Stands and organizers for drills: do it yourself and store drills correctly

The order when storing drills allows you not only to always keep them in working condition and clean, but also to find a tool of the required diameter at any time. To do this, you can make your own drill organizer using simple materials that are always available in any home workshop.

Storing drills in a drawer under the table cover

Organization of tool storage in a house or apartment

If you don’t have your own workshop for tools, you should allocate any suitable room.
An ordinary balcony, pantry or hallway is perfect for this purpose. To properly organize your space, you should purchase or make your own shelves. It is also acceptable to use racks or a cabinet. Regardless of the storage area, it is recommended to follow these rules:

  1. Temperature and humidity should be at the same level. This will help avoid metal corrosion.
  2. Working elements must not contact each other.
  3. Instruments should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

Electrical tools that are used quite rarely are recommended to be turned on periodically. This will help check their serviceability.


To keep tools in good condition in the pantry, the following popular space organization options are suitable:

  1. Use of standard monolithic shelves. They must not have additions or perforations. Such devices are suitable for storing small tools.
  2. The use of devices with stiffeners. These options are suitable for heavy items.
  3. Equipment of shelves with sides. These options are suitable for small round objects. It is also permissible to place fragile devices there.
  4. Organization of shelves with holes. Such devices are chosen for storing items that require natural ventilation.

When arranging shelves in a pantry, it is important to choose the right material. Today the following options exist:

  1. Natural wood is considered a safe and environmentally friendly material. However, it is susceptible to moisture and dirt. To make wooden shelves, they need to be further processed.
  2. Metal - from this material it is possible to create stable and durable structures that can withstand high loads. The only disadvantage of metal structures is their tendency to corrosion. Therefore, it is recommended to choose galvanized steel options.
  3. Polymers are a good replacement for metal and wood. Plastic is characterized by resistance to many external influences. However, after some time it loses its appearance and turns yellow.

The thickness of the boards is selected taking into account the planned load. For average weight, the optimal thickness is 3 centimeters. For lighter objects, it is permissible to make the structure from plywood. Fasteners are selected depending on the type of material. Metal options are considered the most durable option.

It is important to consider that for long shelves it is worth using a sufficient number of parts for fixing

Balcony or loggia

Do not store tools on an open balcony. In such conditions, they will be exposed to undesirable factors - temperature fluctuations, humidity changes. To keep your tools safe and sound, you should keep them on a glassed, insulated balcony. It is recommended to store various devices in such a room. At the same time, you don’t have to be afraid that they will suffer from sudden changes in external factors.


Small tools and fasteners can be kept in the table. It should be equipped with a large number of drawers. To prevent tools from getting lost, you should use special boxes or organizers.

Organizer containers

People who try to maintain order often use special containers. Today you can find a large number of interesting options. These include the following:

  • folding boxes and suitcases - suitable for small accessories;
  • large boxes with a shelf in the form of an insert - they can be used for large items;
  • set for large and small tools - has a large number of compartments and sections.

Organizers are made of metal and plastic. Tool boxes are lightweight. They can be transported without problems, which allows you to use the tools in any circumstances.

Classification and purpose

The organizer is designed to conveniently store tools of specified sizes in one place and in a specific order, which ensures quick access and maximum efficient use.

There are many design options, the main ones being stationary and portable.

Stationary fixtures can be in the form of drill boxes built into the workbench, or wall-mounted elements. Their advantage is their large holding volume, that is, they can accommodate products of various diameters and types.

Portable options are also available in the form of boxes, but more compact ones, cases, and various holders. They are easy to transport, do not take up much space, but can accommodate a limited number of tools. Therefore, you need to plan in advance the types and volumes of work to be performed in order to take with you only the most necessary things.

The most compact in the portable category are cases and cases for drills. The first are folding “book” type products, made of soft polymers, artificial leather or genuine leather with pocket holders stitched or glued inside. The diameter of the instruments in this case does not exceed 3 millimeters.

The second type of products are, as a rule, cylindrical containers that can accommodate 15 - 20 drills of various diameters.

