What to choose for working with an angle grinder - glasses or a mask

Safety glasses for working with an angle grinder belong to personal protective equipment (PPE) for eyes with increased mechanical strength (marking S according to GOST 12.4.253-2013). This is due to the fact that they must protect the operator’s organs of vision not only from sparks and small particles of the material being processed and abrasive, but also from large fragments of metal and stone, as well as parts of the cutting wheel when it is destroyed during operation. The weight of such damaging elements can reach tens of grams, therefore, in accordance with GOST, protective glasses of this category are tested by the impact of a steel ball weighing at least 43 g. When cutting metal with a grinder, the glasses must also act as a light filter, weakening the brightness of the sheaf of sparks to the required limit. And when working with stone, concrete and ceramics, protect your eyes from fine dust. Using an angle grinder without personal eye protection is strictly prohibited, as is reminded by a special icon on the cutting discs and in the passports of the manufacturers of this tool.

Types of safety glasses

GOST 12.4.253—2013 establishes two main design types of safety glasses for working with angle grinders and other types of hand-held power tools: open and closed. In addition, the first type is divided into two subtypes: with and without side protection. Open glasses are designed to work in dust-free conditions, so the space underneath is freely ventilated and they do not fog up. Side protection is designed to prevent particles flying parallel to the face of the angle grinder operator from getting into the eyes. For better visibility while working, this part is usually made of the same material as the front lens (see photo above).

Closed goggles look similar to a diving mask. They completely protect the eyes from dust and aggressive fumes that occur when using an angle grinder on stone and plastics, but without special coatings they are prone to fogging and are less comfortable. Air enters the interior of such glasses through special valves, which must be thoroughly cleaned after prolonged use. On the head of the angle grinder operator, open glasses are held in place by springy arms, which, in accordance with regulations, must be adjusted in length. In addition, some models have a hinged mount for the viewing glass, which allows you to tilt it during operation at a convenient angle. Closed ones are attached to the head using an elastic band or an elastic rim, the width of which, in accordance with GOST, must be at least 10 mm. In the photo below: on the left are open glasses for an angle grinder with side protection, on the right are closed ones with valves.

Previously, in personal eye protection, tempered glass, including toughened glass (in the form of triplex), was widely used as a material for viewing lenses. Nowadays it is used much less frequently, and the main materials are now impact-resistant plastics. They are 40% lighter than glass and at the same time have almost the same optical properties. When working with grinders, it is recommended to use eye protection with polycarbonate lenses. This material has the highest impact and thermal resistance among optical plastics. Its main disadvantage is clouding during prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation and a tendency to form scratches during operation under the influence of flying metal and abrasive grains.

The first problem is solved by applying a coating to the surface of the lenses that protects them from exposure to UV radiation, or by adding special stabilizing additives to the polycarbonate at the production stage. To solve the second problem, the outer surface of the viewing glass is covered with a protective layer of increased hardness. It is better not to use safety glasses with other plastics, which include the well-known plexiglass (plexiglass, acrylic resin) and cellulose acetate (CA plastic), when working with an angle grinder, since they have much less impact resistance. In the photo below, a fragment of an angle grinder's cutting disc is stuck in a polycarbonate lens.

Which one is needed for welding zinc

When welding zinc, zinc oxide is released, which can cause short-term and long-term harm to health. Inhalation of large amounts of fumes can lead to poisoning of the welder. Zinc vapor entering the bloodstream leads to an increase in body temperature, chills, weakness in the body, and nausea. Acute poisoning can lead to disruption of the liver and blood circulation, as well as the occurrence of cancer. Therefore, when welding zinc and galvanized steels, you should use a special respirator with an anti-aerosol filter . An example of such a means of protection is presented below.

3M 9925 welding respirator FFP2, class 2

  • Manufacturer: 3M (USA).

  • The Premium class respirator provides protection against dust, ozone, smoke, aerosols, mists, and organic vapors.
  • The basis of the product is soft hypoallergenic material.
  • Reliable protection against welding aerosols is provided due to the presence of a multi-layer filter of a special design.
  • The soft and comfortable gasket is leak-proof and fits well to the face.
  • The exhalation valve helps remove moisture and heat when working at elevated temperatures and under high physical stress.
  • The half mask does not impede speech and maintains its fit during facial movements.
  • The use of respirators of this model reduces the risk of occupational diseases by 90-95%.
  • The half mask can be used at ambient temperatures from -30 to +70°C.
  • Has a long service life.

