Rubber adhesive: gluing options and features

With constant use, any rubber product is subjected to excessive stress. As a result, the elastic material is often damaged and loses its integrity. It is possible to eliminate various cuts and connect parts of fragments using gluing. To find out how to glue rubber to rubber tightly, you need to familiarize yourself with the suitable types of adhesive compositions. It is also important to study their main characteristics and the manufacturer’s instructions.

The basic component of any rubber glue is dissolved rubber Source


Rubber adhesive is made from rubber. It is used to work with various materials and is in demand in many areas of human activity. This composition does not lose its elasticity after hardening. This is the main unique feature of rubber glue, for which the latter is valued and is often chosen for joining parts.

When buying the best glue for rubber, you need to study its composition. It is desirable that it be similar to the material of the elements being glued. Often, manufacturers add synthetic rubber instead of natural rubber. Moreover, each of them uses its own recipe. The quality of the manufactured product and its properties depend on the latter.

Most rubber adhesives are waterproof, therefore suitable for repairing products that come into contact with moisture or remain in water for a long time Source

Mode of application

When working with glue, you need to remember that it contains a solvent, so you must take all precautions.

  1. Hot. In this case, the surfaces are glued together in a few minutes at temperatures from 70 to 160 degrees.
  2. Cold. The procedure is carried out at room temperature, but the effect is achieved after a few days.

The process itself takes place in several stages:

  1. The surface must be degreased using hydrocarbon solvents.
  2. The thick composition needs to be diluted. If the glue contains nitrile butadiene rubber, nefras or ethyl acetate can act as a diluent. To prevent the formation of clots, the composition should be heated in a water bath to 45 degrees.


Rubber glue is rubber diluted in some solvent. The latter most often serve:

  • chlorine-containing substances;
  • aromatic carbons;
  • sulfur;
  • ethyl acetate mixed with nefras;
  • metal oxides;
  • amines;
  • various resins;
  • latex;
  • polystyrene

Manufacturers of rubber adhesives usually develop their own recipes by changing the percentage of rubber and adding other components. But all products certainly contain the following ingredients: a cross-linking agent, a vulcanizing component, a solvent.

The difference between rubber glue and other adhesive compositions is that it forms a seam that maintains plasticity for a long time. Source

How to dissolve

It happens that the glue has thickened and a more liquid consistency is needed. To do this, the composition is diluted:

  • acetone;
  • butyl acetate;
  • solvent for polyurethane paints Snezhka.

Add solvent gradually, in small portions. Mix well after each addition. If the consistency is too liquid, a strong connection will not work.

Not all types of rubber glue can be diluted with a solvent. Some substances coagulate. Before diluting the whole mixture, try mixing a small volume with the solvent.


After using rubber glue, an elastic seam is formed that retains its plastic structure during operation. This adhesive mixture allows you to glue rubber parts to PVC, leather, metal, and other materials.

When deciding what to glue rubber with, you need to remember that a high-quality composition must have:

  • water resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • strength;
  • resistance to chemical attack;
  • ability to penetrate hard-to-reach places;
  • transparency;
  • resistance to critical temperatures;
  • security.

Before buying glue for gluing rubber, you need to make sure that it will cope with a specific task, will not destroy materials in the future, and will withstand specific operating conditions.

Each rubber adhesive has individual characteristics and differs in scope of application Source

Quality is regulated by GOST

The parameters of rubber glue, composition, scope of application, safety measures are regulated in GOST 2199-78. It normalizes key parameters and all manufacturers of these products engaged in production in our country must take them into account. By the way, all adhesive compositions imported from abroad must meet the requirements of this document. In addition, they must have documents confirming their safety and quality.

However, at enterprises that produce adhesive compositions, high-tech equipment is widely used, for the most part operating under the control of modern computer technology. That is, human participation is minimized, and thus the human factor, which often affects product quality, is eliminated.

When conducting acceptance tests, the manufacturer confirms full compliance of the finished adhesive with the requirements of regulatory documentation or the requirements set by the customer. If a complete or partial non-compliance is detected, the product is considered substandard and sent for processing or disposal.


Depending on the method of hardening, all rubber adhesives are divided into:

  • Non-vulcanizing. The evaporation of solvents subsequently solidifies.
  • Self-vulcanizing. They are produced in one- or two-component versions and harden when interacting with moisture from the atmosphere.

Based on the amount of dry residue, rubber glue is divided into two groups:

  • A – 6-8%;
  • B – 9-12%.

Based on the composition, adhesives are:

  • Based on natural rubber. They are distinguished by their natural origin and do not tolerate high temperatures. In mass production, such means are rarely used.
  • Chloroprene. They contain 2-valent metal oxides, due to which they are characterized by significant strength, heat resistance, and resistance to external negative influences. Such compositions are best suited for metal and glass bases.
  • On rubber: organosilicon - used to connect rubber parts, have significant thermal resistance; butadiene-nitrile – are water resistant; butadiene-styrene - in demand in the manufacture of adhesive tape and performing artistic works.

