In a blowtorch, gasoline leaked through the pump, what should I do?


- a heating device (invention, Sweden, Carl Rickard Nyberg, 1881), in which the combustion of the starting substance (alcohol, kerosene, gasoline) transforms it into a gaseous state in the evaporator, and the jet from the nozzle draws in oxygen in the air, like a spray gun.

The most widespread are blowtorches of the nozzle type. Gasoline blowtorches are more convenient to use and have higher heat output than others. The capacity of the blowtorch reservoir is usually 0.1-2 liters. The thermal power of portable blowtorches ranges from 0.5 kW to 3 kW (regulated by fuel supply).

Blowtorches running on kerosene or alcohol must have a larger evaporator.

A heating device operating on a similar principle is a primus stove.

The most common malfunctions and causes of failure

The most common malfunctions of a blowtorch are as follows:

  • the pressure required for normal operation is absent or rapidly decreasing in the housing;
  • there is no flame due to the fact that the fuel stream from the injector does not meet the required parameters;
  • fuel leaks through joints and seals;
  • Instead of spraying, a stream flows out of the nozzle.

Some problems can be fixed if you have the necessary tools at hand. Typically, repair work consists of cleaning individual components.

Sometimes the breakdown is so serious that it is impossible to repair the tool without the spare parts used for the blowtorch. Fortunately, you can find many repair kits in hardware stores and on specialized websites on the Internet.

The reason for the lack of pressure in the lamp may be a faulty pump. It can be replaced or repaired with your own hands. A rapid decrease in pressure occurs if the threaded connections, service and safety valves are leaking.

The problem is solved by replacing the gaskets, cleaning the surfaces of the covers and valves in contact with the body.

There is no burner flame if the fuel stream coming from the nozzle is very weak or intermittent. This can occur due to contaminants that have entered the lamp with low-quality fuel. In this case, it is necessary to clean all the channels and the jet with suitable tools and rinse the lamp with clean gasoline.

Fuel leaks through the seals of the control valve if the stuffing box, which is the sealing gasket between the body and the valve, has lost its properties. Repairing the malfunction involves disassembling the tap and replacing the stuffing box.

If fuel streams out of the burner, the reason is most likely that the nozzle opening is not correct. Before this, you need to make sure that the instrument is really warmed up. If problems of this kind recur during warm-up, the burner nozzle must be replaced.

If there are problems with the supply of fuel and air mass

In this case, prepare a straight-head screwdriver, pliers, a needle and thin wire. A fuel supply problem is detected by the appearance of foam and its seepage through the base of the nozzle. Most likely the jet is clogged.

Repair work involves the following sequence of manipulations:

  1. If there is a visible small gap, carefully insert the needle into the calibration recess and clean the fuel tube with it.
  2. If a positive result is not expected, the nozzle is removed.
  3. The wire is placed in the hole of the fuel pipe.
  4. Next, unscrew the valve.
  5. Pour gasoline into the channel. Perform the manipulation carefully and slowly.
  6. Assemble the structure into a single whole, put the jet in place.
  7. If flames appear from under the stem, extinguish the fire.
  8. Remove the valve handle and replace the worn stuffing box in the intake needle with a new one.

If the air pressure on the inner surface of the chamber in a blowtorch is broken, repairs are carried out based on the channels that function to supply an air stream. The technician should remove carbon deposits by filling the channels with trichlorethylene. Afterwards, to wash away the rust formed on the walls, rinse the channels with acid and dry by blowing with compressed air.

The work is carried out wearing special gloves. It is also better to protect your eyes with glasses.

You can watch video instructions on how to repair a blowtorch with your own hands: How to avoid regular repairs

In order to resort to repairing a blowtorch infrequently, you must follow the instructions for using the unit. We are used to turning on a blowtorch indoors. But then you should remember that the tool should be in working condition for no longer than 15-30 minutes. After use, the room is thoroughly ventilated.

You can extend the life of your equipment by applying the following rules:

  1. Before turning on the device, fill it with fuel. Refueling is carried out by filling the tank to ¾ of the total volume. Emptiness is necessary to create pressure.
  2. For pressure to be present, the pump also needs to make 10 gentle pumping motions.
  3. When pouring fuel into the burner tray, use an alcohol composition. Thanks to this technique, a minimal amount of soot is formed. Correct operation of the unit is possible if the fuel is ignited. There should be no drafts around.
  4. When fuel combustion is complete, open the needle valve. The fuel is now in a gaseous state. If drops are present, continue heating. If the burner does not heat up for a long time, place the lamp near a metal panel. Maintain a distance of 2-3 cm from the sheet to the nozzle.
  5. If the combustion goes out, clean the nozzle with a special needle.
  6. You can extinguish the torch of the instrument by screwing the valve and lowering the needle.
  7. Do not turn on a blowtorch near the burner. This provokes heating of the cylinder and fuel beyond 50 degrees.
  8. The fuel that is poured into the equipment must meet the specifications established by the blowtorch manufacturer.

