Compressor from a computer cooler for a smoke generator

The fourth review of necessary and useful things for crafting meat delicacies The first part Thermostat for a home sausage “workshop” or sous vide from improvised means The second part A wireless thermometer for a sausage maker or carbonated meat in an air fryer The third part A ten-segment LED indicator (for a smokehouse) – a kit for self-assembly

Today I will assemble a design that is already quite well-known and popular among smokers on the Runet - a compressor for a smoke generator. As I understand it, this similar design was initially proposed on the resource, then it was modified by Vitaly Pavlov. Well, I’ll bring something of myself so that it doesn’t look like pure plagiarism. Initially it was planned to make two sets, but then two more joined in as the play progressed. Therefore, some spare parts did not arrive in time for everyone, and some did not arrive at all. They collected whatever they could. The happiest part of the day was running around the city and looking for components.

Since four compressors from different kits were assembled at the same time, there may be different boosters in the photographs. Do not pay attention: I chose more or less high-quality photographs that depict the assembly stages in as much detail as possible

DIY compressor for a smoke generator from a cooler

A cold smoked smokehouse requires a smoke generator - a device separate from the smoking chamber, which must produce a constant stream of cold smoke. It is most convenient to pump this smoke into the smokehouse using a compressor. In this article we tell you what a compressor for a smokehouse smoke generator can be like and what you can make it from yourself.

The compressor for the cold smoked smoke generator is described here. When hot smoking, none of these devices are used, because the smoke is generated directly in the smoking chamber.

Hot and cold smoking - what are the differences?

The device for hot smoking is simpler. The distance between the smoke source and the processed product in it is small. Therefore, the latter is also exposed to the heat emanating from smoldering wood. The processing temperature can range from 45o C to 120o C.

With cold smoking, the source of smoke is located at a distance from the product. And the smoke itself is supplied through a chimney of a certain length. This allows it to cool to 20o C - 25o C. Thanks to this, meat or fish undergo more gentle processing, which is why they acquire a more pleasant taste and a more pronounced aroma of smoke.

Without compressor

In the simplest smokehouses, the smoke generator is a simple pit in which a fire, a stone hearth, a brick or iron stove burns. No compressor is required for this type of smokehouse. Smoke from burning wood or smoldering sawdust enters the smoking chamber through natural draft, like in a chimney. The role of a smoke cooler in such devices is played, for example, by a water pipe or a simple ditch dug in the ground.

This design is quite workable, but still too artisanal. In addition, it can only be arranged on a summer cottage.

How does a smoke generator with a compressor work?

In general, a smoke generator is simply a container in which sawdust smolders. The smoke released in this case is discharged through the pipe into the smoking chamber. A compressor is needed just to increase the flow of smoke and direct it in the right direction.

Most often, an ejector is used for this.

A hose from the compressor is put on the inlet fitting of the ejector. It creates an air flow in a tube located inside the smoke generator housing. The smoke is picked up by the vacuum and exits along with the air into the exhaust pipe.

For small home smokehouses with a volume, for example, the size of a bucket, the smoke generator is also required to be small. And a pump for ventilation of aquariums is perfect for it as a compressor.

  • There is no need to make it; it is sold ready-made.
  • It often has a rheostat that allows you to regulate the power of the air stream.
  • It is reliable and consumes very little electricity.


Here is a list of spare parts that you can get hold of on Ali and Leroy Merlin:

I will not give links to batteries.
I think there are enough reviews of various options here. And everyone probably already has a wagon and a cart of this stuff at home. Let me just say that high-current batteries are not needed here. An ordinary, not very damaged battery will last about four to six hours. Purchases at Leroy Merlin (who doesn’t have Leroy nearby, you can choose something similar in local stores. All spare parts are quite affordable):

  • Housing - junction box In general, other sizes can be used. I took what I had. For the option without a battery, you can take this one, for example, be sure to make sure that the holder will fit.
  • Quick release adapter for 1/2 inch garden hose
  • Quick release connector 1/2-3/4 inches

This is where the list of spare parts for the compressor ends, you can place orders on Ali, however, I don’t recommend running to Leroy just yet, since the next review of the smoke generator itself will contain more spare parts from there. Be patient. Left a little.

