Do-it-yourself feather removal attachment for a drill: manufacturing instructions and video

The question of how to make a nozzle for plucking poultry with your own hands most often arises among owners of small farms, who often have to deal with such a routine procedure as freeing bird carcasses from feathers and down. This work is especially tedious in cases where it is not large chickens or turkeys that need to be plucked, but quails.

The problem of tedious plucking poultry can be solved by purchasing or making a special device yourself.

There are several types of devices on the market today that are specifically designed for plucking poultry. They demonstrate high efficiency if poultry carcasses, which need to be cleaned of feathers and fluff, are first scalded with boiling water.

The principle of operation of most of these devices is based on the fact that the bird being plucked is affected by special pins - rubber pins, on the surface of which a specially shaped notch is applied. It is these pins that, when plucking chickens, quails or any other bird, grab the feather and pull it out of the skin.

Poultry fingers are soft to reduce damage to the carcass. Firmer fingers designed for waterfowl and game birds

As mentioned above, today several types of plucking equipment are offered, each of which is worth dwelling on in more detail.

Centrifuge-based plucking devices

A device for plucking poultry, operating on the principle of a centrifuge, is a predominantly round container, on the inner side surface and bottom of which the beating fingers are fixed. The bottom of such a container rotates at high speed during the plucking process, which ensures constant contact of loaded poultry carcasses with the beating fingers. As a result, the bird quickly frees itself from the feather. In order for such a device to work more efficiently, during the plucking process, water is supplied to its internal part, which, in addition, washes away the feathers that have already been plucked and protects bird carcasses from damage.

Quill centrifuges are available in various designs

Depending on the dimensions and technical characteristics of the centrifuge plucker, this device can be used to process poultry carcasses of various sizes. Thus, small devices are suitable for plucking chickens, quails and ducks, while larger pluckers, which consume more electricity, are used for processing geese and turkey carcasses.

It is advisable to purchase machines that operate on the principle of a centrifuge for small farms, and other types of devices are used to mechanize the plucking of poultry carcasses at home.

Advantages of a feather plucking machine for game plucking

domestic feather-plucking centrifuge attachment for drill has been produced for more than 10 years.

It has passed an excellent test in real hunting conditions.

And I received only the best reviews from hunters.

When the drum rotates, the beating fingers knock out feathers, stumps and fluff.

In this way, the feather cover is pulled out from the carcass of a wild bird.

The feather-removal brush attachment cleans the bird so cleanly that there is no need to singe the carcass afterwards to remove remaining fluff.

The Duckmaster original plucking machine can process not only freshly caught game.

And also, cooled and even frozen bird carcasses.

For those who like to shoot game birds, it is very important that you can pluck the bird without first scalding it.

And the bird, already cleared of feathers, will not need to be singed.

Drum pluckers

Common devices (including those for home use) are drum-type pluckers. They are a precisely centered drum, on the outer surface of which the beaters are fixed. During the plucking process, the poultry carcass is brought to a rotating drum, which can have different lengths. It should be noted that using drum devices for plucking small poultry is not entirely convenient.

A budget option for this type of device is a drum attachment for a drill for plucking poultry. Such attachments, although universal, are not very convenient to use. To process a poultry carcass using such a device, you have to hold it with one hand and use the power tool with the other to rotate the nozzle.

A simple plucking attachment consists of an aluminum body with holes for fingers and a shaft for mounting in a drill or screwdriver chuck.

It should be borne in mind that the drum-type feather removal attachment allows you to pluck only one poultry carcass at a time, so for farms where it is necessary to pluck several birds at once, it is better to purchase devices of other types. These are, in particular, feather removal machines operating on the principle of a centrifuge, or larger and more productive drum devices driven not by a power tool, but by a separate drive.

An even more budget-friendly device for this purpose is a drill attachment for plucking, the working part of which is not a drum with pins, but a sponge with a reinforced washing surface. Although this attachment looks primitive, it allows you to pluck poultry or wild birds quite effectively.

Serial feather removal equipment and special devices designed for plucking poultry are purchased mainly by farms and private entrepreneurs who regularly sell their products on the market or in retail chains. Many of those who breed poultry only for their own needs make such devices with their own hands from scrap materials, using only factory-made beating fingers, which today can be purchased at a low price. You can make your pen picker reliable only if you purchase high-quality strikers that will last much longer than those made by yourself.