For convenience, on the surfaces of both types you can stick paper with the listed diameters and types of tools (for example, like this: 0.8; 1.3; 2.7; 3.2; 3.6 - for metal).

The best option is a factory-made drill box, where the grooves for the parts are cast and marked.

You can also purchase or make your own stand and box for drills. We will tell you how this is done below.

Wheel storage

No garage is complete without wheels; every car owner has at least 4 of them waiting for their season. And if there are more of them, it is more convenient for them to think about wall storage or install a special shelf. Wheels without discs cannot be hung; for them, the optimal solution would be a vertical arrangement on racks. The situation is completely different for tires with rims; they can be mounted to the ceiling and placed vertically.

Memo on storage options for wheels with and without rims

The optimal solution is to prepare special racks at a height convenient for the car owner, so that he can independently place the tires in storage and remove them. If space allows, the easiest way is to install a shelf on the floor, so the garage owner can simply roll each wheel onto it.

Wheel wall mount

Storing wheels on a special shelf

Small shelf for vertical storage of wheels

Making a drill organizer

You can make an organizer for drills with your own hands from a case in which a video cassette was previously stored. These cases, which are compact in size, still allow you to conveniently store quite a lot of tools in them. In addition, this plastic case is closed, protecting the contents from moisture and dust.

To implement this idea, you can use another suitable case

First of all, it is necessary to make two stands that will not only allow you to compactly place the tool in a storage box, but will also prevent the drills from rubbing against each other and becoming dull. Each drill stand is made from a block of wood into which holes are drilled.

The surfaces of the bars on which the holes will be made are cut at an angle. Thus, the tools in the organizer will be arranged according to the cascade principle, which is very convenient.

Screws are used as bar holders

The box for the drills itself, which, as mentioned above, will be made from a plastic case for a video cassette, does not need much alteration. In the future organizer you only need to place special holders on which each drill stand will be fixed. These holders can be made from small diameter bolts that will be inserted into holes drilled in the side of the plastic case. The stands placed on the holders can be rotated freely, which allows you to change their position when closing and opening the box.

To hold drills more securely in the organizer, you can glue magnetic strips to the bottom of each block or use a magnetic knife holder for these purposes. Under the film, which is on the top of video cassette cases, you can place a sheet of paper with a list of tools that are stored in such a case.

What about other materials?

To create such designs, you need to take into account the required sharpening angle. The greater the sharpening angle, the more ribs the nut should have. To create such a device, you can use, for example, an octagonal nut.

True, in this case, you need to take into account that the sharpening angle will be equal to one hundred and thirty-five degrees, that is, such a drill is suitable for wood or granite.

In order to sharpen a drill for plastic or soft alloys, you need to look for a square washer. But due to the fact that there are almost none, you can use a square block.

However, then you will need to take into account that it will be problematic to clamp the drill, so it is better to bypass an extra couple of hardware stores.

Proper storage of fishing rods

For any fisherman, fishing rods are worth their weight in gold; they treat them no less carefully than they treat a car. When the fishing line gets tangled, it becomes a real problem. You can organize their proper wall or ceiling storage using available materials. Get some ideas:

for wall storage you will need a PVC pipe and polyethylene foam. Drill holes in the plastic at the required distance, make slits on the stick and secure them on top of each other;

The distance between the sticks is selected based on the length of the fishing rods

the second option is to secure the fishing rods to the ceiling. There are a lot of ideas here: plastic pipes, fastening brackets, fixing boards with slots. Each owner himself will choose a more acceptable idea.

Interesting ideas for storing tools in the garage

There are many options for storing such devices. Today you can find a large number of interesting ideas.

Plastic cans

It is recommended to cut these containers and use them to store nuts, bolts, and self-tapping screws. You can also store nails in them.


To put the pliers in one place, you should make a special wooden stand for them. This will prevent tools from being scattered throughout the house.


In this case, it is recommended to use a thin metal rod, which is suitable for storing paint brushes. Thanks to this, they will be in limbo.

