TOP 15 best shovels for digging soil: 2021-2022 rating in terms of quality and which one to choose for the garden in terms of strength

A bayonet shovel is an indispensable assistant for performing a wide variety of tasks in the garden, carrying out construction work, and even for solving emergency situations that have occurred with a car. At the same time, different jobs require the use of different shovels.

And to make your choice simpler and more comfortable, we have analyzed the shovels presented in online stores, studied their characteristics and reviews, and are ready to present to your attention the best models, among which everyone can find exactly the shovel model that suits them perfectly.

Electric shovel for digging earth

On the forums, people dream of a program-controlled electric shovel: “As I see the unit: I installed it in place, pointed it in the right direction, set the digging depth, the direction of soil ejection, and went to drink tea (or something else). Is there something similar in nature?” Are there currently electric shovels that could compete in soil grip depth and ability to crush soil with conventional bayonet shovels or miracle shovels that have recently come into use? Here we must exclude electric plows, which in some cases implement the same tasks, but we are still interested in the classic functions in a motorized version, so that the tool can be called a shovel in appearance.

Review of the expert 750-watt electric shovel for digging soil

The owner of a country plot told us about a used electric cultivator with a power of 750 watts that he had purchased. Purchased for $25, original price was $100.

What can you say about him? The power is a little lacking. When processing virgin soil, the grass is twisted in the working unit. Some people say that you need to sharpen the working mechanism to the top. The master did just that, but still the grass is not cut, the iron is very bad, the grass instantly curls. After half an hour of work, the knives become dull. I completely ground the edges of the tooth to the top. But this did not give any result. Doesn't cut weeds at all. Therefore, we can conclude that this tool is not suitable for working on virgin grassy soil. On treated soil, no more than 4 cm is captured. If the soil is damp, then the depth is reduced to 3 cm. The maximum an electric shovel can reach is 5 cm. In general, after passing through an electric cultivator, it is possible to create a treated layer of soil 7 cm deep. A very big disadvantage is that that when you walk through a row, you trample the soil.

Performance of electric shovel cultivator

It took 3 hours to complete a plot of 0.5 acres. The advantage is that the weeds are completely mixed with the soil. It goes like fertilizer. The device is not very suitable for a vegetable garden, but it is suitable for flower beds or small previously treated areas. With large volumes of work, you have to constantly clear away grass. Especially if the soil is damp.

Comments under this video

Yuri Skomorokhov If you lead this cultivator (I had exactly this one), then the cultivation depth can be up to 18 cm. And the cultivation of the land becomes very high quality. The earth is not trampled underfoot. The depth with this method of tillage depends on the speed at which the cultivator is driven. The slower you drive, the deeper the plowing. But at the same time the load on the engine increases. It gets very hot. Especially weak (less than 1 kilowatt). Despite the fact that it is indicated in the passport that there is protection against overheating, there is none. The trouble with such weak electric motors is that their motor housing and the space under the bearings are made of nylon. Overheating leads to failure of the entire engine (the nylon melts) and the warranty on the cultivator is canceled. Therefore, you need to buy more powerful electric cultivators, which actually have motor overload protection.

Vitaly Rubanov This cultivator is not intended for virgin lands. I have been using it for 5 years in the beds around the house. I loaded it with lead, lengthened the handles and bent it a little. I don’t go for an electric shovel, but next to it and it digs in up to its wings. A large weed needs to be removed (it winds up), but it cuts 25 cm of white mustard without any problems. And most importantly, don’t overheat, after all, 0.55 hp.

Alek Polt Processes deeper if you drag it along with you. Winding doesn't help anything. I always sharpen the cutters before use. I’ve been planting my 23 acres for them for two years. The soil in the video is very damp for it, which is why it sticks.

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How to choose a shovel for digging soil in terms of price/quality ratio?

