A miracle shovel for digging soil - a well-groomed garden without effort!

Agriculture will never be abandoned by humanity, and agricultural products are always in demand. With the onset of the warm season, a busy time begins for summer residents - preparing the garden for spring sowing, because it is known that only weeds grow on unkempt soil. Work on the earth continues from the melting of the last winter snow until the first snow of next autumn.

And then heavy garden shovels and forks are used for loosening. Noble work ends not only with a well-groomed appearance of the garden, but also with an aching back and a complete breakdown the next day. It seems that there is no way out of this vicious circle.

Fortunately, human ingenuity does not stand still, and salvation has finally been invented: a miracle shovel for digging the earth.

A hand cultivator that eliminates hard work

The miracle shovel is a combination of a ripper and the most ordinary forks.

The components of this ingenious tool are extremely simple:

  • A handle that controls a shovel.
  • Front and back stops that give the tool stability.
  • Fasteners connecting all parts.
  • Forks for loosening.
  • Digging forks.

The forks are connected in such a way as to move towards each other and lock like a lock, and there are stop mechanisms on the sides. The simple design of this new piece of equipment makes it easy to break up clods of earth, greatly simplifying and facilitating work in the garden. The emphasis is placed specifically on the forks of the tool, which perform the main function.

The miracle shovel plows the ground shallowly (up to 20 cm), which makes it simply an indispensable device. With its help, you can care for both large and small areas; even difficult soil is subject to it. She does not have a conventional bayonet shovel, which means that monotonous digging in a half-bent position is eliminated. Moreover, the handle of the tool is generally at shoulder height and does not allow for tilting in principle.

A hand cultivator not only loosens and breaks up the soil, but also pulls out the roots of weeds. It makes it easy to remove root vegetables and potatoes without damaging their integrity.

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Vasily Stepanovich

The miracle shovel was invented and patented in our country. It is believed that it was invented by a priest and made into a mass product by businessman A.N. Bessonov. These products are produced in Chelyabinsk, on, and Volber developed Krota.

Homemade instrument with steering wheel

For those for whom the speed of digging is important, the invention of one person will help, who belonged to that category of people who live on self-sufficiency and only thanks to cultivating the land and growing cereals, vegetables and fruits. We are talking about monks. One of them is our contemporary, living in one of the modern monasteries, monk Gennady.

His invention became known thanks to one of the programs on central television, where the ascetic inventor demonstrated to a wide audience a homemade shovel-like unit with an interesting design. The upper part of this tool was made up of a regular bicycle handlebar. As a result, monk Gennady received unique equipment for gardening consisting of the following elements:

  • stainless steel pipe with a diameter of approximately 2 cm;
  • the tip of an ordinary shovel;
  • device with a spring for regulation;
  • bicycle wheel.

The inventor called this homemade unit a hand plow and even gave it the name “Vyatka Plowman”.

This hand-made plow can make it possible to plow the soil many times faster than with an ordinary shovel. And due to the rotating method of operation, the device does not load the back in the lumbar region. In addition, Father Gennady’s miracle shovel is well applicable to dense layers of earth.

The length of the unit is adjustable, and the bucket, due to its optimized width, is capable of scooping up 2 times more soil compared to an ordinary shovel. Due to the fact that when you turn the steering wheel, the soil is tilted to the side, there is no need to bend over and remove lumps. This is very convenient when planting crops. People who suffer from radiculitis will appreciate this tool.

The working principle of the miracle shovel

Thanks to minimal physical effort, the instrument can be used by people with spinal diseases and pensioners. The soil is loosened by a pitchfork, and there is no need to turn it over. The back not only does not participate in the process, but generally remains straight, excluding the endless bows and squats characteristic of ordinary digging of a garden.

The algorithm of actions is very simple:

  1. The cultivator handle is placed vertically, and the fork teeth rise behind it.
  2. The worker stands with his foot on the stop or the upper bridge of the main forks and presses with his body.
  3. The teeth stick into the ground and the stalk pulls back. The forks lift a layer of soil that passes through the second forks and is crushed there.
  4. The worker takes another step back to the uncultivated area of ​​the garden and repeats all the steps again.