Which is better: glasses or a mask?

In addition to glasses, when working with an angle grinder, protective masks (transparent face shields) are used, which protect not only the eyes, but the entire area of ​​the face to the chin and ears. This type of personal vision protection has a number of undeniable advantages, among which the main thing is complete protection of the face from fast-flying particles. This is especially important when working with an angle grinder in confined spaces, when particles of metal and abrasive ricochet and hit your face from different directions. Another positive feature of face shields is the almost complete absence of optical distortion, which is inherent to one degree or another in all safety glasses. Therefore, when working with an angle grinder for a long time, many people prefer this type of protection. The disadvantages, or rather limitations, of using face shields include the free penetration of dust and fumes under them. Therefore, they cannot be used when using a grinder to process stone, concrete or ceramics. In addition, face shields are much more massive and heavier than glasses and, with the same quality of optical material, are more expensive. The debate about which of these AIS is better and more convenient does not make sense, since each of them is used for certain types of work and specific situations. Moreover, in some cases, angle grinder operators use them together, and a number of manufacturers even produce special face shields that are attached to closed glasses (see photo below).

Correct selection of personal protective equipment when working with an angle grinder.

The use of protective equipment when working with abrasive tools using angle grinders is the most important condition for maintaining the health of the operator.

  • 100 times out of 100, when using abrasive materials, additional operator protection is required
  • Today, the use of PPE in small enterprises is practically absent

Below we will explain why it is necessary to use PPE when working with angle grinders and abrasive discs.

Metal processing without cooling

  • The greatest dust emissions are accompanied by abrasive metal processing processes: stripping, polishing, grinding, etc.
  • The resulting dust is 30-40% by weight the material of the abrasive wheel and 60-70% the material of the workpiece.
  • The intensity of dust emission is related to the size of the abrasive tool and some technological cutting parameters.*

*According to GOST 32602-2014 “Rules for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during mechanical processing of metals based on specific indicators.”

Metal processing using coolant

  • In a number of processes of mechanical processing of metals and their alloys, cutting fluids are used, which, depending on the physicochemical properties of the main phase, are divided into water, oil and special.
  • The use of coolant is accompanied by the formation of a finely dispersed oil aerosol and products of its thermal decomposition.
  • The amount of aerosol released depends on many factors: the shape and size of the product, cutting conditions, flow rate and methods of coolant supply.
  • The use of coolant reduces the emission of dust to a minimum; however, in the processes of grinding products, the amount of metal-abrasive dust released together with coolant aerosols remains significant.*

*According to GOST 32602-2014 “Rules for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere during mechanical processing of metals based on specific indicators.”

Main production processes

1. Cleaning the surface of old coating/dirt/rust, etc.

2. Aggressive metal processing:

  • Metal cutting
  • groove cutting
  • sample
  • fillet weld removal
  • chamfering
  • processing after gas cutting
  • descaling
  • weld removal

These tasks generate the highest levels of air pollution from the material being processed and the bakelite abrasive wheel used.

3. Finishing operations (preparation for polishing, polishing).

Depending on the intensity of these operations, the level of contamination from sanding products released may vary. But in any case, it is significant and requires the use of protective equipment.

This is what is formed inside an angle grinder during intensive work with felt wheels. The same thing happens to our lungs if they are not protected.

Formation of aerosols and dust when working with various abrasive wheels

When grinding metal or cutting it with an abrasive wheel, a large amount of waste material is generated. It consists of metal particles and particles of the circle itself.

Depending on the operation, the type of wheel and the type of metal, these particles can have different sizes.

The classic solution is a 6 mm thick bakelite abrasive wheel.

  • Small particles of caked metal and abrasive wheel

3M™ Cubitron™ II Fiber Sanding Wheel 982C36+

  • Metal fibers and grinding wheel

*By Jeffrey Badger, Welding journal, April 2014 with support from the American Welding Association and the Welding Research Committee

But, despite the large difference in particle size, high-quality PPE should be used in both cases.

Examples of aerosol sizes

Pay attention to the size of the aerosol particles.

You may not feel their presence at all. But this does not mean that they will not cause harm.

How long can aerosols remain in the air?