The main criteria that you should pay attention to when purchasing a shovel are::

  • blade shape - the metal working surface of the shovel can be universal - slightly pointed and suitable for any type of work, or rectangular and slightly rounded, good for soft, loose soil, or have a special shape designed for chopping roots and working with hard soil;
  • blade material - classic steel, which is low in cost, but susceptible to corrosion and deformation, or a modern high-tech titanium alloy, quite expensive, but at the same time durable and almost completely devoid of the disadvantages inherent in a steel blade;
  • handle shape - the usual and popular straight handle or handle with a slight bend, reminiscent of the shape of a spoon, which allows the owner to bend over less often and work with less effort;
  • cutting material - cuttings from various types of wood (birch, ash, beech) are more common, but there are also cuttings made from light and reliable aluminum alloy, from fairly cheap but fragile plastic, or from carbon fiber - a very expensive but strong and durable material;
  • dimensions - for ordinary gardening work, you should prefer a shovel, the top of the handle will be 10-15 cm below the shoulder of the person who will primarily work with this tool, but for car enthusiasts, compact shovels that can easily fit in the trunk of a car are more suitable;
  • additional features - a telescopic handle, which allows you to optimally adjust the length of the tool to suit the height and comfort of the owner, a convenient ergonomic grip-handle, also used for storing the shovel in a suspended state, a variety of specialized blade shapes, for example, in the form of a saw, which are designed for plowing land permeated roots, etc.

A miracle shovel for digging soil - a well-groomed garden without effort!

Agriculture will never be abandoned by humanity, and agricultural products are always in demand. With the onset of the warm season, a busy time begins for summer residents - preparing the garden for spring sowing, because it is known that only weeds grow on unkempt soil. Work on the earth continues from the melting of the last winter snow until the first snow of next autumn.

And then heavy garden shovels and forks are used for loosening. Noble work ends not only with a well-groomed appearance of the garden, but also with an aching back and a complete breakdown the next day. It seems that there is no way out of this vicious circle.

A hand cultivator that eliminates hard work

The miracle shovel is a combination of a ripper and the most ordinary forks.

The components of this ingenious tool are extremely simple:

  • A handle that controls a shovel.
  • Front and back stops that give the tool stability.
  • Fasteners connecting all parts.
  • Forks for loosening.
  • Digging forks.

The forks are connected in such a way as to move towards each other and lock like a lock, and there are stop mechanisms on the sides. The simple design of this new piece of equipment makes it easy to break up clods of earth, greatly simplifying and facilitating work in the garden. The emphasis is placed specifically on the forks of the tool, which perform the main function.

A hand cultivator not only loosens and breaks up the soil, but also pulls out the roots of weeds. It makes it easy to remove root vegetables and potatoes without damaging their integrity.


In addition to the option shown above (called “Tornado”, “Digger” or “Plowman”), there are several more variants of miracle shovel designs under different names.

Assembly drawing of a miracle shovel

Yandex.RTB RA-1479455-3

Soil ripper without front support

This design also has working and support forks, but does not have a front stop. Because it is less bulky and weighs a little less. But the front stop gives increased stability during operation. And the weight when dragging is not so important.

The handle is attached to the working forks, the back stop is welded to the comb of the second forks. Both of these structures are movably connected to each other (even door hinges can be used).

Ripper miracle shovel for easy tillage

Yandex.RTB RA-1479455-8

The photo shows one of the implementations, which is made on the basis of a corner and a round pipe. When working, the pins are driven into the ground by pressing on the crossbar, and not on the stop, as in most models.


An option called “Digger” is essentially a wide fork with a stop for easier turning and a high, powerful handle.

Miracle shovel "Digger"

The peculiarity of this design is the stop and the adjustable handle. It is fixed with two bolts and adjusted to the height of the working person.

The emphasis is not stationary, but movable. It is fixed to the frame. When plunging the pins into the ground, press on it with your foot, then, without removing your foot, turn it out by pressing the handle of the fork out of the ground.

Digger in action

The physical load during work is low, the work progresses quickly. But this miracle shovel will not work for hard and lumpy soils: it does not crush the soil. She collapses through the pitchfork under her own weight. But this is only possible on loose soils. On clay or black soil it is better to have a second comb with pins.

How to make a miracle digger, see the following video.


This miracle shovel design is slightly different from the previous one. The stops in it are rounded, the handle is arched, but the basic structure is the same. There is some drawback - there is no way to adjust the handle, but otherwise everything is the same - a movable stop and working forks.