Homemade compressor from a cooler

If you need a compressor more powerful than an aquarium compressor, then you can make it yourself from a computer cooler. Computers use fans of many different sizes, so there is a wide choice.

You will also need a power source, because these coolers are usually designed for voltage from 7 to 12 volts.

Take a plastic bottle and cut off the bottom. Install the cooler in its place, secure it with glue, for example, from a glue gun. Punch a hole in the bottle cap and insert a metal or plastic tube into it. This will be the connection pipe for connecting the hose. And connect the other end of the hose to the ejector of the smoke generator.

If you have a large diameter fan, then instead of a bottle you can take a canister and cut it into either side.

It will be great if you include a rheostat or some other household voltage regulator in the cooler's power supply circuit. Then it will be possible to regulate the power of the smoke stream.

Compressor from an old vacuum cleaner

A large smoking chamber will require a powerful smoke generator and a more powerful compressor. Computer coolers will no longer be enough. A compressor for smoking large volumes of food can easily be made from an old vacuum cleaner.

Modern vacuum cleaners are not suitable for this. They usually exhaust air through large cassettes with filters, and it is not possible to attach a hose to them. But with old Soviet vacuum cleaners, the outlet pipe is often exactly the same as the inlet pipe. You can simply attach a hose from the same vacuum cleaner to it - and you have a ready-made compressor for your smoker!

And of course, if you are building a real, large smokehouse, for example for business, then all these handicraft devices will not suit you. As a compressor for a cold smoked smokehouse, you will have to choose industrial devices:

Here, in addition to the supercharger itself, there is also a receiver, a compressed air cylinder, a reducer, a pressure gauge, and so on. The air in the smoke generator comes from the cylinder, and the compressor only maintains constant pressure in it.

But the construction of industrial smoking plants is a completely separate topic.

Cold smoking of products occurs by treating them with smoke generated by the smoldering of wood chips and sawdust in a smoke generator. The movement of smoke into the smoking chamber can occur due to natural draft. But in order to ensure a more efficient supply of smoke, compressors are installed on many do-it-yourself smokehouses for the processed products.

What is a smokehouse, design

The refrigerator is now the main component of food preservation. But in those days when there was no electricity, smoking food was almost the only way to prepare

. First of all, in this way they extended the shelf life of meat and fish. Smoked and dried fruits and vegetables were considered delicacies back in Ancient Rome. Each state has its own recipes and smoking technologies. For example, the famous English bacon, French carbonate.

In Rus', the tradition of preparation by smoking has been preserved in ancient times. Archaeological excavations and preserved ancient recipes serve as proof. The manor's estate had its own stationary smokehouse. Every hunter knew how to smoke food. And the most common method in Ancient Rus' was hanging food wrapped in rags near the bathhouse stove, which was heated “black”.

The products are distinguished:

  • hot smoked;
  • semi-hot smoking (temperature 60-70 degrees);
  • cold smoked.

Cold smoking gives the best effect in terms of food preservation.

Features of hot smoking

This is a method that involves quickly cooking the product at higher temperatures.

Two modes can be distinguished:

  1. Temperature: 35-55 degrees, time from 12 hours to 2 days.
  2. Temperature: 80-90 degrees, time from 20 minutes to several hours.

Cooking time depends on what exactly is being smoked. The shelf life of food after hot smoking does not exceed 3 days.

The principle of the device is quite simple. You need a container (smoking chamber) in which grates and hooks are installed for storing and hanging supplies. The shape of the chamber can be round or square. A fireplace is arranged under the container in which the sawdust should smolder. The smoke from them rises up, enveloping the suspended, laid out supplies. The top of the chamber is covered with damp burlap and a lid. In camping conditions, you can cover it with fresh tree branches. It is better to make a small hole in the lid to allow excess smoke to escape.

This kind of structure can be made from available household materials: buckets, barrels, the body of an old refrigerator, a gas cylinder.

The simplest smokehouse is made from a wooden stand covered with thick film.