Now you see: when grinding or cutting metal, a huge amount of waste materials is formed, of different shapes and sizes. And all this easily gets into our respiratory tract, eyes and harms our health.

But in addition to grinding products, high noise levels are generated during grinding operations.

  • Abrasive bakelite wheel

  • 3M™ Cubitron™ II Fiber Sanding Wheel 982C36+

In both cases, noise level standards were exceeded.

This means the use of hearing protection is required.

Which protective equipment should you choose for your operation?

The degree of protection required is determined by the intensity of pollution:

Short-term grinding work

3M™ Aura 9300+ respirators are among the most comfortable respirators available. They fit perfectly and do not create discomfort during work. Do not make breathing difficult, thanks to the exhalation valve. Perfectly compatible with safety glasses 2890.

In addition to comfort, such a respirator provides a very high level of respiratory protection.

These goggles provide excellent eye protection when grinding and cutting metal.

Thanks to a well-thought-out ventilation system, these glasses do not fog up even during long periods of work.

These headphones provide a high level of protection while maintaining the highest level of comfort, even during very long periods of work.

Long grinding work, cleaning and cutting of metal.

Such work requires even more serious protection, since the consequences of harmful factors tend to accumulate.

Breathing protection.

Half mask

These half mask kits with filters provide an even greater level of respiratory protection while providing significantly greater comfort. This is very important during long periods of work.

Eye and face protection:

Safety glasses are recommended in conjunction with a face shield to protect against fine dust.

Hearing protection:

This set will provide a very high level of protection and comfort during long and heavy metal grinding and cutting work.

But there are even more advanced personal protective equipment.

These are respirators and forced air filtration systems.

  • Versaflo® TR-300 Turboblock

3M™ Peltor™ Optime™ I headphones or any other 3M headphones.

It provides the highest level of protection against all harmful factors that arise when working with metal.

In addition to the PPE listed above, there are many others. All of them differ in the level of protection and level of comfort.

You must navigate correctly when choosing protective equipment, take into account the specifics of your task and its duration.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing safety glasses designed for working with an angle grinder, you should first of all understand that there are no universal eye protection products and that each of them has its own area of ​​application. Open models with side protection are suitable for working with metal in free space for movement, and when cutting mineral materials and concrete, only closed versions should be used. When working with an angle grinder for a long time, the optical parameters of the lens are important, on which the level of distortion and, accordingly, eye fatigue depend. In such cases, you should use lenses only of the first optical class and from trusted manufacturers. Processing with a grinder is accompanied by the active release of solid fast-flying particles, so it is necessary to use polycarbonate front glass with mechanical strength of classes A and S. And to avoid fogging of the lenses during work, you can purchase glasses with a special coating to protect against condensation. All these parameters are part of the marking code, which is usually printed on the lower right side of the product.

Will regular anti-dust masks protect against welding aerosols?

Dust respirators provide respiratory protection from various types of dust, dusts, powdered fertilizers, acids and alkalis. These types of PPE do not perform the full range of protective functions for the welder . Therefore, you should not choose them as a replacement for special respirators. This may result in injury or illness. Anti-dust half masks are suitable for construction work, for example when cutting concrete or sand-lime brick.

Review of the best models and manufacturers of glasses and masks

There are several dozen brands on the Russian market that offer personal protective equipment for the eyes, including glasses for working with angle grinders. But only some of them are directly manufacturers of personal protective equipment, and the rest are international and Russian brands owned by manufacturers and sellers of power tools, gardening and power equipment. In the first group, the most famous are the Russian JSC Suksun Optical-Mechanical Plant (trademark ROSOMZ) and two very well-known international companies: Uvex and 3M. In user reviews and reviews of safety glasses designed for working with angle grinders, models of power tool brands such as Zubr, Sturm, Styer and Fit, as well as ROSOMZ products, are noted among the lower and middle price ranges. Closed models with indirect ventilation ROSOMZ ZN11 Panorama, Zubr 110230, Sturm 8050-05-02 and Stayer 2-110291 are popular among grinder users. In the upper price range of personal eye protection, the undisputed leadership belongs to 3M and Uvex, and the latter’s products are also produced under such well-known brands as Makita, Hilti, Husqvarna and others. Here, in terms of price-quality ratio, owners of grinders distinguish the closed models 3M 2890, Uvex Ultravision 9301714, as well as the Russian ROSOMZ Surgut.