Two options called "Lightcop". The simplest ripper for the vegetable garden, garden and cottage

It’s hard to say whether this variation is better or worse. It would be possible to evaluate only by comparing the performance of both copies on the same site.

If you watch the following video, you will see that with such a miracle shovel you can dig not only loose soils, but also heavy ones. And the second thing you can pay attention to is that for such soil it is better to have a second comb of pins, against which you can crush the inverted lumps.

The working principle of the miracle shovel

Thanks to minimal physical effort, the instrument can be used by people with spinal diseases and pensioners. The soil is loosened by a pitchfork, and there is no need to turn it over. The back not only does not participate in the process, but generally remains straight, excluding the endless bows and squats characteristic of ordinary digging of a garden.

The algorithm of actions is very simple:

  1. The cultivator handle is placed vertically, and the fork teeth rise behind it.
  2. The worker stands with his foot on the stop or the upper bridge of the main forks and presses with his body.
  3. The teeth stick into the ground and the stalk pulls back. The forks lift a layer of soil that passes through the second forks and is crushed there.
  4. The worker takes another step back to the uncultivated area of ​​the garden and repeats all the steps again.

At first glance, it may seem that moving backwards is not very convenient, but there is still land ahead, ready for sowing, which does not require additional effort. Moreover, a manual ripper does not plunge a thin fertile layer into the soil, as happens with a bayonet shovel.

DIY potato digger

Nobody likes picking potatoes out of holes - this is the most difficult and tedious thing in the whole process of digging potatoes. Mount has made another hand-held gardening tool, a hand-held potato digger, which itself removes root tubers from the holes and also cleans them from the soil!


The advantage of this unit is that you don’t need to shake the ground with a shovel. He stuck his pitchfork under a bush, stomped on the lever with his foot - clean potatoes flew out of the ground.

This tool is convenient for digging all root crops. It is much easier to work with it than with a shovel - you don’t get tired at all!

A potato digger is also used for digging up a vegetable garden. But she needs to dig her garden not along, but across the plot.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any tool, the miracle shovel has its drawbacks, which you should be aware of when purchasing it:

  • The device is only suitable for straight areas - it will not work to dig up the soil figuratively. Narrow and curved areas will have to be processed manually.
  • For the process to be effective, a person’s weight must be at least 80 kg, otherwise it will not be possible to dig up the ground to a given depth.
  • The tool will not be able to dig holes.
  • It is impossible to work in low greenhouses.
  • If the mechanism breaks, repair will not be easy.
  • The weight of the product is much higher than the weight of a conventional bayonet shovel, which can lead to severe fatigue at the end of the job.

Miracle shovels 1-Plowman 2-Mole
Manual rippers are classified according to the depth of loosening and the complexity of the mechanism. In the simplest models there are only forks and a stop - you can make them yourself. But models with additional parts perform more complex work and the requirements for them are slightly different.

Conventional ones consist of working forks with a stop. They are capable of making work on the ground somewhat easier, but one should not expect much from them. They will plow well-groomed soil well, take some of the load off the worker, but will not be able to break up clods of earth, since they do not have a second segment with teeth. You shouldn’t hope that they will cope with virgin soil. The soil will have to be loosened with a rake.

“Plowman” - they dig up and loosen the soil well, piercing it to a depth of 15 cm. They do not require a lot of worker weight. This model already has a second segment of working forks, however, it will not cope with virgin soil.

“Mole” - removes all the load from the back, which falls on the hands when pressing the handle of the shovel and on the legs when turning out the soil. The penetration depth of the teeth is no less than 25 cm. It is difficult to work with this model at first, but it copes well with plowing. Can work on virgin soil.

If the model does not have a front stop, then the rear one, which replaces it, is attached to the second working forks, and for a model with a front stop, the handle is adjusted to the height of the worker. The emphasis is movable and attached to the frame of the product.

When choosing a hand cultivator, you need to decide on its characteristics: the front stop adds weight and stability to the model. The width of the forks should not exceed 60 cm - the digging will lose quality. The length of the teeth should fit within a gap of 2-3 cm, and the distance between them should not exceed 80 mm. Before purchasing an item, you need to make sure the fastenings are strong.

