Do-it-yourself feather removal attachment for plucking poultry

Any hunter or owner of a small chicken coop has encountered the problem of plucking birds. The thing is that the process of removing bird feathers is a rather difficult task that takes a lot of time. It is difficult to remove feathers from birds, even if there is only one bird, but what about hunters or owners of small poultry farms? There the volumes are several times larger, and removing feathers from poultry by hand is not at all an option. It is in such cases that a poultry plucking attachment will help. It is important to understand that we are not talking about a large industrial feather removal machine, but rather a small and compact attachment for an electric drill.

Feather remover

This invention was developed and put into operation not so long ago. With the arrival of this assistant, it has become much easier and easier for private entrepreneurs and hunters. The poultry plucking attachment is an alternative to the large machines that have long been used in industrial settings. You should not attach much importance to the word “homemade” in the product description. The device performs well when removing feathers from domestic and wild birds. Attachments for plucking poultry and wild birds can be attached not only to an electric drill, but also to a sharpener.

The quality of feather removal will not be affected in any way by the age of the carcass or its size. The only difference that will be present is the time required to de-feather older, larger game. The drill attachment for plucking poultry works best when working with any type of bird.

How long does it take to pluck

To show the clear advantage of the bait, we can refer to the time it will take to remove feathers from various birds. Let's start with the smallest birds. For example, this device will process a small chicken in about 10 seconds. For a bird such as a quail or dove, it will take a little more, only about 30 seconds. Larger birds, such as broilers, will be left without feathers in a minute, a maximum of one and a half. The poultry plucking attachment can handle a duck in about a couple of minutes. For such results, you don’t even need to pre-steam the specimen. A larger bird, for example, a goose will be plucked in 2.5 minutes. For large turkeys this unit will take about 3 minutes. A DIY poultry plucking attachment can handle even a bird as large as an ostrich. It will, of course, require a little more time, about 7 minutes.

Barrel skimmer

The process of creating a tweezer:

  1. Finding a plastic barrel. Dimensions: height – 1 meter, width – 70 cm. The barrel must be durable.
  2. Making a hole in the bottom. The goal is to install fingers made of rubber.
  3. Making a frame for the main parts of the machine. The required materials are boards, corners made of metal. The metal frame is more reliable.
  4. Placing the drum in a pre-made frame.
  5. Adding another bottom to the bottom. The purpose of the second layer is to secure the rotating installation.
  6. Connecting an electric motor (required power - 1.5 kW). A stand is made for the motor (the purpose is to protect one of the main parts of the machine). The motor must be installed away from the rotating drum.

Making a feather removal machine with your own hands saves money. The created design is not inferior in its properties to analogues manufactured in special industrial production.

  • Author: Maria Sukhorukikh
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Ways to speed up the feather plucking process

Immediately after the appearance of such devices, people began to think about how to speed up this process. It is because of this that attachments began to be used on various household devices and appliances, such as electric drills, screwdrivers, hammer drills, and knife sharpeners.

Do-it-yourself attachments for plucking poultry are made by many manufacturers. The operating principle of this device is no different. The difference between nozzles from different manufacturers lies only in the length of the device itself, its width, as well as the length and number of rubber fingers.

How to make a feather removal machine with your own hands from a washing machine

Option number one is to use a washing machine that is not used for its intended purpose. Characteristics: drive located at the bottom of the device, presence of an oil seal.

The main principle of the new design is to use the maximum properties of the existing factory machine.

Step by step work:

  1. Making holes for fingers.
  2. Installation above the bottom of a plate (the shape of the part is round), made of metal with increased rigidity. You can use the bottom of an unusable pan.
  3. Drilling at the bottom of the hole to install the pins. The part of the installation that rotates must be smaller in diameter than the main tank. The required difference is 50 millimeters. Exceeding the difference leads to the birds' limbs falling into the gap.
  4. Closing the rotation axis from water entering the electric motor.
  5. Processing of a test carcass in the created design.

It is best to move the engine located under the washing tub outside the entire structure. This will eliminate the possibility of water entering completely.

The resulting unit is capable of increasing labor productivity several times. It is important to remember that the washing machine used must initially have a functioning motor.

What are the advantages of the nozzle?

The attachment for plucking poultry does not have a very large list of advantages, but each item on the list is quite significant.