Where can I buy

Manufacturers, authorized representatives, suppliers and specialty stores offer a wide range of respiratory protection devices. American factories occupy the leading position in this segment. In addition, performers are provided with a large selection of products from Russian enterprises.

You can familiarize yourself with the proposed list of respirators and other products for welding in the “Where to buy electrodes” section. Trading companies sell goods at retail and wholesale. Organizations actively cooperate with individuals, individual entrepreneurs and enterprises of various profiles.

Care and storage rules

If possible, safety glasses used when working with an angle grinder should be cleaned of dirt after the end of each work shift. Cleaning is carried out in two stages: first, the lenses are washed with running water, and then the entire product is wiped dry with a soft fiber cloth. You need to be especially careful with coated lenses, as their thickness is usually only a few microns. When cleaning, do not use chemical solvents, as well as water and solutions with temperatures above 60 ºC. It is necessary to store glasses for working with an angle grinder in a protective case, away from sources of heat and active chemicals.

You can often find glasses without markings, which sellers recommend for working with an angle grinder, citing positive experience with their use. How can we relate to these statements and how safe are such PPE? Please write what you think about this in the comments.

A word about protective equipment

There is a tendency among people who believe that their hands grow at a sufficient distance from their butts to neglect individual safety.

It’s a matter of business, and this text is intended for those who are not satisfied with the current prices for spare hands or eyes.

When working with an angle grinder, in addition to the standard protective casing on the tool itself, the worker needs a “turner’s guard.” The shield covers the entire face and part of the neck, this is important because A common injury when the circle ruptures is damage to the neck or skull bones. Price - from 150 rubles, almost does not fog up even in winter.

To protect your eyes when drilling, blowing, or working with a wire brush, you need goggles. The most comfortable ones are panoramic adjacent ones. Those in the photo - "Panorama" - are made, surprisingly, by a Russian plant and the quality is quite high. Wide elastic band, fits comfortably, excellent visibility.

Glasses with a temple often put pressure on the head, dust and larger debris and shavings fly under them.

Often when choosing a respirator you can come across cheap “petals”. And, please note, they are not intended to protect the respiratory system, but, on the contrary, to protect precision mechanisms from breathing and moisture, for example, when working in clean rooms. Traders do not hesitate to sell them like respirators.

The most popular of the budget ones is the RPG gas respirator.

Only a gas respirator with carbon filters is suitable for painting work. Solvent vapors penetrate freely through the fabric, while charcoal absorbs them and does not allow them to pass through. It will also help against organic odors, for example when working with sewerage.

For welding, simple plastic masks are popular, costing from 300 rubles. Yes, they will protect from UV rays and hares, but the head mount and the hinge on which the shield rotates are not very convenient. Also, without sufficient welding experience, it will be inconvenient to tilt the shield every time to aim at a new point. The cheapest “Chameleon” will solve these problems, the issue price starts from 1000 rubles. The soft headband and auto-darkening provide significant comfort, and when welding thin metal with an electrode, auto-darkening is necessary.

Welding gloves must have a long flare so that your hands do not get burned or burned by sparks. It is convenient to tuck a clothing sleeve into the long socket and it will not pop out. Cheap split-leaf gloves tear quickly; it’s better to buy more expensive ones with a lining - at the same time, they will provide better thermal protection and will be warmer in winter.

Anyone who has worked with a chainsaw or grinder for a long time knows how their ears ring after turning off the tool. Noise canceling headphones are not popular among hobbyists, but this lack of attention is undeserved. Models from 200 rub. comfortable and durable.

Criterias of choice

When choosing, pay attention to the technical parameters and only after them – to the design. Important characteristics are:

  • level of visibility;
  • possibility of precise adjustment of the headboard;
  • polymer quality;
  • dimming speed;
  • batteries;
  • dimming range;
  • ease of adjustment.

Due to dangerous working conditions, the Chameleon welding helmet must be selected with high quality. It is evidenced by the smallest number of returns, defects and breakdowns, a reliable manufacturer and an adequate quality-to-price ratio. Such masks will be discussed below - the best according to reviews and sales results of the past year.

Limex Line MZK-800D

Products from a Croatian manufacturer, cheaper than the Italian version. It features a dual power system - from sunlight and a replaceable battery. The filter optics are similar and work instantly.