The layout of a hot smoked smokehouse is quite simple. For home use, you can make a small-sized portable smokehouse. Best made from stainless metal, at least 2 mm thick. With certain skills, you can make such a smokehouse yourself. In a house or apartment, put a tube on the breather (exhaust hole) and exhaust the smoke into a vent or hood.

Design features of a cold smokehouse

The installation of a home-made smoke generator for cold smoking should be carried out on a plot of land with a slope for better smoke draft. But you can also arrange it on a straight section, the main thing is to ensure good traction.

Cold smoking is a longer process, but it is what ensures increased shelf life and gives amazing taste to products. Temperature conditions and terms are individual for each type of food product. Individual farms have their own smoking secrets. In the old days, proprietary recipes were kept secret.

The average temperature is 20-25 degrees, sometimes it is increased to 30 degrees, but not higher than 50. At higher temperatures the process accelerates. The duration of smoking is regulated by the degree of readiness. Food cooked at low temperatures has improved taste. The longer the chimney that comes from the source of smoldering wood chips, the lower the temperature of the smoke. Another advantage of such a chimney is cleaner smoke. Carcinogens (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs), soot settle on the walls of the chimney.

A smoke generator will provide a universal smoking method.

Smoke generator with compressor: how the device works

A smoke generator paired with a compressor operates as follows. The smoke generator is connected to the smoking chamber using a chimney. Sawdust or dry wood chips are poured into the housing (combustion chamber) of the generator. Next, a tube or hose leading to the air compressor is connected to the inlet fitting of the smoke generator, after which the previously filled sawdust is set on fire. Thanks to the air flow created by the blower, a vacuum is created in the smoke generator ejector. Under the influence of the latter, the smoke begins to move intensively towards the chamber where the products are located.

The compressor for the smoke generator affects the functioning of the entire system as a whole, since the final quality of the product depends on the pressure of the smoke entering the smoking volume. Fuel consumption also depends on the compressor power. The more powerful the air flow, the more fuel will be consumed.

A compressor for connecting to a smoke generator can be purchased ready-made. But the price for this unit is quite high and may exceed the cost of the entire smokehouse. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make this unit themselves, literally from scrap materials.

Before you start making your own compressor, you need to know the basic requirements that apply to it.

  1. The device must withstand long-term continuous operation, since cold smoking of products involves treating them with smoke for 24 hours, and sometimes more.
  2. The unit must be economical, not only in terms of energy consumption, but also in terms of the cost of spare parts for it.
  3. The compressor must be equipped with an air flow regulator. The strength of the air flow determines the taste of the finished product and its ability to be stored.

What are the benefits of a fan?

The blower for the smoke generator of the smokehouse is of great importance:

  • regulates the intensity of chamber filling, which affects the taste of products;
  • controls wood fuel consumption, because the stronger the air flow, the more sawdust or wood chips will be required.

In order for the unit to perform at the proper level, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Ability to last long battery life. Cold smoking is a long process, taking up to several days, so the compressor must withstand such loads.
  2. Economical. Electricity consumption should be moderate. It is also important to select a device for which it is easy to find components if they need to be replaced.
  3. Availability of control devices. Controlling the flow of supplied air is important, since it affects fuel consumption and the taste of the products to be smoked. It is also important to have an autonomous shutdown system to prevent overheating and fan failure.

If the fan you assemble with your own hands meets the listed requirements, then there will be no complaints about its operation. Such devices are considered functionality and reliability.

How to make a compressor for a smokehouse with your own hands

To pump air into the smoke generator, you can use any device capable of creating a flow. In this case, a device with a power of 4 W will be sufficient.

From PC cooler

The cheapest and simplest version of the compressor, which will provide the smoke generator with air, can be made from a cooler, that is, from a regular computer fan. Moreover, any fan with dimensions from 40x40 mm to 120x120 mm is suitable.

To assemble an air blower for a smokehouse, you will need to prepare the following components:

  • cooler of suitable power and size;
  • plastic container with a volume of 5-10 liters, you can use a plastic bottle or canister;
  • plumbing fittings;
  • polypropylene, copper or stainless steel tube about 25 cm long and 25 mm in diameter;
  • variable resistor or power supply with voltage regulator;
  • self-tapping screws

The method of making an air blower is simple.