At first glance, it may seem that moving backwards is not very convenient, but there is still land ahead, ready for sowing, which does not require additional effort. Moreover, a manual ripper does not plunge a thin fertile layer into the soil, as happens with a bayonet shovel.

Moreover, this amazing invention successfully digs up potatoes, collects leaves and branches from the ground in the fall, and scatters manure. Enterprising gardeners can replace up to five gardening tools with it, without experiencing the excessive stress that was inevitably associated with cultivating land in the past.

Forks with a spade tip

This tool is literally indispensable when digging up heavy types of soil, since its design makes it possible not to exert too much effort during work. The spade fork has, in addition to the usual fork teeth, one bayonet located on the edge. This protrusion differs from others in its greater sharpness and width. The bayonet of this device penetrates the soil layer without much effort, and the remaining teeth can easily be placed behind it.

When digging up potatoes, for example, the fruit will remain on the fork and the soil will slide back. In this case, you don’t have to bend over and pick up the tubers manually. They can be easily transferred from the unit to the wheelbarrow in one movement. In addition, vegetables are not damaged, as happens when working with a shovel.

As a rule, work in suburban areas , that is, people who are not young and do not always have good health, for this reason the question of what is the best way to dig up the earth becomes acute.

When using such forks, there is no need to bend and turn repeatedly. The work mainly involves the muscles of the shoulders and arms, while the lower back is practically freed from the load . For older people this is an extremely important point . The less they get tired, the more work they can do.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any tool, the miracle shovel has its drawbacks, which you should be aware of when purchasing it:

  • The device is only suitable for straight areas - it will not work to dig up the soil figuratively. Narrow and curved areas will have to be processed manually.
  • For the process to be effective, a person’s weight must be at least 80 kg, otherwise it will not be possible to dig up the ground to a given depth.
  • The tool will not be able to dig holes.
  • It is impossible to work in low greenhouses.
  • If the mechanism breaks, repair will not be easy.
  • The weight of the product is much higher than the weight of a conventional bayonet shovel, which can lead to severe fatigue at the end of the job.

Expert opinion

Kuznetsov Vasily Stepanovich

For some, these disadvantages may seem decisive, but do not forget about the undeniable advantages of choosing a cultivator: speed of tillage, minimal effort and ease of use.

Fokina flat cutter

The Fokina flat cutter is a garden tool, which is mainly intended for weeding and loosening, but with its help you can carry out about 20 operations to care for the soil and plants in the garden. So, with a flat cutter you can:

  • prepare the soil for sowing seeds;
  • loosen the soil without turning over the soil;
  • cut and pull out weeds;
  • cut furrows;
  • form ridges;
  • thin out vegetables and greens;
  • carry out weeding and hilling;
  • cleaning fruit tree trunks before whitewashing and other work.

In appearance, the Fokina flat cutter consists of a flat stick (a round one is not suitable, the hand gets tired), to the lower edge of which a steel plate of irregular shape is bolted. The plate is bent several times at certain angles and sharpened (this is the main condition for successful completion of the work). The mounting bolts allow you to adjust the height and angle of inclination of the working part of the flat cutter to suit your physical characteristics.

There are 2 main Fokina flat cutters: small and large. The small one is designed for small work, while the large one is more suitable for basic tillage and other large work. For working on clay soils, there is a version of the Fokin “Krepysh” flat cutter with a shortened blade.

On sale there are also varieties of the “Small Weed” flat cutter for quick weeding and other small work. The “Big Weed” has a longer blade and performs the same work as the classic flat cutter, “Moguschnik” with a wide blade for hilling plants.

Fokina flat cutter. © ogorod.mirtesen

Advantages of the Fokina flat cutter

  • Tilling the soil with a Fokina flat cutter preserves its structure, fertility, and contributes to the preservation of beneficial fauna and microflora;
  • The flat cutter eliminates discomfort during work (there is no strain on the back or legs; even a disabled person can perform the work).


Miracle shovels 1-Plowman 2-Mole
Manual rippers are classified according to the depth of loosening and the complexity of the mechanism. In the simplest models there are only forks and a stop - you can make them yourself. But models with additional parts perform more complex work and the requirements for them are slightly different.

