DIY flower stand: made of wood and metal for a summer house or garden. Step-by-step instructions for making a stand

Forged flower stand in the shape of a cat. Photo Stroykompleks-M

Forged flower stands are reliable and functional, original and durable products. Another significant advantage of these designs is the ease of self-production. Beginning performers are recommended to master the artistic processing of metal by creating such objects. Next we will give some basic information and links to articles with photos and videos.

Types of flower stands

There are three main types of stands: floor-mounted, wall-mounted and wall-mounted. Their difference is based not only on shape and size, but also takes into account different methods of application and permissible functionality.

Floor stands

Such decorative elements are good for massive flowerpots. Reliable materials are used for their manufacture. There are multi-tiered and single-tiered.

Hanging flowerpots

It looks stylish. Unless, for

Wall structures

The advantage of this solution is the freed up space in the room. Small pots feel great on this stand. Moreover, wall structures perfectly mask wall imperfections. Metal elements are used as the material.

Technical specifications

Parameters to pay attention to:

  • dimensions;
  • number of individual elements;
  • suspension type;
  • the presence of decorative parts;
  • surface color;
  • type of metal;
  • number of holes for pots.

Technical characteristics are indicated on the packaging of the metal structure.

Heart-shaped stand (Photo: Instagram / podstavki_best)

Flower stand design

One of the good things about DIY coasters is that you can come up with your own design for the structure you choose. They can be the most unusual: in the form of circles, ovals, honeycombs, in the form of ladders, stairs, ribbons and so on.

You can always be inspired by the options presented on the Internet. However, before you start with the first option you like, you need to understand whether it will be practical to use in your apartment?

The following nuances will help you understand this issue:
  • How many pots do you plan to place;
  • What type of plant do you want to put in;
  • Interior type;
  • Your own wishes.

The stands are:

  • Single;
  • Double;
  • Multi-seat;
  • Single-tier;
  • Multi-tiered and so on.

Single stands, as the name suggests, can only hold one flower pot. They are good for decorative deciduous plants with climbing stems. They can be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted.

Manufacturing process step by step

Having decided on the main points, you can start creating a flower stand with your own hands


Necessary materials

For production we will need:

  • Reiki;
  • Plywood (or wooden boards);
  • Screws;
  • Nails;
  • Varnish;
  • Additional tools.

Instructions for creating a stand

  1. We cut out the boards based on our markings for the future stand, made by ourselves
    . It is worth considering that the width of the product should be designed for medium and large-sized pots.
  2. We take two slats that are equal in length to the height of the future product. Having arranged them parallel to each other, we attach three more slats to them perpendicularly so that the structure resembles a ladder in shape.
  3. Next we take 2 more slats. Their length should be greater than the previous two. Using the same principle as the first time, we attach three slats to them.
  4. Having received two ladders of different heights, we attach them to each other at the tops, so that the structure with a shorter length is perpendicular to the floor, and the other is inclined. The product should be shaped like a roof or a children's slide.
  5. We check that the perpendicular slats on both sides of the future plant stand are at the same level from the floor.
  6. Cut out three rectangles from plywood. Their length and width must correspond to the dimensions of the crossbars. It is these plywood parts that will serve as shelves for flower pots. It is worth paying attention to the fact that each piece of plywood should be approximately half the size of the previous one (more accurately, calculate in relation to the size of our future stand). If desired, the plywood parts can be replaced with wooden boards connected to each other. This will make the structure more durable.
  7. We nail the plywood shelves to the crossbars.

Thus, the main part of the work can be considered completed, because the design is ready.


One of the advantages of creating products with your own hands is that you choose the design yourself based on your own preferences and interior features. There are many ways to decorate a flower stand. You can use:


  • Do-it-yourself illuminated mirror - step-by-step master class on how to make it yourself, photos of types of lighting
  • Do-it-yourself furniture restoration: restoration methods, step-by-step master class, necessary tools and materials
  • Do-it-yourself wall panels: TOP-150 photos of products, detailed instructions for beginners, features of working techniques

  • Various colors;
  • Ropes;
  • Threads;
  • Napkins for the Decoupage technique, etc.

You can also use the aging method, paint the stand with shiny or iridescent paint, or add patterned elements. The most important thing is to varnish the product at the end of working on it. This will not only improve the appearance of the stand, but will make it more durable.

Making items yourself makes it possible to create a unique, inimitable item that will please the eye of its owner for a long time.