  • The first and most significant advantage is that there is no need to soak poultry in hot water before plucking. The attachment performs well in conditions of dry cleaning of birds from feathers and fluff.
  • The second and no less important point is the preservation of the presentation of the bird after plucking. During the process of removing feathers, the device does not touch or tear the skin of the animal.

It cannot be considered an advantage, but it is still worth noting that the average price of this product ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 thousand rubles. This amount is considered quite acceptable, given the degree of usefulness of the product in agriculture or hunting.

Classification and principle of operation of machines

The very first such machine appeared at the beginning of the last century from one inventive peasant. And only in the 60s, after a slight modification, they began to be used in large poultry factories, and since 2006 they have been mass-produced by small firms for farms. All of them are classified according to the plucking method:

  1. Machine tools. They function together with the operator, whose job is to prepare the carcass for feather removal. The worker soaks the slaughtered birds in hot water for 2-3 minutes, then lowers them into the container of the machine. In it, with the help of a rotating centrifuge and beating fingers, rapid plucking occurs. In one minute you can process up to 4-5 carcasses. Machine tools are used in large and medium-sized poultry farms.
  2. Household machines. These are special attachments designed for drills and screwdrivers. They are used by hunters, as well as owners when slaughtering poultry on their personal farmsteads.
  3. Centrifugal. These are autonomous cars. They operate from a 220 volt network. Water is supplied to them to wet the feathers of the slaughtered bird. There is a rotating bottom with hammer fingers. These cars are the most popular among the population. Therefore, they are most often homemade, made by the owners themselves according to drawings from the Internet.
  4. Rotary machines. Here the carcass is carefully brought to the rotating drum with fingers and lightly pressed. In this case, the worker turns the bird on either untreated side. Plucking time is half a minute. Carcasses of different sizes can be processed. Before plucking, the bird must be soaked in boiling water.

Despite many modifications of such devices, the principle of operation has not changed over the century. All have a rotating plane and striking fingers. And the operating principle is as follows:

  • carcasses of various birds scalded with hot water (70 - 80 g) end up in the tank of the machine;
  • Due to the rapid rotation of the bottom, the carcasses spin and hit rubber fingers located on the walls of the container. As a result, the feather is removed;
  • During rotation, the carcass is watered with water for better cleaning.

It is worth noting that for plucking quails and ducks, feather picking fingers of different lengths and configurations are used.

And also to avoid damage to the skin, the processing time of the carcass should not exceed 40 - 45 seconds. You can pluck 2–3 individuals at the same time, but this depends on the design of the apparatus.

What is a nozzle?

At-home poultry plucking attachments are centered, drum-shaped parts to which the plucking fingers are attached. Nozzles come in various types. The division into types occurs according to the number of beating devices and their length. These same factors determine the purpose of the nozzle. Parts with pins 5 cm long are intended for plucking small species of poultry. Devices with fingers 9 cm long are used to remove feathers from large birds.

The number of fingers on the nozzle can also vary from 12 to 24 pieces.

Types of nozzles

The attachments may vary depending on the size of the fingers and their number. The main factor influencing this is the type of bird. For small birds, fingers are 5 cm. For large birds, fingers are 9 cm. The number of fingers can be from 12 to 24. The length of the fingers and their number can vary, depending on the manufacturer of the device. Fingers come in soft and hard types. Soft type fingers are used for poultry. Hard ones are for wild ones.

Among the feather-plucking devices, Dakmaster is especially popular among poultry farmers. The device was produced by the Krasnodar company Grand, which has been selling plucking devices for more than five years; reviews of its products are easy to find on the Internet, on various thematic resources. In set you can find:

  1. Aluminum alloy nozzle.
  2. 16 rubber fingers.
  3. Detailed instructions for the product.
  4. A box.

different to process :

  • Dove - 30 seconds.
  • Chicken - 60 seconds.
  • Broiler - 90 seconds.
  • Duck - 120 seconds.
  • Goose - 150 seconds.
  • Turkey - 180 seconds.
  • Ostrich - 300-420 seconds.

Thus, the smaller the bird, the less time it will take to process it.

The brush attachment, which is made of medical steel, has gained particular popularity among farmers. Their popularity is due to the fact that they are very convenient, reliable and lightweight. The ruff is suitable not only for poultry, but also for fish. This versatility makes the product popular in the plucking market.