Conventional ones consist of working forks with a stop. They are capable of making work on the ground somewhat easier, but one should not expect much from them. They will plow well-groomed soil well, take some of the load off the worker, but will not be able to break up clods of earth, since they do not have a second segment with teeth. You shouldn’t hope that they will cope with virgin soil. The soil will have to be loosened with a rake.

“Plowman” - they dig up and loosen the soil well, piercing it to a depth of 15 cm. They do not require a lot of worker weight. This model already has a second segment of working forks, however, it will not cope with virgin soil.

“Mole” - removes all the load from the back, which falls on the hands when pressing the handle of the shovel and on the legs when turning out the soil. The penetration depth of the teeth is no less than 25 cm. It is difficult to work with this model at first, but it copes well with plowing. Can work on virgin soil.

Miracle shovels are produced by different manufacturers, so you need to choose a model made of high-quality material, designed for a long service life. It is desirable to have properly sharpened alloy steel forks, which are attached to the shovel by welding or loops - the threads quickly become loose.

If the model does not have a front stop, then the rear one, which replaces it, is attached to the second working forks, and for a model with a front stop, the handle is adjusted to the height of the worker. The emphasis is movable and attached to the frame of the product.

When choosing a hand cultivator, you need to decide on its characteristics: the front stop adds weight and stability to the model. The width of the forks should not exceed 60 cm - the digging will lose quality. The length of the teeth should fit within a gap of 2-3 cm, and the distance between them should not exceed 80 mm. Before purchasing an item, you need to make sure the fastenings are strong.

Miracle ripper "Digger"

The miracle ripper “Digger” consists of two cutting forks and a ripper. The ripper is equipped with a foot rest. The two cuttings at the top are connected to each other and allow you to adjust the height of the cuttings to suit your growth. The double handle allows the unit driven into the soil to simply be pulled towards itself, without wasting the effort of the back muscles on lifting and dumping the soil.

Miracle ripper "Digger". © Marina Sokolova

Advantages of "Digger"

  • the width of the dug strip is 1.5-2.0 times wider compared to a conventional shovel;
  • 2 types of work are carried out simultaneously - digging and loosening (no need for a rake);
  • no need to bend to the sides, your back is straight, the load on your back is minimal; very convenient for elderly pensioners with a weak spine.

The best models of the domestic market

Today's market for wonderful shovels is quite diverse, but it is worth noting the models that consumers choose most often.


The tips of the forks are capable of plunging into the ground up to 23 cm and leaving a strip of about 50 cm behind them. Capable of uprooting weed roots, works with rough or dry soil. Suitable for both autumn harvesting and preparing for planting.


The tool combines hoeing and digging, removing grass in the process. Excellent cultivation of rocky soil, ideal for a well-kept garden.


Capable of processing up to two hundred square meters per hour, weighs up to 15 kg. Excellent for removing weeds from the soil. Forte QI-JY-50

This miracle shovel is designed for snow removal. It is small in size and works on large areas and in hard-to-reach places. "Assistant"

The model prepares the land for planting crops in the spring and puts it in order before the arrival of winter. Even turf is accessible to her. Simple in design and yet very effective.


In addition to the option shown above (called “Tornado”, “Digger” or “Plowman”), there are several more variants of miracle shovel designs under different names.

Assembly drawing of a miracle shovel

Yandex.RTB RA-1479455-3

Soil ripper without front support

This design also has working and support forks, but does not have a front stop. Because it is less bulky and weighs a little less. But the front stop gives increased stability during operation. And the weight when dragging is not so important.

The handle is attached to the working forks, the back stop is welded to the comb of the second forks. Both of these structures are movably connected to each other (even door hinges can be used).

Ripper miracle shovel for easy tillage

Yandex.RTB RA-1479455-8

The photo shows one of the implementations, which is made on the basis of a corner and a round pipe. When working, the pins are driven into the ground by pressing on the crossbar, and not on the stop, as in most models.


An option called “Digger” is essentially a wide fork with a stop for easier turning and a high, powerful handle.

