Do-it-yourself collapsible partial loading trolley

How to make your own towing trailer

No motorist is insured against serious vehicle breakdowns, when it is impossible to do without outside help to deliver it to the garage or to the place of repair. And since tow truck services are quite expensive (a kilometer rate is usually used), transportation even over short distances can cost a pretty penny. Domestic Kulibins have found a way out. This is the use of a homemade dolly, which is a cheap alternative to a tow truck.

Types of trailers for transporting passenger cars

Possession of such a device provides the opportunity to use your own budget version of a tow truck in case of urgent need.

Let's look at the main types of such units:

  • frame carriage based on a two-axle bogie. Such a car transporter looks like an overpass, since its side platforms are made of perforated metal. As a rule, the automotive version is characterized by the presence of a 10% bevel in the front or rear, and sometimes on both sides. The modification for transporting boats and boats is structurally simpler - it is a simple metal frame with longitudinal holders that serve to secure the vessel. Both options include a wheel gripping device, stoppers, a winch, and ramps for accessing the frame;
  • The carriage platform is a monolithic structure, equipped around the perimeter with devices for securing transported vehicles, mobile ramps, as well as a ladder located at the rear of the platform. The advantage of this design is stability when the vehicle’s center of gravity is not located in the center of the carriage. The absence of sides allows you to transport cargo of any geometry. Equipped with devices that facilitate fixing and loading/unloading the vehicle;
  • a carriage trailer, which by and large is not a tow truck. In most cases, this is a device for transporting boats or motor equipment. It differs from the previous option in the presence of shelter, which can be present in the form of a soft waterproof awning or a plastic canopy;
  • A flatbed trailer may have a frame structure with ramps or a solid floor. The sides can also be solid or framed. The flatbed trailer occupies an intermediate position between the trailer and the platform;
  • a rolling trailer having a single-axle design. The front axle of the transported passenger car is loaded onto its fixing planes, while the rear wheels remain on the road surface. This trailer, called a dolly, is characterized by its simple design and compact dimensions. A turning mechanism is not needed here; the only additional equipment needed is a device for fixing the wheels of the transported vehicle.

According to technical characteristics, homemade trailers can be classified as follows:

  • single-axle devices are designed to transport one vehicle weighing up to 2000 kg. or two copies of motor vehicles such as ATVs or scooters with the same weight limit. The optimal dimensions of such trailers are 5.0 x 2.0 meters, the height of the sides, if present, does not exceed 2.5 cm;
  • biaxial ones have a wide range of load capacity (from 1 to 8 tons). They have dimensions ranging from 1.75-4.50 m in width and 3.25-7.00 m in length. Loading height ranges from 50-85 cm. Oversized trailers can be used to transport two passenger cars or 4 motorcycles;
  • trailers with partial loading are designed for the delivery of passenger cars; their payload does not exceed 600-700 kg, which imposes certain restrictions on the weight characteristics of the transported vehicle - its weight should not exceed 1500 kg. A typical representative of the class is a dolly trailer.

Rules for driving with a roll-up trailer

Not every partially loaded vehicle trailer requires a BE license. The classification of all vehicle categories is reflected in the content of Article 25 of the Federal Law-196, according to which category “B” licenses make it possible to drive not only passenger cars, but also attach trailers to them with a maximum weight of 750 kg, not exceeding the weight of the vehicle without load. If the maximum weight of the maintenance train remains within 3500 kg.

Thus, you are not required to obtain a BE license if you need to tow a car:

  • with a trailer weighing 750 kg or less;
  • more than 750 kg, but less than the weight of the machine without load and if the total weight remains less than 3.5 tons.

According to the rules, your trailer must be registered, regardless of its size and model, because... considered an independent vehicle, albeit without an engine.

Attached to the rear and able to support the weight of the loaded part of the vehicle

Making a do-it-yourself trailer

The manufacture of any technical device requires a design stage. To make a do-it-yourself trailer, you will also need drawings. Even if you consider yourself a competent specialist, you should not assume that you can do the job by eye. The slightest mistake can result in the trailer being unusable.