Essential repair tool

The following tools may be required for repairs:

  • adjustable wrench;
  • screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • small brush;
  • sewing needle or thin steel wire.

Materials you may need include stuffing box, steel washers and nuts, gasoline or kerosene.

You will need to disassemble the tool and its components with a wrench and screwdrivers to provide access to the faulty part. You will need pliers if you have to hold the needle to clean the nozzle hole without disassembling the burner. In addition, it is convenient to use pliers to hold any screws from turning during assembly and disassembly. A brush is necessary to wash away contaminants that have entered the body and burner. It is advisable that the brush be long with hard natural bristles.

Pump repair

The blowtorch pump consists of a piston enclosed in a metal housing and a spool, which is installed at the end of the piston tube and operates on the principle of a check valve.
It lets air into the body and does not let it back out. At the end of the piston there is a leather cuff that pushes air when moving inside the lamp, and folds up to let air through when moving in the opposite direction.

This piece is simply a circle of leather sandwiched between two steel washers of different diameters. The upper washer is almost equal in diameter to the diameter of the cylinder, and the lower one is several millimeters smaller. Thanks to this, the cuff is able to pump air, folding only in one direction when necessary. To increase the service life of the cuff from repair to repair, it must be lubricated occasionally with thick lubricant.

How to repair a pump in a blowtorch

A malfunction of the pump in the instrument is indicated by hissing and other sounds of unknown origin. Don't put off repairs too long. Turn off the device by removing the socket. Next, proceed to restore the fuel supply process. For repair work, a regular set of household tools will be useful.

Step-by-step instructions for pump repair consist of the following steps:

  1. Unscrew the plug located on the cover.
  2. Remove the pump from the cylinder.
  3. Armed with a screwdriver, remove the spool located on the valve.
  4. Clean the component from dirt and build-up.
  5. Replace the old spring with a new one.
  6. Decide on the connection points between the pump part and the casing. Lubricate them with an even layer of engine oil.
  7. Reassemble the soldering tool in the reverse order of disassembling the lamp.

Cleaning the jet

The jet, as already mentioned above, can either become clogged with dirt from low-quality fuel, or carbon deposits from its combustion. In both cases, cleaning can correct the situation. If you need to use the lamp very urgently, you can try to clean the nozzle with a needle held in pliers. But in this case, contaminants will get inside. Immediately after completing the work, it is necessary to disassemble and clean the entire blowtorch.

If there is no hurry, it is better to unscrew the jet from the burner and try to blow it with compressed air from a compressor or from a special can. Only if this method does not produce results, you can carefully use mechanical cleaning during repairs.

After cleaning the nozzle, it must be washed in gasoline and dried before installing it in the burner.

Handling old lamps

Old blowtorches that have not been used for a long time should first be inspected from the outside.
During inspection, you need to check how easily all the valves and the tank lid open. The adjustment valve should turn easily. After this, you need to check the housing for leaks. To do this, use a pump to pump air into a lamp that is not filled with fuel. Then, using a brush, apply a thick soap solution to all threaded connections and the faucet. You need to check it closed and open.

If all connections are tight and the pump is properly creating pressure in the housing, the tap performs its functions by opening and closing the burner, the lamp can be refilled and started.

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Safety precautions [ edit | edit code ]

In addition to the obvious fire hazard, a blowtorch is a potentially explosive device, since the tank contains a mixture of fuel vapor and air under high pressure, and the tank heats up during operation. Therefore, when using a blowtorch, strict adherence to safety rules is required, namely:

  • do not allow the tank to heat up to a temperature above 50 °C;
  • do not open the tank lid and do not refill while the lamp is running or has not yet cooled down;
  • do not create excess pressure in the lamp, do not use gasoline in a lamp intended for the use of kerosene;
  • monitor the tightness of the pump valves and connections;
  • During transportation and storage, make sure that there is no excess pressure and no fuel residues in the tank.

The most common cause of a blowtorch explosion is the opening of the hot torch reservoir lid. In this case, gasoline vapors come into contact with a burner heated to 500-600 °C and ignite, causing an explosion of the steam-air mixture in and around the tank. You also need to take into account that the old lamps used kerosene; when filling with gasoline and subsequent use, the tank burst under pressure. Burns in this case are almost inevitable, since they usually occur when trying to “pump up”

What breakdowns and malfunctions are most likely?