Adjustment in two light modes, smooth. Range – from 5 to 13. Allows you to work with an angle grinder. The warranty period is two years, the kit includes replaceable batteries.

Rating of the best products

In practice, today chameleon masks are replacing simple shields with tinted glass - the outdated option is used only in open areas in winter, since light filters are not suitable for working in low temperatures. Below is a ranking of the best welding masks by category.

A budget option

Similar developments are most suitable for garage cooperative craftsmen and home craftsmen because they have affordable prices.

Interskol MS-400

The mask is used for manual and semi-automatic welding, the response speed of the light filter is 0.06 s . The filters are powered by a battery and a photocell, so they are 100% effective. Additional functions: protection against splashes and mechanical impact, grinding mode. It is possible to install additional glass for effective protection.


  • light filters have a combined power supply;
  • uniquely fast dimming;
  • there are adjustments;
  • affordable price.


  • small viewing window.

Fubag Optima 4-13 Visor

A leader among similar protection for welders , this mask combines functionality and high quality, as well as an affordable price policy. It occupies the second position, because there is no splash protection, but the response speed is higher - 0.04 s, and the dimming density is adjustable in the range of 4-13 DIN. The product has 4 sensors and a function for self-testing of light filters.


  • wide view;
  • build quality;
  • fast dimming;
  • self-testing of light filters.


  • The adjustment is located inside the mask.

Foxweld Corundum 5895

This mask is the lightest of all the options - its weight is only 370 g, the shade range is 9-13 DIN . It takes third place because the manufacturer did not take care of a wide range of product configurations, limiting itself to the minimum. The stated response speed of the light filters is 0.1 s, but it occurs intermittently, powered by a built-in battery and a solar panel.


  • small weight;
  • combined power supply of the light filter;
  • low cost.


  • adjustment by jumps;
  • no useful options.


It is no secret that a welder sometimes works in a mask throughout the entire shift, taking it off only during smoke breaks or a short break, so the effectiveness of protection and comfortable use are of paramount importance, and cost is a secondary consideration.

3M Speedglas 9100XX

This particular mask was created taking into account wearing comfort, since the headband has comfortable and soft fastenings . Dimming speed 0.1 s, light indication of modes. The filters are easy to change, and installation of protective glass and diopter lenses is provided. The product is applicable not only for arc welding, but also for gas welding work. The weight of the structure is 450 g, so it does not put pressure on the performer’s head; a removable battery is used for power.


  • many functions;
  • compactness and light weight;
  • comfortable feeling when using.

No deficiencies identified.

Fubag Optima 9-13

Although the cost of the mask is a budget option, it is in high demand among users, because manufacturers have provided the product with the following technical parameters: high darkening speed - 0.03 s; combined power supply - built-in battery plus solar battery; impact resistant materials . It loses its leading position due to its small visibility and slightly greater weight, but the adjustment is located on the outside of the mask.


  • fast dimming;
  • impact-resistant materials;
  • external adjustment;
  • low cost.


  • functionality is minimal.

Fubag ULTIMA 5-13 Panoramic

This option has a wider view due to the large viewing window and a stylish 3D housing . The Panoramic mask is equipped with four sensors that provide fast darkening, the light filters are powered by two replaceable batteries and a solar panel. Professional welders highly appreciated the functionality and dead weight (510 g) of personal protection.


  • stylish case design;
  • combined nutrition;
  • fast operation of light filters;
  • greater viewing angle.


  • individual adjustments are located inside.

Automatic chameleon masks

Introducing Chameleon welder masks with automatic adjustment, and which one is better is up to the performers to decide when using it in practice.

Resanta MS-4

It is convenient to work in such a mask due to the automatic darkening/lightening of the glass, since the welder does not remove the mask to process seams . Power comes from a solar battery, which is easy to replace when the expiration date expires. The tightening force of the headband strap is individually adjustable, the light weight of the product (400 g) contributes to comfortable use. The screen allows a wide viewing angle and can be easily replaced if necessary.


  • high, up to 11 DIN, degree of darkening;
  • large variation in outside air temperature -5—+50 °C;
  • reliability of protection;
  • automatic dimming adjustment;
  • In the summer heat, your head does not sweat while working.


  • plastic headband mounting bolts.

Fubag Ultima 11

Independent transition from welding to brightening of filters, working in a mask is comfortable and safe: dimming is activated in 0.04 s, brightening in 0.35 s . The headband is individually adjustable and sits firmly on the head, the body material is durable plastic, and the window size is 100x49 mm to ensure normal visibility.