Let's give an example of assembling a structurally simple rolling trailer. For this we need:

  • square pipe;
  • channel;
  • thin-walled steel sheets;
  • thicker sheet steel for the bottom;
  • a pair of wheels;
  • assembled chassis parts;
  • suspension parts;
  • towbar;
  • brake system;
  • waterproof fabric;
  • brackets and corner fasteners;
  • a set of tools (screwdriver, grinder, drill);
  • welding machine.

Having collected all the necessary components, you can begin making the trailer. Approximate assembly algorithm:

  • the basis of the entire structure is the frame. It must be strong enough to withstand the load from the front of the vehicle being transported. Made from pipes by welding. If you have experience in this matter, you can try making the frame yourself. But since this is a very responsible operation, it is better to entrust the work to a professional welder. The main thing is to carefully check the welds; they should not contain defects;
  • a rectangular frame, no matter what pipes it is made of, does not have sufficient rigidity to withstand lateral loads. Therefore, it is strengthened with ribs made of channels, which are welded across the frame. The most reliable scheme is triangular, that is, two channels are welded to one of the transverse pipes together, and the other ends are welded on the opposite side at the corners, that is, a triangle is obtained. It is necessary to mount brackets along the edges, the purpose of which is to fix the shock absorbers;
  • it is better to purchase a coupling mechanism from a store, and not so much to speed up the work process, but to simplify the registration of the tow hitch;
  • the axle of the rolling trailer is not located in the middle, but offset to the rear of it;
  • the next step is to equip the device with a passive braking system. It will prove indispensable when the trailer stands on an uneven surface with a decent gradient;
  • Now you can start installing the bottom and installing the sides. Where bolted fasteners are used (for example, to connect sheets together), the bolts must be reliable. The side and front sides are welded rigidly using angles, and the rear one must be hinged, so we install it using a movable structure. In addition, it must be equipped with reflectors, lights and a frame for installing a license plate. Orange reflectors will be required on the side sides, white and orange - on the front;
  • All that remains is to install the wheels, as well as provide a mechanism for fixing the wheels of the transported vehicle - and our towing trailer is ready.

Do you need documents for such a simple tow hitch? According to the traffic rules, yes, so registration of the trailer will be required, and this is the most difficult part of the work. Problems may arise due to clause 20 of the Rules (prohibition of towing on a homemade trailer not equipped with brakes), but there is one nuance here: you can transport a vehicle that weighs half as much as the towing vehicle. When registering, you can say this: I intend to use the trailer to tow a small car.

Tools and materials

When winter comes, two-wheelers and cars usually give way to snowmobiles. This type of vehicle jumps over large snowdrifts and makes it easier to travel through snow-covered areas. However, such equipment is expensive. This is why self-assembly of snowmobiles is extremely important.

The exact set of necessary materials and tools, the parameters of the device itself are determined by the drawing.

Will definitely come in handy when assembling a snowmobile:

  • welding machine;
  • pipe bender (if it is not possible to use a ready-made frame);
  • hammer;
  • a set of screwdrivers of various sizes.

For the tackles themselves you will need:

  • steel pipes with a cross section of 6x6 mm;
  • rollers;
  • bearing system;
  • wheels covered with rubber.

If the product is supplemented with skis, you will have to use:

  • base;
  • shock-absorbing block;
  • link leg;
  • kernel;
  • fork;
  • bipod.

New dispute over toll roads: how dolly towing became a road train

They say that a person gets used to everything. This seems to be what happened to motorists and the BelToll road toll system: the process is underway. True, even 4 years after the launch of the system, controversial situations do not cease to arise, and practice continues to reveal “blind” spots in the legislation.

Alexander contacted the ABW.BY editorial office. Due to his professional activities, he regularly has to tow cars to filming locations. To do this, he uses a self-designed rigid coupling device based on the dolly principle. And this type of towing has never caused any complaints either from the traffic police or from the employees of the Transport Inspectorate. But the BelToll system has some questions.

“The dolly I use is used for rigid towing. Since the weight of my towing vehicle exceeds 3,500 kilograms, to drive on toll roads I make payments through the BelToll system, independently setting the number of vehicle axles on a special device. I have two such registered axes. I have always approached these issues and approach them extremely responsibly, and so far I have not had any problems. Therefore, the message about non-payment of BelToll services caused some confusion. And this is what happened.