How to choose a nozzle?

The device manufacturers are Russia, Ukraine and China. It is up to the poultry farmer to decide which manufacturer to choose. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the device and its instructions. If there are no instructions or they are very brief, then it is better to refuse such a product. In addition to the instructions, close attention should be paid to the material from which the device is made and the long-term warranty . It is better to choose a device made of stainless materials. You should also pay attention to the spare parts included in the kit. Typically, rubber fingers will be replaceable.

Pros of using the nozzle

The main advantage of this device is that it saves time and effort for the poultry farmer. Another advantage is the relatively inexpensive price of the device. It can be purchased for 2000-3000 rubles and used for necessary purposes.

Disadvantages of using an attachment

If the plucking rules are not followed, the skin of the carcass can be damaged and it will lose its presentation. Another problem with this device is that it is quite difficult to acquire . The nozzle is not sold in stores; you will have to resort to the Internet and find acceptable conditions for purchasing the product.

What is attractive about the plucking attachment?

Naturally, the main advantage that all buyers of this product appreciate is the fast and high-quality completion of the task. But this is not the only thing that attracts users. The great demand for this product is also ensured by the high quality of the device. Almost all European, Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers can guarantee that the product is manufactured according to all the rules and is therefore of high quality. The same cannot be said about the Chinese manufacturer. The quality of such a part plays a decisive role, since the degree of plucking of the bird depends on it. The highest quality products are capable of removing feathers from even the largest and most mature birds. The percentage of product sales on the market suggests that Russian-made attachments are in maximum demand. This is explained by the fact that these specimens have the best price-quality ratio.

An attractive fact about this device is that it does not leave marks after plucking on the very delicate skin of some types of poultry. The convenience of this device is also excellent, since the possibility of its use is limited only by the availability of an electrical outlet and a drill.

Nozzle properties

In addition to what has already been said, several more useful properties can be cited.

  1. Stainless and non-oxidizing materials are used to manufacture the device.
  2. The warranty period for this device is up to 10 years.
  3. Standard rubber pins are designed for a fairly large number of plucking operations. But even if they are worn down, it is possible to replace them with new ones.

  4. Most often, when purchasing a product, the kit already contains spare parts, such as pins. But even if they are unavailable, purchasing them separately in the store will not be a problem.
  5. The kit also includes instructions for using the nozzle, most often with detailed descriptions and illustrations.

Manufacturing of plucking devices

All pen removal machines can be easily made with your own hands in any garage of a private home. Of course, some tools and scrap materials are needed here. The most commonly made centrifuge units are those that can operate without human intervention. You just need to load the bird carcass into the tank, turn on the device and watch what is happening.

Before creating these necessary devices for everyday life, you need to make sure you have rubber strikers. And if they are not on sale, they are made from silicone themselves.

It’s not difficult to make kick fingers with your own hands . First, they make a plaster mold for pouring. Then the silicone mass is squeezed out of the tube into it and sent to the dryer for 5 - 6 days. After the time has passed, the fingers are removed and boiled in salt water for 40 minutes. Then they are processed with a knife and brought to normal condition. This completes the work.

Work principles

The instructions for operating the feather removal machine are simple and clear, consisting of only three points:

  1. The attachment fits onto any electrical device that has a rotating mechanism. This could be a drill, hammer drill, screwdriver.
  2. It is necessary to secure the product very carefully and firmly so that it does not fly off during operation.
  3. After fastening, the device is connected to the network, and the carcass of any poultry that matches the characteristics is brought to the nozzle.

The principle of operation of the device is that the centered drum rotates at high speed, and the plucking process is carried out by pincers located over the entire area of ​​the nozzle.

After this product went on sale, owners of poultry farms, small farms, as well as hunters were able to quickly and with minimal effort and time, clean the bodies of killed birds from fluff and feathers, without damaging the carcasses themselves.

Plucking device based on centrifugal force

This is a relatively small container that is usually round in shape. There are punching fingers on the bottom and sides. To operate such machines, you must be connected to a 220V power supply. You need to place the bird carcass in it and turn it on. After this, the bottom begins to rotate rapidly, ensuring contact between the bird and the striking fingers.