In the production of various types of adhesives for rubber, the properties of the bonded surfaces are taken into account Source proraboff.rf

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How to glue rubber

To obtain a high-quality result, all stages of work must be performed in the correct order:

  • Prepare surfaces for gluing. The bases must be cleaned of dirt and sanded. It is important to coat the metal with abrasive. Next, degreasing is carried out with gasoline or acetone.
  • Hot method. The technology for gluing rubber involves heating it to the required temperature (within 70-160°C) using a hair dryer. Then the bases are lubricated with glue and connected.
  • Cold way. It is used, for example, when connecting a rubber surface to a plastic one. Glue for rubber and plastic is applied to the first, and after four hours both bases are processed. The recommended thickness of the adhesive layer is more than 2 mm; during its application, a brush or spatula is used. Then the elements to be glued need to be pressed firmly against one another; for more reliable fixation, wait a few minutes or use a press.

Attention! Cold gluing of parts is carried out at 5°C and above. The seam reaches its maximum strength only after two days.

What do the professionals advise?

  1. Pay close attention to the expiration date indicated on the glue packaging. The composition usually does not withstand long-term storage and at best it will thicken, at worst it will dry out completely, and a universal thinner has not yet been invented. Don't create difficulties for yourself! Check out the question of what shelf life the manufacturer guarantees you.
  2. Before gluing rubber to rubber, check the room temperature. It’s bad if your temperature is below +5 °C.
  3. We hope you remember that degreasing of surfaces that are to be bonded is usually required? Also take care to remove dirt, dust and keep the parts to be glued dry.
  4. It is better if, before the joining procedure, you sand the parts with sandpaper. We follow the following sequence: first we sand, then we degrease the parts using white spirit, acetone, gasoline, solvent 646 or other easily evaporating liquid.
  5. It is recommended to apply the glue with a brush, and in the case of a thick mixture, with a spatula, creating a thickness of the glue layer of about 2 mm. Boats and shoes, however, are an exception here. For them, 1 millimeter is enough. But! We first clean their surfaces, apply a layer of glue, cover it with gauze, press it carefully using a spatula, cover it with glue again and press the two surfaces tightly.
  6. We remove all excess glue deposits with a knife or other sharp object, a spatula, for example.
  7. Take the time to hold the glued product under pressure. This takes several hours.

Remember: glue dries less well in low humidity. Surfaces usually set within 30 minutes. And after three days you are guaranteed complete hardening.

The best adhesives for rubber

Among the many mixtures intended for connecting rubber elements, several of the most effective ones are distinguished. When used correctly, you will certainly get a high-quality result. Those who do not know how to seal rubber themselves are advised to pay attention to the options listed below.

Glue 88

It is presented in various compositions, but only products marked 88-N, 88-CA are suitable for connecting rubber parts. The latter are used in the home, automotive and construction industries. They also glue rubber to wood, glass, foam rubber, and concrete. Glue grade 88-N is more durable, but at the same time it needs to be cured before use. It is capable of gluing rubber elements to metal. To dilute this composition, benzene is used.

Useful tips

To ensure reliable gluing, there are several recommendations:

  1. Choose the volume of glue packaging based on the scale of the work. After opening, the composition begins to thicken and lose its plasticity. If you need to treat a small area, a 15-30 ml tube will do.
  2. Before application, be sure to dry the parts thoroughly and degrease with acetone or gasoline.
  3. When using the hot method, make sure that the parts do not deform or melt when heated.

Features of gluing with metal, wood and plastic substrates

When thinking about how you can glue rubber to other materials, it is worth remembering: all instructions indicate all types of surfaces with which a particular glue forms a high-strength connection. In addition, the manufacturer always warns about preliminary preparatory work.

When gluing rubber to metal (for example, aluminum), its surface should be thoroughly cleaned (including from rust) and degreased. The rubber part needs to be sanded to roughen the base, then remove fatty substances from it. First, the first layer of adhesive is applied to the metal element, and after the time specified in the instructions, the second layer is applied. At the last stage, the rubber fragment is pressed tightly.

Manufacturers rating

Rubber glue is common in all industries, so foreign and Russian brands are similar in their properties.

  1. Rubber glue – 4508. The composition is designed for the repair and repair of boats and inflatable cylinders of catamarans. Has high viscosity and fast setting. It takes 1-3 minutes for the two layers to adhere. The seam created is abrasion-resistant, waterproof, and does not crack at sub-zero temperatures. A jar of 120 ml, costs from 110 rubles.
  2. Rubber adhesive made from natural rubber produced by Novbytkhim. Transparent substance, leaves virtually no traces after gluing. Forms a thin and elastic seam. The adhesive is designed for applied creativity when gluing fabrics, leather, suede, paper, cardboard. Price for a 45 ml tube starts from 27 rubles.
  3. "Moment" waterproof rubber adhesive. A universal product for gluing and repairing objects made of rubber, plastic, PVC, wood, metal, ceramics. Creates a strong elastic connection that is not destroyed by water. A tube costs 125 liters. from 220 rub.
  4. Rubber Reaktor adhesive is a universal waterproof adhesive, in addition to gluing, it seals seam joints to protect against water. Used for repairing boats, shoes, travel equipment, and bicycle inner tubes. A 15 ml tube costs from 50 rubles.
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