In August 2016, I towed a GAZ-21 Volga car. The notice issued at BelToll payment points clearly states that towing may require either additional axles on the device if we are talking about partial loading, or installing an additional on-board unit if a rigid or flexible hitch is used.

I logically assumed that I would use the rigid coupling method. And since the towed Volga is exempt from tolls on Belarusian toll roads, there is no need to install an on-board unit on it.”

But the system operator obviously thought differently. Alexander received a notice of violation and a requirement to pay an increased fee. In response, he entered into correspondence with Kapsh Telematic Services LLC. And although the answer received did not convince the car owner, who is still confident that he was right, Alexander paid the required money.

Let's try to figure out where the truth is and whether the owner of the homemade dolly was really wrong?

Operator: dolly - trailer as part of a road train

In his response to Alexander, the system operator cited three definitions from the Interstate Standard “Road Transport”:

  1. Trailer is a vehicle without an engine, intended for the transport of passengers or goods, the vertical load of which is transmitted to the supporting surface through the wheels and is adapted for towing by a car.
  2. Combined vehicle (CV) is a power-driven vehicle coupled to one or more towed vehicles. One type of combined vehicle is a road train.
  3. Road train is a vehicle connected to one or more trailers using a coupling device.

Based on these definitions, the system operator is convinced that the dolly is a trailer, and the entire structure of vehicles moving that day is a road train. “Consequently, the number of axles when towing using the above method on the electronic payment device of the towing vehicle must be set to 4 or more,” the operator concluded.

Register your cart?

It is worth recognizing that the operator’s position is by no means indisputable. Let's study it with all pickiness.

The first question we ask ourselves is what is a trailer?

Paragraph 2.54 of the Traffic Regulations interprets a trailer as a vehicle intended to be driven in conjunction with a power-driven vehicle. Unfortunately, this is too short and streamlined a definition.

Therefore, let us once again return to the wording of the Interstate Standard “Road Transport”, which is operated by Kapsh Telematic Services: “A trailer is a vehicle without an engine, intended for the transportation of passengers or goods...” Here we will pause and read more carefully: “... for the transportation of passengers and cargo." Where is the word “towing” here?

Judging by the interpretation of the interstate standard, the trailer is not intended for towing in any way and accordingly cannot be used for these purposes.

Let's go even further and look at the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1849 dated December 31, 2002 “On approval of the regulations on the procedure for state registration and state registration of vehicles, deregistration and amendments to documents related to the registration of vehicles.” Paragraph 8 of this document requires mandatory registration of trailers.

According to the logic of the BelToll operator, it turns out that the dolly is subject to registration with the traffic police and obtaining registration plates? This is something new.

And in general, if you look at the schematic representation of the road train, it in no way corresponds to Alexander’s design.

New towing method

The operator's position can be criticized on another basis.

The rules name only three methods of towing: flexible hitch, rigid hitch and by partial loading onto the towing vehicle.

Chapter 25 of the traffic rules “Towing motor vehicles” says: “188. Towing of a power-driven vehicle is carried out using a hitch (flexible or rigid) or by partially loading it onto the towing vehicle.”

Meanwhile, the operator has some new “method of partial loading onto a vehicle with a trailer (road train).”

By this logic, it turns out that the towing vehicle was a trailer, which in our case is actually a dolly?!

And if you inadvertently take a closer look at clause 193.3 of the traffic rules, you will find out that towing other vehicles by road trains is generally prohibited by law.

In addition to the inconsistencies that arise, this begs the question: why does the BelToll operator determine any other methods and methods of towing vehicles besides those that already exist and are enshrined in law? Still, whatever one may say, the way Alexander towed the GAZ-21 is more suitable under the concept of “rigid coupling.”

Our hero tried to graphically represent the newly invented method of partially loading a towed vehicle, and this is what came out of it:

I wonder what the traffic police think about this issue?

Looking for other opinions

As a result, we see a picture where everyone interprets the same concepts in their own way, which makes it possible for manipulation in the interests of either party. But we naturally would like a simple answer to a simple question: should a dolly be considered a trailer?