  1. Cut a hole in the container that matches the size of the cooler. If a plastic canister is used, the hole can be cut using a jigsaw.
  2. Insert the cooler into the hole and secure it either using a glue gun or with screws or bolts.
  3. Next, make a hole in the lid of the container to install a pipe into it, to which the tube leading to the smoke generator will be connected. All connections must be as tight as possible.
  4. Using water fittings, secure the tube to the lid of a canister or plastic bottle.
  5. Connect the fan to a 5-12V power source.

To increase the power of air flow, you can make a fan unit consisting of several coolers.

From the vent fan

You can also make a compressor for a smokehouse from a vent fan. The manufacturing process is not much different from the same steps using a PC cooler.

Only instead of connecting the device to the power supply, the vent fan for the compressor is connected to a 220 V network. As an alternative to the vent fan, an exhaust cooler for the bathroom is suitable.

From an aquarium compressor

For a cold smoked smoke generator, an aquarium compressor can be used as an air blower. But you should know that only a certain type of device is suitable for this purpose, that is, an active compressor . This type of device is characterized by external installation and has one or 2 outlet tubes.

Important! A submersible air blower for a smokehouse will not work.

Connecting the device to the smoke generator is very simple: just insert the output hose of the device into the fitting of the generator ejector and turn on the device. If 2 tubes come out of the aquarium compressor, then they should be combined in one channel and the latter connected to the fitting. It will be good if the aquarium blower is equipped with an air supply regulator.

From the compressor from the refrigerator

If desired, an air blower for a smoke generator can be made from a compressor from a refrigerator. But in this case, you will need to connect a storage tank (receiver) to the unit, which can be made from a large-diameter metal pipe, an old fire extinguisher or a gas cylinder.

Important! To automate the operation of the compressor, you will also need to install a pressure switch (pressostat). The relay sets the minimum and maximum pressure values ​​in the receiver at which the compressor will turn on and off.

Air is supplied to the smoke generator from the storage tank via a pneumatic hose.

From an auto compressor

To ensure air flow into the ejector, you can use a regular automobile compressor. But this unit has one drawback: it cannot work for a long time without stopping due to severe overheating.

Hiking option

  1. Take an electric stove, turn it on at full power, place a metal container with fruit wood shavings on the stove.
  2. You will also need a metal barrel.
  3. The bottom of the barrel is removed (it has no bottom or lid).
  4. This barrel is placed above the electric stove (the electric stove stands in the place where the bottom of the container was).
  5. Holes are drilled in the middle of the barrel (4-6 at one level), a grate is lowered into it (the products for smoking are laid out on it), rods are inserted into the holes, they will hold the grate.
  6. When the tile heats up, the chips begin to smolder and smoke, and the smoking process begins.
  7. The barrel is not completely covered tightly with a sheet of plywood or something else.

Smoke generator characteristics

Since cold smoking is a rather lengthy process, the smoke generator must operate for a long time, expending a lot of energy. In normal mode, the device consumes several kW per day.

The fuel chamber is designed for 1 kg. sawdust, which is enough for a day of continuous work. If the smoking chamber has a small volume, then the smoke generator will completely fill it with thick smoke at the required temperature, so that the cooking process will proceed smoothly and efficiently.

Construction of a smoke generator

The operating principle of this device can be described as follows: air flows, which are provided by the operation of the compressor, suck out combustion products from the combustion chamber and supply it to the smokehouse, while cooling it to 19-25 degrees required for cold smoking.
The whole process occurs automatically, there is no need to constantly monitor the operation of the generator and add sawdust - one fuel supply will definitely be enough for a whole day of operation of the unit. Assembling a decent smoke generator for a smokehouse yourself is not difficult. There are many options for assembling the main structural elements of the device.