How to use the nozzle

Additional reasons to buy one include the following: Mechanical rubber fingers remove feathers, fluff and stumps gently without damaging the bird's outer skin. One of the conditions for using this attachment: the bird should not be wet. It is advisable to use the device in a room where fluff and feathers can be collected. Also wear clothes to which the fluff does not stick too much. It is better to pluck the carcass about an hour after slaughter, when the blood has drained, but it is better not to cool too much, although it can also be used for frozen poultry.

It is still advisable to pull out the large feathers on the wings and tail of a large bird by hand so that the plucked carcass has an attractive appearance. Then it is better to treat them with steam or boiling water. Users of attachments emphasize that for the drill to work best, it must be protected from fluff getting on the working parts, which disables it.

You also need to use a drill with a speed of at least 1300 rpm, otherwise the skin of the bird will be damaged. If you fix the drill to the table, your hands will be free and processing the carcass will be even easier.

As an advantage, the attachment can be used in any place where there is electricity or you can use a drill or screwdriver with a battery, if necessary.

After treatment, it is suggested to lower the nozzle into a container with a washing and disinfectant solution and turn on the engine for 3-4 seconds. The nozzle will be cleaned and disinfected. And ready to go again.

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Homemade pen removal attachments for power tools

The DIY drill attachment, which can also be used in conjunction with a screwdriver or sharpening machine, is easy to make. The main element of such a device is the drum, which must have sufficiently high rigidity. To make your own nozzle for plucking poultry, you can use the following algorithm.

  • A bottom is attached to a section of a thick-walled pipe made of light metal using screws or welding, in the central part of which a hole is pre-drilled.
  • A pin is inserted into the hole in the bottom of the drum and secured with two nuts. When selecting the diameter of such a pin, it should be taken into account that it must be securely fixed in the chuck of the power tool used to operate the pen removal attachment.
  • Several rows of holes are drilled on the side surface of the drum along its entire circumference. They should be performed at the same distance from each other.
  • Rubber strikers are inserted into the resulting holes.

If you have a suitable engine lying around on the farm, then it can be used to create a more powerful plucking device.

Such a feather plucking attachment, despite the simplicity of its design, can be used to process chickens, quails, ducks, geese and even turkeys. This attachment for plucking birds is also useful for hunters, who are also often faced with the need to process a large number of bird carcasses.

The simplest nozzle for plucking poultry can be made with your own hands from a piece of polyethylene pipe with a diameter of 100–120 mm. The two bottoms for such a nozzle can be made not of metal, but of hard plastic or plywood. In the center of both bottoms, holes are drilled through which a pin will be passed, intended not only for installing the attachment on a power tool, but also for tying the entire structure. As in the previous model of a homemade nozzle, holes are drilled on the surface of the pipe of this device into which rubber punching fingers are inserted.

The most affordable option for a homemade nozzle

Instructions for using the plucking attachment

Having purchased a machine with a ruff attachment for plucking wild birds, you will no longer have to bring home a goose and wood grouse unplucked.

Just take a screwdriver, drill or hammer drill with a charged battery when hunting.

And then, you will be able to immediately, in hunting conditions, pluck the birds you have caught.

The Duckmaster original mechanical centrifuge for removing woodcock and black grouse feathers can be used at home and while hunting.

For amateur and professional hunters of game birds in the forest, fields and near bodies of water, the online store Home and Garden recommends:

In addition to your hunting arsenal, you should definitely buy the wonderful Duckmaster original mechanical brush attachment .

The device is excellent for dry plucking feathers and down cover from forest, swamp, field, aquatic and mountain bird carcasses.

How to make your own feather drum

The feather removal drum works on the same principle as the nozzle for plucking poultry, but differs in its longer length and, accordingly, the presence of a support axis at the free end. This plucking drum is driven by an electric motor and a belt drive.

Making a drum for plucking poultry is easy. For this you will need:

  1. a drum of any length with two axes (on the side surface of such a drum it is necessary to drill holes in which the rubber strikers will be fixed);
  2. a bed or frame on which the feather removal drum will be installed;
  3. low power electric motor;
  4. belt drive elements - pulleys and belt;
  5. a bag for collecting plucked feathers, which is suspended on the bottom of the device frame.

Homemade feather removal drum based on a drill

A similar plucking machine can be used to process poultry carcasses such as chicken, quail, goose, turkey, etc.

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