  • good sensitivity of touch sensors;
  • suitable for all types of arc welding;
  • lithium battery and solar battery;
  • reliable protection against splashes of hot metal;
  • high shade rate of 16 DIN.


  • the housing material is sensitive to high temperatures;
  • cannot be used for laser and oxygen-acetylene welding.

With manual adjustment

Fubag Ultima 5-13 Panoramic Black

The undisputed leader in the rating in terms of quality-cost ratio , the screen with parameters of 100×93 mm allows you to expand the viewing angle, which facilitates the work of the performer in complex welding situations. Suitable for all types of arc welding, 4 optical sensors, smooth dimming adjustment 5-9 and 9-13 DIN, so the performer can choose the best option.


  • optimal distance from the performer’s eyes to the window;
  • easy to find spare glass;
  • comfortable headband;
  • good adjustment range;
  • impact-resistant body material.


  • the mask's weight of 0.5 kg is felt by the performer;
  • External dimming adjustment may result in accidental shutdown, which is hazardous to the eyes.

ESAB Sentinel A50

In appearance it resembles an astronaut’s helmet, but it resists mechanical and chemical influences , the material is durable nylon, the back is open, which has a beneficial effect on ventilation.
The headband is adjustable to 5 positions, so the load on the cervical vertebrae is reduced. The mask is used for welding work with arc welding, and is also used when cutting metal using the plasma and air-arc methods. Pros:

  • protects the head and neck;
  • The set includes 3 replacement lenses;
  • powered by rechargeable battery and solar panel, shockproof housing;
  • touchscreen;
  • protection from UV and IR rays;
  • additional filter for air purification.


  • screen brightening time 0.1-1.0 s.

M. I. Baktiyarov, education: college of welders, specialty: welder of the sixth category, work experience since 2002: “For work, you need to choose a light mask with a soft adjustable headband, so as not to overload the cervical vertebrae, because while working on the neck there is a heavy load."

Welder shield

Such products differ from masks in that they do not have flash response sensors, and lowering and raising are done manually.

Bison Master 11072

The product is used for short operations, glass with a non-adjustable degree of shading up to 11 DIN , the headband is designed in such a way that the shield is tilted up manually when performing additional work. The body is made of heat-resistant, durable plastic, the headband is adjustable and the height is adjustable using a step-by-step rack and pinion mechanism.


  • the best price among the options presented;
  • reliable protection against splashes and radiation;
  • adjustable headband size;
  • light weight up to 04 kg.


  • small overview;
  • unadjustable dimming.


Products made in Croatia. The distinctive advantages of this welding helmet are smooth adjustment and an external regulator, which is more convenient to use. Optics 1/1/1/2, powered by replaceable lithium-ion and solar batteries. Batteries are supplied included. In its price category it is a leader in characteristics and quality.


Durable and flexible plastic, mechanically resistant. The filter works at 1/10000, but there are no dimming settings. There is only one indicator - 11 DIN, and therefore the mask is inferior to competitors with adjustment in the ranges of 5-13 and others. Polyamide helmet. Among the disadvantages are that the kit does not include replaceable batteries, and the dimming is not adjustable.

Deca WM 30 LCD

Manufacturer mask from Italy. Weight – 430 grams, works from two types of energy sources. It is resistant to temperatures up to 55 °C, has a modern design and is made of high-quality plastic. It differs from others in its high-quality light filter:

Welding helmet Deca WM 30 LCD

  • optics 1/1/1;
  • multilayer;
  • liquid crystal filter;
  • electron-optical system;
  • microprocessor board.

Dimming range from 9 to 13, will work in 1/25000th of a second. The plastic is fireproof, you can use the mask even for argon-arc welding. Among the disadvantages is the stepwise setting, which has only five positions. The kit does not include a replacement battery.


Another Chinese model. Its features:

Welding helmet FORTE MC-9000

  • 4 optical sensors;
  • viewing glass 10x5 in width and height;
  • darkens in 1/30000 second;
  • smooth adjustment;
  • There is a grinding function.

All controls are located on the helmet. Powered by two types of batteries. Conveniently adjusts to head size. Lightweight nylon headband – resistant to scratches, impacts, sparks. The kit includes replaceable batteries.

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