Miracle shovel "Digger"

The peculiarity of this design is the stop and the adjustable handle. It is fixed with two bolts and adjusted to the height of the working person.

The emphasis is not stationary, but movable. It is fixed to the frame. When plunging the pins into the ground, press on it with your foot, then, without removing your foot, turn it out by pressing the handle of the fork out of the ground.

Digger in action

The physical load during work is low, the work progresses quickly. But this miracle shovel will not work for hard and lumpy soils: it does not crush the soil. She collapses through the pitchfork under her own weight. But this is only possible on loose soils. On clay or black soil it is better to have a second comb with pins.

How to make a miracle digger, see the following video.


This miracle shovel design is slightly different from the previous one. The stops in it are rounded, the handle is arched, but the basic structure is the same. There is some drawback - there is no way to adjust the handle, but otherwise everything is the same - a movable stop and working forks.

Two options called "Lightcop". The simplest ripper for the vegetable garden, garden and cottage

It’s hard to say whether this variation is better or worse. It would be possible to evaluate only by comparing the performance of both copies on the same site.

If you watch the following video, you will see that with such a miracle shovel you can dig not only loose soils, but also heavy ones. And the second thing you can pay attention to is that for such soil it is better to have a second comb of pins, against which you can crush the inverted lumps.

Handling the hand cultivator

Of course, it takes some time to get used to a hand-held cultivator, but after it you don’t need to additionally loosen the soil - a regular garden rake will suffice. With proper use, the product's performance will only increase.

People who have already used this miracle product give some useful tips:

  • You should not try to plow wet soil with a miracle shovel: a lot of effort will be spent, but there will be no benefit.
  • When cultivating virgin soil, it makes sense to first remove the turf with a bayonet shovel.
  • You need to work from the far end of the uncultivated land to the near end, backwards.
  • If different people will work with the cultivator, the handle should be adjustable.

Have you already used the miracle shovel?

It happened! It didn’t happen

You should take care of the cultivator in the same way as other garden tools. It is stored under a canopy, protected from rain and monitored for rust formation. On the eve of winter, carefully wipe all teeth from any remaining clay and polish them with a dry cloth. Moving fasteners may be lubricated with machine oil during storage.

Whether or not to purchase a miracle shovel is, in any case, the choice of the gardener himself, but it’s probably worth listening to the voices of the happy owners. Ours is no longer the worst and poorest quality. It’s better to try than not to decide and then regret it.

Miracle rotating forks

Miracle turning forks are designed very simply. The metal rod can be solid or detachable (to adapt to a person’s height). At the top there is a transverse holder-handle, it is rotatable. At the bottom, the forks are unilaterally attached to a metal rod. Loosening of the soil occurs by turning the holder handle. During operation, the load is placed on the hands due to the application of a metal rod to the “steering wheel” at the top.

Advantages of rotating forks

  • no need to bend over and squat;
  • the digging intensity increases 3-4 times.

Miracle turning forks. © shopsad

Remember! The purchase of each instrument is always accompanied by an appendix explaining how to assemble the instrument (if assembly is required) and how to set it up.

If the site is small, then among the numerous offers, you need to choose equipment that can perform several operations , is easy to use, and ensures high efficiency of the work performed.

The manual mechanized assistants most used by gardeners include the Fokin flat cutter and the manual cultivator.

Characteristic features of garden forks

Garden villas are divided into several varieties. They are:

  • Dung. They are designed for mixing organic residues to obtain high-quality fertilizer. The teeth are flat. Their number is 4 elements;
  • Cleaning. The design of the tool is made of lightweight materials so that the tool does not cause discomfort during cleaning. Metal parts are made from light alloys. For example, carbon steel. This variety is characterized by minimal weight and strength;
  • Equipment for hay. These forks have long metal teeth and a wooden handle;
  • Floral. They are miniature products that allow you to dig up soil in the planting area;
  • Pointed. The metal part in this model is sharpened at a certain angle. Such pitchforks are most often used for digging up soil or aerating a lawn;
  • Pitchforks - shovels. Their operating principle is similar to the pointed model. The products are used for gardening manipulations.