Previously, the editors of ABW.BY, at the request of readers, tried to help understand a similar situation and for this purpose sent a request to the State Standard of the Republic of Belarus

Trawl trailer - tow truck for passenger cars: design options, models

Hello, dear friends! Today I decided to discuss this type of trailer vehicle as a passenger trawl trailer. Please note that we are talking specifically about passenger models intended for transporting the corresponding category of cars and other wheeled vehicles.

Many motorists know what a tow truck is. These are special services with the help of which they not only help you out in difficult situations, but also help with transporting your car for various purposes. This could be sending for repairs, delivery for painting, transportation to another location, etc.

But you also know the price of such services. Tow truck operators measure the cost by the number of kilometers. Therefore, even over relatively short distances, the cost of transportation is impressive.

Therefore, car owners often decide to buy a trailer for a passenger car for personal use. I will not talk about the goals and necessity of such a vehicle. There are too many situations where such a solution could be useful.

Just something complicated

If we talk about passenger cars, there are, as it seems at first glance, many different types of trailers used for transporting cars.

What can you usually encounter? These are vehicles such as:

  • car transporter;
  • towing trailer;
  • trawl;
  • carriage.

So many names. We know how to make something complex out of a simple thing. So it is in our situation. For one category of trailers they came up with such a scattering of names.

I'll tell you right away. Behind all these designations lies the same type of vehicle trailer, aimed at passenger cars.

After all, ordinary tow trucks have a special loading area, additional equipment, lifting mechanisms, cranes, etc. But since we are talking about the transportation of passenger vehicles by passenger cars, you can use all these names equally correctly.

Side steps for rider and passenger

Such products are installed on all motorcycle models initially. They are replaced when they break (for example, after the bike falls) or when they want to slightly tune their “favorite” with the help of accessible and inexpensive accessories. The scope for choice is simply enormous (both in price and design). You can choose footrests that are either close in color to your motorcycle, or bright and eye-catching. The price for such products is quite affordable and, depending on the manufacturer, varies from 400 to 1500 rubles for a set of two pieces.


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Design features

Light carriages or trawl trailers are an alternative to car recovery services. With the help of such a trailer, you can get your own tow truck with similar capabilities and efficiency for little money.

They all have design differences, due to which they are divided into two large categories:

  • partially loaded trawls (also known as rolling trawls);
  • passenger tow trucks with a full load.

In the first case, we are dealing with a trailed single-axle vehicle, onto which only the front axle of the vehicle is loaded. The rear wheels remain on the road surface and rotate, covering the required distance.

Partial load carriages differ:

  • compact sizes;
  • simple design;
  • affordable price;
  • necessary equipment for fixing a pair of wheels.

Some models are even collapsible, which allows you to transport them in the trunk of a car and use them as needed. Their important advantage is the fact that there is no need for mandatory registration. All other types of carriages must be registered with the traffic police.

Moreover, their carrying capacity is up to 600-700 kilograms. This indicator allows you to transport cars whose weight does not exceed 1500 kilograms or 1.5 tons. That is, some limitations are already visible. It is also important that the dimensions of the car do not exceed the established standards for a tow truck.

The second option is much more attractive if we talk about the frequent use of a passenger tow truck. Fully loaded carriages come in a variety of designs, which have a wide range of additional equipment. In its simplest form, it is a platform onto which the machine is rolled up using removable ramps, or folding gangways, a cable drive and a lever system are used. Next, the car is fixed on this platform and taken where you need it.

Full load allows you to choose between two-axle trailers. It is better to choose designs with two axles, since their load capacity is up to 3500 kilograms. And this is almost any passenger car, crossover or large SUV.

What documents are needed for a rolling trailer?

Your dokatka trailer for transporting a car must be registered with the traffic police, for which you will need the following documents:

  • PTS devices;
  • passport;
  • purchase and sale agreement (if purchased);
  • receipt of paid state duty.

A new cart must be marked with a sign upon completion of the registration procedure. Individuals are not required to insure themselves under compulsory motor liability insurance (FZ-40). A technical inspection is also not required.