Let’s take the “bull by the horns” and immediately name the most likely reasons for the inappropriate behavior of the blowtorch:

  • it is not possible to create and maintain sufficient air pressure in the fuel container to spray fuel;
  • fuel leaks anywhere, but not through the nozzle;
  • the fuel from the nozzle is not sprayed, but flows out in a stream, and not evenly, like that of a well-known animal.

Most often, the listed “adventures” can be resolved with the help of basic cleaning of “sore” areas. To do this you need to have a certain set of tools.

It also happens that it is not possible to revive the instrument without replacing parts. In such a situation, most problems can be eliminated with the help of a special repair kit, which is better to purchase in advance.

Repair kit for blowtorch

Most likely, the pressure problem is caused by a faulty pump. If there is a spare one, it is simply replaced. Otherwise, you will have to work hard to repair it yourself.

If you have to constantly pump air, it means it comes out through a safety or service valve or threaded connections. It helps to clean the surfaces of these components and replace the gaskets.

Application [ edit | edit code ]

The blowtorch is used for:

  • heating parts and melting solder during soldering,
  • welding of some materials at temperatures up to 1000–1100 °C,
  • soldering iron heating,
  • heating varnish and paint coatings to remove them,
  • warming frozen water pipes,
  • tarring pork carcasses (burning out bristles),
  • disinfection and disinsection of premises,
  • cooking in camp conditions (with certain devices - in particular, a specially curved pipe),
  • dismantling rusted connections of steel and cast iron pipes.

Don't forget about safety

    It's time to remember about safety! I can’t count how many fires the blowtorch has caused. Let's not “multiply the exploits” of past generations and act correctly:
  • if you have to work in a room with walls or floors made of flammable materials, then you will have to use metal or asbestos sheets;
  • the gasoline canister should be placed so far away that an open flame does not touch it under any circumstances;
  • Yes, we all spill gasoline when refueling a lamp, you will have to collect it with sand or rags and take it further from the place of work;
  • no twisting of electrical wires nearby or any sparking tools with brushes;
  • You are not supposed to use a blowtorch in the wind, since both gasoline and flames can fly away anywhere.

Main technical indicators of blowtorches

To choose the right blowtorch, you need to know what technical characteristics to pay attention to. The important points here will be:

  • fuel tank volume
  • the maximum amount of fuel that can be filled into the tank
  • maximum tank pressure
  • tank dimensions
  • fuel consumption
  • total weight of the device
  • warranty and service life

To be able to work longer on one gas station, it is better to purchase a blowtorch with a large tank - 2 liters. The only exception is the case when small dimensions of the lamp are required if it is necessary to work in a limited space. Then the tank will be small.

Given that the tank has a certain volume, the amount of fuel poured into it will be less than this volume by about a quarter. This is due to the need to leave space for compressed air, which will squeeze out the fuel.

The pressure in the tank should not exceed 0.3 MPa (3 atm.). And fuel consumption depends on the maximum thermal power, but is usually 1-1.2 l/hour.

The weight of these devices does not exceed 2 kg without fuel. If you fill with gasoline, the weight will be about 3 kg for models with a 2-liter tank.

The warranty is usually given for one year, and the total service life is stated at 5 years. But you shouldn’t get too hung up on the last parameter - in fact, blowtorches last much longer in household use.

Recovery tool

Nothing particularly tricky is required to repair a blowtorch:

  • a set of wrenches or one adjustable wrench;
  • screwdrivers may come in handy;
  • pliers - they are always needed;
  • the brush is small and has stiff bristles;
  • a piece of thin steel wire or an ordinary needle.

It is useful to prepare kerosene for cleaning, although gasoline will also work. Steel washers, a piece of genuine leather and stuffing box may also come in handy. Using keys we will disassemble the lamp “to the base, and then...” with a brush we will rinse and clean everything, with pliers you can hold everything and it is especially convenient to hold the needle while cleaning the jet.

Blowtorch device

What's inside?

If we take on the repair of the “fire-breathing dragon,” we should figure out what’s inside it:

  1. Fuel tank 2 is needed not only for fuel, but also for compressed air above it. The container has a filling hole with a lid 11.
  2. The fuel is supplied to the mixing pipe 7 through the mixer channel 5, and the flame intensity is adjusted using valve 10.
  3. Fuel vapor is supplied through nozzle 8.
  4. Pump 12 allows you to create working pressure in the container. It makes it possible to increase blood pressure.