Each variety has its own characteristic features, which lie in the structure of the model and its purpose. For example, dung forks have four metal teeth. They are slightly bent inward. Thanks to this, during the transfer of organic residues, fermentation products are carefully transferred to the cart.

Products intended for hay also have 4 elements. As a result, during the process of turning over dry organic residues, the entire mass is in one place. This model of gardening equipment is recommended to be used instead of a shovel.

Pointed forks can have from 3 to 5 teeth. The length of the metal elements ranges from 20 to 45 cm. Thanks to them, it is possible to get rid of a large amount of garbage and dry hay. In this model the volume is 0.5 mm. It is recommended to loosen the soil with this tool.

Popular compost forks

PALISAD 63802 (125 cm)

Relatively inexpensive pitchforks that will appeal to many gardeners. With their help it is convenient to transfer manure and work with compost. There are 4 triangular teeth 28 cm long, which has a positive effect on efficiency. The handle is made of durable wood; of course, there is no complex coating here, but this is an advantage. Because the buyer will be able to evaluate the external condition. The working part is made of special steel, which is resistant to corrosion.

Sold at a price: from 900 rubles.

forks PALISAD 63802 (125 cm)


  • High quality manufacturing;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Convenient handle on the handle;
  • Sufficient strength;
  • Value for money.


  • Not found.

COURSE 76995 (152 cm)

A long model that will be a suitable solution for every gardener. There are 4 teeth, which are distinguished by their reliability. The wooden handle guarantees convenience for the entire period of use. Despite the length, the weight of the tool is 1.65 kg, which is a good indicator. But the most important advantage of this option is the low cost, which is 290 rubles. It is important to understand here that the product is fully worth the price, so you should not raise your expectations.

forks KURS 76995 (152 cm)


  • Optimal length;
  • Good strength indicators;
  • Efficiency;
  • Durable teeth;
  • Convenience.


  • There are no significant ones.

FIT 76992 (155.3 cm)

Inexpensive composting forks with round tines. The handle is made of durable wood, but there is no external covering. The working part is made of steel and has good corrosion protection. The total weight of the product is 1.5 kg, so it will be easy for a person to work with the tool. The length is 155 cm, which is also considered a good solution, since a person can easily adjust the forks to his own height.

The average cost is 499 rubles.

forks FIT 76992 (155.3 cm)


  • Good price;
  • Quite strong teeth;
  • Reliable wooden handle;
  • Weight;
  • Convenience.


  • Not found.

Geolia 120 cm, steel

Good composting forks that are suitable for simple tasks. If you plan to carry out long-term aeration, then you should refuse the purchase in advance, since the model will not bring any positive results. Although the teeth are made of steel, it is important to understand that at such a price no one will equip the product with high-quality raw materials, since this is not economically profitable. Also, we must not forget about the handle, which is made of plastic. If you subject it to serious loads, the structure will break in half.

The average cost is 570 rubles.

Geolia forks 120 cm, steel


  • Attractive appearance;
  • Good build;
  • Sufficient strength for simple operations;
  • Efficiency.


  • Not found.

What to pay attention to

When a person is considering this or that option, it is important to pay attention to some nuances. This will make it easier to choose a design. Of course, each fork has a different purpose, but there are general parameters that will help you find the right option:

  • First you need to decide on the width of the working part. If you do not plan to carry out any complex work, then it is recommended to pay attention to narrow models; they are ideal for flower beds or flower beds. But when cleaning the lawn, you should pay attention to wide models, as they will cope with the task more efficiently.
  • We must not forget about the number of teeth. As mentioned above, models with 4 teeth are considered the best option. However, if a highly specialized option is chosen, for example, for loosening the soil, you should pay attention to models with 3 teeth. The shape of the sharp element can be different, it also depends on the type of work being carried out.
  • Material of manufacture. Here, it’s simply better to immediately discard models made of cheap steel, as they will quickly break.
  • The cutting must be strong enough to withstand various loads. Therefore, it is better to avoid designs with cheap plastic. Additional processing of wooden products in the form of paint or varnish is also welcome. Because it will increase the durability of the tool. If the user is looking for a lightweight model, attention is paid to aluminum cuttings.