Advantages of a homemade stand

You can make a whole list of factors that testify in favor of hand-made coasters:

  1. Price. Of course, you will only pay for materials and, possibly, the necessary tools, when the cost of store goods includes a much wider range of services.
  2. Choice of material. Here you are free to choose the color, shade and texture that you like, and not based on the assortment already offered by the store.
  3. Variety of shapes. No one limits you in creating your own unique stand. Moreover, you always know how and what it is made of. In addition, you always know what design you need for a particular room.

Home, outdoor, wall, floor - a little theory

There are several types of flower girls, each category of products has its own individual characteristics and advantages. We have collected everything about them in a separate section of the site.

There are street flower girls and “home” flower girls . Forged stands perfectly decorate both the interior and the landscape. Therefore, they can be classified as each type.

Forged butterfly flowerbed. Kurdalagon Photos

In addition, it is worth noting the following types, depending on the location:

Wall-mounted flower stands are great space savers and provide optimal placement of vessels with plants. The most popular configuration among customers is shelves.

Wall flower holder for three flowers. UfaKovka Photos

Floor structures (which include stands) perfectly complement the interior and exterior decor, have different dimensions, and can be mobile or stationary.

Window structures have several forms: products for window sills, outdoor balconies for flowers, hanging structures placed near openings.

Flower girls under the windows. Flieger Photos

In addition, it is worth noting flowerpots and other elements of flower beds, characterized by a variety of shapes.

Forged flowerpot on the wall. Photo KuznetsPlus

The images collected in the “Photos” section (anyone can send pictures of their work) will clearly demonstrate the differences and allow you to choose a product that will perfectly decorate your home.

Below are some video shots from our gallery to revive your imagination.

Tips for choosing material

The following materials are used to create the shelf: plastic, wood, glass and metal. Each of them has a number of properties unique to them.


Metal structures are distinguished by good strength. They are quite capable of supporting a lot of weight.

Such products look expensive. But! They require special care to avoid rust.


Plastic stands are hardly possible to build at home. In most cases, they can only be purchased in a store or ordered online.

  • Caring for them is not particularly difficult.
  • The color scheme also pleases with its variety.
  • Plastic products are not heavy and come in almost any shape and size.


Such crafts look luxurious, but that’s where their undeniable advantages end. When excess moisture gets on a wooden surface, the wood tends to swell and deteriorate. Therefore, treatment with a specially designed varnish is required.


Such stands look very interesting and can tell a lot about the refined taste of the apartment owner. However, working specifically with this material requires experience.

Glass products require special care; they can hardly withstand more weight than the weight of 1-2 flower pots. They are very fragile.

Combination of materials

Often, metal and wood, or metal and glass are used for combined decorative elements. They can withstand heavy loads and do not require special cleaning.

Custom shelves

A familiar flower shelf can be significantly transformed thanks to the decor used and unusual design. You can take unusual and stylish solutions as the basis for the design, but ensure they are practical and have maximum functionality while saving space:

  • floating shelves mounted on the ceiling or walls;
  • shelving made from wooden ladders or old stepladders;
  • single and arranged shelves on the walls;
  • horse trellises with shelves and hanging wicker flowerpots.

Maximum savings in free space are provided by corner cabinets, which can be converted into flower stands. To do this, the side walls are removed from the structure, and the shelves are located at a certain distance, which allows the flowers to grow and develop freely and receive a sufficient amount of light.

Important: In order for flowers to always delight with active growth and flowering, they must be well illuminated by natural light. You should not crowd the shelves too tightly with flowers and install pots at high heights; this will greatly complicate the process of watering and access to caring for house plants.


To work with wood and metal you will need the following devices and tools:

  • Level;
  • Roulette;
  • Screwdriver;
  • File;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Hammer;
  • Welding machine (for metal elements);
  • Construction pencil.

When choosing fastenings, proceed from the position that the more weight the structure must withstand, the better and more powerful the fastening you select.

DIY metal stand

No matter what shape or size you want to make your stand, there are general points that apply to all types of designs.

Manufacturing metal structures is not an easy task in itself and quite labor-intensive.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Decide on the appearance and practical use of the stand.
  2. Draw a drawing, noting all the necessary dimensions.
  3. Start making parts.
  4. Start welding the parts to each other according to your drawings.
  5. Upon completion of work, treat the metal with special anti-corrosion agents. If desired, paint the desired shade.

DIY wooden stand

A wooden stand requires a slightly different approach.

  1. Draw a drawing.
  2. Start preparing the material by cutting out and sanding all the components.
  3. Using a pencil, mark the locations for the holes that you will drill later.
  4. Install your chosen fasteners.
  5. Finish the stand by treating its surface with a varnish.

Photo of a homemade flower stand

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