How to make the pump work

The working element of the pump is a piston, which consists of a leather seal pressed between two steel washers. The piston moves in a steel tube with a spool, which acts as a check valve. The spool allows air into the container and does not release it back. Leather cuff is a ring made of thick leather with a curved edge. The washer above the cuff is larger than the washer below it, so that the leather lip opens and does not allow air to pass through when the piston moves down. On the contrary, the skin folds when the piston returns upward and air passes into the pump cavity. For normal and durable operation, the piston is lubricated with lithol or grease.

How to properly clean the jet

When working with a blowtorch, you must definitely learn how to properly clean the nozzle, which almost inevitably periodically becomes clogged. The reason for this is carbon deposits from burnt fuel or dirt in its composition. When this happens for the first time, you can clean the hole without disassembling the lamp. It is better to use a special needle from the tool kit or use a piece of wire clamped in pliers. This will leave debris in the lamp.

If the nozzle becomes clogged a second time, it is better to remove it, clean it, rinse it with gasoline, blow it out, dry it and put it back in place. If the “adventure” happens for the third time, you will have to stop work, wash both the jet and the lamp, and then fill the container with clean fuel.

It should be noted that the lamp container is made of ordinary black steel, so the appearance of debris inside as a result of rusting of the metal is not at all uncommon. If scale constantly interferes, you can try to fill the lamp, for example, with a rust remover, and then rinse it several times.

What is the frequency of checking blowtorches?

A blowtorch is a source of increased danger, therefore, for its operation, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not use low-octane gasoline.
  2. Do not operate the device in the presence of leaks and a sharp increase in the temperature of the tank, as well as in an unsatisfactorily ventilated area.
  3. Do not refill the lamp during its operation or immediately after use.
  4. The lamp is inspected periodically.

The maintenance frequency is set as follows:

  • In order to fully check hydraulic gasoline supply systems - at least once a year.
  • In order to check the tightness and tightness of connections - at least once a month.
  • To check the stability of the torch - each time before the next use, when the lamp body has completely cooled down.

The price of gasoline blowtorches is determined by their configuration, the developed thermal power and the volume of the fuel tank. It fluctuates in the range of 800... 1000 rubles.


Characteristics in the rating

1Motor Sich LP-2MThe most reliable
2Bison Expert SAMOTLOR SM-15, with cast iron ejectorThe most popular
3Bars 91452Better heating, stable flame
4SIBRTECH 91442Best value for money
1DREMEL Versaflame 2200-4Best functionality
2Kemper 1060 KITThe most convenient

Blowtorches, unlike soldering irons, are not designed for delicate work with instruments and electronics. These are powerful, energy-independent devices - heating is created by the combustion of liquid fuel or gas. Since the heating temperature in many models exceeds 1000˚C, a blowtorch can melt materials of increased hardness.

Before purchasing, you need to know exactly for what purpose the equipment is being purchased. There are a lot of offers in stores - on gasoline, on gas. Gasoline gives a higher temperature, but is quickly consumed, so liquid fuel burners are equipped with capacious and rather heavy fuel cylinders. Gas blowtorches are much lighter.

If you need a budget option, you can take a closer look at domestic brands. Many of them are not inferior to imported brands. For example, for “amateur” work, an inexpensive but good gasoline “Bison” is quite suitable. If you have a lot of work to do and require the power and increased functionality of a blowtorch, it is better to opt for a more powerful device like the Dremel Versaflame, which runs on gas. It will cost many times more, but it will be completely worth the money spent.

What is a blowtorch used for?

If you have purchased a blowtorch and working with it is now clear and simple, then the question inevitably arises: what else can you do with it? We list only the main areas of application of this useful tool:

  • processing of wooden products to give them decorative and protective properties;
  • tarring of poultry and animal carcasses;
  • heating the old paint coating on metal parts for the purpose of removal;
  • disinfection of non-flammable surfaces;
  • soldering metal products, heating the soldering iron and solder;
  • warming up internal combustion engines;
  • heating food and shelter outside populated areas for hunters, fishermen and tourists;
  • heating frozen water pipes and sewers;
  • welding of metals with low melting point.

The essence of a blowtorch is that it burns high-energy fuel - gasoline. In this case, the fuel is supplied under pressure, which increases the flame temperature many times over.

DIY blowtorch repair

A blowtorch is a portable burner with a directed flame, used for rapid local heating of objects. It is widely popular in everyday life and simple, but, like any other thing that is often used, it can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Fortunately, a blowtorch can be easily repaired at home and does not require any specific skills or knowledge to repair.