Petrol shovel. Types of devices

As we have already said, there are several main types of motor pumps, each of which has its own characteristics.

By engine type

We mentioned above that there are gas and electric pumps, but in the article we will look at the most popular options.

  • Gasoline

They are intended mostly for short-term or occasional use: if you need to pump out water from a flooded basement or water the garden every three days. However, powerful gasoline pumps (for example, Honda WT 40 X) have proven themselves in construction: for pumping water out of pits. They are used regularly here.

Gasoline engines are less economical, but also less demanding than diesel engines: they start at a minimum temperature of -15°. However, in order for a gasoline engine to start accurately, it should not be “idle” for more than a month, otherwise the fuel in the tank will have to be completely changed. Even if you don’t use the pump, you need to run it for at least half an hour once every 30 days.

  • Diesel

Such engines are more durable and more economical than gasoline ones - the service life is longer and fuel consumption is lower. Therefore, they are suitable for continuous use, for example, for installation in wells that supply water to a house. They are also used in powerful motor pumps: construction and sewage pumps. They can be in standby mode for up to six months, start monthly or do not need to change fuel. But such motor pumps are demanding on temperature: some start only at -10°C, and more often the operating temperature is from +5° to +30°C. It produces a strong smoky and toxic exhaust, which makes its use near housing undesirable.

By type of problem solved

  • for pumping clean water

For this relatively easy task, pumps with low-capacity two-stroke engines are suitable. A fine-mesh filter mesh is installed on these, since even small solid particles can damage the motor. Due to the low requirements for the engine, motor pumps are mobile and can be easily reinstalled in another location.

  • for working with lightly contaminated and clean water (high-pressure or fire)

Motor pumps with high pressure in most cases are marked H. At the same time, fire pumps can also be used for domestic needs, for example, transferring water to high floors - up to 60 m - or over long distances - if the area is far from the well. But it is worth remembering that high-pressure pumps are quite heavy (weight about 100 kg) and are not mobile.

  • for pumping heavily contaminated water and thick liquids (mud)

Often marked with the letter T (depending on the manufacturer). They are made of particularly durable materials and usually have a membrane-type motor. The performance of mud pumps can reach 2,000 l/min. Since these units are the most powerful, they are also the heaviest - up to 150 kg. Can be used for pumping out a septic tank and draining a swampy pond.

When the range of tasks that the tool must solve is determined and the characteristics are selected, it is worth paying attention to the cost.

The best models of the domestic market

Today's market for wonderful shovels is quite diverse, but it is worth noting the models that consumers choose most often.


The tips of the forks are capable of plunging into the ground up to 23 cm and leaving a strip of about 50 cm behind them. Capable of uprooting weed roots, works with rough or dry soil. Suitable for both autumn harvesting and preparing for planting.

Handling the hand cultivator

Of course, it takes some time to get used to a hand-held cultivator, but after it you don’t need to additionally loosen the soil - a regular garden rake will suffice. With proper use, the product's performance will only increase.

People who have already used this miracle product give some useful tips:

  • You should not try to plow wet soil with a miracle shovel: a lot of effort will be spent, but there will be no benefit.
  • When cultivating virgin soil, it makes sense to first remove the turf with a bayonet shovel.
  • You need to work from the far end of the uncultivated land to the near end, backwards.
  • If different people will work with the cultivator, the handle should be adjustable.

You should take care of the cultivator in the same way as other garden tools. It is stored under a canopy, protected from rain and monitored for rust formation. On the eve of winter, carefully wipe all teeth from any remaining clay and polish them with a dry cloth. Moving fasteners may be lubricated with machine oil during storage.

Whether or not to purchase a miracle shovel is, in any case, the choice of the gardener himself, but it’s probably worth listening to the voices of the happy owners. Ours is no longer the worst and poorest quality. It’s better to try than not to decide and then regret it.

Taming a Cultivator

Many gardeners are familiar with cultivators as large garden equipment for loosening the soil. Its manual “colleague” works on a similar principle. Movable sprocket disks rotate on an axis, cutting weeds and altering soil layers. Such tools turn out to be very useful when applying fertilizers, as they allow you to quickly and evenly distribute granules of useful substances. At the back of the device there is a stop with blades. It allows the working area of ​​the hand cultivator to remain in the ground.