When traveling with a trailer, be sure to carry documents for it with you. Traffic police inspectors may request them for inspection.

Trailer dimensions

The maximum dimensions of a roll-on trailer for transporting cars are not regulated in the articles of traffic rules or the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. However, the length of the road train (car + tractor) is 20 meters and should weigh a maximum of 3.5 tons. Maximum width - 2.55 meters (maximum), height - 4 meters.

The tractor will be clearly visible on the night road

The vehicle itself must be equipped with working lights and side lights so that it can be seen in the dark or in tunnels. You can drive at the usual urban speed of 60 km/h, unless additional restrictions are set. On motorways 90 km/h, on other roads 70 km/h.

Popular models

If you are looking for a good tow trailer for a passenger car, you should focus on trusted manufacturers. Try to carefully study the technical characteristics of a passenger tow truck, compare it with the planned tasks and look for the optimal price-quality ratio.

Among the most popular and widespread brands under which the trailers we are considering today are produced are the following:

  • Pragmatec;
  • Bren;
  • Rydwan;
  • NPP Palych;
  • Verda, etc.

I won’t go into the details of the manufacturers. Still, the assortment is very large, it is problematic to dwell on something specific. Much depends on what and for what purposes you are looking.

But the most important thing is that the tow truck matches the size and weight of the vehicles you intend to transport with it.

If we talk about the choice between full and partial load, then here I would give preference to full-fledged two-axle models. They have greater load capacity, functionality, can be equipped with a wide range of components, and are also easier to operate. Driving with carriages for partial loading, when the towed vehicle rests with two wheels on the road surface, is extremely difficult and responsible. Especially when the speedometer needle exceeds 70 kilometers per hour.

Where to buy and how to get it

There are a large number of special purpose trailers. These include:

Of these, only a platform trailer can be considered a slightly closer option to a carriage.

Let's assume that you need a tow trailer for a passenger car. How to get it? There are several main options:

  • buy a used trailer;
  • to rent ;
  • borrow from a friend;
  • buy a new car transporter.

You know my attitude towards used trailers. Therefore, this is not the most optimal option. The attractive price of a used trawl can hide a lot of hidden problems.

Renting is relevant for those who need a gun carriage extremely rarely, literally several times during the year. Then the costs of purchasing a new vehicle will not be entirely justified.

Borrowing from friends is not the most attractive option. Friends can’t always lend you their tow truck; it’s busy, or you’ll have to answer for it later. As practice shows, it is generally recommended not to have any affairs related to money and debts with friends. Friendship is more valuable.

But if you need a car transporter on a regular basis, then it is best to purchase it from a trusted manufacturer. This is a guarantee that production is carried out in accordance with all norms and standards. You will receive the carriage in the required configuration, with guarantees and other benefits of new trailers.

I almost forgot about the DIY assembly. Self-production is attractive only because of the potential savings. But you will still have to buy aluminum ramps for special equipment (loading is carried out on them), a winch, a support wheel and other components. But the biggest problem with homemade trailers is the difficulty of registering them. That's why I don't recommend getting involved.

I'll stop there. I hope I answered the question in detail and provided all the necessary information. Using the attached photos, you can further understand the design features of the carriage, tow truck, trawl, etc. As you remember, the essence does not change from the name.

Thank you all for your attention! Subscribe to our website, leave comments, ask questions and invite your friends to join us!

Motorcycle repair tool

Today, a motorcycle tackle is in great demand; it is a mandatory attribute in the arsenal of every motorcyclist who knows how to properly care for his bike. It is used in the process of various works, when repairing cars. For example, a motorcycle lift is used when it is necessary to lift the rear of a motorcycle and change wheels or tires, or when repairing a cooling radiator.
If the owner repairs his motorcycle himself, then buying a mount requires a lot of responsibility. They are relevant both for the home workshop and for specialized repair shops. Thanks to the convenient wheels, the equipment can be easily transported to the required location to perform repairs or other work on the motorcycle. This design is a type of motorcycle lift, but it does not have a table. The small dimensions of the rolls make it possible to install them in chambers where the product is dried or painted. Their service life is almost unlimited and they do not require any special care.

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