence of more functional and easier-to-use devices.

    Branded tires are increasingly being used by professional riders around the world. The presence of a large number of additional accessories can significantly expand the capabilities of these devices and simplify their work. A modern lift can be operated by one person and allows you to lift a heavy rear end, securing it securely.


    Please note that you can rent a trailer on the day of your request only if there are trailers free of armor. If you want to be guaranteed to rent a skateboard for a specific date or on weekends, holidays and pre-holidays, make your reservation in advance.

    For questions about purchasing a car rental - tel. 8 (917) 527-6016


    Russia, Moscow, Sorge street, 21 building 3




    8 ( 917 ) 527 6016 8 ( 977 ) 877 1013

    Types of devices

    The most popular type is the platform lift. It is quite mobile and versatile - it allows you to service different types of motorcycles. Hydraulic ones are used mainly for servicing heavy touring motorcycles and massive choppers. This type of lift is installed under the motorcycle frame and lifts it using hydraulics. Thus, the motorcycle is left in a suspended state, which allows for comprehensive maintenance and repair of equipment. Tools of this type have many adjustments and settings, which allows them to be used for repairing motorcycles of any type.

    Factory or homemade

    When repairing and servicing a bike, it is advisable to use both types of tackles - front and rear types. Factory solutions will meet all safety requirements, will be more functional and will have additional accessories, but all this will be quite expensive. On the other hand, homemade options will be several times cheaper, but the safety and functionality of such products will be much lower.

    Advantages of factory devices:

    • factory tackles are used by professionals;
    • they have ideal proportions and geometry;
    • can be operated by one person;
    • can be installed under the pendulum and slider;
    • have many adjustments and settings.

    DIY making

    A branded factory tool is a good and convenient tool for motorcycle repair. But the prices for such devices are quite high. It will also be quite difficult to choose a stand for a specific motorcycle model. Many companies offer universal stools. But, as practice shows, a universal tackle does not always have functions for a specific motorcycle.

    In this case, you can make a motorized scooter with your own hands using drawings found on the Internet. A homemade lift can be perfectly adjusted to the size of your bike. It is quite simple to make, but it requires a lot of time and great care, since it must have ideal geometry. Otherwise, working with it will be quite problematic.

    There are two ways to lift a motorcycle by the rear wheel. In the first case, lifting is carried out using a bushing installed in the wheel axle. In this position it is convenient to work with the chain.

    In the second option, threads are made on the bushings and they are attached to the pendulum. In this position it is convenient to change wheels. When making the central frame of the tackle, you will need the help of a welder. All corners must be perfectly measured and welded securely. After all, safety and convenience during work depend on the accuracy of measurements and the quality of welding.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that if possible, it is better to purchase a good branded option. If you are limited on money, then it is quite easy to make a motorcycle lift with your own hands. Drawings can be easily found on the Internet. A high-quality tackle will be an indispensable assistant in the repair and maintenance of your favorite bike.

    The dolly trailer is designed for towing passenger cars using the partial loading method. The dolly trailer must be transported disassembled, otherwise at the first traffic police post you will be issued a fine, because... A trailer without a car will be considered a trailer. with all that it implies. During the design, emphasis was placed on turning the wheels, because Without swivel wheels, there is a skid when towing a car. There are photos of tests and the product itself. PS Special THANKS to users: sanfox for the 3D model “VAZ wheel hub. " and Dimka_88 for "Winch Q=0.5t". And also to the user of a BMW 8 series from an automobile site from Chelyabyansk. Basically it was his idea. I just tried to turn simple sketches into drawings, and them into a product with testing and subsequent operation.

    Composition: 3D parts and assemblies. Details, specifications, assemblies. STEP file, Info files (images)

    Software: KOMPAS-3D 16.1

    Date of: 2018-09-17

    Views: 1 145

    10 Add to favorites

    About the product

    Renting a collapsible trailer for transporting cars

    A collapsible rental truck is an inexpensive and convenient alternative to a paid tow truck. The design of the product allows it to be delivered to the site folded and quickly assembled using car wrenches. If the vehicle being evacuated is not moving, then a winch is provided to install it on the carriage. The front wheels are inserted into special sockets and securely fixed using tie-down belts 6 and 10 m long, which can withstand a tensile load of up to 10 tons.

    Renting a dolly trailer: restrictions on the weight and dimensions of the transported vehicle

    Renting a rolling trailer allows the use of the product if certain conditions are met:

    • The weight of the transported vehicle must not exceed 2 tons.

    • The wheelbase width of the transported vehicle is up to 1.82 m.

    • The vehicle must be able to couple with a trailer.

    Model characteristics and advantages of the folding system

    The frame, chassis components and connections of the device can withstand the design loads with a sufficient margin of safety. Reliability and safety are ensured by the following elements:

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