Hand cultivator with five movable sprockets

Hand cultivators have from one to five sprockets, the sprockets are either pointed or have a straight edge.

Forks and electric shovels for digging soil in the garden

Owners of country plots, vegetable gardens and private cottages are looking forward to the start of spring field work. Digging opens the garden season. At this time, manual labor enthusiasts take shovels - objects without which it is impossible to dig up the soil, plant something in it or dig something up. However, working with them is accompanied by lower back pain and enormous physical exertion. Today, thanks to the latest technical developments, it is possible to reduce the load on the back muscles and speed up the work process several times, since new devices for digging a vegetable garden have appeared - improved shovels, electric shovels and forks for digging the earth.

Variety of gardening tools

Working with soil is not an easy task. For this reason, it is extremely important to choose the most convenient equipment possible, which is capable of not only to some extent independently performing the required amount of work, but also significantly facilitating its implementation. There are many modern solutions for more comfortable farming. The main ones include:

  • shovel with oval holes;
  • forks with a shovel tip;
  • a shovel equipped with a steering wheel;
  • "tornado";
  • electric shovel, etc.

Below we will look at just some types of devices for gardening and land work.

Shovel with oval holes

This device with holes is a convenient tool for work both in the garden and on personal plots.
This device is used in the process of digging up potatoes and digging up soil, loosening individual areas of the soil. This unit is interesting in that it is equipped with a pointed bucket measuring 210 by 280 mm with narrow oval holes drilled in it. Due to these holes, clods of earth do not stick to the bucket, and when digging, large stones and roots are retained in it.

These features of the device significantly make the work easier, since you do not need to often bend down and manually remove everything stuck from the bucket. In addition, because of the holes, the device has less weight, so when digging in large areas, the worker will be less tired.

This unit is convenient for digging up an area with any type of soil, since it simultaneously digs up and loosens the soil. The tool is made of hardened steel and has a protective anti-corrosion layer.

TOP 4 best shovels for digging soil by price/quality for 2021-2022

The best shovels, optimally combining high quality and reasonable cost, in 2021-2022 were the following models.

FISKARS Solid 1026667

The bayonet shortened shovel made of hardened steel has a pointed, sharply sharpened blade that allows you to easily dig into any soil and cut even clumps of roots..

The ergonomic D-handle provides a secure, firm grip for all hand sizes, allowing the owner to use the tool with or without protective gloves.

A reliable and durable metal handle with a round cross-section has a welded connection to the blade, which guarantees the durability and strength of the shovel.

The special boron-containing steel of the blade provides the tool with easy penetration into the ground and at the same time gives it additional rigidity and makes it stronger..

Thanks to its compact size, the shovel can be used even in rather cramped conditions.

At the same time, the shortened cutting does not take up much space in the trunk of a car and can become an indispensable assistant for its owner in performing various garden and automotive work throughout the year.


  • type - bayonet, automobile, with handle;
  • dimensions, cm / weight, kg - 82x19.5 / 1.52;
  • blade/handle material: stainless steel/metal;
  • Features: handle on a handle, compact size (suitable for a car).


  • strong;
  • comfortable;
  • compact.


  • not suitable for loose snow;
  • short.

BISON Favorite Master 4-39504

The multifunctional bayonet car shovel has a shortened size, allowing you to easily place it in the trunk of a car and be able to use the tool when necessary and in any weather..

With its help, you can not only dig a fire pit or plant trees in your garden, but also free your stuck car from snow and mud.

The short and simple wooden handle is characterized by high strength and low sensitivity to temperature changes, which makes it convenient to constantly store and transport the shovel in the trunk of a car.

At the same time, the screw fastening makes it easy to replace the handle when worn..

The durable, pointed blade is made of high-quality 1.6 mm thick carbon steel and has a high-quality powder coating, which further protects the metal from corrosion.

The plastic D-shaped handle is comfortable for long-term use of the shovel even in thick winter mittens, and it is convenient to hold it with both one and two hands.

Thanks to its compact size and high strength, the tool is ideal for hiking, small excavation work and as a car shovel.