Individual cells

Remains of PVC pipes are suitable for creating comfortable cells in which small electrical tools can be carefully stored.

Wooden rack

A hand-made wooden rack suitable for wrenches. With its help, you can avoid the tedious search for suitable tools.

Open locker

Such a cabinet can be made of wood. Such a device will be an excellent solution for storing aerosol paints, which are often chaotically scattered around the room.

Mobile stand

Using a small stand, complemented by wheels, will be an excellent solution for storing hand tools. The rack is compact in size and allows you to always have everything you need at hand.

Wooden stand

This device is perfect for storing a large number of different tools. It helps to organize all the products and will become a real decoration of the room.

It is important to ensure reliable fastening of the structure

Homemade stand

A hand-made pallet can turn into a comfortable stand for gardening tools. Such devices often take up a lot of space in a garage or shed.


To make it, you should take an ordinary wooden block equipped with metal hooks. It helps solve the problem of storing electric tools forever.

Hangers for clothes

Simple transformations with a regular hanger will help turn it into a comfortable organizer. This device is suitable for storing adhesive tape or tape.

Storage system

Quite often, forks, rakes, shovels and other similar tools take up a lot of space in utility rooms. They are considered unstable. To conveniently place such devices indoors, it is worth organizing a special storage system. To do this, it is recommended to fix reliable wooden hooks on the walls. They can be used to conveniently place gardening tools along the walls.

Folding table

For owners of a small utility room, a folding table is suitable. You can make it yourself from wood. In addition to this device, it is worth using a wall rack. Such solutions are well suited for hand tools.

Glass jars

Ordinary glass jars, complemented by metal lids, can be used to store various small items.

Vertical storage

An ordinary garage always seems cluttered. To cope with such problems, it is worthwhile to provide the right storage system. To do this, you should not use another closet, but equip the walls with hooks and shelves. Thanks to this, you will be able to neatly arrange all the necessary things.


To store drills or other metal products, you should use magnetic tape. Small individual magnets are also suitable for this purpose.

Original ideas

Many craftsmen strive to achieve maximum orderliness when organizing their workspace. To do this, it is convenient to mark the “seats” for each tool in advance so that you know exactly where it needs to be placed after use. A convenient way to mark vertical holders is to apply the silhouettes of each of the large tools to the mounting location.

When using vertical holders, it is convenient to store discs for circular saws and grinders in homemade envelopes made from halves of disposable plastic plates of suitable diameter folded in several layers.

Straight saw blades (for example, hacksaw blades) can be conveniently stored in pieces of plastic hose.

To store electrical tape and adhesive tape, you can make wooden boxes with a homemade distributor, which in the simplest case can be a sharpened metal strip.

Since Soviet times, home craftsmen have stored small fasteners in matchboxes, and larger fittings in plastic and glass jars. Despite the development of the market for tool storage systems, this method remains relevant today. In this case, it is preferable to use containers made of transparent plastic and glass - this will save you from the need to label each container. Another quick-to-make, convenient and transportable option for storing fasteners is cut-off plastic canisters. Its advantage over other containers is its ergonomic handle.

A practical and easy-to-make screwdriver holder can be made from an ordinary wooden board by drilling several holes of the required diameter in it.

To store long tools that are used relatively rarely (for example, fishing rods and stepladders), it is convenient to create ceiling brackets or shelves. Another practical option for using the space under the ceiling is pull-out roller drawers, which are fixed on guides attached to the ceiling.

You can learn how to make a tool holder with your own hands by watching the video below.


The essence of our homemade tool for sharpening drills is that we use the fact that the angle of the edge of the hexagonal nut is exactly what is needed to sharpen a drill for metal.

The difference in the sizes of the cut triangles makes it possible to obtain a cone-like end of the drill.

A prerequisite is that after sharpening one side of the drill, you only need to turn the drill inside the structure.

The structure itself must be left in place. If you just sharpen the other side without turning the drill, the end will be shaped like the bottom of a boat and it will be very awkward to drill with.

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