Bird plucker

It is necessary to choose a machine based on the average size of the bird. So, for geese there is one diameter, for chickens another, and so on. During processing, all the fluff and feathers accumulate at the bottom. However, to improve performance, it is recommended to add a little water. This will help you get rid of the feathers faster. It will also protect the carcass from possible mechanical damage.

Important. Purchasing these devices is beneficial for small farms. They allow you to automate work, however, if you have several heads, it is recommended to choose other types of pluckers.

Various sizes of devices allow you to process several carcasses at once. But in this case it will take a little more time. You also need to be prepared for possible damage to individual limbs. That is why centrifuges are used on poultry farms only in cases where the entire carcass will not end up on the market. The power of industrial devices is much greater than that of domestic devices to ensure high productivity at high load levels.

Bird plucking machine "Sprut-700"

It is considered the most affordable and popular among those who use centrifuges. It can be used for any bird except quails, since they are very small. They are best processed by hand or drum.

Bird plucking machine "Sprut-700"

Most models are equipped with an irrigation system. Here are the modifications of this unit that exist today:

  • with speed control;
  • with irrigation;
  • with automatic turning on and off of irrigation as needed.

These systems are often used in large poultry farms because they allow several birds to be feathered at once.

Plucker DuckMaster

The first craftsmen to develop such a mechanical device, which makes it possible to quickly carry out the process of removing feathers from an animal’s body, were Krasnodar residents. The Dak Master attachment for plucking poultry is a unique development of Krasnodar engineers. The mechanical device of these scientists can quickly cope with the task of removing feathers and down from chicken, duck and other poultry. The de-feathering process will not be affected in any way by the age or size of the carcass. As with other baits, the only difference in plucking will be the time spent on an older, larger bird carcass.

Homemade mechanisms for plucking poultry

Many people try to save money on purchasing specialized devices by creating them themselves. There are several ways to create a poultry processing unit. In practice, they are in no way inferior to those produced in factories. It is worth considering them in more detail to choose the most preferable one.

Chicken plucker

Homemade drum pluckers

As a rule, a conventional drill is used as a moving element. One makes approximately the same number of rotations per minute, allowing you to get rid of fluff and feathers from poultry. It is also necessary to make a special drum to which the striking fingers will be attached. It must have a sufficient level of rigidity.

To make the device yourself you need:

    Take a metal pipe with thick walls and weld the bottom to it, making a hole in it. It will be used to attach to the drill. Then insert the pin into the hole and secure it with two nuts. It is necessary to select a pin so that it can be sufficiently securely fixed in the electric drill chuck.

Pipe for feather removal machine

The pincers for a homemade plucker can be made of different materials. But rubber is best, as it allows you to achieve the desired result without damaging the poultry carcass.

Feather drum

It works the same way as the nozzle, but allows you to immediately collect all the feathers into a bag. Thus, they can be used in the future for sale or for personal purposes. Creating it is quite simple if you follow this algorithm:

  • creating a drum with two axes of any diameter with drilling holes on it for the striking fingers;
  • using a frame or stand to secure the drum;
  • a low-power motor that will drive the mechanism;
  • belts for organizing the operation of the device;
  • a bag at the bottom of the machine that will catch feathers and fluff.

Plucker attachment

As in the previous case, the farmer needs to work with each carcass separately.

Homemade centrifuge for collecting poultry feathers

In this case, you need to use an old washing machine. The advantages of this mechanism are that it is possible to reduce labor costs and process several carcasses at once. Also, such a machine can work not only with chickens and geese, but also with large birds such as turkeys. Hunters who hunt grouse can also use this device at home.

Here's how to make a pen remover from a washing machine:

  • A rotating bottom must be attached to the bottom, which must have a connection to the activator shaft. It must be quite rigid, so it is recommended to use aluminum. The diameter of the rotating ring should be made 50 mm less than the diameter of the main tank.
  • The punching fingers are inserted into the bottom through pre-made holes.
  • Secure the bottom using clamps or by welding. However, once welded, it will be impossible to remove it. It is recommended to make a removable bottom, since sometimes the limbs of the carcass remain between it and the rotating circle. They can emit an unpleasant odor during decomposition, and removing them will be problematic when using welding.
  • Installation of beaters around the perimeter of the washing machine tank.
  • Creating a small hole to drain water used when processing poultry. You can install a sieve or cheesecloth in the gutter so that the water drains out and the feathers remain.
  • Organization of engine protection from water exposure.