  • type - bayonet, with handle;
  • dimensions, cm / weight, kg - 68x14.5 / 0.8;
  • Blade/handle material: carbon steel/wood;
  • Features: length of the working part is 21 cm, suitable for a car.


  • strong;
  • good quality;
  • high quality.


  • small;
  • There is no storage case in the car.

FISKARS Solid 1026686

A steel bayonet shovel with a blade made of high-quality steel has optimal dimensions, low weight and excellent reliability..

At the same time, the working part of the tool has increased rigidity, allowing the shovel to easily cut roots and dig up even rocky, clayey and very hard soil without much difficulty.

The durable plastic cross handle provides a comfortable grip for all hand sizes, whether the wearer wears gloves or prefers to dig without them.

The ergonomic bend of the handle reduces the load on the back, which allows the owner to carry out more work with less load than would be possible with a traditional shovel.

At the same time, the handle itself is made of durable steel, has the usual round cross-section and is securely attached to the blade with a welded joint.

The straight, pointed shape of the blade ensures effective digging, and the special boron-containing metal composition gives the blade increased strength and hardness.

It is worth noting the recognizable corporate design and traditionally high quality of the product.


  • type - bayonet, with handle;
  • dimensions, cm / weight, kg - 116x19.5 / 1.89;
  • blade/handle material: stainless steel/metal;
  • Features: handle on a handle.


  • quality;
  • comfortable;
  • durable.


  • a little heavy;
  • The angle of inclination between the handle and the blade is too small.

GARDENA NatureLine (17001-20)

A stylish and beautiful bayonet shovel with a pointed blade is a high-quality and durable tool, ideal for most gardening work, such as digging, loosening soil, moving soil, etc..

The FCS certified ash wood handle features a D-shaped handle that fits comfortably in the hand and ensures an ergonomic and comfortable position for the tool while working.

The sharp and hard blade made of high-quality steel can easily cope with any excavation operations.

It is worth noting the wide foot rest, located on the top of the blade and having a special reinforced profile, which guarantees strong fixation of the tool when digging and ensures optimal transfer of force to the shovel, allowing the owner to spend less effort on the necessary digging.

A nice bonus is that the manufacturer provides a 10-year warranty on its tool.


  • type - bayonet, with handle;
  • dimensions, cm / weight, kg - 117x19.2 / 1.98;
  • blade/handle material: stainless steel/wood;
  • Features: handle on a handle.


  • beautiful;
  • quality;
  • with wooden handle.


  • too heavy for women;
  • The handle is not very strong and breaks.

Forks with a spade tip

This tool is literally indispensable when digging up heavy types of soil, since its design makes it possible not to exert too much effort during work.
The spade fork has, in addition to the usual fork teeth, one bayonet located on the edge. This protrusion differs from others in its greater sharpness and width. The bayonet of this device penetrates the soil layer without much effort, and the remaining teeth can easily be placed behind it. When digging up potatoes, for example, the fruit will remain on the fork and the soil will slide back. In this case, you don’t have to bend over and pick up the tubers manually. They can be easily transferred from the unit to the wheelbarrow in one movement. In addition, vegetables are not damaged, as happens when working with a shovel.

Universal handle for shovels, diameter 38 mm

In order to make the shovel more productive and capable of working with large pieces of soil, you will have to supplement it with two small useful devices.


These devices have the form of two side knives attached to the cutting surface of the shovel. When you apply mechanical force, introducing the bayonet of such an improved shovel into the ground, it will cut out a piece of earth not only along the plane of the bayonet, but also on the sides of it, that is, on three sides at once.


To make side knives you will need triangular shaped metal plates.

Metal with a thickness of 2-3 mm is quite suitable.


Mark the knives on the surface of the plate, using a scriber to draw the contours of the future triangular parts. Cut the parts with a hacksaw. The working edges of the triangles should be sharpened with a file.


In the place where the base of the plates is attached to the bayonet of the shovel, mark the locations for three holes.

For secure fastening, it is recommended to place the holes not in a straight line, but in the form of a triangle. Once the holes are drilled, connect the triangles to the surface of the shovel with 4mm diameter rivets.


Now the base should be clamped in a vice and bent.