Garden wheelbarrows

Ground work requires moving heavy loads all the time. Earth, manure, compost - the materials are not very light, and the garden bed is most often not located next to the compost heap. Using buckets is tiring and distracts from the main task. It is much more convenient when you always have a wheelbarrow filled with the necessary raw materials at hand. There are two types of wheelbarrows: construction and garden.

The garden wheel's support allows it to stand firmly on the ground when loading and unloading.
  • Construction trucks are designed for transporting heavy loads such as sand, cement, bricks. They have a solid base, a reinforced body and sometimes pneumatic wheels. After construction is completed, the construction wheelbarrow can be used without hesitation for garden maintenance.

Construction wheelbarrows are made of steel. Steel can be galvanized or painted. Both options protect the material from corrosion, but the paint is less reliable, since over time it can peel off, then rust will appear at the site of the scratch.

  • Gardeners are used by summer residents to transport light soils and soils, vegetables, fruits and herbs. Garden carts are usually lighter and more compact. Some lightweight wheelbarrows are made of plastic; their strength, of course, is low, but everyone can work with them.

The basis of the chassis of a wheelbarrow is wheels. The equipment can be moved on one, two or four wheels. Single-wheeled structures are the most maneuverable, but with a heavy load they are more difficult to control. Two- and four-wheelers are more stable, but they are difficult to navigate in narrow places.

Rating of reliable hay models

Bellota for hay collection

High-quality and durable forks, which are made of high-quality steel, and the teeth are completely forged, which has a positive effect on the reliability of the tool. Anti-corrosion protection of the working element from rapid damage. In addition, the product does not break or become deformed from frequent use, which is an additional advantage. The ergonomic design makes it easy to operate the tool without chafing your palms.

The average cost is 3,800 rubles.

Bellota forks for collecting hay


  • Attractive appearance;
  • Ergonomics;
  • High quality manufacturing;
  • Forged teeth;
  • Reliability.


  • High price.

SIBRTECH (63807)

Comfortable long forks, which are made of medium carbon steel. Therefore, you should not use the product for complex work, because they will break and leave only negative impressions. It is best to use models for cleaning areas, but even here you should not overload the tool.

The average cost is 315 rubles.

forks Classic SIBRTECH (63807)


  • Low cost;
  • High quality manufacturing;
  • Reliability;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Convenience.


  • Cannot be subjected to complex work.


A good option from a well-known manufacturer, which is suitable for working in the garden. The teeth are forged, which is an advantage as they can withstand higher loads. The model is suitable for carrying hay, compost, etc. Weight – 1.4 kg, which allows us to classify the product as lightweight. For the manufacture of the working part, high-carbon steel grade 45 was used, which has a positive effect on durability.

The average price is 615 rubles.



  • High strength, since the handle is made of metal;
  • Reliable working part;
  • Light weight;
  • Forged teeth.


  • Not found.

Classification of manual soil cultivators

There are various designs of rippers that have their own mechanisms for crushing compacted soil and eliminating entrenched weeds.

Traditional types of cultivation tools include forks and rakes, which have been used for a long time to break up clods and form beds. Their wooden counterparts are well suited for loose and softened soil.

  • Star devices. The tip in the form of toothed discs does an excellent job of loosening the soil. Such models can be supplemented with a knife designed to simultaneously pull out weeds.
  • Rippers-cultivators. A good option for hard soil. Curved teeth effectively crush compacted areas.
  • Flat cutters are a suitable tool for processing the surface layer of the earth using sharp flat knives and removing weeds.

Universal designs that combine several functions are also popular:

  • Fokina ripper. A device that allows you to perform over 20 types of garden work. Its main purpose is to extract weeds, with a root depth of up to 2 cm. This treatment is safe for plants and beneficial insects inhabiting the earth. The device looks like curved brackets.
  • Tornado is a device with long teeth curved counterclockwise, which, when you turn the handle, uproots even the most stubborn weeds.
  • The mole is a productive device for digging and cultivating. Includes a pair of forks that work like scissors and a metal frame. The device allows you to cover a large area and penetrate deep into the ground.
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