Having completed these steps, you can begin processing the carcasses. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to create a centrifuge yourself, based on the description.

Video - DIY pen removal machine

Advantages of the DakMaster device

  • The DuckMaster Poultry Plucker is one of the best devices in its field. This mechanical miracle copes with the task of removing feathers even faster than its colleagues.
  • Certain online stores have been selling this product for more than five years. Over the years, the market has been filled with many other attachments from other manufacturers. But it is the product of this manufacturer that remains one of the best in its class.
  • The feather removal attachment for plucking poultry, reviews of which can be found on thematic resources, receives many positive words.
  • The devices from this manufacturer guarantee with 100% certainty that the bird carcass will not be touched during feather removal. Other manufacturers cannot give the same guarantee that the appearance of the bird will not be affected.
  • Installation of this attachment is also possible on many electrical household appliances, not just a drill.

Where and for how much can I buy the nozzle?

It is best to purchase a DakMaster mechanical attachment on certain trusted sites. There are online store sites on the Internet that have been selling this type of product for a significant period of time, amounting to more than 5 years. For those who want to purchase a high quality mechanical attachment from Duckmaster, you need to be careful. The thing is that due to the great popularity of this brand, many fake sites have appeared on the Internet that sell low-quality goods. Most often, they can be identified by the name of their products. The original name of the quality product is DuckMaster. Fraud sites sell products with the name DukMaster. As you can see, the difference is only in one letter. Another significant difference between counterfeit products and high-quality ones will be their cost. It is clear that a fake will cost much less so that it will be bought faster. Therefore, it is also important to pay attention to the price tag of the product and not believe that the cost is too low.

What is the nozzle made of?

The mechanical devices of this manufacturer are made from very durable duralumin alloy. Thanks to this, we can safely say that the nozzle will not rust or oxidize under any circumstances. In addition, the high quality of the alloy from which the product is made guarantees a continuous service life of 10 years. The hitting fingers, made of rubber, are also of the highest quality. They, of course, will require replacement sooner than after 10 years, but they are also capable of withstanding many cycles of plucking feathers and down from poultry. To replace these parts, you can also purchase branded additional kits on the same sites where original products are sold.

Feather removal machines for fast but gentle poultry processing

The operating principle of these devices is based on the increased friction force between the tail and the rubber pins of the rotating working body. In the process of movement, these parts seem to pull out feathers and down behind them, without deforming the skin of the bird.

There are two types of feather cleaning units. The first, with an external arrangement of fingers on a small-sized drum. This scheme is used in compact devices and removable devices mounted on a drill or screwdriver. Among the advantages of this option:

  • low price;
  • ease of storage and transportation;
  • mobility and autonomy;
  • You can take the attachments with you when hunting.

A feather removal machine, which is a large volumetric rotating drum with internal fingers, works much more efficiently. The advantages of this arrangement are obvious:

  • There is no need to hold the bird in your hands and move (turn) from different sides for cleaning. The carcass placed inside rotates chaotically inside and is automatically processed from all sides.
  • unlike devices with external working bodies, the likelihood of injury due to carelessness is minimal;
  • An important advantage of cleaning poultry inside a closed drum is the absence of feathers flying in all directions. The workplace will remain clean and no additional time will be required to clean it.

Useful functions of the unit

Automatic feather removal machines operate on exactly this principle, but at the same time they provide additional functions for pre-treatment of carcasses with hot water and removal of feather material.

There are many units for removing feathers that work on a similar principle, but differ:

  • internal volume of the drum;
  • the size (length/thickness) of the fingers and different types of corrugations on them (ring grooves, round spikes);
  • drive power;
  • speed of rotation of the working body.

All this affects the intensity of the force exerted on the plumage and skin of the bird. The correct selection of these parameters ensures clean cleaning and leaves the surface of the carcass without signs of mechanical impact. Therefore, manufacturers provide the ability to adjust the speed of rotation of the working body. In addition, the hitting fingers themselves are made removable and easily replaceable. You can purchase from us their different modifications, differing in the degree of elasticity and installed for processing large or small breeds of poultry.

Our specialists will help you understand the variety of models of feather removal machines for birds. Their advice will allow you to buy the unit that is most suitable in terms of price and technical characteristics. Here on the website you can submit an application, choose a convenient payment method and specify the need for delivery.