Keep in mind that you should not bend the parts at a right angle, but make the angle a little larger, about 100 degrees. This is done so that clods of earth cannot get stuck between your improvised side knives and the shovel.


Anyone who didn’t miss labor lessons at school can make such a modernized shovel. Of course, you cannot do without certain skills in working with tools and metal. But your labor costs will be fully rewarded with a rich autumn harvest.

If you have ever dug up turf in a garden plot with an ordinary bayonet shovel, then you undoubtedly understand that this is often not such an easy task.

A little ingenuity, skillful hands and knowledge of the laws of development of technical systems will help you modernize this tool and make the shovel more productive. Bayonet shovel, metal plate 3 mm thick, scriber, metal ruler, wire for rivets, hammer, hacksaw for metal, vice

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Homemade instrument with steering wheel

For those for whom the speed of digging is important, the invention of one person will help, who belonged to that category of people who live on self-sufficiency and only thanks to cultivating the land and growing cereals, vegetables and fruits.
We are talking about monks. One of them is our contemporary, living in one of the modern monasteries, monk Gennady. His invention became known thanks to one of the programs on central television, where the ascetic inventor demonstrated to a wide audience a homemade shovel-like unit with an interesting design. The upper part of this tool was made up of a regular bicycle handlebar. As a result, monk Gennady received unique equipment for gardening consisting of the following elements:

  • stainless steel pipe with a diameter of approximately 2 cm;
  • the tip of an ordinary shovel;
  • device with a spring for regulation;
  • bicycle wheel.

The inventor called this homemade unit a hand plow and even gave it the name “Vyatka Plowman”.
This hand-made plow can make it possible to plow the soil many times faster than with an ordinary shovel. And due to the rotating method of operation, the device does not load the back in the lumbar region. In addition, Father Gennady’s miracle shovel is well applicable to dense layers of earth.

The length of the unit is adjustable, and the bucket, due to its optimized width, is capable of scooping up 2 times more soil compared to an ordinary shovel. Due to the fact that when you turn the steering wheel, the soil is tilted to the side, there is no need to bend over and remove lumps. This is very convenient when planting crops. People who suffer from radiculitis will appreciate this tool.

Shovel Tornado

The design of this tool for digging soil is collapsible, which is very practical and convenient when transporting the device. It includes:

  • central metal rod;
  • rotating handle;
  • working part with sharp teeth.

It is worth noting that the teeth are arranged counterclockwise.
Each part of the tool is connected to another or to the base using bolts and nuts. During operation, the device is placed vertically with its teeth in the soil, after which it is turned a full turn with a handle. In this case, the teeth are completely immersed in the ground, and the effort a person makes is minimal.

Among gardeners, it is customary to call this cultivator a woman’s shovel. This is because it is not necessary to put in too much effort to complete the work.

The Tornado shovel is a multifunctional device for cultivating the soil with your own hands. With this device we can carry out the following work .

  1. Remove the soil from the garden beds.
  2. Digging up places for planting.
  3. Cultivate the soil around bushes and trees.
  4. Remove weeds from the ground.
  5. Weed in the middle of rows of beds.
  6. Clean up flower beds, collect garbage and dry grass.

Rating of the TOP 15 best shovels for digging earth 2021-2022

TOP 4 best shovels for digging soil by price/quality for 2021-2022
1FISKARS Solid 1026667Find out the price
2BISON Favorite Master 4-39504Find out the price
3FISKARS Solid 1026686Find out the price
4GARDENA NatureLine (17001-20)Find out the price
TOP 3 best shovels for digging soil with a wooden handle
1BISON Berkut 4-39506Find out the price
2FISKARS Dacha 1026660Find out the price
3Sibrtech 61458Find out the price
TOP 3 best shovels with metal handles
1FISKARS Light 1019605Find out the price
2Sibrtech 61611Find out the price
3ZUBR Artel 39555Find out the price
TOP 3 best shovels with a handle on a handle
1FISKARS SmartFit 1001567Find out the price
2BISON Profi-10 Professional 39355Find out the price
3Center tool Rocket 1101Find out the price
TOP 2 best titanium shovels
1BISON Professional Titan 4-39416Find out the price
2ZUBR Titan Expert 39418Find out the price
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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