Tools needed to repair a blowtorch:

  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • needle;
  • a piece of thin steel wire;
  • petrol;
  • rags;
  • machine oil.

Breakdowns of a blowtorch are usually associated with either a pump failure, a clogged nozzle, or problems in the shut-off valves. But a simple visual inspection of the blowtorch can quickly and easily identify the problem. The simplicity of the design makes it possible to guarantee repairs without the involvement of specialists.

If, when you open the shut-off valve, fuel oozes, bubbles, but does not flow properly, then the essence of the breakdown is that the nozzle is clogged. This can be easily fixed by simply cleaning the jet with a simple needle. If cleaning does not yield anything, then after cleaning the nozzle again, insert a thin steel wire into the fuel pipe, open the valve and flush the channel with gasoline. Then you need to return the nozzle to its place and secure it well.

If, during operation, the blowtorch hisses or makes other extraneous sounds, then the problem lies in a pump malfunction. This problem can also be easily fixed at home, without turning to specialists.

You just need to unscrew the plug and remove the pump from the blowtorch. Then remove the spool, which is located on the pump valve, clean it of dirt, while replacing the spring. Clean all visible parts of the pump. Lubricate the cuffs and places where the pump is attached to the blowtorch with machine oil or grinding oil.

It happens that while working with a blowtorch, a flame breaks out from under the rod. This means that the intake needle seal in the blowtorch has leaked. We need to put out the fire. Then remove the valve handle and plug and change the oil seal.

blowtorch repair, blowtorch pump device, oil seal repair in a blowtorch

Homemade blowtorch repair method

The purpose of a blowtorch is to heat something. Used in a wide variety of conditions and situations. In the construction of houses and cellars. Connecting communication and power cables. When repairing any equipment, and in winter for warming up and starting engines. Anyone who has built a homemade all-terrain vehicle knows that you can’t do without a lamp. And those who travel on all-terrain vehicles help out in cooking, one way or another, almost everyone has come across a blowtorch.

While using a blowtorch, one malfunction appeared. While pumping with air, creating pressure for the blowtorch to work, we noticed poor performance of the pumping device. It soon failed. To restore the operation of the blowtorch, parts from a road motorcycle came in handy.

Or rather, an old motorcycle camera that has served its useful life, or maybe a car camera. We take scissors and cut out the nipple, and pump the chamber through it. The photo shows how this should be done. If it is a car inner tube at the rubber nipple that is difficult to process with scissors, we use a regular electric sharpener.

Then we take the mounting nut of the pumping device and use a drill to enlarge the hole, as you already understood for inserting the nipple into the hole. We do not remove the original valve, but leave it in place and press it with a nut and nipple. We pump air into the lamp using a conventional pump. Paging is very fast compared to the previous device. It has become more convenient to use the lamp.

How to build a relationship with an old lamp

If you get your hands on a rare old instrument, you should not rush to put it into operation.
The same should apply to a tool that has simply not been used for a long time. It is useful to start by cleaning the outside of the lamp and inspecting it carefully. You should make sure that the control valve rotates without problems, the container lid opens and seals securely. Before using the pump, it is useful to disassemble it and lubricate the cuff with lithol. Now we assemble the pump and check its operation, as well as the tightness of the tank. We pump air into the container without fuel. We apply a solution of water and soap with a brush to all connections and seals: air should not pass anywhere.

Before refilling an old lamp, it is useful to rinse the inside of the tank with gasoline, thus removing possible rust products. If all the pressure is maintained and the tap is working, fill the tool and get to work. Good luck to everyone and may the following video serve as a clear illustration of the above.

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Repair and performance check

If a gasoline blowtorch has not been used for a long time, then it is necessary to determine its suitability for work. To assess the quality of the device, perform the following steps:

  • After igniting the torch, the degree of heating of the outer surface of the tank is set: if heating occurs evenly and gradually, then the parameters of the torch are stabilized, and the hum of the fire becomes uniform. The tank, however, should not be heated to temperatures exceeding 50 ° C.
  • The nozzle tip is placed at a distance of 20...30 mm from the steel sheet: with a normal operating lamp, heating will be uniform, and as its duration increases, the flame will stabilize, which is explained by the reflection of the heat flow from the steel surface. If at the same time the flame disappears from time to time or goes out immediately, then the lamp cannot be used.
  • Check the operation of the check valve: when the device is turned off, the mixture above the surface of the gasoline in the tank should bleed spontaneously.
  • Check the operating pressure limits inside the tank with a pressure gauge. During normal operation of the lamp, these pressures should not exceed 0.3 MPa. Sudden fluctuations are a consequence of a malfunction in the fuel supply system to the regulator.
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