Reviews about the nozzle

If a person owns a small farm, a poultry farm, or goes hunting, then the best solution is an attachment for plucking poultry. Reviews for this product should be considered before purchasing. It is also worth talking with poultry farm owners or hunters who often use such a device. You can also learn about the operation of this device from a sales assistant in the store where the product is sold.

After viewing a large number of reviews, we can say that the mechanical device is successfully used not only in the home, but also in hunting. Some hunters wrote that they had experience using the bait directly in forests or swamps. The product was attached to a screwdriver. The device showed its best performance and allowed hunters to process prey directly during the hunt in a matter of minutes. This is also very useful, since the plucked bird carcass can be stored longer during the trip.

How to pluck a bird correctly

It is tempting to own and raise poultry: there will be eggs, healthy meat and even down and feathers for pillows, blankets and clothes. If birds lay eggs without outside intervention, then in order to obtain high-quality meat and clean feathers, you need to learn how to pluck carcasses correctly. Chickens and turkeys are plucked after slaughter, and ducks and geese are plucked after 2 hours to preserve feathers and down.

The order of feather removal is usually as follows: feathers are removed from the tail and wings first, then from the chest, back, and lastly from the legs. Moreover, feathers and down are removed carefully, preserving the integrity of the skin. After plucking the bird, remove the remaining plumage with a knife and scorch the carcass with a flame. Plucking can be done either manually or using mechanical devices - for example, a poultry feather cleaner.

Hand plucking

Plucking using pre-scalding . After slaughter, the birds allow the blood to drain for 5-7 minutes, while the carcass is held by the legs with the neck down. Then the chicken or other bird is completely immersed in a large tank of hot water (temperature at least 90°) for half a minute. Exposure to boiling water will open the pores of the skin and make it easier to pluck out the feathers.

Plucking should be gentle so as not to damage the skin with a sudden movement. With a little practice, you can process a bird for a quarter of an hour, and pluck feathers from several carcasses in a day. Using scalding can turn the meat red.

Dry plucking . The dry plucking method does not tolerate delay; feather removal should be carried out on a warm carcass. Having pulled out the flight feathers of the tail and wings, they begin to clean the feathers from the back, chest and, lastly, the wings. A small feather is pulled out with a strong but gentle movement against the growth; you can pick up several feathers in one pull. Pulling the skin of the bird with one hand makes plucking easier and faster.

Mechanical plucking using a nozzle

Let's look at how the feather nozzle works. To begin with, take any rotating device - a hammer drill, drill, screwdriver or electric sharpening device. Then the feather-plucking attachment is attached to the drill, the running motor sets the attachment in motion, it rotates and pulls out bird feathers with its rubber or silicone “fingers.”

To work, you need to install a drill with an attachment on a flat, stable surface and place the bird carcass against the rotating device with the feathers facing forward. This feather-removing attachment for a drill speeds up the plucking of a carcass up to 6 minutes and can be used both in the household and in hunting for plucking game. The cost of the nozzle is approximately 300 hryvnia.

How to quickly de-feather a chicken

Several feathers are plucked in the direction of their growth. Deep-seated feathers, as well as broken off remains, are pulled out with tweezers. The carcass, freed from plumage, is dried and carefully tarred over the open fire of a fire, gas oven or cylinder, after which the chicken is ready for gutting.

How to clean geese after slaughter

After the subcutaneous fat layer has hardened, plucking begins. Large feathers are removed, then small ones, and lastly, down. Geese can be cleaned using any convenient method - dry, scalded and using a special attachment for plucking birds, described above.

Some bird breeders have discovered another way to kill geese. The bird carcass is inflated with air using a pump until the skin is elastic and the neck is bandaged to keep the air inside, then, wrapping the carcass in a damp cloth or gauze, they begin to iron it, periodically exposing the bird to a stream of wet steam from the iron.

The dried fabric is unrolled and the goose is plucked. If necessary, the process of ironing the carcass can be repeated. After removing the feathers, the carcass is tarred and cut up.

How to pluck ducks correctly

The diet of children and adults should include poultry meat. It serves as a source of amino acids, macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. Since chickens, ducks and geese raised by yourself will be the most delicious, it is worth getting birds at the slightest opportunity, especially since plucking and processing them is not such a tricky task. A device for cleaning poultry feathers will only speed up this process.

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