Main capacity

  • Take any fire-resistant container, preferably made of galvanized or stainless steel and with thick walls. A thermos of sufficient volume, from which you only need the inner flask, or an empty fire extinguisher, which must be pre-rinsed, is ideal. Optimal chamber dimensions: diameter about 10 cm, height from 40 cm.
  • In the lower part of the chamber, a couple of centimeters from the bottom, you need to make a hole with a diameter of 1 cm. A compressor will be attached to it in the future to supply fresh air inside the firebox to maintain smoldering.
  • The top must be carefully sealed to ensure a tight seal. Even small cracks will allow excess air to enter the smoldering chamber, preventing the device from operating at maximum efficiency.


This is perhaps the simplest version of a smoke generator. But it has a number of disadvantages, which will be discussed later.

To make it you will need:

  • metal sheet meter by meter;
  • the same sheet of perforated metal (the smaller the holes, the better);

To assemble we do the following:

  1. cut the perforated metal into strips 20–25 cm high;
  2. bend the bottom 5 cm strips at an angle of 90°;
  3. make holes in the bends;
  4. we form a spiral labyrinth of cuts on a sheet of metal (the clearance between the walls should be 20 - 25 cm);
  5. we drill holes in the sheet for fastening the walls of the labyrinth;
  6. We connect the structural elements with bolted fastening.

The “labyrinth” works very simply. A thick layer of wood chips is poured into it and set on fire. Air penetrates through the walls with difficulty, so the wood slowly smolders and does not burn. During this, a large amount of smoke is released.

  • The main disadvantage of this design is the need for a smokehouse in the form of a separate room. After all, there are no smoke injection devices here. The smoke generator is placed in one corner of the smokehouse, the products are hung in the other. This avoids excessive heating.
  • The second significant drawback is the high consumption of wood chips. To fill a room equipped with a smokehouse with smoke, you need to burn quite a lot of wood.
  • Finally, the third disadvantage is low efficiency. The smoke will not be as concentrated as in the other two designs. This means that the smoking procedure will take several times longer.

Therefore, the “labyrinth” is suitable for those who:

  • has a separate room for a smokehouse;
  • is not afraid of the cost of wood chips (or gets it for free);

Safety precautions when designing a device

  1. In case of malfunctions, the smoke generator design should be equipped with an automatic shutdown system.
  2. All wires and other fragile parts must be reliably protected from overheating and humidity. To do this, they must be placed at a distance from the heating rod and hidden in a sealed casing.
  3. To create a combustion chamber, special heat-resistant steel of sufficient thickness should be used. The device can be painted with fire-resistant paint. This design will ensure the best reliability and durability of the device.
  4. The device must be installed on a surface resistant to high temperatures, preferably on a layer of concrete or a pedestal made of fire-resistant brick.

How to operate the generator

  • The device is placed on a solid, flat surface.
  • The power cord is connected to the electrical network.
  • The fuel chamber is filled with dry sawdust or shavings.
  • The generator chimney is connected to the smokehouse chamber, which must be filled in advance with the required amount of products.
  • The device starts up. The heating element begins to ignite the sawdust, they smolder, emit a large amount of smoke, after which the compressor drives the smoke into the smoking chamber. You need to periodically monitor the amount of fuel and add a new portion of sawdust in time. You cannot turn off the device during cooking to prevent the product from spoiling.

Thus, it is quite possible to assemble an effective smoke generator for a home smokehouse entirely with your own hands.


Alternative solutions

You could find out how to make a compressor from a cooler for a smoke generator if you read the information above. However, before starting work, it is necessary to study the device in more detail. For example, it is worth knowing that a compressor is a device for compressing and moving air, steam or gas. And the importance of this device in a smokehouse is due to the fact that the smoke pressure and the quality of the delicacies will depend on the adjustment of the air supply.

Sawdust consumption is related to the size of the smokehouse and the power of the compressor. An alternative solution can be an aquarium compressor with a power of 5 W. Advanced home DIYers, however, use 12W automotive appliances quite often. But they heat up quite quickly and require the installation of a rectifier.

If you decide to make a compressor for a smoke generator with your own hands, then you may also prefer a device from an old refrigerator. The simplest solution would be to purchase a ready-made compressor, which will be used to modify the smoke generator. For some, the price may seem quite high, but you can purchase a design that runs on 220 V at 9 l/min for 1,500 rubles.

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